Ict Performance Task! 8 Q1

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I'm Angel Rhain V. Daguplo, an individual who was assigned female at birth— which was on
August 13. 2010, and I've been living for all 13 years in a not so normal way.

As a child, I grew up growing interests in arts, since drawing/painting, or making random stuff
out of my own creativity simply made me happy. I adapted drawing as my hobby which is why I
almost draw anything on anywhere.

Moving on as said earlier, I have not been living normally like most kids. Ever since I was a child
I've always had gender dysphoria, causing myself to always be envious of boys. I always dress
like a guy even when I was a kid, to try and satisfy my dysphoria even though it really doesn't
work much.

Ever since I was little, I've always been one of the smartest in my grade level— from
kindergarten to seventh grade. People would often ask me how I did this, and that, but I smiply
cannot explain myself. Though I've been an honor student ever since before, during this school
year I've been having a really hard time trying to convince myself to go and attend school—
which sometimes I always fail. I haven't been able to focus on mys tidies well and I've been
trying my best to. I, myself, don't even know why I became like this. I've been overwhelmed by
my anxiety almost too much and this causes me to skip school. My parents have told me I
needed professional help, but I simply say no, not because I didn't want it, but because I was too
scared that I wouldn't be able to talk because of being nervous— and being scared to even say a
single word to my psychiatrist because I'm afraid they're going to judge me.

Again moving on, I maintained my personality from when I was a child to a teenager. An
omnivert, wether I'd be too shy or too outgoing— I'm unsure if it's even balanced. I've always
been a straightforward, shy, excited, and childish kid ever since I was little, and I still have this
kind of personality.

About the things I like, it would specifically be kittens or just to put it simply, cats. I like how they
look adorable, and how they're free to do whatever they want— unlike humans which does
nothing else but work. I like cats because they simply make me happy just by staring at one, and
I like cats because.. who doesn't? I like other things, too. Obviously drawing digitally or
traditionally— it doesn't matter as long as long as it's about drawing.

To the things I don't like, it would be judgmental people, and people who think they are so much
more superior than a normal human being. I find these kind of people annoying and really
egoistic— which I hate. Because you can't judge a person without knowing how they really are or
how they really act! It's basically nonsense. About the people who think they are so much
superior, I do not like them because of how they are very self centered and thinks too highly of
themselves, thinking like they are the most important out of everybody, which obviously a
normal person would not like.

To end it here, I really like spending time with my friends more than family. I think my friends
matter more than my relatives to me, because they somehow make me feel wanted and loved
all the time.

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