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Plant Based Natural Dyes in Assam: A Systematic

Nila Kumar Singha
Lecturer in Weaving Mechanism (Selection Grade)
Department of Textile
Assam Textile Institute, Guwahati, India
Abstract : In the history of natural dyeing, India has a rich heritage of using vibrant colouring fabrics, paintings with the locally
available colouring materials. These colorants were made from plants, animal extracts or minerals. During the medieval and early
colonial periods indigoid blue, khoyar from acacia bark, range of reds from madder, burgundy from lac insects were mostly used
in which the colour “last as long as the cloth itself”. Among the various types of natural colorant materials, plant extracted dye is
widely used, some of which has also medicinal properties. In India, there are more than 500 varieties of plants that can be used for
dyeing and printing. In Assam also, there are large number of dye yielding plant available in the forest as well as domestic areas.
In this article, the author studied the different dye yielding plants of Assam and establishes more than 50 numbers of mostly used
plants which are grouped according to the particular colour they produced. Though, natural colour has certain inherent drawbacks
for large scale production, use of natural materials increases the value of a product and contributes to sustainable and eco-friendly

Keywords: Colorant, Natural Dye, madder, dye-yielding, drawbacks.

Natural dyes are used as ‘colorant’ and it seems to be the principal colouring matters of dyeing textile substrate from ancient
times to the late 19th century. The colorants are the substances that have an affinity to the substrate to which it is being applied.
Natural dyes are not only used in textile substances but also in food industry (Annatto, Curcumin and cochineal), leather items,
cosmetics (lipstics, hair colouration), dye-sensitized solar cells, histological staining, pH indication & pharmaceuticals (Saffron,
Rhubarb) and several other fields [33, 54]. In the ancient period plants and insects have been used as the main source of natural
dyes. Natural dyes and pigments are also obtained from the minerals of the earth. Colouring matters derived from different
organs of plant , such as roots, bark, leaf, fruit are known as vegetable class of dyes, lac, cochinel, kermes are the animal dyes
which are obtained from animal and colorants obtained from various inorganic metal ores and metal salts are known as mineral
dyes [39, 52]. However, though there are abundant numbers of natural colorants in the form of plants, animals or minerals, only
few of these yield colorants which can be extracted and used commercially viable.
A drastic decline in the usage of natural dyes occurred after the introduction of synthetic dyes by Henry Perkin in the year
1856 [25]. By the development of synthetic dyes, due to its versatile application properties and number of advantages it becomes
very popular and people adopted these dyes for dyeing and printing purposes. Thus, synthetic dyes led to an almost complete
replacement of natural dyes. The replacement of natural dyes by the synthetic dyes have also certain other reasons, such as wide
range of colour, reproducibility in easier way, and easily available varieties of colours with low cost. Due to such plentiful
advantages of synthetic dyes many dyeing and printing units were established throughout the world and achieved mass production
with speedy processes and accurate result as per requirement.
The production of synthetic dyes involves reaction which is conducted at high temperature and pressure using primarily from
petroleum derivatives. About 80% synthetic dyes are constituted of aromatic azo type. Researches have shown that synthetic dyes
are suspected to release harmful chemicals that are allergic, carcinogenic and detrimental to human health. Some of the synthetic
dyes contain toxic or carcinogenic amines or other such chemical groups which have environmental impact and distress to the
human skin. These dyeing plants, which uses chemicals, does not maintain proper effluent treatment plant and disposed their
wastage into the cultivatable land or in river etc. thus leads to environmental and water pollution.
In the present era, ecological consideration, safe environment is becoming an important factor in the selection of consumer
goods all over the world. Moreover, Government is very serious about the environmental pollution and waste disposal problems.
As a result most of the developed countries close their dying and printing industries so as to overcome the environmental
pollution problem. Germany was the first to take initiative to put ban on production and use of numerous specific azo dyes.
Netherlands, India and some other countries also followed the ban of such dyes [22].
Indian Government also serious about this matter and framed rules & regulations for control of such dyeing & printing plants.
In 1970s and 80s, the farmers created agitation against a dyeing and printing plant at Sanganer, Rajasthan, who disposed the
effluents of chemical dyes in the agricultural land and leads to uncultivable and unpotable water. Same condition was happening
in Tirupur in Tamilnadu, where the farmers created agitation, which led to shutdown of about 70% of chemical dyeing units in
2011[39]. On the other hand, natural dyes are biodegradable and do not cause any health hazards and hence they can be easily
used without much environment concerns. So, natural dyes provide a reasonable solution to these problems. Of course, natural
dyes have certain inherent drawbacks and technical problems in terms of commercial application to textile substrate. Some of the
common downsides are:
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 adaptation of traditional dyeing processes on modern equipment [63]

