Experience Representation in Information Systems

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University of Warsaw

Faculty of History

Institute of Information and Book Studies

Jan Kaczmarek

Experience representation
in information systems

PhD thesis prepared under the supervision of

prof. dr hab. inż. Mieczysław Muraszkiewicz

June 1, 2013

This thesis looks into the ways subjective dimension of experience could be represented
in artificial, non-biological systems, in particular information systems.
The pivotal assumption is that experience as opposed to mainstream thinking in
information science is not equal to knowledge, so that experience is a broader term
which encapsulates both knowledge and subjective, affective component of experience,
which so far has not been properly embraced by knowledge representation theories.
This is the consequence of dominance of behaviourism and later cognitivism in the
XXth-century science, which tended to reduce mind and experience respectively to
behavioural expressions and discrete states relating mindful creature to external
world, meanwhile the processes of knowing to manipulations with symbols.
We support the view that traditional knowledge representation approaches will
not suffice to embrace the entirety of mental phenomena. We propose that in order to
understand, represent and model the thinking and behavioural processes of mindful
entities in information systems we need to look into the phenomenon of experience
beyond the boundaries of knowledge. At the same time we propose to look at
experience in a more structured way and try to capture it in formal terms, making
it amenable to symbolic representation, being aware at the same time of innate
limitations of symbolic representations compared to the natural representations in
biological bodies.
Under the paradigm of mind intentionality, which assumes that minds have
this special intrinsic feature that they can relate to external word and thus are
about external world, it can be asserted that experience is one in all intentional
mind state composed of knowledge that is the intentional contents of this state, the
world-to-mind relation, meanwhile its inseparable subjective component is composed
of subjective feelings of the mindful individual corresponding to this intentional
mind states. If so, we propose that experience can be defined as two-dimensional
mental phenomena consisting of mental states that have both knowledge and affective
component. Consequently we suggest that experience can be represented as pairs
of elements of sets K, and A, where K represents knowledge, hence contents of
remembered intentional states of mind (i.e. intentional contents of experience),
whereas A represents affect, i.e. the subjective qualitative component of experience.

Importantly, it does not particularly matter if we define experience as a set of
mind states or a mind state process for assessing if the overall relation between
knowledge and subjective experience that we have outlined above is valid. Whether
there is knowing rather then knowledge or experiencing rather than experience which
seems increasingly a contemporary principle, remains a fascinating philosophical,
ontological to be more specific, question, however it falls beyond the scope of the
thesis and therefore we shall not concentrate on it herewith.

Furthermore we propose that the subjective component of experience is also

intrinsically intentionalistic, but meanwhile the intentionality in case of knowing is
directed outward, to the external world, in case of feeling it is directed inwards to
the within of the experiencing mindbody. We tap into the contemporary thinking
in the philosophy of mind that the primordial, intrinsic intentionalistic capacity of
mind is non-linguistic, as there must be other more primordial, non-linguistic form of
intentionality that allows human children, as well as other language-capable animals,
to learn language in first place. Contemporary cognitive neuroscience suggest that
this capacity is tightly related to affect. We also embrace the theories of consciousness
and self coming from brain scientists such as Damasio and Panksepp who believe
that there is a primordial component of self, a so called protoself composed of the
raw feelings coming from within the body, which are representations of bodily states
in the mind, and have strictly subjective character. Therefore we can look at this
compound of primordial feelings as a mirror in which external world reflects via the
interface of the senses. This results in experience that has this conceptually dual, yet
united within the conscious mindbody, composition of intentional contents that is
knowledge and subjective component that is built up by feelings coming from within
the experiencing mindbody. For it is problematic to state sharply either that this
composition is dual or united we can refer to these two separately considered aspects
of experience either as components or dimensions.

In this thesis we pay particular attention to the role the affective component of
experience plays in the behaviour of organisms, and we use the concept of rational
agency to discuss the relations between agent experience and behaviour. This role
is primarily about motivation and experience vividness, i.e. how easily experiential
states can be retrieved from memory. The affective dimension of experience determines
the drivers for agent action and influences the remembering and forgetting (memory)
processes that experience is prone to. We reflect on how the above presented framework
could enhance one of the most popular rational agency models: the Believes Desires
Intentions model (BDI) based on Bratmann’s account of practical reason that has
dominated information science and artificial intelligence literature.

Inspired by Davidson, who opposing Hume’s account that the passions (desires)
drive action while reason (belief) merely directs its force, concluded that

“(...) belief and desire seem equally to be causal conditions of action.
But (...) desire is more basic in that if we know enough about a person’s
desires, we can work out what he believes, while the reverse does not
hold.” (Davidson, 2004)

we conclude that in so far as BDI model approaches them, desires are sort of beliefs.
Indeed a desire in the above sense is a verbalised desire, i.e. in order for a proposition
to be included in the deliberation an agent must have internally verbalize it and
accept it by which he converts it into a belief. As a result an agent acquires a belief
about its desire.
Apart from desires made thus explicit and becoming beliefs there are implicit
experiential states that directly influence behaviour, these are not embraced by the
Desires set in the BDI and other instrumentalist rationality models as these currently
do not have adequate forms of representation. If this is so, the BDI models looses
its D creating a gap which must be filled in, which we try to do with the subjective
dimension of experience. Under such an account each belief, either the proper one
or about the desire, represented formally with a proposition should have an extra
component added which would stand for the subjective affective state to this belief.
Some preliminary suggestions how this could be implemented are proposed and
The central proposition of this thesis states that experience, broadly understood
as the entirety of contents and quality of a conscious mind state, can be satisfactorily
represented in information systems, and any information system which objective
is to emulate natural agent behaviour with satisfactory faithfulness cannot do
without a sound experience representation framework. To achieve this it is necessary
to realize and accept, based on convincing evidence from neuroscience, that the
missing subjective component of experience is affect that forms and integral part
of natural agent’s experience, and determines, or at least impacts profoundly the
behaviour of natural agents. Relating affect to knowledge would result in a satisfactory
approximation of experience. It is to realize as well that the subjective dimension of
experience, classified as affect, is not entirely private, subjective epiphenomenal entity
but rather can be studied in objective terms as neurological correlates in the brain
following account of emotion and affect as fostered by contemporary neuroscience.
By identifying affective correlates of intentional contents of states of mind, which
build up knowledge, we can exploit a broader concept experience for the purpose
of more accurate emulation of natural agents’ thinking process and behaviour in
information systems.
This thesis presents and discusses a bulk of evidence coming mainly from three
fields: information science, philosophy of mind and cognitive neuroscience that led
us to the above stated conclusions, as well as establishes a framework for experience
representation in information systems.


Tytuł pracy: Reprezentacja doświadczenia w systemach informacyjnych.

Przedmiotem pracy są sposoby reprezentacji subiektywnego wymiaru doświad-

czania w niebiologicznych systemach sztucznych, w szczególności w systemach infor-
Głównym założeniem wyjściowym pracy jest to, że doświadczenie, w przeciwień-
stwie do dominującego w nauce o informacji podejścia, nie jest tożsame z wiedzą,
doświadczenie jest ogólniejszym pojęciem, które obejmuje zarówno wiedzę jak i su-
biektywny, afektywny składnik doświadczenia, co do tej pory nie został prawidłowo
ujęte przez teorie reprezentacji wiedzy. Działo się tak w ostatnich kilku dekadach
głównie za sprawą dominacji redukcyjnego behawioryzmu, a później kognitywizmu
w nauce XX wieku, które to prądy sprowadzały umysł i jego doświadczanie odpo-
wiednio albo do wypadkowej obserwowanych zachowań albo do relacji pomiędzy
podmiotem poznania a środowiskiem zewnętrznym, a procesy myślowe do manipulacji
Postulujemy stanowisko, że tradycyjne metody reprezentacji wiedzy nie są wystar-
czające, aby ująć całokształt procesów myślowych i stanów mentalnych właściwych
istotom obdarzonym umysłem. By zrozumieć, reprezentować i modelować w syste-
mach sztucznych, takich jak systemy informacyjne, procesy myślowe i zachowanie
organizmów należy przyjrzeć się doświadczaniu w szerszym ujęciu, wykraczającym
poza granice wiedzy, obejmującym całość treści poznania z jego aspektami obiektyw-
nymi jak i subiektywnymi. Jednocześnie proponujemy przyjrzeć się doświadczeniu
w bardziej uporządkowany sposób pozwalający ująć je w formalne ramy, co umożli-
wiłoby próbę systematycznej reprezentacji doświadczenie za pomocą symboli, będąc
Termin doświadczenie (ang. experience) używany jest w całej pracy jako termin obejmujący
całość treści poznania, zarówno jego obiektywny jak i subiektywny wymiar. Jest to ważne dla
zrozumienia celu i przedmiotu pracy, ponieważ w języku polskim termin ten częściej stosowany jest
w innych choć bliskich znaczeniach, w tym w odniesieniu do eksperymentu, wiedzy empirycznej
zdobytej w wyniku przeprowadzania doświadczeń (eksperymentów), wiedzy opartej na eksperymencie
(interakcji z otaczającą rzeczywistością) czyli wiedzą empiryczną lub wiedzą a posteriori, czasem
w znacznie zawężającym znaczeniu wrażeń czy doznań zmysłowych, albo umiejętności, wiedzy
praktycznej (jak wykonywać zadania) związanej z wieloletnim praktykowaniem danej aktywności
czy specjalizacją. Pozornie lepszym odpowiednikiem angielskiego experience jawi się staropolskie
słowo eksperiencja, jednak ono częściej stosowane jest w nawiązaniu do eksperymentowania, co nie
odpowiada znaczeniu które nas interesuje.

przy tym w pełni świadomym immanentnych ograniczeń reprezentacji symbolicz-
nych systemów formalnych w porównaniu z naturalnymi reprezentacjami stanów
myślowych w materii biologicznej organizmów żywych.
Podpierając się teorią intencjonalności umysłu, paradygmatem w filozofii umysłu
zakładającym, że umysł ma tę szczególną fundamentalną właściwość, że może odnosić
się do zewnętrznego świata, a więc że może być o lub być skierowany do (ang. about
lub directed at) przedmiotów i stanów rzeczy w świecie, można stwierdzić, że doświad-
czenie w ujęciu ogólnym jest stanem intencjonalnym złożonym zarówno z wiedzy,
która stanowi intencjonalną treść tego stanu, tj. relację umysł-świat oraz z nieod-
łącznego komponentu subiektywnego, odpowiadającego subiektywnym odczuciom
towarzyszącym danym intencjonalnym stanom umysłu. Jeśli tak, to doświadczenie
można postrzegać jako niedualny fenomen dwuwymiarowy składający się ze stanów
mentalnych, które obejmują zarówno wiedzę jak i nieodłączny składnik afektywny.
W związku z tym proponujemy, że doświadczenie może być reprezentowane jako
nierozłączne pary elementów zbiorów K i A, gdzie K oznacza wiedzę, czyli zawartość
zapamiętanych intencjonalnych stanów umysłu (tj. intencjonalna treść doświadcze-
nia), natomiast zbiór A odpowiada afektowi, stanowiącemu subiektywny, jakościowy
wymiar doświadczenia.
Istotnie, nie ma przy tym znaczenia czy postrzegamy doświadczenie jako zjawisko
dyskretne, zbiór stanów umysłu czy ciągły proces umysłowy, by ocenić zasadność
zaproponowanego przez nas powiązania w doświadczeniu wiedzy z subiektywnymi
stanami umysłu. Niezależnie od przyjętej postawy ontologicznej wobec kategorii
wiedzy, czy przyjmiemy za właściwsze odniesienie się do niej jako do ciągłej czynności
odpowiadającej czasownikowi “wiem” (ang. knowing) czy raczej jako uniwersalium
odpowiadającego dyskretnemu stanowi, kwantowi wiedzy (ang. knowledge), a w przy-
padku doświadczenia czy będziemy mówić o procesie doświadczania (ang. experien-
cing) zamiast o doświadczeniu w kategoriach uniwersalnych (ang. experience), nasze
ustalenia pozostają w mocy.2
Ponadto postulujemy, że subiektywny składnik doświadczenia ma również własno-
ści intencjonalne, tym niemniej podczas gdy intencjonalność składowej doświadczenia
odpowiadającej wiedzy jest skierowana na zewnątrz, ku zewnętrznej wobec podmiotu
poznania rzeczywistości, intencjonalność subiektywnych uczuć skierowana jest do
wewnątrz doświadczającego podmiotu. Posiłkujemy się przy tym współczesnymi
teoriami umysłu, świadomości i psychologii rozwojowej, uznającymi, że pierwotna,
wrodzona intencjonalna właściwość umysłu ma niejęzykowe podłoże, jako że musi
istnieć niezależna bardziej pierwotna od językowej forma intencjonalności pozwala-

Zarysowane tu rozróżnienie pozostaje fascynującym filozoficznym problemem, pozostającym
w ścisłym związku z zakresem tematycznym niniejszej pracy jednak nie mieszczącym się w jej
limitach objętościowych, w związku z czym ten wątek nie może zostać podjęty w dalszych częściach
wywodu, poprzestańmy zatem jedynie na obserwacji, że z dwóch powyższych postaw ta pierwsza
jawi się jako współcześnie dominująca.

