Partycjologia APA (2020-10-29)

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"APA Partiology"

With the launch of the PS2, Sony was the first to introduce a hard drive to the console market. Due to the
already ridiculously high price, it was decided to use the HDD as an optional accessory, attached to the also
optional network card called the Network Adapter. The drive served as a lair for operating systems, firmware
updates and, with a few exceptions, also for saves, games and their add-ons. Of course, this is not the same
level of integration as in Xbox, because it was neither a mandatory part of the console (except for DESR
xxxx models), nor even popular among gamers, and thus also game developers. Us, i.e. fascinates of the so-
called scene, of course, is of interest from a different angle, i.e. how it can be used in a way unforeseen by
the creators of the console.

The following wall of text deals with several different issues, but they are so intertwined that I decided that there is
no point in separating each of them into a separate guide. That's why everything together creates a coherent whole,
but you don't have to install everything or even do the same thing as me, because there are many HDD images
circulating on the network with already uploaded and configured wonders by. the whim of the authors. The
information that I have included here is for people who value order - and as usual - enthusiasts of the so-called.
scenes with too much free time. ;)
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Ways to connect the HDD

Officially, the hard drive can only be connected to the "thick" PlayStation 2 models, only using a device called Network
Adapter, which, depending on the PS2 model, takes the form of a network card (with or without a built-in modem).

• In the case of consoles of the SCPH-1xxxx series (eg SCPH-18000), a card inserted into the console, connected
via PCMCIA - in this case the hard drive is external, enclosed in a special housing with an attached cable to
NA (of course, not to be confused with a hard drive external to USB).

• In the case of consoles from the SCPH-3xxxx to 5xxxx series inclusive (e.g. SCPH-30004), the card is a bit crude,
attached to the console through a special port, and the hard drive is connected to the NA through a standard
pair of PATA and Molex (unfortunately not every HDD have the same port spacing). The whole thing slides
into the depths of Expansion Bay, where the drive hides in the console and the NA sticks out like a hump on
the back.

Unofficially, the hard drive can still be connected to the SCPH-70xxx by soldering a harsh spider web to the
motherboard, because in these models the IDE controller is still present on the MOBO and still supported in the PS2
firmware (only the port has been removed).

In newer versions (i.e. from SCPH-75xxx) there are already solutions via modchip, which deals with communication
with an additional IDE controller and fw patching.

Alternatively, the Hard Drive can be connected via the USB or i.Link port, but this is material for a completely different
guide, because only the one connected to the Network Adapter or MOBO can be treated as internal. For the external
one, the storage logic is based on FAT32 or EXT2 on MBR, while the internal one is mostly PFS on APA (which you
can read about in the following pages).
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HD Pro for SCPH-75xxx models.

The hard drive must be PATA, with the jumper set to MA (Master) plus possibly an additional limiting capacity. Although there are
various controllers that allow you to connect SATA drives (such as unofficial Network Adapters, which instead of IDE and Molex have
SATA connectors), it's different with them because even with "tape" drives, compatibility is not 100% ... At one time, various websites
and discussion forums hung various lists with HDD models that cause problems or not, but neither all reports were reliable, nor, for
obvious reasons, complete lists. The hard drive I came to play with is ST3402111A, connected via the original NA, on the PS2 model

Chinese replacement for Network Adapter Guts, replacing PATA with the newer SATA.
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If you decide to go for a SATA hard drive, unfortunately, they are associated with problems related to the speed of data transfer.
In the case of the ATA-300 (and probably also the ATA-600), games loaded as partitions (i.e. launched with the Open PS2
Loader or HDLoader) may hang without setting the MDMA2 mode, while PSX games launched via the POPS emulator may
crash at all will not start.

If your SATA-II or III HDD has the ability to release it to ATA-150 (also called 1.5Gb/s mode) with a slide-in jumper (similar to
PATA drives for Master, Slave, Cable Select and optional limiting LBA) then it is worth using and then POPS will not be picky,
and where possible, then the UDMA mode should be used instead of MDMA.

Not all HDDs have jumper settings. Look for information on this subject on the website of
the drive manufacturer, of course in the user manual for a specific model.
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Brak HDD

The console may not detect the hard drive if the jumpers are incorrectly set. As I wrote above, there must be at
least one that sets the disk as Master (MA). It also happens that the lack of jumpers is MA. It all depends on the
specific HDD model. Information about the configuration of PATA drives is always on a label attached to the case.

The second possible cause is not properly inserting the drive into the Network Adapter. Especially if the spacing of
the Molex and the IDE do not match perfectly with the spacing of the plugs on the HDD side, and the user had to
wrestle to push it there. ;) Sometimes they don't fit at all and the user saved himself by knitting bridges to ripped out
sockets, which do not withstand too many remove/insert cycles.

The third reason that comes to mind is the slot for the Network Adapter in the console. It's pretty shallow and fragile,
so the less you take it out of your PS2 the better.

The fourth reason is insufficient pressing of the Network Adapter to the console. Theoretically, the NA does not
even have to be screwed down with screws, but it's better not to give it up because even the smallest slack may
result in not detecting the HDD.

The last cause may simply be a faulty Network Adapter. Never remove it with the console turned on (even in
standby mode).
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logical structure
As is usual for Sony, this time it did not use one of the standard open formats, but designed its own, but at
least training the imagination. ;)

partition table?
PS2 does not use any partition table. Instead, it uses an index with partitions created, but encapsulated like
all others, with an APA (Aligned Partition Allocation) header. This format allows you to save partitions in a
rather extravagant way because in blocks where the smallest possible unit is 128MiB (so the partition size
must be exactly that or a multiple of it), and the maximum is 128GiB. In the header of each partition, in a
special area called Attribute, there is information about the name, type of partition (whether it is primary or
sub-partition), you can also find icons for displaying in the console menu (PS2 Browser) and even the
executable file.

To better understand what is the difference between the standard partitioning model and the freak developed
at Sony, here is a small comparison. In the case of eg Windows (in green), the "partitionology" looks like
there is one partition table, which contains information about the space occupied by at least one partition. In
the case of PS2 and PSX (in blue), you are dealing with a sequence of partitions where the index (or indexes)
of the created partitions and each file system is encapsulated with an APA header.

