Peninsula Cornwall - Pressure Damage

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Final report

February 2017

Innovating for

Improving pressure damage detection in the

community using continuous pressure
monitoring of patients
Cornwall Partnership Foundation NHS Trust
About the project

Project title: Improving pressure damage detection in the community using

continuous pressure monitoring of patients

Lead organisation: Cornwall Partnership Foundation NHS Trust

Partner organisation: Plymouth University

Project lead: Nicci Aylward-Wotton

Co Author: Bridie Kent

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report


About the project…………………………………………………………………………. 2

Part 1: Abstract ....................................................................................................... 4
Part 2: Progress and outcomes............................................................................... 8
Part 4: Learning from your project ......................................................................... 19
Part 5: Sustainability and spread .......................................................................... 22
Appendix 1: Resources and Appendixes .............................................................. 23
Meridian Questionnaires and comment analysis ................................................... 23
Research aims to combat pressure ulcers ............................................................... 30

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Part 1: Abstract

“This is amazing and given me control and stopped the guess work”


This patient can now attend hydrotherapy and is able to sleep due to
improved comfort.

Each year approximately half a million people in the UK will develop at least one
pressure ulcer, with the majority of research and technology focusing on the
hospital setting. Pressure ulcers usually affect people with:

• An underlying health condition

• High levels of frailty and dependant on carers

• Developing when patients are in their own homes.

• Patients sleeping in chairs or spending large amounts of time in chairs

unable to move

Cornwall has a higher than average elderly population, when compared to the rest
of the UK. Around 154 pressure ulcers are acquired whilst in the care of Cornwall
Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CFT) each month, with 5-7 of these being
severe (Grade 5-7). Relieving the pressure is a vital part of the healing process;
however, some patients have said they are reluctant to use pressure-relieving
equipment as it can be uncomfortable, hot and noisy. These patients have been
classed by practitioners, rightly or wrongly, as non-concordant (which means not
agreeing with treatment decisions).

This project focused on frail people living in the community in Cornwall. By

introducing continuous pressure monitoring, coupled with patient and carer
education, we have been successful in enabling these people to self-manage
their pressure ulcer risk. Our project used the Fore Site PT pressure monitor to
more accurately detect pressure ulcer risk, aid healing and to determine if the
technology could influence patient and carer decision making. This technology
consists of a chair-sized pressure map, made up of hundreds of pressure sensors,
developed specifically for the project, connecting to a monitor recording real-world
data. Continuous pressure monitoring technology identifies ‘hot-spots’ of pressure,
generated when the patient sits in one position for long periods.

The project objectives were to demonstrate healing for existing pressure ulcers or
prevention of pressure ulcers, determine the acceptability of the equipment by
patients and carers whilst assessing its usability. In addition to capturing positions
that are compatible with healing, associated interface pressures over long periods
of time in the chair and equipment which is not fit for purpose for patient use in
their own homes were also identified.

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Forty four patients were recruited to the project via referral to the local Tissue
Viability services. Following assessment, the monitoring equipment was put in
place and, in association with education about the system, left in situ for an agreed
period of time. The results were then fed back to the patient and carers and
amendments to care or equipment agreed as required. Further visits were
arranged to review the changes and monitor the outcomes. An example of the
data generated can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1: An example of the data generated by the mapping technology

The technology was used to monitor patients both whilst in bed and in the chair.
We concluded that an individual approach to care is needed and that no
assumptions can be made with regards to the suitability of a particular pressure
relieving mattress or cushion to provide the best interface pressures needed to
prevent or heal pressure injury.

The information obtained has challenged previously held beliefs with regards to
pressure ulcer prevention and patient non-concordance. The analyses have
resulted in alternative equipment being sought for patients sleeping in the upright
position whilst in bed. These have demonstrated the high number of patients that
are affected and that similarly high peak pressures are being reached to those that
arise from sleeping in the chair all day. It has highlighted that a large number of
cushions and mattresses are not fit for purpose for community use by patients who
are quite immobile and who change their position minimally during the day or
night. The analyses also suggest that the usual practice of advising the patient to

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

remain in bed to alleviate the pressure, and not sit out in a chair if they have a
pressure injury, is not necessarily the best strategy.

