How To Install Mysql Server

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How To Install MySQL Server 5.

7 on Windows 7 Development Machine

Step 1: Download MySQL Server

 Go to the following link:


 Press the download button as shown in the graphic below:

 Choose the correct version

 Next, you will be asked to Login in or Sign Up. You can safely ignore this request and click on the little
link at the bottom of the page that says, No thanks, just start my download.

Step 2: Installation Walkthrough

 On the Welcome page, press the Install MySQL Products link.
 On the License Agreement page, Check the box to accept the license terms and press Next.
 On the Choosing a Setup Type choose Custom so you can decide exactly which packages to install. This is the
only place where you can specify whether to install 32-bit or 64-bit MySQL Server.
 On the Select Products and Features page, select the 32bit or 64bit versions of all the applications that you
want. At the very least get:
 MySql Server
 MySQL Workbench (a UI used to manage your local databases)
 On the Check Requirements page, install any missing requirements by pressing the Execute button, or go back
to the previous page and change the packages that will be installed to remove the requirement. Once all of the
requirements are met, press the Next button.
 On the Installation page, you will be shown a list of software that will be downloaded. Press the Execute
button to begin the downloads.

Step 3: Add mysql command to the Windows PATH Variable

Adding MySQL to the Windows PATH variable will allow you run various commands from the console, and allow
3rd party applications to execute various MySQL commands.

 Click the Start Orb

 Right click on the computer menu/button Computer
 Select the Properties menu option.
 On the dialog that opens, select Advanced system settings.
 Select the Advanced tab.
 Click the Environment Variables button.
 Select the Path variable in the table, then press the Edit button.
 Append the path to your MySQL Server bin directory (make sure to add a semi-colon after any existing items
in the path before appending the new path). The default path for a 64bit installation is C:\Program
Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin.

Step 4: Configure MySQL Server

When the installer finishes, a new configuration wizard will open.

 On the Type and Networking page, click on the Sever Configuration Type box to take a look at the
available options

o Config Type: Development Machine

o Connectivity:
o Check the box for TCP/IP Networking and choose a port. Port 3306 is standard and works well so
leave it alone unless you have a reason to change it. Check the box to Open Firewall port for
network access. Lastly, click the Show Advanced Options checkbox and press Next.
o On the next page, pick a good password for your MySQL root account. You can add any additional
users you need now, or do this later when you’re setting up your application. Press Next when done.

 On the next page for configuring the Windows Service Details, give your service a new name or leave the
default suggestion in place. Next, decided on whether to Start the MySQL Server at System Startup. For a
development machine, it makes sense to check this box. The last option, tells MySQL Server which user
account to run under. Leave the box checked for Standard System Account unless you have an explicit reason
not to. Press Next.
 On the Advanced Options page, accepts the defaults unless you would like something non standard. Press
Next to finish the configuration and installation. You should see the Configuration Complete message on the
Configuration Overview page. You might also get a notification from Windows that the list of Services has
changed as well. If you decided to install Samples and Examples, MySQL will need to briefly configure that
as well, so press Next to start that configuration. When that is done, press Next to finish the configuration.

Step 5: Start and Stop MySQL Server

At this point, you should be on the Installation Complete page with MySQL Server running. If you choose to install
MySQL Workbench, you will see a checkbox asking to open MySQL Workbench when the Installer closes. Make
your choice and select Finish.

You can start and stop your MySQL Server on Windows by connecting to it in MySQL Workbench. This UI will
allow you to administer your server, run queries, manage database, etc…

 Start MySQL Workbench

 Click the “Local instance MySQL57”

 Choose Sever-> Startup/ Shutdown

 Click “Start Server”.

 Enter your password

Step 6: Create a MySQL Database with MySQL Workbench

 Click on the New Schema icon in the menu, and then enter a name
(stu_YOURUPI_COMPSCI_280_C_S2_2017) for your new database in the field as shown. Click the Apply
button to generate the SQL script.

 Click the Apply button again to execute the create database statement, and create your new database.
 Click Finish.
 Your database should now be listed on the left with your other database schemas.

Step 7: Create a EMPLOYEES Table

 Double-click the database that you just created

 Enter a SQL statement.

 Click the execute button to execute the SQL statement.

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