Selection Report Template
Selection Report Template
Selection Report Template
Selection report
Vacancy details
Insert relevant vacancy details.
Vacancy applicant pool
Insert information re applicant pool (e.g. number of applications, number of applicants short-listed).
Assessment strategies
List all assessment strategies used (e.g. short-listing, work test, interview) and attach relevant selection panel
documentation from each selection strategy.
Pre-employment checks
List all pre-employment checks undertaken, including referee reports (for example criminal history checks, serious
discipline history declarations and information exchanges).
Merit assessment
Overview Overview of the applicant’s skills and experience relevant to the role.
Merit Summary of the selection panel’s assessment of the applicant’s merit addressing information
Assessment gathered through all selection techniques (including any pre-employment/referee checks).
NB: the panel’s assessment as a result of short-listing strategies should be documented and
attached as above. All information must be considered in forming the overall merit assessment.
Conclusion Meritorious (i.e. suitable for appointment ) or Not Meritorious (i.e. not suitable for appointment)
Comparative assessment
Recommended Description of who is the most meritorious applicant and why, with comparison against all
applicant meritorious short-listed applicants.
Order of merit If an order of merit is proposed, further comparative information explaining the relative ranking of
all other ‘meritorious/suitable’ applicants in the order of merit must be included.
Insert additional information required to be considered by the decision maker (e.g. if the recommended applicant is
not a current public sector officer, include information on the recommended pay-point commensurate with the skills
their skills and experience.
Panel certification
The panel certifies the selection process has been conducted in accordance with the Public Service Act 2008 and the
directive relating to recruitment and selection.
Insert signature blocks for panel members.
Appointment recommendation:
In approving this appointment, I am satisfied the recommendation (and order of merit—if relevant) reflects the
comparative merits of the applicants, and the selection process has been conducted in accordance with the Public
Service Act 2008 and the directive relating to recruitment and selection.
Not Approved
Delegate’s comments:
I have made my decision after reviewing the following material provided to me by the panel: