Ogl482 - Unit 3 Resume Reflection - Cody Summers

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OGL 482 Pro-Seminar II

Unit 3 Assignment:
Resume Reflection Worksheet
Section 1: Your Feedback
You are most likely a few weeks away from graduating with your OGL degree! It is an exciting
time, and even if you are planning to stay in your current job, you have new skills and credentials
to show off. In Unit 1, you submitted your resume to career services for feedback. In this
assignment, you will be reflecting on your feedback and how you used it to revise your resume to
prepare for the next steps in your career.

Please note, you will be submitting the actual document you received from career services along
with this worksheet (2 files submitted).

Review the feedback you received and make edits to your resume accordingly. Reflect on the
process below.

Answer the following:

1) What feedback was most useful to you in this process?

The most useful feedback was their specifications on what to include as skills and

how to format the Experience section. In their recommendation, the reviewer suggested that I

limit my Skills section to hard skills like Microsoft Office. Instead, demonstrating my usage

of soft skills with the accomplishment statements from my job experience. The second

recommendation was to change my Experience section from detailing what my previous job

experience duties entailed to their meaningful accomplishments. With this change, I would

focus on statements that describe what I accomplished in those roles, skills refined from that

experience, and the outcome of those actions. In doing so, my resume becomes more

descriptive regarding how these roles have contributed to my overall growth. This feedback

was the most helpful as I had previously interpreted those sections as a description of what

the jobs entailed and what attributes I could offer to a job. However, by demonstrating those
Resume Reflection Worksheet 2

traits through my previous work accomplishments, I emphasize how those aspects have

manifested themselves in my life.

2) Was there any feedback that you found surprising?

The feedback that I found the most surprising was their recommendation to remove

colors and graphics from my resume. In their feedback, they describe that these details are

useful when pursuing a career in a creative field but are often viewed as distracting

elsewhere. Initially when creating my resume, I had considered small graphics and font

colors as a method of separating myself from other candidates. In my mind, these aspects

would gravitate their attention to the different resume sections and display that I took the

effort to create this template. Upon further reflection, I can understand how these details

might be viewed as distracting for hiring managers after reviewing hundreds of applicants.

Because of this, I intend to edit my resume to align with the current resume tracking software

and standards.

3) Was there any feedback that you found not useful?

The feedback that I found the least useful was the recommendation to remove physical

addresses from my resume. Although I understood the emphasis on removing a street

address, I had only kept the city and state that I reside in. In this feedback, they reference

how it is no longer a requirement for applicants and how a LinkedIn handle often is sufficient

in providing that information. However, through my mother’s experience as a hiring

manager, she talked about her preference of not hiring people out-of-state due to questioning

if they will move. By including my current residence, I firmly establish my living situation

and alleviate those concerns for hiring managers. Overall, despite other resources describing

my general location, I question whether the hiring managers will take the time to explore my
Resume Reflection Worksheet 3

LinkedIn profile when reading through applications and prefer to have it stated at the


4) Review the career services website (https://career.asu.edu/). Career services are

offered to all ASU students & alumni, so your journey doesn’t end here! Select one
other service they offer that you might want to take advantage of in the near future
and describe how you might use it.

One of the other career services that I might want to take advantage of soon is ASU’s

Job Market Insights tool. With this tool, I can access employment data from reputable

organizations like the U.S. Department of Labor to understand the requirements,

responsibilities, and trends of an occupation. For example, one position I am interested in,

Human Resources Manager, is expected to grow in employment demand by 10.86% over the

next ten years and the most associated technical skill is Employee Relations. By utilizing this

information, I can better grasp the future landscape of an occupation and prepare myself for

the role. Like the feedback gleaned from career services, this tool can provide valuable

insights regarding the careers that I am interested in and help model my approach to pursuing

a career path. Through applying these insights, I hope to become more purposeful in my

actions and knowledgeable regarding my potential career.

Section 2: Reading Job Ads

Now that you have completed your resume edits, let’s think a bit more about how resumes are
used. Even when you are not looking for a job, your resume can serve a variety of purposes in
your current role or when discussing your work with others. Often, our resumes are posted on
sites such as LinkedIn or ePortfolio sites and serve as networking tools as well. Similarly, even if
you are not actively looking for a new career option, recruiters are looking for you! How can you
make sure your resume reflects your skills, capabilities, interests, and accomplishments in the
best possible way?