The original Sony software was always designed for the official hard drive and theoretically does not support
any other. This is related not only to "invisible" HDDs other than the original one, but also to limiting the
capacity to LBA28 - in human terms - 128GiB (~137GB). Currently, all scene software supports LBA48 2TiB
(~2.2TB), including Sony firmware hacks, but in the past of course not, and for a short time the only way
around this limitation was to use APAEXT (Toxic Extended APA). TeamToxic, the creators of a well-known
series of modchips, implemented in their loader (ToxicOS) reading the cloned first partition right after the
standard index range ends. In other words, for APAEXT there are two indexes, one for the first 128GiB and
one for the space beyond. The advantage of the extended APA is compatibility with everything that was
created for LBA28, but the disadvantage is incompatibility with software supporting LBA48 (you can't format
the HDD, because you will lose partitions entered in the second index, or create partitions that exceed the
128GiB barrier).
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It's funny that a few years later, Sony did exactly the same by implementing hard drive support in DESR-
xxxx models (i.e. special multimedia PS2, perversely named PSX, and colloquially PS2 DVR). :) Just like
in APAEXT, here the logical structure of the disk has been divided into two areas, but this time one up to
40GiB, which covers the first index, and another above 40GiB, up to a possible 250GiB, which covers the
second. This variant is conventionally called APADVR to distinguish it from the standard and "toxic"
version (officially it has no name and for Sony it is simply APA).
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File Systems The

main file system used by most PS2 software is PFS (PlayStation File System?). Today, this abbreviation is associated
with a special encrypted container used on PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 4, but in the days of PS2 it was the
official name of their file system on the hard drive, which has absolutely nothing to do with newer consoles.
Apparently its construction resembles EXT2.

System partitions are all those whose names start with a double underscore, so according to the scheme: "__<label>"
or "__.<label>".

The first and only mandatory is "__mbr", which uniquely has no filesystem. This is where the signed loader is
uploaded (with keys that we know since the PlayStation 3 was broken), and which in turn can also run another
signed loader (e.g. Linux boot manager with Linux Kit or PSBBN (special distribution, but different from the one
officially sold) ). Its most important function is, of course, the index of the created partitions (partition table equivalent).
In case of using APAEXT or on DVR models, also the first and mandatory partition is "__mbr_ext__" (just after the
first 128GiB) or "__extend" (here after the first 40GiB).

Other partitions are a mandatory set, e.g. for HDD OSD (sort of a firmware update) and PSBBN:

__net contains information related to DRM, e.g. games downloaded from PSBB channels

__system contains firmware resources and

__sysconf loaders contains firmware resources and configurations

__common contains user data such as saves contains
__contents user data, only used by PSBBN

In the case of DVR, there are two additional partitions. It is true that almost the entire disk is encrypted, but it is done
at the hardware level, so this encryption is completely transparent to the running software (thanks to which it is
possible to perform a post-sector, decrypted image from its level).

__xdata contains temporary data, e.g. downloaded firmware updates

__xcontents contains user data, e.g. music, photos, videos, XMB thumbnails

Additional underscore partitions are created by homebrew programs. For example, older versions of uLE, after
formatting the disk, still created the "__boot" partition, which was used by modchips for so-called booting. DEV2
(Dev.olution Mode 2, i.e. starting the "BOOT.ELF" file from there). I've also met "__main", but I don't know what it's
for because it's nothing covered in the guide you're reading right now.

Deleted partitions are flagged as empty and renamed to "__empty". Homebrew for PS2 ignores them, but various
PC scene programs allow data recovery or restore from them.
The "_tmp" partition is also possible, but it is only for games for temporary operations and is deleted at console

Previously, all homebrew partitions, i.e. those created by unlicensed programs, had a plus sign in the label preceding
the chosen name. However, since uLE has "forks" such as double unofficial LaunchELF (in short wLE - both these
names are unofficial) and unofficial LaunchELF kHn, you can create partitions with any label. All other programs
create partitions by schema: "+<label>" (e.g. "+OPL", "+ScummVM", etc.).
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Game partitions, i.e. those created by official games (for their installation data and add-ons) or PSBBN have their own specific
PP prefixes. and PC. (depending on whether they serve as Partition Parent or Partition Child). So it will always be "PP.<label>"
and "PC.<label>". HDD OSD treats all "children" as a whole and only displays the "parent". As you probably guessed, this
name system was used by developers to upload games and "hook" DLC to them. Other than "__common", these are the only
partitions "Browser" displays.

All of the partitions mentioned above (except "__mbr" and "__extend") use the PFS file system, so you can view and manage
them freely with file managers on the console side as well as with PFS Shell on the PC side.

There is one more special type of game partitions, i.e. unofficial ones, created with HDLoader and Open PS2 Loader in mind.
They have no file system and contain disc images cut into pieces loaded as a whole partition (of course rounded with zeros to
meet APA requirements). Games released on CD must be converted from mode2 (blocks of 2352 bytes) to mode1 (2048),
which is in the same form as those on DVD. Session/track information is also modified, so it's not a perfect 1:1 copy. Games
loaded in this way can be extracted using, for example, IsoBuster (starting from version 4.7) or WinHIIP, and uploaded with the
software that you will find in the chapter titled "Copying PS2 Games to Hard Drive".

PSBBN partitions lie exceptionally on RFS, and although it is a standard file system, it is in its first, then still commercial version.

Linux partitions (official except PSBBN) on the other hand lie on EXT2, which is also a standard filesystem and has full support
in any Linux on any platform. Of course, mounting on a PC is possible, but after indicating the address where it starts or after
extracting and connecting as a loop device. The exception here are PS2Tool (i.e. DTL-Txxxxx devkits), which do not use APA,
but (almost ;)) standard MBR.

Partition mosaic from a DTL-T15000 console disk. For some mysterious reason, the partition table is MBR, but allows
more than 4 primary partitions (no, it's not GPT), all interspersed with 31.5KiB blobs.
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HDD formatting

You can format a hard drive in many ways, such as using uLE (in the "PS2 HDD Manager" menu), and even
on a PC (e.g. using PFS Shell and the "initialize yes" command), but the easiest and fastest way in my opinion
is to use HDDChecker , which has many more unique yet useful features.

