Group Assignment 1 SMP22503 SEM 1 20232024

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Group Assignment 1: Digital Business Analysis Report (20%)



Group Assignment 1: Digital Business Analysis Report (20%)

Introduc�on: In Group Assignment 1, you will have the opportunity to explore the world of digital business
by selec�ng one of the following four themes. Each theme represents a different facet of the digital
business landscape, and your group will analyze a real or hypothe�cal business within the chosen theme.
You will explore various components of the digital business, such as supply chain management,
procurement, digital infrastructure, marke�ng strategies, and customer rela�onship management. This
assignment will enable you to apply course concepts and iden�fy opportuni�es for improvement within
your chosen theme. Please choose one theme for your group's analysis in this assignment.

Objec�ve: In Group Assignment 1, students will work in teams to analyze a real or hypothe�cal digital
business. They will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the chosen business's digital strategies,
iden�fying strengths, weaknesses, and opportuni�es for improvement.

Scenario: In this assignment, you will take on the role of a Digital Business Analyst. Imagine that you are
working within the Strategy and Digital Transforma�on Department of a consul�ng firm specializing in
digital business solu�ons.

Your Role:

As a Digital Business Analyst, you and your team are assigned to thoroughly analyze the digital business
you choose within the selected theme (i.e., e-commerce retailer, digital service provider, B2B digital
business, or hypothe�cal digital start-up). Your analysis will serve as the founda�on for the subsequent
Digital Marke�ng Campaign Plan in Group Assignment 2.

How to Choose an Appropriate Theme for Group Assignment 1

i. Know Your Op�ons: Understand the different themes available for your assignment. Each theme
focuses on a different aspect of digital business.

ii. Pick What Interests You: Choose a theme that genuinely interests you. It could be e-commerce,
digital services, B2B opera�ons, or crea�ng a hypothe�cal digital start-up. Passion makes the
assignment more enjoyable.

iii. Real-World Relevance: Consider how your chosen theme relates to the real world. Are you
analyzing exis�ng digital businesses or crea�ng hypothe�cal ones? Think about prac�cal

iv. Discuss with Your Group: If you're in a group, talk to your teammates. Find a theme that everyone
finds interes�ng and can work on collabora�vely.

Group Assignment 1: Digital Business Analysis Report (20%)

v. Data Availability: Make sure you can find enough informa�on and data for your chosen theme.
Reliable sources are essen�al. For hypothe�cal businesses, be ready to create realis�c scenarios.

vi. Stay Within Page Limit: Ensure that your theme can be adequately covered within the maximum
18-page limit. Some themes may need more in-depth analysis than others.

vii. Instructor's Approval: If needed, get your instructor's approval, especially for hypothe�cal
business selec�ons.

viii. Final Decision: Based on these considera�ons, pick the theme that aligns with your interests, has
enough informa�on available, and fits the assignment's requirements.

Choose a theme you're passionate about, as it will make your analysis more insigh�ul and enjoyable,
leading to a successful Group Assignment 1.

Theme Selec�ons:

Business Example
Theme Descrip�on
Theme 1 E-commerce Retailer Amazon
Analyze a prominent e-commerce retailer’s digital business strategy,
supply chain, procurement, infrastructure, digital marke�ng, and e-
customer rela�onship management.
Theme 2 Digital Service Provider Ne�lix
Analyze strategies of a digital service provider, like a streaming
pla�orm or subscrip�on service. Inves�gate their supply chain,
procurement, infrastructure, digital marke�ng, and e-customer
Theme 3 B2B Digital Business IBM
Explore a business primarily serving other businesses through digital
means. Examine their supply chain, procurement, B2B infrastructure,
digital marke�ng to businesses, and e-customer rela�onship
Theme 4 Digital Start-up A digital fitness
Create a fic�onal digital start-up and analyze poten�al digital app start-up
business components. Assess supply chain (if applicable), (fic�onal)
procurement, digital infrastructure, marke�ng strategies, and e-
customer rela�onship management for your hypothe�cal business.

Theme Specifica�on in Header: Please make sure to specify the theme you have selected for your group
in the header of your assignment, along with the assignment �tle and your group number.

Group Assignment 1: Digital Business Analysis Report (20%)

Your task:

Course outcome covered: CO2.

In line with the theme you have selected, you are required to carry out the following.

1. Select a Digital Business: Each group will choose a digital business to analyze. It can be a well-
known company or a hypothe�cal business model. Make sure to get approval from your lecturer
if selec�ng a hypothe�cal business.

2. Business Overview (1-3 pages): Provide a brief overview of the selected digital business, including
its industry, size, and primary products or services.

3. Digital Business Components Analysis (3-6 pages): Using relevant analy�cal models and
frameworks, analyze the digital components of the business, including but not limited to:

• Digital supply chain management.

• Procurement processes.

• Infrastructure for digital opera�ons.

• Digital marke�ng strategies.

• E-customer rela�onship management.

4. SWOT Analysis (3-6 pages): Conduct a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportuni�es,
Threats) specifically focused on the digital aspects of the business.

5. Recommenda�ons (1-3 pages): Based on your analysis, make recommenda�ons for improving the
digital strategies of the chosen business. Provide clear and ac�onable sugges�ons.

6. Presenta�on: Prepare a 3–5-minute video presenta�on (to be submitted by a YouTube link into
the e-Learning) to deliver your findings and recommenda�ons to the class. The presenta�on
should be structured and visually engaging.