One of the best ways is by understanding how to read job ads! Often, job postings include many
small details (phrases, tasks, jargon) that are actually quite important to the role. Even more
often, in the era of Big Data, when many candidates are applying for a particular job, algorithms
sort the top candidates by how many keywords (often directly from the job ad) appear in resumes
and cover letters! Plus, even if you aren’t changing jobs now, you should have an idea of what
current positions in your field look like. Who is hiring? What are the average salaries? Are there
Resume Reflection Worksheet 4

new skills or credentials that are present in most of the ads that weren’t there when you started in
the field? Regularly reviewing job ads helps you make sure your skills are up to date and you
know what the new people in your field (your future colleagues!) will be coming in with as well.

For this part of the assignment, you’ll be looking at some job ads in your field and thinking a bit
more about what they include.

Research current or past job postings from your local area, across the country, or from
around the world in your field (or the field you plan to go in to after you graduate).
Websites such as CareerBuilder, Monster, or Indeed might be a good place to begin. Also,
career-specific websites such as SHRM.org or AICPA.org often have job postings.

Think about what the career path might look like in that field, and select 2 postings for
each of the following stages of the career path. For example, if you are beginning at entry
level, then 2 years from now might be just over entry level. If you are currently in a local
management role, 2 years from now might be a regional management role.

Answer the following:

2 years from today

a) Human Resources Specialist II at City of Mesa

a. https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?jk=78d77d493b308b42&tk=1he752shmhbi080
b. What keywords stand out to you from this ad? Are there any skills, certifications,
or other qualifications that you don’t have and might want to pursue as you move
towards this level?

This role expects job applicants to perform administrative and clerical work to

support their personnel programs. As a Human Resources Specialist, I would perform new

employee onboarding, background check verifications, extended leave processing, and other

responsibilities. In the job description, the keywords that stood out to me were clerical

administrative, and adherence. Each of those keywords relate heavily to the Human

Resources profession, as there is significant clerical and administrative work, and their

efforts tie closely to the adherence of organizational policies. By incorporating those

keywords into my resume, I would further describe my aptitude in performing the necessary

responsibilities and upholding the company standards. I currently lack the required 1-3 years
Resume Reflection Worksheet 5

of experience in the Human Resources field, but I intend to work in an entry-level position

within the industry and build up my experience to become qualified. During this time, I

intend to refine my understanding of how to operate the standard HR programs and integrate

new employees into the organization.

b) HR Coordinator at CrossFit
a. https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?jk=9254ae34f9ed6b88&tk=1he75ollqis98800&
b. What keywords stand out to you from this ad? Are there any skills, certifications,
or other qualifications that you don’t have and might want to pursue as you move
towards this level?

This role expects job applicants to operate as the main point of contact for HR

inquiries, streamline HR processes, and ensure the accuracy of HRIS data entry. As an HR

Coordinator, I would support the organization by acclimating employees to the company,

overseeing their team procedures relative to company policies, and keeping the organization

updated with best practices in the industry. In the job description, the keywords that stood out

to me were analytical and creative thinking, customer service, Microsoft Office, and

problem-solving. These keywords relate to both technical expertise and core competencies

developed throughout previous experiences. By incorporating those skills into my resume, I

can demonstrate my aptitude for performing necessary job responsibilities. Unfortunately, the

job listing requires a Bachelor’s Degree in a Human Resources related field and 2+ years of

professional experience in HR. I currently have neither but intend to accumulate both over

the next two years. With this experience, I hope to improve my capability when managing

conflicting interests and proficiency when performing standard HR processes.

5 years from today

a) Sr. HR Generalist at Honeywell

Resume Reflection Worksheet 6

a. https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?jk=b2a2e318d3dd313a&tk=1he79jrv9kc1n800
b. What keywords stand out to you from this ad? Are there any skills, certifications,
or other qualifications that you don’t have and might want to pursue as you move
towards this level?

