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4538046-Class 11 - Chemistry-Organic Chemistry - Part 1 - WS With Ans - Jasmin

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1. Which of the following cannot be represented by resonance structures? a. Dimethyl ether b. Nitrate anion c. Carboxylate anion 4. Nitrobenzene 2. Inductive effect involves a. displacement of 6 electrons b, delocalization of x electrons €. delocalization of o-electrons 4d. displacement of x-electrons 3. Which of the following behaves both as a nucleophile and as an electrophile? aC N b. CH3OH c. CHp = CHCHs d. CH3NH2 4. The kind of delocalization involving sigma bond in conjugation with pi electrons is called a. Inductive effect b. Hyperconjugation effect c. Electromettic effect d. Mesomeric effect 5. Which of the following can act as an electrophile? a.CN b. OH ©. HO BF: 6. The type of isomerism not Found in alkenes i, Chain isomerism b. Geometrical isomerism «. Metamerism 4. Postion isomerism 17. The correct decreasing order of priority forthe functional groups of organie compounds in the IUPAC system of nomenclature is 1. -COOH, -SO:H1, -CONHs, CHO b. -SOsH, “COOH, -CONH:, -CHO ‘¢.~CHO, COOH, -SO3H, ~CONHs 4. -CONHLs, CHO, ~SO:ll, COOH 8. The displacement of electrons in a multiple bond in the presence of attacking reagent i called __- 1 Inductive effect, b. Blectromeric effect o. Resonance effect 4. Hyper conjugation effect 9. The correct bond line form a of propanoie acid is 10, Write the IUPAC name ofthe following compound. CHs CHyCH2CH,CH,CCH.CHs CH:CH2CHs ‘4. 4-methyl-4-ethyloctane b.4-Ethyl-4-methyloctane 4 Ethyl-t-n-butylpentane ii. CHO <. What ate structural isomers? 26. Write short notes on 4. Bleetromeri effect b Inductive effect «. Hyperconjugation 4. Homolytic fission . Heterolytic fission CASE STUDY TYPE QUESTIONS ‘The element carbon has the unique property called catenation due to which it forms covalent bonds with other carbon atoms. It also forms covalent bonds with atoms of other elements like hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus and halogens. The resulting compounds are studied under a separate branch of chemistry called organic chemistry ‘The tetravalence of earbon and the formation of covalent bonds by it are explained in terms of its electronic configuration and the hybridisation of s and p orbitals. The formation and the shapes of molecules like methane (CH), ethene (C:H1),ethyne (CoH) are explained in terms ofthe use of sp', sp? and sp hybrid orbital by carbon atoms in the respective molecules. Hybridisation influences the bond length and bond enthalpy (strength) in compounds. The organic compounds ate classified based on their structures. 27. Change in hybridisation affets the earbon’s ‘bond strength b. clectronegativity «. bond length {bond enthalpy 28. The IUPAC name for the following compound is b. m-Nio-p-chlorotoluene . L-Chloro-4-methyl-2-nitrobenzene 4 L-Chloro-2-nito-4-methylbenzene 29. The below compound isan example of CH - CH - CH; CH3 - C -H) o 2. aliphatieeyelie compound b. alicyclic compound «closed chain compound «aliphatic compound 30. is an example of heterveyclic aromatie compound, 1. Tropolone b. Pyridine . Tetrahydrofuran 4. Benzene 31. In the organic compound CH: = CH ~ CH: ~ CH»~C = CH, the pair ohydrdised orbitals involved inthe formation of C2 ~C3 bond is ig 2 z = |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-| - |- |= = 25g. = goo ig = s- g a 7 2 Z)s}=}a|a)o|o|«|ole[2 lo) «| «|< ja é s 5 g lo\alalm| = S|-lolofemlolrfefafelz|sie] 2 [2 [s (CHy—CH—CH;—CH, sec-butyl alcohol 2-butanol CH,—CH » GH—COOH but 2-enoe acid 7 Ya OH Isopropyl alcohot b, ° 23:dimetybtanat T8__| Metamerism is a type of isomerism in which compounds faving the same molecular {formula but different alkyl groups on either side of functional groups [Example diethylether and methyl propyl ethers are metamers. 19 [Nz GN are clectron withdrawing groups -1effect, Alkyl groups like methyl (-CHS ), ethyl et, and alkoxy OR) are electron donating groups. (+L effect) 20 Inductive effect, hyperconjugation effect a G 6 : ; ciy-CH-= H+ CH -cHe C= J o ic 6: - 1 ! — Gh-cHee-H an) Stabily is 1> 11> 1 1 22 | Blectromerie effect is a temporary effect and observed only in organic compounds ‘with multiple bonds in the presence of an atacking reagent, 1% Example Inductive Effet isthe phenomenon wherein a permanent dipole arses in a given 14 ‘molecule due tothe unequal sharing of the bonding electrons in the molecule. Example Bi a Correct TUPAC name 1.5-Hexadiene T +b. Correct IUPAC name 3-methyl-hex-3-ene 1 1 24__| Negative resonance or mesomeri effect or -R effect is shown by substituents or | 1 ‘groups that withdraw electrons by delocalization mechanism ffom rest of the ‘molecule. The eleetron density deereases on the molecule Positive resonance or mesomeric effect +R effect is shown by the groups when they | release electrons tothe rest of the molecule by delocalization, These groups are denoted by +M or +R, Due to ths effect, the electron density on the molecule increases [Explain using example, 1 B fa Loh, : 1 EN, < eH -€-C, <1 CHEN C= be ! = COOH > ~ SO3H > ~ CONH»>- CHO b, fy PHL othe th Soe - go Shapes w v ‘Structural isomerism is the phenomenon in which the compounds would be having the ‘same molecular formula but different structural formula 6 ‘The instantaneous formation of a dipole in the molecule of an organic compound due to the complete transfer of shared pi electron pairs to one of the atoms under the influence of an attacking reagent is referred to as the Electromeric effect +E effect oceurs when the clectzon pair of the pi bond is moved towards te attacking reagent. -E effect occurs when the electron pair ofthe pi bond is moved away from the attacking reagent b, ‘The inductive effect is permanent state of polarization, The electron density in as bond ‘between two unlike atoms is not uniform. The electron density is denser toward the more clectronegative of the two atoms. The inductive effect is a distance-dependent phenomenon: The -I effect is seen around a more electronegative atom or group, and electzon density is higher there than elsewhere in the molecule. Electron-withdrawing. ‘groups include halogen, nitro, eyano, ester and aryloxy ‘The #Tefect is observed among theless electronegative atoms ofthe molecule by electron- releasing groups lke alkyl groups, Hyperconjugation effect isa permanent effect in which localization of 6 electrons of C-H bond of an alkyl group directly attached to an atom of the unsaturated system or to an tom with an unshared p orbital takes place a. In Homolytic fission, the cleavage ofthe covalent bond takes place in such a way that each ‘bonded atom retains one electron of the shared par leading to the Formation of free radicals Ly» e+ Cle e, In heterolytic fission, the covalent bond is broken in such a way that one of the fragments takes both the electron of the pair leaving none on the other. This results into two charged particles. we ee he oe i IV i 27 b 28 c 29 d 30 b 31 c

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