Furthermore, the evidence is indicating that posture has a major impact on the
development of pressure ulcers particularly for the frail person who is sitting in the
chair, often for 24 hours. Nurses are rarely taught about the posture of patients
and the increased risk posed on the development of pressure ulcers. Our data are
facilitating the pictorial demonstration of the effect that posture and positioning
have on pressure, and skin damage. Thus this project is challenging
misconceptions and facilitating the re-education of practitioners.

Qualitative data were also recorded; clinicians were supportive of the use of the
technology and found that, in general, it was easy to use and had high levels of
user acceptability. Frail people have been very positive about the use of the
monitor seeing beneficial clinical outcomes and improvements in patient centred

Following the review of the pressure monitor data and wishes of the patient, six
patients had pressure relieving mattresses upgraded and 11 cushions; 21 patients
remained on the same mattresses with 15 remaining on the same cushions,
requiring alteration to the equipment, education of the carers and a further 9
patients mattresses and 10 cushions needed to be downgraded, resulting in a cost

Of the 44 patients who took place in the project, four patients died and these
were removed from the data analysis. Of the 40 remaining patients 32 (80%)
healed or are healing. The net annualised savings (assuming worst case
scenario, using Department of Health (DOH) costing data associated with
category 4 pressure injury of £14,000 for a year’s treatment) totalling
£99,281 was achieved.

The key challenges:

• Geography of Cornwall and the spread of patients across a vast

geographical area. This was addressed by purchasing an external hard
drive for each monitor, along with access to the analyser software available
on a central server.

• Amount of time needed to assess and monitor patients; this may involve
several visits to ensure the correct equipment is in place. This has been
addressed by working closely with the loan equipment department to have
an array of equipment available for evaluation.

Improvements have been:

• Redefining non-concordance

• Patient involvement in pressure injury management in their own homes

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

• Matching the equipment to the patient as opposed to matching the patient
to the equipment

In summary: the project has demonstrated that healing rates can be improved,
pressure injury can be prevented and user acceptability of the technology is good.
The use of this technology saw a reduction in potential treatment costs.

The use of this pre-post approach in a real world setting, working with people living
in their own homes in the community, stretched the technology, which had been
developed for hospital use. Following referral to the Tissue Viability service, these
vulnerable people were able to be assessed more thoroughly than usual through
the insertion of the technology to determine normal sitting or lying positions and
pressures. Challenges were identified and addressed and it is clear that this
technology is now ready for wider application. Education and training are needed
to assist with the dissemination of the findings of the project, so that other patients
will be able to experience this advanced mapping technology.

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Part 2: Progress and outcomes

Patients were recruited (following Plymouth university ethics approval and Trust
registration for service improvement) after referral to the Tissue Viability service,
predominately by the District Nursing service. Referrals consisted of patients with
deteriorating pressure ulcers or patients reluctant to use pressure relieving
equipment. However, as the knowledge of the project has spread, referrals were
received from a wider range of the multi-disciplinary team such as Occupational
Therapists, Wheelchair Services and Nursing homes.

Quantitative data were collected prospectively with each visit and entered into the
database. Qualitative data were collected via patient questionnaires to capture
brief details of their experience with the use of the pressure mapping system. This
occurred through the use of Meridian, a web based system that allows the
information to be collated electronically.

In total, 44 patients were included in the project between February 2016 and
December 2016. A small proportion of these people lived in nursing/residential
homes (n =8) with the majority being seen in their own homes (n = 36). Their ages
ranged from 18-94 years (S.D 16.8years). Patients were predominantly bedbound,
chair bound or wheelchair bound (79%) and unable to move independently. This is
in line with the majority of patients having a frailty index of 7 and above (measured
on the Rockwood Frailty Index1). Patients suffered from Neurological conditions,
which were grouped into Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Vascular Event and
Parkinson Disease. Patients who suffered from end stage dementia made up the
second highest disease category.

