English prim 5 skills sheet (darsenglizy.com موقع درس انجليزي)

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Geel 2000 Language Schools

English Department

Name: ______________________________________________
Class: ______________________________________________

Present Simple Tense:
(Affirmative) Present simple is the base(first) form of the verb, but this Verb changes
with (He..She..It). We must put –S at the end of the verb.
- I listen to music at night. – He listens to music at night.
- They write their homework. – Sarah writes her homework.
When the verb ends with –sh,-ch,-x ,-o ,-z ,-ss and we have he/she/It, we must add –es to
the verb.
- watch watches go goes.
When the verb ends with a consonant + -y and we have he/she/it, we drop the –
y and add –ies to the verb.
- study studies - cry cries
-We use Present Simple Tense to talk about:
ʘ Habits or daily routines:
e.g: - I eat an apple every morning. –They wake up at 7:00 o'clock.
- We visit our grandma every Friday.
ʘ Facts or permanent states:
e.g: - The sun rises every day.
- Children go to school.
ʘ Fixed timetables:
e.g: - The P.E session starts at 10:15.
- The train leaves at 8 P.m.
Time expressions:
always – usually – often – sometimes – hardly – rarely – never- On Friday…, once,
twice, every ……, in summer.
- I travel to Aswan once a year.

(Negative) We use the present simple with (do not = don't) or
(does not = doesn't) before the verb to say that an action doesn't happen or
a person doesn't do an action.
I –We –You –They don't He –she –It doesn't
They don't like watching TV.
Note: When we use doesn't with, he/ she / it as mentioned, we must drop the addition.
e.g: - Zeina reads a story every week. – Zeina doesn't read a story every week.
(Question) To form a question with the present simple we put Do or Does at
the beginning of the question. When we use Does we don't put –s, -es,-ies to the end
of the verb.

e.g.: Do you work at the weekends?

Yes, I do. - No, I don`t.-

e.g.: Does Liza listen to music in the morning

-Yes, she does. - No, she doesn`t.

Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency are used to show how often something happens.
Some adverbs of frequency are
(always100% - usually 80% - often 70% - sometimes 50% - never 0%)
ʘ Adverbs of frequency go after v. to.be.
e.g: - Mr. Adham is always on time.
- They are usually on the beach in the afternoon.
ʘ Adverbs of frequency go before any other verbs. (The main verbs)
e.g: - I usually help my mother in the housework.
- Ali often gets up at 7 o'clock.

Present simple tense

1-Choose the correct answer:

1. The water (boil – boils – is boiling) at 100 degrees.

2. He (is living – lives – living - live) in London.

3. They (goes – go –went) to the club every weekend.

4. She (don't – doesn't – didn't – aren’t) walk to school every day.

5. (Does – Did – Do- Is) you always eat chocolate?

6. I (doesn`t – don`t – didn`t – isn`t) do my homework every day.

7. She (like – likes –liked – liking) the cinema, so she goes to it very often.

8. Ms. Mariam (teach – teaches – teaching – taught) us English .

9. Alex (see – saw – sees – is seeing) her grandparents once a month.

10. My friends and I (play – play – are playing – plays) football on Fridays.

11. I (go – am going – will go – have gone) to the gym every day.

12. Do you buy expensive clothes? - No, I (do – don’t – is – didn’t )

13. Housewives always (works – work – working – worked) at homes.

14. My family goes shopping (two – one – half – once) a month.

15. Ali usually (write – writes – writing – wrote) his lessons carefully.
Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:

1. I go to school by bus every day. ( She)

2. The baby cries a lot every night. (not)
3. No, she doesn’t like math. (Does…….?)
4. Yes, I live in a big flat. (Do…..?)
5. My dad washes his car every week. (often)
6. I never play football in the street. ( not)
7. My father is at home in the morning. (sometimes)
8. They don't get up early. (never)
9. Yes, Mike sleeps early. (Does)
10. I wash my face every morning. (My brother)
11. I eat many sweets. (not)
12. I laugh at dad's jokes. (sometimes)
13. She finishes her work in the evening. (not)
14. They study their lessons every day. (She)
15. Yes, Mariam tidies her room every day. (Does)
Do as shown:
1. No, she doesn't get up early. (Ask)
2. He usually (is getting) up early. (Correct)
3. She have a mobile. (Negative)
4. I go to school by bus every day. (Use: He)
5. usually / She / to school / goes / late. (Re-arrange)
6. He (be) good at English. (Correct)
7. She rides her bike in the park. (Use :sometimes)
8. You go to bed at 9 o’clock. (Use :always)
9. We go to the cinema on Wednesday. ( Use :usually)
10. He (be) clever at English. (Correct)
11. The children play in the playground. (Ask)
12. No, we don’t have a car. (Ask)
13. They watch TV in the evening. (Use : She)
14. My dad drives very fast. (Negative)
15. She doesn’t wear skirts. (Use : never)


Present continuous tense:


I am('m) visiting the museum.