jąca rozwijającym się organizmom, dzieciom w przypadku człowieka, jak również
innym naczelnym rozwijającym umiejętności komunikacji językowej, nauczyć się
języka w pierwszej kolejności. Współczesna neuronauka poznawcza utrzymuje, że ta
bardziej pierwotna forma jest ściśle związana z afektem, subiektywnymi doznaniami
i emocjami. Ponandto, wspieramy się współczesnymi teoriami świadomości i ja o ro-
dowodzie neuronaukowym, takich autorów jak Damasio i Panksepp, którzy uznają,
że istnieje pierwotny składnik ja, tzw. proto-ja (ang. protoself złożone z czystych
odczuć pochodzących z głębi doświadczającego ciała, które reprezentowane są przez
umysł jako stany całego biologicznego organizmu, mają ściśle subiektywny charakter.
Stąd też, możemy spojrzeć na umysłowy obraz tych pierwotnych, czystych uczuć jak
na zwierciadło w którym odbija się świat zewnętrzny za pośrednictwem zmysłów,
z czego wynika koncepcyjnie dualny, jednak ujednolicony w świadomości obiektu
poznania charakter intencjonalnych stanów umysłu złożonych z treści intencjonalnej
oraz subiektywnych stanów uczuciowych pochodzących z wnętrza doświadczającego
organizmu. Ponieważ trudno jest rozstrzygać ostatecznie co do dualnej czy jednolitej
natury doświadczenia, głównie z powodu ograniczeń języka i historii współczesnej
nauki, która zdominowana jest przez wpływy dualizmu kartezjańskiego, w całej
pracy omowiając powyższe dwa aspekty doświadczenia posługujemy się określeniami
składniki wymiennie komponenty lub wymiary doświadczenia.
W niniejszej pracy zwracamy szczególną uwagę na afektywny wymiar doświad-
czenia i rolę jaką odgrywa w celowym działaniu podmiotu poznania. Odwołujemy
się w tym celu do koncepcji racjonalnego, celowego działania i filozofii praktyczności
(racjonalnego rozumu) jak również ekonomicznej teorii wolnego wyboru aby prze-
śledzić związek doświadczenia w ujęciu przez nas proponowanym z zachowaniem
racjonalnych podmiotów (ang. rational agents). Rola ta przede wszystkim obejmuje
kształtowanie motywacji oraz żywotność doświadczenia, tj. stopień jego utrwalenia
w pamięci długotrwałej, z której doświadczenie może być przywoływane do pamięci
krótkotrwałej w momencie świadomego wnioskowania na temat planowanych działań
lub automatycznego wykonywania zachowań autonomicznych. Afektywny wymiar
doświadczenia kształtuje działania podmiotu racjonalnego oraz wpływa na procesy
pamięciowe, zapamiętywanie i zapominanie którym doświadczenie się poddaje.
W pracy podjęte zostały również rozważania na temat możliwości zastosowania
zaproponowanych ram teoretycznych reprezentacji doświadczenia w najbardziej
popularnym i powszechnie stosowanym w nauce o informacji, teorii i technikach
sztucznej inteligencji modelu i formalnym systemie opisującym racjonalność, tzw.
modelu BDI (ang. Believes, Desires, Intentions) opartym na logice praktyczności
zaproponowanej przez Bratman’a.
Z przemyśleń innego filozofa praktycznego rozumu Davidsona, który w opozycji
do Humowskiej tezy stwierdzającej, że żądze (ang. passions) decydują o pragnieniach
(ang. desires) napędzają działania, podczas gdy rozum (przekonania) jedynie kierują
siłami tego oddziaływania, skonkludował, iż:

„(...) przekonania i pragnienia wydają się jednakowymi przyczynami
działania. Jednakże (...) pragnienia jawią się bardziej podstawowymi
tak, że jeśli wiemy wystarczająco dużo o czyichś pragnieniach możemy
wnioskować co do jego przekonań, jednakże odwrotność tego stwierdzenia
nie zachodzi.” 3

wywodzimy, że w odniesieniu do sposobu w jaki model racjonalności BDI je uj-

muje, pragnienia są szczególną postacią przekonań. W istocie, pragnienie w tym
ujęciu jest zwerbalizowanym pragnieniem, tj. aby pewien sąd mógł być uwzględ-
niony w procesie rozważania (ang. deliberation) co do działania, podmiot racjonalny
musi go zwerbalizować i zinternalizować, czyli włączyć do zbioru swoich przeko-
nań. W konsekwencji podmiot tworzy przekonanie co do pragnienia, co mogłoby
z kolei skutkować zredukowaniem pragnień, których bezpośredniość oddziaływania
na zachowanie podmiotu nie jest inaczej realizowana w modelu. Jednakże, oprócz
pragnień w ten sposób ujawnionych i włączonych do zbioru przekonań istnieją ukryte
stany doświadczenia które bezpośrednio wpływają na zachowanie z pominięciem
procesu internalizacji, czy niezależnie od niego. Tego typu pragnienia nie znajdują
odzwierciedlenia w zbiorze pragnień modelu BDI ani mu pokrewnych, ponieważ
nie istnieją odpowiednie formy ich reprezentacji. Jeśli tak, to system BDI zawiera
istotną lukę którą należy uzupełnić, czego my próbujemy dokonać posiłkując się
subiektywnym komponentem doświadczenia. W takim podejściu każde przekonanie,
zarówno to właściwe jak i to będące uświadomionym pragnieniem, ujęte formalnie
w postaci sądu logicznego powinno być doposażone atrybutem odpowiadającym
subiektywnemu, afektywnemu stanowi odczuwanemu w momencie pozyskania lub
przywołania do pamięci operacyjnej stanu umysłowego odpowiadającego danemu
przekonaniu. Wstępne propozycje co do sposobu implementacji takiego rozwiązania
zostały zaproponowane i omówione w niniejszej pracy.
Teza niniejszej rozprawy stwierdza, że doświadczenie, rozumiane szeroko jako ca-
łość treści i jakościowej wartości poznania złożonej z intencjonalnych stanów umysłu,
może być w sposób zadowalający reprezentowana w systemach informacyjnych, oraz
że dowolny system informacyjny, którego celem jest emulowanie zachowań podmiotów
racjonalnych przy zadowalającym poziomie wiarygodności, musi uwzględniać subiek-
tywny, jakościowy wymiar doświadczenia. W tym celu niezbędne jest przyjęcie, na
podstawie przekonywujących wyników badań na gruncie neuronauki, że subiektywny,
jakościowy komponent doświadczenia kształtowany jest przede wszystkim przez afekt,
stanowiący integralną część doświadczenia podmiotu poznania, oraz czynnik determi-
nujący zachowania podmiotów obdarzonych umysłem. Odwzorowanie wiedzy w zbiór
możliwych stanów afektywnych skutkuje zadowalającą aproksymacją doświadczenia,
innymi słowy szacowanie doświadczenia poprzez kojarzenie danego kwantu wiedzy
z towarzyszącym mu uczuciem subiektywnym daje zadowalające rezultaty. Tym sa-
Tłumaczenie własne autora na podstawie oryginału (Davidson, 2004)

mym proponujemy także, że subiektywny wymiar doświadczenia, nie jest całkowicie
prywatnym, ukrytym przed obserwatorem ulotnym fenomenem, przeciwnie, może on
być aproksymowany z obserwacji zachowania, relacji z introspekcji oraz bezpośrednio,
obiektywnie studiowany w oparciu o neurologiczne korelaty w systemie nerwowym,
głównie mózgu, zgodnie z aktualną praktyką współczesnej neuronauki. Rozpoznając
afektywne neurologiczne korelaty intencjonalnych treści umysłu, które składają się
na wiedzę, możemy korzystać z nowego zasobu terminologicznego i konceptualnego
jakim jest doświadczenie celem opracowania sprawniejszych sposobów emulacji zacho-
wania i procesów myślowych podmiotów racjonalnych z wykorzystaniem systemów
W niniejszej pracy dokonujemy gruntownego przeglądu i omówienia najnow-
szych wyników badań naukowych, korzystając głównie ze źródłowych tekstów an-
gielskojęzycznych, z kilku zazębiających się w obrębie zadanego tematu dyscyplin
naukowych: nauki o informacji, filozofii umysłu oraz neuronauki, które zainspirowały
nas do sformułowania wyżej streszczonych wniosków oraz stworzyły punkt wyjścia
dla zaproponowanej przez nas struktury reprezentacji doświadczenia w systemach


Summary iii

Streszczenie vii

Preface xix

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Thesis objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Thesis background and rationale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.1 Advancements in and limitations of information theories, in-
formation processing technologies and information systems . . 2
1.2.2 Affect and its role in understanding, defining and modelling
rationality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.2.3 Methodological inspirations: Leibnitz’s Calculemus! and Wilber’s
orienting generalizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.3 Thesis proposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.4 Thesis structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2 Terminology 25
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2.2 Terms related to rational agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.3 Terms related to information systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

3 Towards affective theory of experience 51

3.1 Is knowledge equal to experience? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.2 Consciousness as the playground for knowledge and experience . . . . 54
3.2.1 Types and states of conscious experience . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.2.2 The qualities of conscious experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.2.3 Temporal dimension of conscious experience . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.2.4 The subjective component of conscious experience . . . . . . . 72
3.3 Affective quality of conscious experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
3.3.1 How emotions and feelings fit in conscious experience . . . . . 81

3.3.2 Limitations of language in expressing affective states . . . . . 87
3.4 Experience as self-information and its role in purposeful behaviour . . 90
3.4.1 Practical reason and affect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
3.4.2 The central problem of the freedom of will . . . . . . . . . . . 95
3.4.3 Emotions and feeling in rational behaviour . . . . . . . . . . . 100
3.5 Affective bias in rational judgements – the empirical study . . . . . . 102
3.5.1 Problem under investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
3.5.2 Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
3.5.3 Description of the experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
3.5.4 Definition of the variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
3.5.5 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
3.5.6 Conclusions and further work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
3.6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

4 A model for experience representation in information systems 119

4.1 From knowledge representation to experience representation . . . . . 119
4.2 Limitations of mainstream affect and emotion models . . . . . . . . . 121
4.3 Formal definition of experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
4.3.1 Experience modelling in the context of customer decisions . . 138
4.3.2 Towards a general purpose definition of experience . . . . . . . 140
4.4 Kaczmarek-Ryżko framework for experience representation in infor-
mation systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
4.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

5 Application of the framework to modelling rationality of an expe-

riencing agent 147
5.1 The Classical Model of Rationality - TCMR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
5.1.1 Towards TCMR account of rationality . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
5.1.2 Homo oeconomicus model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
5.2 Limitations of TCRM - interdisciplinary perspective . . . . . . . . . . 154
5.2.1 Classic behavioural effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
5.2.2 Effects captured by the Prespect Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
5.2.3 Effects related to subjective outcome evaluation . . . . . . . . 161
5.2.4 Effects stemming from subjective assessment of risk . . . . . . 163
5.2.5 Effects considered in philosophy of mind and moral judgements166
5.2.6 TCRM in ashes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
5.3 Contemporary approaches to modelling rational behaviour . . . . . . 170
5.3.1 Unification of behavioural sciences under contemporary game
theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
5.3.2 Deliberating agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
5.4 Towards representing experiencing agents in information systems . . . 180

5.4.1 Mainstream formal models of BDI agency . . . . . . . . . . . 181
5.4.2 Review of existing emotional agency representations . . . . . . 183
5.4.3 Experiencing BDI agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
5.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

6 Conclusion 197
6.1 Conclusion of findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
6.2 Limitations of experience representation methods . . . . . . . . . . . 200
6.3 Ongoing and future research work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201

Appendix 203

List of Figures

2.1 Purposive behaviour efficiency improvement cycle . . . . . . . . . . . 35

2.2 IS viewed as one of the several sciences of information . . . . . . . . . 48

3.1 Screenshot of the unmodified web page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

3.2 Screenshot of the web page displaying a pop-up window . . . . . . . . 105
3.3 No. of participants in the study (retained) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
3.4 WikiKuchnia average assessment score, by group . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
3.5 WikiKuchnia average assessment score excluding visual aspects, by
group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
3.6 “Would you recommend WikiKuchnia to a friend?” . . . . . . . . . . 110
3.7 “Would you order the meat rolls?” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
3.8 “Would you recommend the meat rolls to a friend?” . . . . . . . . . . 112
3.9 “How much do you think you would like the rolls?” (mean by group) . 112
3.10 Average tastiness score for all ingredients by group . . . . . . . . . . 114
3.11 “How much do you like these ingredients? (mean by group)” . . . . . 116

4.1 Overview of contemporary computational models of emotion . . . . . 122

4.2 The model of the cognitive – motivational – emotive system . . . . . 125

5.1 Wiggly utility function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

5.2 Hypothetical value function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158


Like supposedly many other young people charmed by science I have been developing
my scientific interests being driven by a curiosity about a question of a fundamental
sort – why people, animals, any other living creatures feel like doing anything? The
question could be made even more general – why electrons feel like spinning? – but let
us ration ourselves to the living organisms. With this kind of general question ahead
one can take up a wide variety of specific research paths across many disciplines from
theology to quantum physics. I started with economics where human (consumer)
behaviour and choice (decision making) were some of the central foci of interest
and dug further across philosophy and cognitive psychology, further to cognitive
neuroscience to end up in information science with two main conclusions:

- The decision making process is a product of a neurological information pro-

cessing system which defines each and every decision made by any agent in the

- A relatively neglected aspect in the study of this information processing systems,

especially in the area of artificial systems that undertake to emulate natural
systems, is its affective and subjective, first-personal dimension. Putting it in
more plain yet a bit oversimplified terms the emotional dimension of human
experience (consciousness) in which knowledge and information is generated,
stored and processed has not received enough attention from scientists dealing
with theory of information.

This thesis is inspired and driven by my deep believe that after a century of
domination of rationalism in the positivist sense we will witness a period in science
and society when much more due attention will be paid to the affective and the
unconscious side of the human and animal nature, and biological life at large, which
is the basic for understanding who we the human beings are. As the domination of
positivist thinking in XX century catalysed the flourishing of philosophy of language,
normative economics, behavioural psychology, development of information technology,
the turn to the emotional and inner dimensions of biological and mental phenomena
should let to the better understanding of non-linguistic forms of intentionality of
living creatures, human and animal consciousness, human decision making and

problem solving, increased understanding of social behaviour and will open the way
to many practical applications that will make the world a much more liveable place.
Recently, in a journalistic essay, I risked a purposively controversial claim that
we seem to be living in increasingly romantic times. As the boundary between
mental and biological, rational and emotional in the traditional sense of the terms
is blurring, breaking the dualistic Cartesian conceptual framework, the emotional,
more primitive, evolutionarily older, shared with other animals, side of human nature
has gained more recognition and interest from scientists and engineers. The turn
to the emotional, the biological (the animal) and subjective (spiritual to certain
extent) is bringing about associations with romanticist thought. Turn may not be
the ideal word in this case however, as it implies backlash from the realm of reason
and objectivity meanwhile it is rather to suggest that the acceptance on an equal
footing of both narratives: (i) the rational, objective, third personal on one hand and
(ii) the emotional, subjective, first-personal on the other is anticipated.
The phenomenon apparently is entering not only the mainstream intellectual
discourse but also has become a part of mass culture, to which a contemporary essay
by Zygmunt Bauman (Bauman, 2011) testifies. Bauman observes that

““Spirituality” is the recently most recommended and earnestly desired

value.” 4

Although Bauman makes this observation in a different context, warning against

instrumentation and commercialization of morality as lapis philosophorum of pan-
market urging for yet another, this time possibly limitless, exploitation field for
consumerism, in his essay he depicts contemporary social reality in which inner,
subjective mental states gain on significance in domains which have been traditionally
conceived as rational, objective, such as: economy, science and politics.
Undoubtedly, the above mentioned developments have been prompted, to some
extent, by the fascinating results from human brain studies, advanced by modern
brain imaging technologies and earlier by studies on animal models, unravelling that
the affective processes in the brain provide the very basis for human and animal
behaviour and are merely mediated by higher cognitive processes such as conscious
judgement and reasoning in particular. This tells us that the human mind seen
as an information processing machine is in fact operating with information that is
“affected”, in other words information is coloured by subjective feelings experienced by
the minded self. There is virtually no information encoded in biological systems that
is fully cleared from this affective “stain”. Meanwhile artificial systems, information
systems in particular, are all the contrary, which creates a gap between these two
distinct realms, the result of which are various complications and limitations of
applications of artificial systems to solving real-world problems.
Author’s own translation from original text in Polish. Inverted commas by Bauman.

