Quarterly Business Report New Wheels

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Total Revenue Total Orders Total Customers Avg Rating

8.2 M 1000 994 3.1

Last Qtr Revenue Last Qtr Orders Avg Days to Ship % Good Feedback
1.5 M 199 98 20%

1- Distribution of Customers across States

State # of Customers Across States State # of Customers Across States

California 97 Massachusetts 14
Texas 97 Kansas 13
Florida 86 Iowa 11
New York 69 Utah 10
District of Columbia 35 Alaska 10
Ohio 33 West Virginia 10
Colorado 33 New Jersey 9
Alabama 29 South Carolina 9
Washington 28 Kentucky 8
Arizona 26 Wisconsin 8
Pennsylvania 25 Nebraska 7
Illinois 25 Oregon 7
Virginia 24 Idaho 7
Tennessee 23 Delaware 6
Missouri 23 Hawaii 6
Connecticut 22 Arkansas 6
Indiana 21 New Mexico 5
North Carolina 20 New Hampshire 3
Louisiana 20 Montana 3
Georgia 18 North Dakota 2
Michigan 17 Mississippi 2
Nevada 17 Maine 1
Minnesota 17 Wyoming 1
Oklahoma 16 Vermont 1
Maryland 14 Grand Total 994

Top 5 States with Highest # of Customers:

State # of Customers Across States

California 97
Texas 97
Florida 86
New York 69
District of Columbia 35

Observa ons/Insights

Most number of orders are placed by Customers from California &

Texas followed by Florida, New York & DC
These five states together contribute to ~30% of the total orders

2- Average Customer Ratings by Quarter

Avg Rating
3.50 3.35





Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Observa ons/Insights

There is clearly a declining trend in Customer’s Avg ra ng with each

passing quarter

3- Trend of Customer Satisfaction



15 Q3

Very Bad Bad Okay Good Very Good

Observa ons/Insights

There’s a declining trend in Customer sa sfac on. It can be clearly

observed that % Share of Nega ve Feedback “Very Bad” “Bad”
ra ng is increasing with each quarter whereas Posi ve feedback
“Good” “Very Good” has declined dras cally.

4- Top 5 Vehicle Makers Preferred by Customers

Vehicle Maker # of Orders

Chevrolet 83
Ford 63
Toyota 52
Pontiac 50
Dodge 50


90 83
70 63
60 52 50 50
Chevrolet Ford Toyota Pontiac Dodge

Observa ons/Insights

Vehicle make “Chevrolet” is the most preferred vehicle

countrywide followed by Ford & Toyota

Among 54 Vehicle makes, together these 5 brands i.e., Chevrolet,

Ford, Toyota, Pon ac & Dodge contribute to 30% of the orders

5- Most preferred vehicle makes in each state*

State/Vehicle Sum of Number of Sum of Number of

Make Customers State/Vehicle Make Customers
Alabama 5 Kansas 13
Dodge 5 Buick 1
Alaska 2 Dodge 1
Chevrolet 2 Ford 1
Arizona 6 GMC 1
Cadillac 3 Honda 1
Pontiac 3 Lexus 1
Arkansas 6 Maserati 1
Chevrolet 1 Mazda 1
GMC 1 Mercedes-Benz 1
Mitsubishi 1 Nissan 1
Pontiac 1 Saab 1
Suzuki 1 Suzuki 1
Volkswagen 1 Volkswagen 1
California 30 Kentucky 8
Audi 6 Acura 1
Chevrolet 6 Audi 1
Dodge 6 Mercedes-Benz 1
Ford 6 Mercury 1
Nissan 6 Nissan 1
Colorado 5 Pontiac 1
Chevrolet 5 Ram 1
Connecticut 8 Volvo 1
Chevrolet 2 Louisiana 10
Maserati 2 BMW 2
Mercury 2 Ford 2
Volvo 2 Kia 2
Delaware 2 Nissan 2
Mitsubishi 2 Pontiac 2
District of
Columbia 4 Maine 1
Chevrolet 4 Mercedes-Benz 1
Florida 7 Maryland 5
Toyota 7 Ford 5