Note: if you have any DESR model, you are not allowed to do this because you will irreversibly replace the
APADVR with a regular APA, and thus you will lose the operating system without which the console will not start.
This can still be fixed if you have a copy of this data, but you do not restore the APADVR, so all functions
related to the DVR will no longer work.

After starting the program, if the disk does not have APA and basic partitions, you will immediately be asked
if you want to format it.

But if you have already used this disk in the console and would like to wipe it, it is best to select the "Zero-fill
disk" option, thanks to which all sectors will be overwritten. If you just want to format, then after selecting this
option, wait a few seconds and cancel (this is enough to paint over the "hdd0:/__mbr" piece so that the disk is
no longer recognized), after which you will immediately be asked about formatting.
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Free HDBoot
The PS2 firmware is stored on ROM memories, and therefore impossible to reprogram. Since you cannot update the
firmware, you had to leave a loophole in the form of loading programs and their resources from the outside. And so the
engineers designing the console decided, who left the option of loading stuff from the memory card (which was exploited
many years later by VAST, Memory Plus, Memor32 and finally Free McBoot) or the hard drive (which Free HDBoot
uses). This hack is therefore the basis for the next optional ones (even if you are not interested in FHDB), because it
automates the process of mandatory preparation of "__mbr" so that it looks for another loader already on the system

Note: if you have a modchip soldered into the console , then probably the FMCB/FHDB after installing on the card/disk
will either hang at startup or will not allow you to run any program, displaying a black screen. Some modchips have the
function of temporarily disabling them[ 1 ][2 ] and many simply cannot be disabled. Apparently, some older versions are

more compatible with chips (e.g. 1.965 and 1.963), but in my case also the above-mentioned. problems occur (last
compatible version was 1.8b/1.8c, but these don't have HDD support). The best solution would be to simply disconnect
the power to the modchip or completely desolder it.

1. Run the Free McBoot & Free HDBoot installer necessarily from a flash drive, because from a CD, memory card or
hard drive will not work (or at least version v1.966 (2019-04-13)).

2. Press the R1 button to enter the HDD installation menu. Select "Install FHDB" and of course confirm "Yes".

If you put some programs into the "\INSTALL\APPS-HDD\" folder, FHDB will create an additional 128MiB partition "hdd0:/
PP.FHDB.APPS/" during installation , to which it will copy these applications.

3. When the progress bar reaches the end, you will get a message that the installation is complete. Return to the main
menu and select the "Exit" option. The console will turn off.

4. After turning on the PS2, you should be greeted by a slightly modified menu.
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On the SCPH-10000 and 15000 models, there will be a problem with displaying special symbols from SJIS (left arrow
will be in a different orientation and the right-bottom will be with the background), similarly if you load the FMCB
configuration file on the FHDB (and vice versa). The solution is either to upload the HDD OSD, or simply to remove all
these bells and whistles (in my opinion completely unnecessary because they are ugly), i.e. to make the menu similar to
the original one or to replace the appropriate characters in the "hdd0:/__sysconf/FMCB/FREEHDB.CNF" file (but do it
either using the FMCB Configurator or editing the file on the PC with a text editor; do not copy the one from the guide
you are reading as the coding is completely different here).


OSDSYS_left_cursor = •o006
OSDSYS_right_cursor = •o005
OSDSYS_menu_top_delimiter = •y-99Free HDBoot •c1[•r0.80Version %VER%•r0.00]•y-00
OSDSYS_menu_bottom_delimiter = •c0•r0.60•y+99Use •o009/•o010 to browse list•y-00•r0.00


OSDSYS_left_cursor = •o009
OSDSYS_right_cursor = •o008
OSDSYS_menu_top_delimiter = •y-99Free HDBoot •c1[•r0.80Version %VER%•r0.00]•y-00
OSDSYS_menu_bottom_delimiter = •c0•r0.60•y+99Use •o006/•o007 to browse list•y-00•r0.00

You can find all FHDB files in:

"hdd0:/__sysconf/FMCB/" program and configuration file plus additional modules file

"hdd0:/__system/fsck/" system checker
"hdd0:/__system/osd/" Free HDBoot, which is in fact the file "osdmain.elf"
"hdd0:/__system/osd100/" or "osd100.elf"
"hdd0:/__system/osd110/" or "osd110.elf"
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PS2 Browser v2.00, colloquially HDD OSD (or HOSD from the file name "hosdsys.elf") is a console firmware
update for owners of a hard drive. It allows, for example, to manage "game partitions" or copy saves from the card
to the disk and vice versa. Unfortunately, partitions will only be recognized that are not system ones, and in addition
they have a filled field with attributes (icon, etc., which e.g. uLE does not do, so such partitions will be displayed
as Corrupted Data).

HDD OSD was included with HDD Utility Discs. The problem, however, is that these discs formatted the entire
medium, and the update itself worked only on the original HDDs and in addition they were without LBA48 support
(i.e. capacities above 128GiB). Therefore, the following description with a heavy heart is based on the pirated "all-
have" version, but above all patched, i.e. without the above-mentioned idiotic restrictions. Unfortunately, a
compilation of these tools called SUDC4 (Sony Utility Discs Compilation) you have to find yourself in the dark
corners of the Internet. ;) The MD5 checksum for the disc image is: A7901D0EEFBA48960825A55F157F97EC.

1. Open the image with e.g. IsoBuster and extract the file "HDDOSD1.10U".

2. The package copied from the disc image is in the PAK format, used by Sony tools for PS2.
So you have to unpack its contents to be able to manually transfer the update to the HDD.

The PAKer Utility program is used for this , which does not have a graphical interface, so either run CMD or
PowerShell first or write the appropriate *.bat.

The syntax is very simple: "<program name> /x <file>".

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3. In the place where you started the program, an "extracted" folder will be created, with files and folders in it
that should be transferred to the PS2 hard drive (using uLE from e.g. a pendrive (i.e. "mass:/" ) or with PFS
Shell on Windows after connecting the drive to the computer).

"MBR_A_XIN" and "MBRDM.XIN" can be discarded, the content of "\extracted\SYSCONF\" should be

copied to "hdd0:/__sysconf", and "\extracted\SYSTEM\" to "hdd0:/__system". Additionally, the file name from
"OSDSYS_A.XLF" should be changed to "osdmain.elf", "osd100.elf" or "osd110.elf" (if you want to replace
FHDB) or "hosdsys.elf" (if you want FHDB to adopt HDD OSD) .
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4. If you have done everything correctly, after starting the console, in the properties you will see Browser version
2.00, not older.

