Sociology by Ram Prakash Amrawat
Sociology by Ram Prakash Amrawat
Sociology by Ram Prakash Amrawat
his relatives.
1.According to Mr. M.N. Srinivas write
the definition of secularization- 5.Name the main clothes worn by Bhil
men. Answer – Clothing worn by Bhil men
Ans- According to Mr. M. N. Nivasan, “The –
term secularization refers to the fact that
what was earlier considered religious is no (1) Penta tied on the head Sal / Yellow /
longer considered so. , is reflected in the Saffron cleaned up
greater separation of the political, legal and
moral from one another. (2) The loincloth worn around the waist by
the Khoytu Bhils
2. State the main reasons for child
(3) Thepada, a tight dhoti worn from the
marriage in India.
waist to the knees
Answer- 40% of the total child marriages in
the world are in India, poverty, low level of (4) White turban worn on the head of the
education in girls, patriarchal society, social granddaughter
practices and traditions considering girls as a 6. Define class according to Max Weber-
burden, dowry system and feeling of social
insecurity, public consciousness lack of etc. Answer- According to Max Weber "a group
leading to child marriage can be called a class as long as the people of
that group get equal opportunities of life, the
3. What is meant by Sanskritization? rights of that group on things or economic
Answer- It is the process of mobility in interests commensurate with market
which the lower castes try to achieve higher conditions. Max Waver gives importance to
status by imitating the customs, rituals, the economic basis of the class as a whole.
beliefs, lifestyle and cultural traits and 7. Mention the limitations of
systems of the higher castes, especially Sanskritization.
Brahmins. This process is called
Sanskritization. Answer- Sanskritization is a narrow concept.
Sanskritization brings changes within the
4. What is the 'Dowry System' caste, not the caste changes. All lower
Prevention Act? castes, not upper caste culture Adopts. It is
To prevent dowry practice in North India, only a process of imitation.
'Dowry Practice Prevention Act 1961* was 8. State the main types of narcotic drugs
brought, under which taking and giving
dowry is a crime. Under Section 498-A of
the Indian Penal Code for harassment for 2. Sedatives
dowry, there is a provision of imprisonment 3. Stimulants
4. Narcotic drugs
5. Hallucinogens
6. Nicotine 13. What is meant by regionalism?
These drugs are such that they are capable of
changing the behavior, feelings and thoughts What is meant by regionalism? Answer-
of those who consume them. People living in a particular area experience
a special attachment to each other due to
9. How does 'equal status' determine the unity in culture, religion, language,
class. Answer- There are many factors that geographical proximity and social and
determine the status. property like When a economic conditions. In this way, the feeling
person is of the same status, on the basis of of special affinity towards a particular
politics and on the basis of prestige in the region is called regionalism.
society, then they are onsidered as members
of a class, for example, if property is given 14. What is the general meaning of
more importance in a society, then those secularization?
with more property status People will be Answer- The social process by which
considered as members of a class. rationality is gradually included in religious
or traditional practices, that is, the purpose
10. What is Chira Bavasi?
of life's practices is practical rather than
Answer- The Bhil tribes in Rajasthan religious, that is secularization.
worship stone or wooden idols of their dead
ancestors, which is called Chira Bavasi. 15. Who is considered the father of
11. What is meant by paid membership?
Answer- In 1838 French philosopher
Answer membership means that the caste in Auguste Comte started sociology as a
which one is born remains a member of that subject. Auguste Comte is called the father
caste for the rest of his life. This given of sociology. First he named it social
membership is given by the education, physics and later it was changed to
intelligence, work efficiency of the person. sociology.
Can't be changed by honesty etc. The caste
system is based on assigned membership. 16.From when and where is the beginning
of Sociology considered in India?
12. Explain the meaning of aboriginal
Answer- The real beginning of sociology in
tribes. what is meant by tribal tribes
India is considered to be from Bombay
Answer- Such human communities, which University in 1914. The Department of
have maintained their separate lifestyle, Sociology was established here in 1919 and
language, culture and professions according Professor Radhakamal Mukherjee and Dr.G.
to their natural environment away from the s. Ghurye is considered to have made an
development of human civilization, are important contribution to the development
called tribal tribal groups. These of sociology in India.
communities are still backward in
educational, economic, social terms. Huh.
18. Which society was studied by Srinivas 23. What are the views of Auguste Comte
before giving Sanskritization? on Sociology?
Answer – It is a type of marriage in tribes. 30. What are the major social problems in
When the family or the society does not India?
allow both of them to get married when
Answer- Child marriage, dowry system,
there is a love relationship between the
domestic violence, unemployment in India
young man and the girl before marriage,
Prostitution, beggary, mental insanity,
then they run away with each other to
suicide, communalism, illiteracy, moral
another place.
degradation etc. are the main social
27. Name the committees related to problems. At present, there has been a huge
poverty measurement in India - increase in rape and cyber crimes.
