1 EPD Family Opta

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In accordance with EN 15804 and ISO 14025

Ecophon OptaTM

Programme: The International EPD® System, www.environdec.com

Programme operator: EPD International AB
Version: 1.0
Registration number: S-P-03234

Date of publication (issue): 2021-03-05

Date of revision: 2022-03-07
Date of validity: 2026-03-05
In accordance with ISO 14025, ISO 21930 and EN 15804
Summary Environmental product declaration
Content summary
Verified by (external third-party Martin Erlandsson, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Programme used The International EPD System. For more information see www.environdec.com
Registration No S-P-03234
Owners declaration by Saint-Gobain Ecophon AB
Box 500
265 03 Hyllinge
Declaration as construction products The products to be verified herein are acoustic glass wool panels made for
sound absorbing ceilings.
The present environmental product declaration complies with standard ISO
14025 and describes the environmental impact. Its purpose is to promote
compatible and sustainable environmental development of related construction

Reference PCR document: EN 15804 as the core PCR + International EPD

System Product Category Rules – PCR for constructions products and
construction services, Acoustical systems solutions (sub-oriented PCR; appendix
to PCR 2012:01) - previously Acoustic ceilings. EPD of construction products
may not be comparable if they do not comply with EN 15804.
Validity 2026-03-05
Content of the declaration This is an environmental product declaration containing environmental
information of the product in the Ecophon family Opta. The values presented in
this EPD are represented for the following products:
Opta A, Opta E

Supplemental product information can be found at www.ecophon.com

UN CPC (Central Product 37990
Classification) CODE 37129
Issued date 2021-03-05

Product responsible: Independent third party verifier:

Thomas Roul Martin Erlandsson

Product Engineering & Development Manager LCA Business Development Manager
Saint-Gobain Ecophon AB IVL
Product description
Product description and description of use:

This Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) describes the environmental impact of 1m² of acoustic ceiling with the
intended use to increase sound absorption in a room to create a better indoor environment.

This Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) are valid for products produced in Ecophon production plants in Sweden,
Denmark, Poland and Finland with a high-quality glass wool in different densities and thicknesses. The glass wool is covered
with a painted or woven surface layer and cut into panels of different sizes and edge designs. The edges are painted and
the panels are packed in cardboard boxes.

The structure of glass wool gives the material excellent sound energy absorption properties. Sound absorption is the main
function of acoustic glass wool panels. The panels are also light, stable, and easy to handle and cut.

Acoustic glass wool panels are commonly used in schools, offices, health care facilities and production premises where
there is a need for noise reduction to improve the working environment. The decrease in reverberation time, sound
pressure level and other acoustic parameters are related to the amount of panels used in the room as well as the
placement of the panels. The acoustic panels need no maintenance and do not age. They can last as long as the
building itself. For aesthetic reasons, normal room surface cleaning is advised.
Description of the main product components and materials for 1 m of product:

Parameter Value (Weight in %) Post-consumer recycled content

Product thickness 15-20 mm -
Glass wool 72% - 73% 70%
Waterborne paint 8% - 10% -
Glass tissue 14% - 17% -
Waterborne glue 8% - 10% -
Plastic wrapping 15 g -

Total weights
Product Opta A Opta E
Total weight [kg] 1 1,2

All raw materials contributing more than 5% to any environmental impact are listed in the table above. The panels are free
from substances of very high concern (SVHC). The product contains no substances from the REACH Candidate list (of

If there in future occur production changes that generate an increased impact larger than 10% the EPD will be updated
and re-verified.
Other environmental indicators
Regarding the indoor environment, the Opta products are certified for or fulfil regulations according to the following

Certificate and Regulations

Finnish M1
Eurofins Indoor Air Comfort

LCA calculation information

Declared unit 1m² of acoustic celling panel.

1m² acoustic ceiling with sound absorption class A installed at an

Functional unit
ODS of 200mm according to ISO 354.

Cradle to grave: Mandatory stages = A1-3, A4-5, B1-7, C1-4

and optional stage = D
System boundaries
This EPD covers the environmental impact of acoustic panels
without grid or suspension system.
Reference Service Life (RSL) 50 years
The use of cut-off criterion on mass inputs and primary energy at
the unit process level (1%) and at the information module level (5%).

Flows related to human activities such as employee transport are

Cut-off rules
Biogenic carbon has not been included in calculations.