 supply of dye-houses with the required amount of plant material [63]
 standardization of extraction and dyeing of the plant material [13]
 selection of plant material and processes that yield products with acceptable fastness properties [13]
 Reproducibility of shades [52]
 Difficult to standardize the recipe and methods [52]
 Lack of availability of standardized methods and precise technical know-how on extraction and dyeing techniques.[14,52]
 The aqueous extract of natural dyes causes fungi growth if not used within 24-48 hours.[52]
 Use of metallic mordant or metal salts such as copper, cobalt, chromium some of the dyes, which are not eco-friendly.
 Lack of proper knowledge about the natural sources for producing the different colour & shade.

Despite such some of the disadvantages of natural dyes, use of natural materials and natural methods is considered to be a
choice that increases the value of a product and contributes to sustainable life in environmental, economic and sociologic senses
[26]. Nowadays, most of the commercial dyers and textile export houses have started re-looking to the maximum possibilities of
using natural dyes for dyeing and printing of different textiles for targeting niche market [4].

It is observed and proved that most of the synthetic dyes are non-biodegradable, carcinogenic and generate water pollution as
well as waste disposal problems. On the other hand, natural dyes are biodegradable, eco-friendly, no health hazards and it has the
antimicrobial, medicinal properties. Thus, natural dyes will provide a reasonable alternative to synthetic dyes in view of its eco-
friendliness, environ-friendliness, no effluent generation, mild dyeing condition, medicinal benefits, ancient heritage and aesthetic
approach [10, 14, 46]. In fact natural dyes also have some drawbacks in terms of commercial application. Despite such common
disadvantages for application of natural dyes on textiles in large scale sector, it is widely used in decentralized sector in every
corner of India. Similarly, in the Assam and North Eastern region of India, it is seen that the coloration of textiles, especially on
eri silk, is mostly confined in handloom sectors and small scale exporters and sale with high valued products. They dyed the
textiles with traditional techniques and do not have standardized methods and precise technical know-how.
In Assam, it is perceived that plants are the major sources of natural colorants. But, most of the local dyer does not have the
comprehensive knowledge about the different local plants which can produce a particular colour or shade. Moreover, it is revealed
from the different published research paper that most of the research is carried out about the class of natural dyes, extract ion
methods, dyeing principles, fastness properties, medicinal uses etc. There is less research paper found in relation to the name of
the groups of colour yielding plants for producing a particular colour. Thus, the author tries to give a systematic study as per the
literature published (delimited to the referenced papers) about the different colour yielding plants available in Assam and
summarize the group of colour yielding plants for producing a particular colour or shade along with their fastness properties.

A three stage procedure is followed so as to obtain the accurate conclusions for the literature review process. In the first stage,
the authors have searched the papers in the internet, books and journals from two different sources, one is the downloaded soft copy
from the internet through search engine and the other is hardcopy from the nearby libraries and friends. The downloaded materials
(research papers) are related to the name of the plants, sources, extraction, application, advantages & disadvantages of natural dyes.
In the second stage, a systematic review was carried out for all the downloaded and collected articles. After applying
inclusion/exclusion criteria some of the papers are rejected which are not relevant to the reviewing topics and the papers which
have the relevant materials to the investigated topic are selected for reviewing. Then, they are grouped together as per the nature of
similar content.
In the third stage, grouped papers are analyzed and synthesized according to the certain specific areas and finally summarized.
Lastly, the author’s conclusions are drawn based on the reviewed literatures.


