Revised-BEng (Hons) Electromechanical Engineering

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Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.)in

Electromechanical Engineeing

A proposal for the introduction of the Beng (Hons) in Electromechanical


© 2017



The degree programme in Electromechanical Engineering shall be taught at
the Copperbelt University.


BEng (Hons) (Electromechanical Engineering)




2.0 Rationale and Objectives for Programme Introduction


Preparations for the introduction of the Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) degree

in Electromechanical Engineering have now been concluded. The syllabus for
the programme is ready and lecturers to teach in the programme have been


A BEng (Hons) in Electromechanical Engineering has been necessitated by

the need to have engineers equipped with both electrical and mechanical
knowledge to enable them to participate effectively in team-based projects.
This need is in the fields such as, manufacturing, turbo machines, mining,
electrical power system design and modern electrical protection. This proposal
is based on the following observations;

1. A degree programme inElectromechanical Engineering will provide

support and expertise to those areas in schools such as mines and
mineral sciences, business, natural resources and the built environment
which all have components of Electromechanical engineering in their

2. The proposed degree programme in Electromechanical Engineering

will definitely receive the blessings of the Engineering Institution of
Zambia (EIZ) and the entire mining, engineering and government
sectors due to the few qualified Electromechanical engineers to
provide desired services to these sectors. Affiliates of EIZ were
involved in the recent review of all engineering syllabi.

3. Job opportunities for graduating students are plentiful, encompassing

both the private and public sectors. Further, the emphasis on
entrepreneurship accords the graduates to set up their own firms within
this rare and specialised field.

4. The proposed degree will be popular to school leavers and current

employees in both the private and public sectors who may wish to
upgrade their qualifications.

5. The proposed programme has common courses for second years with
the existing BEng (Hons) programmes in the School of Engineering.
Additionally, most of the courses on the programme are already being
taught in the school. The remaining courses have been assigned
existing CBU lecturers.

6. The re-introduction of the degree programme in Electromechanical
Engineering will create very little strain on the administration in terms
of classroom space and staffing. The programme is being designed to
as far much as possible fit into the existing resources.

7. Due to the fact that Electromechanical engineering is equally a highly

practical course, a number of basic and necessary equipment and
machinery have been highlighted and proposed as budget items within
the departments of mechanical and electrical engineering. Such
equipment and machinery may be solicited from private and public
institutions as used, whilst new equipment and machinery is currently
being sourced by the department.

2.3 AIM

The aim of the programme is to produce multi-skilled Electromechanical

engineering graduates whose expertise is sought regionally and abroad and to
prepare them for further career advancement and entrepreneurial undertakings.


After successfully completing this programme, students should be able to:

 Identify, formulate and solve electromechanical engineering problems.
 Apply fundamentals of mathematics, science and engineering to solve
Electromechanical engineering related problems.
 Design electromechanical systems as well as machine components.
 Analyse and interpret data as well as conduct experiments.
 Use modern engineering skills, methods, tools and information
technology to solve Electromechanical engineering problems.
 Communicate and work effectively in multi-disciplinary teams.
 Understand social, professional and ethical issues in engineering.


The second year of the programme will have common courses with the
running BEng (Hons)degrees in the School of Engineering. Branching out will
be done at third year. The programme aims at producing well-qualified
Electromechanical engineering professionals with strong problem solving and
design skills.


The existing admission criteria shall apply to all school leavers. School leavers
will enter through the School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and then at
second year will be selected for the BEng (Hons)programme in
Electromechanical engineering in the School of Engineering.

Non-school leavers with a diploma in mechanical or electrical engineering will

enter the programme at second year level while certificate holders will follow
the route of school leavers.


In order to qualify for the award of a degree in Electromechanical

Engineering, a student would have satisfied the examiners in all taught and
non-taught courses, including industrial placement and the project within the
normal period of five academic years but not exceeding the maximum period
of seven years.


3.0 Academic Programme Outline

YEAR ONE ( Natural Sciences )

Common to all engineering students

YEAR TWO ( General Engineering )

Common to all engineering students

YEAR THREE ( Electromechanical Engineering )

MA 310 Engineering Mathematics II

EE 320 Electrical/Electronics Principles II
EE 321 Electrical Machines I
EF 341 Digital Systems and Microprocessors
EM 321 Fluid Mechanics
EM 330 Mechanics of Materials
EM 331 Thermodynamics

YEAR FOUR ( Electromechanical Engineering )

MA 411 Numerical Computing and Statistics

MC 450 Control Systems
MC 451 Fluid Power systems
EE421 Electrical Machines II
EE 460 Electrical Energy Systems
EM 411 Machine Design
EM 470 Manufacturing Technology

YEAR FIVE ( Electromechanical Engineering )

EM 500 Project
MG 531 Management Studies
EM 511 Electromechanical Design
EM 551 Turbo Machines
EM 541 Heat and Mass Transfer
EE 570 Electrical Power Systems and Protection

Any two electives, one from EM and one from EE
EM 531 Tribology
EM 542 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
EM 545 Maintenance Engineering and Environmental Practice
EE 571 Renewable Energy Systems
EE 541 Electrical Drives
EE 521 Electrical Power Systems Analysis


4.0 Staffing Plan

Course Code Course Title Proposed Lecturer (School)

YEAR THREE ( Electromechanical Engineering )

MA 310 Engineering Mathematics II Mrs Samuels/Ngambi (SMNS)

EE 320 Electrical/Electronics Principles II Mr E.Zulu (SE)

EE 321 Electrical Machines I Dr F Mulolani (SE)

MC 341 Digital Systems & Microprocessors Mr S Mulumbwa (SE)

EM 321 Fluid Mechanics Mr A.Kucheba (SE)

EM 330 Mechanics of Materials Mr H Mupeta (SE)

EM 331 Thermodynamics Dr L Siwale (SE)

YEAR FOUR ( Electromechanical Engineering )

MA 411 Numerical Computing & Statistics Mr H Mvula (SMNS)

MC 450 Control Systems Mr C Mulubika (SE)

MC 451 Fluid Power systems Mr C Mulubika (SE)

EE 421 Electrical Machines II Dr F Mulolani (SE)

EE 460 Electrical Energy Systems Mr E Mulenga (SE)

EM 411 Machine Design Mr H Mupeta (SE)

EM 470 Manufacturing Technology Dr M Kabaso (SE)

YEAR FIVE ( Electromechanical Engineering )

EM 500 Project Coordinator (SE)

MG 531 Management Studies Mr Himoonga

EM 511 Electromechanical Design Mr H Mupeta (SE)

EM 541 Heat and Mass Transfer Dr E Luwaya (SE)

EM 551 Turbo Machines Dr L Siwale (SE)

EE 570 Electrical Power Systems and Protection Mr E Zulu (SE)

EM 531 Tribology Mr E Langi (SE)

EM 542 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Dr E Luwaya (SE)

EM 545 Maintenance Engineering and Dr M Kabaso (SE)

Environmental Practice
EE 571 Renewable Energy Systems Mr E Mulenga/ Dr E Luwaya (SE)

EE 541 Electrical Drives Mr Mulongoti (SE)

EE 521 Electrical Power Systems Analysis Mr E Zulu (SE)


5.0 Course Organisation and Syllabi


(i) Industrial Training and/or Field work is an essential part of the undergraduate training and
therefore forms part of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering.

(ii) A student will be required to do a MINIMUM of FOURTEEN (14) weeks ( accrued at

third and fourth years ) of industrial training before he/she can graduate.

(iii) The Assistant Dean of the School of Engineering and the Departmental Co-ordinators
will arrange for the placement of students. At the end of each vacation, each student will
be required to submit a written report of his activities during that training period.

(iv) Any period spent doing supervised research or consultancy work in collaboration with an
academic member of staff of the School of Engineering during the vacation will count as
a period of Industrial Practice provided that at the end of such a period, written reports
are submitted to the DepartmentalCo-ordinator by the individual student and Research

(v) All reports must be submitted within three weeks of the beginning of the academic year
following the vacation training period.

(vii) The Departmental Co-ordinator shall be required to prepare and circulate, at the
beginning of each vacation period, guidelines for both students and employers on the
nature, scope and conduct of vacation training and supervision expected by the School.

(vii) Industrial Practice will be assessed as being SATISFACTORY or UNSATISFACTORY

on the basis of:
(a) Individual students' written reports;
(b) Employers'(Field Supervisors') confidential report; and,
(c) Report of the staff member visiting the student during the
industrial period.

(viii) When necessary, the Industrial Co-ordinator may interview a student on his activities
during the industrial period and recommend a decision to the Board for approval.

MA 310 Engineering Mathematics II
Background and Rationale

To equip trainees with knowledge, skills and attitudes in mathematical methods to enable
them solve problems in electrical operations.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Solve problems involving calculus

2. Apply Transform methods to solve electrical problems
3. Apply Fourier series and transforms to signals and systems to solve Electrical problems
4. Apply Laplace transforms and complex variables to solve problems in Electrical
5. Apply vector calculus in Electric Fields


1. Solving problems involving calculus

2. Applying Transform methods to solve electrical problems
3. Applying Fourier series and transforms to signals and systems to solve Electrical problems
4. Applying Laplace transforms and complex variables to solve problems in Electrical
5. Applying vector calculus in Electric Fields


1. Laplace Transform 1, Laplace Transform 2

2. Fourier series: Trigonometric form of fourier series, Half range series, Complex form of
fourier series, Practical harmonic analysis
3. Fourier Transforms: Shift theorem, Spectra,
4. Multiple Integration: Double and triple integrals, area by Cartesian and polar coordinates,
centroid of an area, volume by triple integrals, cylindrical and spherical coordinates.
5. Vector Algebra: scalar and vector triple product
6. Vector calculus: differentiation of vectors, divergence, gradient, curl, integration of
vectors, line integral, surface integral, volume integral, Gauss theorem, Green’s theorem,
Stoke’s theorem
7. Partial Differential equations
8. Functions of complex variables: mappings, analytical functions, complex integration


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Prescribed text book

1. Stroud K. A. (5th Edition) Engineering Mathematics

Recommended text books

1. Kreysgiz E, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, john Wiley and Sons,
2. ErMengJoo, Engineering Mathematics with real world application, McGraw Hill,
3. Frank Ayres and Elliot Mendelson, Schaum’s outline of calculus, 5th Edition,
McGraw Hill, 2009.
4. Vairamanickam K., Patchagar N. P. Thillaigovindan (2005), Engineering
Mathematics Volume I
5. Bird J. O. and May, ATC (1994) 3rd edition: Technician Mathematics.
6. Kaufmann E. Jerome (1987) College Algebra
7. Howard Anton and Chris Rorres (1987) Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications

EE 320 Electrical/Electronics Principles II
Background and Rationale

To equip trainees with knowledge, skills and attitudes required to apply Electrical and
electronic principles during their electrical operations.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Use three phase systems
2. Apply knowledge of Network topology and computer aided analysis
3. Apply Network theorems in solving electrical problems
4. Apply knowledge of Filter circuits, Amplifier circuits, noise and feedback


1. using three phase systems

2. using electrical circuits
3. using Amplifiers and Filters


1. Using three phase systems (i.e Delta/ Star Connections),

2. Network topology, computer aided analysis,
3. Filter circuits,
4. Network theorems,
5. Laplace and impedance transforms, port parameters and coupled circuits,
6. H – parameters model,
7. Amplifier circuits, noise and feedback.
8. Ideal Op- Amps,
9. Practical Op – Amp circuits, Signature circuits, Active Filters and Filter Conversion


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Prescribed text book

1. John Bird, Electrical Circuits Theory and Technology, 3rd Edition Elsevier, 2007

Recommended text books

1. James W . Nilsson, Susan Riedel, Electric Circuits, 9th Edition

2. Mahmood Nahvi , Joseph Ediminister, Schaum’s Outline of Electric Circuits - Theory
and Problems , 2nd Edition, McGraw – Hill, Inc. 1965

3. R.J. Maddock, D.M. Calcutt, Electronics – A course for Engineers, ELBS Edition,
Longmann Group (FE) KLimited
4. B.L. Theraja, A.K. Theraja, A textbook of Electrical Technology, 1995
5. Peter H. Beards, Analogy and Digital electronics. A First course, 2nd Edition, Prentice
Hall, 1991
6. Journals: Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing
7. IEEE transaction on Electronic Devices
8. IEEE Journal of solid state circuits

EE 321 Electrical Machines I
Background and Rationale

To equip trainees with Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes in Electrical

Machines to enable them use Electrical Machines.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Apply knowledge of magnetic field energy and forces

2. Demonstrate understanding of singly and doubly excited systems
3. Demonstrated understanding of the operation of Direct current machines
4. Demonstrated understanding of the operation of single phase transformers


1. Operating Direct Current Machines

2. Interpreting the operation of Transformers
3. Operating Induction Motors


1. Introduction
a. Electrical Machine
b. Principles.
c. Energy.
d. System Analysis.
e. Electro-mechanical Relations.
f. Electrical Relations.
g. Mechanical Relations.
h. Typical Electromagnetic Machines.
i. Summary.

2. Magnetic Field Energy and Forces.

a. Magnetic Field.
b. Magnetic Circuit.
c. Magnetic Field Energy.
i. Maxwell Stress.
ii. Energy Density in Magnetic Field.
iii. Inductance.
iv. Energy Storage.
v. Leakage and Saturation.

3. Energy Conversions.
a. Constant Current i0
b. Constant Flux.
c. General Condition.

4. Singly Excitated Systems.

a. Co-axial Poles – Force of Alignment.
b. Non-axial Poles – Force of Alignment.
c. Energy Balance.
d. Reluctance Motor.

5. Doubly Excited Systems.

a. Field Energy – Non-Cylindrical Pole Type.
b. Field Energy - Cylindrical Type.

6. Interaction Forces.
a. Slotting Effect.

7. Direct Current Machines.

a. Nomenclature;Construction
b. Basic Principles.
c. Elementary DC Machine.
d. Industrial DC Machine.
e. DC Machine Characteristics.

8. Single Phase Transformers.

a. Introduction.
b. Construction.
c. Dot Notation.
d. Ideal Transformer.
e. Ideal Transformer on Load
f. Practical Transformer.
g. Auto-transformer
h. Transformer Equivalent Circuit.
i. Transformer on No-load.
j. Transformer Efficiency &Transformer All-day Efficiency.


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Prescribed text book

1. Hughes. E., Electrical Technology

Recommended text books

1. Siskid C., Electric Machines Direct Current and Alternating Current (DC and AC)
2. Theraja B. L., Electrical Technology
3. Kosow I. L., Electric Machinery and Transformers
4. Walter L. Bartkiv and Kenny T. Sookhoo, Electrical Systems Technology

MC 341 Digital Systems and Microprocessors
Background and Rationale

To introduce digital system design, the principles of programmable logic devices, the
implementation of combinational and sequential circuits, and the principles of hardware
design using System Verilog and/or ( VHDL) a state – of – the art hardware description

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Demonstrate understanding of logic design

2. Apply knowledge of algorithmic state machines
3. Demonstrate understanding of the operation of data converters and PLCs
4. Demonstrate understanding of automated instrumentation


1. Demonstrating understanding of logic design

2. Applying knowledge of algorithmic state machines
3. Demonstrating understanding of the operation of data converters and PLCs
4. Demonstrating understanding of automated instrumentation


1. Introduction
Decimal number system ; Binary number system ; Octal Number system ;
Hexadecimal number system ; Codes: ASCII , BCD; 1's and 2's Complements of
Binary Numbers
2. Combinational logic gates:
Half –adder; Full adder; Basic logic gates ;Boolean algebraic Laws/Rules and
postulates ; Karnaugh Maps ; Flip – flops ; Counters and Registers ; Multi/De-
Multiplexing ; Decoders/Encoders; Truth table; Encoders, Decoders,
3. Sequential logic gates
Shift –registers; Timing diagrams; Logic Circuit Operation with Pulse Waveform
4. Introduction to microprocessors and microcontrollers
Comparison between microcontrollers and microprocessors ; Introduction to system
components and buses; Software control of Microprocessor systems ; Instruction
Execution within a Microprocessor ; Hardware requirements for Basic I/O
programming; Analogy and Digital interfacing of microcontrollers (e.g. ADC, PWM,
parallel and serial IO)
5. Introduction to Programmable logic controllers (PLCs)
I/O devices; I/O processing; ladder and function block programming; internal relays;
Jump and call; Timers; Data handling; Instruction lists (ILs), sequential function
charts (SFCs), and structured text (ST).
6. Integrated circuit technologies: TTL, CMOS,

The TTL Family; TTL Voltage and Current Ratings; Other TTL Considerations;
Improved TTL Series ; The CMOS Family; Emitter-Coupled Logic ; Comparing
Logic Families.
7. Introduction to Verilog or VHDL and its use with FPGA (practical training)
Entity Declarations ;Architecture Descriptions ; Timing Model; Data types; signals
and variables; Operators; objects and processes; syntax rules; Programming FPGA
using appropriate tool (Altera Cyclone).


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Prescribed text book

1. Thomas L. Floyd, Digital Fundamental, 9th Edition, (2006), Prentice Hall

Recommended text books

1. William Kleitz, Digital Electronics a practical approach with VHDL, 9th Edition
(2012), Pearson.
2. AH Mazidi, Sarmad N and SepherNaimi, The AVR Microcontroller and Embedded
Systems, (2011), Prentice Hall
3. W. Bolton, Programmable logic controllers, 5th Edition, (2009), Newness

EM 321 Fluid Mechanics

Background and Rationale

To introduce students to the concepts of fluid statics, basic fluid dynamics, Turbo machines
and rotating systems, flow in pipes and open channels.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able todemonstrate understanding of the
concept of fluid dynamics and fluid statics.


1. Giving knowledge of the design of pipe/machine systems

2. Applying concepts of fluid dynamics and fluid statics in solving real life problems


1.0 Elements of Fluid Mechanics

1.1 Properties of fluids, units and dimensions

2.0 Fluid Statics

2.1 Manometry
2.2 Forces on submerged planes and objects
2.3 Buoyancy
2.4 Equilibrium of floating bodies
2.5 Stability of a submerged body
2.6 Stability of floating bodies
2.7 Determination of metacentric height

3.0 Basic Fluid Dynamics

3.1 Flow characteristics of real and ideal fluids
3.2 Steady and unsteady flow
3.3 Uniform and non uniform flow
3.4 Reynolds number and classification of laminar and turbulent flow
3.5 Streamlines, stream tube, streamline and path lines
3.6 Euler’s equation along and perpendicular to streamlines

4.0 Energy Equation

4.1 Mechanical energy of a flowing fluid
4.2 Applications of the energy equation
4.2.1 Orifices
4.2.2 Sharp crested weirs
4.2.3 Venturimeter

5. 0 Momentum Equation
5.1 Momentum and fluid flow
5.2 Control volume equation

5.3 Application of control volume equation to the linear momentum equation
5.3.1 Impingement of jets on fixed and moving vanes
5.3.2 Forces on pipe bends
5.3.3 Nozzles
5.3.4 Obstacles in natural streams and channels
5.3.5 Turbo machines and rotating systems

6.0 Behaviour of Real Fluids

6.1 Qualitative description of the boundary layer
6.2 Resistance in turbulent flow
6.3 Separation
6.4 Drag application to falling sphere

7.0 Flow In Pipes

7.1 Laminar flow and Hagen-Poiseuille’s formula
7.2 Turbulent flow and Darcy-Weisbach formula
7.3 Friction factor
7.4 Moody diagram
7.5 Head loss in single pipe system
7.6 Equivalent length
7.7 Looping and branching pipes
7.8 Pipes in series and parallel
7.9 Analysis of pipe networks by Hardy-Cross method

8.0 Open Channel Flow

8.1 Chezy and Manning’s formulae
8.2 Specific energy diagram
8.3 Froude number
8.4 Tranquil and Rapid flow
8.5 Critical slope and critical depth
8.6 Hydraulic jump
8.7 Non uniform flow
8.8 Gradually varied flow
8.9 Rapidly varied flow and surges


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Recommended text books

1) Massey B.S., Mechanics of fluids, Van Vosrtrand Reinhold Co., 1980

2) Streeter V L, Wylie BE. Fluid Mechanics list. Student Education, 1979

EM 330 Mechanics of Materials
Background and Rationale

To introduce students to the fundamentals of problem solving of structural members such as

beams, shaft, columns and pressure vessels.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Apply methods of solving problems of strength of materials

2. Apply theory of columns to solve problems involving buckling and transverse loading
of stuts and tie-bars
3. Solve problems relating to continuous beams
4. Interpret the behaviour of materials


1. Understanding how to solve problems of strength of materials

2. Understanding the Theory of columns.
3. Solving problems relating to continuous beams.
4. Interpreting the Materials behaviour


1. Introduction to methods of solving problem of strength of materials.

2. Relationship between material elastic constant.

2.1 Three-dimensional complex stress and strain analysis principal stresses

2.2 Shear strain gauges and rosettes.
2.3 Mohr’s strain circle for the 45 degree rosette.
2.4 Theory of bending stresses, unsymmetrical bending, combined bending and
axial stresses, bending of beams with composite materials.
2.5 Shear stress distribution in beams shear centre stresses in thin-walled pressure
vessels cylinder, pipes and sphere, wire wound cylinder under fluid pressure.

