PFAC200-s225494884-Replacement Final

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Read the sentences

The kitchen

There is a stove in the kitchen.

In the cupboard are pots and pans.
We keep the cups and saucers on the shelf in the kitchen.
There are spoons, knives and forks in the drawer.
Mother bakes cakes in the oven.
We fry food in a pan.
Mother cooks food on the stove.
Sometimes she boils eggs.
I help my mother to clean the dishes after supper.

Complete the following sentences by translating the words

into Afrikaans.
Die kombuis

Daar is 'n stoof in die kombuis.

In die kas is potte en panne.
Ons hou die koppies en pierings op die rak in die
Daar is lepels, messe en vurke in die laai.
Ma bak koeke in die oond.
Ons braai kos in 'n pan.
Ma kook kos op die stoof.
Soms kook sy eiers.

Build vocab. Reads with the teacher.
Ek help my ma om die skottelgoed skoon te maak na
Write all these words in Afrikaans.
EnglishAfrikaan English Afrikaan English Afrikaans
s s
window venster curtain gordyn chimne Skoorstee
y n
jug Kruik tap Kraan kettle Ketel
bottle Bottel sink Wasbak pot Pot
cupboar Kas bowl Bak frying Braaipan
d pan
wood Hout stove Stoof oven Oond
cup Koppie saucer Piering bucket Emmer
glass Glas spoon Lepel fork Vurk
knife Mes tableclot Tafeldoe book Boek
h k
broom Besem chair Stoel table Tafel
plate Bord basket Mandjie carpet Mat
Write the Afrikaans words for each of these objects.

1. Bord
2. Lessenaar lamp
3. Bak
4. Stoel
5. Mat
6. Ketel
7. Etenstafel
8. Lepel
9. Tafel
10. Volk
11. Mes
12. Koppie
My bedroom/ My slaapkamer
Write a list of the things you see in this bedroom and write the
Afrikaans word next to it.
English Afrikaans English Afrikaans English Afrikaans
Light Lig Brush Kwas Dressing Spieëlkas
Coathanger Klerehanger Blanket Kombers Pillow Kussing
Rail Hangstaaf Sheet Blad Alarm Wekker
Mirror Spieël Teddybear Teddiebeer Bedside Bedkassie
Comb Kam Bed Bed Book Boek

Die Badkamer

Words for the bathroom

Skommel die volgende letters om die woorde reg te skryf:
Shuffle the following letters to write the words correctly:
1) abkasw- Wasbak
2) okehnadd- Handdoek
3) rstot- Stort
4) ltieot- Toilet
5) pese- Seep
6) lwsapa- Waslap
7) nsosp- Spons
8) seltandebor- Tandeborsel
9) psiële- Spieël
10) nkara- Kraan
Writes individual words such as labels.

Curtain Window



➢Write all the words in Afrikaans.

Venster Stoel Gordyn

Tafel Sidbord

Translate these sentences into Afrikaans.

For dinner we have meat and

Vir aandete het ons vleis en goente.

We eat with a knife and fork.

Ons eet met ‘n mes en vurk.

In the dining room are a table and


In die eetkamer is ‘n tafel en stoele.

We stir our tea with a teaspoon.

Ons roer ons tee met ‘n teelepel.

We add sugar and milk to our tea.

Ons voeg suiker en melk by ons tee.

There is a window with curtains.

Daar is ‘n venster met gordyne.

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