He/She/It is ('s) eating a cupcake.
We/They/You are ('re) listening to pop music.


I am ('m) not visiting the museum.

He/She/It is (isn't) eating a cupcake.
We/They/You are (aren't) listening to pop music.


Am I dreaming?
Is he/she/it eating an apple?
Are they/we/you riding bikes?

Short answers:

Yes, I am. No, I'm not.

Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn't.
Yes, we/they/you are. No, we/they/you aren't.

*Actions that are happening now, at the time of speaking:
e.g.: The doctor is examining the child now.
*Temporary situations:
e.g.: My dad isn't driving to work this week. He's sick.

* Describing a picture. E.g. in this picture, I’m riding a horse.
*Key words:
(Now-nowadays - these days-this week-this month-at the moment)
Present continuous tense:

Choose the correct answer:

1. They (am – is – are- has) cleaning their room now.

2. My cousin (is – am – are-were) arguing with me at the moment.

3. Listen! I (are – is – am- he) listening to my favourite song.

4. A baby is (drinks – drinking – drink- drank) milk at present.

5. Sara (waters – is watering – watered – water) the flowers now.

6. Look! He (riding – is riding – rides - is) a bike.

7. They (don't – aren't – is not – is) jumping on the bed now.

8. He is (not doing – does – do - did) his homework at present.

9. This nurse is (look after – looking after – looks after-look) a sick man


10. When (are they – they are – do they) going to the club?

11. She is (play – playing – plays- played) in the playground.

12. They (travels – travel – are travelling- travelled) next month.

13. She is (draws – draw – drawing- draws) a picture now.

14. In the picture, the panda (is playing – plays – play – played).

15. (Is – Am – Are) she wearing a hat on her head? Yes, she (am - is – are).

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. They go to school every day. (now)
2. They are playing football now. ( not )
3. He washes his car every day. (at the moment)
4. My brother studies hard. (Look!)
5. Are they sleeping? (Yes)
6. Sara is watching TV now. (They)
7. I'm eating at the moment. (not)
8. She sometimes drinks cola. (at the moment)
9. No, Ali isn’t reading a story now. (Is)
………………………………………………………………………….……..……………………………….. .
10. Yes, I'm taking a shower. (Are)
11. She talks with her friend daily. (Listen!)
12. The car comes fast. (Watch out!)
13. Is he running in the playground? (No)
14. He is playing computer games at present. (They)
15. They are writing their homework now. (not )
Do as shown:

1. Yes, my mother is making a cake. (Ask)

2. No, she isn’t cleaning the house. (Ask)
3. Yes, the children are sleeping. ( Negative )
4. Tom studying English. (correct)
5. Dad is watch the news now. (correct)
6. the computer/ now/ Karen / working/ is /on (Re- arrange)
7. The children are playing in the park every day. (correct)
8. Sandra is eating a sandwich now. ( Negative )
9. I am painting the house. (Ask)
10. He ……………………………………… (watch) TV now. (Correct)
11. Tom ……………………………………… (read) at the library now. (Correct)

12. They ……………………………………… (go) to the cinema today. (Correct)

13. I ………………………… (write) my homework at the moment. (Correct)

14. Look! She ……………………………………… (wash) the dishes. (Correct)
15. What are you doing now? (Use : he )

Present Perfect tense:
 We form the present perfect with have / has and the past participle of the main
e.g.: They have cooked a big turkey.
He has played chess with his grandpa.
 Regular verbs form the past participle with the ending –ed.
e.g.: wash washed tidy tidied
 Irregular verbs do not form the past participle using any particular rule.
e.g.: go gone see seen
 Usage:
 We use the present perfect simple to talk about
 experiences:
 My dad has flown in a helicopter.
 Have just finished.
e.g.: I've just finished my homework. Can I watch TV now?
 Action happened in the past but we don't say exactly when.
e.g.: The headmaster has been very busy with his teachers.
 with never to say we don't have a particular experience.
We have never travelled on a boat.