3. Deflection of beams.

3.1 The differential equations of the elastic line –by integrations, movement –area,
3.2 Superposition and Macaulay’s method ,by strain energy method;castigliano’s
theorem; strain energy due to tensile and shear stresses, impact loading;
3.3 Virtual work methods with applications to problems of deflection of structure,
beams statically indeterminate beams and structures shear deflection of beams.

4. Continuous beams
4.1 Theorem of three- moments.
4.2 Bending moment diagrams and support reactions
4.3 Torsion: torsion of shafts, rotating shafts, beams; combined torsion and
bending beams and rotating shafts helical, torsion and leaf springs.

5. Theory of columns
5.1 Buckling
5.2 Transverse loading of struts and tie-bars.


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Recommended text books

1 Bansal, R K. Strength of Material.Laxmi publication Ltd, 2010.

2 Gere, M James. Mechanics of Materials. Cengage Learning, 2009.

3 Timoshenko, S. Strength of Material Part II-Advanced Theory and Problems. Van

Nostread Reinhold, 1978.

4 Timoshenko, S, and D H Young. Elements of Strength of Material. Van Norstrand

Reinhold, 1979.

EM 331 Thermodynamics
Background and Rationale

To introduce the study of the internal motions of many body systems (e.g., solids, liquids,
gases, and light), to study a branch of natural science concerned with heat and its relation to
energy and work.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Apply and interpret laws of Thermodynamics

2. Demonstrate understanding of Thermodynamic processes of perfect Gases
3. Describe the operation of an ideal engine
4. Describe the operation of steam engines
5. Explain the methods of heat transfer


1. Defining macroscopic variables such as temperature, internal energy, entropy,

and pressure
2. Applying and interpret laws of Thermodynamics
3. Demonstrating understanding of Thermodynamic processes of perfect Gases
4. Describing the operation of an ideal engine
5. Describing the operation of steam engines
6. Explaining the methods of heat transfer


1. Fundamentals
Thermodynamic systems & their classification
Thermodynamic processes
Energy conservation
Heat – specific heats
Work – heat & work; path functions
Laws of thermodynamics – implications & applications

2. Perfect Gases – Properties

Laws governing perfect gases
Specific heats of gases
Relation between specific heats
Enthalpy of a gas

3. Thermodynamic Processes of Perfect Gases

Application of Laws of thermodynamics to non-flow processes
Heating & expansion of gases in non-flow processes

Free expansion processes
Flow expansion processes
Throttling processes
Application of steady flow energy equation to engineering systems

4. Further Properties of Perfect Gases

Relation between heat & entropy
Principle of increase of entropy
Change of entropy in isochoric processes
Change of entropy in isobaric processes
Change of entropy in isothermal processes
Change of entropy in polytropic processes

5. Thermodynamic Air Cycles

Fundamental assumptions
Classification of thermodynamic cycles
Reversibility & irreversibility of thermodynamic processes
Relation between cycles & engines
Working of an ideal engine
Efficiency of a cycle
Types of thermodynamic cycles & their operations.

6. Formation & Properties of Steam

Formation of steam & superheating of stem
Steam tables & their uses
Internal energy of steam
Measurement of dryness fraction of steam
Entropy of wet, dry & superheated steam
TS – Diagrams for water & steam.
HS – diagrams

7. Steam Engines
Important components of a steam engine
Operation of steam engines

8. Introductory Heat Transfer

Methods of heat transfer – Conduction, Convection, Radiation.
Newton’s laws of cooling
Fourier’s laws of heat conduction
Thermal conductivity & temperature gradient


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Prescribed text book

1. Ganessan V. Internal Combustion Engine. Tata MacGraw-Hill, 1996. ISBN 0-07-

Recommended text books

1. Cohen H., Rodgers G.F.C., and Saravanamuttoo H.I.H., Gas Turbine Theory,
Longman, 4th Ed., New York 1996. ISBN 0-582-23632-0.
2. Heywood J.B., Internal Combustion Engine fundamentals, McGraw-Hill, 1988.
3. Fergusson C.R., Internal Combustion Engines - Applied Thermo Sciences, Wiley,
4. Khovakh M., Arkhongelsky V., Steopanov Y., Trustov V., Vikhert M., and
Voinoc A., Motor Vehicle Engines, Mir, Moscow, 1979.
5. Rodgers G.F.C. and Mayhew V.R., Engineering thermodynamics, work and heat
transfer, Longman, 3rd Ed., London, 1982.
6. Thermal Engineering, R.S Kurmi& J.K Gupta



As explained in Third Year. This is a continuation and end of the practice which ensures a
studentaccrues the recommended fourteen weeks of industrial practice.

MA 411 Numerical Computing & Statistics

Background and Rationale

To equip trainees with numerical, computing and statistics skills to enable them solve
problems in electrical operations and analysing statistical data

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Perform numerical computing in linear algebra using Jacobis and Gauss Seidal
2. Apply Newton Raphson method and Bisection methods in solving numerical
3. Demonstrate understanding of the Z-transformation
4. Apply probability theory in solving problems in statistics


1. Applying numerical computing in electrical operations

2. Carrying out statistics in electrical operations
3. Analysing statistical data


1. Numerical computing in Linear algebra: Jacobis, Gauss Seidal method,

2. Numerical solution of equations, Newton Raphson method, Bisection methods, Eigen
values and vectors
3. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations.
4. Interpolation
5. Z – transformation: Sequence generation, Difference equations, basic Z-transform
formulas, solution of difference equation of first and second order by Z-transforms
6. Statistics: presentation of data, measures of central tendency and dispersion,
7. Probability theory, correlation and regression.


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Recommended text books

1. Jonson Richard ArnoldBhattacharyya Gouri K., Statistics Principles and Methods, 5th
Edition, John Wiley, 2006
2. Milton J. Susan and Arnold Jesse C, Introduction to Probability
andStatistics:Principles and Application for Engineering and the Computing Sciences
4th Edition, McGraw – Hill, 2003
3. E Ward Cheney,David R Kincaid, Numerical Mathematics and Computing, 6th
Edition, Thomson Learning, Inc.l, 2008

MC 450 Control Systems

Background and Rationale

To introduce control systems engineering and its applications to students

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Model dynamic engineering systems

2. Analysesystems for stability, transient response and steady – state errors
3. Design control systems using Root locus methods
4. Use state –space models for control systems
5. Design controllers and observers for simple control systems
6. Design, integrate lead and lag compensators for control systems
7. Apply z- transforms to digital control systems
8. Model discrete control systems using z –transforms and difference equations
9. Explain practical considerations for discrete control system design
10. Use pole placement technique in the design of control systems
11. Apply P, PI and PID controllers to control systems


1. Modelling dynamic engineering systems

2. Analysingsystems for stability, transient response and steady – state errors
3. Designing control systems using Root locus methods
4. Using state –space models for control systems
5. Designing controllers and observers for simple control systems
6. Designing, integrating lead and lag compensators for control systems
7. Applying z- transforms to digital control systems
8. Modelling discrete control systems using z –transforms and difference equations
9. Explaining practical considerations for discrete control system design
10. Using pole placement technique in the design of control systems
11. Applying P, PI and PID controllers to control systems


1. Dynamic modelling of engineering systems (e.g. mechanical, electronic and electro-

mechanical systems, thermal etc.)
2. Transfer functions, block diagram, signal flow graphs
3. PID controllers
4. Design of control systems
5. Root locus design
6. Lead and lag compensation
7. Frequency response analysis and design

8. Continuous state models, analysis and synthesis
9. Continuous estimators
10. Transient and steady-state response of state variable representations
11. Pole placement techniques
12. Discrete control systems
13. Z-transforms, difference equations
14. ZOH circuits
15. Discrete root locus
16. Practical considerations of discrete control systems
17. A/D and D/A converters and filters
18. Design exercises


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Prescribed text book

1. Norman S.Nice, Control Systems Engineering, 6th Edition, (2011), John Wiley &

Recommended text books

1. FaridGolnaraghi& Benjamin C. Kuo, Automatic Control Systems, 9th Edition, (2010) ,

John Wiley & Sons
2. Richard C. Dorf& Robert H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems, 12th Edition, (2011),
3. Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, 5th Edition, (2010), Pearson

MC 451 Fluid Power Systems

Background and Rationale

Most industries are automated and use hydraulics and pneumatics to achieve different levels
of automation. Therefore, the purpose of this course is to introduce students to fluid power
systems and their application to industry.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Interpret Pneumatic, electro – pneumatic, hydraulic and electro - hydraulic symbols

2. Explain the terminology of electro-pneumatic and electro - hydraulic control
3. Explain the function and operation of a range of proximity sensors and their
application to fluid power systems


1. Interpreting Pneumatic, electro – pneumatic, hydraulic and electro - hydraulic

2. Appreciating fundamentals and terminology of electro-pneumatic and electro -
hydraulic control engineering
3. Explaining the function and operation of a range of proximity sensors and their
application to fluid power systems