Pressure injury ranged from no injury to grade 4, with the majority having grade 3
pressure injuries (see figure 2). Healing rates are presented in figure 3.
Demographic results are summarised in tables 2-6

The feedback from the patients indicates that they found the pressure monitoring
and mapping system invaluable, with some patients refusing to change to
alternative equipment until the pressure map was used to show that it was safe to
use. This appears particularly useful for spinal injury patients who do not have the
ability to detect pain or comfort levels.

Where possible, additional quality measurements were captured including:

reduction in pain, increase in sleep and the ability to sit out for longer periods of
time, in addition to healing rates and the ability to prevent pressure injury as some
patients did not have pressure injuries but had been reluctant to use equipment
because of the above issues. The data collected were incomplete due to some
patients’ inability to respond to the patient questions i.e. due to dementia or end of

a) Sources of the data and how easy it is to access

1K. Rockwood et al. A global clinical measure of fitness and frailty in elderly people. CMAJ

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

The pressure monitor data from each patient were downloaded onto an external
hard drive in order to upload to the software programme located on the NHS
Trust’s network server. This took some time to achieve but significantly reduced
travel time and decision time with regards to patient management. The tissue
viability team were educated in the use of the software programme to decrease the
time to treatment and thus improve patient outcomes. Patient demographic data
were obtained from routinely collected data in the patient notes in nursing homes
and electronic records, to which the lead clinician normally had access. The results
of the interventions and pressure monitor data were recorded in the electronic
records and nursing home notes. Patient questionnaires have been collected using
the Meridian survey system. The questionnaires were then coded using NVivo

b) Validity and reliability of the data

To ensure validity, reliability and avoidance of bias, the data downloaded from the
monitor were reviewed using a pre-agreed format, which consisted of identifying
the areas of concern i.e. sacrum, ischial tuberosity, etc. The highest pressure
points were identified via the software analyser (taking into account patient
movement and carer handling). The interface pressures were recorded for Peak
Pressure, Peak Pressure Index over a 10cm2 area (3x3 sensels) and gradient
between the Peak Pressure and lowest pressure within this area, which
represented the possibility of shear damage(2014)2. The codes generated the
analysis of the qualitative data in the questionnaires were reviewed by a second
reviewer in order to minimise bias.

c) Information on how satisfactory your baseline numbers are in terms of

data quality

As this project was based in a real-world setting, with the majority of patients being
assessed in their own homes in uncontrolled situations, the data were found to be
incomplete. Patients were not always willing to use the map for a second time
resulting in no comparison data. However, the fact that the patient was more
comfortable, sleeping much better and that the wound healed or were healing,
these reflect the success of the change of position or equipment. Equally the
length of time the patient remained on the map varied, with some being short due
to safety issues with leaving the patient on the map unattended. This resulted in
the map being used for a snap shot in time as opposed to the intention of the
project, which was to monitor for a long period. A risk assessment was undertaken
to ensure the patient safety; this resulted in longer face to face contact or
increased visits on the same day to remove the map when carers were available to
help with moving the patient or alternatively remaining with the patient for longer
periods than normal to ensure reliable data were obtained.

