Test Chap 6-10

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Test chap 6

Câu 1: ...... who are able to exert influence over other people to help achieve
group or organizational goals.
a. Managers
b. Facilitators
c. Subordinates
d. leaders
answer: d
câu 2: ................... that determine the direction of a person’s behavior in an
organization, a person’s level of effort, and a person’s level of persistence in the
face of obstacles/hindrance
a. Managerial forces
b. Psychological forces
c. External forces
d. Internal forces
answer: b
câu 3: According to contingency models of leadership,.......... are leaders whose
primary concern is to develop good relationships with their subordinates and to
be liked by them.
a. job-oriented leader
b. task-orientated leaders
c. relationship-oriented leaders
d. consideration leaders
answer: c
câu 4: According to Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory, ....... needs are related
to the physical and psychological context in which the work is performed?
a. expectancy
b. hygiene
c. motivator
d. instrumental
answer: b
câu 5: According to the behavior model of leadership, leaders engage in .......
when they show their subordinates that they trust, respect, and care about them?
a. initiating structure
b. task-orientated behavior
c. consideration
d. job-oriented behavior
answer: c
câu 6: By allowing people to continually improve their skills and abilities and
engage in meaningful work is an example of how managers can help people
satisfy .......... need at work
a. growth
b. relatedness
c. existence
d. physiological
answer: a
câu 7: Cleaning your room because you like tidying up is ....................
a. extrinsically motivated behavior
b. Prosocial motivated behavior
c. need motivated behavior
d. intrinsically motivated behavior
answer: d
câu 8: Two basic kinds of leader behaviors are .....................
a. consideration and initiating
b. Relationship-oriented and task-oriented
c. Self-confidence and initiating
d. Position power and consideration
answer: a
câu 9: Which model of leadership focused on identifying the personal
characteristics that cause effective leadership?
a. Transformational Model
b. Trait model
c. Behavior models
d. Contingency models
answer: b
Câu 10: Which of the following forms the base of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
a. Esteem needs
b .Physiological needs
c .Social needs
d. Belongingness needs
answer: b
1. What is the main difference between a Manager and a Leader?
a. Managers focus on execution and results, while Leaders inspire and guide others
toward a shared vision
b. Managers are responsible for establishing a vision, while Leaders focus on
organizing resources
c. Managers inspire and motivate individuals, while Leaders plan and organize
d. Managers and Leaders have the same responsibilities and duties
Answer: a.
2. Which of the following is NOT a quality of effective leadership?
a. Vision
b. Emotional intelligence
c. Coercive power
d. Accountability
Answer: c.
3. What is the main focus of the trait model of leadership?
a. Analyzing the interplay between leader characteristics, behaviors, and situational
b. Identifying leader behaviors associated with effective leadership
c. Identifying specific individual traits associated with effective leadership
d. Analyzing the relationship between a leader's style and situational characteristics
Answer: c.
4. Which of the following is NOT one of the powers of effective leadership?
a. Legitimate power
b. Reward power
c. Charismatic power
d. Informational power
Answer: c.
5. What is the main focus of the behavior model of leadership?
a. Identifying individual traits associated with effective leadership
b. Analyzing the interplay between leader characteristics, behaviors, and situational
c. Identifying leader behaviors associated with effective leadership
d. Analyzing the relationship between a leader's style and situational characteristics
Answer: c.
6. Which type of power comes from a leader's access to critical information and
their ability to control its flow?
a. Legitimate power
b. Reward power
c. Expert power
d. Informational power
Answer: d.
7. Which of the following is a key component of transformational leadership?
a. Coercive power
b. Intellectual Stimulation
c. Task-oriented leadership
d. Trait model
Answer: b.
8. Which model of leadership recognizes the interplay between leader
characteristics, behaviors, and situational factors?
a. Trait model
b. Behavior model
c. Contingency model
d. Transformational leadership model
Answer: c.
9. Which of the following is NOT one of the four key components of
transformational leadership?
a. Idealized Influence
b. Inspirational Motivation
c. Coercive Power
d. Individualized Consideration
Answer: c.
10. What is the main focus of Fiedler's Contingency Model of leadership?
a. Identifying individual traits associated with effective leadership
b. Analyzing the interplay between leader characteristics, behaviors, and situational
c. Identifying leader behaviors associated with effective leadership
d. Analyzing the relationship between a leader's style and situational characteristics
Answer: d.