1. Introduction to fluid power systems

Application of fluid power systems; Advantages & Disadvantages of Hydraulics;
Advantages & Disadvantages of Pneumatics; Basic components of fluid power

2. Pressure and Force relationship

Pressure; Force; Pascal’s Law; Flow Velocity, Flow rate; energy, Work and Power;
Heat energy and friction; Relationship between Velocity and Pressure; Heat
generation and power wastage in fluid power systems;

3. Hydraulic fluid properties

Fluid requirements; effects of fluid properties on performance; Fluid selection criteria;
Types of hydraulic fluids; Origin of contamination; Contamination control

4. Actuators
Hydraulic motors; Torque capacity analysis; Hydraulic motor performance;
Volumetric efficiency; Mechanical efficiency; Overall efficiency; Electro-hydraulic
stepping motors

Types of cylinders; Construction and applications; External and internal leakages;
operation considerations; sluggish Operation; Hydraulic rotary actuators; Hydraulic
servo actuators

5. Valves
Types of valves; construction of valves; operation of different valves; performance of
valves; Pressure relief valves; directional control valves; proportional control valves;
sequence valves; flow equalisers; valve failures and remedies; applications of
directional and flow control valves; seals

6. Basic symbols
Line, circle, semi – circle, square, rectangle and diamond shapes as applied to
symbols; Actuator symbols; valves symbols; pumps; differences between hydraulic
and pneumatic symbols; conversion of pictorial drawings to hydraulic circuits; port
numbering convention; Symbol rules

7. Hydraulic pumps
Types of hydraulic pumps; Principles of operations; Pump performance; Volumetric
efficiency;Mechanical efficiency; Pump capacity;Effect of running clearance on pump
capacity; Effect of oil viscosity on capacity; Pump performance curves;Comparison of
pump performance parameters; Cavitation in pumps; pump selection

8. Accessories
Reservoirs; Strainers; filters; Accumulators; hydraulic transmission lines; gauges; heat

9. Speed control methods in hydraulic systems

Metering circuits; pilot control;

10. Pneumatics
Properties of air; Charles laws; Boyles laws; pneumatic symbols; symbol rules

11. Electro – pneumatics

Electrical symbols and component identification; Electrical contact specification;
Electrical logic connections; Solenoid valves; Open and closed loop control; Relays;
Proximity sensors; Pneumatic speed control; Multi-cylinder control, sequential and
conditional control; Motion diagram; Single continuous cycle; Time delay; Proximity

12. Compressors
Types of compressors; compressor capacity; accessories; Air receivers and
compressor control; air treatment; Pressure regulation; service units

13. Hydraulic servo mechanisms

Electro –hydraulic servo actuators; construction and operation of electro –hydraulic
actuators; Applications; flow and power characteristics;

14. PLC control in Fluid power systems

Basic design and control of a programmable logic controller; Basic command sets;
Creating, loading and testing sequence programs; Creating time delay and counter
functions; Program editing; Fault analysis; Hardware Configuration; Wiring inputs
and outputs; Local and Global addressing of variables; Timers and Counters
functions; Formulate, download and testing of industry related sequence programs

15. Design exercises


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Recommended text books

1. Galal M. Rabie, Fluid Power Engineering, 1 Edition, (2009), McGraw Hill.ISBN:

2. Andrew Parr, Hydraulics and Pneumatics, a Technician’s and Engineer’s Guide, 3rd
Edition, (2011), Elsevier. ISBN-13: 978-0-08-096674-8

EE 421 Electrical Machines II

Background and Rationale

To give the student the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to understand the theory of
Electrical Machines.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Differentiate the different types of static and rotary electrical machines and their
2. Demonstrate understanding of different electrical machine starting methods and
braking methods.
3. Demonstrate different transformer connections.


1. Explaining different types of static and rotary electrical machines and their
2. Understanding different electrical machine stating methods and braking methods.
3. Demonstrating different transformer connections.


1. Three-Phase Transformers
1. Construction.
2. Cooling Methods.
3. Dryformers.
4. Transformer on No-Load.
5. Transformer Inrush Current..
6. Transformer Parallel Operation.
7. Vector Grouping.

2. Single –Phase Rotating Machines.


3. Three-Phase Rotating Machines.

1. Induction Motors.
2. Synchronous Machines.
3. Brushless DC Machines.


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Prescribed text book

1. Hughes, “Electrical Technology”, 10th Edition, 2008.

Recommended text books

1. AC Machines - MG Say.
2. Electrical Machines and Drive Systems – CB Gray.
3. Electrical Machines and their Applications.
4. Higher Electrical Engineering – J Shepherd, A Morton, L Spence.

EE 460 Electrical Energy Systems

Background and Rationale

Electrical energy systems are the pillar upon which modern civilization rests. From
applications as complex as space travel, through medical applications, to simple applications
as the lighting of houses, electrical energy has continued to play a vital role. It is in this vain
that students pursuing a degree in Electromechanical engineering are exposed to the
operation, optimization and protection of electrical energy equipment and systems. The
course focuses on electrical power system operation, stability and security, and places
particular emphasis on protection of electrical equipment.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Formulate model analyses for power systems load flow

2. Design & Identify different protection schemes
3. Design power system equipment and systems protection
4. Conduct substation automation using SCADA system


1. Formulating model analyses for power systems load flow

2. Designing& Identifying different protection schemes
3. Designing power system equipment and systems protection
4. Conducting substation automation


1. Load Flow Analysis

i. The load flow problem
ii. Newton Raphson Load Flow analysis
iii. Fast decoupled load Flow analysis

2. Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis

i. Three phase symmetrical fault calculation
ii. Symmetrical components
iii. Unsymmetrical fault analysis
iv. Reactors for fault current limitation

3. System Protection
i. Switchgear
ii. Overcurrent protection
iii. Differential protection
a. Distance protection
b. Protection of Transformers, Generators and Motors

c. Busbar configurations and busbar protection
d. Protection against overvoltages and switching surges
e. Protective system communication
f. Communication protocols

5. Power System Transient Stability

i. Power Transfer over a Short Purely Reactive Line
ii. Generator Stability (Rotor Angle Stability)
iii. Swing Equation
iv. Equal Area Criterion
v. Circuit Breaker Switching time for system stability

6. Substation Automation
i. Types of substations
ii. Substation busbar configurations
iii. Substation automation using SCADA systems


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Recommended text books

1. TuranGonen, ’Electric Power Transmission System Engineering-Analysis and

Design,’ 3rd Edition, CRC Press, ISBN-13: 978-1482232226

2. Glover Duncan,MulukutlaSarma, Overbye Thomas, ‘Power Systems Analysis and

Design,’ 5th Edition,Cengage Learning, 2012, ISBN-13: 978-1-111-42577-7

3. Mohammed E. El-Hawary,’ Electrical Energy Systems,’ New York, CRC Press


4. AREVA, ’Network Protection & Automation Guide.’

EM 411 Machine Design

Background and Rationale

Design a range of machine elements as applicable to electro-mechanical engineering and

present them as drawings and technical reports. To apply the knowledge of tolerances, fits,
dynamic loading and power transmission in the design of assemblies

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Explain basic procedure of machine design

2. Explain the economic, aesthetic and ergonomic considerations in design
3. Apply theories of failure in solving design problems
4. Explain failure prevention
5. Demonstrate understanding of Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
6. Demonstrate understanding of tolerances and fits
7. Explain types of shafts and their applications
8. Demonstrate understanding of the design of clutch plates
9. Explain the selection of belt drives


1. To cover the basics of machine design, including the design process, engineering
mechanics and materials
2. To analyse failure prevention under static and variable loading, and characteristics of
the principal types of mechanical elements.
3. To offer a practical approach to the subject through a wide range of real-world
applications and examples.
4. To demonstrate to students the link between design and analysis.


1.0 Introduction to Machine design

1.1 Definition of a machine
1.2 Basic procedure of machine design
1.3 Sources of design data
1.4 Economic consideration in design
1.5 Aesthetic consideration in design
1.6 Ergonomic consideration in design

2.0 Failure Prevention- Static Failure

2.1 Static strength
2.2 Stress concentration
2.3 Failure theories
 Maximum-shear-stress for ductile Materials

 Distortion –Energy theory for ductile materials
 Maximum-Normal-stress for Brittle materials
 Coulomb-Mohr theory for ductile materials
2.4 Selection of failure criteria for a particular design
2.5 Failure of brittle materials

3.0 Failure Prevention- Fatigue failures

3.1 Fatigue Failure in Analysis and design
 Fatigue –life method
 Fatigue strength and endurance limit
 Endurance limit modifying factors
 Stress concentration and notch sensitivity
3.2 Combination of loading modes
3.3 Surface fatigue strength
3.4 Fatigue failure for fluctuating stress
3.5 Torsional fatigue strength under fluctuating stresses

4.0 Introduction to Analysis tools- Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

4.1 Finite – element solution process
 Mesh generation
 Load application
 Boundary conditions
4.2 Modelling techniques
4.3 Thermal stresses
4.4 Vibration analysis

5.0 Reliability and Quality control in design

5.1 Reliability
5.2 Exponential distribution
5.3 System reliability
5.4 Weibull distribution
5.5 Quality control

6.0 Tolerances and fits

6.1 Component tolerances
6.2 Tolerance bands and typical applications
6.3 Standard fits for holes and shafts
6.4 Introduction to geometrical tolerance
6.5 GT symbols and terms
6.6 Material conditions
7.0 Gears
7.1 Classification of gears
7.2 Gear terminology

7.3 Gear failure
7.4 Gear trains
7.5 Tooth systems
7.6 Force analysis

8.0 Shafts
8.1 Types of shafts and their applications
8.2 Methods of mounting machine elements on shafts
8.3 Types of loading on shafts
8.4 Shaft materials
8.5 Critical speeds of shafts
8.6 8.6 Fits and limits on shafts

9.0 Hydrostatic bearings

9.1 Classifications of bearings
9.2 Bearing materials
9.3 Design of full film hydrodynamic bearings
9.4 Bearing load life at rated reliability
9.5 Combined radial and thrust loading
9.6 Variable loading

10.0 Clutches, coupling and Brakes

10.1 Classification of clutches
10.2 Clutch selection criteria
10.3 Design of clutch plates
10.4 Types of brakes
10.5 Types of couplings
10.6 Adequacy assessment for clutches and brakes

11.0 Springs
11.1 Types of springs
11.2 Stability of springs
11.3 Helical compression spring for dynamic static services
11.4 Spring materials
11.5 Curvature effect
11.6 Helical compression springs for
11.7 Extension springs
11.8 Dynamic service of
11.9 Spring life.