Patient/Carer/Health care worker views:

2 C Lung et al. Investigation of Peak Pressure Index Parameters for People with Spinal Cord Injury
Using Wheelchair Tilt-in-Space and Recline: Metholodolgy and Preliminary Report. Biomed Research

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

A total of 50 questionnaires were submitted by 34 patients, 13 carers and three
health care workers associated with a total of 44 patients. In some cases, patients
were unable to respond, and in others the patient only responded (no carer
involvement). The main themes arising from the carers were ‘the ability to visualise
the pressure points on the monitor using the colours as a guide in identifying high
pressure points’, ‘ease of use of the technology’, including any technical
difficulties, ‘understanding position change’ using the colours as a guide and ‘the
request for the monitor and pressure map to be removed due to the map being
slippery’. Two carers identified that the monitor became ‘very hot’, ‘the lead
became detached twice’ and they remarked on the lack of portability of the
monitor. 100% of patients, carers and health care workers found the technology
useful for identifying high pressure points. Further results can be seen in Appendix
1. The most significant observation from the questionnaire comments was that the
family were actively involved in using the colours on the monitor to identify high
areas of pressure and react accordingly.

Person Centred Care/Patient Safety:

“Gran children were very interested and kept saying "don’t worry there are
no red spots nanny"”

“Interesting, able to see when to turn and what happened when on side. Has
enabled me to see pressures increase to hip and feet if completely on side”

Efficiency and Equity:

“Amazing to have this new technology available in Cornwall”

“Portability of monitor. Short lead. Monitor gets very hot.”


“Visual colours that help to quickly identify areas of the body which are




Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Tables and Figures

Table 1: Percentage of responses in each coding area identified from


Source Patient Carer Healthcare worker

Colour 31.03% 49.78% 36.89%
Comfort 30.62% 0% 0%
Removal 15.51% 0% 0%
Technology 4.4% 36.24% 56.44%
Understanding 21.88% 58.37% 36.89%
Source: Patient, Carer, Healthcare Worker Questionnaires

Table 2: Demographic Data

Demographic Data

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

44 18.0 94.0 70.932 16.8777
Fraility Score
44 4 9 6.80 .954

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Figure 2: Frailty of the patients (using Rockwood Frailty Index)

Table 3: Demographic Data/ Gender

Table 4: Location of Study Participant Table 5: Type of Monitoring

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Table 6: Co-morbidity /Mobility


Mobile Mobile Needs

Co-Morbidity Bedbound Chair bound +2 +aide prompting Wheelchair Total

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Arthritis 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 4

Cancer 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 4

Cardiac 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

Cardiac 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 3

Circulatory 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1

Dementia 0 4 1 0 0 1 2 8

Diabetes 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3

Neurological 0 4 4 0 0 0 5 13

Other 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2

SCI 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 5

Total 1 11 11 1 6 2 13 45

Figure 3: Pressure injury

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Figure 4: Healing Rates

Part 3: Cost impact

The principal costs related to this project were the capital costs for the technology
and the specialist nursing time; with the savings associated with a reduction in
prescribing of dressings and antibiotics, pressure relieving equipment, bed days,
reduction in pain relief and reduction of community nurses visits along with a
reduction in tissue viability specialist nurse contacts.

Service Delivery:

The project involved care being delivered by health carers graded bands 4-8 from
the Tissue Viability Service, band 5-6 District Nurses, nursing home carers and
registered nurses, domiciliary care workers patients, their carers and relatives.
Figure 4 presents the changes in nursing and tissue viability nurse visits with 1
patient who was recruited to the study. There was a total of 100 hours of extra
tissue viability nurse visits available as the result of the project. However, it is
possible that had these patients not been recruited to the project additional visits
would have been required from the tissue viability service for deteriorating
pressure ulcers.

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Figure 5: Patient Face to Face Contact

Tissue Viability Time:

The project was supported financially for 2 days each week from the tissue viability
team, who spent an average of 136 minutes per patient on pressure monitoring.
Not taken into account was the time required to analyse the data generated from
the monitor or the time required to feed back to patients, relatives and carers.

District Nursing Time/Nursing home RN and Carers/Domiciliary Carers:

This was not funded through the project, however we identified that patients
frequently required additional time from these services, particularly related to
domiciliary carers when the patient required equipment to be changed and
remonitored. This would need to be taken into account for future work.