11. What is motivation?
a. The force that drives a person's behavior
b. The external rewards that come from completing a task
c. The degree to which a person values a task
d. The internal satisfaction that comes from completing a task
Answer: a.
12. What are the factors that influence motivation?
a. Personal values, beliefs, needs, desires, and environmental factors
b. Only personal beliefs and values
c. Only environmental factors
d. Only needs and desires
Answer: a.

13. What is intrinsic motivation?

a. Motivation that comes from external factors
b. Motivation that comes from a desire to benefit others
c. Motivation that comes from internal drive and satisfaction
d. Motivation that comes from social norms and incentives
Answer: c.
14. What is extrinsic motivation?
a. Motivation that comes from internal drive and satisfaction
b. Motivation that comes from external rewards or avoiding punishment
c. Motivation that comes from social norms and incentives
d. Motivation that comes from a desire to benefit others
Answer: b.
15. What is prosocial motivation?
a. Motivation that comes from external rewards or avoiding punishment
b. Motivation that comes from personal fulfillment and joy
c. Motivation that comes from a desire to benefit others
d. Motivation that comes from social norms and incentives
Answer: c.
16. According to the expectancy theory, what is instrumentality?
a. The perceived value or desirability of the outcome
b. The belief that performance will result in specific outcomes
c. The belief that effort will translate into successful performance
d. The perceived value of the effort required to perform a task
Answer: b.
17. What is valence in the expectancy theory?
a. The perceived value or desirability of the outcome
b. The belief that performance will result in specific outcomes
c. The belief that effort will translate into successful performance
d. The perceived value of the effort required to perform a task
Answer: a.
18. What is Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
a. The belief that performance will result in specific outcomes
b. The belief that effort will translate into successful performance
c. The theory that individuals have five basic needs: physiological, safety,
belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization
d. The distinction between motivator needs and hygiene needs
Answer: c.
19. What are motivator needs in Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory?
a. The intrinsic aspects of the work itself
b. The extrinsic aspects of the work context
c. The basic needs that must be satisfied for employees to be motivated
d. The external rewards that come from completing a task
Answer: a.
20. What is the relevance of McClelland's needs for achievement, affiliation, and
power in the workplace?
a. They provide insights into the factors that drive high performance and contribute to
organizational goals
b. They emphasize the importance of job design in creating motivating work
c. They identify the specific needs that must be addressed to motivate employees
d. They provide a framework for understanding cultural variations in motivation
Answer: a.
Test 7
1. Control by system of rules and standard operating procedures to regulate the
behavior of individuals is a ……………….control
a. MBO
b. clan
c. direct supervision
d. bureaucratic
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: bureaucratic
2. Sharing traditions, values, belief to guide employee’s behaviors is called ……..
a. output control
b. behavior control
c. clan control
d. forward control
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: clan control
3. Compare the real result with the intended result in controlling to find out
a. targets of an organization
b. deviations of performance
c. differentiation of performance
d. standards of performance
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: deviations of performance
4. MBO is a kind of control that it is negotiated by
a. levels of management
b. top managers
c. middle managers
d. first-line managers
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: levels of management
5. Managers should take corrective action, if performance standards ……………
a. are established too low, so expected results can’t be performed.
b. can’t be performed by subordinates.
c. are established too high, so expected results can’t be performed.
d. are not established exactly, so expected results can’t be performed.
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: are established too high, so expected results can’t be
6. Controlling not only improves work performance but also ……..
a. improves subordinates’ competency.
b. attains competitive advantages of the organization.
c. develops organizational structure system.
d. motivates employees and develop managers’ skills.
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: attains competitive advantages of the organization.
7. To evaluate work performance of an organization, managers need to …….
a. establish standards of performance or targets.
b. make planning before controlling.
c. design organizational structure for controlling.
d. direct employees before controlling.
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: establish standards of performance or targets.
8. Financial Measures of Performance is a type of ………………control
a. concurrent
b. feedback
c. behavior
d. feed-forward
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: feedback
9. Managers control well resources of an organization will help them ……
a. develop managerial skills and roles to the organization.
b. respond to opportunities and threats from external environment.
c. build up core values and strong corporate culture of the organization.
d. identify social responsibilities of the organization.