12.0 Bolted, riveted and welded joints

12.1 Terminology for riveted joints
12.2 Types of riveted joints

12.3 Factors in design of rivets
12.4 Strength and rivet failures
12.5 Efficiency of riveted joints
12.6 Bolt strength
12.7 Bolted and riveted joints loaded in shear
12.8 Adequacy assessment for welded joints

13.0 Belts and pulleys

13.1 Types of belt drives
13.2 Selection of belt drives
13.3 Velocity ratio of belt drives
13.4 Flat and V – belts
13.5 Ratio of driving tensions
13.6 Flat metal belts

14.0 Power transmission systems

14.1 Design sequence for power transmission
14.2 Power and torque requirements
 Gear specifications
 Shaft layout, material selection
 Bearing selection
 Key and retaining ring selection

15.0 Dynamic load systems

15.1 Shaft and belt systems applied to hammer mill assembly

16.0 Professional communication techniques

16.1 Detailed drawings of mechanical component


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Prescribed text book

1. J.E Shigley& C.R. Mischke, Mechanical Engineering Design, 6th Edition, Tata
McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, India, 2003, ISBN 0-07- 049462-2

Recommended text books

1. J.E Shigley& C.R. Mischke, Mechanical Engineering Design, 6th Edition, Tata
McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, India, 2003, ISBN 0-07- 049462-2
2. Robert C. Juvinall& Kurt M. Marshek, Fundamentals of machine component design,
5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons

EM 470 Manufacturing Technology

Background and Rationale

This course provides the student with an introduction to industrial manufacturing from
mechanical technology viewpoint. The overall aim is to establish the technical knowledge
for selection, design, and planning of manufacturing processes and systems.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Describe selected metal forming operations.

2. Select appropriate coating and surface enhancement processes, and understand their
3. Evaluate the forces associated with standard machining, turning, and grinding
4. Describe molding and casting processes for metals and polymers.
5. Describe manufacturing processes for powder metal alloys.
6. Demonstrate understanding of the basic product design and manufacturability.
7. Describe the selected shaping processes for polymers.
8. Demonstrate understanding of the different machining operations (turning, grinding,
EDM, ECM and others) and describe various machineries.


1. Describing selected metal forming operations.

2. Selecting appropriate coating and surface enhancement processes, and understand
their limitations.
3. Evaluating the forces associated with standard machining, turning, and grinding
4. Describing molding and casting processes for metals and polymers.
5. Describing manufacturing processes for powder metal alloys.
6. Understanding basic product design and manufacturability.
7. Describing the selected shaping processes for polymers.
8. Understanding different machining operations (turning, grinding, EDM, ECM and
others) and describe various machineries.


1. Concept of manufacturing; classification of manufacturing processes.

2. Fundamentals of casting. Basic understanding of commonly used casting processes
(sand casting, investment casting and permanent mould casting processes).

3. Fundamentals of metal forming; hot and cold working; basic understanding of

primary metal forming processes (rolling, forging, extrusion and drawing processes,
punching and blanking).

4. Fundamentals of metal cutting; tool-work interaction for production of machined

surfaces. Classification of machining processes. Basic machining operations (turning,
shaping, planning, drilling and milling processes). NC/CNC Programming and

5. Fundamentals of grinding and finishing;

6. Nonconventional machining processes;

7. Rapid prototyping techniques;

8. Fundamentals of welding processes; introduction to primary welding and allied


9. Surface treatment;

10. Selection of manufacturing processes. Design for manufacturability.

11. Need for integration-commercial, economic and technological perspective; basic

tools of integration; concept of a system. Introduction to information technology and
its elements.

12. Product and process design- for integration; design for economic manufacturing;
design for manufacturing integration.

13. Introduction to computer aided process planning; selection of machine tools.


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Recommended text books

[1]. Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing; Materials, Processes and Systems, by M. P.

Groover, 4th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-470-46700-8.).
[2]. Phillip D. Rufe, Fundamentals of Manufacturing, Society of Manufacturing
Engineering, 2nd ed.


Each final year student in the School of Engineering must conduct and complete a project
assignment. The topic for the project work is selected by the student with the approval of his
Departmental Project Co-ordinator at the end of the Fourth year so that preliminary study and
planning can start during the following long vacation.

Projects may involve design, construction, testing and/or management and require laboratory
investigation, field work, analysis, design, study and library research. An oral progress report
will be required of the student at specified times during the academic year. Assessment of
these will contribute to the final continuous assessment.

The student will submit to his Head of Department, by the end of classes in the third term, 2
(two) copies of the formal report on his project work.

The final examination in this course shall be an oral examination.

MG 531 ManagementStudies
Background and Rationale

To enable students acquire management skills and a comprehensive foundation on the

fundamentals of management. To expose students to strategic thinking, entrepreneurial
thinking, and active management essential to personal andorganizational effectiveness and
effective organizational change.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Demonstrate understanding of the functions of management

2. Demonstrate understanding of the Managerial systems
3. Apply Marketing
4. Apply Engineering Economics
5. Apply Finance
6. Apply Legal studies


7. Understanding functions of management

8. Understanding Managerial systems
9. Applying Marketing
10. Applying Engineering Economics
11. Applying Finance
12. Applying Legal studies


1. Introduction to Principles of Management: Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and

Strategy. Personality, Attitudes, and Work Behaviors History, Globalization, and
Values-Based Leadership.

1. Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial perspective: types of entrepreneurs,

characteristics of entrepreneurs, writing business plans. Government policies on
small business ventures. Enterprising opportunities: business motivation,
competencies and skills, product concept and description, market assessment.
Starting new business ventures: the calculated risk, business planning and
2. Developing Mission, Vision, and Values:
3. Strategizing: Strategic Management in the P-O-L-C
4. Goals and Objectives:
5. Organizational Structure and Change, Organizational Culture,Social Networks.
6. Leading People and Organizations:
7. Decision Making:
8. Communication in Organizations:
9. Managing Groups and Teams:
10. Motivating Employees:
11. The Essentials of Control:
12. Strategic Human Resource Management :
13. Managerial systems
14. Industrial and operations management
15. Marketing
16. Total Quality Management (TQM)
17. TPM
18. JIT
19. Engineering Economics
20. Financial accounting and management


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Prescribed text book

1. Tony Morden, Pinciples of Management 2nd Edition , 2006

Recommended text books

1. Mike W . Peng , Global Strategy , 2nd Edition , South West, 2009

2. William Stevenson, Operations Management, 11th Edition
3. Buchanan, D &Huczyniki, ( 1997) Organisation Behaviuor: Introductly tests, 3rd
edition. Practice Hall Inter London.
4. “Business Law” Painter A and Lawson R. Hienemann
5. “English Law” Smith and Keenan, ELBS, Pitman

EM 511 Electromechanical Design

Background and Rationale

A practical approach to Electromechanical systems design with emphasis on the design

process, the design core, design methodology; component design, engineering drawing,
modeling, analysis, and design considerations. Provides practical tools for the design of
electrical and mechanical systems.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Apply principles of machine design and assembly using a standard Machinery

2. Create solid models and engineering drawings, suitable for communication to a
professional machine shop. Be able to understand and interpret engineering drawings.
3. Design complex Electromechanical systems.
4. Demonstrate proficiency in the use of appropriate computer aided software.


The overall objective of this course is to learn a systematic and deterministic process for
designing complex multi‐disciplinary engineering systems by getting exposure to all aspects
of system design. The key learning objectives for the student are to:

1. Understand and apply principles of machine design and assembly using a standard
Machinery Handbook.
2. Be able to create solid models and engineering drawings, suitable for communication
to a professional machine shop. Be able to understand and interpret engineering
3. Be able to design complex Electromechanical systems.
4. Become proficient in the use of appropriate computer aided software.


1. The Design Process

Total design activity, market/user needs and demands, Product Design Specification
(PDS), conceptual design, detail design, manufacture, etc.

2. Engineering Design Methods

3. Electromechanical Systems
Design considerations, Integration of mechanical and electrical elements, Assembly,
Maintenance, Interfacing, materials, etc.

4. Introduction to Electromechanical System Design

Intelligent products and processes; components of a Mechatronics system; engineering
design process; development of design specifications.

5. Case Studies

6. Application and use of CAD/CAM/CAE in Electromechanical design (3D

Simulation and Modelling)
CAD/CAM/CAE & Applications, 2D & 3D CAD modelling and simulation, finite
element analysis

7. Design and Manufacture Interface

Design for Manufacture & Assembly, Limitations of traditional Engineering

8. Product Development (total approach)

9. Design for the Environment

Engineering materials, Environmental laws, Healthy & Safety Act, Sustainable
development, Computer modelling.

10. Group projects (Mini-projects)

Mini-projects are meant to apply engineering principles learnt. These may be both
practical and theoretical.

11. Laboratory Assignments

Investigative approach on existing systems.


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Prescribed text book

1. Mechanical Engineering Design, Joseph Edward Shigley

Recommended text books

1. Stuart Pugh, Total Design 1991, Addison Wesley

2. Chris McMahon & Jimmie Browne, CAD/CAM principles, practice & manufacturing
management 1998, Addison Wesley.
3. Electromechanical Design Handbook – Ronald A Walsh
4. Mechanical Design Process – David G. Ullman
5. Mechanics of Machines – Various
6. CAD Books (the Internet)

EM 541 Heat and Mass Transfer

Background and Rationale

The purpose of this course is to give the students a basic knowledge of the heat and mass
transfer and thereby transferring the main principles and applications of the subject to the
students. You should become familiar with the principles of heat and mass transfer and solve
relevant problems regarding heat exchangers and similar equipment commonly used in

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Explain heat transfer mechanisms

2. Apply heat conduction equation
3. Apply numerical methods in heat conduction
4. Demonstrate understanding of different types of heat exchangers
5. Demonstrate understanding of the fundamentals of thermal radiation
6. Demonstrate understanding of mass transfer


1. To familiarize students with the theory of heat and mass transfer

2. Using heat and mass transfer principles in equipment or appliances used in society
3. Understanding various concepts of convection, conduction, radiation and diffusion as
applied to components that improve or facilitate the performance of such appliances
in different applications.


