HRM Case
HRM Case
HRM Case
It is a process of identifying the need of new employees for vacant position. In this
process organizations introduce the vacant position in the market through different
kind of advertisements, like Website, TV, and Radio. Recruitment is done internally
as well as externally, in internal existing employees get promotion and in external
new employees are hired.
Selection is the process of choosing right person among those who have applied of
vacancy. In this process there is a very important step that is screening, here HR
team decides to select the candidate or not. HR team starts the process from
screening of candidate s CV to ensure that either he/she is fit for job and organization
or not. After that candidate is called for interview, if candidate qualifies the interview
then he/she will be called for second interview otherwise HR team will send the
disqualification letter. Those candidates who will qualify second interview
receive contract/offer letter.
Most of organizations like TESCO follow this process to fill the post with right
people. This process is beneficial and helpful for organizations to get best
employees. Like TESCO, they find the need of employees on annual basis, if they
require the employees for a position then first of all they try to recruit the person
within organization through intranet system if they find the right person then they
hire if not then they go towards extranet or external resources through
advertisements. So by this process they find right person for respective job.
Question No: 02
Job description and person specification is the very helpful for selection of best
employee for the vacant position. When organization advertise for a job then they
mention job description and person specification so it filters the eligible candidates
and there will not be rush of ineligible candidates. Here only those candidates will
apply who believe that they are eligible and can successfully take vacant position.
In the job description and person specification title of job, who will order whom and
will take by whom, roles and responsibilities, required skills and experience is
clearly mentioned so it will be easy for candidates to apply for respective job.
Question No: 03
TESCO is good one. By this methods they
motivate the applicants/employees through advertisements, job rotation, promotion.
They advertise the vacant position on website, TV, radio by which they attract the
more people. TESCO provide easiness to applicants by applying online through
website. Chosen candidates appear in interview for final selection.
Strengths are they allow their existing employee to apply for vacant position when
they advertise it through intranet system. They promote or move their employee and
they get motivation and work sincerely according to their skills. Also they select
right person for respective job by using this method.
Weaknesses are losing talented candidates during screening of CV because may be
that candidate has less education but more experience and talent. Also time
consuming during that whole process is another weakness. Here is another weakness
that is lack of training to employees.
Question No: 04
There are many benefits of interview and assessment centers for TESCO because
here the recruiter can identify actual skills of applicant. By assigning a short topic to
applicant for speech, group discussion etc. here communication skills can be
identified easily. Also at assessment center HR Team can judge candidates
during waiting for interview.