I believe this thesis is a humble contribution to the development of an emerging
paradigm in information studies, the affective theory of information (ATI). This
paradigm recognises that the mainstream traditional theories of information should
be extended in a way that they embrace the subjective, affective dimension of human
experience. Information and knowledge that can be encapsulated with language
cannot be represented completely without this missing part: the subjective feelings
of a minded self that receives, stores and processes information, as they have impact,
have meaning, make the difference.
This thesis proposes that the affective dimension of experience can and should be
represented in artificial systems so that these could be better applied to solving real-
world problems that are intrinsically complex. I wish it makes a tiny step forward
by providing theoretical grounds and justification, by putting together relevant
scientific evidence from various disciplines, for defining models of human experience
representation and modelling in artificial systems.
This representation and modelling methods and techniques will potentially open
the way for many practical applications across many disciplines, for instance: (i) they
can help construct information systems that are more usable and ergonomic for the
user, (ii) they can allow for the construction of more believable artificial agents both in
entertainment applications like computer games and virtual and mixed-reality worlds,
as well as business and social applications that require emulation of human behaviour.
Moreover, (iii) it can contribute to the construction of more usable human-machine
interfaces and interaction paradigms as well as the development of more accurate
decision-support systems. In this way the thesis will contribute apart from the field
of information theory to such fields as: affective computing (computer science),
customer experience management (marketing and management science), agent-based
macroeconomic simulations (economics), complex problem solving (applied computer
science), human-machine interaction and artificial intelligence (computer science).
This thesis could not have been completed without kind support of many people. In
particular I would like to thank: Professor Mieczysław Muraszkiewicz for constructive
feedback as this thesis progressed, Dr Dominik Ryżko from Warsaw University of
Technology for join scientific endeavour in the area of experience modelling and the
benefits brought by his sharp mind along the way. I shall also thank my friends: Dr.
Jakub Lebuda, Łukasz Iwasiński and Michał Wendorff for participating in my personal
development and years of challenging debates. I owe my special acknowledgements
to Dr. Jakub Lebuda whose support allowed me to complete this project.
I dedicate this thesis to my sons Stanisław and Józef.

Chapter 1


The purpose of this introductory chapter is to present thesis objectives, rationale

and background. In this chapter we will put the thesis subject matter in the in-
terdisciplinary context of the literature study that has been performed during the
elaboration of this thesis as well as we will provide arguments for why the subject we
address is valid and timely. It will end with a short overview of the thesis structure
and contents presented chapter by chapter.

1.1 Thesis objectives

The overall goal of this thesis is to work out theoretical framework for building
methods of human experience representation in information systems supporting
emulation of natural agents behaviour. This overall goal confronts several challenges
for which reason the following specific objectives has been defined within the overall

1. To investigate and untangle the nature of experience, map its relationships

with knowledge and purposeful behaviour.

2. To track the differences between experience representation and knowledge

representation and show the significance of these differences with regard to
information system efficiency.

3. To devise new ways for an improved representation of agent’s affective dimension

of experience and propose a conceptual framework for embracing affect as
integral part of agent’s experience.

4. To set up the theoretical framework that would link affect and knowledge with
natural agent’s purposive behaviour resulting from conscious decision making.

5. To work out a comprehensive mental phenomena representation framework that

would capture the natural agent experience to the largest possible extent, and


would map agent’s experience, including knowledge and affect with voluntary

6. To work out an experience representation and processing model that would suit
the purpose of information systems that support emulation of natural agent

1.2 Thesis background and rationale

This thesis reports the results of author’s literature research and theoretical consider-
ations on the nature of human experience and its representation in artificial systems,
information systems in particular, which embraced several, traditionally separate,
but today tightly interrelated fields: information science, artificial intelligence, phi-
losophy of mind, cognitive psychology, neuro science, and economics. Importantly,
these endeavours were inspired by several recent developments within this fields that
revolutionized the way human experience is perceived and mapped onto practical
reason. These developments will be introduced below together with a summary of
main conclusions that are fundamental for this thesis. For purpose of clarity and
consistency this introduction has been structured around the following horizontal

1. Advancements in and limitations of information theories, information processing

technologies and information systems,

2. Affect and its role in understanding, defining and modelling rationality.

3. Methodological inspirations: Leibnitz’s Calculemus! and Wilber’s orienting


1.2.1 Advancements in and limitations of information theo-

ries, information processing technologies and informa-
tion systems
Information theory and information processing technologies, fast development of
which started after Claude Shannon published his ground breaking paper (Shannon,
2001) laying down the theoretical basis for digital information storage and com-
munication, closely relate to the subject matter of this thesis: the representation
methods of knowledge and experience. Claude Shannon’s work has not only started
the industrial digital revolution but also impacted profoundly philosophy, providing
grounds for epistemological view later labelled computer functionalism, according to
which human brain to human mind is like computer hardware to computer software,
so that brain is literally and merely an information processing machine and all
contents of mind is information. This by default eliminates subjective qualitative

dimension of experience from the central focus of philosophical discourse. Following

some contemporary philosophers we believe that such a reductionist account of
conscious mind is incomplete. Meanwhile information systems suffer clearly from
this reductionist, functionalistic legacy, which imposes the most severe limitations
upon them, we believe there may be ways for representation of subjective, affective
components of experience with properly adapted knowledge representation methods.
The era of dominance of computer functionalism has been slowly yet progressively
coming to end end over past decades to which neuroscience largely contributed. All
in one, this thesis has been elaborated during very exceptional times for information,
computer science and the study of human mind. On the one hand these are the times
of unquestioned triumph of information science, on the other hand the discipline is
clearly approaching a critical moment in its history, which may either be a major
breakthrough or a beginning of its steady decline. Affective computing inspired
by affective neuroscience and computational theories of mind inspired by cognitive
neuroscience and philosophical non-reductive physicalism are setting the scene for
the years to come.
The purpose of this section is to outline the historical and current developments
within information science that on the one hand render the representation of natural
agents’ experience in artificial systems possible at all, at least to a certain extent, but
on the other to which current important limitations and bottlenecks of information
systems and information processing technologies owe they origins. These develop-
ments, to be considered from both a scientific as well as socio-economic perspective
along the current section have importantly influenced the line of thought of this
thesis. Before we get to this part however it seems beneficial to better locate the
subject matter of the thesis within the information science at large.
As the overall goal of this thesis is to work out a framework for developing
methods of human experience representation in experts systems supporting emulation
of purposive behaviour of natural agents under different decision situations, the
subject matter of the thesis relates to the information science in a variety of ways,
where the most important contact points are: (i) information systems (ii) knowledge
representation methods and (iii) expert systems, the three branches embraced by
the domain of information science. On top of that interdisciplinary branches such as
computational neuroscience, robotics or human-computer interaction (HCI) clearly
show that information theory and information systems play an important role in
disentangling the processes that shape human, and other natural agent, purposive
Information system is a tool used for data collection and storage as well as
answering user queries and reporting 1 . The thesis proposes that human experience
could be represented in information systems the same way knowledge is. Being

See Chapter 2 for terminological discussion

able to map experience onto information and knowledge stored and processed by
information systems could open the way to many new applications of these systems,
such as emulation of natural agents behaviour, decision support systems, multi-agent
simulation sistems, modelling social processes, intelligent system engineering, to
name a few. Importantly the sole capability to store and emulate user experience in
information systems has an intrinsic value. We can consider an information system
that is capable of collecting, storing and processing information about experience of
a particular type of user or natural agent and answer questions such as: ’what is the
current experience of user x related to object y?’, ’what user experience attributed
to user x had resulted from the interaction with object y by user x?’, etc.. Such a
system could be applied to improved human machine inferfaces, web interfaces for
instance, e-commerce applications, customer relationship management information
systems, and many more.

Modern information systems encompass other additional functions of which

knowledge dissemination and discovery are most relevant. The ultimate goal is that
information systems are capable to provide intelligible and meaningful answers to
more sophisticated questions rather then simply returning results of data quarries. In
case of experience emulation system this is about questions such as: ’when should an
event y be triggered to improve experience of user x’; ’What is the state of experience
of user x’; ’When user x is in the moment of peak experience?’; ’What the event y
should be like to improve user’s y experience of object z’, ’How presentation of object
v or participation in event y will alter the experience of user x’, etc. These present
basic challenges to an interdisciplinary discipline of artificial intelligence (AI).

As indicated by Muraszkiewicz (Muraszkiewicz, 2011) the ’meeting point’ of

artificial intelligence and information systems is knowledge representation (AI \ IS =
KR). The methods and techniques of knowledge representation are the central focus
of artificial intelligence research as the possibility of representing knowledge in the
form of symbols enables its collection, storage and processing by machines, computers
in particular. There is a tight feedback loop that binds AI with other disciplines
apart from information science: philosophy (e.g. study of consciousness, cognition,
reasoning, ethics), biology and medicine (bio-physiological aspects of human cognition,
reasoning, information processing by neural system, brain in particular) mathematics
and logics (e.g. reasoning, argumentation, mathematical modelling of cognitive and
decision processes); psychology (cognitive psychology in particular), computer science
(e.g. intelligent systems, machine learning, expert systems, algorithms) and virtually
any other discipline at the level of application, for instance: management, finance and
banking, robotics, machine engineering, physics, chemistry and many others. This is
important as it shows the practical value of the topics undertaken by this thesis, to
be more specific the application of experience representation methods in systems that
emulate natural, mostly human, agents’ voluntary action, or systems that undertake

to create believable virtual characters in applications such as computer games and

other audiovisual productions, as well as human-computer interaction technologies.
The relevance of KR to the thesis objectives has two facets: (i) representation
of experience in information systems, (ii) processing of user/agent experience in
information systems that can serve either purely informative purposes or form basis
for higher level reasoning, e.g. concerning probable agent behaviour or estimated
future experiential states. In the former case the branch of KR can provide methods
and techniques of knowledge representation which can be adequate for experience
representation. In the latter case for an information system to be able to give
intelligible answers on questions related to user experience it has to have proper
knowledge collection, storage and processing mechanisms in place that will be applied
to reason about user/agent experience.
The information system of above-described qualities that in addition provides the
function of decision-support is a particular type of information system referred to as
expert system (ES). Expert system is a computer programme that applies knowledge
and reasoning procedures as to solve problems that require human experience (of
an expert) gained during a longer period of professional activity in a given domain
(Rutkowski, 2005, p. 7).
The construction of expert systems is the domain of knowledge engineering, which
focuses on topics such as: knowledge discovery, knowledge structuring and processing,
designing and selection of inference methods, and design of user interfaces (Rutkowski,
2005, p. 8). One of the implementation areas for knowledge engineering are customer
experience management systems, which role is to support organisation in the optimi-
sation of the experience gained by their customers in relation to products, services,
brands and other consumption-related entities. Customer experience management
system provided the context for our early work on experience representation reported
in two papers on which more will be said in chapter 4.
Returning to the main thread concerning it must be noted that advancements in
development of information systems, expert systems in particular, would not have
been possible without advancements in computing technologies and AI methods and
techniques, as the complexity of real-life decision problem solving requires not only
sophisticated algorithms, efficient data collection, storage and processing, but also
enough computing capacity allowing for handling massive amounts of data, which is
indispensable for modelling highly complex phenomena such as cognitive processes,
knowledge and experience. The remaining part of this section will be dedicated to
current developments in computer and information science that are important from
the viewpoint of thesis objectives.
The claim that we live in the age in which information science is celebrating its
great triumph seems easy to justify, so that it reads almost trivial: (i) we live in
times where information growths exponentially in volume; (ii) information storing,
processing, and access technologies are advancing form a day to another and ICT

sector has become one of the dominant industries of today, (iii) computers and
computing capacity is cheaper and more affordable than ever; (iv) computing remains
one of the most popular fields of tertiary education (“Education at a Glance 2011:
OECD Indicators”). This list could continue for long. At the same time some
good arguments can be made for envisaging disruptions in the development of both
information science and ICTs, of which the most important are: (i) we are approaching
the technological and physical limits of silicone in increasing the computational
capacities of chips two which parallelization constitutes only temporal solution (the
end of Moore’s law?); (ii) the failure of classical computing based on binary algebra –
the very theoretic underpinnings of information science – to deliver the promise of
artificial intelligence; (iii) failure of classical computer and information science to
cope with the complexities of many real life problems, in particular those related to
human action and social interactions, and biological processes at large.

The foundations of modern computer and information science where laid down
by theories of Turing (Turing, 1936; Turing, 1950) and Shannon (Shannon, 1938;
Shannon, 2001). Turing came up with a definition of what is currently known as
a Turing machine, a machine that performs calculations using only two types of
symbols, and later co-authored the Church-Turing thesis stating that any problem
that has an algorithmic solution can be solved on a Turing machine, which led to
the invention of digital computers as we know today, with architecture proposed
by von Neumann (Von Neumann and Morgenstern, 1944), composed of hardware
(Turing machines) and software (programmes run by Turing machines). Shannon in
turn came up with an information encoding method based on binary algebra that
paved the way for information digitalization, i.e. representation of information in
the form of strings of binary values (0,1). These inventions underpinning modern
computer and information science provided for the dualistic character of computing
and semantics lacking information processing machines which influenced significantly
many disciplines far beyond electrical engineering for which field they had been
initially meant for (compare (Guizzo, 2003)). The most surprising their influence on
philosophy, to be more specific philosophy of mind. The analogy between computer
and human brain had driven some philosophers to the revelation that the mind is
to the brain as the software is to the hardware, a philosophical stance known as
computer functionalism, or Strong Artificial Intelligence (Searle, 2004, p. 45). In other
words brain provides “biological hardware” for executing programmes that are mental
phenomena. This shows how profound was the impact of Shannon’s and Turing’s
inventions on science reaching far beyond technical disciplines. Effectively, computer
functionalism became a highly popular philosophical theory of mind in the second
part of XX century and is still appreciated by many scientists and enthusiasts of
strong artificial intelligence, becoming one of the most important physicalist, identity
theories on the mind-body problem.