Financial Saving:

The savings have been annualised in line with the DOH productivity calculator
(2010)3. The grades of pressure injury of patients on inclusion to the study for the
40 patients recruited were entered into the productivity calculator. Four patients
were excluded from the pre and post study cost calculations as they died shortly
after inclusion into the study; these deaths were expected. One patient had an
ungradable pressure injury debrided to a grade 3 pressure injury. The 40 patients
generated costs of £285,000 using central estimated costs (Table 7), however post
intervention these costs reduced to £177,000 using central estimated costs (Table
8). This resulted in a gross saving of £108,000 plus an additional £1,281.00
savings for the year from the result of equipment changes required. £10,000/yr for
capital costs were removed, assuming a life expectancy of 3-5 years for the

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

pressure maps, resulting in a net saving of £99,281/yr. There are a further 12
patients whose pressure injury is in the process of healing, with the potential that
savings will increase still further; these have not been included in the above

It should also be noted that the number of grade 3 and 4 pressure injuries has
reduced in Cornwall community setting from 75 in 2014-15 to 35 in 2015-16/17.
Other interventions have also taken place therefore savings costs have not been
calculated. However, it should be noted that the pilot project, which preceded this
project, used the bed pressure monitor with patients in the community, took place
in 2015-16.

The final estimated costs for the year are £99,281 prior to the achievement of
further healing occurring.

Table 7: Department of Health Productivity Calculator Pre-Intervention

Table 8: Department of Health Productivity Calculator Post Intervention:

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Health Economic Evaluation:

It was the intention during the study to use the EQ-5L quality of life health
economic calculator, unfortunately this proved unsuccessful due to the high
number of patients with dementia. Further economic analyses are required for any
future studies in this area.

Confidence in measures:

The DOH (2010) productivity calculator was used to estimate the savings related
to the project to reduce the possibility of bias. The savings projected assume 1
year duration of the pressure injury. However, in many cases the pressure injury
had been present for longer than a year. Figure 5 presents the outcomes achieved
against the grade of pressure injury.

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Figure 6: Patient Outcome at End of project

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Part 4: Learning from your project

The project has successfully achieved its objectives and, in many cases, far
exceeded the expected outcomes.

The Knowledge to Action Cycle

( was the framework
used during this project to guide the closure of the implementation loop thus
leading to sustainability of the change in practice.

Identify Problem:

It had been identified that large numbers of patients with grade 3 and 4 pressure
injury were labelled as non-concordant and either refusing to or unable to use
pressure relieving equipment.

Adapt Knowledge to local context:

The technology used designed specifically for this project and adapted from a
previous project to be able to monitor patients who were spending a large amount
of their time sitting or sleeping in chairs.

It became apparent during the study period that patients’ apparent ‘non-
concordance’ was due to various medical pathologies, i.e. difficulty in breathing
resulting patients unable to turn or lie down whilst in bed. This resulted in further
adaptation required for community use and a change in understanding that bed
rest was not necessarily the best thing for the patient when they would remain in
the sitting position despite being in bed.

Assess Barriers to Knowledge Use:

It became clear following data analysis that very few patients were actually non-
concordant. 100% of patients agreed to changes in their treatment during the
study, provided their lifestyle could be considered to enable them to fulfil a good
quality of life and maintain as much as possible their independence.

Select, Tailor, Implement Interventions:

Following discussion and agreement, patient centred care was achieved.

Appropriate equipment was selected, resulting in the equipment suiting the needs
of the patient as opposed to the patient conforming to a piece of pressure relieving
equipment which did not enable this to happen.

Equipment companies do not appear to develop equipment with community

patients in mind, resulting in patients having to alter or medicalise their homes to
achieve adequate pressure relief. By using the monitor, we were able to enable
patients to continue to sit out in their chairs for 12 hours with existing grade 3
pressure damage; this goes against current practice guidelines. It is therefore
proposed that the use of the pressure monitor will enable a review of the evidence

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Monitor Knowledge Use:

The patients in the study have been monitored on a continuous basis for short
periods to see if changes have been maintained. Initial agreements were only
changed during the life of the project if the patients’ condition improved or
deteriorated and only with further use of the pressure monitor to ensure correct
selection of equipment. In some cases, this resulted in patients trying up to 5-6
mattresses/cushions to ensure the safety of the patient and that their needs were

Evaluation of Outcomes:

The outcomes are those demonstrated in figure 6.

