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Solution Brief The Future of Threat Prevention

and Data Protection

Mission-Critical Innovations Delivered Today

The attack surface of organizations continues to increase as the
THREAT PREVENTION adoption of cloud applications, including generative AI increases. In
addition, pressures to provide remote access to users continues despite
post-pandemic hybrid work trends. All of these issues around digital
• Adaptive Protection: Intelligent, transformation have also increased the pressure to meet new and existing
automated attack surface reduction regulatory requirements across multiple jurisdictions. Organizations must
without disruption of normal address all of these challenges in an environment of economic uncertainty
business operations and geopolitical tensions.
• Application Control: Discovery
and control of risky applications, Figure 1: Modern Challenges for Global Enterprises
including detailed risk assessments
and smart recommendations for
• Active Directory Security:
Protection against initial access,
privilege escalation, and credential
theft used by attackers for lateral
movement leveraging AI-driven
obfuscation of Active Directory
query results
• Threat Hunter: Expert threat Broadcom understands the needs of global organizations and how the
hunters apply machine learning evolving threat landscape requires firms to continuously improve their
analytics and expert analysis to threat prevention and data protection, all while simplifying IT and security
expose and notify customers of the staff operations. These two sets of capabilities are key to the success of
early signs of stealth attacks that enterprises that require the highest levels of security for important data
otherwise would evade detection
assets. In addition, global organizations must demonstrate that regulated
• Dedicated IP Addresses: Prevent data meets multiple compliance standards requiring threat prevention and
the use of unassigned IP addresses data protection that extends everywhere data resides.
by threat actors who want to gain
unauthorized access to sensitive Symantec® Enterprise Cloud delivers advanced threat and sensitive data
applications and conduct malicious detection across endpoint, email, web traffic, and cloud applications. This
activities solution allows customers to discover and block targeted attacks and data
• ZTNA Threat Prevention: Cloud- breaches that would otherwise go undetected.
native, multi-layered threat
Our solution employs a modern approach that keeps our customers ahead
inspection and detection for zero
of threats by protecting what attackers target and enterprises value most,
trust network access (ZTNA)
critical data assets, and the devices and networks used to access this
• Mobile Threat Defense: Proactive
protection for mobile devices from This document describes the current Symantec software threat prevention
malware, network threats, and and data protection innovations. These innovations are critical for
application or OS vulnerability customers today, and Symantec software innovations will continue to
exploits address evolving threats in the future.

The Future of Threat Prevention and Data Protection

Solution Brief

Customer-Focused Threat Prevention Innovations

Symantec software innovations are reshaping threat prevention strategies
DATA PROTECTION by driving a proactive approach to combat the modern tactics and
INNOVATIONS techniques that attackers use today. Symantec Enterprise Cloud uses
advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning to predict where the
• Generative AI Protection: Provide next attack might occur and block attacks before they are executed. Our
guardrails for users while enabling threat prevention solution also provides insights into areas where attack
a productive and lower risk work
vectors can be closed, eliminating these options from an attacker’s tool
chest. The combined effect of a reduced attack surface, enterprise-grade
• ZTNA Data Protection: Enforce security controls, and our foundational Global Intelligence Network ensures
Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies that threat prevention is implemented with the highest levels of efficacy.
against private resources and
corporate assets in the cloud Key innovations for threat prevention within Symantec Enterprise Cloud
• Risk-Aware Policies: Create greater
include the following features:
context for DLP policies so access
• Adaptive Protection – Reduces the attack surface by blocking trusted
and control can be adapted to users
application behaviors often used by attackers to execute living-off-
with higher risk scores
the-land attacks. Attackers are frequently successful when they use an
• Fast File Scanning: Dramatic organization’s known applications to execute an attack because they
increases in the scan rates for large can hide their activities. This analytic technology can customize blocking
data repositories ensures that static adaptations based on its ability to continuously learn which apps, tools,
data can be scanned regularly with and OS behaviors are used in the customer’s environment—and which are
new and updated DLP policies not used. Adaptive Protection automatically restricts unused behaviors
• Leading Edge Data Detection: to reduce the attack surface and protect the organization. This feature is
New detection methods increase transformative in blocking threats from entering the environment without
detection accuracy and reduce the affecting normal business operations.
rate of false positives
• Application Control – Discovers installed applications and their
vulnerabilities, reputation and prevalence, and generates a risk score
for addressing the security concerns associated with the broad use of
shadow IT. Delivered with the risk score is a risk assessment, actionable
insights, and smart recommendations for blocking or allowing an
application to run. With Application Control, organizations can specify
the apps they allow, and block the apps that are dangerous and
• Active Directory Security – Automatically learns about an organization’s
entire Active Directory structure and uses obfuscation to prevent
attackers from stealing credentials and moving laterally within
the organization. With obfuscation, the attacker gives itself away
while interacting with fake assets or attempting the use of domain
administrator credentials. It only takes one compromised endpoint
connected to a corporate domain to jeopardize the entire organization.
Active Directory Security provides critical protection from the endpoint
to stop attackers as early as possible, on their first move.
• Threat Hunter – Assists security operations centers (SOCs) by combining
Symantec’s expert analyst research with advanced machine learning and
global threat intelligence to provide alerts, insights, and guidance to stop
attacks. Threat Hunter empowers security teams to quickly respond to
incidents and stop breaches by bringing together three key elements:
global and organizational data, artificial intelligence for data processing,
and human threat experts and researchers to identify reconnaissance
attempts before the breach has manifested.