Decline of religiosity One of the major (2) Prevention of Money Laundering Act
elements of secularization is the decline of 2002 (effective from 1 July 2005) (3)
religiosity along with its wisdom. As Central Vigilance Commission 1964 (K.
secularization increased in the life of Santhanam Committee
common people Yes, righteousness declines
on recommendation)
Rationality includes logic in all beliefs,
ideas or things. It is logical to change (4) Jan Lokpal Bill (2011) (Anna Hazare's
thoughts on the basis of modern knowledge anti-corruption movement)
on the basis of logic and discretion on every (5) Establishment of Lokayukta / Lokpal
problem that comes in life. institutions
The Process of Differentiation The 4. How does communalism affect
meaning of the process of differentiation in democracy?
secularization is that differentiation
increases in the society. Various aspects of Answer – (1) Formation of political parties
the society, economic, political, religious, on the basis of communalism It was done
moral, legal etc. get separated from each like Hindu Mahasabha, Muslim League,
other. In all these areas, the importance or Akali Dal who give priority to communal
influence of religion decreases. interest instead of national interest.
3. By explaining the meaning of (2) In elections, all the parties declare their
corruption throw light on the efforts of candidates on the basis of communal
the government adopted to stop it equation of that area instead of on the basis
of merit.
Answer- The general meaning of corruption
is taken as "corruption work". (3) Communalism Social inequality and
disintegration Promotes, resulting in
goes. 'Public for Private Profit' by the World communal riots.
(4) Communal violence gives rise to caste
Corruption is defined by using discrimination Due to which degenerate
Corruption in the society takes many forms politics emerges.
such as bribery, 5. Defining poverty, state the main
Spread in the form of abuse, nepotism etc. reasons for the determination prevailing
corruption in the society
Answer – Garasia is the third largest tribe of (1) Opportunities should be created for self-
Rajasthan after Meena and Bhil tribes. The employment.
Garasia tribe resides in the hilly areas of (2) More emphasis should be given on
Udaipur, Dungarpur, Banswara, Sirohi and vocational education and technical
Pali districts of southern Rajasthan. education.
. (3) Employment sectors based on new
The smallest unit of dwelling houses and technologies in rural areas
villages is called 'Falia'. The head of the be developed.
Panchayat of Garasis is called Sahlot or
Palvi. Their huts are at the foot of the (4) The productivity and income levels of
mountains, chambers are made for the the working poor should be increased.
storage of grains, which are called "Sohri".
The verandah outside the room is called (5) The education system should be made
'Osra'. employment oriented.
Globalization led to exchange of products State the various awareness efforts (i)
and techniques as well as culture from one Monitoring of pre-conception and pre-natal
country to another. Western culture also screening techniques
entered the Indian society and Indian
Ans- Caste system gives rise to social In conclusion, it can be said that poverty is
division. Which becomes a hindrance in the cause of illiteracy and The result is both.
national unity. Caste system causes many 15. Despite all the laws made for the
types of discrimination and tensions. The protection and welfare of women and
Malevolent Social Structure: Being a (i) physical violence (ii) sexual violence
patriarchal society, there is dominance of (iii) Verbal violence (iv) Economic violence
men over women in every sphere of life.
Malevolent mentality promotes crimes This law is like a milestone for women
against women and children. empowerment.
Main reasons for communalism • Religious Property, wealth and income are important
fanaticism. because people who have more sources of
income belong to higher status and are
economic and educational backwardness of considered to be of higher class in the
a particular class society.
• The feeling of separation which has been Conclusion So we can say that caste and
seen since independence class system have different characteristics at
Has been (Emotional separation of the lower different levels and The basis of class
class from the upper class) Indifference of determination in Indian society is wealth,
the government. • Due to regionalism or education, occupation etc.
religion based politics
20. State the government scheme for
Communalism gets encouraged. Divyangjan -
19. Explain the basis of class Answer- Apart from giving 3% reservation
determination in India? in government services for the disabled, the
government has also run some schemes
Answer – Caste is the form of existence under the Divyang Yojana Rajasthan. As-
according to birth, such as Brahmin,
Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra class refers (1) Chief Minister's Special Yogjan Samman
to such a group of persons whose The social Pension Scheme
status is usually of the same level. (2) Specially abled matching scheme
Class determination in India- There are (3) Chief Minister's Special Yogjan Self
some bases of class determination in India Employment Scheme
like- wealth property,
(4) Faith Card Scheme
Business and education etc.
(5) Grant Scheme for Artificial Limbs /