The construction of plants, production of machines and

transportation systems are excluded since the related flows are
supposed to be negligible compared to the production of the
building product when compared at these systems lifetime level.
Allocations Allocation criteria are based on mass.
For A1-A3: Global
Geographical coverage and time period For A4 : European covering

According to EN 15804, EPD of construction products might not be comparable if they do not comply with this standard.
According to ISO 21930, EPD’s might not be comparable if they are from different EPD administrating schemes.
Life Cycle stages
Flow diagram of the Life Cycle

Certified electricity (GO)

or country specific mix
Product stage, A1-A3
Description of the stage:
The product stage of the glass wool products is divided into 3 modules: A1 “Raw material and supply”, A2 “Transport to
the manufacturer” and A3 “Manufacturer”. The aggregation of the modules A1, A2 and A3 is a possibility considered by
the EN 15 804 standard. This rule is applied in this EPD.

A1 Raw material supply

This module takes into account the extraction and processing of all raw materials and energy which occur upstream to the
studied manufacturing process.

Specifically, the glass wool raw material supply covers production of the binder components and sourcing (quarry) of raw
materials for fiber production, e.g. sand and borax. Besides these raw materials, recycled materials (glass cullet) are also
used as input. Other major raw materials are paint, glass tissue and glue which also are included in the calculation. All
electricity is taken account for in (GOs) or at least country specific mix.

A2 Transport to the manufacturer

The raw materials are transported to the manufacturing site. In our case, the modelling includes: road, boat or train
transportations (average values) of each raw material.

A3 Manufacturing
The manufacturing includes two steps; glass wool production and glass wool panel production. The glass wool panels are
produced in a continuous online process starting with applying glass tissue on the glass wool baseboard. The panels are
cut into correct size and the edges of the panels are painted. After drying the panels are packed in cardboard boxes.

Manufacturing covers all processes linked to production, which comprises various related operations besides on-site
activities such as grinding, painting and drying, packaging and internal transportation. The manufacturing process also
yields data on the combustion of refinery products, such as natural gas, diesel and gasoline, related to the production

The environmental profile of these energy carriers is modelled for local conditions. Packaging-related flows in the production
process and all up-stream packaging are included in the manufacturing module, i.e. wooden pallets, cardboard and PE-
film. Apart from production of packaging material, the supply and transport of packaging material are also considered in
the LCA model. They are reported and allocated to the module where the packaging is applied. Data on packaging waste
created during this step is then generated. It is assumed that packaging waste generated in the course of production and
up-stream processes is100% collected and either recycled or incinerated with energy recovery, related to material and
quality, in ratios according to the local material handling companies.

The glass wool raw material is supplied from three different external locations to all four Ecophon production sites. A
representative electricity mix for glass wool production in each country of origin was used. The finished product can be
produced in any of Ecophon’s four production sites, the split was calculated by mass allocation from production data for
year 2019 for all sites involved.

Construction process stage, A4-A5

Description of the stage:
The construction process is divided into 2 modules: A4 “Transport to the building site” and A5 “Installation in the building.

Description of scenarios and additional technical information:

A4 Transport to the building site
This module includes transport from the production gate to the building site. Transport is calculated on the basis of a scenario
with the parameters described in the following table.
Parameter Value
Fuel type, consumption of fuel and vehicle or vehicle type Average truck trailer with a 24t payload, diesel consumption 38
used for transport litres for 100 km
Distance 475 km (based on transports in 2019)
100% of the capacity in volume
Capacity utilisation (including empty returns)
30% of empty returns
Bulk density of transported products (if available) 54 - 98 kg/m3
Volume capacity utilisation factor (if available) 1

The transport distance has been calculated from a European average transport for Ecophon in 2019 following the
parameters in table above.

A5:1 Installation in the building

This module includes waste of products during the implementation, i.e. the additional production processes to compensate
the loss and the waste processing which occur in this stage.

Scenarios used for quantity of product wastage and waste processing are:
Parameter Value
Waste of materials on the building site before waste
processing, generated by the product’s installation
Packaging waste is 100 % collected and modelled as recovered
Output materials (specified by type) as results of waste
processing at the building site e.g. of collection for recycling,
for energy recovering, disposal
Ceiling panel losses are landfilled