The Future of Threat Prevention and Data Protection

Solution Brief

Customer-Focused Threat Prevention Innovations (cont.)

• Dedicated IP Addresses – Symantec Enterprise Cloud has added Dedicated IP Addresses to our service. Some
cloud-hosted third-party applications and services require a user to come from an IP address that is specifically
identified as the customer’s IP address. This feature reduces that attack surface, and it prevents actors from using
unassigned IP addresses to gain unauthorized access to sensitive applications and conduct malicious activities.
• ZTNA Threat Prevention – Sophisticated attacks come in many forms. All traffic, even traffic traversing a secure
ZTNA connection, should receive thorough interrogation to prevent malicious activity. Symantec utilizes cloud-
native, multi-layered threat inspection and detection to reduce the number of alerts that SOC and incident
response teams need to address. Symantec Enterprise Cloud provides the following services:
– Analyzes unknown files through advanced machine learning and static code file analysis
– Scans content with dual anti-malware engines for greater detection accuracy
– Detonates unknown files through sophisticated sandboxing
– Provides a single entry point for all threat scanning across the entire Symantec portfolio
– Leverages Symantec File Reputation services to block known threats
• Mobile Threat Defense – Provides predictive technology in a layered approach that leverages crowd-sourced
threat intelligence, in addition to device and server-based analysis, to proactively protect mobile devices from
malware, network threats, and application or OS vulnerability exploits. Mobile Threat Defense delivers real-time
visibility over the threats and attacks originating from public Wi-Fi and mobile networks, OS or app vulnerability
exploits, malicious apps, and user behavior that might compromise company-owned and bring your own devices
(BYODs). Symantec’s multilevel approach provides mobile security to outpace well-funded, highly socialized

Customer-Focused Data Protection Innovations

Digital transformation has created myriad Data Protection challenges not the least of which is the emergence of
widely available generative AI applications. Legacy solutions that do not address cloud-hybrid environments create
risks for customers engaged in the cloud migration of numerous business and in-house applications, even while
some business systems and processes remain within an enterprise. With data spread across cloud and on-premises
environments, customers seek to simplify their data protection approaches to stop data leaks and demonstrate
compliance with global regulations.

Global enterprises want to streamline operations with uniform data protection policies across all control channels
(endpoint, network, cloud, and email). They also need adaptive and contextual technologies that give better insight
into risk mitigation and data loss prevention. Symantec Enterprise Cloud permits customers to apply a single, risk-
aware policy across multiple channels.