1.Introduction and basic concepts

1.1 thermodynamics and heat transfer
1.2 engineering heat transfer
1.3 heat transfer mechanism; conduction,convection,radiation
1.4 problem-solving techniques.

2. Heat conduction equation

2.1 one dimension heat conduction equation;
2.2 general heat conduction equation..
2.3 boundary and initial condition,
2.4 heat generation in a solid

3. Steady heat conduction

3.1 steady heat conduction in plane walls
3.2 heat conduction in cylinders and spheres;
3.3 heat transfer from finned surfaces
3.4 generalised thermal resistance .

3.5 heat transfer in common configurations

4.Transient heat conduction

4.1 Lumped system analysis
4.2 transient heat conduction in large plane walls, long cylinders
4.3 transient heat conduction in semi-infinite solids.

5.Numerical methods in heat conduction

5.1 why numerical methods?
5.2 finite difference formulation
5.3 1-D steady heat conduction
5.4 2-D steady heat conduction
5.5 transient heat conduction

6.Fundamentals of convection
6.1 physical mechanism of convection.
6.2 classification of fluid flow,
6.3 velocity boundary layer,
6.4 thermal boundary layer,
6.5 laminar and turbulent flows.

7 Heat Exchangers
7.1 types of heat exchangers.
7.2 the overall heat exchanger coefficient
7.3 .analysis of heat exchanger
7.4 the log mean temperature difference method

8.0 Fundamentals of thermal radiation

8.1 thermal radiation
8.2 black body radiation
8.3 atmospheric and solar radiation
8.4 radiative properties

9.0 Mass transfer.

9.1 analogies between heat and mass transfer.
9.2 mass diffusion.
9.3 mass convection
9.4 simultaneous heat and mass transfer


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Prescribed text book

1. Incropela F.P., Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer. John Wiley & Sons
1990, ISBN 0-471-51729-1.

Recommended text books

1. Holman J.P. Heat Transfer, Sixth Ed. MacGraw-Hill. 1988. ISBN 0-07-029620-0’
2. Incropela F.P., Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer. John Wiley & Sons
1990, ISBN 0-471-51729-1.

EM 550 Turbo Machines
Background and Rationale

The goal of this course is to produce students competent in identifying, designing and
evaluating turbo machines such as pumps, compressors, axial fans, and turbines used in the
energy sector, agriculture, aerospace, transportation, and other purposes. The principles of
thermodynamics and fluid mechanics play a pivotal role in the application of the fundamental
laws that govern turbo machines.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Build concepts of velocity triangles, reaction, meridional and cascade views of turbo
machines ;
2. Design and evaluateblade angles, flow regimes, steady, compressible and
incompressible in order to determine the efficiencies of the turbo machines and
performance characteristics.


1. Understanding basic concepts of turbo machinery

2. Building concepts of velocity triangles, reaction, meridional and cascade views of
turbo machines ;
3. Designing and evaluating blade angles, flow regimes, steady, compressible and
incompressible in order to determine the efficiencies of the turbo machines and
performance characteristics.


1. Basic turbo machinery concepts

velocity triangles, cascade views, reaction,
Continuity equation, Bernoulli’s equation, energy equation for compressible flow,
thermodynamics, input shaft and useful work, specific work for hydro machines,
incompressible turbo machinery and Euler equation, efficiency, losses, performance

2. Introduction to CFD
3. Similarity laws in turbomachinery and dimensional analysis
Dimensional performance variables for pumps, fans and compressors and turbines.

4. Cavitation
In pumps and turbines, the relation of pressures, and vapour pressure at suction point and
Net positive suction head available and required, NPSHa,

5. Hydro power machinery

Generation of power with impulse and reaction turbines, effective head , Euler head and
hydraulic losses, draft tube

6. Pelton wheel
Hydraulic efficiencies, velocity triangles, output power, overall efficiencies, mechanical
efficiencies, jet power. wheel efficiency,

7. Francis Turbine
Hydraulic efficiencies, velocity triangles, output power, overall efficiencies, mechanical

8. Kaplan Turbine
Hydraulic efficiencies, velocity triangles, output power, overall efficiencies, mechanical
9. Torque convertors and hydraulic couplings
Hydrokinetic couplings, hydro viscous couplings, hydrostatic couplings,

10. Wind turbine

Horizontal-axis variety, vertical-axis design eggbeater-style,


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Prescribed text book

1. Grant Igram, “Basic Concepts in Turbomachinery”, Grant Ingram &Ventus
Publishing ApS,2009

Recommended text books

1. Dixon.S.L. and C.A.Hall “Fluid mechanics and thermodynamics of turbo

machinery”,6ed,pergamon press,UK,2010
2. Grant Igram, “Basic Concepts in Turbomachinery”, Grant Ingram &Ventus
Publishing ApS,2009
3. Meyer C.F, “Application of fluid mechanics”,1ed,part 2, CMK lecture material,
Tshwane University of Technology,1995

EE 570 Electrical Power Systems and Protection
Background and Rationale

To equip the trainee with skills and knowledge of protecting electrical power systems and
protection equipment

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Carryout basic fault calculations and analysis of balanced faults

2. Demonstrate understanding of system earthing
3. Explain the essential features of a switch gear
4. Demonstrate understanding of the selection and application of fuses
5. Explain the selection of current transformers
6. Explain the applications of overcurrent protection
7. Explain transmission line protection, transformer protection, Bus bar protection and
protection of AC motors


8. Protecting electrical power systems

9. Applying protection of equipment


1.0 Introduction to Protection

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Attributes of a protection System
1.3 Zones of protection
1.4 Primary and Back -up Protection
1.5 Various Principles of Power systems protection
1.6 Basic fault calculations and analysis of balanced faults

2.0 System Earthing

2.1 Methods of Earthing
2.2 Solid or Direct Earthing
2.3 Resistance Earthing
2.4 Reactance Earthing
2.5 Low voltage System Earthing

3.0 Switch Gear

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Essential Features of switch gear
3.3 Switch Gear Equipment
3.4 Switchgear accommodation

4.0 Fuses

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Definitions
4.3 Fusing Element
4.4 Types of fuses
4.5 Low voltage fuses
4.6 High voltage fuses
4.7 Selection and application

5.0 Relay Technology

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Electromechanical Relays
5.3 Static Relays
5.4 Digital Relays
5.5 Numerical Relays

6.0 Current Transformers

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Terms and definitions
6.3 Accuracy classes
6.4 Burden on CT
6.5 Magnetisation curve of CT
6.6 Open circuit secondary of CT
6.7 Polarity of Ct connections
6.8 Ct winding arrangements
6.9 Selection of Current Transformers
6.10 Testing of CT’s

7.0 Voltage Transformers

7.1 Introduction
7.2 Terms and Definitions
7.3 Accuracy classes and uses
7.4 Burden on VT
7.5 Connections of VTs
7.6 Types of construction of VTs
7.7 Testing of VTs

8.0 Overcurrent Protection

8.1 Introduction
8.2 Overcurrent relays and characteristic types
8.3 Co-ordination Procedure and Requirements
8.4 Relay setting
8.5 Recommended Grading Intervals
8.6 Directional Overcurrent Relay
8.7 Earth fault protection
8.8 Application of overcurrent protection
8.9 Drawbacks of overcurrent protection

9.0 Differential Protection

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Principle of circulating current differential (Merz-Prize) protection
9.3 Balanced voltage differential protection
9.4 Difficulties in differential protection
9.5 Biased or percent differential relay
9.6 High impedance differential protection
9.7 Settings of differential relays
9.8 Differential protection of 3-phase circuits
9.9 Application of differential protection

10.0 Distance Protection

10.1 Introduction
10.2 Principles of Distance protection
10.3 Distance relay characteristics
10.4 Zones of protection
10.5 Distance relay implementation
10.6 Distance Protection schemes
10.7 Distance protection application
10.8 Distance relay application problems

11.0 Auto reclosing

11.1 Introduction
11.2 Fundamentals of auto reclosing
11.3 Auto reclosing on transmission and subtransmission systems
11.4 Factors influencing autoreclosing schemes
11.5 Autoreclosing on EHV transmission lines

12.0 Transmission Line Protection

12.1 Introduction
12.2 Overcurrent protection of lines
12.3 Distance protection of transmission lines
12.4 Protection of Lines based on Differential Principle
12.5 Carrier current protection of transmission lines

13.0 Transformer Protection

13.1 Introduction
13.2 Types of faults in Transformers
13.3 Overcurrent Protection of Transformers
13.4 Differential Protection of Transformers
13.5 Restricted earth fault protection
13.6 Frame-earth Protection
13.7 Buchholz relay
13.8 Overfluxing Protection
13.9 SBEF Protection

14.0 Busbar Protection

14.1 Introduction
14.2 Busbar faults
14.3 Protection requirements
14.4 Types of protection system
14.5 Frame-earth protection

14.6 Differentialprotection
14.7 Arc flash protection

15.0 AC Motor Protection

15.1 Introduction
15.2 Abnormal operating conditions and causes of failures in AC motors
15.3 Protection requirements
15.4 Protection of low voltage induction motor
15.5 Protection of large motors
15.6 Short circuit protection
15.7 Earth fault protection
15.8 Thermal (overload) protection
15.9 Protection against voltage unbalance
15.10 Protection against single phasing
15.11 Faults in rotor windings

16.0 Generator Protection

16.1 Introduction
16.2 Stator windings faults
16.3 Differential protection of stator
16.4 Overcurrent protection of Stator
16.5 Stator earth fault protection
16.6 Inter-turn protection
16.7 Overvoltage protection
16.8 Undervoltage protection
16.9 Low forward power/reverse power protection
16.10 Over/under frequency/over fluxing protection
16.11 Rotor faults
16.12 Rotor earth fault protection
16.13 Rotor shorted turns and protection
16.14 Stator overheating

