GL-GEO-1920141 - MC Thimmaiah, Cunningham Road
GL-GEO-1920141 - MC Thimmaiah, Cunningham Road
GL-GEO-1920141 - MC Thimmaiah, Cunningham Road
: GL-GEO-1920141
Mr. M. C. Thimmaiah, Bangalore
February 2020
Mr. M.C. Thimmaiah, Bangalore.
GEOLOGICS in association with Icon Cadsoft & Surveyors is pleased to present the attached geotechnical for
the above project. The purpose of our investigation was to explore and evaluate the subsurface conditions at
various locations on the site to develop geotechnical engineering recommendations for project design and
Recommendations regarding the geotechnical aspects of project design and construction are presented in the
following report. Recommendations provided herein are contingent on the provisions outlined in the Limitations
section of this report. The project Owner/Designer/Consultant should become familiar with these provisions to
assess further involvement by GEOLOGICS and other potential impacts to the proposed project.
We appreciate the opportunity of providing our services for this project. If you have questions regarding this report
or if we may be of further assistance, please contact the undersigned.
Prepared by Approved By
__________________________ __________________________
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Proposed Residential Building ▪ Cunningham Road, Bangalore ▪ Project No. GL-GEO-1920141
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Proposed Residential Building ▪ Cunningham Road, Bangalore ▪ Project No. GL-GEO-1920141
Table of Contents
1) INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................4
7) RECOMMENDATIONS ..............................................................................................................................6
8) REPORT LIMITATIONS..............................................................................................................................7
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Proposed Residential Building ▪ Cunningham Road, Bangalore ▪ Project No. GL-GEO-1920141
The Geotechnical Engineering Report has been completed for the Proposed Residential Building at No.
17/10, Ali Askar Road Cross, Cunningham Road, Bangalore. The scope of work involved drilling of 03
Boreholes designated as BH-01 through BH-03 to a maximum depth of 6.0m or refusal whichever is earlier
below the existing ground surface as per project requirement.
The purpose of this Geotechnical Investigation work is to provide information and geotechnical engineering
recommendation as described below:
To determine the nature, depth and To assess founding conditions for the
extent of the different soils underlying construction of the facility
the site To comment on shallow groundwater
To determine the engineering or seepage, if any, and
properties of the soils To identify any other geotechnical
To determine if the soil materials are aspects that may be relevant to the
suitable for construction purposes construction of the facility.
Boring location plan is presented in Appendix – A, borehole logs are presented in Appendix – B and
summary of laboratory test results are presented in Appendix – C.
Site Layout Refer Appendix – A, Tests Location Plan
Site Location No. 17/10, Ali Askar Road Cross, Cunningham Road, Bangalore
Structure Details Residential Building; No. of floors: Stilt+G+2; Basement – No basement
Existing Structures Nil
Current Ground Cover Natural Soil – Sandy SILT/CLAY Site Condition Not excavated
The field work for the current investigation was carried out on 13th February 2020. Altogether 03 boreholes
were drilled in locations provided by the client to investigate the subsurface in the planned development.
The locations of all the drilled boreholes were identified and marked on the site by GEOLOGICS as per the
drawing provided by Client. Drilling was performed using manual auger method. Field test data and
observations of all boreholes are presented in Appendix B.
During drilling of boreholes, Standard Penetration Tests; SPT were conducted in accordance with IS 2131 –
1981. The test uses a thick-walled sample tube, with an outside diameter of 50 mm and an inside diameter
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Proposed Residential Building ▪ Cunningham Road, Bangalore ▪ Project No. GL-GEO-1920141
of 35 mm, and a length of around 650 mm. This is driven into the ground at the bottom of a borehole by
blows from a slide hammer with a weight of 63.5 kg falling through 760 mm. The sample tube is driven 150
mm into the ground and then the number of blows needed for the tube to penetrate each 150 mm up to a
depth of 450 mm is recorded. The sum of the number of blows required for the second and third 150mm of
penetration is termed the "standard penetration resistance" or the "N-value". In cases where 50 blows are
insufficient to advance it through a 150 mm (In a very dense and/or cemented soil layers), the penetration
after 50 blows is recorded. The blow count provides an indication of the density of the ground, and it is
used in many empirical geotechnical engineering formulae.
SPT was performed wherever the soil conditions are appropriate for SPT and the N-values are reported.
Disturbed SPT and bulk samples collected during drilling were retained in sealed, labeled plastic bags.
Relatively undisturbed soil samples, if available, were taken from cohesive soils using Shelby tube samplers,
later transported to our laboratory for further sample descriptions and determination of engineering
After classification and carrying out the geological description on the obtained samples, a laboratory tests
program was issued; this program contained the required tests on selected samples to determine the
physical and mechanical properties of the ground materials. The tests were performed per the relevant
parts of Indian Standards as follows.
Table 1.0: Tests and reference standards
Water content IS 2720: Part 2: 1973 Free Swell Index IS 2720: Part 40
Grain Size Analysis IS 2720: Part 4: 1985 Direct shear test IS 2720: Part 13
Liquid and Plastic Limit IS 2720: Part 5: 1985 Specific Gravity of soil IS 2720: Part III-2
The summary of Laboratory tests and laboratory reports are presented in Appendix C.
The boreholes drilled shows that there are general similarities and continuities of the subsurface materials
with local variations. Very stiff to hard sandy, SILT/CLAY was observed from GL till the termination depth of
the boreholes. The boreholes were terminated at a depth of 6.0m bgl as per project specification. The
standard penetration N-Values were varying from 6 to 28.
