Week 7 Assignment AVD

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Week 1 Discussion 2

Sirichandana Nannuri

Business Intelligence

Dr. Dan Morrill

The potency of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is harnessed through a dynamic progression that
amalgamates data, algorithms, and computational prowess. This procedure commences with the
accumulation of extensive and varied datasets from sources like sensors, devices, and databases.
The amassed data undergoes preprocessing, which involves cleansing, transforming, and
organizing to guarantee its quality and pertinence. Crucial attributes are then distilled or chosen
to generate meaningful representations. The crux resides in the selection of suitable algorithms
based on the problem's nature, spanning from machine learning to deep learning
methodologies. The training of models encompasses exposing algorithms to the prepared data,
enabling them to comprehend patterns and associations. This trained model is meticulously
assessed for performance utilizing distinct data. Once a contented model is achieved, it's put
into action in real-world scenarios to furnish forecasts, categorizations, or recommendations.
Continual feedback from real-world outcomes refines the model over time, augmenting its
precision and applicability. Essentially, the might of AI emerges from the fusion of data-driven
learning, intricate algorithms, and iterative enhancement, culminating in systems capable of
recognizing patterns, learning from experience, and facilitating decision-making across diverse

Machine Learning (ML):

Machine Learning, a facet of AI, concentrates on algorithms and statistical models that empower
systems to glean insights from data. These algorithms fall into categories like supervised,
unsupervised, and reinforcement learning. In ML, manual feature engineering is often essential.

Deep Learning (DL):

Deep Learning, a subset of Machine Learning, specializes in employing multi-layered neural
networks (deep architectures). Termed Artificial Neural Networks, these DL algorithms
autonomously acquire layered data representations. Notably adept at handling copious data and
intricate patterns, DL excels in tasks demanding complexity.

Other Differences:

Representation of Data:
Machine Learning (ML): ML algorithms rely on handcrafted features extracted from the data.
Feature engineering is a crucial step, where domain knowledge helps in selecting relevant
features for the model.
Deep Learning (DL): DL algorithms automatically learn hierarchical representations of data
through multiple layers of neural networks. This eliminates the need for extensive feature
engineering, as the network learns relevant features by itself.

Model Complexity:
ML: ML models are generally simpler and have fewer parameters compared to DL models. They
may struggle to capture intricate patterns in highly complex datasets.
DL: DL models are complex due to their deep architecture, making them capable of capturing
complex patterns and relationships in large and high-dimensional datasets.

Performance on Large Data:

ML: ML algorithms might perform well on small to medium-sized datasets but can struggle when
handling massive datasets due to limitations in capturing intricate patterns.
DL: DL shines when dealing with large datasets. Its deep architecture enables it to learn intricate
patterns, making it suitable for tasks like image recognition, speech processing, and natural
language understanding.

Computation and Hardware:

ML: ML algorithms often require less computational power and can run on standard hardware.
DL: DL algorithms demand significant computational resources, often requiring GPUs or
specialized hardware to train efficiently due to the deep network architecture.
Data Efficiency.


1. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-between-machine-learning-and-deep-learning/
2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/
3. Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y., & Courville, A. (2016). "Deep Learning." MIT Press.
4. Bishop, C. M. (2006). "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning." Springer.
5. LeCun, Y., Bengio, Y., & Hinton, G. (2015). "Deep learning." Nature, 521(7553), 436-444

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