The development of natural dyes took place at the same time after the technique of weaving had been discovered in about
5000BC [NPTEL]. The earliest written record of the use of natural dyes was found in China dated 2600 BC
( Quilt History ‐ The earliest dyes). In India, the Ajanta paintings, dated as far back as 1 st century AD,
where colourful garments worn by men and women perceived the use of natural dyeing and paintings.

4.1 Classification of Natural dyes

Natural dyes are mainly obtained from the renewable resources of nature such as plant leaves, roots, bark, flowers, fruits, and
animals, although some minerals are also available in the earth for painting and dyeing. These colorants cover a wide range o f
chemical classes including indigoid, antraquinone, alpha-napthquinone, flavones, flavonols dihydropyrans, anthocyanidins and
carotenoids [70]. Natural colorants can be classified in different groups based on their source of origin, chemical composition,
application and on the basis of colour / hue [4, 8 28,25]. The classification of natural dyes can be represented as below in fig.1.0.

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Based on Source of origin

 Vegetable origin: Derived from various parts of plant.
 Animal/Insect origin: Secretion of insects and dried insect bodies.
 Mineral origin: extracted from mineral source

Based on Chemical composition

(Indigoid, antraquinone, alpha-napthquinone, flavones, flavonols dihydropyrans,
anthocyanidins and carotenoids)
Natural Dyes

Based on Application
Substantive dyes & Adjective dyes
( Mordants, Acid, Basic, Vat, Direct, Disperse dyes)

Based on Hue
Colour Index Natural No. of Dyes Percent
Yellow 28 30.4
Orange 6 6.5
Red 32 34.8
Blue 3 3.3
Green 5 5.5
Brown 12 13.0
Black 6 6.5

Figure 1.0 Classification of Natural Dyes

Silk and wool fibres are mostly dyed with natural fibres as they have the strong affinity towards natural dye. On the other hand
cellulosic fibres, cotton, jute, linen have poor affinity for natural dyes and thus mordanting technique with exhaustion method of
dyeing is successfully used [28].

4.2 Plant based natural colour source

The plant based natural source of colour cannot be applied directly to the textile substrate. They have to be extracted properly
and converted to applicable state. K.H. Prabhu et al enlisted a list of natural dyes source and their applications, where the plants
species, common name, part used, colour application are incorporated [25]. Similarly, S.B. Gokhale et al also enlisted a list of
commonly dye yielding plants in India, where the author mentioned the botanical name & family, parts used, colouring
components, uses and mordants combination with the dyes for producing different colours [48]. Both the above mentioned papers
give a brief idea about the list of colour yielding plants available in India. But, all the species are not available in the Northeast
region of India. Moreover, the local peoples are practising the extraction and dyeing procedure with their traditional methods from
the available local plants in their nearby areas. A survey was conducted by A.V. Singh in the Nagaon district, Assam in 2014-15
[3]. In the study, the surveyor found that the processes of dyeing techniques are followed from generation to generation through
verbal transformation. The surveyor recorded the information on dye yielding plants, methods of dye preparation through
discussions from the volunteer respondents and mentioned in his paper.
After reviewing the referenced papers [1-67], the author revealed that there are number of information available in respect to
the various class of natural dye yielding plants, their extraction methods, dyeing procedures and advantages and drawbacks of
natural dyes. But, there is some shortage of direct information regarding the different group of plants available for producing a
particular colour. Thus, the author tries to make a list of available dye yielding plants, predominantly in the Assam, India for
producing a particular colour or shade. The summary of dye yielding plants in colour wise is prepared and tabulated as below in
Table 1.