This topic will be looked into in more detail in chapter 3, however it is important
to note now that many contemporary philosophers reject computer functionalism and
materialism at large (Nagel, 1974; Jackson, 1982; Block, Flanagan, and Güzeldere,
1997; Kripke, 1980; Searle, 2004) considering it a mistaken theory. This is a very
good example how, otherwise great invention of Shannon, Turing and von Neumann,
led to mistaken far-fetched conclusions that has led to disappointments with regard
to artificial intelligence based on classical information theory and potentially lies
in the source the cause of the crisis the computer science is facing now. The below
paragraph will briefly present main arguments given for why classical computer
science may be considered in crisis nowadays.
A fundamental difficulty encountered by modern computer science and information
technology can be found at the very fundamental level both in computer hardware
and computer software. The very source of these difficulties is complexity of real-life
problems which they try to solve. The complexity has two facets. One is related to the
problem structuring, that involves among others: definition of the objective, conditions
of satisfaction and algorithm for finding the solution, the second is the complexity of
a computational problem, i.e. a task that is in principle amenable to being solved
by a computer. Computational problems, which belong to the class of well-defined
problems, i.e. problems for which a computational algorithm for finding the solution
can be defined, can have different levels of complexity indicated by time needed to
solve the problem, and measured in the number of states required by the algorithm
to solve the problem. Problems that cannot be solved algorithmically at all, termed
ill-defined 2 , by definition fall beyond the problem-solving capabilities of computing
machines (compare (Simon, 1973)). The central difficultly in problem solving is about
that nearly every real-life problem is ill-defined, and even if it is possible, via relevant
techniques, to structure or reduce them into well-defined computational problems
their reduced complexity would still fall into the NP complexity class, which means
these problems cannot be solved in a polynomial time applying known algorithms on
a Turing machine.
So far the predominant approach to this challenge was to rely on the Moore’s law
by investing in inventing more and more powerful computer chips by increasing the
number of transistors packed into a chip, and developing multi-core processing units
that use parallel-computing as leverage for increasing computing speed of digital
computers, the modern implementations of a Turing machine. This approach however
has its limits that result from: (i) physical limits of silicone-based transistors. 3 (Lloyd,
2002), (ii) limits to parallel computation (Greenlaw, Hoover, and Ruzzo, 1995) and
limits of quantum computing (Aaronson, 2007). Evidently, modern science faces

Other common terms for these type of problems are: ill-structured, fuzzy or wicked problems.
Meanwhile Moore’s law states that transistor density on integrated circuits doubles about every
two years, we are quickly (exponentially) approaching the size of atoms which is a fundamental
barrier that is expected to be reached within a decade approximately

limitations of digital technology and must search for new paradigms in information
Surprisingly, many of the problems that cannot be solved by computers are
relatively easily coped with by living organisms, individually or collectively, regardless
these are simple entities (single cells) or complex organisms like human being. Which
is why bio-inspired computing is one of the possible ways out to follow (Kelso, 1995;
Mange and Tomassini, 1998). Furthermore, an important characteristic of real-life
problems of high complexity is that they are non-deterministic. Consequently, one of
the approaches to these arising challenges is to revert to non-deterministic computing.
In 2011 a large research programme was proposed under the EU’s Framework
Programme FET Flagship scheme, entitled “Phoenix”, which goal was to elaborate a
coherent, feasible and correct scientific foundation for systems that can deal with
non-determinism and NP complexity through their self-organising and emergent
capabilities4 . Scientists behind Phoenix initiative claim that:

“It [non-deterministic computing] was never of interest before as the

deterministic machine seemed to be sufficient for the problems of future
generation. Due to the non-deterministic nature of these problems, no
current or future computer system will be able to provide sufficiently
accurate results in finite time without a substantial paradigm shift in

This shift is expected towards non-deterministic computations, self-organisation and

emergent intelligence.
The turning point at which computer science, more precisely the Information
Technologies (IT) sector, has found itself was pinpointed by Nicholas Carr from the
completely different angle: application in business practice. Carr’s popular paper “IT
doesn’t matter” published in Harward Business Review (Carr, 2003) started a more
widely spread public debate on the future of IT noting that IT had transformed from
a source of competitive advantage to standard cost of doing business. Envisaging
what he coined the commodification of IT Carr spearheaded a spectacular campaign
against mainstream belief that prosperity of IT sector is ensured. Commodification of
IT according to Carr is about a shift for IT from being an asset that companies own
in the form of computers, software and related components to being a service that is
purchased from utility providers (Carr, 2005, p.64). It is prompted by the very similar
inner socio-economic forces as those that made electricity a utility, i.e. economies of
scale, standardization and ubiquity, enabling technologies (virtualisation and web
services in case of IT), reliability. This view has been widely criticized by scientific
Phoenix FET Flagship was a research programme proposal outlined in a CSA project filed in
response to a call published by the European Commission which is classified as confidential, for
which reason a reference to a printed publication cannot be provided. The author took part in
the elaboration of the project proposal in cooperation with the group of researchers from research
organisations from across Europe including ERCIM and Sintef.

community, as far-fetched and over-simplistic, on the grounds that computer science

and application of IT will still for long time serve as source of business innovation as
it supports and integrates more and more with each organisation’s business processes
which embody its competitive edge (Smith and Fingar, 2003), hence although certain
IT services will indeed turn into commodity others never will. Nevertheless Carr’s
observation doubtlessly has brought to the attention of wider audience, in particular
to executives deciding on IT investments, that IT has reached certain maturity phase
which no longer positions it in its entirety in the topical area of innovation. It appears
however that the key underlying reason for the steady disbelief in classical IT is the
failure to deliver the promise of artificial intelligence which has been expected by
science fiction writers, thinkers and futurist for more than 60 years already, more
less the same time that we are operating under the classic paradigm of a Turing
machine. Noteworthy, despite incredible advancement in engineering techniques,
which allowed for building incredibly fast and reliable Turing machines (modern
digital computers), there has been no fundamental breakthrough that could bring
us closer to the vision of intelligent machine. Likely the classic paradigms are not
apt for this challenge. Some thinkers are still optimistic however. Kurzweil proclaims
the eventual occurrence of technological singularity, i.e. a point in history when
technological progress becomes so rapid that it makes the future after the singularity
qualitatively different and harder to predict, which according to Kurzweil will be
initiated once self-improving artificial intelligence (super intelligence) comes into
existence, for around the year 2045, however the development of a machine capable
of passing the Turing test is expected as early as in the 2020s (Kurzweil, 2005).
Philosophers and AI scientists doubt however if artificial intelligence based on
Turing machines is possible at all (Searle, 1982), not mentioning attainment of this
goal in 10-20 years form today. This may result from the very nature of intelli-
gence that is a characteristic of biological beings, and doubtlessly is underpinned
by non-deterministic phenomena. Searle binds it to the free will that must have its
roots in the only non-deterministic phenomena in physical world we know about:
quantum mechanics (Searle, 2001; Searle, 2008), however the links between allegedly
non-deterministic processes at subatomic level and the free will are yet to be tracked.
Noteworthy, Einstein distrusted theories of quantum mechanics as he deeply believed
that causality lies at the roots of existence, and quantum theories are merely ap-
proximations of causal processes yet to be discovered (Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen,
et al., 1935). Evidently fundamental subatomic phenomena that may be at the source
of intelligence are non-deterministic however the character of this underpinning
non-determinism is alike that of freedom, rather than that of randomness.
To conclude, despite over 60 of development of modern information science
and computer science there is a still vivid need to propose enhancements within
mainstream computer and information theories within current paradigm as well
as searching for new paradigms that would allow for overcoming the underpinning

limitations of the current one, especially as the information resources of today are not
only reach but more easy to access than ever before, which constitutes an opportunity
for many real-life applications.
Clearly digital information processing has not solved the most urging problems
humanity faces, for instance prediction of natural disasters, controlling economic
fluctuations, emulation social processes in security and crisis management situations.
There is evidently room for further improvement and advancement in information
processing technologies, with the objective to build up an information system that is
capable of replying intelligently to complex queries and supporting complex problem
This improvement can follow one of the two paths: (i) small incremental improve-
ments both in computing hardware and information processing systems (software)
based on old paradigms, or (ii) disruptive breakthrough caused by redefinition of
classical paradigm, e.g. emergence of non-deterministic information systems. Mean-
while both directions are interesting to pursue the former appears more stable to rely
on in the short run. This is also the path followed by this thesis. The incremental
improvements in existing information systems can again be achieved by following
two different strategies: (i) simulation of non-determinism at the level of computer
software “quasi non-determinism” via established methods such as rough set theory,
fuzzy logics, etc. or (ii) following the ’black box’ behaviourist belief that regardless
the non-deterministic character the observable behaviour can be modelled using
conventional computational capacities and via modelling trying to master the com-
plexity of problems both at the level of problem structure as well as computational
To follow either way improved methods for knowledge representation that embrace
complete mental phenomena (representation of experience) are need. The links
between mental phenomena and purposive human action must be tracked and new
meaning of rationality introduced to the IS design thinking. This thesis proposes to
contribute to this line of research.

1.2.2 Affect and its role in understanding, defining and mod-

elling rationality
To be able to address a fundamental question: why the improvement of information
systems capable of representing human experience is a valid objective at all it is
necessary first to place the problem of this thesis in a wider context. This context is
provided by the phenomenon of human rationality, or in other words the study of
purposive human behaviour. Adequate emulation of human behaviour remains one
of the unachieved yet most desired goals of information science, artificial intelligence
(AI) field to be more precise. AI both aims at creating machines capable of intelligent
behaviour as well as devising systems capable of predicting, emulating intelligent

behaviour typical of biological beings. The study of human behaviour is therefore

absolutely critical for this branch of information science as it builds artificial systems
with required capabilities based on behavioural theories procured by social and natural
sciences. In this section we will discuss the dominant theory of human behaviour that
is still heavily influencing information system designers while confronting implacable
criticism from contemporary cognitive sciences, cognitive neuroscience in particular.
This fact has been the principal motivation for the objectives of this thesis and
constitutes one of the key challenges addressed by it.
Action can be perceived as process that is not causally deterministic, but depen-
dant on an entity acting as a decision maker, to be referred to (rational) agent that
can be either natural, being a living organism, or artificial being an entity construed
in an non-natural (non-biological) system, in our case an information system. For
an action to be considered voluntary an agent must be able to exercise upon its
free will. By the act of agent’s free will certain qualitative endowment (input state)
is transferred accordingly into an output state. The desired output state could be
referred to as agent’s goal. For comprehensive terminological discussion on action
and rationality in general see Chapter 2.
Historically the theory that deals with purposive human action, which is dictated
by achieving goals in the most efficient way is praxeology. The term praxeology was
used for the first time to name the scientific discipline dealing with the principles of
human action by Alfred Espinas in 1890 (Espinas, 1897). This embraces two basic
concepts that at first will be looked at separately: purposive human action and
efficient attainment of goals.
In modern times the purposive human action has been primarily the domain of
interest of economics, which is probably why the best early statement and analysis
of the purposeful human action can be found in writings of an Austrian economist
Ludwig von Mises (Mises, 1949), which largely shaped the current economic thinking
in this respect throughout XX century:

“Human action is purposeful behaviour. Or we may say: action is will put

into operation and transformed into an agency, is aiming at ends and
goals, is the ego’s meaningful response to stimuli and to the conditions
of its environment, is a person’s conscious adjustment to the state of the
universe that determines his life.”

Taking for the moment the claim that humans act purposefully as an axiom, we
conclude that all human activity has a purpose, which means it is dictated by the
content of the goal set. Goal as suggested earlier could be defined as state of the
universe as desired by an agent. Von Mises claimed to this regard:

“The ultimate goal of human action is always the satisfaction of the acting
man’s desire. There is no standard of greater or lesser satisfaction other

than individual judgements of value, different for various people and for
the same people at various times.”

Desires has been widely accepted as the main drivers of human activity, however some
philosophers of mind rightly stress that desires are not the only intentional states on
which agents act directly upon, as commitments and obligations are equally important
effective motivators (Searle, 2002). Nevertheless we can assume at this stage that
human action is driven by reasons constituted by goal oriented motivators. We will
revisit this preliminary assumption later on to show that affect is the underlying and
primordial motivation factor.
Influence of economic thought on the study of the nature of human behaviour
has had enormous impact on rationality models adapted by information science, and
still has. Contemporaneously these models has been aligned with instrumentalism,
i.e. the view that all reasons for action are means-end reasons, which is according
to Vogler a dominant believe in contemporary philosophy (Millgram, 2001). Under
instrumentalist approach an agent has a goal set dictated by a set of motivations
(desires), on top of it she has a set of believes that determines the set of available means
and finally a reasoning (deliberation) apparatus which allows her to match goals
with adequate means relying on believes. A textbook example of a instrumentalist
rationality model is the BDI (Believes, Desires, Intentions) model of rational agency,
reviewed in Chapter 5.
Importantly human action is driven not by a single goal but many, often working
in parallel with trade-offs between each other, however with limited means available.
This is where deliberation and choice comes in. Consequently agents have to choose
alternative courses of actions that will allow them to attain selected goals on minimal
expense of all others, which brings in yet another concept: efficiency. Efficiency
intuitively defined is the capability of an agent to take action in a way that allows
them to attain goals in the most optimized way, i.e. in shortest possible time, with
minimum involvement of resources and at the minimum expense of all other goals
that are in a trade-off relation with those attained. Efficiency of human action,
intrinsically bound with theory of choice, is the central focus of praxeology. Von
Mises was a praxeologiest himself stating that:

“No treatment of economic problems proper can avoid starting from

acts of choice; economics becomes a part, although the hitherto best
elaborated part, of a more universal science, praxeology.”

