Final 04
Final 04
Final 04
1.1 Introduction
Sand is used mostly for any kind of construction. For the purpose building
construction, pure and absolute sand should bed needed. But almost all kinds of sand
have some impurities. To solve this problem sand sieving machine is used. The working
procedure and mechanism of a sand sieving machine are so easy and user friendly.
Before the invention of this machine, people were sieving sand manually. It was too
much time consuming that decreased productivity. But this machine does the same thing
automatically that improves productivity as well as save time. Sands are put into this
machine and this machine removes all kinds of impurities such as small rock, large-
grained particles, coal, clay, and so many things, and finally, you will get the pure and
fresh sand. To improve productivity, ensure the quality of construction, for saving time,
this machine can solve many more such problems in an instant.
There are various types of sand sieving machine present at the market. They are
too heavy as well as bulky. For this reason, those machines are not portable at all easily.
But this machine is small in size as well as very light in weight but performs the same
thing that other machines do. The attached wheels ensure the mobility of this machine
easily. On the other hand, this machine can separate in part by part so easily that anyone
can attach or detach any part easily when needed.
Components of Sieving Machine
2.1 Bolts and Nuts
A nut is a type of fastener with a threaded hole. Nuts are almost always used in
conjunction wit a mating bolt to fasten multiple parts together. The two partners are kept
together by a combination of their threads’ friction, a slight stretching of the bolt, and
compression of the parts to be held together.
A crankshaft is a shaft driven by a crank mechanism consisting of a series of
cranks and crankpins to which the connecting rods of an engine is attached. It is a
mechanical part able to perform a conversion between reciprocating motion and
rotational motion.
2.5 U Beam
U Beam is a type of steel beam, which is a structural steel product with multiple
uses mainly in the construction sector. U-Beams are also known as a parallel flange
channel or C Beams. They typically can be welded together to form l-Beams.
3.1 Work done for sieving machine
m = 1kg(sieve)
F = 80N (assume human effort)
Speed of crank shaft, N = 50 rev/min
Diameter of crank shaft, d = 3 inches = 3x2.54 = 7.62 cm
v = π dN / 60
= π / 60 x 50 x 0.0762
v = 0.1994 m/s
displacement, s = 5 cm = 0.05m
work done = F x s
= 80 x 0.05
= 4Nm(J)
Sand sieving machine serves to remove large grains from small grains through a
sieve. Sand sieving machine is using for separating wanted sand from unwanted material.
In the large journey of completion of this project we’ve applied all our theoretical
knowledge that we’ve learnt during out fifth year of Engineering as well as throughout
our student life. We had been given several objectives which we’ve never worked in an
industry and never had any experience of working in such environment.
After all the parts being manufactured, we’ve taken several dry test of the
machine and made sure it works according to the design. And then finally we begin
analysis on different sheets having different thickness to compare the time taken during
production and hence productivity of our machine.
We have encountered many challenges throughout the completion of project but
we tackled them all thanks to the good chemistry among we project member and also
better supervision at the industry helped us a achieving all the objectives.
In this project, fixed sieved is used for home farm. If the sieve is adjustable,
different sizes of the nuts can be filtered, which depends on mesh size used. Through this
project one can get rid of manual separation which is time consuming. Next project
should be run by DC motor which is connect or supplies electricity via adapter.
Oladeji Akanni Ogunwole, Department of Mechanical Engineering Federal University of
Technology, Minna Niger ‘Design construction and testing of a Dry Sand Sieving Machine’ JASEM
ISS 1119-8362.
Stephen, Tambari, Dan Orawari, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rivers State
Polytechnc-PM.B.20Bori, ‘Design Analysis of Reciprocating Cassava Sieving Mchaine; IOSR
Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering
A.k Nachimuthu, S Raghunath, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical
Engineering SVS of Engineering Coimbatore ‘Design and Fabrication of Horizantal Sieving
Machine. International Research Journey of Multidisciplinary science and technology,
V.P Duriraj. J Manikanadan, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Bharath University BIHER, Chennai’ Design and Fabrication of sieving Machine, International
journal of Punee and applied Mathematics
Tomasz SZYMANSKI. Piopr WODZINSKI ‘Characteristics of screening in screens with
vibrating sieves’ Internationaljournal of innovative research and development. Physiochemical
problems of mineral processing