Project Parallel Computing
Project Parallel Computing
)Computed Tomography(
Parallel Computing in CT device (Computed Tomography)In this
search we will talk about this topic but first we need to know
what every term did mean in separate way, start with parallel
computing is in simple we when there is large problem it
broken into smaller and independent and often similar parts
these can be processed at the same time by different cores
which communication via shared memory, and then the results
of each other are combined upon completion then next part of
the topic is CT device (Computed Tomography) is a radiological
technique which has different angles creates cross-sectional
.images or slices of selected parts by using a series of X-rays
After we known what each term mean we talk about the topic
as overall ,Parallel Computing in CT device (Computed
Tomography) first the CT device has 3 fundamental components
and each of which has as well as also components, the first is
Scanner room which consist of( Imaging system, gantry
assembly, patient table) second is Computer Room which
consist of (Power, Computer, Generator )and last but not least
Operator’s Area which is consist of(Display / recording /
storage, Computer) Since we decided the topic is about parallel
computing so we focus on Computer Room in which it takes
place Computer System Receives digital data from DAS,
Reconstructs cross-sectional image, Image display,
manipulation, & processing, windowing, enhancement, zoom,
.quantitative measurements ,multi-planar & 3D reconstruction
Computer system has different components which are
Processing architecture, Hardware and Software since we talk
about parallel computing the most important component is
processing architecture which mean the Capable of
Multi-processing of Scanning, reconstructing, archiving there
are 3 types for this which is (Pipeline processing architecture
which mean ,parallel processing architecture, Distributed
processing architecture) we need here to learn more about
parallel processing architecture which mean 3 multi-task
computers coupled More than one CPU to execute program
Coordination, dividing program instructions, separate scan,
.display, & file processors
The importance of the Computed Tomography is it is a
diagnostic tool which are used to detect some conditions that
cannot be detected in the past by using x-ray the reason is it
can show a 3D view of the section of the body being studied
and one the other hand the importance of parallel computing
which is used in CT is to faster the process of processing image
.and Scanning, reconstructing
The Computed Tomography is used in In different fields one of
them is medical it is used in imaging to diagnose a disease For
example, CT colonography for people at high risk of colon
cancer, or full motion heart scans for people at risk for heart well as in Industrial computed tomography has been
used in many fields of industry for the internal inspection of
components, and the major usages of it is to fault finding, fault
analysis, measure, and assembly analysis. And it also used in
geological in CT x-rays are used is used in geological studies to
quickly detect materials within a drill such as Dense minerals
such as pyrite and barite and in the last it uses in Cultural
Heritage X-rays and computed tomography are used in this field
.to preserve cultural heritage items
After we specify what is CT device and their components and
usage and many other info we hope you now have a good
background about it .And as we took about the usages of CT
device, in this search we focus on Parallel Computing in CT
.device (Computed Tomography) in medical usage
MRI is another diagnostic technique that produces a
cross-sectional image of your body. An MRI works without
radiation. An MRI tool uses magnetic fields and a sophisticated
computer to create high-resolution images of your bones and
soft tissues. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques are
widely applied in studies of the human brain to obtain MRI
measurements of the brain. Conducted at two-stroke centers in
October 2000 and February 2003 Patients who developed
symptoms of stroke within 6 hours of onset underwent MRI of
the brain, followed by CT. The study was interrupted early, after
enrolling 200 patients, when it became apparent at the time of
the unplanned interim analysis that the MRI was detecting a
hemorrhagic shift that had not been detected by CT. To
diagnose any bleeding, the computerized tomography device
has led to various research in different fields depending on
huge computers to process data and also algorithms in
mathematics to build a tomogram as well as in the receptors of
medical materials, which has greatly contributed to reducing
the time from one hour to a second and this device is used in
the diagnosis of many diseases in different areas of the body,
the diagnosis has increased over the past two decades in 1980
by 3 million patients and in 2007 it was made on 70 million
people and about 6% of children around the This device was
developed in the early seventies when doctors were able to
obtain a high-quality tomographic image of the internal
structures of the body, since the invention of this device and
with the development of technology, it appeared that many
imaging devices to obtain three-dimensional images of X-rays
that are used to create a three-dimensional image of the organs
of the body So that it produces more detailed information than
ordinary X-rays, DSR was the first model of 3D tomography, and
a new device is being released Morphometry in the medical
environment. With the development and research, the image
has been reconstructed for a large number of important
measurements of the patient's X-ray transmission system in
precise control, while the tomography system consists of a
general, patient table, console, and computer. General
information containing: X-ray source, X-ray detectors, Data
Acquisition System (DAS), 2D ultrasound data from which 3D
data can be reconstructed, important for all common spaces of
3D hardware, all of which produce volumes of big data. e MRI
was positive in 71 patients with CT while the CT scan was
positive in 29 patients. Therefore, MRI has been suggested as
an alternative to a CT scan in the event of an emergency stroke.