It is particular about praxeologists that they pay a lot of attention to practical

aspects, which links to the prescriptive character of propositions of praxeology. The
very objective of praxeology is to identify principles of conscious, purposive human
action that is driven by efficient pursuit of goals, and consequently to formulate
theorems and to give advice that have practical value, i.e. that facilitate identification

and elimination of sources of the inefficiencies in purposive action. Typically, as all

other disciplines the praxeology deals also with taxonomic and terminological issues
related to action and investigates reasons for inefficiency occurrences. 5
Two critical consequences arise from the approach to purposeful human behaviour
as adopted by classical economists, of which the above-quoted framing by von
Mises is a good exemplification, and later underpinned by instrumentalism: (i)
separation of goal and motivation from deliberation process, (ii) subordination of
deliberation to efficiency, search of global optima in particular. The first consequence
led to rational vs. emotional dualism which at the end marginalized feelings and
emotions in favour of abstract constructs such as utility, preference and goals. The
second consequence resulted in placing the point of gravity on formal methods
ensuring optima achievement becoming more and more abstract and distinct from
the deliberation process in which a biological being involves.
Thus, originating form classical economics, largely influenced by utilitarian phi-
losophy and praxeology, in particular within the branch of analytical economics,
the classic model of rational decision-maker has emerged and traditionally has been
applied for analysis of human behaviour and underpinned the classical economic
theory of choice. This model is variously called, John Searle calls it simply The
Classical Model of rationality (Searle, 2001), Edwards, von Winterfeldt and Miles
(Edwards, Miles, and Von Winterfeldt, 2007) The Rational Decision Maker, but
classically in the economic literature the term homo oeconomicus or The Economic
Man are commonly used (Ingram, 1888; Edwards, 1954).
The complete presentation and criticism of this model will be provided in Chapter
5, at this point let the basic assumptions of the model be looked at: 1) the decision
maker while making choices always maximizes his utility (prefers more than less), in
which he is consistently logical, in the classical meaning of the term, which results
in, among others, transitivity of preferences (mathematically represented as binary
relations); 2) in case of uncertainty, in other words once confronted with risky choices,
economic man applies probability theory to evaluate the utility of available options
in which again he is logically and mathematically consistent so that the sum of
estimated probabilities of the available options equals 1.
This model operates in the economics for nearly 200 years since times of John
Steward Mill, and has always raised controversy. Despite having been criticised since
its very early days (Ingram, 1888), it is still strongly present in the economic discourse.
This can be well illustrated by quoting and excerpt for a recent publication (2007)
“Advances in Decision Analysis” co-authored by the most important theorists of the
decision of the second half of the twentieth century: Edwards, Miles, von Winterfeldt,
Keeney, Raiffa and others:
Noteworthy, the most prominent Polish praxeologiest was Tadeusz Kotarbiński (Kotarbiński,
1955; Kotarbiński, 1957; Kotarbiński, 1965; Kotarbiński and Szaniawski, 1972), and acknowledge
interpreter and maven of his work, his disciple Tadeusz Pszczółkowski (Pszczołowski, 1967).

“For the purpose of this book, Rationality will be interpreted as Bayesian

Rationality, with an emphasis on (1) decision making guided by maxi-
mizing subjective expected utility, and (2) the importance of information
and the processing of that information through Bayes’ theorem. We take
a pragmatic view of why this position is compelling. By pragmatic, we
mean that systematic and repeated violation of these principles will result
in inferior long-term consequences of actions and a diminished quality of

The above statement precedes a complete list of classical assumptions of the rational
decision-maker model.
Initial criticism of the classical model of economic man’s rationality, as in the case
of Ingram, was held on the grounds of ethics. The concept of homo oeconomicus was
attacked as a false archetype of a human being that implies people are extremely selfish
and rationally egoistic, i.e. acting primarily in their self-interest. Much later, in the
mid XX century, the ground-breaking work by Herbert Simon and other contemporary
choice theorists spearheaded what may be referred to as the behavioural revolution
in classical theory of choice. This work prompted a widespread recognition that the
psychological predisposition of a human being are not well taken into account by
the model of economic man, as humans simply do not decide the way the classical
model imposes. Simon identified the two main classes of decision problems: well-
defined (well-structured) problems and ill-defined (ill-structured) problems, of which
the former, unlike the latter, comply with the classical modelling assumptions. In
consequence, from then on the efforts of decision analysts confronted with ill-defined
problems have been concentrated on developing appropriate methods for structuring
the ill-defined decision problems, so as to translate them into well-defined problems
and be able to apply mathematical analysis for finding the problem solution.
This approach and the classical model of rationality at large has meet radical
criticism quite recently form the philosophy of mind (Searle, 2001) and neuroscience
(Damasio, 1994), which is of fundamental importance to this thesis.
The American philosopher John R. Searle stated explicitly that the classical
model of rational decision-maker is incorrect and leads to many seminal consequences,
misunderstandings and wrong decisions at the micro and macroeconomic decisions
(Searle, 2001, p. 9). What is important is that Searle is not criticizing rational
reasoning as such, on the contrary, he shows that the classic model operates with an
incorrect understanding of rationality and proposes an alternative model of voluntary
rational decision making based on theory of mind intentionality, claiming that it
reflects much better the actual way in which humans make choice while taking action.
The main axis of Searle’s criticism goes along the following points. Firstly, the classical
assumption saying that human action is driven only by desires. Searle notes that there
were other important motivators for action such as commitments and obligations,

dismissing at the same time an argument that rational agents act indirectly upon the
desire to meet one’s commitments or obligations respectively. Secondly, he redefines
the model decision making process, rejecting utility maximization as the sole and
ultimate objective of a decision maker. Instead he proposes a model of Total Reason
being a set of statements constituting valid reasons for an agent to take given
action. In addition, Searle examines in detail the relationship between decision and
action, including the intention-in-action and reasons-for-actions, drawing important
conclusions about the role of the conscious self in ultimate deciding about taking an
action, which will be discussed in detail in chapter 3 and 5.
Searle’s work is very important for several reasons. First, he showed that it
is possible to talk about human action and decision making in terms of formal
logic without resorting to simplifying models and assumptions of classical analytical
decision analysis. Secondly, the proposed an analytical framework for analysing
decision problems based on the theory of intentionality, which is an alternative
approach to modelling decision making that could be adopted for representing these
type of problems in information systems. Secondly, he rightly framed the problem by
trying to systematically describe how human agents do in fact take decisions unlike
earlier mainstream approaches in decisions analysis focused on how human agents
ought to decide to be rational, in accordance with the classical meaning of the term
rationality under utility theory. It therefore constitutes an important contribution
to better methods of modelling of micro-and macro-economic processes that are so
important from the point of view of the design, implementation and evaluation of
socio-economic policies and the understanding of the processes that shape the social
space, economic and cultural. Lastly, he casts different light on the understanding of
rationality, rightly noting that it is not that theories that reject the classical model
are irrational, but the understanding of rationality by the classical model proponents
is mistaken. However, Searle remains constrained by intentionality dependant entirely
on language and therefore does not embrace non-linguistic forms of intentionality and
therefore fails to address aptly the role of feelings, i.e. subjective qualitative states of
mind in decision making, meanwhile elsewhere (Searle, 2008) admits that qualitative
character of consciousness and study of non-linguistic forms of intentionality should
define the philosophy of mind research agenda for the ears to come.
Another revelation that is of fundamental importance to our argumentation is
the one derived from the findings of neuroscience of human and animal behaviour
and decision-making. As far as human decision making is concerned the ground-
breaking has proven the work by the neuroscientists Hanna and Antonio Damasio
(Damasio, 1994) which helped to better understand how emotions and feelings shape
the decisions of a human being, providing very convincing evidence stemming from
neurological brain studies performed with aid of magnetic resonance brain imaging
(fMRI) technique. The main conclusion from this work is that consciously accessible
reason and knowledge govern decisions only to a certain extent, whereas feelings,

emotions as well as thought processes that take place in the unconscious, or even
biological states in the rest of the body make up for the rest. The conclusions
from these research argument against the dualism: reason vs. emotion and feelings,
clearly showing that both these spaces interact, and what is more important they
show that dysfunction of brain centres responsible for one or the other leads to
disturbances in the entire apparatus responsible for decision making in humans.
Interestingly, Damasio concludes that there is no rationality without both lower
brain functions as well as even lower bodily functions as: “the mind exists in and
for the whole organism” (Damasio, 1994). Decisions depend on the emotions and
feelings, surprisingly, emotions appear first, then comes the rational assessment of
the decision situation in the frontal cortex of the brain. Furthermore, in a situation
of strong emotions actions are taken automatically without the involvement of brain
centres responsible for conscious reasoning. Most importantly of all, the lack of
emotion can lead to serious dysfunctions in decision making, i.e. inability to make
good decisions nor taking them at all, which is confirmed by clinical cases of patients
with brain damages or other brain dysfunctions in areas of the brain responsible
for emotions. These patients, despite normal capabilities of rational overview of the
decision situation, for instance identification of relevant alternative courses of action
or consideration of the arguments for and against each of them, are not able to
eventually to chose and pursue any of them.

Another important point made by Damasio is that it is untrue to say that

emotions and feelings are ephemeral, since they can be studied and explained just
in the same way as other functions of the brain and body [ibid., p. 10). This gives
hope that the emotions and feelings can be described using the language, natural or
artificial which would allow their representation in information systems. Emotions
and feelings can be illustrated by a biological brain states and their counterparts
around the body. It also shows how complicated a mechanism we confront here,
the decisions not only depend on conscious rational assessment but also emotions,
feelings and states of the whole organism governing the decision-making processes in
the unconscious.

Later (Damasio, 1999), and in a very recent (Damasio, 2010) work Damasio
substantially contributed to the theory of emotion and human behaviour by clearly
telling apart emotions and primordial bodily feelings and distinguishing their different
role in shaping human behaviour. His work together with that by affective neurosci-
entist Jaak Panksepp (Panksepp, 1998) who was one of the originator of the idea of
primordial feelings and Joseph Ledoux who disentangled the neuronal precesses that
stand behind emotional learning form a modern neuroscience foundations for building
theories of human conscious experience, behaviour and decision making. This work
will be reviewed in Chapter 3 as a basis for developing information affective model
of experience in Chapter 4.

This is how we arrived to the relation of the issues discussed throughout this
section with the thesis objective. The objective of this thesis is to work out theoreti-
cal framework for building methods of human experience representation in experts
systems supporting efficient emulation of human purposive behaviour, i.e. making
decisions by humans. We believe that systems that emulate human behaviour cannot
do without proper representation of complete mental phenomena that orchestrate
the purposive action process as depicted in the purposive behaviour efficiency im-
provement cycle. These mental phenomena include not only knowledge, which is
traditionally considered the only relevant mental content in information science,
but also subjective components of experience dependant on emotions and feelings.
The theoretical framework allowing for representation of the complete plethora of
mental phenomena influencing purposive behaviour of natural agents is required for
information systems to be able to emulate and predict such behaviour, which in
turn is need for applications that range from highly usable and adaptive information
retrieval systems, societal processes modelling to creating believable artificial virtual
characters, and machines (robots), and solving complex societal problems.
Now, let us elaborate on how experience and its nature relates to purposeful
behaviour, hence decision making. It is impossible to investigate the nature of expe-
rience and its relation to agent’s voluntary action without referring to consciousness.
Accepting that a leaving creature with fully functional brain is always conscious,
only moving between the three main conscious states: wakefulness, dreaming and
dreamless sleep, and observing that there is no experience without being conscious-
ness, i.e. being alive, and that whenever one is conscious one experiences, it becomes
clear that consciousness equals to experience. Whichever observations, qualities and
rules that may be applicable to consciousness can be directly applied to experience.
This is basically the fundamental reason why the nature of consciousness will be
reflected upon in the thesis.
Consciousness is however the most complex and difficult phenomenon to analyse
of all introduced so far, for one primary reason: it is a phenomenon that is intrinsically
subjective, the access to consciousness is only possible via introspection, which is a
deficient and scientifically unreliable mode of cognition because in introspection no
difference can be made between the object and the subject of cognition. Furthermore
consciousness is at the same time material, i.e. based on the biological processes
in the brain, and irreducibly mental, for which reason it is impossible to reduce
consciousness to any physical process that could be fully described only in the third
personal terms (Searle, 1999).
The detailed discussion on the nature of consciousness will continue in chapter 3,
now let us only consider the character of consciousness as proposed by John Searle
as to better illustrate how the philosophical debates on consciousness influenced the
model of rational experiencing agent.

Consciousness, according to Searle (Searle, 1999, p. 120), has ten principal

features. Firstly, which has been said already, consciousness is subjective. Secondly,
consciousness is unitary both vertically and horizontally. Horizontally because the
conscious states are at any point in time experienced holistically within one unitary
field of consciousness, in other words we experience all stimuli that reach us at one
time as one conscious state. Vertically, because it is also consistent in time for which
reason it needs memory, at least short term memory. Furthermore, consciousness is
intentional, i.e. it has this particular capability to be about or directed at elements
of external world 6 . Fourthly, each conscious state is accompanied by a particular
mood. Next, normally the conscious state are structured, i.e. their are fit in a bigger
picture, wider context, by the mind, which is well illustrated and explained by Gestalt
psychologist. Moreover, within the spectrum of consciousness there are focal areas
governed by attention. Furthermore conscious states are normally located in the
wider context such as time of the year, geographic location, weather condition, etc.
appreciated by the mind. Next, an agent is familiar to experienced conscious states
to the greater or lesser degree. Moreover, conscious states have this unique capacity
that they refer to entities beyond themselves, as one thought recalls another, in this
sense consciousness is always active. Finally, there is a subjective qualitative feeling
associated with each conscious state.

All above characteristics of consciousness are highly relevant for understanding

the way conscious agents undertake action. Meanwhile, the qualitative aspects of
conscious experience have been so far largely neglected by classical choice theorists and
mainstream economics. However, it has been already acknowledged that information
systems simulating customer decisions fail to deliver meaningful outputs, for which
one of the reasons is that these systems do not include variables representing the
qualitative character of consciousness, therefore experience, which reaches beyond
the scope of traditionally defined knowledge.

To conclude, as this thesis looks for the ways of representing experience in

information systems that could support better understanding of human decisions
it is indispensable to investigate in more detail the phenomenon of consciousness,
as it provides the epistemic ground for voluntary, purposive action of any agent, a
human being in particular. In particular it is relevant how the unity and complexity
of conscious mental phenomena embracing: objective knowledge, subjective affect,
freedom of will, memory and learning and unconscious processes could be represented
in information systems.