17.0 Protection Against Over Voltages

17.1 Introduction
17.2 Voltage surge
17.3 Causes of overvoltages
17.4 Lightening
17.5 Mechanisms of lightening discharge
17.6 Types of lightening strokes
17.7 Harmful effect of lightening
17.8 Protection against lightening
17.9 The earthing screen
17.10 Overhead ground wires


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Prescribed text book

1. Mehta V.K and Rohit – Principles of Power Systems, S.Chand and Company ltd New
Delhi, India, 2004

Recommended text books

1. G.E.C Measurements – Protective Relays Application Guide England, 1983

2. Wellington F. E – Protective Gear Handbook Pitman Press, Bath, England, 1968
3. Weedy, B. M – Electric Power Systems, John Wiley and Sons, UK 1987


EM 531 Tribology
Background and Rationale

To provide students with a general and useful introduction to the main concepts and
principles of Tribology, with particular emphasis on lubricated systems

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Demonstrate understanding of the main features of various regimes of lubrication,

including the ability to estimate lubricant film thickness, pressure, friction and
temperature in hydrodynamic, hydrostatic and elastohydrodynamic lubricated contacts
in mixed lubrication;
2. Relate tribological principles of contact mechanics and lubrication to the selection and
design of machine components including plain bearings, rolling element bearings and
spur gears;
3. Describe the main materials used in plain bearings, rolling element bearings and gears
and the reasons for the materials being used;
4. Identify the main types of tribologically-induced surface damage (wear, scuffing,
pitting) from photographs;


1. Describing the main features of various regimes of lubrication, including the ability
to estimate lubricant film thickness, pressure, friction and temperature in
hydrodynamic, hydrostatic and elastohydrodynamic lubricated contacts in mixed
2. relatingtribological principles of contact mechanics and lubrication to the selection
and design of machine components including plain bearings, rolling element bearings
and spur gears;
3. Describing the main materials used in plain bearings, rolling element bearings and
gears and the reasons for the materials being used;
4. Identifying the main types of tribologically-induced surface damage (wear, scuffing,
pitting) from photographs;


1. Fundamentals of Contact Between Solids

Introduction Surfaces of solids, Surfaces at a nano scale, Surface topography,
Characterization of surface topography, Characterization of surface topography by statistical
parameters , Multi-scale characterization of surface topography, Optimum surface roughness,

Contact between solids, Model of contact between solids based on statistical parameters of
rough surfaces
2. Friction

Introduction, Role of Friction, Mechanisms of Friction, Theories of Friction, Types of

Friction, Factors Affecting Coefficient of Friction, Qualitative Ranges of friction, Rolling
Friction, Sliding Friction, Friction of Non-Metals.

3. Wear

Introduction, Tribological surfaces, Stresses Involved in Tribological testing, Adhesive Wear

Abrasive wear, Fatigue Wear, Corrosive and Oxidative Wear, Physical Film Formation, Fluid
and Cavitation Erosion, Fretting Wear, Mild vs. Severe Wear

4. Physical Properties of Lubricants

Introduction, Oil viscosity, Dynamic viscosity, Kinematic viscosity, Viscosity temperature

relationship, Viscosity-tempeture equations Viscosity-temperature chart, Viscosity index,
Viscosity pressure relationship, Viscosity-shear rate relationship, Viscosity measurements,
Capillary viscometers, Rotational viscometers, Rotating cylinder viscometer, Cone on plate
viscometer, Other viscometers.

4. Lubricants And Their Composition

Introducation, Mineral oils, Sources of mineral oils, Manufacture of mineral oils Types of
mineral oils, Chemical forms, Sulphur content, Viscosity Synthetic oils, Hydrocarbon
synthetic lubricants, Emulsions and aqueous lubricants, Manufacturing of emulsions,
Composition, Base oils, Thickener

5. Hydrodynamic Lubrication

Introduction, Reynolds equation, Simplifying assumptions, Equilibrium of an element,

Continuity of flow in a column, simplifications to the Reynolds equation, Unidirectional
velocity approximation, Steady film thickness approximation, isoviscous approximation,
infinitely long bearing approximation, Narrow bearing approximation, Bearing parameters
predicted from Reynolds equation, Pressure distribution, Load capacity, Friction force,
Coefficient of friction, Lubrication flow, Pad bearings, Infinite linear pad bearing, Bearing
geometry, Pressure distribution, Load capacity, Friction force, Coefficient of friction,
Lubrication flow rate, Infinite Rayleigh step bearing, Other wedge geometries of infinite pad
bearings, Tapered land wedge, Parabolic wedge, Parallel surface bearings, Spiral groove
bearings, Finite pad bearings, Pivoted pad bearing, Converging-diverging wedges, Bearing
geometry, Pressure distribution, Full-sommerfeld boundary condition, Half–sommerfed
boundary condition, Reynolds boundary condition, Load capacity, Journal bearings,
Evaluation of the main parameters, Bearing geometry, Pressure distribution, Load capacity,
Friction force, Coefficient of friction, Lubricant flow rate.

6. Hydrostatic Lubrication

Introduction, Hydrostatic bearings analysis, Flat circular hydrostatic pad bearings, Pressure
distribution, Lubricant flow, Load capacity, Friction torque, Friction power loss, Non-flat
circular hydrostatic pad bearings, Pressure distribution, Lubrication flow, Load capacity,

Friction torque, Friction power loss, Generalised approach to hydrostatic bearing analysis,
Flat circular pad bearings, Flat square pad bearings, Optimization of hydrostatic bearings
design, Minimization of power.

7. Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication

Introduction, Contact stresses, Simplifying assumptions to Hertz’s theory, Stress status in

static contact, Stress status in lubricated rolling and sliding contacts, Contact between two
elastic spherical or spherical bodies, Geometry of contacting elastic bodies, Two elastic
bodies with convex surface in contact, Two elastic bodies with one convex and one flat
surface in contact.

1. Boundary And Extreme Pressure Lubrication

Introduction, Low temperature – low load lubrication mechanisms, Low temperature – high
load lubrication mechanisms, Model of absorption on sliding surfaces, High temperature –
medium load lubrication mechanisms chain matching, Thick films of soapy or amorphous
Introduction to magnetic bearings, different equations used in magnetic bearings, Magneto-
gas dynamo bearings. Advanced bearings technology, Service application chart, Lubrication
of specific equipment in specific industries, Lubrication organization.

2. Bearing Selection
Introduction, Selection and Design of Rolling Bearings
Fatigue Life Calculations, Bearing Operating Temperature, Rolling Bearing Lubrication,
Bearing Precision, Selection of Oil Versus Grease, Grease Lubrication, Grease Life, Liquid
Lubrication Systems


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Recommended text books

1. Stachowiak and Batchelor, Engineering Tribology, Butterwoth-Heinemann

EM 542 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Background and Rationale

The purpose of this course is to give the students a basic knowledge of the refrigeration and
air conditioning and thereby transferring the main principles and applications of the subject to
the students.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Demonstrate understanding of the theory of refrigeration and air conditioning and

apply these principles in equipment or appliances used in society.
2. Demonstrate understanding ofthe various concepts of enthalpy, entropy, latent heats
of vaporization and fussion and psychrometric processes as applied to components
that improve or facilitate the performance of such appliances in different applications.


1. To familiarize students with the theory of refrigeration and air conditioning and the
use of these principles in equipment or appliances used in society.
2. To understand the various concepts of enthalpy, entropy, latent heats of vaporization
and fussion and psychrometric processes as applied to components that improve or
facilitate the performance of such appliances in different applications.


I. Introduction
2. Air Refrigeration Cycles
3. Air Refrigeration systems
4. Simple Vapour Compression Systems
5. Compound Vapour Compression Systems
6. Multi-evaporator and Compressor Systems
7. Vapour Absorption Refrigeration Systems
8. Refrigerants
9. Refrigerant Compressors
10. Condensers
11. Evaporators
12. Expansion Devices
13. Food Preservation
14. Low Temperature Refrigeration (Cryogenics)
15. Steam Jet Refrigeration System
16. Psychrometry
17. Comfort Conditions
18. Air Conditioning Systems
19. Cooling Load Estimation
20. Ducts


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Prescribed text book

1. Khurmi R.S. and Gupta J.K. A Textbook of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning,
Fourth Ed. Eurasia Publishing House (P) Ltd. 2008. ISBN 81-219-2781—1

Recommended text books

1. Jones W.P. Air Conditioning Engineering. Third Ed. ELBS, 1989. ISBN 0-7131-
2. Modern Refrigeration

EM 542 Maintenance Engineering and Environmental Practice
Background and Rationale

This course is aimed at equipping engineering students with knowledge of environmental

management and plant maintenance to enhance sustainable development

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Apply environmental engineering principles

2. Demonstrate understanding of environmental governance and related legislation
3. Demonstrate understanding of the safety practices
4. Demonstrate understanding of reliability centered maintenance and preventive
5. Demonstrate understanding of plant safety
6. Apply knowledge of condition monitoring
7. Demonstrate understanding of maintenance systems and maintenance budgeting
8. Demonstrate understanding of spare-part management
9. Demonstrate understanding of maintenance management information system


To impart knowledge of environmental management and plant maintenance.


1. Energy and the environment

2. Environmental engineering principles, including sustainable development, ethical
elements of environmental management and socio-ecological factors in decision
3. Environmental assessments and management, including pollution control and
abatement, environmental impact assessments, environmental auditing, environmental
management systems and ISO 14000 standards
4. Environmental governance and related legislation
5. Safety practices; factories act, electricity act, occupational health and safety act, risk
assessment, emergency preparedness plans, plant safety procedures
6. Strategic maintenance planning, plant acquisition policy, business interface,
structuring of maintenance objectives
7. Reliability statistics and Reliability Centered Maintenance
8. Plant safety; factories act, occupational health and safety act,
9. Plant maintenance life planning and scheduling
10. Preventive maintenance
11. Condition monitoring
12. Condition based maintenance
13. Managing maintenance resources
14. Maintenance organization
15. Total Productive Maintenance
16. Maintenance systems
17. Maintenance budgeting

18. Network analysis technique for management of shutdowns
19. Spare-part management
20. Maintenance management information systems


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Prescribed text book

1. John Moubray (1997), Reliability – Centered Maintenance, 2nd Edition, Butterworth –

Heinemann, United Kingdom.