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: respond to opportunities and threats from external environment.
10. What is manager’s controlling task in management?
a. Establishing vision for employees, directing, inspiring, and motivating subordinates
in an organization.
b. Monitoring, regulating, and correcting work performance in an organization.
c. Designing organizational structure, managing resource management in an
d. Establishing objectives, making strategy, allocating resources in an organization.
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: Monitoring, regulating, and correcting work performance in an
Test 8
1. Which of the following statements is wrong?
a. Managers must ensure that a possible course of action will not violate any domestic
or international laws or government regulations.
b. Managers must ensure that a possible course of action is ethical and will not
unnecessarily harm any stakeholder group
c. Managers cannot sure the alternative will not threaten the attainment of other
organizational goals.
d. Managers must decide whether the alternatives are economically feasible
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: Managers cannot sure the alternative will not threaten the
attainment of other organizational goals.
2. Most decision-making that relates to ............................of an organization is
programmed decision-making.
a. important contracts
b. irregular policies
c. the day-today running
d. complex issues
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: the day-today running
3. Which of the following statements is wrong?
a. With nonprogrammed decisions, information is more likely to be complete
b. Nonprogrammed decision making occurs when there are no ready-made decision
rules that managers can apply to a situation.
c. Nonprogrammed decisions present the greater challenge
d. Managers are not certain that a course of action will lead to a desired outcome
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: With nonprogrammed decisions, information is more likely to
be complete
4. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Decision making process is a continuous and indispensable component of managing
any organization or business activities.
b. All are correct
c. Decisions play important roles as they determine both organizational and
managerial activities
d. Decisions are made to sustain the activities of all business activities and
organizational functioning
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: All are correct
5. Programmed decisions are decisions that have been made ...............in the past
that managers have developed rules or guidelines to be applied when certain
situations inevitably occur.
a. Three times
b. two times
c. one time
d. many times
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: many times
6. What is the key to a good assessment of the alternatives?
a. To state the underlying problem that has to be solved
b. To define the opportunity or threat exactly and then specify the criteria that should
influence the selection of alternatives for responding to the problem or opportunity
c. All are correct
d. Generate a set of feasible alternative courses of action to take in response to the
opportunity or threat.
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: To define the opportunity or threat exactly and then specify the
criteria that should influence the selection of alternatives for responding to the
problem or opportunity
7. Which of the following statements is wrong?
a. Bias that cannot adversely affect the way managers make decisions
b. Biases can often result in accurate thinking
c. Cognitive biases might be related to problems with attention
d. Some of these biases are related to memory
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: Bias that cannot adversely affect the way managers make
8. Which of the following statements is wrong?
a. Managers at all levels and in all areas of organizations make decisions
b. Top-level managers make decisions about their organization’s goals, where to
locate manufacturing facilities, or what new markets to move into
c. Making decisions is something that just managers do
d. Middle and lower-level managers make decisions about production schedules,
product quality problems, pay raises, and employee discipline
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: Making decisions is something that just managers do
9. How can managers avoid that cognitive bias?
a. They should undertake a personal decision audit to become aware of their biases
b. They cannot do that
c. They should investigate the other manager’s cognitive bias
d. They should follow their human judgment
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: They should undertake a personal decision audit to become
aware of their biases
10. What kind of sources of bias that can adversely affect the way managers
make decisions?
a. All are correct
b. prior hypotheses
c. representativeness
d. the illusion of control
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: All are correct
Test 9
1. .............. is the discord that arises when the goals, interests, or values of
different individuals or groups are incompatible and those individuals or groups
block or thwart one another’s attempts to achieve their objectives.
a. Organizational conflict
b. Argument
c. Disagreement
d. Cognitive dissonance
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: Organizational conflict
2. Communication is the sharing of information between two or more individuals
or groups to reach .............
a. effective work.
b. a common understanding.
c. to increase efficiency.
d. responsiveness to customers.
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: a common understanding.