Intentionality will be discussed in detail in chapter 3

1.2.3 Methodological inspirations: Leibnitz’s Calculemus! and

Wilber’s orienting generalizations
The previous sections has clearly showed that the problems to be addressed by
this thesis are intrinsically multidisciplinary. Problems of human action has been
of interest to many disciplines: philosophy, psychology, anthropology, neuroscience,
economics, management sociology, information science, to name a few. However
historically these problems has been looked at from very different perspectives as
imposed by each discipline.
History of science shows that often conflicting ideas of scientists lead to stagnancy
in the progress of science or waist of scientific effort. However, there is a noble
movement in the philosophy of science to which spirit this thesis would wish to
contribute. The very essence of this spirit has been aptly verbalized by Leibniz
and his famous call: “Calculemus!”, i.e. “Let’s calculate!”. Although this Leibniz’s
thought is most commonly associated with the beginnings of analytic philosophy,
early efforts to find suitable symbols for the representation of mental phenomena, it
can also be interpreted more widely, so as Leibniz would urge his fellow scientists
to terminate endless disputes and make effort to speak the same language in the
effort to understand the true account of things (compare (Heller, 2008)). This can
be perceived as precursory to the currently widespread multidisciplinary approach in
science which brings value to the discussion and facilitates scientific progress.
The good historic example of fruitful interdisciplinary thinking can be credited
to Herbert A. Simon and his colleagues, who worked towards bringing together the
insights on human behaviour form psychology and economics, the two disciplines
that used to have been at odds before Simon’s ground-breaking publications in mid
XX century.
A recent important contribution to this movement must be credited to American
philosopher Ken Wilber, the founder of integral school of thought who enriched the
philosophy of science with a method referred to as “orienting generalizations”. His
method stems from the believe that it is seems impossible that a human mind could
be completely wrong at all times:

“I don’t believe, that any human mind is capable of 100 percent error. So
instead of asking which approach is right and which is wrong, we assume
each approach is true but partial, and then try to figure out how to fit
these partial truths together, how to integrate them-not how to pick one
and get rid of the others.” (Wilber, 2001)

Therefore Wilber’s method is about assembling all the orienting conclusions from
all the fields which doubtlessly have important truths to contribute. Then these
truths shall be arranged into chains or networks of interlocking conclusions and
finally once the overall scheme is developed that incorporates the greatest number

of orienting generalizations, the partial nature of most narrow approaches shall be

subject to constructive criticism, importantly it is not the truth but its partial nature
that is to be criticized (Crittenden, 1997).
Noteworthy, the great affirmation, and to some extent the materialisation, of the
Leibniz’s call “Calculemus!” of nowadays is Wikipedia7 , an on-line collection of over
3,5 million (counting only English version) collaboratively created articles, founders
and contributors of which we owe sincere acknowledgement.

1.3 Thesis proposition

The central proposition of this thesis states that experience, broadly understood as
the entirety of contents and quality of a conscious mind state, can be satisfactorily
represented in information systems, and any information system which objective
is to emulate natural agent behaviour with satisfactory faithfulness cannot do
without a sound experience representation framework. To achieve this it is necessary
to realize and accept, based on convincing evidence from neuroscience, that the
missing subjective component of experience is affect that forms and integral part
of natural agent’s experience, and determines, or at least impacts profoundly the
behaviour of natural agents. Relating affect to knowledge would result in a satisfactory
approximation of experience. It is to realize as well that the subjective dimension of
experience, classified as affect, is not entirely private, subjective epiphenomenal entity,
as some proponents of qualia suggest, but rather as Panksepp proposes can be studied
in objective terms in a satisfactory manner by looking into neurological correlates in
the brain (Panksepp, 1998). By identifying affective correlates of intentional contents
of states of mind, which build up knowledge, we can exploit a broader concept
experience for the purpose of more accurate emulation of natural agents’ thinking
process and behaviour in information systems.
Consequently, agent experience should be regarded as composed of conscious
states of mind (intentional states) that have both an objective component: the
intentional content, and a subjective component: the affect, both playing a pivotal
role in determining voluntary action of an agent.
Assuming the unity of conscious experience we argue that treating intentional
contents, i.e. knowledge, and affect, i.e. subjective feelings to intentional states,
separately is mistaken. We propose the way how these two seemingly different mental
phenomena could be represented in a unified way in an information system.
The above overall proposition entails the following related propositions:
1. There is a causal relationship between experience and purposive action.

2. Mainstream information systems supporting emulation of natural agent’s be-

haviour fail to create believable artificial agents due to the lack of robust

frameworks for experience representation, in particular fail to aptly capture

the affective dimension of experience.

3. Experience, including its subjective component, can be modelled and repre-

sented in information systems.

4. Despite certain differences (discussed by this thesis) between experience and

knowledge, regardless these differences are merely consequences of differences in
understanding these two terms by philosophy and computer science, it is possible
to adapt and apply knowledge representation and processing methods for
experience representation and processing, specifically with regard to emulation
of natural agent’s behaviour in information systems.

1.4 Thesis structure

In total, this thesis is composed of six chapters. This introductory chapter will
be followed by five chapters which are briefly summarized below, including a final
chapter with concluding remarks.

Chapter 2

In chapter 2 we will introduce key terms used in the thesis. This will allow us to set up
terminological background indispensable for subsequent line of discussion. The terms
introduced in this chapter will include among others: information system, knowledge
and experience, knowledge and experience representation, process, efficiency, affect,
purposive behaviour, decision and rational agent.

Chapter 3

The objective of chapter 3 is to set up the theoretical, mostly philosophical and

psychological, basis for further discussion on experience representation in information
systems. This is to provide solid epistemic background for formalisms to be introduced
in further chapters regarding purposive behaviour and experience representation.
First, the nature of experience will be analysed in more depth, relying on what
has been initially said in chapter 2. In this chapter the human experience will be
characterised from the perspective of epistemology and modern cognitive sciences.
Then its intrinsic relationship with consciousness will be looked into and insights
from the philosophy of mind provided. Consequently the concept of intentionality
will be discussed specifically its significance for the study of conscious experience
and meaning as well as how it relates to language, both natural and artificial.
This chapter will also embrace a discussion on qualia, alleged subjective qualities
of experience. The subject of quality of experience will be also addressed in the
context of natural agent’s affect and findings of contemporary cognitive neuroscience

about human and non-human emotions and other affective states. Furthermore,
experience will be related to human decision making, thus human action. Although
the human decision making will constitute the main focus of chapter 5, in which
we will consider application of the proposed experience representation framework
to modelling rational agency, already in the concluding part of chapter 3 relevance
of experience to human decision making will be sought. Finally, we will report the
results of a study that we had conducted in order to empirically confirm the influence
of affect on rational judgement, the effect which has gained significant attention from
cognitive psychologists and neuroeconomists spotting new light on the very basis of
rational agency.

Chapter 4

The purpose of chapter 4 is to introduce a general purpose experience representation

framework that could be of use in information systems supporting natural agents
behaviour emulation and analysis, in particular systems that support emulation,
analysis and simulation of human behaviour. The aim of this chapter is therefore to
look into how exactly experience could be modelled and represented in an artificial,
formal system.
Towards this end we will first introduce the conceptual framework for unified
representation of affect and knowledge in informations systems, which will allow us to
introduce the formal definition of experience and propose experience representation
framework. Meanwhile the said framework will be built on the mainstream knowledge
representation approaches without entering into a discussion on their validity nor
efficiency, the complementing part of the model corresponding to affect will be
studied in more detail. The chapter will include a review of emotional and affective
models used in information science and AI with the objective to identify their main
weaknesses and limitations Finally, we will be able to conclude with proposing a
general purpose theory of experience applicable to representation, emulation and
processing of experiential phenomena in information systems. This will feature the
presentation of a preliminary version of the framework proposed in earlier publications,
in collaboration with Dr Dominik Ryżko from Warsaw University of Technology,
proposed in the context of consumer behaviour, to be more precise created with
the purpose of modelling customer experience in Customer Experience Management
systems, a type of information system used by companies to support customer
relationship and loyalty management which has been developed, as well as a most
recent updated version of the framework constituting a generalized reformulation
and extension of the original approach.

Chapter 5

In chapter 5 we will consider how the proposed experience representation framework

could enrich and enhance the existing approaches to modelling rational agency in
information systems.
Experience will be put in the context of rational choice and we will undertake
to analyse how our account of experience could improve the way how rationality
modelling has been done and still is being done contemporaneously by economics,
AI researchers and information scientists. For this purpose we first look at how
historically the problem of choice has been addressed in different branches of social
sciences, economics and psychology in particular, to set up proper context for the
problem. This will be followed by an overview of contemporary theories and models
of choice as to identify current state of the art in choice theory and challenges yet to
be addressed, and thus provide arguments for the validity of the problem we address.
Next we will present an overview of insights into individual choice theory provided
in recent years by contemporary neuroscience, which will result in a set of human
decision determinants that has until recently been largely neglected by economists.
The concept of bounded rationality will be revisited adding up more behavioural
effects discovered recently by brain scientists. Then we will look into the problem
of choice processes representation in information systems, with particular emphasis
of the mainstream contemporary rational agency model: the BDI framework. And
finally we will consider how our account of experience could fit in the BDI framework
and rational agency models at large and how this would contribute to the efficiency
gains in agency modelling in information systems and better practical applications.

Chapter 6

The final chapter will summarize the main thesis results. This will cover the consid-
eration of the limitations of models and methods proposed as well as will outline the
further research programme aiming at addressing these limitations. This chapter will
also include a subsection on ethical issues related to the application of experience
modelling information systems.
Chapter 2


2.1 Introduction
In this chapter we will introduce the key terminology used in the thesis. Many terms
used throughout the thesis are problematic terms because despite decades, more
often ages, of scientific disputes no ultimate, commonly accepted definitions have
been worked out. For this reason the terminological discussion has been moved to
this separate chapter so that the terminological disarrays do not disturb the flow
of argument presented in the chapters to come. Importantly however most of the
problems discussed by the thesis have roots in the terminological deliberations for
which reason some of the key thoughts presented in this chapters will echo in those
to follow. For the benefit of clarity some discussion may be therefore brought back
and repeated later on.
The terms to be introduced in this chapter cover a wide range of scientific
disciplines which is the consequence of the interdisciplinary character of the problems
tackled by the thesis as well as the interdisciplinary method adopted by the author
in challenging them, i.e. looking at the problems from different angles by taking
advantage of different insights to the same or related problems from the perspective
of different scientific disciplines.
The introduced terms can be structured in several groups and will be discussed
in the following section:

• Terms related to rational agency (incl. decision, rational agent, purposeful be-
haviour, action, reaction, habit, scarcity of resources and efficiency, motivation,

• Terms related to epistemology (incl. process, knowledge, experience),

• Terms related to brain science and psychology (incl. emotion, feelings, affect,
neural circuit, mental state, consciousness)


• Terms related to information and computer science (incl. information system,

intelligent information system, artificial intelligence, knowledge and affect
representation, information retrieval system, affective computing)

2.2 Terms related to rational agency

As we are investigating in this thesis methods for efficient representation of experience
in information systems which aim is to emulate live organisms, human in particular,
behaviour we will operate across this thesis with basic terms that link to the
fundamental life processes: the behaviour. Human and animal behaviour is tightly
knit with fundamental phenomena such as scarcity, choice and action which will be
considered in this sub chapter.

Scarcity Scarcity and consequent necessity of choice is the central problem of

economics (Schiller, 1991; Begg, Fischer, Dornbusch, 1993; Kamerschen, McKenzie,
Nardinelli, 1991; Hyman, 1989; Bowden, 2002). Most of definitions of economics
refer directly to the problem of scarcity. Hyman defines economics as the science of
applying the limited production resources within a society in a way that can best
satisfy the unlimited needs of its members (Hyman, 1989). Lionel Robins (1932)
points at economics as the science which studies human behaviour as a relationship
between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses, and Kamerschen,
McKenzie, Nardinelli (kamerschen1991) explicitly define economics as the science
that investigates how people cope with the problem of scarcity. All the above-
quoted definitions express similar thoughts, it can easily noticed that the common
denominator for them is the concept of scarcity and choice that implies decision.
Scarcity is then nothing else but an imbalance between the manifested needs and
available resources that can satisfy them (Hyman, 1989).
Reismann provided an interesting account of scarcity problem, noting that needs
are products of human mind, catalysed by imagination, meanwhile the goods and
services that can satisfy these needs are always some real, physical entities creation
of which requires a given amount of resources. Consequently scarcity emerges as a
result of the confrontation of unlimited human imagination and physical limits of
production (Reisman, 1998). The phenomenon of scarcity is therefore eternal and
independent of human endeavours aiming at its mitigation.
It may be considered whether scarcity indeed is a problem that humanity would
never be able to solve, considering it in light of the diagnosis provided by Reismann.
According to classical economics the means of production include: land, work, capital
and knowledge (technology) (Begg, Fischer, and Dornbusch, 1993). Contemporary
economics indicates the growing importance of the latter, and diminishing labour and
capital intensity of production and service delivery (Drucker, 1969; Drucker, 1993;
Machlup, 1962). Taking this into account together with an observation of progressive

digitization of goods, services but also increasingly production means, taken this
account an extreme by some futurists such as Kurzweil (Kurzweil, 2005) we feel
encouraged to propose a hypotheses about the total or far-reaching digitization of
all goods, services and processes and the transfer activity of the human mind from
the physical world to cyberspace. It is worth noting that knowledge as a product
of the human mind, following the reasoning by Reismann, is not subject to the
limitations of scarcity, as creativity seems to have no bounds. Under the paradigm of
knowledge-based economy both on the substrates and on products side of production
equation there is the unlimited imagination of a human mind. In such a hypothetical
situation scarcity is eliminated or substantially reduced. It is worth noting that in
cyberspace scarcity is created artificially, Second Life R can be taken as example,
where limits are imposed on the amount of available virtual land and other movable
and immovable resources, which are otherwise nothing but lines of computer code
that can be multiplied indefinitely. This trivial example shows that a world that we
are all used to, a world characterised by scarcity is the only one in which humanity
knows how to operate. We can risk a statement that, due to the fact that scarcity
determines the market value of products and services correlated future successful
business models in advanced knowledge-based economy will rely on the scarce physical
production substrates that are indispensable for delivering knowledge-intensive goods
or services, and the owners of this resources will dictate the condition. This is what
we already observe in ICT sector where hardware or access-bound software services
underpins most successful business models.
However, considering a situation in which scarcity is limited by increased role of
knowledge on the production means side but not completely eliminated, which would
be the case of Kurzweilian singularity, there would remain in force another very
important restriction, now on the demand side: consumption capacity limits. The
capacity of people and organisations to absorb goods and services, either material or
symbolic, is limited which is a simple consequence of the spatio-temporal constraints.
It would therefore be reasonable to strengthen Reismann’s theorem as follows:
scarcity arises from the confrontation between the limitlessness of human creativity
and the physical limitations of production capacity on the one hand and consumption
capacity of consumers on the other. In such a case the only available way of increasing
production and consumption is on the one hand an increase in efficiency of production
processes and intensification of consumption on the other. This conclusion brings us
to the next two fundamental problems: choice and efficiency.

