15878865751HSCTC0401 - Types of Garden

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A garden is a planned space, usually outdoors, set aside for the display, cultivation, or enjoyment
of plants and other forms of nature. The garden can incorporate both natural and man-made
materials. Gardens may exhibit structural enhancements including
statuary, follies, pergolas, trellises, stumperies, dry creek beds and water features such
as fountains, ponds (with or without fish), waterfalls or creeks. Gardening is the activity of growing
and maintaining the garden. This work is done by an amateur or professional gardener. A gardener
might also work in a non-garden setting, such as a park, a roadside embankment, or other public

Types of garden:

Ornamental Garden
Ornamental gardening can be simply defined as planting various plants on a piece of ground from
and for an artistic point of view. ... An ornamental garden therefore is one that is planted purely for
aesthetic value.The cultivation of ornamental plants is called floriculture, which forms a major
branch of horticulture.

Garden plants
Commonly, ornamental [garden] plants are grown for the display of aesthetic features including:
flowers,leaves, scent, overall foliage texture, fruit, stem and bark, and aesthetic form. In some cases,
unusual features may be considered to be of interest, such as the prominent thorns of Rosa sericea
and cacti. In all cases, their purpose is for the enjoyment of gardeners, visitors, and the public

Similarly certain trees may be called ornamental trees. This term is used when they are used as part
of a garden, park, or landscape setting, for instance for their flowers, their texture, form, size and
shape, and other aesthetic characteristics. In some countries trees in 'utilitarian' landscape use such
as screening, and roadside plantings are called amenity trees.

Ornamental grasses are grasses grown as ornamental plants. Many ornamental grasses are true
grasses (Poaceae), however several other families of grass-like plants are typically marketed as
ornamental grasses. These include the sedges (Cyperaceae), rushes (Juncaceae), restios
(Restionaceae), and cat-tails (Typhaceae). All are monocotyledons, typically with narrow leaves and
parallel veins. Most are herbaceous perennials, though many are evergreen and some develop
woody tissues. Ornamental grasses are popular in many countries. They bring striking linear form,
texture, color, motion, and sound to the garden, throughout the year.Ornamental grasses are
popular in many colder hardiness zones for their resilience to cold temperatures and aesthetic value
throughout fall and winter seasons.

For plants to be considered ornamental, they require specific work and pruning by a gardener. For
instance, many plants cultivated for topiary and bonsai would only be considered to be ornamental
byvirtue of the regular pruning carried out on them by the gardener, and they may rapidly cease to
be ornamental if the work was abandoned. Ornamental plants and trees are distinguished from
utilitarian and crop plants, such as those used for agriculture and vegetable crops, and for forestry or
as fruit trees. This does not preclude any particular type of plant being grown both for ornamental
qualities in the garden, and for utilitarian purposes in other settings. Thus lavender is typically grown
as an ornamental plant in gardens, but may also be grown as a crop plant for the production of
lavender oil.

Kitchen garden is the growing of fruits and vegetables at the backyard of house by using kitchen
waste water. Otherwise called as Home garden or Nutrition garden or Kitchen gardening or
Vegetable gardening.

Advantages of Kitchen garden :

 Supply fresh fruits and vegetables high in nutritive value.
 Supply fruits and vegetables free from toxic chemicals.
 Help to save expenditure on purchase of vegetables.
 Vegetables harvested from home garden taste better than those purchased from market.
 Effective utilization of kitchen waste water and kitchen waste materials.
 Exercise to the body and mind.
Site selection :
 Backyard of house
 Preferably open areas with plenty of sunlight near the water source

Size and shape of vegetable garden depends on

 Availability of land
 Number of persons in family andSpare time available for its care
 Nearly five cents of land (200 m2) is sufficient to provide vegetables throughout year for a
family consisting of five members
 A rectangular garden is preferred than a square plot or a long strip of land.

Layout of Kitchen garden

 Fence – Barbed wire fence or live fence with agathi
 Perennial crops (Mango, Sapota, Acid lime, Amla, Morniga) should be planted at the
peripheral areas of kitchen garden (avoid shading)
 One or two compost pits may be provided on one corner
 Fences on all sides should be trained with Cucurbitaceous vegetables (Bottle gourd, Bitter
gourd and Snake gourd)
 Some vegetables are direct sown – (Amaranthus, Bottle gourd, Bitter gourd and Snake
 Some vegetables are nursery transplanted (Tomato, Brinjal, Chillies, Onion)
 Divide the area into equal sized plots for raising annual vegetable crops
 As intensive and continuous cropping is done in a kitchen garden.
 Fertility and texture of soil may be maintained by applying adequate quantities of organic
manures frequently.
 Ridges and furrows are formed in each plots.
 Season of planting: June – July, September – October
 Bee-hive may be provided for ensuring adequate pollination of crops besides obtaining
 However, in order to harvest good crop, chemical fertilizers are also essential.
 Pick and destroy the larvae found on fruits and vegetables and then spray Neem oil @ 4
ml/liter of water or Neem Seed Kernel Extract @ 3 %.
 Avoid spraying of toxic chemicals.

Maintenance of Kitchen garden

 Grow the plants on the fence by training
 Dump all the kitchen waste in the manure pits and maintain in wet condition

 As and when necessary

Manures and Fertilizers:

 Apply the decomposed kitchen waste to all the crops
 Complex fertilizers @ 5 gram/plant at 30, 60 and 90 day of planting

 As and when necessary
 When there is a colour change from green to yellow or orange

Plat Protection
 Pick and destroy the larvae found on fruits and vegetables and then spray
 Avoid spraying of toxic chemicals.

Organic method of plant protection
 Neem oil
 Neem seed kernel extract
 Panchakavya

Implements used in kitchen garden

 Spade
 Pick Axe
 Hoe
 Hand sprayer
 Rode can
 Rose
 Secature

Herbal garden
An herb garden is basically a garden that is being used solely to grow herbs. A better description of
what an herb garden might be is a beautiful and relaxing place where you can find plants that are
not only useful but beneficial to the enjoyment of life. An herb garden can be any size or shape and
can contain many different types of herbs orjust a few. An herb garden may take up an entire yard or
may simply be planted in a small windowbox container. Herb gardens can be kept indoors on a
sunny windowsill or outdoors in the open breeze. An herb garden design can also be incorporated
into a vegetable garden, with landscape shrubbery, or mixed in with your flowers.

Types of Herb Gardens

There are many different types of herb gardens and many ways for using herb gardens, each with
their own character and charisma.
1. Kitchen Herb Garden
A culinary, or kitchen, herb garden will consist of only herbs used for flavorings in cooking. Most are
grown in containers, though they can be grown in the garden too, nearest the kitchen. It might
1. Parsley
2. Basil
3. Chives
4. Oregano
5. Rosemary
6. Thyme

2. Fragrant Herb Garden

Herbal Tea Garden : An herbal tea garden will consist of herbs such as chamomile, anise, hyssop,
and assorted mints that can be brewed into delicious teas.

Medicinal Herb Garden

A medicinal herb garden will consist of herbs used for soothing and comfort, where you might find
aloe and feverfew. A word of caution on using herb gardens for medicinal purposes: while some
herbs have been found to be helpful, other herbs can be harmful if ingested or used improperly.
Always check with a doctor before starting any herbal remedy.

Ornamental Herb Garden: Ornamental herb gardens are prized for their beautiful flowers and
unusual foliage. An ornamental herb garden might contain southernwood, sage, and germander. The
most popular type of herb garden design consists of many different varieties of herbal plants, some
for cooking, some for fragrance, some for beauty, and some for just soothing your soul.

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