We use have been when someone went somewhere and has
returned. We use have gone when someone went somewhere
and has not returned yet.
Time They have
expression: been –tojust-ever
Already the college
-neverbut they're at home now.

e.g.: They aren't here. They have gone

12 to college.
Negative: we put (not) after has or have. E.g., I have not done my homework.
Present perfect tense

Choose the correct answer:

1. We've (travel- travels – travelled- traveling) to 56 different countries.

2. Mum (see - seeing – has - has seen) giraffes in Africa.

3. Has Jane ever (eat- ate– eaten - eats) octopus in her life?

4. They've (fly - flew - flown – flies) from New York to Singapore.

5. He isn’t here because he's (go- goes- gone - went) to the chemist’s.

6. I (have never been - goes – didn’t go - going) to Russia before.

7. (Have you taken – Did you take– Do- Did) lots of photos on a trip so far?

8. I (haven’t walked - walks- walking - walk) through a rainforest before.

9. Have you (swim- swims – swam- swum) across a lake before?

10. Have you (never-ever-yet-already) swum in a river?

11. George has just (jump-jumps-jumped-jumping) off three bridges.

12. The teams have already (cycle- cycled – has - cycling) around the world.

13. I have (ago-never-yet-always) asked him to lend me anything.

14. Suzy has already (cleans-cleaned-clean-cleaning) the kitchen.

15. She (has-have -hasn’t - did) written her homework yet.

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:

1. Josie didn’t fly in a plane last year. ( yet)
2. No, I have never climbed a mountain. (ever)
3. He glided off a volcano last month. (already)
4. We have run in a marathon. (never)
5. They sailed in a boat. ( just )
6. I will give Ali my book. (already)
7. They haven't eaten Chinese food. (never)
8. Has she used this program before? (ever)
9. He has earned 100 pounds. (not)
10. Yes, she has gone to the park. (Has)
11. She has gone to the club. (Where)
12. I have never eaten Chinese food. (yet)
13. This man runs quickly. (has)
14. That dog defended the boy bravely. (just)

15. Mum cleans the whole house alone. (has)
Do as shown:
1. They have stayed in Cairo for a week. (Ask )

2. I have already finished my work. ( Use : yet)

3. I have solved the puzzle. (Negative)
4. I have just …………………………..…….. (did) my homework. (Correct)
5. Have you cleaned your room yet? (Answer with: Yes,)
6. We have never eaten Chinese food. (Use : He )
7. years / I / spoken / for five / ’ve / English / (Re - arrange)
8. Have you ever been to Aswan? (Answer with: No,)
9. Mary ………………………..………….. (eats) her lunch yet. (Correct)
10. Did you see the news on T. V last night? (Use : yet )
11. My dad …………….……….. tired for a long time. (Complete)
12. Salma studied her lessons well last night. ( Use : already)
13. I have played chess since 8:30. ( Use : for)
14. We have lived in Cairo for ten year. ( Use : since)

15. How long has Hany stayed in Luxor? ( Answer the question)

Past Simple Tense:

The verb changes when we have, He / She /It/ They/ We/ You/ I. We must
put –ed at the end of the verb.

e.g. I cleaned the house yesterday.

If the verb end with (e) we add (d) at the end of the verb.

e.g. She danced

When the verb ends in a consonant + –y, we drop the –y and we add –ied to
the verb.

e.g. Juliana studied English last night.

When the verb ends in a vowel + –y, we don't drop the –y and we add –ed to
the verb.

e.g. We played basketball.

If there is a vowel before the last letter, we double the last letter of the verb
and we add –ed to the verb.

e.g. Adel travelled to Alex.

We use the past simple to talk about:
a) Something that started and finished in the past, often with a definite time
expression. e.g.: Juliana took the train to London this morning.
b) Situations or states that were true in the past but are not true now.
e.g.: The Smiths lived in Africa for a long time.
c) Past habits, things that we did regularly in the past.
e.g.: We went to the beach every day and collected shells.
d) Things that happened one after the other in the past.
e.g.: Carl parked the car, got out and shut the door.
Time expressions:
last day / night / week / month / year. Yesterday.
Two days / a month / a year ago. in October / 2007
We use the Past Simple with didn't (did not) before the verb to say that an action
didn’t happen. When we use didn’t, we don’t put –d, -ed or –ied at the end of the

e.g. He didn’t play the piano.

e.g. They didn’t watch TV at school.
To form a question with the Past Simple we put Did at the beginning of the question.
When we use did, we don’t put –d, -ed or –ied at the end of the verb. We give short
answers with Yes or No, the subject and did/did or didn’t.

e.g. Did you work yesterday?

Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.
e.g. Did Peter listen to music last night?
Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t.

 In case of irregular verbs, we use the past form of the verb.
 We don’t add- ed to the irregular verbs, but we have to memorize them.
go went drink drank
buy bought eat ate
take took see saw
come came give gave
Past simple tense

Choose the correct answer:

1. We (meet – met – meeting- meets) my sister a long time ago.
2. I didn’t (watch – watched – watching- watches) T.V last night.

3. She (cook – cooks – cooked- cooking) lunch yesterday.

4. I (have – had – has- am) a computer when I was child.

5. Where (you did go – did you go – do you go- you) last night?

6. She (did – do – does - doing) her homework two hours ago.

7. I (goes – went - going – go) to a music concert yesterday.

8. Sandy (was - are – is – were) at a birthday party last week.

9. There (wasn’t - aren’t – isn’t – weren’t) 12 people on the trip last month.
10. Where (were- was– is- are) your parents last night?

11. Did you enjoy your friend's play? – Yes, I (do- does – did- doing).
12. Did Ms Mills (gives - give- gave - giving) the class an exam yesterday?

13. Did john go snowboarding yesterday? - No, he (didn’t – don’t - did- do).
14. (Was - Were– Is - Are) Kim at school yesterday?
15. They (run- runs – ran - running) ten kilometers last month.
Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. I study English every day. (last weekend )
2. The driver stops at the station. (two hours ago)
3. No, we had English class yesterday. (Did …….?)
4. She buys her outfit for a good price. ( last summer)
5. They want to plan a trip to Paris. (yesterday )
6. I drank a lot of coffee two hours ago. ( not)
7. Yes, the kids played games together this afternoon. (Did -------?)
8. Jim wore his new boots to practice football . (not)
9. Sam went to the amusement park yesterday. (not)
10. Wendy gives me his smartphone. (an hour ago)
11. The new snow park is opening now. (three hours ago)
12. The tourists enjoy seeing the wild animal. (last week)
13. I pass all my exams. (last year )
14. They studied English yesterday. (not)
15. We take our umbrella and walk in the rain. (last winter )

Do as shown:
1- He …………………goes to bed early yesterday. (Correct the verb)
2- I carried my umbrella last week. (Change into negative)

3- They (go)…………………….… to the club last Friday. (Correct the verb)

4- Hadeer ………………..….... happy last week. ( Use verb to be )

5- We…………………………… lunch yesterday at home. ( Complete )

6- He (see)…..………….. his favorite singer last year. ( Correct the verb)

7- Yes, I finished my homework. (Ask)

8- Todd and Lisa …………….… in England last year. ( Use verb to be )

9- My parents ………….not stayed at home. ( Correct)

10- Kate was ill on Monday. ( Change into negative )


11- He was playing………………football yesterday ? ( Correct )

12- Jane was at the party last night. ( Ask )
13- Jill worked in a bookshop. ( Ask )
14- He stayed at a hotel last summer. (Ask)
15- last night /sleep / Sam/ Did /early /?/ ( Re arrange )
Past Continuous Tense:
We form the past continuous tense with (was, were) + the verb + ing.

e.g., The kids were playing in the garden.

We use the Past Continuous tense when we want to talk about what was happening at a particular
time in the past.

e.g., Yesterday at nine o’clock I was washing the dishes.

We put (not) after (was, were) in the sentence.
e.g., Sally was not singing yesterday.
Question: use was or were + the subject + the verb.
e.g., Were you preparing the dinner yesterday at 4 o’clock?

Past continuous tense

Choose the correct answer:
1. At this time last summer, we (swimming- swim – were swimming – swam)
in the sea.
2. Last Friday evening, they (were watching – watched – watches-watch)
the new movie at the cinema.
3. From three o'clock till four, I (studied – was studying – studying- study).
4. My dad (was fixing – fixing – fix- fixed) his car all morning yesterday.
5. I (was doing – do – does -doing) my homework all day yesterday.
6. I (wasn't dancing– isn't dance – dance- dances) at the party yesterday
7. (Am – Were – Was- Is) you reading stories all the day yesterday?
8. What (was – were – are- is) your dad doing yesterday morning?
9. All day yesterday, she (reads – read – was reading) books.
10. From three o'clock till four, they (played – were playing – playing)
11. The new DVD player (isn't – wasn't – weren't) working all morning
12. At 5 o'clock my sister was (cook – cooks – cooking) the lunch.
13. At this time last week, we (painted – were painting – are painting)
14. Mum wasn't washing the dishes (every day – at 2 o'clock yesterday –
15. Where (was – were – are) you going yesterday morning?