If you do not intend to upload programs and games to prepared partitions (more on that later), so that they imitate
the original ones and thus run them directly from the "browser", then the HDD OSD installation makes little sense.
Even save files, instead of copying them to the HDD, it is much safer to archive them on a flash drive ("PSU Paste"
option in uLE).

The hard drive is symbolized by the NA icon, while the folder is in the "hdd0:/__common/" suitcase.
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On the SCPH-70xxx and 75xxx models it is also possible to run the HDD OSD, but only if you have gone through the tedious
process of soldering the tape to the motherboard (otherwise, of course, you will not connect the hard drive to act as the internal
one). As if the problems were not enough, Sony has disabled OSD Update for HDD in this series of consoles - and humanly
speaking - it is no longer possible to automatically start FHDB and / or HDD OSD only from the disk itself. Fortunately, you can
get a similar effect using the FMCB installed on the memory card (version 1.966), which has its own implementation of this
function and will run FHDB from the disk for you, adapting the HDD OSD at the same time.

The procedure is the same as for ordinary fats, with the difference that it will be additionally necessary to install on the FMCB
card with additional modules: "atad.irx", "dev9.irx" and "hddload.irx". So after uploading FMCB, run uLE and copy from e.g. a
pendrive the above-mentioned necessary files that you will find in the installer (in the "\INSTALL\SYSTEM\" directory, remember
that their names should be lowercase, uppercase letters will not be found), and which you must add to the "B*EXEC-SYSTEM"
folder on "memory" (the console region is hidden under the asterisk) .
If you installed the multiregional version, you will find these modules in "BIEXEC-SYSTEM" and from there you can copy them

Europe mc0:/BEEXEC-SYSTEM/

North America and parts of Asia mc0:/BAEXEC-SYSTEM/



In such a constellation, the PS2 will run the FMCB from the card, which in turn will run the rest from the HDD (don't be surprised
if you see the FMCB logo twice, and the boot itself will take a bit longer).
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PlayStation BB Navigator
PlayStation Broadband Navigator or PSBBN for short , is a special Linux distribution released exclusively
in Japan. With a clear conscience, the entire PSBB can be called the progenitor of the PlayStation Store
and PSBBN a client on the user's side. Today, long after all channels of game publishers/developers have
been shut down, this exotic invention is only a curiosity and a piece of console history. It is slow to run and
basically useless apart from a nice interface and the ability to watch movies and listen to music.

Unfortunately, despite Sony's promises, the "navigator" never left the borders of the country of cherry
blossoms and, as in the case of the Utility Disc, security forces require a Japanese console without a
modchip (installation from a copy via ESR or a disc image via HDL/OPL is not possible) and the original
hard drive . I've never seen patched installers, but patched PSBBN (and translated into English) in ready-
to-upload HDD images. Unfortunately I won't be able to guide you through the installation process because
I don't have the proper hardware, and grafting isn't really possible either because not all data is uploaded
to the PFS, EXT2 and RFS partitions (one is raw or with an unknown file system). No one has completely
broken it so far, so you are left with someone else's HDD images that you can paint on any disk, e.g. with
the HDD Raw Copy Tool or DMDE.
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MBR Boot
The "hdd0:/__mbr" partition , like all the others, has a special place for the "crypto elf".
While in order to run something from the "PP partition" you need to have HDD OSD uploaded and break through several
menus, in the case of "MBR" it is not, and the loaded application will be automatically launched at the start of the console.
It is equivalent to OSD Update (e.g. FHDB).

At address 0x130 there is a sector number on which OSDSYS is looking for a file. Sectors are represented by the LBA
system, where in this case the unit is always 512 bytes. So that it's not too easy, it's in reversed bit order. ;) So on the
example of FHDB, you will find 0020h there. So you have to swap these values to get 2000h. Now, changing this number
from hexadecimal to a more human-friendly decimal system turns out to be 8192d. Since this is a sector number, and
each is 512B, you have to multiply these numbers and you will find 4194304d. Now all you have to do is convert the
number system again, this time from decimal to hexadecimal, to find out the address where KELF is located, which in this
case is 400000h. You can set any address, of course, provided that it does not interfere with any other important
information (e.g. part of the index). This one is specifically recommended because Sony also uses it.

So is the file size you will find at 0x134. You also need to make the transformations mentioned above. In the FHDB
example, the size is 9800h, which after mathematical vicissitudes will give 77824B. And that's exactly how much the
FHDB loader weighs. If this file size is inconsistent with reality, OSDSYS will not start KELF, the console will take a long
time to turn on and hang in the menu. The maximum size that can be used is 883200B.

Also, the program cannot be arbitrary, only one that will be loaded on the physical address in memory 0x00100000.
This can be checked e.g. on a Linux desktop using "readelf -l <application name>". Then, its header should be cut off and
converted to KELF (description of how to do it can be found in the chapter entitled "Creating PP partition").

Incompatible OPL and compatible uLE kHn.

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I honestly admit that I haven't found any application that meets all the above conditions (i.e. size limit and address in the
operating memory), so if you need such functionality and in addition in the form of a file manager, I recommend just
uploading unofficial LaunchELF kHn , which has already been adapted by the author.

And here there are two possible ways: either you mess with injecting a file ("MBR.KELF") to a specific address (i.e.
gymnastics with a calculator, but keeping all partitions), or you overwrite "MBR" with a specially crafted piece of this
partition ("__mbr.raw "), but at the same time losing all subsequent ones.
The following description is based on the second variant, because it is the simplest and does not require familiarity with
the hexadecimal editor.

1. Run the DMDE program with administrator rights and from the "Tools" menu, select the "Copy Sectors..." option.

2. In the "Source" category, click the "File" button and select the "__mbr.raw" file. "Start Byte" should be null. In the
"Destination" category, click on the "Device" button and from "Physical Devices" select the PS2 hard drive connected to
your computer. "Start Sector" should also be zero.

After making sure that the selected HDD is correct, ;) click on the "OK" button.
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You will still be asked for confirmation, so check the appropriate box and of course click on "Yes".

