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College of Teacher Education

ACCESS Campus, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City

Student Satisfaction Level with the Services Offered in a Philippine Teacher

Education Program

General Information:

The BSED Science students are currently conducting a research study

entitled: Student Satisfaction Level with the Services Offered in a Philippine Teacher
Education Program. The study aims to conduct an analysis of the level of student
satisfaction in terms of the academic and non-academic services offered by the
College of Teacher Education. We are asking for your precious time to answer the
questions. Rest assured that your responses will be treated with utmost

The data generated will be used in improving the services of the College of
Teacher Education. If you feel uncomfortable, feel free to withdraw anytime from the
study. Should you have any questions, kindly contact the researcher, Kreizel C. Faja
through his mobile number, 09531846242.

Overview of the Questionnaire:

The questionnaire is composed of three parts namely the Non-Academic Services,
Academic Services and Suggested mechanisms to improve the school services
offered to the students.

Name (Optional): ______________________________________ Sex: M /F

Course, Year & Section: __________________________________ Age: _____________

Direction: Based on your assessment, put a check (√) mark next to each statement
that represents your opinion using the scale provided below - one answer per row.


4 - Strongly Agree 2-Disagree

3 - Agree 1-Strongly Disagree

Part I. Non-Academic Services

Statements 4 3 2 1
Guidance Office
The guidance office has a committed and qualified
guidance counselor.
The guidance office has adequate and appropriate follow-
up and referral schemes for counseling students.
The guidance office ensures privacy and confidentiality
during counseling procedures. The guidance office ensures
privacy and confidentiality during counseling procedures.
Administers standardized psychological tests especially to
incoming freshmen, to acquire data on the student's
aptitudes, intelligence, personality, needs, and interests.
Test results are given back and interpreted to the students
individually by the psychometrician with the help of
registered guidance counselor. Test interpretations are also
made available in groups.
Student Body Organization (SBO) 4 3 2 1
The activities are consistently organized by the SBO.

The SBO actively participates in various campaigns and

programs that promote the rights of the students.
The SBO serves as a reliable help desk that listens to
students complaints and concerns about unpleasant
experience in University.
Number of student services personnel are adequate to
serve the student population.
Students’ service personnel are qualified and competent.

NSTP 4 3 2 1
The course addressed the leadership skills that the students’ needed
for community service.
The course provided an opportunity for students’ career
The course allows every students’ to learn and solve some of the
problems that the community faces.
Students’ were able to perform community service better.

Students’ became more committed to serve in the community.

Health Services Division 4 3 2 1

Provides primary health care services administered by licensed
nurses, doctors, and dentists to all students.
Provides necessary information that is related to health concerns.

Doctors and staff members have the technical knowledge to perform

their duty and take an interest in patient's questions.

Provides facilities that are complete and functional for health care.
Health records are also updated including disability records for
students with disabilities.
Provides policy and environment to enable the practice of healthy
Gender and Development (GAD) 4 3 2 1
VAW Desk is available and campus GAD coordinator is designated.

Information Education Communication materials on gender concerns

like posters, brochures, and books are available in the GAD office
and distributed to students and personnel.
Programs such as Women Month’s Celebration, 18-Day Campaign
to End VAW are conducted to increase people’s sensitivity to
the implications of gender inequality.
GAD Focal Point System is created and functional to enable the
GAD committee to deal with seemingly demanding responsibilities on
GAD related activities.
The faculty/staff, students, and other stakeholders are provided with
seminars and training on Gender Sensitivity Human Rights
Education on Gender Protective Laws, 18-Day Campaign to end
Food Services 4 3 2 1
The canteen personnel entertains student customers promptly and
without any delay.
The products displayed in the canteen are presentable, clean, contain
the required nutritional value and it is affordable.
The utensils, tools, and equipment used in the canteen are sanitized
or clean.
Canteen personnel adheres to the safety and health protocols of the
The canteen cleanliness is well-maintained.