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:

1. She sang a nice song. (yesterday afternoon)
2. They clean the garden. (last Thursday evening )
3. I am doing my homework now. ( all day yesterday)
4. My dad fixed my bike yesterday. (all morning yesterday)
5. My friend waters his plants. (from 2 to 3 yesterday)
6. I was swimming in the pool at 3 o`clock yesterday. (not)
7. Yes, I was eating my breakfast at 8 o'clock yesterday. (Were ……?)
8. He was cooking the food last Friday evening. (They)
………………………………………………............………………………………………………………… .
9. They read some stories every day. (yesterday night)
………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………. .

10. Ali is playing football at the moment. (yesterday at seven)
………………………………………………………………………………………...........…………..…….. .
11. They swam in the swimming pool yesterday. (yesterday morning)
……………………………………………………………………………………………….………….......… .
12. They were building a flat at this time last year. (He)
………………………………………………………………………………….....………………….………. .
13. They are making a snowman now. (at this time last winter )
………………………………………………………………………………………..………………………. .
14. My little sister isn't drawing at present. (yesterday night)
…………………………………………………………………………………….…………….………………. .
15. They were playing football yesterday night. (not)
…………………………………………………………………………………………...................…………. .
Do as shown:

1. Sue was reading a book all day yesterday. (Ask)

2. Harry ………………………… (washed) his car at 5 o’clock yesterday. ( Correct )
3. Peter was drinking milk every day………………………... ( Correct )
4. We …………………….. our homework all day yesterday. (complete)
5. was /yesterday /Mum /morning/ cooking/ food / (Re-arrange)
6. She swam in the sea yesterday. (Use: yesterday morning)
7. John was playing tennis all day yesterday. (Ask)
8. My mother was planting flowers yesterday evening. (Use : We)
9. I was cutting the vegetables yesterday evening. (change into negative)
10. Mrs. Smith was talking to Lucy yesterday . ( correct the mistake)
11. Sarah …………..(waiting) for her friend Laila all day yesterday. (correct)
12. We were walking for a long time. (change into negative)
13. Yes, I ate my breakfast yesterday at 11 o’clock. ( correct the mistake)
14. No, she wasn’t watching the news. ( Ask)
15. They were playing volleyball in the club. (Use : I )

Future simple tense:

we use will verb (inf.)

Usage: we use the future simple to say:

 That something will happen in the future. E.g. I will go to the zoo tomorrow.
 Promises or threats. E.g. I will come to the party, I promise.
 Requests or offers. E.g. will you help me carry these bags?
 Predictions without evidence. E.g. I think it will rain.
 Decisions at the moment of speaking. E.g. I will open the door.

Negative: we put (not) after (will) in the sentence.

e.g. I will not close the window.
Question: will + subject + verb?
Key words: tomorrow, next week, this year………..
Future (Be going to):
v.to be + going + to + the verb (inf.)
We use (be going to) for:
 Predictions based on evidence. E.g. stop the car! We are going to have an accident.
 Intentions and plans. E.g. he is going to travel to Italy.
Negative: we put (not) after v. to be in the sentence.
e.g. They are not going to Alexandria.
Question: v. to be + subject + going to + the verb?

Future simple tense

Choose the correct answer:
1. Peter (won't – is going to- going- is) study hard to get the full mark.

2. I (will – going to – am- go) fix your bike for you. Don't worry, it won't take

3. I'm sure, he (is – going to –will - going) come to the meeting.

4. I'm sure, She (won't – going to – goes -to) mind if we use her computer.

5. (Will – Are you - Is - Going) you help me with my homework?

6. Don't worry! They (will – are going- go - to) help us.

7. She has gone completely white! She (won't – is going to- go - to) faint.

8. I feel terrible. Oh no! I (is – am going to- won't -go) be sick.

9. (Will you – Are you going – Won't - Is) pass me the salt, Please?