3. Have you ever been assigned a group project for one of your classes and had
one group member who consistently failed to get things done on time? This
example is conflict in organizations that springs from......................
a. overlapping authority
b. scarce resources.
c. task interdependencies
d. goals and time horizons
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: task interdependencies
4. Perception affects.................. in communication.
a. encoding and decoding
b. message and noise
c. transmission and feedback
d. sender and receiver
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: transmission and feedback
5. The communication process consists of two phases. In the ............., information
is shared between two or more individuals or groups. In the ..........., a common
understanding is ensured.
a. sender and receiver
b. transmission phase/feedback phase
c. encoding and decoding
d. message/noise
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: transmission phase/feedback phase
6. They do not view the conflict competitively as a win-or-lose situation; instead,
they view it cooperatively, as a win-win situation in which both parties can gain.
This is the type of ........................ negotiation.
a. integrative bargaining
b. distributive
c. competition
d. avoidance
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: integrative bargaining
7. When ................ takes place, one party to the conflict simply gives in to the
demands of the other party
a. Compromise
b. Competition
c. Accommodation
d. Avoidance
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: Accommodation
8. When members of the marketing department in a clothing company disagree
about how they should spend budgeted advertising dollars for a new line of
men’s designer jeans, they are experiencing ......................
a. inter-organizational conflict
b. interpersonal conflict
c. intragroup conflict.
d. intergroup conflict
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: intragroup conflict.
9. Which the following statement is wrong?
a. Effective communication helps organizations improve the quality of their products
or services.
b. Effective communication helps organizations identify good workers
c. Effective communication helps organizations increase responsiveness to customers.
d. Effective communication helps organizations increase efficiency and foster
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: Effective communication helps organizations identify good
10. Which the following statement is wrong?
a. An optimum level of conflict leads to high performance
b. Too much conflict causes performance to suffer
c. An optimum level of conflict leads to low performance
d. Too little conflict causes performance to suffer
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: An optimum level of conflict leads to low performance
Test 10
1.................... are shared guidelines or rules for behavior that most group
members follow.
a. Group dynamics
b. Group norm
c. Group leadershi
d. Social loafing
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: Group norm
2........................ is the tendency of individuals to put forth less effort when they
work in groups than when they work alone.
a. Social loafing
b. Group dynamics
c. Individual contributions
d. Group cohesiveness
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: Social loafing
3........................... of small rather than large groups is that members of small
groups have fewer resources available to accomplish their goals.
a. An advantage
b. A disadvantage
c. A number
d. An importance
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: A disadvantage
4. ...............are those that managers establish to achieve organizational
goals. ............. are groups that are formed to achieve their own goals.
a. group /team
b. Informal groups/formal groups
c. Formal groups/informal groups
d. team/ group
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: Formal groups/informal groups
5. A .......... may be defined as two or more people who interact with each other to
accomplish certain goals. A ............ is a group whose members work intensely
with one another to achieve a specific common goal.
a. corporate/company
b. department/ division
c. team/ group
d. group /team
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: group /team
6. Groups and teams are key contributors to organizational effectiveness because
they can help an organization .......................
a. increase innovation
b. increase responsiveness to customers
c. enhance its performance
d. gain a competitive advantage
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: gain a competitive advantage
7. Informal groups created by organizational members such as ............. team
a. interest groups
b. the top management
c. task forces
d. virtual teams
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: interest groups
8. Managers need to take .................................... into account as they create and
maintain high-performing groups and teams.
a. group size, group tasks, and group roles
b. motivation and satisfaction of group
c. competitive advantage of group
d. innovation of group
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: group size, group tasks, and group roles
9. Which the following statement is wrong?
a. "forming": members try to get to know one another and reach a common
understanding of what the group is trying to accomplish and how group members
should behave
b. "adjourning": the real work of the group gets accomplished.
c. "storming": group members experience conflict and disagreements because some
members do not wish to submit to the demands of other group members.
d. "norming": close ties between group members develop, and feelings of friendship
and camaraderie emerge.
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: "adjourning": the real work of the group gets accomplished.
10. Which the following statement is wrong?
a. If too much deviance and a lack of conformity result in low performance because
the group can't control its members' behavior.
b. If too much deviance and moderate conformity result in low performance because
the group can't control its members' behavior.
c. If too much conformity and a lack of deviance result in low performance because
the group fails to change dysfunctional norms.
d. If moderate conformity and deviance result in high performance because the group
balances conformity and deviance.
Phản hồi
The correct answer is: If too much deviance and moderate conformity result in low
performance because the group can't control its members' behavior.

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