The maximum page counts are intended to assist students in producing a professional business document
of an appropriate length that can be used in the workplace. The assignment should be writen in a
professional tone and should only contain relevant material that directly contributes towards answering

Group Assignment 1: Digital Business Analysis Report (20%)

Report Forma�ng Guidelines

1. Page Size and Margins:

• Use standard A4 size.
• Set margins to approximately 1 inch (2.54 cm) on all sides for readability.
2. Font and Spacing:
• Use a professional, font type Calibri.
• Maintain a font size of 11 points for the main text.
• Use 1.5 line spacing for the main text to improve readability.
3. Headings and Subheadings:
• Use clear and consistent headings and subheadings to organize your report.
• Apply a hierarchical structure, using different font sizes or styles to dis�nguish between
levels of headings (e.g., bold for main headings, italics for subheadings).
4. Paragraph Alignment and Indenta�on:
• Align text to the le� for a clean and professional appearance.
• Use a first-line indent for the beginning of each paragraph (typically 0.5 inches or 1.27
5. Page Numbers:
• Include page numbers at the botom of each page, typically in the footer.
• Number pages consecu�vely star�ng from the first page of your report (excluding the
cover page).
6. Cover Page:
• Create a separate cover page that includes the report �tle, your group, list of member
name and matric number, lecturer's name, ins�tu�on, and submission date (17
November 2023).
• Ensure that the cover page is neat and visually appealing.
7. Table of Contents:
• Include a table of contents lis�ng the main sec�ons and corresponding page numbers.
• Update the table of contents as you finalize your report.
8. Figures and Tables:
• Use clear and descrip�ve cap�ons for figures and tables.
• Number figures and tables sequen�ally (e.g., Figure 1, Table 2).
• Refer to figures and tables within the text by their respec�ve numbers.
9. Cita�ons and References:
• Follow an APA cita�on style.
10. Spelling and Grammar:
• Proofread your report carefully to eliminate spelling and gramma�cal errors.
• Use language and terminology appropriate for a professional report.
11. Length and Content:
• Stay within the maximum page limit of 18 pages, as specified.
• Include only relevant material that directly contributes to answering the assignment's
12. Submission Format:
• Submit in .pdf format into the eLearning pla�orm.

Group Assignment 1: Digital Business Analysis Report (20%)

Rubric: Group Assignment 1 - Digital Business Analysis

This rubric is designed to assess your performance on Group Assignment 1, "Digital Business Analysis: Uncovering Opportuni�es and Challenges." The assignment
requires you to select a theme, analyze a specific digital business within that theme, and provide recommenda�ons based on your analysis. Your work will serve
as the founda�on for Group Assignment 2, where you will develop a Digital Marke�ng Campaign Plan. This rubric will guide your evalua�on and help you
understand the criteria for successful comple�on of the assignment.
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Sa�sfactory (2) Needs Improvement (1) Unsa�sfactory (0)

Theme Selec�on Student selected a highly relevant and well- Student selected a relevant theme The theme selected is The chosen theme lacks Theme selec�on is
suited theme, showcasing a deep that aligns with the assignment's somewhat relevant but may relevance or coherence missing.
understanding of the chosen theme. objec�ves. lack focus or depth. with the assignment's

Business Analysis Comprehensive analysis of the chosen A thorough analysis of the chosen Analysis includes the The analysis is incomplete, Litle to no analysis
business, covering all specified aspects (supply business with clear coverage of required components but missing key components or provided.
chain, procurement, infrastructure, marke�ng, the required aspects. may lack depth or detail in lacking depth.
and customer rela�onship management). some areas.

SWOT Analysis A detailed SWOT analysis of the digital aspects, A well-executed SWOT analysis SWOT analysis is present but SWOT analysis is No SWOT analysis
demonstra�ng a deep understanding of the that effec�vely iden�fies digital lacks depth or clarity in some incomplete or lacks clear provided.
business's strengths, weaknesses, strengths, weaknesses, areas. iden�fica�on of key digital
opportuni�es, and threats. opportuni�es, and threats. factors.

Recommenda�ons Recommenda�ons are clear, ac�onable, and Recommenda�ons are provided Recommenda�ons are Recommenda�ons are No
directly �ed to the analysis. They reflect a deep and are generally ac�onable, present but may not be vague, unclear, or not well- recommenda�ons
understanding of the business and its digital although they may lack some consistently �ed to the connected to the analysis. provided.
strategies. specificity. analysis or lack clarity.

Presenta�on The presenta�on is well-structured, engaging, The presenta�on is organized and The presenta�on is The presenta�on lacks No presenta�on
and effec�vely conveys the key findings and conveys the findings and somewhat disorganized, and structure, engagement, or delivered.
recommenda�ons. recommenda�ons effec�vely, key points may not be clearly coherence.
though it may lack some conveyed.

Overall Demonstrates a deep understanding of digital Displays a strong grasp of digital Shows a basic understanding Demonstrates a limited Litle to no
Understanding of business concepts, showcasing insights beyond business concepts, mee�ng the of digital business concepts understanding of digital understanding
Digital Business the basic requirements. assignment's requirements. but may lack depth or business concepts. evident.

Grading: The assignment will be graded based on the depth of analysis, the clarity of recommenda�ons, the quality of the video presenta�on, and the overall
group collabora�on.

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