This role expects job applicants to work with business leaders to implement

initiatives, perform succession planning for employees, manage the workforce, and

analyze data to influence organizational development. As a Senior HR Generalist, I

would support the hiring process, develop the current workforce, and align human

resources policies with the defined corporate objectives. In the job description, the

keywords that stuck out to me were self-motivated, solutions oriented, and

communication skills. As opposed to previous job opportunities, this listing focused on

personal skills necessary to support organizational cohesion and growth. Alongside these

values, the company required employees to have a Bachelor’s Degree and a minimum of

two years of experience in the Human Resources field. I currently lack both requirements

but intend to fulfill them within the next five years. Over this period, I hope to further my

understanding of how to maximize employee potential and ensure my efforts are in

support of corporate objectives.

b) HR Business Partner- Sr. HR Business Partner at FedEx Ground

a. https://www.indeed.com/rc/clk?jk=b8a9999982941c05&fccid=08ff885501822d0
b. What keywords stand out to you from this ad? Are there any skills, certifications,
or other qualifications that you don’t have and might want to pursue as you move
towards this level?

This role expects job applicants to identify and conduct investigations on employee

relations issues, provide advice based on employee inquiries, and lead staff development. As

a Senior HR Business Partner, I would oversee employee recruitment and development

Resume Reflection Worksheet 7

procedures, manage employee relations, and support leaders within the organization. In the

job description, the keywords that stuck out to me were strong communication skills, time

management, anticipate and identify problems, and Microsoft Office. Like the other

applications, this job listing focuses on personal skills with some technical requirements

added in for institutional knowledge. To demonstrate this expertise, I must display how these

attributes have been utilized throughout my job experiences. Sadly, the job listing also

required applicants to have a Bachelor’s Degree in a Human Resources related field and two

years of Human Resources experience. Although I currently lack both requirements, I expect

to accumulate that experience and become a capable candidate for this position over the next

five years. Within this time, I hope to further my experience when managing employee

relations and conversations with leaders. In doing so, I can become more confident in my

capabilities to ascertain solutions for complex problems and maximize organizational


10 years from today

a) Human Resources Manager at The Nature Conservancy

a. https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?jk=6e2530eabe2d7545&tk=1he9o48iu2c8e000
b. What keywords stand out to you from this ad? Are there any skills, certifications,
or other qualifications that you don’t have and might want to pursue as you move
towards this level?

This role expects job applicants to operate and maintain HR procedures according to

company standards and manage employment inquiries with confidentiality. As a Human

Resources Manager, I would facilitate and align organizational processes to comply with

established company policies and procedures. In the job description, the keywords that stuck

out to me were experience implementing strategic HR program goals, experience in

Resume Reflection Worksheet 8

California or Hawai’i employment laws, and client service oriented. With these keywords,

the recruiter emphasizes the importance of having a working knowledge of the regional

standards and complexities tied to overseeing an organizational restructuring. While the

application focuses on experience with overseeing necessary job responsibilities, it also takes

time to mention the type of personal skills they require. This additional aspect further details

the type of employee they need to facilitate organizational development and support their

workforce. When completing my resume, I must ensure that I reference the relevant

experience I have in fulfilling those responsibilities and exhibiting their desired personality

traits. On the other hand, the qualifications that I lack from the role requirements are a

Bachelor’s degree, 5 years of related HR experience, and functional experience managing

HR projects within their respective regions. To become a worthy applicant, I must integrate

myself into an organization within their two states and develop experience in overseeing HR

projects over the next ten years. With this experience, I can better understand the

complexities tied to organizational development and craft meaningful plans in the pursuit of

company-wide improvement.

b) Human Resources Manager at Sales IQ Global

a. https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?cmp=Sales-IQ-
b. What keywords stand out to you from this ad? Are there any skills, certifications,
or other qualifications that you don’t have and might want to pursue as you move
towards this level?

This role expects job applicants to partner with other HR and management related

departments, coach organizational leaders on implementing company policies, and align

the developed HR programs with corporate objectives. As a Human Resources Manager,

Resume Reflection Worksheet 9

I would implement programs to bolster organizational improvement and help

management understand the potential implications of these processes. In the job

description, the keywords that stood out to me were providing direct and actionable

feedback, track record of building relationships, and drive to create a culture of inclusion.

With these keywords, the recruiter emphasizes the importance of being personable and

establishing a welcoming environment. Although the application goes further to reference

the technical expertise, these details outline the type of leader they require to support

their organizational processes. When recreating my resume, I will describe how my

experiences have helped support team member growth and morale. Currently, I lack the

mandated five years of experience in the Human Resources industry and experience with

managing teams, but I hope to develop them over the next ten years. By gaining this

experience, I intend to build credibility in my communication skills and troubleshoot

solutions to the various problems I may encounter.

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