Table 1 List of colour wise dye yielding plants in Assam, India

Colour Plants Name Botanical Name Parts used / Dyeing Hints

Croton joufra Roxb /
Euphorbiaceae Fresh Leaf paste- 100%
Gosmahudi (Mishing)
Indgofera ttinctoria L. /
Blue Papilionaceae Leaves & Twigs paste mixed with slake lime
Sibu (Karbi)
Piper betle L. /
Piperaceae Leaves & roots paste mixed with slake lime
Pan (Assamese)
Light Blue Clitoria ternatea Flowers-90.0%, Water-10.0% and lemon ½ crashed
(Butterfly pea)
Baphicacanthus cusia
Dark Blue Sibu (Karbi) Indigo Dry leaves and stem powder mixed with hot water
(Nees) Bremek

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Dark Blue Assam Indigo (Rom) Strobilanthes cusia Fresh Leaves boiled in water and dyed with vat dyeing process.
Light pista First pre-mordanted with 10% Myrobolan , then dyed with
Henna Lawsonia intermis
green Henna
First pre-mordanted with 10% Al2(SO4)3 , then dyed with
Pista green Henna Lawsonia intermis
First premordanted with 10% Myrobolan + 10% Al2(SO4)3
Light green Henna Lawsonia intermis
and dyed with Henna
First premordanted with 10% Myrobolan + 10% Fe3SO4 and
Shabby green Henna Lawsonia intermis
dyed with Henna
Kattha Acacia sundra Pre-mordanted with Alum or Harda, dyed with kattha at 800 C.
Premordanted with Alum or Harda , dyed with annatto dye at
Annatto Power Bixa orellan
Brown Trema orientalis
Machmai (Assamese) Stem bark boiled in water
Eucalyptus Grinded leaves with water and Onion Ash mordanting
Light Brown Myrtaceae Crashed leaves with onion ash mordant
Light 2% Green dab (coconut) husk dye + 2% Lac dye (on Cotton
Dab(coconut) shell dye Arecaceae +
Reddish fibre) with
+Lac dye (stick lac) Kerria lacca
Brown 0.1% K2Cr2O7
Banana stem dye + Musa spp. + 2% banana stem dye + Lac dye (on Cotton fibre) with
Lac dye (stick lac) Kerria lacca 0.1% K2Cr2O7
Myrtaceae Crashed leaves with Soap nut mordant
Mesaki Jati Koroi Sarcochlamys
Leaves & stem bark boiled in water
(Assamese) pulcherrima Gaud.
Radha sura (Assamese)
Delonix regia Raf. Flower petal with reproductive organ
Dark Brown / Gulmohar
Dab(coconut) shell dye Arecaceae +Kerria 2% Green dab (coconut) husk dye + 2% Lac dye (on silk fibre)
+Lac dye (stick lac) lacca with 0.5% Potash Alum
Tea Camellia sinensis Premordanted with Fe3SO4 , dyed with tea at boil.
Tamul (Assamese) / Grinding the young betel husk and post mordant with Lime
Areca Catechu
Betel Nut water
Pastel Brown Betel Nut Areca Catechu Crashed young betel nut husk, then post mordant with Alum
Yellowish Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus Grinded leaves with water and mordanting with Harda
Brown tereticornis
Khoyar (Assamese) Acacia catechu wild Dry stem bark mixed with slakes lime with boiled in water
Coffee Terminalia (Haritaki) + Xilikha -30.0%, Pomegranate-40.0%, Alum-20.0% and Ferous
(Haritaki) +
Colour Pomegranate Sulphate-10.0%.
Punica Granatum
Deep Catechu brown dye + Acacia catechu % Blended catechu brown dye + 2%Lac dye with 0.5% Potash
Chocolate Lac dye +Kerria lacca Alum
Rose Rosa rubiginosa Rose-80.0%, Eating Soda-05.0% and Water-15.0%.
Light Pink Tamarind Tamarindus indica Tamarind Peels-100.0%.
Light Pink Lac Kerria lacca First premordanted with 10% Myrobolan and dyed with Lac
Dark Pink Lac Kerria lacca First premordanted with 10% Al2(SO4)3 and dyed with Lac
First premordanted with 10% Myrobolan + 10% Al2(SO4)3
Pinkish Red Lac Kerria lacca
and dyed with Lac
Butea Monosperma + Palash flower-20.0%, Myobalan-30.0%, Alum-10.0% and
Palash + Myobalan
Terminalia chebula Water-40.0%.
Rongapuroi (Assamese)
Basella alba L. Ripe fruit mixed with alum
/Malabar Spinach
First mordant with aluminium acetate for cellulosic or with
Marigold Tagetes
alum for protein fibre, then dyed with extracted marigold dyes
Adina cordifolia
Keli kadam (Assamese) Chips of heart wood boiled in water
Benth & Hook.f
Bael or Bel (Assamese)
Aegle marmelos
/ Crushed fruit shell boiled in water
Correa ex Roxb.
Wood Apple
Ingtat arong (Karbi) / Artocarpus lakoocha Chips heart wood boiled in water
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Mnkey fruit Roxb.