Both an MRI and a CT scan can view internal body structures.
However, a CT scan is faster and can provide images of tissues,
organs, and skeleton. An MRI is very adept at taking pictures
that help doctors determine if there are abnormal tissues inside
the body. MRI scans are more detailed, so choose between an
MRI and a CT scan. Your doctor presents it to you based on your
symptoms, whether you should have an MRI or CT scan. If you
need a more detailed picture of your soft tissues, ligaments, or
organs, your doctor usually suggests an MRI. But If you need a
picture of bone fractures, tumors, or cancer monitoring, your
doctor suggests a CT scan.
Junjun Ding spoke in his dissertation on parallel computing
techniques for computerized tomography say: X-ray computed
tomography (CT) is a non-invasive imaging technology that
generates cross-sectional images of an object from
two-dimensional X-ray projections. It was first introduced in the
1970s, and it has since become widely used in medical imaging
and a variety of other fields, including manufacturing, earth
sciences, agriculture, and botany. Medical diagnostics is likely
the most widespread of the uses. Without putting the patient
through a painful procedure, computerized tomography
provides for a more accurate diagnosis. It is now a standard
diagnostic test in many hospitals. X-ray technology is used in
traditional 2D medical radiography to penetrate the body and
record a 2D image. X-rays were the major tool for medical
diagnosis prior to the introduction of computed tomography. is
.Traditional 2D imaging technology having several flaws
The authors Shanshan Wang, Xia Sun, Gunjie Song, and Liang
Zhou spoke about parallel CT techniques saying: A stroke or
cerebral vascular accident (CVA) is a neurological deficit caused
by injury to the blood vessels of the nervous system (CNS) that
leads to intra the brain". The largest cause of disability and
death globally is intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) or subarachnoid
hemorrhage (SAH). The interruption of blood flow to part of the
brain causes about 85% of strokes. There are many types of
strokes and differentiating between them is critical to patients
because management and treatment varies from patient to
patient. Because injectable tPA appears to be the only
treatment now licensed by the Food and Drug Administration
.for acute stroke, prompt and accurate diagnosis is critical
MRI is another diagnostic technique that produces a
cross-sectional image of body. An MRI works without radiation.
An MRI tool uses magnetic fields and a sophisticated computer
to create high-resolution images of your bones and soft tissues.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques are widely
applied in studies of the human brain to obtain MRI
measurements of the brain. Conducted at two stroke centers in
October 2000 and February 2003 Patients who developed
symptoms of stroke within 6 hours of onset underwent MRI of
the brain, followed by CT. The study was interrupted early, after
enrolling 200 patients, when it became apparent at the time of
the unplanned interim analysis that the MRI was detecting a
hemorrhagic shift that had not been detected by CT. To
diagnose any bleeding, the MRI was positive in 71 patients with
CT while the CT scan was positive in 29 patients. Therefore, MRI
has been suggested as an alternative to CT scan in the event of
an emergency stroke. Both an MRI and a CT scan can view
internal body structures. However, a CT scan is faster and can
provide images of tissues, organs, and skeleton. An MRI is very
adept at taking pictures that help doctors determine if there are
abnormal tissues inside the body. MRI scans are more detailed,
so choose between an MRI and a CT scan. Your doctor presents
it to you based on your symptoms, whether you should have an
MRI or CT scan. If you need a more detailed picture of your soft
tissues, ligaments, or organs, your doctor usually suggests an
MRI. But If you need a picture of bone fractures, tumors, or
.cancer monitoring, your doctor suggests a CT scan
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6.BROWN, J. (2022, APRIL 18). What is the relationship between MRI and CT? Retrieved from
the knowledge burrow: What is the relationship between MRI and CT? –
7.Chelsea , S. K., Julio , A. C., & Jeffrey , L. S. (2004). Comparison of MRI and CT for Detection
of Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage. JAMA.
9.Horn, J. V., & Bellec, P. (2014). Parallel workflow tools to facilitate human brain MRI
post-processing. Front neurosci.
10.Kidwell, C. S., Chalela, J. A., & Saver, J. L. (2004). Comparison of MRI and CT for Detection
of Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage. JAMA.