Georgia 3 Massachusetts 4
Toyota 3 Chevrolet 2
Hawaii 6 Dodge 2
Cadillac 1 Michigan 3
Ford 1 Ford 3
GMC 1 Minnesota 3
Nissan 1 GMC 3
Pontiac 1 Mississippi 2
Toyota 1 Dodge 1
Idaho 2 Toyota 1
Dodge 2 Missouri 4
Illinois 9 Chevrolet 4
Chevrolet 3 Montana 3
Ford 3 Chevrolet 1
GMC 3 Dodge 1
Indiana 4 Mitsubishi 1
Mazda 4 Nebraska 7
Iowa 11 Cadillac 1
Chevrolet 1 Chevrolet 1
Chrysler 1 Mercedes-Benz 1
Dodge 1 Nissan 1
Ford 1 Pontiac 1
Hyundai 1 Toyota 1
Isuzu 1 Volkswagen 1
Jeep 1 Nevada 3
Mazda 1 Pontiac 3
Pontiac 1 New Hampshire 3
Porsche 1 Chrysler 1
Subaru 1 Lexus 1
Lincoln 1

Sum of Number of State/Vehicle Sum of Number of

State/Vehicle Make Customers Make Customers
New Jersey 4 Texas 9
Hyundai 2 Chevrolet 9
Mercedes-Benz 2 Utah 10
New Mexico 2 Buick 1
Dodge 2 Chevrolet 1
New York 10 Dodge 1
Pontiac 5 Isuzu 1
Toyota 5 Lincoln 1

North Carolina 3 Maybach 1
Volvo 3 Oldsmobile 1
North Dakota 2 Pontiac 1
Ford 1 Subaru 1
Hyundai 1 Volkswagen 1
Ohio 6 Vermont 1
Chevrolet 6 Mazda 1
Oklahoma 6 Virginia 5
Ferrari 2 Ford 5
Mazda 2 Washington 5
Toyota 2 Chevrolet 5
Oregon 2 West Virginia 2
Toyota 2 Mercedes-Benz 2
Pennsylvania 3 Wisconsin 8
Toyota 3 Acura 1
South Carolina 9 Cadillac 1
Acura 1 Chevrolet 1
BMW 1 Dodge 1
Buick 1 Honda 1
Dodge 1 Mazda 1
Isuzu 1 Nissan 1
Jaguar 1 Pontiac 1
Kia 1 Wyoming 1
Mazda 1 Buick 1
Mitsubishi 1
Tennessee 3
Mazda 3

Observa ons/Insights

*Few Vehicles makes are bought by equal Number of customers

hence we see mul ple Vehicle makes ranked #1 mapped across
same state

Chevrolet is the most preferred vehicle make of customers from

Texas followed by customers from California & Ohio

Second most preferred Vehicle make is Toyota by customers from


10 | P a g e
11 | P a g e
6-Trend of purchases by Quarter

Purchase Stats Each Quarter

15 29 28 23 18
1 2 3 4
Texas 29 28 23 18
California 34 29 14 20
Florida 28 15 24 19
New York 22 19 15 13
District of Columbia 7 10 14 4
Ohio 9 11 8 5
Colorado 14 7 6 6
Alabama 15 8 4 3
Washington 10 7 6 5
Arizona 10 4 8 4
Pennsylvania 7 5 9 4

Observa ons/Insights

Number of purchases have been declining over me with each

passing quarter

12 | P a g e
7-Quarter on Quarter % change in Revenue

Quarter Revenue QoQ PC Rev Change

Q1 26375015.66 Not Applicable
Q2 21465757.27 -18.61
Q3 19582283.12 -8.77
Q4 15182375.04 -22.47

Revenue QoQ PC Rev Change Column1 Linear (Revenue)

30000000 26375015.66
25000000 21465757.27
-18.61 -8.77 -22.47
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Revenue 26375015.66 21465757.27 19582283.12 15182375.04
QoQ PC Rev Change -18.61 -8.77 -22.47

Observa ons/Insights

There is a sharp decline in revenue between Q1 & Q2 i.e., 19%

followed by another sharp decline between Q3 & Q4 i.e., 22%

Revenue is certainly concerning as there is ~40% decline in revenue

between Q1 &Q4.