Recommended text books

1. John Moubray (1997), Reliability – Centered Maintenance, 2nd Edition, Butterworth –

Heinemann, United Kingdom.
2. Environmental management text books.
3. Plant engineering text books.
4. Maintenance management text books

EE 571 Renewable Energy Systems
Background and Rationale

Utilization of renewable energy systems are on a steady rise in the electrical power grid. This
course aims to introduce students to the different types of renewable energy resources. It
provides in-depth knowledge of power generation using solar, wind and biomass with
emphasis on the integration of such systems to the main utility grid.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Formulate model analyses for PWM power converters

2. Discuss different types of renewable energy resources including solar, wind and
3. Formulate analyses of power generation using renewable energy resourses
4. Formulate model analyses for integration of power generated using renewable energy
resources to the main utility grid.
5 Discuss impact of renewable energy resources and fossil fuels on the environment:
climate change, energy policy


1. Formulating model analyses for PWM power converters

2. Discussing different types of renewable energy resources including solar, wind and
3. Formulating analyses of power generation using renewable energy resources
4. Formulating model analyses for integration of power generated using renewable
energy resources to the main utility grid.
6 Discussing impact of renewable energy resources and fossil fuels on the environment:
climate change, energy policy


1. Power Electronics
i. Power Diodes
ii. PWM DC-to-DC converters
iii. PWM AC-to-DC converters (Rectifiers): single phase and three phase
iv. PWM DC-to-AC converters (inverters): single phase and three phase

2. Solar Power Generation

i. Fundamentals of solar power: Solar spectrum, Earth’s Orbit, sun path
diagram, PV cells, PV modules
ii. Connections of solar modules: Series connection, parallel connection,
Effect of obstructions on modules, power storage systems.
iii. Solar farms: Bulk power generation
iv. Connection of solar power to utility grid: Requirements, Standards,


3. Wind Power
i. Fundamentals of wind power
ii. Wind turbine: types, operation
iii. Wind power generators
iv. Wind power plants (Wind farms): Design, operation, control.
v. Connection of wind power to the main utility grid: Requirements,
Standards, Challenges

4. Biomass
i. Fundamentals of biomass heat & power
ii. Production of biomass: Safety requirements, standards
iii. Biomass Combined Heat & Power
iv. Biomass power generators
v. Connection of biomass power to the main utility grid: Requirements,
Standards, Challenges

5. Environmental Impacts of Fossil Fuels

1. Life cycle of impacts
2. Use impacts
3. Climate change impacts
4. Method of reducing impacts

7 Energy Policy on Fossil Fuels and Renewable Energy

i. Production
ii. Usage
iii. Disposal


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Prescribed text book

1. Gilbert. M Masters,’Renewable& Efficient Electric Power Systems,’ John Wiley &

Sons, Inc,2004, ISBN 0-471226939

Recommended text books

1. N.Mohan, T.M Undeland& W.P Robbins,’Power Electronics: Converters,

2. Applications and Design,’ Wiley, 2002, ISBN-10: 0471226939
3. Glover Duncan,MulukutlaSarma, Overbye Thomas, ‘Power Systems Analysis and
Design,’ 5th Edition,Cengage Learning, 2012, ISBN-13: 978-1-111-42577-7

4. Mohammed E. El-Hawary,’ Electrical Energy Systems,’ New York, CRC Press

EE 541 Electrical Drives
Background and Rationale

To give the student the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to understand the different
types of Electrical Drives

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Classify the different types of drives

2. Apply different speed control methods
3. Demonstrate understanding of motor selection
4. Demonstrate understanding of load equalization


1. Classifying the different types of drives

2. Applying different speed control methods
3. Understanding motor selection
4. Understanding load equalization


1.0 Introduction
1.1 Definition of Electric Drive System.
1.2 Classification of Electric Drives.
1.3 Control Schemes.
1.4 Four-Quadrant Operation.
1.5 Speed Control Methods.
1.6 Components of Electric Drives.

2.0 Motor Heating, Cooling and Rating

2.1 Cause of Heating
2.2 Effect of Heating on insulation.
2.3 Insulation classes.
2.4 Cooling of motors.
2.5 Motor ratings.
2.6 Motor Selection to much load cycle

3.0 Rotating M/C Windings

3.1 Armature Windings.
3.2 Generation of E.M.F.
3.3 Coil Span Factor nks .
3.4 Slot pitch.
3.5 Distribution factor nkd.
3.6 E.m.f. of group of ‘g’ coils.
3.7 Phase spread.

3.8 Phase grouping.
3.9 Coil group connections
3.10Uniform winding.
3.11 Skewed slots.
3.12 Types of windings.
3.13 Nomenclature.
3.14 Single layer windings.
3 .15 Double layer windings.
3.16 Lap and wave windings.
3.17 Open type winding.
3.18 Closed type winding.
3.19 One-phase and two-phase windings.
3.20 Choice of winding.
3.21 M.M.F. of windings.
3.22 M.M.F. due to one phase winding.
3.23 M.M.F. due to three-phase winding.

4.0 Electrical Drive Systems

4.1 Introduction.
4.2 Load Equalization.
4.3 DC Drive Systems.
4.4 Shunt motor.
4.5 Series motor
4.6 Compound motor.
4.7 DC Industrial Motor Control.
4.8 Ward-Leonard System.
4.9 DC motor Transient Behaviour.
4.10 DC Variable Speed Drives (VSD).
4.11 Phase Control.
4.12 Phase Control Applications.
4.13Traction Drives.
4.14 Integral Cycle Control.
4.15 Chopper Control.
4.16 Transformer Rating.

5.0 AC Drive Systems

5.1 Poly-phase Drives.

5.2 Conventional Drives.
5.3 Rotor resistance method.

5.4 Pole changing method.
5.5 Variable Voltage Variable Frequency (VVVF - VSD).
5.6 Concatenation of IMs.
5.7 Inserting voltages in rotor circuit.
5.8 Cramer System
5.9 Rossman Drive System.
5.10 Eddy current coupling System.
5.11 Modern AC Drives.
5.12 Variable Voltage Variable Frequency (VVVF - VSD).
5.13 DC Link Inverters.
5.14 Pulse-width modulated wave output (PWM).
5.15 Basic PWM
5.16 Sine-weighted PWM
5.17 Current Source Inverter.
5.18 Cyclo-conveter.
5.19 Standard SCIM Design and Performance.
5.20 Torque performance on variable frequency supplies.
5.21 Harmonic torques.
5.22 Stability on inverter supplies.
5.23 Operation at low frequency.
5.24 Operation at higher frequency.
5.25 Losses and thermal considerations.
5.26 Noise.
5.27 Application criteria.
5.28 Slip energy recovery.
5.29 Static Kramer Drive.
5.30 Static Scherbius Drive.
5.31 Synchronous motors.
5.32 Comparison of Drives.
5.33 Advantages and Disadvantages of modern Drives.


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Prescribed text book

1. Hughes, “Electrical Technology”, 10th Edition, 2008.

Recommended text books

1. AC Machines - MG Say.
2. Electrical Machines and Drive Systems – CB Gray.
3. Electrical Machines and their Applications.
4. Higher Electrical Engineering – J Shepherd, A Morton, L Spence

EE 521 Electrical Power Systems Analysis
Background and Rationale

To equip clients with tools for real power systems analysis and diagnosis.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:

1. Demonstrate understanding of load flow pathological analysis of the power system.

2. Evaluate different types of faults.
3. Analyse transient stability of the power system
4. Explain high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission
5. Explain over-voltages and insulation co-ordination.


1. To provide clients with load flow pathological analysis of the power system.
2. To equip clients with tools to evaluate different types of faults.
3. To provide clients with tools for analysing transient stability of the power system
4. To introduce clients to high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission
5. To introduce clients to over-voltages and insulation co-ordination.


1. Symmetrical Components
a. Unbalanced Three-phase Systems:
b. Calculation of Power using Sequence Variables:
c. Symmetrical Component Models

2. Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis

a. Use of Symmetrical Components for Fault Analysis
b. Sequence Networks Connections for Different Types of Faults
c. Power System Grounding

3. Power Flow Analysis

a. Common Sign Convention
b. State Evaluation Methods
c. The Bus Admittance Matrix
d. Power Flow Problem
e. Solution Algorithms for the Power Flow Problem

4. Overvoltages and Insulation Coordination

a. Generation of Over-voltages
b. Protection Against Over-voltages
c. Modern Power System Protection Devices
d. Insulation Coordination

5. High Voltage DC Transmission

a. Twelve-Pulse Line-Frequency Converters

b. Control of HVDC Converters
c. Frequency and Voltage Control
d. Active Power and Frequency Control
e. Reactive Power and Voltage Control

6. Transient Stability
a. Power Transfer over a Short Purely Reactive Line
b. Generator Stability (Rotor Angle Stability)
c. Swing Equation
d. Equal Area Criterion


Continuous assessment 40%

Final Examination 60%

Prescribed text book

1. TuranGonen, ‘Electric Power Transmission System-Analysis and Design’, John

Wiley & Sons, New York, 1986.

Recommended text books

1. T. Overbye, D. Glover and M. Sarma,’ Power Systems-Analysis & Design’, 4th Ed.,
Library of Congress Control, USA, 2008.
2. Debapriya Das, ‘Electrical Power Systems’, New Age International Limited
Publishers, New Delhi India, 2006.
3. Mohamed E. El-Hawary, ‘Introduction to Electrical Power Systems’, IEEE Press,
Piscataway, 2008.




Electromechanical Engineering graduates will find employment in almost all private

and public sectors of the economy, some of which are given below:

• Central government
• Local government
• Parastatal organisations
• Education
• Defence
 Mining
 Electricity generation and distribution
 Manufacturing
 Service industry

Job categories in the above-mentioned sectors will include, among others, the

 Sectional Engineer
 Maintenance Engineer
 Plant Engineer
 Design Engineer
 Planning Engineer
 Services/Contracts Engineer


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