Camille Landu Week 6

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Discussion paper

A common discourse expressed by environmental activists is that there is no Planet B.

A statement that may not remain true since scientists might have a plan B called

geo-engineering. There are three catastrophic scenarii. First, mankind does not manage to

limit climate change under 2 degrees Celsius and will face several consequences. Secondly,

we manage to be under 2 degrees Celsius but the consequences are still severe. Thirdly, even

though we stop burning fossil energy the planet is heating by itself. That is to say, there is in

the frozen soils of Canada and Siberia a very powerful greenhouse gas: methane. For the

moment methane is locked thanks to permafrost but since the Arctic region is melting the

permafrost will not be effective. If metal is released our efforts to tackle climate change

would be annihilated. (France Culture, 2021) The only solution that we should have left is

geo-engineering that consists in modifying artificial climate to change the Earth temperature.

For instance, we could send sulfur into the atmosphere, modify sun rays, and other

techniques. However these techniques have not been tested on a bigger scale and we do not

know the consequences and whether it is sustainable or just for a short term period. Using

geo- engineering should be on a short term basis like ten years just to win time. Nonetheless

we would need lots of financial support in order to make it work, and it could be one of the

most significant problems.

Economically speaking, the problem would be lobbies. Lobbies such as oil ones.

participate in financing the techniques for geo-engineering. As they want to win time to keep

today's consumption system, their presence in the geo-engineering field is strong. To stop

this, we would need regulations from the research phase so that firms like Bill Gates’ one

would not finance geo-engineering.

Under a moral perspective, if we think that technologies can save everything there is no point

in trying to tackle climate change as we do today. Going along with transhumanism

technologies are not the safe solutions. In some aspects geo-engineering highlights our

human nature that does not want to change its behaviors and its way of life.

Politically speaking, for meteorological engineering if a country decides to use a technique it

can deprive a neighbor of certain contributions, and it would create tensions. For climate

engineering, if an actor decides to unilaterally use a technique to modify climate it would not

have a regional but a global impact. It is impossible for all countries to agree on what level,

where it should be implanted and so on regarding geo-engineering.

If we want to implement geo-engineering we would need the international law to take actions

to have regulations in order not to have geopolitical tensions.

As I am not in favour of geo-engineering, I do agree more with “géo-mimétisme” (Pierre

Gilbert) that consists in regulating climate change thanks to nature. That is to say, through

public policies we could do reforestation with diverse types of trees, switch to agroecology

and it would lead to the absorption of 30 to 40% of our annual consumption. (Pierre

Gilbert,2021). Opposed to it, geo-engineering, with the technique of direct air capture could

have a significant carbon footprint. To absorb one quarter of our emissions we would have to

multiply by two the energy consumption of our humanity. (Nature, 2021)

Other than geo-engineering it would be more effective and more ethical to have an important

carbon tax and to go towards production modes emitting less CO2. However, when we see

the difficulty for certain countries to follow these instructions like China or Germany, since

they stopped nuclear power for coal when coal consumes more CO2, it shows that we do not

manage to decrease our CO2 emissions. Geo-engineering might be the very last recourse but

to use it in case of the countries’ non actions.

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