A5:2 Energy usage

As a general figure the time to install 1m² ceiling is considered to be 20 minutes. During this time the installer is
considered to use handheld appliances for about 5% of this time which in this case results in 1 minute. A handheld device
such as a cordless screwdriver is considered to have a power of 0.7 kilowatt. Therefore, in one minute it will consume a
total energy of 0.7*60 = 4.2 kilojoule = 0.0042 MJ, per m2 ceiling. In this context it is a negligible contribution and will
not be part of the LCA calculation (lower than 0.1% of the total energy consumption).
Use stage (excluding potential savings), B1-B7
Description of the stage:
The use stage is divided into 7 modules, B1 “Use”, B2 “Maintenance”, B3 “Repair”, B4 “Replacement”, B5
“Refurbishment”, B6 “Operational energy use”, B7 “Operational water use”

Description of scenarios and additional technical information:

Once installation is complete, no actions or technical operations are required during the use stages until the end of life
stage. Therefore, glass wool ceiling panels have no impact (excluding potential energy savings) on this stage.

End-of-life stage C1-C4

Description of the stage:
The end-of life stage is divided into 4 modules; C1 “De-construction, demolition”, C2 “Transport to waste processing”, C3
“Waste processing for reuse, recovery and/or recycling”, C4 “Disposal”.

Description of scenarios and additional technical information:

C1, De-construction, demolition

The de-construction and/or dismantling of glass wool ceiling panels take part during the renovation of the building or the
demolition of the entire building. In our case, the environmental impact is assumed to be very small and can be neglected.

C2, Transport to waste processing

The model for transportation (see A4, Transportation to the building site) is applied.

C3, Waste processing for reuse, recovery and/or recycling;

The product is considered to be landfilled without reuse, recovery or recycling.

C4, Disposal;
The product is assumed to be 100% landfilled.

Parameter Value/description
1440 - 2410g of acoustic ceiling (collected with mixed
Collection process specified by type
construction waste)
Recovery system specified by type No reuse, recycling or energy recovery
Disposal specified by type 1080 - 1960g of acoustic ceiling is landfilled
Average truck trailer with a 24t payload, diesel consumption 38
Assumptions for scenario development (e.g. litres for 100 km
200 km (distance to landfill)

Reuse/recovery/recycling potential, D

Description of scenarios and additional technical information:

Packaging waste from module A5 is reported in this module as recovered matter.
LCA results
LCA model, aggregation of data and environmental impact are calculated from the GABI SP40 software – mostly
Ecoinvent 3.6 datasets and some Gabi datasets.

Raw materials and energy consumption, as well as transport distances have been taken directly from the manufacturing
plant of Saint-Gobain Ecophon in 2019.

Summary of the LCA results are detailed in the tables below.

All results in the EPD are written in logarithmic base of ten. Reading example:
5.2E -03 = 5.2*10-3 = 0,0052.

MND (module not declared), is equal to MNA (module not assessed).

Modules declared, geographical scope, and share of specific data (in GWP indicator) are stated in the following table.
For stages A1-A3 (largest contribution to total GWP), the raw materials are modelled with very low amount of generic data
– over 90% of the GWP comes from specific data.
Product phase Use phase End of life phase recov
process phase

Transport to waste processing
Transport to the manufacturer

Transport to the building site

De-construction demolition
Installation in the building
Raw material and supply

Operational energy use

Operational water use

Waste processing




Module A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 C1 C2 C3 C4 D
declared X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X MND
DK, EU, EU, EU, EU, -
Specific data
> 90 % - -
Environmental impact.

Environmental impacts

Parameters O pta A O pta E

A 1–A 3 1,21E +00 1,64E +00

A 4–A 5 1,28E - 01 1,64E - 01
B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
C1–C4 1,41E - 01 2,32E - 01
Global Warming P ot ent ial (GWP ) -
T ot al A - C 1,48E +00 2,03E +00
k g CO2 equiv /F U

T he global warming pot ent ial of a gas refers t o

t he t ot al cont ribut ion t o global warming
result ing from t he emission of one unit of t hat
gas relat ive t o one unit of t he reference gas,
carbon dioxide, which is assigned a value of 1.