10. I (won't – 'm going to– go - to) buy a new bike next week. I saved a lot
of money.

11. I'm sure, my team (is going – will – go - to) win the cup.

12. I promised her that I (will – am going – to - going) be back at 8 o'clock.

13. I (am going to – won't –to - going) go away for a week in June. I booked

the tickets.
14. I'm sure, it (will– going to- go- to) be cold in the forest.

15. Don't touch that dog, it (will – going to- go - going) bite you.

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:
1. He intends to buy a new car. (going)
2. The teacher promises to help his student. (will)
3. Mum threats her kids to be punished . (will)
4. She is going to learn new language. (not)
5. Ahmed's decision is to take this offer. (will)
6. Sally is 15 years old this year . (next year)
7. They predict raining after seeing the clouds. (going to)
8. They promise me to study hard . (will)
9. I cooked chicken this week . (tomorrow)
10. I offered to help you. (will)
11. They never play in the street. (won't)
12. Yes, I will try the dress. (Will…….?)
13. I will go to Cairo. (not)
14. She is going to go to the theatre. (not)
15. Yes, she is going to go to the club. (Is?)

Do as shown:
1. I will travel to London on Sunday. (Ask)
2. Yes, I will help you. (Negative )
3. He will accept her invitation. (Negative )
4. My dad promised to help me . (use: will)
5. I'm sure, he is going to come on time. (Correct)
6. It is cloudy, it …………..….rain a lot. (Complete)
7. Will you try the dress? (Answer with: Yes,)
8. Mum threats that she is going to punish my brother. (correct the mistake)
9. Don’t touch the fire, it ………..hurt you. (Complete)
10. I'm hungry, I want to make a sandwich. (Rewrite using : will)
11. Is she going to work at school? (Use : you)
12. He planed to travel to Aswan next week. (Use going to)
13. We are going to travel abroad. (Negative)
14. They are going to study French this year. (Ask)
15. going /a rest / to/ He / take/ is/ (Re-arrange)

The modals:
-Modal verbs have several meanings and usages.
-Modal verbs have the same forms in all persons.
.eg: -we must go now.
-She looks tired, she should go to bed.

1-Can : + infinitive : to talk about general ability OR for request .

e.g : Can I borrow your pen ?
e.g : She can swim.

2 – Could : + infinitive : to talk about general ability in the past OR for polite request .
e.g : Could you open the door , please ?
I could count to 10 when I was four.

3– Should : + infinitive : to give advice and the neg. is shouldn’t.

e.g: You should eat more healthy.
You shouldn’t eat too much sweets.
To ask for advice : Should runners eat before the race ?

4 – Must : + infinitive : to say that something is necessary .

e.g: I must send the letter tomorrow.
OR To talk about obligations .
e.g: Policemen must wear their uniform.

5 – Mustn`t : + infinitive : to talk about something that is not allowed

e.g: Players mustn`t be late for the match.


Choose the correct answer:

1. He (can – could – will - must) play the piano when he was six years old.
2. She (can`t – can– shall- is) swim very well, she won the silver medal.
3. I (mustn`t – couldn`t – can`t - will) speak Spanish four years ago.
4. I (must – would – could -is) take my library books back tomorrow.
5. The policemen (must- should- can- could) wear their uniform.
6. You (should – have – could - is) go and see the dentist for your teeth.
7. Students (couldn`t – mustn`t – are- should) eat in the library .
8. You (can – should – couldn’t – must) wear your school uniform.
9. I (have - can’t – mustn't - should) call my mother now. I'm late.
10. Children (must – should – can't – are) sleep early.
11. Parents (can – shouldn’t- mustn't- are) allow their children to watch
scary films.
12. (Can- Should – Must – Is) your grandpa play computer games?
13. My mother (can – can't - mustn't- are) cook Chinese food. She is talented.
14. (Can- Shouldn’t – Mustn't – Is )I borrow your MP3 Player?
15. You (have - can’t – must- shouldn’t) keep it a secret. You mustn't tell
anybody else.

