Test Bank For Essentials of Nursing Research Appraising Evidence For Nursing Practice Eighth 8th Edition Denise F Polit

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Test Bank For Essentials of Nursing

Research Appraising Evidence for

Nursing Practice Eighth 8th Edition
Denise F Polit
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C) Involves gathering narrative, subjective materials
D) Focuses on numeric information

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6. Consumers of research do which of the following?

A) Design studies
B) Undertake studies
C) Produce research
D) Read research

7. Empiricism refers to which of the following?

A) Making generalizations from specific observations
B) Articulating a study purpose in terms of an appropriate classification system
C) Gathering evidence about real-world phenomena through the senses
D) Verifying the assumptions on which the study was based

8. Evidenced-based nursing primarily uses which of the following to answer clinical

A) Consulting an authority
B) Using intuition
C) Obtaining the newest research
D) Relying on experience

9. Non-research-based evidence includes which of the following? Select all that apply.
A) Unit culture
B) Nurse's experience
C) Qualitative studies
D) Trial and error

10. Nursing has experienced constant change over the past decades as a result of increased
research. When determining best practices, nursing decisions should do which of the
following? Select all that apply.
A) Be based on tradition
B) Include holistic approaches
C) Be clinically appropriate
D) Be cost effective

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11. Quantitative and qualitative research share which of the following features? Select all
that apply.
A) A desire to understand the true state of human affairs
B) An emphasis on formal measurement
C) A reliance on external evidence collected through the senses
D) Utility to the nursing profession

12. The classic scientific method has its intellectual roots in which of the following?
A) Positivism
B) Determinism
C) Constructivism
D) Empiricism

13. The major difference between quantitative and qualitative research is that qualitative
research seeks to find answers based on which of the following?
A) Solid factual data
B) Experiences or descriptions
C) Etiology
D) Systematic process

14. When little is known about a phenomenon or the phenomenon is not clearly identified,
the best type of research suited to uncover this is which of the following?
A) Exploration
B) Description
C) Identification
D) Prediction

15. When nurses rely primarily on tradition, they are most likely to do which of the
A) Produce a precise range of answers
B) Increase new knowledge
C) Maintain an unbiased perspective
D) Undermine effective problem solving

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16. Which of the following attributes is least characteristic of the traditional scientific
A) Control over external factors
B) Systematic measurement and observation of natural phenomena
C) Testing of hunches deduced from theory or prior research
D) Emphasis on a holistic view of a phenomenon, studied in a rich context

17. Which of the following groups would be best served by the development of a scientific
base for nursing practice?
A) Nursing administrators
B) Practicing nurses
C) Nurses' clients
D) Health care policymakers

18. Which of the following is a descriptive question that a qualitative researcher most likely
would ask?
A) What is the nature of this phenomenon?
B) What is the average intensity of this phenomenon?
C) How frequently does this phenomenon occur?
D) What is the average duration of this phenomenon?

19. Which of the following is a fundamental belief of those who hold to the constructivist
A) A fixed reality exists in nature for humans to understand
B) The nature of reality has changed over time
C) Reality is multiply constructed and multiply interpreted by humans
D) Reality cannot be studied empirically

20. Which of the following is a fundamental belief of those who hold to the positivist
A) The researcher is objective and independent of those being studied
B) The researcher cannot interact with those being studied
C) The researcher instructs those being studied to be objective in providing
D) The distance between the researcher and those being researched is minimized to
enhance the interactive process

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21. Which of the following is a hallmark of the scientific method?

A) Rigorous
B) Holistic
C) Systematic
D) Flexible

22. Which of the following limits the capacity of the scientific method to answer questions
about humans?
A) The necessity of departing from traditional beliefs
B) The difficulty of accurately measuring complex human traits
C) The lack of funding for research
D) The shortage of theories about human behavior

23. Which of the following research focuses is qualitative?

A) Weekend and night outcomes of patients admitted to a specific hospital system's
trauma departments
B) Trends in hospitalizations of patients with antibiotic-resistant tuberculosis
C) Predicting risks for serious complications with abdominal surgery
D) Needs of nursing students living with chronic illness

24. Which of the following would be most strongly associated with cause-probing research?
A) Identification
B) Description
C) Exploration
D) Explanation

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Answer Key
1. D
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. C
9. D
10. C, D
11. A, C, D
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. D
16. D
17. C
18. A
19. C
20. A
21. C
22. B
23. D
24. D

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