A 1–A 3 1,11E - 07 1,55E - 07

A 4–A 5 6,69E - 09 8,93E - 09
B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
C1–C4 - 9,35E - 17 - 2,07E - 16
Ozone D eplet ion (OD P ) kg CF C 11
equiv/F U T ot al A - C 1,18E - 07 1,64E - 07
D est ruct ion of t he st rat ospheric ozone lay er
which shields t he eart h from ult raviolet
radiat ion harmful t o life. T his dest ruct ion of
ozone is caused by t he breakdown of cert ain
chlorine and/or bromine cont aining compounds
(chlorofluorocarbons or halogens), which break
A 1–A 3 6,68E - 03 9,03E - 03
A 4–A 5 4,65E - 04 5,98E - 04
B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
C1–C4 1,25E - 04 1,63E - 04
A cidificat ion pot ent ial (A P ) kg SO2
equiv/F U T ot al A - C 7,27E - 03 9,79E - 03
A cid deposit ions have negat ive impact s on
nat ural ecosy st ems and t he man- made
environment incl, buildings. T he main sources
for emissions of acidify ing subst ances are
agricult ure and fossil fuel combust ion used for
elect ricit y product ion, heat ing and t ransport .
A 1–A 3 3,77E - 03 5,23E - 03
A 4–A 5 2,82E - 04 3,73E - 04
B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
C1–C4 1,74E - 04 2,94E - 04

E ut rophicat ion pot ent ial (E P ) kg D ND A ND A

(P O4) - equiv/F U T ot al A - C 4,22E - 03 5,90E - 03

E xcessive enrichment of wat ers and cont inent al

surfaces wit h nut rient s, and t he associat ed
adverse biological effect s.

A 1–A 3 7,56E - 04 1,06E - 03

A 4–A 5 6,95E - 05 8,99E - 05
B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
C1–C4 4,30E - 05 7,18E - 05
P hot ochemical ozone creat ion D ND A ND A
(P OP C) kg E t hene equiv/F U
T ot al A - C 8,68E - 04 1,22E - 03

Chemical react ions brought about by t he light

energy of t he sun. T he react ion of nit rogen
oxides wit h hy drocarbons in t he presence of
sunlight t o form ozone is an example of a
phot ochemical react ion.

A 1–A 3 1,70E - 06 2,74E - 06

A 4–A 5 1,09E - 07 1,62E - 07
A biot ic deplet ion pot ent ial for non- B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
fossil resources (A D P - element s) - kg
Sb equiv/F U C1–C4 4,09E - 10 - 2,38E - 10
T ot al A - C 1,81E - 06 2,90E - 06
A 1–A 3 1,63E +01 2,38E +01
A 4–A 5 1,10E +00 1,51E +00
B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00

A biot ic deplet ion pot ent ial for fossil C1–C4 3,65E - 01 4,74E - 01
resources (A D P - fossil fuels) - D ND A ND A
M J /F U
T ot al A - C 1,77E +01 2,58E +01

Consumpt ion of non- renewable resources,

t hereby lowering t heir availabilit y for fut ure
generat ions.
Resource use

Environmental impacts

Parameters O pta A O pta E

A 1–A 3 1,17E +01 1,56E +01

U se of renewable primary energy A 4–A 5 1,31E +00 1,51E +00
excluding renewable primary energy
B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
resources used as raw mat erials - M J
/F U C1–C4 - 1,27E - 02 - 3,85E - 02
T ot al A - C 1,30E +01 1,70E +01
A 1–A 3 9,79E - 02 1,22E - 01
A 4–A 5 4,89E - 03 6,09E - 03
U se of renewable primary energy
B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
used as raw mat erials - M J /F U
C1–C4 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
T ot al A - C 1,03E - 01 1,28E - 01
A 1–A 3 1,18E +01 1,57E +01
T ot al use of renewable primary A 4–A 5 1,31E +00 1,52E +00
energy resources (primary energy
B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
and primary energy resources used
as raw mat erials) - M J /F U C1–C4 - 1,27E - 02 - 3,85E - 02
T ot al A - C 1,31E +01 1,72E +01

O pta A O pta E

A 1–A 3 1,37E +01 2,16E +01

U se of non- renewable primary A 4–A 5 9,64E - 01 1,40E +00

energy excluding non- renewable B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
primary energy resources used as C1–C4 3,32E - 01 4,14E - 01
raw mat erials - M J /F U
T ot al A - C 1,50E +01 2,34E +01
A 1–A 3 6,29E - 01 7,30E - 01

U se of non- renewable primary A 4–A 5 3,70E - 02 4,14E - 02

energy used as raw mat erials - M J / B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
FU C1–C4 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
T ot al A - C 6,66E - 01 7,71E - 01
A 1–A 3 1,43E +01 2,23E +01
T ot al use of non- renewable primary A 4–A 5 1,00E +00 1,44E +00
energy resources (primary energy
B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
and primary energy resources used
as raw mat erials) - M J /F U C1–C4 3,32E - 01 4,14E - 01
T ot al A - C 1,56E +01 2,41E +01