Sustain Knowledge Use:

Following use of the monitor it became clear the study group had become divided
into two distinct arms; i) medical device relating pressure injuries, ii) non-
concordant patients, with the overarching group of patients obtaining pressure
injuries being classed as unavoidable (see Table 9).

Table 9: Participant Outcome

Unavoidable Pressure Injury
Static/Deteriorating Healed/Healing Preventative RIP
Medical device
related 3 13 2 1
Non-Concordant 7 13 2 3
Total 10 26 4 4

During the project, knowledge tools were developed to aid the selection of the
equipment according to patients’ needs. This has resulted in the elimination of
certain products from use in Cornwall and the utilisation of an equipment matrix,
which is still in the process of being evaluated. This information will further inform
the knowledge generation part of the model (the Knowledge Funnel of the KTA).

Initially there had been recruitment issues and so future work would need to focus
on generating greater buy in from stakeholders. Full utilisation of focus groups was
not achieved during the project period.

The geography of Cornwall did prove a challenge initially. This was resolved by
having the software loaded onto a central NHS server, allowing review of the data
by all members of the team, from anywhere in the county without the need for
increased travel time incurred by getting back to base. The resolution of this issue
has resulted in a reduction in travel time and increase in speed to decision making
and future management of the patient. On reflection, the IT department should
have been part of the original stakeholder group.

It also became apparent that patients in nursing homes had access to a narrower
range of equipment resulting in it not always being possible to find the most

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

suitable equipment that provided the best level of interface pressures. Equally
patients in their homes, despite changes to equipment, would still remain in the
seated position or in a sleeping position for 12 hours at a time due to the social
support provided.

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Part 5: Sustainability and spread

We have successfully achieved significant contributions to the existing body of

evidence related to unavoidable pressure injuries and healing pressure injuries in
the community which I believe will result in changes nationally, generating much
greater and positive impacts. Further work is required to gain greater
understanding in this area and determine if this can be achieved with a much
greater patient population to investigate its generalizability.

Activities to Date:

We have been spreading the knowledge obtained from the project since the

• I won the BJN Tissue Viability Nurse of the Year Award 2016 in March 2016

• I presented at EPUPA in September 2016

• I presented at Wounds UK 2016 and won the Award of Excellence

• I presented to the CCG executive boards in 2016

Future Plans:

We have been discussing collaborative projects with Southampton University to

extend and enhance the research in this area. The intention is to:

• Apply for Spreading the improvement – Health Foundation Bid in March of

this year to enable spreading of learning from this project to the wider
community across Cornwall.

• Apply for further capital bids to enable further purchasing of pressure

monitors to increase availability in the community.

• Appling for Scaling up – Health Foundation Bid in Autumn of 2017 to

determine generalizability of the project across a wider health care arena.

• Publication of findings in national journals.

• Further presentations at EPUAP 2017 to disseminate findings.

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Appendix 1: Resources and Appendixes

Meridian Questionnaires and comment analysis

Health Care Worker -Comment Analysis

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Comments from Questionnaires



being able to see the red areas

understanding if mattress the right one

The plug became detached twice. I had to find out why the equipment switched off.

seeing the red areas

the monitor and the colours

seeing the red areas

Amazing to have this new technology available in Cornwall

Portability of monitor. Short lead. Monitor gets very hot.

Confirmed areas of high pressure. Reassuring to see pressures not as bad as thought would be



seeing the red areas

Able to see what areas of pressure when repositioned

Being able to pin point pressures to skin


Health Care Worker:


Visual colours that help to quickly identify areas of the body which are vulnerable

The monitor switched off ? over heated

Ease of use

USB cable came out of the monitor which was possibly removed by the patient.