3. After the operation is completed, you should not see any errors in the summary.
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Copying PSX games to the hard drive

POPS is an official PlayStation emulator that was downloaded together with the game entitled "Bishi Bashi Stepchamp
3", from the Konami channel. Other games have never been released in this way, and the "emu" itself, like the rest of
the content for PSBBN, was encrypted and assigned to this particular HDD and this particular console on which the
game was downloaded. Due to this ridiculously murderous DRM, the lack of keys and the popularity of the "navigator"
outside Japan close to absolute zero, this has not been broken for a very long time. The first publicly decrypted
SLBB-0001 (or POPS) were tested and modified in various ways. The "clean version" on which the guide is based
consists of two files (actually three, but "POPS_IOX.PAK" is not needed in the case of HDD), which you have to find on
your own in the depths of the Internet (other versions will not be compatible ):

POPS.ELF emulator MD5: 355A892A8CE4E4A105469D4EF6F39A42

IOPRP252.IMG IOP MD5 memory image: 1DB9C6020A2CD445A7BB176A1A3DD418

Additionally, you need POPStarter. It is a loader that patches the virgin version on the fly, enriching it with various
additional functionalities, but above all significantly increasing compatibility with games.

Preparing your environment

There are three ways to run PSX games from disc images using the official Sony emulator. They differ in the location
and naming of the loader. In all cases, the emulator and IOP image should be dropped into "hdd0:/__common/POPS/".

Variant A
If you want to keep all PSX games on one partition, you need to put the emulator and POPStarter files under the name
"POPSTARTER.ELF" into "hdd0:/__common/POPS/" . Then you put the games into "hdd0:/__.POPS/" (only and
exclusively from here they will be loaded) and run them simply by selecting the *.vcd disc image in the uLE kHn file
manager (at the moment this method will not work with any version of uLE other than kHn).


Variant B
Alternatively, you can also name POPStarter exactly like the CD image and put it in "hdd0:/__.POPS/", but then you
unnecessarily duplicate the loader for each game separately, but then you are no longer bound to uLE kHn but any uLE
because you start the game by selecting the loader with the name of the game.

"hdd0:/__.POPS/<game title>.VCD"
"hdd0:/__.POPS/<game title>.ELF"

Variant C
If you prefer to have a bootable game, but each of the separate partitions, then you will waste a lot of disk space (few
games will shoot in multiples of 128MiB) and some time to prepare the PP partition (more on that in a separate chapter).
Instead, you gain an attractive form of launching the game, because directly from the HDD OSD menu.
The disc image must be called "IMAGE0.VCD", and POPStarter must have the name you enter in the CNF file (but you
can also read about this in the section on creating PP partitions) and it must be the signed version, i.e. KELF (because
HDD OSD only starts).

"hdd0:/PP.<game title>/IMAGE0.VCD" (in case of multi-disc games, for successive discs instead of zero: 1, 2 and 3) "hdd0:/
PP.<game title>/<name defined in "system.cnf">.KELF"
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Conversion of
games Disc images must have all CD-Audio tracks combined (if the game has them) and contain TOC.
Fortunately, there is a tool that automates this process, i.e. PSXVCD.

Run the program, add disc images ("Add Files") or a directory with images ("Add Directory"), select the
destination for images in *.vcd format ("Browse") and click on the "Convert" button.

Be sure to leave the VCD extension in capital letters. Also remember not to exceed 33 characters in the file
name, because more will not be displayed in the HDD OSD in the preview of the game folder.
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Game Folder
For every game launched (at least once), POPStarter in its latest version (which is R13 Beta as of 2019-06-05) creates a folder where
resources are stored per title ("hdd0:/__common/POPS/<image name) boards>/"), but you might as well go ahead and personalize this
angle a bit.

Virtual memory cards So

images of real "memories" should already be formatted and have exactly 128KiB (so be without junk headers like DexDrive (*.gme) or
POPS from PSP/PSV/PSTV (*.vmp)).
Adequately to the slot in the real console, they correspond to the files: "SLOT0.VMC" and "SLOT1.VMC". So you can successfully insert
virtual PSX cards from e.g. PS3 (*.VM1) or ePSXe emulator (*.mcr), simply renaming them as required (e.g. from "epsxe000.mcr" to
"SLOT0.VMC ").

The problem arises with multi-disc games, because a separate folder will be created for each disc image, e.g. with separate records.
And while with titles that allow you to save between changing the media (e.g. "Parasite Eve"), this problem is limited to saving the "last
save", turning off the game and copying VMC to the next folder, there are those that do not provide such a possibility (e.g. "Chrono
Cross", "Metal Gear Solid"). There are two solutions: either by using special ripkits remove the code responsible for changing the media
and merge all disc images into one, creating a non-standard, but working hybrid - or create a text file " VMCDIR.TXT", in which you
enter the name of the folder for common cards (e.g. "Clipboard" and of course you also need to create such a folder; do not enter paths).
If it's not clear yet, take a look at the example below:

"hdd0:/__common/POPS/Metal Gear Solid (CD 1)/VMCDIR.TXT" "hdd0:/

__common/POPS/Metal Gear Solid (CD 2)/VMCDIR.TXT" "hdd0:/__common/
POPS/Schowek/SLOT0.VMC" "hdd0:/__common/POPS/

Multi-disc games
And since we're talking about games released on more than one disc, a similar problem arises when choosing the next disc. So in each
of the folders corresponding to each individual disc, create a file "DISCS.TXT". For example, for MGS:

"hdd0:/__common/POPS/Metal Gear Solid (CD 1)/DISCS.TXT" "hdd0:/

__common/POPS/Metal Gear Solid (CD 2)/DISCS.TXT"

And enter the names of the disc images there (up to four).

Metal Gear Solid (CD1).VCD Metal

Gear Solid (CD2).VCD

Then, when the game asks you to change the media, you will use the combination of buttons:

Opening the lid Select + L2 + R2 + Triangle

Inserting disc no. 1 Select + L2 + R2 + Up

Inserting disc no. 2 Select + L2 + R2 + Right

Inserting disc no. 3 Select + L2 + R2 + Down

Inserting disc no. 4 Closing Select + L2 + R2 + Lewo

the hatch Select + L2 + R2 + Quadrate

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Copying PS2 games to the hard drive

Games on the PlayStation 2 hard drive outside the PSBB channels - that is, all those uploaded by various
scene applications - are disc images. Sliced, if necessary, like a cucumber for cucumber (relative to
partition fragmentation) and rounded up in size so as to fit within the limit imposed by the unfortunate APA.