O pta A O pta E

A 1–A 3 4,04E - 01 5,03E - 01

A 4–A 5 3,51E - 02 3,81E - 02
U se of secondary mat erial
K g /F U B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
C1–C4 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
T ot al A - C 4,39E - 01 5,41E - 01

Opta A Opta E

A 1–A 3 0,00E +00 0,00E +00

U se of renewable secondary fuels A 4–A 5 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
M J /F U
B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
C1–C4 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
T ot al A - C 0,00E +00 0,00E +00

Opta A Opta E

A 1–A 3 0,00E +00 0,00E +00

U se of non- renewable secondary A 4–A 5 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
fuels - M J /F U
B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
C1–C4 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
T ot al A - C 0,00E +00 0,00E +00

Opta A Opta E

A 1–A 3 2,10E - 02 2,88E - 02

U se of net fresh wat er A 4–A 5 1,26E - 03 1,65E - 03
m³ /F U
B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
C1–C4 1,87E - 05 3,72E - 06
T ot al A - C 2,23E - 02 3,04E - 02
Waste categories

Environmental impacts

Parameters Opta A Opta E

A 1–A 3 8,92E - 09 1,12E - 08

A 4–A 5 1,30E - 09 1,42E - 09
H azardous wast e disposed
B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
kg /F U
C1–C4 1,91E - 11 2,03E - 11
T ot al A - C 1,02E - 08 1,26E - 08

Opta A Opta E

A 1–A 3 1,66E - 01 1,90E - 01

A 4–A 5 7,52E - 02 9,28E - 02
Non- hazardous wast e
disposed - kg /F U B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
C1–C4 1,15E +00 1,42E +00
T ot al A - C 1,39E +00 1,70E +00

Opta A Opta E

A 1–A 3 - 2,17E - 06 2,93E - 06

R adioact ive wast e disposed A 4–A 5 - 5,07E - 06 - 6,21E - 06
kg /F U
B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
C1–C4 - 1,32E - 05 - 2,41E - 05

Output flow

Environmental impacts

Parameters Opta A Opta E

A 1–A 3 - -
A 4–A 5 - -
Component s for re- use kg/F U B 1–B 7 - -
C1–C4 - -
T ot al A - C - -

Opta A Opta E

A 1–A 3 1,27E - 02 1,49E - 02

A 4–A 5 9,80E - 03 1,06E - 02
M at erials for recy cling kg/F U B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
C1–C4 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
T ot al A - C 2,25E - 02 2,55E - 02

Opta A Opta E

A 1–A 3 - -
A 4–A 5 - -
M at erials for energy reovery - kg/F U B 1–B 7 - -
C1–C4 - -
T ot al A - C - -

Opta A Opta E

A 1–A 3 0,00E +00 0,00E +00

A 4–A 5 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
E xport ed energy M J /F U B 1–B 7 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
C1–C4 0,00E +00 0,00E +00
T ot al A - C - -

Opta A Opta E

Global warming

1,48 2,03
kg CO2equiv/FU

Non-renewable resources consumption [1]

MJ/FU 18 26

Energy consumption [2]

MJ/FU 29 41

Water consumption [3]

m3/FU 0,02 0,03

Waste production [4]

1,39 1,70

[1] This indicator corresponds to the abiotic depletion potential of fossil resources.
[2] This indicator corresponds to the total use of primary energy.
[3] This indicator corresponds to the use of net fresh water.
[4] This indicator corresponds to the sum of hazardous, non-hazardous and radioactive waste disposed.
Reference list
ISO 354:2003: Acoustics -- Measurement of sound absorption in a reverberation room

Finnish M1: Emission classification of building materials (M1 Classification): general instructions 12 November 2014

Eurofins Indoor Air Comfort: Eurofins Indoor Air Comfort GOLD and Indoor Air Comfort Version 7.0 May 2020

Reach: EU REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006

LCA report: Project_report_on_Ecophon_LCA_2021-03-03

EN 15804:2012+A1:2013: Sustainability of construction works - Environmental product declarations -

Acoustical systems solutions (sub-oriented PCR; appendix to PCR 2012:01) - previously Acoustic ceilings.

PCR 2012:01 Construction products and construction services (version 2.32 dated 2020-07-01)

Difference from previous versions

New company logo and correction of few product weights on page 3.


LCA author and EPD owner

Saint-Gobain Ecophon AB
Box 500
265 03 Hyllinge

Markus Beckman
[email protected]

Programme operator

EPD International AB
Box 210 60
100 31 Stockholm
[email protected]

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