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Patient Comments:

Unfortunately turning during the night is not practical as I cannot sleep on either side

Found I was slipping to the end of the bed

Unable to say why

4) Poor nights sleep

unable to be specific about why she disliked having the equipment in situ

Very clever. Liked to look at the pictures. fascinating watching it.

I felt the pressure mat was very uncomfortable and had difficulty in sleeping.

Gran children were very interested and kept saying "don’t worry there are no red spots nanny"

5 Patient does not go to bed and sleeps in a chair

it was really good but found it very slippery

Its amazing

Good reminder for position changing Slippiness helped with stretching upwards, but caused
slumping following stretch

Discussion with wife about the red areas on the monitor.

very good

Patient has been slipping down bed prior to pressure monitor going on.

Unhappy with the pressure map device, wanted it taken off, found it too slippery.

It will be helpful to find the right cushion

Happy mapping has been completed, hope it helps


Interesting, able to see when to turn and what happened when on side. Has enabled me to see
pressures increase to hip and feet if completely on side

Question 7 - I did not look at the monitor

7 - Could not see the monitor 6 - Question no applicable as I do not sleep in a bed

Used the seat map on perching stool. not safe to leave in place as too slippery


Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Patient Information/ Photographic Consent Form/GP Letter/Appointment letter

APP28629012016 - Consent Form for Pressure Mapping Template Pressure

Foresite Pressure Mapping
Information GP
Letter.doc- CFT.pdf
Mapping Appointment Letter.doc

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

The Health Foundation – Innovation for Improvement - Process – 15th Jan 2016










(3O mins)

10. DOWNLOAD DATA (1O mins)

11. REVIEW DATA (3O mins)



14. REVIEW SYSTEM 1 NOTES (30 mins)

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Conference Poster Presentation:

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report
Research aims to combat pressure ulcers

Miss Amy McSweeny

Media and Communications Officer
12 November 2015 A research project being conducted by a Plymouth University
academic aims to reduce the likelihood of frail patients developing pressure ulcers by
identifying pressure hot spots.

Professor Bridie Kent, Head of the institution’s School of Nursing and Midwifery, is
leading the research alongside Nicci Aylward-Wotton from Peninsula Community
Health (PCH), entitled 'Improving pressure damage detection in the community using
continuous pressure monitoring of patients'.

The project will involve using new technology, in partnership with developers Sumed,
to identify hot-spots of pressure, generated when patients sit in one position for long
periods. For people in the community who have limited mobility, this innovative
technology can identify pressure ulcer risk much earlier, allowing the patient to adjust
their position accordingly and so help prevent any actual damage occurring.

Funded by The Health Foundation, an independent health care charity, as part of its
£1.5 million innovation programme, Innovating for Improvement, the project will focus
on older people living in the community in Cornwall, but the technology could
eventually be rolled out nationwide if its results are successful.

It is anticipated that over a 12-month period, around 50 patients from across the
Duchy will be recruited to the project.

Professor Kent said: “Around half a million people every year develop at least one
pressure ulcer, many with an underlying health condition or higher levels of frailty.
Five to seven severe cases are reported each month in Cornwall and the county has
a higher than average elderly population. That makes it the perfect place to conduct
the research.

“Most pressure ulcers develop while patients are in their own homes, but research
and technology has tended to focus on the hospital setting. Moreover some patients
have said they are reluctant to use pressure relieving equipment as it can be
uncomfortable, hot and noisy.
“By introducing continuous pressure monitoring, coupled with patient and carer
education, it will be possible to determine if pressure ulcer risk can be self-managed
by patients.
“It’s about preventing the ulcers, as well as curing them, which can only be a good
thing for those who have limited mobility and are at greater risk.”

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report
Innovating for Improvement Round 1: final report

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