13 | P a g e
8-Trend of Revenue and Orders by Quarter
QTR Sum of Revenue # of Orders
1 26375015.66 310
2 21465757.27 262
3 19582283.12 229
4 15182375.04 199

Chart Title
30000000 350

25000000 300


# of Orders

5000000 50

0 0
1 2 3 4

QTR Sum of Revenue # of Orders

Observa ons/Insights

We can clearly note decline in the # of orders and corresponding

revenue with each passing quarter

There is 36% & 42% decline in # of orders & Revenue respec vely
between Q1 & Q4

14 | P a g e
15 | P a g e
9-Average discount offered by Credit Card type
Credit Card Type Average Discount
laser 0.64
mastercard 0.63
maestro 0.62
visa-electron 0.62
china-unionpay 0.62
instapayment 0.62
americanexpress 0.62
diners-club-us-ca 0.61
diners-club-carte-blanche 0.61
switch 0.61
bankcard 0.61
jcb 0.61
visa 0.60
diners-club-enroute 0.60
solo 0.59
diners-club-international 0.58
Grand Total 0.61

Average Discount per Credit Card Type

Avg Disc

0.70 0.64 0.63 0.62 0.62

0.62 0.62 0.62 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61
0.60 0.60 0.59 0.58


Credit Card Type

Credit Card Type Very Bad Bad Okay Good Very Good Grand Total
jcb 71 69 89 100 95 424
mastercard 20 13 14 15 18 80
maestro 12 10 9 10 23 64
diners-club-carte-blanche 13 6 10 9 11 49
visa-electron 2 16 8 14 9 49
americanexpress 6 10 9 14 10 49
diners-club-enroute 4 7 12 12 13 48
china-unionpay 8 7 10 9 12 46

16 | P a g e
bankcard 9 9 9 7 10 44
switch 11 8 8 7 9 43
visa 9 8 6 6 7 36
laser 5 6 5 7 3 26
instapayment 2 5 4 3 2 16
diners-club-us-ca 2 3 6 1 1 13
solo 3 2 1 2 8
diners-club-international 1 2 1 1 5
Grand Total 175 182 202 215 226 1000

Observa ons/Insights

On an Avg, each credit is approximately offering 0.60% Disc with

laser being highest 0.64 & Diners Club Interna onal being lowest at

There’s clear dis nc on on the # of purchases made by JCB credit

card customers vs others. JCB Credit card holders contribute to ~50%
of the orders.

17 | P a g e
10- Time taken to ship orders by Quarter

Quarter Avg. Shipping Days

Q1 57
Q2 71
Q3 118
Q4 174

Avg. # of Shipping Days by Quarter

80.00 71.11
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Observa ons/Insights

Avg number of days for shipping has con nuously increased which
would of course lead to dissa sfac on among customers. This could
to be one of the prime reasons for declining trend across customer
ra ng, revenue, and overall poor business performance over me.

It can be clearly observed that shipping service has been

deteriora ng over me and shipping me has almost gone up by
300% which is clearly not a good sign

18 | P a g e
 Business is certainly suffering in almost all parameters like declining trend in Revenue, # of
orders, customer ra ng & ~300% increase in Shipping me which are clearly not good signs for
business sustainability perspec ve

 Company should reconsider strategic partner for shipping, 1000 orders have been handled by
more than ~350 delivery/shipping partners which does not seem to be working out, business
need reliable & efficient shipping partners

 Majority of the JCB credit card customers are placing order, business can relook offers provide to
JCB customers to a ract more customers

 Maine; Wyoming & Vermont are among the least buying state, business may want to refocus on
these states to see how they can run promo onal offers to a ract customers from these states
or may want to close opera ons in these states to enforce focus on other best performing states

19 | P a g e

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