There are different methods of uploading games and each involves different nuances. You can copy
games with WinHIIP to a drive physically connected to the computer (it can't handle large HDDs, but it is
the only one that supports APAEXT). Similarly, you can do the same with HDL Dump or HDL Dumb (also
over the network). You can also use the best program in my opinion, which is HDL Game Installer. It is an
application from which games can be installed directly from the optical drive of the console, but it is also a
server for the client on the Windows side. If your PS2 disc reader barely zips or is dirty, or if the game you
want to copy was released on DVD9, which is a dual layer disc, you should use the network method. If you
want to install a game released on DVD9, but necessarily from a disc inserted into the console, then use

HDLGame Installer and HDL Dump/Dumb immediately upload the icon, description and mini version of the
Open PS2 Loader into the attributes field, so theoretically all games can be launched from the PS2 menu
without running additional programs (of course only if you have HDD OSD installed).
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HDL Game Installer - disc variant Note: no

support for games on dual-layer DVDs (commonly referred to as DVD9 or DVD DL).

1. Run HDL Game Installer and wait a moment for the drive to recognize the disc. When it stops wheezing, press the start button.

The order here only matters for people with a weak laser or dirty lens and/or mirrors, because for some reason the "browser"
when it can't wait ;) until Mechacon allows it to access the media, it will display "red clouds" and you have to eject again / insert
the tray ("monolith models") or open/close the hatch (slim models).

2. Give the game a title displayed in the HDLoader and Open PS2 Loader menus (up to 80 characters). Do the same with the title
and subtitle displayed in the "browser" (16 characters each).

In addition, you can mark special operating modes for the loader, but if you don't know what and why, leave it with the default
values. You can change these options at any time, also after installing the game.

Select "Next" and confirm your selection.

3. The program will ask for confirmation, so select "OK". The next question will be about the icon used. If you have a save from
this game on the memory card (because only from there it will be loaded) I recommend selecting "Game save".
It will certainly be prettier than the default one, i.e. from the ancient HDLoader today. Confirm your choice, of course

4. The process of copying the game to the HDD will begin, which is represented by the percentage progress bar, and will display
"Game installed successfully!" when finished.
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5. After returning to the main menu of the application, you should see the game listed. This is where you can
change the "Game options", which you will learn more about in the section on the meaning of options.
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HDL Game Installer - Network variant

1. Go to the security settings in Windows and disable the firewall (or unblock ports 45061 and 45062 for TCP in
it , or allow the program that will talk to the console).

I don't use this solution every day, I have only one ethernet socket on my computer, and the console is right
next to the PC. Out of laziness, so instead of breaking through the router, firewalls and other miracles on a
stick, I followed the line of least resistance. Which, of course, I do not recommend for security reasons.

2. Go to the network card settings and hardcode your local network.

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3. Run HDL Game Installer and wait a moment while it tries to connect to the computer.
Which will probably fail. So enter the settings by pressing Select, disable DHCP ("Disabled") and set the
address, mask and gateway adequately to the settings in Windows.

4. Return to PC and run HDLoader Game Manager Client for HDL Game Installer, enter the correct
address and click on the "Connect" button. A list of games installed on the drive should appear.

5. Click on the "Install new game..." button and then on "Add Game". In the next window, select the installation
method, whether from an optical drive ("CD/DVD drive") or from a disc image ("Disc image"). For disc image,
*.iso for DVD and *.bin for CD are supported (do not point to *.cue). As with the console installation from disc,
you need to specify the titles displayed in the homebrew programs (80 character limit) and console menus
(16 character limit). You can also select an icon, e.g. from your computer, and set game launch options. Also
select the media type ("CD-ROM" or "DVD-ROM").

Finally, click on the "OK" button

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6. You will return to the "Job List" menu and if you do not want to add more games, press the "Start" button (in the
program window of course, not on the joypad). You will be asked for confirmation and the process of installing the
game on your console will begin.

After all, the message "Games installed successfully" will be displayed. And in the console, after exiting HDLGI, the
game is ready to run.
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HDL Dumb - connection variant

1. Connect the hard drive from the console to the computer.

2. Run HDL Dumb. Check "Locally connected PlayStation 2 HDD", which should be detected right away. Select the location of the disc
image (supports formats: *.iso, *.gi, *.iml/*, *.img, *.nrg, *.bin/*.cue). Specify the media type, title, additional options and data transfer mode.

Finally, click on the "Install" button.

3. The game installation process will begin. When finished, the window will disappear and the game will be waiting for you on the HDD.
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The meaning of the

HDL Game Installer option is loaded into the attributes field by the Open PS2 Loader program in the version without a graphical interface.
This is an older version than the current GUI, so some options may be different. However, you can always run games
via external OPL, not the one from the header, and configure them in the same way.

• Accurate reading (mode 1)

Emulates the speed of reading from the disc. Some games have problems with speeds higher than those
provided by the drive.

• Synchronous reading (mode 2)

Changes the read mode from asynchronous to synchronous. Some games require immediate reading as soon
as a sector or file is requested, otherwise they crash.

• Unhook syscalls (mode 3)

With this option enabled, OPL will not stay in RAM if the game resets (overwrites) the IOP memory by loading
an IOPRP image. Neither IGR (InGameReset), nor GSM (Graphics Synthesizer Mode Selector) nor PS2RD
(PS2 Remote Debugger (formerly Artemis)) can be used.

• Disable PSS videos (mode 4)

Disables playback of movies in *.pss format. A useful option for people who do not want to watch "cutscenes"
in the game or simply have very slow flash drives (some games can hang because of this).

• Emulate DVD9 support (mode 5)

According to the descriptions, this option emulates a double-layer disc for games ripped to a single-layer, but
I must admit that I do not really understand what is going on here, since the so-called ripkits take care of
changing the media check to DVD5 and possibly patching OTP to PTP.

• Disable IGR (mode 6)

Disables the ability to reset the game using joypad button combinations. Some games are incompatible with
this and you have to opt out of IGR for them.

