Fall Project Instruction
Fall Project Instruction
OAGN 118—Document Review & Proofreading Assignment Designed by Professor Krystle Vella
Final Project: Sticklers of the World Unite! (10%)
Proofreading and being able to spot errors are important skills that everyone needs to practice. This
assignment is designed to encourage you to take the grammar and punctuation rules you learn in class and
apply them to the world around you.
Required Components:
1. You are required to find a minimum of four (4) examples of an instance where a company neglected to
proofread carefully. You may search around your home for grammatical errors on household items (food,
soap, cleaning supplies), flyers, newspapers, stores, Uber Eats restaurant menus, bus advertisements, etc.
Whenever a company has spent money to put out a newspaper, a billboard, a book, an advertisement,
etc., but did not proofread, that counts as an example. Please strive to make your examples as varied and
unique as possible.
2. You should have four different sources (TV, book, menu, food item, etc.) and four types of errors (plurals,
spelling, numbers, capitalization, double negatives, improper articles, improper use of possessives, etc.)
Refer to the examples in this document of what to include, and what NOT to include.
3. Each example will include where the example was found, what the error is, how to fix it, and the rule from
the Gregg Reference Manual which is being broken. If it’s a typo or spelling error, please specify this –
remember you can only have one spelling error as an example.
4. You will organize and present your collected examples in a pleasing and professional format using
PowerPoint or Word to design each page. There should be a title page with your name, course name,
student number, and section number. The finished product should be a high-quality portfolio that you
would be proud to present to a client or manager. Yor are encouraged to be as creative as you would like
4 Examples:
• Where was the example found? 1
• What is the error? 1
• How to fix it? 1
• Corresponding Gregg Rule number indicating the error 1
• Is the example unique (varying sources, varying errors) 1
• Is the example present in a professional and organized manner?
X4 examples
OAGN 118—Document Review & Proofreading Assignment Designed by Professor Krystle Vella
Bad Examples:
• classified ads
• handwritten notes
• any handouts or emails from me or any of your other instructors – No Centennial College advertisements
• Facebook status updates
• Twitter updates (unless the update is representing a company)
• comments on news articles or blog posts
• Craigslist ads
• any purposefully misspelled advertisements or company names- Toy R US
• any example you found from using Google online- this counts a plagiarism and you will receive a mark of zero