Broadcom continually invests in Symantec data protection innovations, including the following features:

• Generative AI Protection – Employees can easily expose sensitive and proprietary information when leveraging
generative AI applications. As generative AI use increases, enterprises need to assess the risk of this category
of applications and ensure a safe environment to understand how users leverage generative AI. Symantec’s
innovative approach to the discovery, analysis, monitoring, and control of these applications means each
enterprise can manage the adoption of generative AI applications that conforms to their risk appetite.
• ZTNA Data Protection – Symantec Enterprise Cloud merges ZTNA and DLP capabilities. DLP policies can
now be applied to private resources and corporate assets in the cloud to avoid unintentional or malicious data
exfiltration, and ensure that your organization meets compliance and data privacy regulations. DLP enforces
cloud storage, sharing, and access policies for HIPAA, PCI, PII, and other sensitive data. As organizations look to
protect their assets in the cloud, they can ensure that protection with the DLP integration, their security and risk
teams can meet those compliance obligations. Moreover, with the advantage of the DLP single-policy engine, you
can extend the same DLP policies that you use in on-premises, cloud, and web environments. You can apply the
policies to your corporate assets through a secure ZTNA connection to ensure that data is protected and does
not leave the organization.

The Future of Threat Prevention and Data Protection

Solution Brief

Customer-Focused Data Protection Innovations (cont.)

• Risk-Aware Policies – Customers seeking Adaptive DLP can create DLP policies that take user risk scores to
define access and protection controls. For example, high-risk users might be granted read-only access with
blocked print and copy functionality, whereas low-risk users get full access.
• Fast File Scanning – Compliance requirements mandate that organizations scan data repositories regularly to
ensure that data audits are up to date. With organizations now managing large data repositories containing
petabytes of data, the pressure to completely scan these repositories in a specific time window is high.
Customers can now ensure that static data is regularly rescanned against updated DLP policies. Delivering
this capability in Symantec DLP was the result of considerable engineering innovation for our grid scanning
• Leading Edge Data Detection – Symantec DLP can further reduce the consequences of false detection with the
following new features:
– Structured Data Matching – Symantec DLP 16 introduces a new data discovery technique called Structured
Data Matching. Using the insight that many collections of sensitive data (for example, PII, PCI, and PHI) are
organized in tabular formats, Symantec DLP scans for data in this form before the deeper inspection to
identify sensitive data. This feature not only helps customers find sensitive data accurately, it also simplifies the
workflows and policy creation loads on DLP administrators.
– OCR and Form Recognition – Symantec DLP utilizes OCR to find sensitive data in images. It can also identify
forms and scan for areas that contain sensitive images.
– Exact Data Matching and Proximity Matching – Symantec DLP includes highly specialized data discovery
methods such as Exact Data Matching and Proximity Matching. These features increase the accuracy of
detection, and the lower incidence of false positive or false negative alerts alleviates the workload on already
stretched information protection teams.

Figure 2: Symantec Enterprise Cloud – A Modern Solution for Threat Prevention, Data Protection, and More

The Future of Threat Prevention and Data Protection

Solution Brief

Symantec software products continue to lead the way in the two most critical areas of security capabilities:
threat prevention and data protection. At their core, these innovations delivered in Symantec Enterprise Cloud
give organizations the flexibility to adjust their threat prevention and data protection deployments for maximum
efficiency and efficacy.

Symantec researchers have decades of expertise and global intelligence to decompose attack methods and model
how motivated attackers use legitimate and malicious tools to exfiltrate data. Symantec Enterprise Cloud leverages
this learning by delivering layered capabilities that allow our customers to secure their data assets with minimal
impact on their users or business processes.

Broadcom has delivered Symantec threat prevention and data protection capabilities at an accelerated pace. Unlike
other cybersecurity organizations, we focus on the needs of large and complex organizations with strict security
and compliance requirements. Our modern approach, using leading-edge innovations, means streamlined security
operations and continual improvement in an adopting organization’s risk posture.

For more information, visit our website at: www.broadcom.com

Copyright © 2023 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved. The term “Broadcom” refers to Broadcom Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. All
trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.
FTP-DP-SB100 June 13, 2023

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