Part II. Academic Services

Statements 4 3 2 1
Computer Laboratory
Computer laboratory equipment (monitor, mouse, keyboard
etc.) are sufficient, in good condition, and functional.
Computer laboratory is fully air condition that helps maintain
consistent temperatures to lower the possibility of system
malfunctions and creates an environment that is favorable
for effective learning and efficient computer usage.
Laboratory staff are accessible.
Laboratory staff provide good service when providing
Computer lab operation hours in accordance with the needs
of students.
University Learning Resource Center/Library 4 3 2 1
The library provides a good number of textbooks related to various
field and has good reference books such as encyclopedias,
dictionaries etc.
Library staff keeps students informed about new services
and collections. Staffs are also knowledgeable and respond
in a timely manner.
Library collection is well-organized, and books are easy to
Library collection is useful, up to date, and meets every
students information needed.
Library introduced new technology in providing services like Online
Public Access Catalog (OPAC) for quick and efficient
searching for resources.
Sports and Socio-Cultural Center 4 3 2 1
Conduct regular sports programs supporting school athletes and the
whole studentry.
Provides opportunities for physical fitness and well-being of students.

There are mechanisms to promote Philippine Culture and theArts in

coordination with other agencies.
There are mechanisms to promote national, sectoral, and cultural
sports activities and development in coordination with other agencies.
Example: arnis (national, sports for persons with disabilities, sipa
The staff is knowledgeable and helpful when it comes to sports and
socio-cultural services.
Competency Enhancement Program (CEP) 4 3 2 1

The CEP has helped students to develop a deeper

understanding of the subjects covered in their courses.
The instructors in the CEP were knowledgeable and
effective in delivering the material and make the lectures
more lively.
The CEP provides opportunities for the students to practice
and apply the skills and knowledge they have learned.
The venue eliminates extraneous variables like noise to
prevent any distraction during review session.
The CEP staff encourage their students more in doing
better in the review sessions. Thus, helps the reviewee to
become prepared for the upcoming licensure examination.

Science Laboratory 4 3 2 1
The laboratory has adequate ventilation for the removal of
dust and chemical fumes. Work areas are well lit, with all
lights in working order.
All laboratory furniture (chairs, shelves, benches, cabinets,
etc.) is in good condition, is appropriate for use in the
laboratory, and is capable of supporting anticipated loads.
Work areas are well lit with all lights in working order.

A First Aid kit is available to deal with minor injuries that may
be sustained in the laboratory.
A laboratory-specific safety manual defining laboratory
policies, safety practices, and procedures is available and
accessible to everyone in the lab. Appropriate personal
protective equipment (PPE) is also available and required
during performance of activities and experiments, e.g.
masks, gowns, eye protection, etc.

Part III. Suggested mechanisms to improve the services offered to the

students. By using the same scale, complete the questionnaire below by putting a
check next to each question
Suggestions to improve the services of the College 4 3 2 1
Hire full-time qualified staff to improved service delivery.
Develop a system to hasten the purchase of supplies and
Conduct a job fair to facilitate job opportunities for
graduating students who are in need of jobs.
Organize and carry out spearhead activities and service
For the NSTP center, it is necessary to generate and
manage resources to support students’ community
development projects.
Conduct programs such as consultative workshops on
gender-fair education to the college to develop a
mechanism to ensure gender-responsiveness of the
University GAD policies, programs, projects, and activities.
The University shall set the criteria for safety and sanitary
conditions and food choices of food outlets within the
compound of the institution.
Provide systems for the identification and solution of
students' health problems.
Organize, develop, and plan sports and socio-cultural
programs for the academic year for the whole college.
Develop an electronic system to provide fast and efficient
service to students mainly during enrolment and
Establish a learning plan or learning schedule for students
in CEP that can elaborate on what week they should
answer a certain exam and study a certain material.
Allocate additional budget for the following:
Modernization and upgrading of instructional laboratories and
Audio-visual equipment and enough seating capacity in library.
Internet facilities and additional router for faster
Computer hardware, licensed software, and other necessary
components for efficient operation and to establish an environment
that is suitable for online learning.

What other enhancement program or suggestions can you give to improve the
College services and increase the students' awareness, availment and satisfaction of
the services provided ?
NOTE: Give your own opinion in answering the question. If possible do NOT
leave it blank or N/A.


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