Behaviour The natural consequence of scarcity is the necessity to make choices,

or as Barron and Lynch put it, the problem of choice arises only if there is scarcity.
Hall and Lieberman add that the necessity of choice in a consequence of scarcity,
and constitutes the source of all problems of interest to the economics (Hall and
Lieberman, 2001). We may extend this claim beyond economics and note that choice

efficiency is central for all behavioural sciences and evolutionary biology. The key
question economics and management science in particular, confront is how organisms
cope with scarcity by improving efficiency of behaviour through taking correct
decisions, meanwhile evolutionary theorists, approach decision making and behaviour
from the perspective of life management and try to figure out how these strategies
are encoded into genes and passed across generations. Later in chapter 3 we will
bring arguments for that emotions play an important role in these processes.
Choice can be defined broadly or narrowly. In the narrow meaning of the term
choice is an indication of one of the options. In a broader sense, much more common
in economics and psychology, the choice is a conscious mental process that results
in the selection of one of the available options by comparing their value to the
decision-maker. Importantly, choice always results in action, and always is about
some sort of behaviour. Choice in a wider sense is therefore a complex process
comprising: identification of available action options, assessment of the value of each
individual option (evaluation), comparison of available options, indication of one of
them and finally putting this into action. In a narrow sense, the choice is therefore
only the last but one stage of the complete choice process, that is an indication of
one of the options considered. The part of the process that precedes indication of
the chosen option will be referred to as deliberation. Choice and its determinants
is studied under wide variety of fields: economics, management science, psychology,
social psychology (sociology), cognitive science, and biology.
As living organisms constantly confront with scarcity while carrying out their
life management they constantly choose. Behaving is nothing but a life process,
continuous across lifespan, which is about choosing one of the potentially limitless
ways of conduct, one instance after another. For this reason across this thesis terms
action, behaviour, conduct, choice and decision will be used often interchangeably, as
we recognize that all of these are in principle different terms that represent the same
phenomena at the low level used with varying preference across scientific disciplines.
Notwithstanding, behaviour is broad term that covers all sorts of agent’s actions,
and it is important to differentiate basic types of actions to be able to narrow down
the focus of the discussion. We are short of place here to consider action typologies
within a proper historical contest. Instead we claim that most of the classical theories
of choice, typically elaborated by economists, has been made obsolete by recent
findings of neuroscience. As a general rule the so called armchair theories of human
actions failed on one important element: recognising the due role of emotion and
unconscious brain processes in human behaviour. We will come back to this point
on many occasions as well as we will introduce and review the classical model of
rationality in Chapter 5. For the moment let us introduce a clear, and relevant to
our further discussion, taxonomy of behaviour provided by LeDoux et al. (Gazzaniga,
2009, p. 905), which will be taken as reference point for the remaining part of the

Ledoux et al. propose that most of behaviours performed by people and other
animals can be assigned to one of the four categories: reflex, reaction, action and
habit. A reflex is a “stimulus-evoked response that usually involves a single muscle
or a limited group of muscles”. Eye closure in response to a blow of air or removal
from the source of pain (for instance, a burned finger) are common examples of reflex
behaviour. A reaction is much alike a reflex, as it is elicited by a specific stimulus, but
it differs in that a reaction is a response to a stimuli by the entire body rather than a
limited group of muscles. Body response to fear such as freezing that involves virtually
all muscles serves as a good example. Reactions are also called fixed action patterns
(Tinbergen, 1951), which highlights the two key characteristics of this behaviour:
neurological fixation and connection with action that typically involves entire body.
As for neurological fixation both reflex and reaction are neurologically hard-wired,
which means that they are a sort of neurologically programmed behaviours that
escape conscious control. They are effectuated automatically and elicited, and in this
sense defined by, a specific stimuli. Reflexes and reactions are programmed either
genetically, for instance rodents born in laboratory respond with fear to cat’s odours
(Blanchard and Blanchard, 1972), or through associative learning. The later feature
makes both reflexes and reactions plastic in the sense that they can be modified by
means of associative learning. As associative learning is a process that takes time, at
a given moment reflexes and reactions are fixed responses. As for actions Ledoux
characterises them as instrumental responses that “are emitted in the presence of
certain stimuli that direct behaviour toward goals”. As mentioned earlier actions are
similar to reactions in that they involve entire body rather than specific muscles.
However, the distinction between reaction and action is very clear and important as
action is not a programmed response but rather a flexible response modulated by
assessment of relationship between consequence of action and the goal. This brings us
back to the considerations at the end of the previous chapter about purposive human
action. Actions therefore are human and animal behavioural responses that can be
consciously modulated in a way that they best serve the organism’s goals, for which
reason they are often referred to as goal-oriented or purposive behaviour. Furthermore
and importantly actions must involve motivation, i.e. the reasons why an organism
undertakes and, importantly, pursues an action. At this stage we should add a type
of action not considered by Ledoux, notably a free action. From the philosophy
of mind perspective a free action is that which does not have a causally sufficient
conditions that determine the action. There is, as Searle proposes (Searle, 2001) ,
the gap of free will between the antecedents of a free action and prior-intention,
i.e. the moment when the decision is taken and finally intention-in-action, which is
actually doing what has been decided, that all in one lead to action accomplishment.
The problem of free will and its existence is to be discussed in more detail in the
following chapters, but here let us propose that, given there exists a genuine free
will, we will refer to actions dependant on free will as free or voluntary actions and

on the contrary involuntary action is that which is carried out without involvement
of free will. Whenever we use the term action with no attribute let it be assumed
that it signifies any action, regardless voluntary or not. A careful reader should ask,
what is then the difference between involuntary action and a reaction. Action in
general involves deliberation, an assessment of available options of conduct with
regard to a goal. This assessment can be done both consciously and unconsciously
at the neuronal level. As free will would not exist otherwise than in consciousness
the answer to the question would be that involuntary actions are those actions that
are performed partly of fully in the unconsciousness. Another type of an involuntary
action is that which is carried out against the free will, i.e. a forced or imposed action.
Importantly however a forced action is a one in which consciousness and free will are
involved, however in this special case a subject self despite agreeing to the imposed
way of conduct acts upon his free will. Coming back to Ledoux’s typology, the last
category he considers is a habit, which is a type of action that in course of repetitive
coexistence of a given learned instrumental response to a given stimulus becomes
inflexible an automated response which has lost its connection to the attainment of
a goal. A habit is not hard-wired as reflexes and reactions are, as it originates form
goal-directed action, in which by routine the deliberation process is lost. Again habits
can be changed via learning but usually it is not easy, and can lead to pathology
if they lead to maladaptive behaviour. Noteworthy, a skill is related to habit, as
it involves a set of trained responses to stimuli occurring when a given activity is

Motivation While discussing action varieties a few paragraphs above we said

that actions are goal-related. What is a goal, how goals are determined and why an
organisms wants to pursue them are all questions tackled by theories of motivation.
The study of motivation is nothing but trying to answer the key question posed in
the preface: what makes living entities feel like doing anything. This question can be
considered at two levels: (i) the fundamental metaphysical level: why living organisms
what to achieve or avoid certain states of universe, why they have preference of one
states over another, as well as epistemic level: how this is implemented in a living
organism. As for the former we will take that it is the nature of things that living
organisms are motivated or reluctant to act throughout their life and will focus more
on how this is engineered by evolution, so how it is that organisms have preferences
and urge or reluctance to behave. Modern brain science links motivation to the
brain capacity to evaluate and select alternative ways of conduct. Some theories even
speculate about specialized areas in the brain that are responsible for mediation of
behaviour which corresponds to governing motivation. Influenced by brain scientists
such as Damasio, Panksepp and Ledoux as well as philosophers of mind such as Searle
we believe the motivation is entirely encapsulated in experiential subjectivity. The
capacity of brain to assign any value to anything results directly form its capacity to

have subjective, qualitative states of mind. Consequently the cognitive and affective
components of conscious experience come together in behaviour where the latter
provides values needed for an organism to set goals and know when these are attained
and the former allow an organism to relate states of the world to goals and figure out
what is the most efficient way to attain them. Having said that we risk stating that
feelings, including feelings of emotions, are the currency of behaviour that provide
meaning to it and thus provide for behavioural motivation. Without subjective
feelings organisms could not involve in voluntary behaviour. Decision making cannot
be understood without understanding affect.

Self In order for subjectivity to exist there must be an entity that engages in
subjective experiencing and behaviour, voluntary free action in particular, this entity
is referred to as self. It is a philosophical discussion falling beyond the scope of this
thesis whether self is necessary for subjective experience to emerge or rather a self is
a compound of subjective experiences. The latter stance most typical of Humean
empiricism is cultivated to this date by many contemporary philosophers, including
Dennett who believes that self is an illusion created by stream of consciousness,
conscious perceptions ordered by brain in a way that an illusion of continuity and
unity is created. The former account of self is closer to naturalistic position in
which biologically fostered mindful being is the primordial subject of experience,
which evolved consciousness capable of decision making that resulted an evolutionary
efficient apparatus of environmental adaptation, which stance is contemporaneously
supported by philosophers such as Searle (Searle, 2004), but primarily accepted by
biologists who like Ledoux believe that “the existence of a self is a fundamental con-
comitant of being an animal” (LeDoux, 2002, p. 38). Such a biological account of self
stems from immunology for which defining the constituents of identity, distinguishing
one organism from others, among others for the purpose of devising mechanisms of
defence is the main preoccupation. Interestingly however contemporary immunology
theorists increasingly accept ill-structuredness of the concept of immune selfhood and
arguments coming from transplantation and autoimmunity studies questioning strict
dichotomy of self and non-self. Regardless philosophical debates, which however have
certain important consequences on behaviour related concepts including existence of
free will, it is enough at this stage for our purposes to note that self and subjective
experience are a two sides of the same coin. Ancient philosophers considered soul
rather than self which are in principle two different terms corresponding to the same
phenomenon. Interestingly Aristotle considered that soul is constituted by the core
essence of a being, the first activity of the body, which in case of humans is the
rational behaviour, thus the rational activity constituted according to Aristotle the
essence of a self (Aristotle and Sachs, 2001). To put it in other words self is behaving
by an organism, behaviour is determined by subjective experiencing constituting
motivation and subjective experiencing constitutes self, at which point we arrive at

recurrent loop. The aim of this thesis is not however to disentangle this recurrence
dilemma but rather map and logically interrelate the stages in the loop.
Regardless self objective existence or illusory nature we can accept the concept of
self as that which identifies a particular being, building on a wide definition of self
by William James who believed that a self is the sum total of all that one can call
his, the sum total of who one is. After Aristotle we will treat self primarily in link to
action, for which reason we will use interchangeably other terms to refer to a self
as the subject of action or experience: (rational) decision maker, (rational) agent,
organism, animal or being. Throughout this thesis we will most commonly use the
term agent, making an important distinction between artificial and natural agent.
The latter would correspond to a self of a living creature, human being in particular,
meanwhile the former to a quasi-self of an abstract entity that emulates behaviour
of a natural agent, a computer programme for example.

Rationality We noted earlier that the type of behaviour we will primarily concen-
trate on hereof are actions, i.e. responses emitted in the presence of certain stimuli
that are aimed at achieving goals. We have also said that goals are motivated by
subjective experiential states, therefore by feelings, which will be discussed in the
following section. A behaving agent performing an action in order to achieve her
goal involves in a mental process which is about selecting most efficient means, i.e.
available courses of action leading to the goal attainment. This mental prices can be
called differently: reasoning, deliberation, reflection or thinking. Aristotle commonly
quoted sentence from his On Rhetoric states that “thought by itself moves nothing(...).
What moves us is thought aiming at some goal and concerned with action” (Gross
and Walzer, 2008) proposing that thought can be independent of action, but we
believe it is not the case. Adopting the cognitivist approach under which acting is
influencing environment via some kind of movement [to be checked + literature from
philosophy] and given that thought capable minds evolved only in organisms able to
move, presumably only those capable of voluntary movement, we assume thought
even abstract is always related to some kind of action, e.g. writing, speaking, albeit
may be differed in time. The mental process of which we talk about above accounts
for rationality in broader sense. Rationality or practical reason is the general capacity
of mindful creatures for resolving, through reflection, the question of what one is to
do (Wallace, 2009). Rationality in contrast to practical reason may also mean not
the capacity itself but acting upon this capacity. Furthermore, narrowing the sense of
the term event further, it may imply acting in a particular way, i.e. acting rationally.
This is when the capacity itself ceases to be the central focus of consideration, and
when normative approach takes over mandating consideration of what one shall or
shall not do. In such a case rational behaviour means a behaviour performed in
accordance with a set of clearly defined rules.

Practical reason has always been in the centre of philosophical debate. From
Aristotelian highly moral practical reasoner outlined in his On Rhetoric:

“No one wishes for anything except when he thinks it good.”,

to contemporary instrumentalist theories of rationality, largely influenced by Humean

famous assertion:

”Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions.” (Hume, 2003),

which accounts for that all reasons for action are means-end reasons, i.e. practical
reason is an interplay of beliefs and desires within the mind, which echoes in different
variations across all contemporary accounts of Anscombe (Anscombe, 1957), Kors-
gaard (Korsgaard and O’Neill, 1996), Bratman (Bratman, 1987), Dennett (Dennett,
1989), Searle (Searle, 2001), Davidson (Davidson, 2004).
Apart from philosophy of practical reason the biggest footprint on the concept
of rationality has been left by economic theories. Economists introduced a narrow
understanding of rationality by conceptualising, typically of economic method, a
model of homo oeconomicus, i.e. the economic man, which contemporaneously evolved
into so called Bayesian rationality. We will review the account of rationality by
economic theory, choice theory in particular, in detail in following chapters, here let us
just briefly outline the concept of Bayesian rationality after Edwards (Edwards, Miles,
and Von Winterfeldt, 2007) which involves: (i) decision making guided by maximizing
subjective expected utility, and (ii) the availability of information processed through
Bayes’ theorem. The model of rational economic man assumes first of all that the
decision maker can always weakly order all states of universe that can be available
to him by which he defines his preferences, as well as he always chooses the best of
them as he always maximises the value that he can expect from the choices available
to him. On top of it his preferences must be transitive.
In mainstream economics literature but also instrumentalist philosophy of ratio-
nality the role of subjective states of mind is limited to motivational function. In
plain words affect sets the goal and ’reason’ does the rest i.e. matches the beliefs
with goals and urge of efficiency to sellects the actions accordingly to efficiency or
evolutionary fitness maximisation principle. We will argue that it is partly true. It is
true that subjective experiential states determine goals but also they directly influ-
ence the process of deliberation, and in case of reactions and habits may constitute
a stimulus directly eliciting response. It is difficult to judge whether in such a case
the behaviour is irrational especially as these responses may either be unconsciously
derived by a given neuronal circuit, be hard-wired by evolution or trained, in which
case irrationality would not be an adequate term to describe such responses. On the
other hand deliberative responses may as well lead to maladaptive behaviour and
may not be optimal form the global perspective.