Kurial (Deori) /
Kanchan / Bauhina purpurea L. Stem bark boiled with slakes lime
Butterfly tree
Kath halodi (Assamese)
Berberies aristata DC Stem boiled in water
/ Daru haldhi
Haludi (Assamese) / Curcuma domestica
Rhizome boiled in water with slakes lime
Turmeric Valeton
Radha sura (Assamese)
Delonix regia Raf. Flower mixed with turmeric
/ Gulmohar
Ervatamia divaricate
Togor (Assamese) Fruit pulp around the seeds boiled in water
(Linn.) Alston
Garcinia morella
Kuji thkera (Assamese) Gum from ripe fruit mixed with alum
Tepor-tenga Garcinia
Stem bark & fruit gum grinded & boiled in water
(Assamese) xanthochymus Hk.f.
Kopah (Assamese) / Gossypium
Fresh flowers paste
Cotton herbaceum L.
Chubaiata (Assamese) Mussaenda frondos L. Leaves boiled in water
Naga Tenga Myrica esculenta
Stem Bark boiled with slake lime
(Assamese) Buch. Ham
Noga bhomloti Symplocos
Leaves & Stem Bark boiled withwater
(Assamese) cochnichinesis Moore
Symplocos oxyphylla
Tam tingali (Assamese) Stem bark boiled in water
Sagoon (Assamese) / Tectona grandis L.f.
Stem bark boiled in water
Teak (Verbenaceae)
Rongalong (Assamese) Trifolium prtense L. Flowers boiled with alum
Xilikha (Haritaki) + Xilikha -30.0%, Pomegranate-40.0%, Alum-20.0% and water-
Golden (Haritaki) +
Pomegranate (Dalim) 10.0%.
Punica Granatum
Light Yellow Palash Butea Monosperma Butea (Palash)-50.0%, Alum-05.0% and Water-45.0%
Reddish Woodforrdia
Dhaiphool (Assamese) Flowers paste with little water
Yellow fruiticosa Kurz
Mangifera indica L./
Piium guajava L.
Aam, Madhuri, Silikha
/Terminalia chebula Dried stem bark of all four plants powered and boiled
and Jamun (Assamese)
Retz./ Syzygium
Rauvolfia tetraphylla
Arsontita (Bodo) Fruit juice mixed with alum
Syzygium cuminii L.
Jamun (Assamese) Stem bark boiled in water with slake line
Silikha (Assamese) Terminalia catappa L. Fruit with alum boiled in water
Red Black Bakam (Assamese) Caesalpinia sappan L. Stem bark and heart wood decoction in water with iron
Bluish Black Jetuka (Assamese) Lawsonia inermis L. Leaves crashed with leaves of Indigofera tinctoria for paste
Joroth (Assamese) /
Bixa orelllana L. Dry Seed powder mixed with slake lime
Red Beri
Gongari (Deori) Mallotus philippenis Ripe fruits crushed and boiled in water
Orange Nyctanthes
Sewali (Assamese) Fresh flower paste boiled in water with alum addition
arbor-tristis L.
Bonbogori (Assamese) Stem bark, leaves, gum grinded and boiled in water
lanceaefolium Roxb
Impatiens balsamina
Orange Red Ushahul (Bodo) Stem, leaves and flower paste and boiled in water
Godhuli gopal
Mirabilisjalapa L. Flower paste boiled in water
Morinda angustifolia
Red Achu goch (Assamese) Stem chips or root treated with slake lime
Rongapotia goch Poinsettia
Flower boiled with alum
(Assamese) pulcherrima Graham
Albizia odoratissima
Brick Red Jatikoroi (Assamese) Fresh stem bark boiled in water
Deep Red Banana stem dye + Musa spp. + Kerria 2% waste banana stem dye + 2% Lac dye (On silk fibre) with
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Lac dye lacca 0.5% Potash Alum