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets:

1. Yes, they should eat healthy food. (Should….?)
2. It's important to wash your hands. (should)
3. Don’t sleep in the classroom. (mustn't )
4. They can eat in the street. (not)
5. No, kids can't travel alone. (Can ………….?)
6. Yes, Policemen must wear their uniform. (Must…….?)
7. Yes, the horse can run fast. (Can ……?)
8. We are not allowed to break the rules. (mustn’t)
9. He has a lot of money; he wants to buy a new car. (can)

10. He was able to climb a tree when he was young. (could)
11. You’re not allowed to park here. (mustn’t)
12. It's dangerous to play with fire. (mustn’t)
13. It`s a good idea to eat lots of fruits. ( should )
14. It isn`t a good idea to drink fizzy drinks. (shouldn’t )
15. Give this book to Emma, please. (Could)

Do as shown:
1. I want to drink orange juice. (Ask using: Could)
2. I speak English. (use: could )
3. Eat healthy food. (use: should)
4. Clean the board. (Ask using: Can)
5. He must is polite . (Correct the mistake)
6. It's not allowed to eat in the cinema. (Use : mustn't)
7. Can kids eat a lot of sweets? (Answer)
8. Study hard. (use: should)
9. Yes, you can’t play this game. (Ask)
10. You must ……………………..(cleaned) your room. (Correct)
11. You are allowed to play football. (use: can )
12. The /can/very/horse/run/fast/ (Re-arrange)
13. She is not able climb a tree. (Use : can't)
14. It’s my advice to keep calm. (Use: should)
15. It is necessary to follow the laws. (Use: must)

Parts of speech are nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions,
and conjunctions.
1. NOUNS: (A noun is the name of a person, place or thing)
Sarah, lady, cat, New York, Canada, room, school, football
A noun can be a subject or object.
Example sentences:
People like to go to the beach.
Emma passed the test.
2. PRONOUNS: (a pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun.)
For example, you could say, "Lisa is a nice girl."
Then you could replace the noun "Lisa" with the word "She" and get the
following sentence: "She is a nice girl."
"She" is a pronoun.
I, he, it, we, them, us, mine, itself.
He doesn't want go with them. Would they help us?
His house is bigger than ours. Who is she?
3. VERBS: (a verb expresses action or state)
Ex. The cat jumped very high.
He is happy.
NOTE: To make negative OR question:
There must be two verbs in the sentence:
helping verb + not and a main verb.
EX. The cat didn’t jump very high. (didn’t = helping verb, jump= main verb)
Did the cat jump very high? (Did = helping verb, jump= main verb)

EXCEPT: for verb to be it can make negative and question alone:
Ex. He is my friend.
He isn’t my friend. (Negative form)
Is he your friend? (Question form)
An adjective is a word that describes a noun or pronoun.
Big, pretty, expensive, green, round, French, loud, quick, fat.
He has big blue eyes.
Some adjectives ending with ly (friendly _ lovely )
Max is a very friendly dog.
That is a lovely dress you are wearing!
An adverb is a word that describes or gives more information about a verb,
an adjective or another adverb.
An adverb can describe a verb: She runs quickly.
An adverb can describe an adjective: She is so beautiful.
An adverb can describe another adverb: She drives very rarely..
In many cases (but not always) adverbs have the following Form:
Adjective + "-ly"
Quick + ly = quickly Strange + ly = strangely
Dead + ly = deadly Sudden + ly = suddenly
Clever + ly = cleverly Brave + ly = bravely
When an adjective ends with "y" replace the "y" with an "i":
Happy + ly = happi + ly = happily
However, there are many adverbs that do not end in "-ly"
Fast, very, hard, too, well, never, sometimes
On, in, at, by, under, above, beside, to, out, from, for.
I sat on the floor.
Let's go to the house.
We will meet at four o'clock.
Have a look under the couch.
This letter is for you.
7.The Conjunctions (conj.)
A conjunction is used as a way of joining two or more ideas or words together.
Ex and, but, .. after, ..because..
•My friend and I are going outside.
•I will go to the shop but not before I have had something to eat.
After she had learned to drive, Alice felt more independent.
If he arrives on time, I will see him.
Put in a sentence:
1. Slowly ………………………………………………………………………………………….…………
2. Quickly ………………………………………………………………………………………..…………
3. Politely ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. Sadly ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. Happily …………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. Carefully ……………………………………………………………………………………….………
7. If ……………………………………………………..………………...............................................
8. Cleverly …………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. Calm ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

10. Talkative ………………………………………………………………………………………….….…

11. Shy ………………………………………………………………………………………………….……
12.Honest ……………………………………………………………………………………….……………
13. Fearful …………………………………………………………………………………..………………
14. Nice ……………………………………………………………………………………………….………
15. when ………………………………………………………………………………………..……….……
16. Long ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