• High module storage (mode 7, currently unused)

Changes the storage address of modules in memory for games that conflict with them.

• Hide DEV9 module (mode 8, no longer used)

Disguises the network module as "board".

• Use MWDMA0 (moved in new OPLs to a separate category of HDD data transfer mode)
HDD read mode set as MDMA-0. Close to disc read speed. I don't know how it relates to mode 1, I suspect
that UDMA-4 should be used instead, and in case of potential problems with it, turn on mode 1 (ie "Accurate
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Creating a PP partition
HDD OSD will not display any partitions other than PP, PC and "__common" content in "browser" if not
will have names consistent with the nomenclature, uploaded correct icon and metadata file describing it in the field
attributes. Such a partition will either be ignored (system) or displayed as Corrupted Data
(any other). The only advantage of the "PP partition" is the ability to automatically start programs from within

Preparation of the icon

The icon format is the same as for PS2 memory cards (so you can take any from some program or
tinker your own name it "list.ico"), but the file describing them for some mysterious reason is not
binary and text.

Create a simple ANSII text file with Windows line breaks, complete by the pattern below and save
jako "icon.sys".

PS2X A header informing the PS2 of the type of content (D: folder, X: executable).

title0= For example, the title of the game. The maximum number of characters is 16.

title1= For example, the game ID. Same character limit as above.

bgcola=0 Background transparency value.

bgcol0=0,0,0 The background color in the upper left corner. RGB.

bgcol1=0,0,0 The background color in the upper right corner. RGB.

bgcol2=0,0,0 The background color in the lower left corner. RGB.

bgcol3=0,0,0 The background color in the lower right corner. RGB.

lightdir0=1.0,-1.0,1.0 The direction of the incident first light. X,Y,Z.

lightdir1=-1.0,1.0,-1.0 The direction of the incident second light. X,Y,Z.

lightdir2=0.0,0.0,0.0 The direction of the incident third light. X,Y,Z.

lightcolamb=64,64,64 The color of general lighting. RGB.

lightcol0=64,64,64 The color of the first illumination source. RGB.

lightcol1=16,16,16 The color of the second illumination source. RGB.

lightcol2=0,0,0 The color of the third illumination source. RGB.

uninstallmes0= Message displayed when deleting a partition.

uninstallmes1= As above, only the second.

uninstallmes2= As above, only the third.

CNF preparation
The CNF file format is similar to that of optical discs. Create a simple ANSII text file from
windows line break, complete according to following formula and save as "system.cnf":

BOOT2 = pfs:/BOOT.KELF The absolute path to the executable on the destination partition.

SEE = 1.00 Program version. Irrelevant.

VMODE = NTSC Region. Also irrelevant.

HDDUNITPOWER = NICHDD Responsible for not turning off the Network Adapter and HDD.

If you enter "PATINFO" instead of the path to *.kelf, the file will be uploaded to the attributes field, not to
PFS file system space. Only really useful if you don't intend to change it in the future
file (it is easier to replace the file with e.g. a file manager than to mess with the command line). The same applies
"IOPRP = " (if you need it, it should be under "BOOT2 = ").
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Program preparation
Executable files on PS2 are in *.elf format, the problem is that HDD OSD will only run *.kelf, which is also "elves", but
signed and encrypted (commonly called Krypto ELF, they can also have the extension *.xlf) . To do this properly, you
would need to use the kelftool app. Unfortunately, in the current version, the program allows you to create "kelfs"
only for OSD Update for DESR-xxxx models. So it remains to use SCEDoormat, which, although not as elegant as
the aforementioned kelftool, at least allows you to sign the file so that the HDD OSD is not fussy. ;)

1. Download the SCEDoormat (NoME) R3 application, along with the necessary "KRYPTO.KHN" file.

2. Put the "elf" in the directory with the program, which you want to run after selecting the PS2 partition in the "browser".

The syntax is simple: "<program name> <input file> <output file>". In my case, it is just a uLE named "BOOT.ELF",
and the spit file "BOOT.KELF" (that is, according to what I entered earlier in "system.cnf").
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Attribute Field Modification

Once you have all the files ready, put them in the same place as the PFS Shell programs and HDL Dump.

Connect the drive to the computer under the PATA controller (ie traditionally with 80-wire ATA and Molex). As
always in such cases, I recommend avoiding USB pockets because their quality and manufacturer's support
varies (sometimes the ATA standard is not fully implemented, and even LBA48 support is done in a clumsy

1. At the very beginning, run CMD or PowerShell as administrator, because one of the programs you are
about to use requires such permissions.

2. Type "wmic diskdrive get Caption,DeviceID" to find out the UNC path to the disk. In the example below it is
"\\PHYSICALDRIVE1" because my HDD model used by PS2 is ST3402111A this time.
Remember this number because you will need it later.

3. Run PFS Shell now and type: "device \\.\PhysicalDrive1". Letters are not case-sensitive, I chose this
notation because it is more readable in my opinion).

Unfortunately, on Windows, the best way to access the physical HDD is to use UNC.
On Linux, you can just list your mass devices with "lsblk" and refer to "/dev/ sdx" or "/dev/loopx" as usual.
The progenitor used the nomenclature "disk1:", "disk2:" etc. but on this version it won't work.

If the HDD has been detected, the flashing ">" will change to "#".

4. To create a new partition, enter "mkpart PP.<label> <size>", which in my example will be "mkpart PP.APPS

5. You also need to format this partition, which is done with the "mkfs <partition>" command. According to the
example above, it will be "mkfs PP.APPS".