The summary report in reference to colour yielding plants for a particular colour, as prepared in the Table-1, is after reviewing
the papers mentioned in the referenced section. But, during preparation of the table most of the included information is included
from the A. K. Samanta et al [1], A. Kar et al [2], S. Chakravarty [55], K. Chandra Rath et al [24], S. Khatun et al [56], W. S.
Laitonjam et al [67], G. Tripathi et al [20], K.C. Rath et al [24]. After thorough study the data of the above table and the different
research articles mentioned in the reference section, the following inferences can be drawn.
 A dyeing plant can produce variety of shades of same colour based on the use or non-using of mordant in the dyeing process.
 A dyeing plant can produce variety of shades of same colour based on the amount of mordant used in the dyeing process.
 Yellow and brown colour yielding plants are mostly available in the northeast region in comparison to other colour.
 To produce secondary or tertiary colour two or more than two colour yielding plants with compatible nature can be mixed at
the time of dyeing just like synthetic dyes.
 Same dyeing recipe produces different hue when dyed with cotton or silk fibre.
 Cotton or silk fibre shows different hue even when they are dyed from the same dyeing recipe and condition.
 Majority of the natural dye process involves the use of natural or metallic mordant [6]. Post-mordanted dyed sample shows
better colour fastness than pre-mordanted procedure [66].
 Instead of artificial mordant enzymatic dyeing method to prevent environmental pollution. The enzymatic method at low
temperature on silk shows higher dye absorption, colour strength and good colour fastness with low pollution to environment

4.3 Natural dye market and Brands

From the information available in the internet, it is observed that there are number of companies in India and abroad producing
natural dyes and marketing, mostly in small pacing for home-use or for small scale dyeing. The Natural Dyes Market size is
estimated to reach US$4.5 billion by 2027 and it is projected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 8.6% from
2022-to 2027 [68]. As natural dyes has the UV protection, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-insect etc. properties, a number of
brands in the fashion and textile industry has emerges and available in the market under various trade names.

In today’s world, the consumers are very much interested in using the naturally dyed garments due to its non-toxic, non-
carcinogenic nature and as a whole due to its number of beneficial properties. The demand of naturally dyed product is increased
day-by-day and it will be augmented in the near future too. There are plentiful dye yielding plants in Assam and the people of
Assam are practising natural dyeing of textiles since early days. Earlier, dyeing with natural dyes in Assam was restricted to the
various tribes with their traditional dyeing technique from locally available products. For the last few decades numbers of
research works have been carried out on natural dyes by the researchers from educational institutions, research organisations,
social organisations etc. As a result, some information on natural dyes and its application processes are available in the form of
books, journal, leaflets etc.
Through this review, the author attempts to provide certain specific information about the natural colour yielding plants
available in the state of Assam. However, the practice of natural dyeing is performed by the local entrepreneur in small sector and
supplied to the local, national and international market. But, this is just a small contribution towards the world’s huge demand of
naturally dyed product. Thus, there is tremendous scope for production of natural dyed & printed products in large scale and
export to the international market. Thus, it is very much essential to establish and documented the scientific procedure of natural
dyeing technique for each and every class of natural dye. To do so, an integrated effort from the researchers, people of academic
institutions, Non-government Organisations, Industry people must exercise experimental & research project for proper
documentation of dyeing, printing process.


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I would like to thank all the authors and researchers of the papers which included in my review paper. This review paper is only
possible due to their valuable information provided in their research papers. Above all, thanks to the Great Almighty, for his
countless love and blessings.

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