Paper43 MeasurementsForDisplayingODS
Paper43 MeasurementsForDisplayingODS
Paper43 MeasurementsForDisplayingODS
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Presented at IMAC XXII January 26-29,2004
by dividing the Cross spectrum between the roving and ref- Transformed to provide a consistent set of response time
erence responses by the Auto spectrum of the reference re- waveforms.
sponse. The resulting measurement provides the motion of
each roving DOF normalized by the motion of the reference
Fx (ω)Fy* (ω)
H xy (ω) =
Fy (ω)Fy* (ω) (2)
= G xy (ω) / G yy (ω)
Where the Auto spectrum of the reference response is:
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Presented at IMAC XXII January 26-29,2004
about the same. The difference lies in the Cross spectra In order to curve fit operating data using an FRF model, the
which will have less noise than a Transmissibility. following assumptions must be met;
Scaling ODS FRFs 1. The dynamic behavior of the machine or structure
adequately satisfies a set of linear, stationary (non-
The ODS FRF does not account for variations in load level
time varying), 2nd order differential equations.
as the Transmissibility does. However, each measurement
set of ODS FRFs can be re-scaled to account for variations 2. Maxwell’s reciprocity, or symmetry is valid.
in load between measurement sets. An effective way of
In the frequency domain, meeting the above assumptions is
doing this is to create a scale factor (SFi) for the ith meas-
equivalent to satisfying an FRF matrix model. The FRF ma-
urement set as the ratio of the average reference Auto spec-
trix model contains FRFs, Fourier spectra of applied forces,
trum for all measurement sets divided by the reference Auto
and Fourier spectra of resulting displacement responses.
spectrum for the ith measurement set.
Each element of the FRF matrix model can be expressed as
#Meas Sets ω2
∑ ∑ G yy (ω j )k
Fx ( jω) = H x ,f ( jω)Ff ( jω) (8)
SFi =
k =1 1 (7)
ω2 where:
j= ω1
yy ( ω j )i
Fx ( jω) = Fourier spectrum of the response.
This scale factor can be calculated for any frequency range Ff ( jω) = Fourier spectrum of the force.
(ω1, ω2) of interest, or just at a specific frequency ω1 = ω2.
H x ,f ( jω) = FRF between the force and response DOFs.
The Coherence function can also be used with operating If it is assumed that the Auto spectrum of the excitation
data to ensure that phases in the measurements are valid. A force (or forces) is flat in the frequency range surrounding a
valid Coherence measurement requires that at least two av- mode, then the magnitude of the Fourier spectrum of the
erages of spectrum data are taken. A Coherence value close force can be represented by a constant value.
to one (1) at all frequencies is an indication that;
Ff ( jω) = C (9)
1. The roving and reference responses are linearly re-
lated. The structural response then becomes proportional to the
2. The roving and reference spectra have minimum
leakage. Fx ( jω) ∝ CH x ,f ( jω) (10)
3. Measurement noise is low, meaning that the signal to
If the Spectrum of the applied forces is flat in the region of a
noise ratio is high.
mode, then the frequency, damping and magnitude of the
Wherever the Coherence is less than one (1), one (or more) mode is preserved between the FRF and the ODS.
of the above conditions is not being met.
The simplest techniques used to estimate modal parameters
Modal Parameter Estimation using Operating Data are SDOF methods. These methods assume only one mode
dominates at a frequency and there are a variety of SDOF
A set of ODS FRFS can be curve fit to estimate modal pa-
methods that can be used to estimate the modal parameters
rameters, provided that the following assumption is made.
that work with both FRFs and ODS FRFs. Reference [1]
Flat Force Spectrum: If the excitation force spectrum compares curve fitting results using two popular MDOF
matrix can be assumed to be “relatively flat” over in the methods, the Complex Exponential method and the Poly-
frequency range of the modes of interest, then ODS FRFs nomial method.
can be curve fit using an FRF curve fitting model. Example 1: Bridge Data
Modal parameter estimation is based upon the use of an In this example, some experimental data taken from a high-
analytical model for an FRF. During curve fitting, the mod- way Bridge, that has been documented in previous refer-
al frequency, damping and mode shape component (residue) ences [1]-[3], will be post processed to calculate the force
are estimated for each mode by matching the FRF model to spectra of the unmeasured forces, and to compare examine
experimental data, usually in a least squared error sense. the noise content the ODS FRF versus Transmissibility.
(Equivalently, and analytical expression for the Impulse
Response Function, or IRF, can be curve fit to experimental Three tests were performed on the bridge, as documented in
impulse response data.) [3]. The first test was a traditional modal test using two
shakers driven by random signals for excitation. FRFs were
calculated and curve fit to obtain experimental modal pa-
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Presented at IMAC XXII January 26-29,2004
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Presented at IMAC XXII January 26-29,2004
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Presented at IMAC XXII January 26-29,2004
4 0.527
4. Kramer, C., de Smet, CAM, de Roaek, G. “Z24 Bridge
Damage Detection Tests”, IMAC, 1999.
5 0.964 5. Kramer, C., de Smet, CAM, Peters, B. “Comparison of
Ambient and Forced Vibration Testing of Civil Engi-
6 0.932 neering Structures”, IMAC, 1999.
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