Codes Countrycode
Codes Countrycode
Codes Countrycode
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07881650524
Enjoy the countryside and respect its life and work Take nothing but photographs, leave nothing but footprints
Keep to public paths across farmland Park cars with consideration for other road and countryside
Please never trample on crops. Remember they are someone's users and workers.
livelihood. If you leave a path, it can be difficult to find the next gate
or stile and - especially on the hills - it can be quite easy to get lost
in a very short space of time. Crops are damaged by treading; flat-
tened crops are difficult to harvest. Grass is a valuable crop.
When Moorland and Hill Walking:
Use gates and stiles to cross fences, hedges, and walls Wear appropriate clothing for your activities and be mindful of pos-
Please do not attempt to climb over fences or walls. They are easy sible changes in the weather. ‘Mountain’ weather can change
to damage and costly and time consuming to repair. If these are quickly and endanger life.
damaged, gaps will be caused. Where a person goes, an animal Carry high energy foods and water - this can save lives.
may follow.