17.sky …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

18. A man’s dog……………………………………………………………………………..……………

19. My grandfather’s car ………………………………………………………………….…………

20. Our friends ………………………………………………………………………………….…………

21. The garden ……………………………………………………………………………………………

22. The teacher ……………………………………………………………………………….……………

23. The housekeeper ………………………………………………………….……..…………………

24. My head green eyes ………………………………………………………………………..…….

25. School bus ……………………………………………...……………………………………..………

Rearrange the following sentences:

1.The _ runs_ cat_ in _ fast _ very_ street- the
2. wake _doesn’t _ early_ up _ every day_ He
3. I_ a _ film _ wonderful - home _ at _ watched
4. The _horse - fast_ very _runs
5. Huda _ tennis _ well _ played _ last week
6. plays _ the _ beautifully_ flute _ He _ always
7. The tortoise _ slowly _ walks .
8. rabbit _ I _ quick _ the _ a _ saw _ garden _ in
9. I _ pizza _bad _ feel _ eating _ about
10. clothes _ have _ old_ I _ these _ washed
11. Ali _ pens_ his_ lost_ class_ in_ the
12. than_ mine _ bigger _ john’s car_ is
13. That - expensive - car - ‘s
14. _ is _ a - child_ shy_ Huda
15. didn't _ the_ answer_ He _ know
16. enough _ don’t _ money _ have _ We
17. The cat’s _ long _ is- hair
18._ clean _ Live _ They_ in a_ city
19. have _ older _ you _an _ sister - Do ?
20.The children - kites _ happily _ fly - their
21. ran _ The dog _ street _along

22.She _ beautiful _ has- eyes
23 again_ you _ say _ Can _ it
24..on_ table _ the - is _ The cat
25.is _ absent_ today _ Omar

Capital letter
We use capital letters to mark the beginning of a sentence and we use full
stops ( . ) to mark the end of a sentence:
We went to France last summer.
Name people, countries and days of the week (Ahmad _ Adel _ Cairo _Africa _
Sunday _ Dr. )
Comma (,)
A comma (,) is used to show different items.
They liked dresses, shoes and food.
After Yes, No, and Please
Yes, it’s my new book.
Before conjunctions.
He usually eats at hotel, because he likes hoteling.
To join two sentences.
Because it was raining, we had to cancel the class picnic.
After the party, we cleaned the house.
Question mark (?)
The question mark is used to end a question.
Do you feel hungry?
Apostrophe (‘)
The apostrophe is most often used to form possessives and contractions
The house’s back door is open.
He is = He’s
I am = I’m
Do not = Don’t
They have = They’ve
It is = It’s
I would = I’d
Let us = Let’s
She has = She’s
Who is = Who’s
Possessive 's
Ahmed’s car Mona’s house singular noun
Boys’ toys are everywhere. Plural noun
Exclamation mark !
Ex: oh!, ouch!, hi!, well!
Ouch! That hurts!
Hi! How are you?
After: watch out! Look! Listen!
Listen! Someone is speaking.
Punctuate the following sentences:

1- look ahmad is painting a nice picture

2- where are you going dr nader
3- are you afraid of adels dogs
4– my name is jack. i would like to travel to england

5 – do you understand the lesson
6_ i didnt think omar will buy a car
7 _ hi how are you
8_ sameer s mum lives in france
9_yes its my abig city
10 no I haven t seen this man before
11-do you feel tired
12- that s pen is yours
13-adel and hend are friends
14-if you study hard I will buy you a present
15-i bought eggs cheese and bread
16-she s seen that film twice in cairo
17-what is the tallest mountain in Europe
18-is london bigger than cairo
19- don t eat outside she said.
20- emad s house is in London
21- he went to bed because he was tired
22. ssssh the baby is sleeping
23.he usually eats at home because his mum cooks well
24. Because it was raining sara had to cancel the picnic
25. after we finish our homework we sleep early

Write a paragraph of 6 sentences about:

1- Your daily routine.
2- First day at school.
3- Advice your friend to eat healthy food.
4- What do you want to be in the future?
5- A day at the beach.
6- Last summer.
7- Plan a trip to Alexandria next week.
8- Your favorite game.
9- Tell a story.

10- Classroom rules.
11- Your last birthday party.
12- A person who means the world to you.
13- A day you enjoyed.
14- Family.
15- Friends.
16- Favorite teacher and subject.
17- Next year vacation.
18- Describe a picture that is special to you.
19- A visit to the zoo.
20- Your favorite restaurant.


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