The boreholes were monitored to determine the presence of groundwater/seepage water after 24 hours of
completion of borehole. At the time of field investigations, GWT/seepage water was not encountered in
any of the drilled boreholes within the exploration depth. However, during some periods of the year,
GWT/seepage water may be encountered. Fluctuations in ground water levels/seepage water are affected
by the variations in the amount of rainfall, runoff, evaporation and other hydrological factors not apparent
at the time of drilling. Longer monitoring would be required to evaluate long term groundwater conditions.
It is recommended to adopt shallow foundation for the proposed structure. The minimum depth of
foundation shall be 2.0m bgl or below since the soil in the top 1.5-2.0m is found to be weak. Table below
provides the bearing capacity parameters for design of foundations of size up to 3.0m. The estimated
settlements would be of the order of 25mm for square/ strip footings.
Table 2.0: Bearing Capacity Parameters – Isolated Footings
Borehole No. All Boreholes
Depth of Foundation 2.0m bgl 2.5m bgl 3.0m bgl
qa = Net Allowable SBC in kN/m2 140 155 175
Depth of GWT in m Nil
Width of foundation in m Up to 3.0m
Permissible settlement in mm 25mm
1. Bgl – below ground level,
1. Due to presence of sandy SILT/CLAY stratum, accumulation of water in open excavation due to seepage or
rainfall can result in slush formation and may weaken the exposed stratum. In such a situation, it is
recommended to remove the slush completely till hard/firm stratum and a soling layer of 0.30m below
foundation level shall be provided. The soling shall be immediately covered PCC to prevent further weakening
of stratum. The soling layer shall be done using 40mm down size aggregates by removing loose soil completely
and by placing the larger stones first and the gaps shall be filled by smaller stones. The interstices shall then be
firmly packed with sand of 100 mm thickness or by flooding a mixture of sand & water or water cement slurry.
2. Also the soil at design foundation level shall be compacted before placing the PCC/foundation.
3. It is recommended to provide tie beams between columns/footings to keep the differential settlement within
tolerable limits.
4. For raft foundation design, a net allowable SBC of 120 kN/m2 shall be considered at a depth of 1.5mbgl and
footing width of up to 8m. The allowable settlement shall be considered as 50mm. Modulus of subgrade
reaction of 3 kN/m3 shall be considered for design.
5. For shallow foundations, when excavating to foundation level care should be taken not to disturb the
underlying strata. Any disturbed material, made ground or “soft spots” encountered at foundation
level should be removed and replaced with properly compacted engineering fill/Soling Layer. Prior to
foundation construction, the soil at foundation level should be compacted to 95% of maximum dry
density as determined from a modified Proctor test. The compacted surface should then be protected by
immediately covering with a layer of concrete blinding.
6. In case any change in strata is observed during foundation excavation, the same shall be brought to the
notice of Geotechnical Consultant for the review of recommendations.
This report is based on local experience and the findings at the exploratory locations. If different subsoil
conditions are encountered, the same may be brought to our notice and recommendations submitted
herein will be reviewed and revised as required. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the
client and their approved agents for specified application to this project. It has been prepared in
accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices.
DS 0.50 0.50
U, Silt
T, Clay 3.00
Special sample
#41, Sri Sri Venkatadri, V. Nagenahalli Main Road, RT Nagar Post, Bangalore 560032
Scale 1:35 Title: Proposed Residential Development at Cunningham Road, Bangalore
File: BH-01 Date: 21/02/2020
Page No.: Project: GL-GEO-1920141
Drilling Method: Manual Auger Method
Date: 13/02/2020; Borehole Diameter: 150mm
DS 0.50 0.50
U, Silt
T, Clay 3.00
Special sample
#41, Sri Sri Venkatadri, V. Nagenahalli Main Road, RT Nagar Post, Bangalore 560032
Scale 1:35 Title: Proposed Residential Development at Cunningham Road, Bangalore
File: BH-02 Date: 21/02/2020
Page No.: Project: GL-GEO-1920141
Drilling Method: Manual Auger Method
Date: 13/02/2020; Borehole Diameter: 150mm
DS 0.50 0.50
U, Silt
T, Clay 3.00
Special sample
#41, Sri Sri Venkatadri, V. Nagenahalli Main Road, RT Nagar Post, Bangalore 560032
Scale 1:35 Title: Proposed Residential Development at Cunningham Road, Bangalore
File: BH-03 Date: 21/02/2020
Page No.: Project: GL-GEO-1920141
Summary of Laboratory Test Results
Summary of Lab Test Results Boreholes
Project: Proposed Residential Development at #17/10, Ali Askar Road Cross, Cunningham Road, Bangalore
Client: Mr. M.C. Thimmaiah Contractor -
Project No.: GL-GEO-1920141
Natural Moisture
Particle Size Analysis Atterberg Limits
Specific Gravity
Content (%)
Angle, phi in
Plastic Limit
Sl. Depth
Cohesion, C
Liquid Limit
Boulders %
Silt/Clay %
Cobbles %
Gravel %
BH no.
Sand %
in kPa
No in m
1.5 17.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 40.1 59.9 35.1 24.9 10.2 7 29 13 2.61
1 BH-01 3.0 16.6 0.0 0.0 0.3 38.8 60.9 36.2 24.5 11.7 - - - -
6.0 19.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 43.7 56.3 50.0 NP NP - - - -
1.5 19.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 38.3 61.7 35.5 23.8 11.7 - - - -
2 BH-02
4.5 19.1 0.0 0.0 0.4 29.3 70.3 49.9 NP NP - - - -
3.0 16.9 0.0 0.0 8.8 43.4 47.8 36.7 28.3 8.4 9 28 13 2.66
3 BH-03
6.0 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 41.5 58.5 44.8 27.8 17.0 - - - -
Swelling Characteristics
4. Free swell index is Varying between 13.0 & 13.0 Negligible swelling type SILT/CLAY