6. Mount the file system from the recently created partition by typing "mount <partition>", for example "mount

7. Copy the "BOOT.KELF" file to the console's hard drive by typing "put <file>", in this case "put BOOT.KELF".

8. Finally type "umount" to unmount the partition and then "exit" to leave the shell.
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9. Run HDL Dump now with the parameters "modify_header hdd<disk number>: <partition>", i.e. in my example
it will be "modify_header hdd1: PP.APPS"

Theoretically, HDL Dump will automatically upload BOOT.KELF to the indicated partition, according to what it
has entered into BOOT2 in the "system.cnf" file, but it did not do this on the version I tested. So I decided that
since I run PFS Shell anyway and create a partition with it, I will also upload a bootable program by the way.
Alternatively, you might as well create a partition with uLE, or just use any "PP" that already exists. The bootable
file can also be transferred via the network or pendrive in uLE. How are you most comfortable.
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Custom folder icons on the "Common partition"

The default icon for folders created on "__common" is suitcase. On the other hand, the default for files and
subfolders is white sheet. But if the parent folder attribute changes to C4A7h then PS2 will start i.a. parse
inside "icon.sys" and display the icon (which is the same as on "memorka"). Sony has reserved this feature
for "hdd0:/__common/Your Saves/", where some games allow saving, just like on a memory card. However,
there are no contraindications to use this trick for completely different directories. And don't get me wrong,
it won't unlock the ability to save in such a folder, and even more so in games that do not support HDD -
the point is that you can slightly personalize the appearance of a given corner on this particular partition.
Personally, I found a use for this function in the form of separate folders for PSX and PS2 saves, a kind of
storage from which you can copy them back to real memory cards if necessary, and of course as a form of
additional backup.

Editing is best done in a hex editor, because no program I know of allows you to change the attributes of
selected abstracts, but then you must understand how the PFS file system is built, otherwise you risk
damaging the edited partition and losing data.

Fortunately, there is a bit of a tedious, but completely safe way to do it. HDLGame Installer saves the
settings in "Your Saves", and if this folder does not exist, it creates it with the appropriate attributes in the
table. So all you have to do in this program is enter the settings (under the "Select" button), select "OK" to
save the changes to the disk and turn on uLE. In it, rename the folder to the desired one, and delete the
directory with HDLGI settings. Repeat the operation until the effect, i.e. as many times as you want to have
such "special folders". Below are two examples:

hdd0:/__common/Saves Backup (PSX)/ hdd0:/__common/Saves Backup (PS2)/

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Spring cleaning
Homebrew programs create several partitions after formatting the disk, which I briefly described in the chapter devoted to
the basics. In terms of user needs, some are redundant (you can remove them with uLE kHn (because neither uLE nor
"wLE" in the current versions will allow it), and in case of need you can always create them anew). And if this guide gave
you a headache ;) and you decided to upload any of the HDD images shared by the community, you will find out what you
can get rid of with a clear conscience.

• If you are satisfied with the FMCB on the memory card, and are interested in nothing more than loading PS2 games
to the HDD, you can delete all partitions except "__mbr". You will reclaim all free disk space, minus 128MiB.

• If you have a "__boot" partition , but you are not using modchip's DEV2 mode, you can delete it and you will free up
whole 128MiB.

• If you are not going to install PSBBN, you can delete the "__net" partition . You will gain 128MiB.

• If you already have PSBBN installed, but don't want it, and don't want to format the media, get rid of "__net",
"__contents", "PP.BB", all "PP.<PSBB games>" and all " linux.<number>". You will unleash a dizzying 10240MiB+
(n*128). In addition, you can also delete "hdd0:/__system/p2lboot/".

• If you don't want to flash either FHDB or HDD OSD then "__system", "__sysconf" and "__common" won't be needed
for anything either. You will free up 1792MiB. However, if you have already installed FHDB, after removing them,
the console will fall into the so-called. boot loop until you format the drive (or overwrite "__mbr").

• If you're not going to emulate PSX games with an official emulator, the "__common" partition is basically redundant.
Like "__.POPS" and all "PP.<PSX game title>". However, if you are using HDD OSD then after deleting "__common"
"browser" will show error message every time (can be ignored). You will free 128MiB+(n*128).

• If you put some programs into the "APPS-HDD" directory before installing FHDB, and every megabyte is precious to
you, move the programs to another partition, correct the paths to them in the FHDB configuration file and delete
the "PP.FHDB.APPS" partition . You will gain 128MiB.

• If you want to defragment partitions and get rid of empty spaces, use the HDD program
Checker, in which select "Optimize disk".
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• If you would like to keep all system partitions but reduce their size to a minimum, it is not possible at
the moment. Instead, you can format the hard disk, delete all partitions (except "__mbr") and
recreate it by defining your own sizes. Only in this way is it possible to keep all partitions required
by various Sony software, while saving a maximum of 1536MiB.

Note: The minimum hard disk size cannot be less than 16GiB. Otherwise, both uLE and PFS Shell
variants will create partitions with a size smaller than the APA specification for "__net" (even 8MiB!
It depends on the maximum capacity of the HDD), but it will not be possible to create any new
partitions, therefore this size is currently borderline.

An example of what it looks like for me.

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On backwards compatible PlayStation 3, which had the Emotion Engine and Graphics Synthesizer
soldered on board (or only one of them), Sony allowed the installation of a few selected games on the
PS2 Virtual Hard Drive if you have previously installed the PS2 System Data Bundle from the PlayStation
Store containing the template that these games use to install their data.

The virtual disk in question is the "IMAGE.DAT" file, which is a post-sector image of the PS2 hard disk.
You can simply upload it to a real HDD (e.g. using DMDE or HDD Raw Copy Tool) and probably after
installing the HDD OSD, run the game from the partition displayed in the "Browser".

The file is located in "dev_hdd0/game/<GameID>/USRDIR/IMAGE.DAT" and can be transferred to a PC

via FTP (or if it is smaller than 4GiB, to a flash drive using a file manager, e.g. built into multiMAN).
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Issues that remain to be discussed:

• Preparing the Black Rhino Linux partition in APA space • Installing

PlayStation BroadBand Navigator

Thanks to:

• Jimmikaelkael, Neme, and other souls involved in the FMCB v1.8x project • SP193
for titanic work on FMCB/FHDB 1.9xx, comments and documentation •
krHACKen for SUDC, POPStarter, SCEDoormat, dumps and tips • row of
good souls constantly working hard on OPL • ffgriever for ESR
• Shaolin Assassin for
great documentation for POPS and POPStarter • Zabuza for the Network
Adapter photo • KaiQ for giving me
the Network Adapter • Haker120 (aka A
youkai of love) for the dumps, additional guide notes and test help • Sandungas for the IMAGE.DAT
samples • Darkshadow_ for explaining
the calculation algorithm partition header checksum • Pinky1 for writing a program to
improve partition header checksums


You may distribute the guide on any page, only in unmodified PDF form.
All rights reserved, modification and/or copying prohibited.

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