Brain science proses terminological problems for theories of choice and practical
reason as the demarcation line between that which is rational and that which is not
seems to pale in confrontation with neuro especially if matched with epistemological
determinism. How can a natural agent be irrational if he acts merely as a automaton
transforming one set of input states into output states according to the . Therefore
if one rejects free will one must also reject irrationality, but those that believe that
free will is a real gap in causality of physical world fully dependant on self, how can
we ever judge on whether given behaviour is irrational, how can we be sure that
there where no reasons justifying the behaviour opted by the agent, especially as
there might have been implicit internal reasons to which not only our consciousness
but also agent’s consciousness had no access.
For the above reason we suggest to reject the rationality/irrationality dualism.
By nature natural agent are rational, the same way physical world is characterised by
cause and effect relationships, in the sense that there are always reasons that justify
agent actions although these may be sometimes implicit. However avoiding using the
term rational and irrational in this thesis is simply not possible as it in large part is
about the necessity of abandoning old concept of rationality. Therefore whenever
the term rational or rationality are used they either mean Bayesian rationality or
intuitive or common language meaning of the term, i.e. related to reason, truth
logical inference rather than emotions and subjective feelings and judgements. In
the latter case we will put the term in inverted commas: ’rational’. Finally we will
rather use the term deliberative then rational to emphasize that there is a thought
process going on in the mind of behaving agent.
For the purpose of completeness it is necessary to briefly comment on yet another
term related to rationality, namely problem. Problem is simply the gap that exists
between the current state of universe and that desired by an agent, i.e. the goal state
[compare Pounds, 1969]. Obviously the problem is solved when this gap is eliminated,
so as the desired state becomes reality (Bartee, 1973). In principle problem solving is
yet another term equivalent to behaviour and practical reason, which is slightly more
popular in psychological literature, perhaps to emphasize the deliberative character of
intelligent behaviour particular to humans and some animals. Consequently problem
solving, decision-making, or choice, as economists in turn prefer to term it, will be
used as synonyms hereof.

Process We consider useful to introduce a primordial ontological category process,

as this term will reappear across the thesis in different contexts. Let us define the
process as a series of events that transform certain qualitative endowment (input) at
certain time t0 into a different qualitative endowment at t1 , where t0 6= t1 . Process is
one of the fundamental, and for process philosophers the very fundamental ontological
category. Prominent process philosophers include Heraclitus, Leibniz, Bergson, Peirce,
William James but foremost Whitehead, who believed that in a dynamically changing

Figure 2.1: Purposive behaviour efficiency improvement cycle

universe process is a principal category of ontological description (Rescher, 2009).

Interestingly, recent insights from neurological studies of human brain suggest that
self, one of the primary ontological categories is indeed a process that is present at
all times when one is conscious, rather than a thing (Damasio, 2010).
Let the purposive process be the process that is a result of an agent voluntary
action aimed at achieving a goal, transforming the given state of universe into the
desired output state, acting upon agents experience. 1
Importantly the resulting output state does not need to be equal to the goal state
as agent action may not be efficient. Therefore an instance of the purposive process
can be represented as a tuple:

S =< U0 , Ug , U1 , E0 , E1 >

where U0 is the input state, Ug is the goal state, U1 is the output state and E0 is the
initial experience the agent acts upon and E1 is the output experience of an agent.
Additionally U can be defined as the gap between input state and goal state, i.e.
the problem. The instance of the purposive process may be referred to as event. The
purposive process is recurrent as it loops in constant efficiency cycles due to the
fact that: (i) goals are not achieved in every instance (there exists U 6=0), (ii) goal
state Ug may change from one instance to another, (iii) agent never stops acting, in
particular if one goal is attained a different Ug is set. The purposive process efficiency
improvement cycle is graphically illustrated by below figure:
Important element of the process depicted above is learning. Learning is the
change in agent’s response to problem manifested correspondingly in subsequent
decisions and actions that results from the gained experience E in past instances
of purposive behaviour, and is an indispensable condition for efficiency improvement.
Importantly the above definition of purposive behaviour holds both for individual agent and
groups of agents. The different is that we will have group decisions, collective goals and collective
experience and action as arguments instead. For the purpose of current discussion let assume that
an agent can be replaced in a purposive process loop by a collective entity, such as an organization.

As mentioned earlier, in line with Whitehead’s process ontology, it results worthy

to look not only at action and learning which are naturally dynamic and time-bound
but also at other, seemingly more static, phenomena such as knowledge and mind
also as processes. Contemporary philosophers and neurobiologists talking about mind
and consciousness often refer to this ontological category for putting forward their
theories on these complex phenomena. Searle for instance puts mental processes in the
center of human sciences. As particle physics is fundamental for all natural sciences
the study of human mind is fundamental for social sciences. Whatever happens in
the social sphere is dependant on human mind, the study of which is absolutely vital
for deeper understanding of economic and social behaviour of human beings. The
choice, being the result of an individual exercising one’s free will is the basic starting
point for analysing this behaviour, source of all which are mental process.
This brings us to the next set of terms to be introduced: knowledge, mind, affect
and experience, and later terms related to subjective dimension of experience: affect,
emotion and feeling.

Knowledge Knowledge, experience and experience (KR) will be thoroughly dis-

cussed from the philosophical angle at the beginning of chapter 3 as these are critical
terms for the viewpoint of the main goal of the thesis, here however we will focus on
definitions of the terms as will be ultimately used through the reminding part of the
text so as to provide terminological guideline for the reader.
There are likely as many definitions of knowledge as there are books on the subject.
It is true that it is difficult to construct an all embracing definition of the phenomenon
but at the same time the term is widely used and often refereed to being in the top
1% of most looked-up entries in Merriam-Webster on-line dictionary. The definition
provided by the dictionary itself, which given the procedures of maintaining the
entries in the dictionary well corresponds to the daily usage of the term, distinguishes
5 contemporary meanings of the term: (ia) the fact or condition of knowing, (ib)
acquaintance with or understanding of a science, art, or technique; (iia) the fact
or condition of being aware of something, (iib) the range of one’s information or
understanding; (iii) the circumstance or condition of apprehending truth or fact
through reasoning; (iv) the fact or condition of having information or of being learned;
(v) the sum of what is known: the body of truth, information, and principles acquired
by humankind. (knowledge)
This definition provides a good overview of how people usually understand the
term knowledge in everyday language. Still, if we are talking about knowledge and
its representation in artificial systems such a rough definition will not suffice. Besides,
apart from the first understanding of the term as “the condition of knowing” other
ways of understanding it especially “the sum of what is known” or “apprehending
truth or fact” may be misleading for our purposes and shall be abandoned. Instead,
let us step back and look at knowledge as the product of a mind. Searle (Searle, 2004,

p. 8) proposes to look at the mind as the central topic in philosophy and approach
all other contemporary philosophical key topics, such as the nature of language
and meaning, the nature of society and the nature of knowledge as special cases
of the more general characteristics of human mind. Knowledge is evidently both
a substratum and a product of the mind, which well corresponds to the idea that
both mind and knowledge are processes rather than entities. However in order to be
able to harness this process for pragmatic purposes we need to realise which are the
instances of it. The instances of the mental process are evidently states of mind, given
states of brain, central nervous system and the entire body of the mindful subject. It
is necessary to realise that knowledge cannot exist neither can have any significance
until it appears in a mind. A counterargument can be proposed that a computer
program that has some procedural knowledge encoded can have an effect on reality
without appearing in any mind. This is true, however procedural knowledge of a
type how to process one input state to another will not be regarded as knowledge in
the main meaning of the term we are discussing here. The fact that knowledge is
represented makes a difference, and knowledge represented in an artificial system
cannot be by nature the same as knowledge as a state of mind.
Talking about the mind it is necessary to make reference to related terms
brain and body. The main-body problem is the classical philosophical problem
source of which is the dualistic view introduced by Descartes on that the realms of
though and physical reality are two principally different entities. Many contemporary
philosophers, on which we will elaborate in Chapter 3, reject dualism by which
the classical mind-body problem ceases to exists, as there is unity between mind
and body, according some, or there is nothing but physical brain, as claim others.
We will favour the non-dualistic approach at many levels across the thesis by: (i)
accepting mind-body dualism rejection, but through mind-body integration rather
than reductionistic elimination of mind, (ii) accepting mind-brain unity, and (iii)
questioning the knowledge-affect dualism. Talking about mind-brain unity let us
note that a few distinguished neurobiologists, including Jaak Panksepp, use this
compound as a single word mindbrain (Panksepp, 1998) to acknowledge that indeed
mind and brain are one, as there is nothing in the mind that would not exists in the
brain and vice versa. Importantly brain in this case may be understood more widely
as central nervous system (CNS) that anatomically is composed the brain and the
spinal cord which together build up the majority of the nervous system.
As anathomy of CNS is not central for us here whenever we use the term brain
or CNS hereof we shall mean the biological implementation of mind, whichever the
anatomical boundaries of this implementation in nervous system are, leaving this
debate to other fields, or we will simply use the term mindbrain after Panksepp.

Experience Experience is a term and concept that is widely used across many
disciplines of science and in everyday language. Interestingly, a query ”experience” in

Encyclopaedia Britannica On-line (experience) results in 5,936 hits but there is no

entry dedicated to the term, similarly in the MIT encyclopaedia of cognitive sciences
the term is used excessively across entries still it is not indexed (Wilson and Keil,
2001). Historically experience was primarily dealt with in philosophy, epistemology
in particular, and psychology. Currently the interdisciplinary cognitive sciences:
cognitive psychology, philosophy of mind and neuroscience delve into experience as a
cognitive and brain phenomena. As in case of knowledge no common terminological
consensus has been worked out in this respect. Apparently talking about experience
in scientific terms appears to be a challenge, nevertheless some important endeavours
have been made and will be hereby presented.
To start with, it is important to distinguish three most common meanings of the
word experience used in different contexts. Firstly, (i) experience can be associated
with procedural knowledge or skills (know-how), secondly (ii) experience can mean
the body of knowledge about the environment that is gained by participating or
assisting different events over time, finally (iii) it can be understood, in line with
the psychological definition by Eysenck as appreciation of stimulus event or the
knowledge resulting from this (Eysenck, Arnold, and Meili, 1972). In this thesis we
are primarily considering experience in the contexts as outlined in (ii) and (iii), the
latter in particular.
The closest to our understanding of experience is the above quoted Eysenckian
definition of experience: subjective conscious appreciation of stimulus event or the
knowledge resulting from this, albeit we would rather say ’and’ instead of ’or’ as to
underlined the fact that experience is composed of both a subjective and objective
component which are inseparable, to which we will pay much more attention in
Chapter 3. Although the above-mentioned definition is variously rephrased, all of
the definitions found in the literature point at the following particularities of the

• experience is subjective, as it is born in the mind of an individual, so although

we can talk about group experience (Littlepage, Robison, and Reddington,
1997) it will always be as derivatives of individual experience;

• experience emerges as a result of changes in the environment, as experience is

triggered by events involving the subject as an observer or active participant;

• experience is a result of complex cognitive process, as experience is primarily

shaped by perceptions, but also emotions, previous experiences, and interpre-
tation assigned to it by the human mind (Johnson, Verfaellie, and Dunlosky,

• experience is memorized, i.e. it is registered by memory (Reyna, 1995), and

as such it is translated into new knowledge, thus it plays a key role in learn-
ing (Morgan, 2002), consequently experience is accumulated and constantly

transformed by human mind in a very dynamic process influenced by memory


• experience shapes behaviour by building an internal replica of the external

world allowing the subject to orient oneself and adapt its behaviour to the
given reality (Lehar, 2006) in the pursuit of one’s goals;

• experience defines existence, a lesson taken from Nagel who in his famous essay
“What it is like to be a bat?” noticed that conscious experience defines act
of being, underlying thus the very subjective character of experience and its
fundamental role for existence; mind is that which thinks and experiences, thus
thinking and experiencing defines a minded creature, including a human being
(Graham, 1998);

• experience is a product of both conscious and unconscious mind processes, as

Lashley provocatively stated ”no activity of the mind is ever conscious” (Lashley,
1958), as all that is conscious in human mind is build on the inaccessible
unconscious information processing in the brain, and increasingly contemporary
brain research provides more evidence for that most of what the brain does is
outside conscious awareness, Eagleman for instance concludes that consciousness
is “the smallest player in the operations of the brain” (Eagleman, 2011, p. 5).

The above points provide a fair overview of how phenomenon of experience is

approached by psychology, cognitive science and AI. We will not take up any discussion
leading to the refinement of the concept now, leaving it for Chapter 3, instead we will
rest upon the definition proposed in (Kaczmarek and Ryżko, 2009) concluding that
experience is mind’s appreciations of stimulus events, accumulated in memory over
time that embrace but at the same time transgress knowledge. In slightly simpler
terms experience could be seen as a sequence of remembered states of mind shaped
in cognitive process (process of brain activity determined by internal and external
stimuli) the purpose of which is to allow the subject to pursue one’s goals. We will
refine and build on this provisional definition later in chapter 3.
Before continuing with presenting further terms related to subjective dimension
of experience let us reflect briefly on experience quantification and measurement.
In view of the above terminological discussion accumulating experience stands as a
complex psycho-cognitive process of particularities that make experience difficult to
measure, quantify, model and optimise. According to most of psychological theories
experience which is critical for human behaviour is: (i) complex, (ii) subjective, (iii)
dependant on the unconscious, (iv) dynamic, (v) intangible.
Although visibly experience is a fuzzy concept it is evident that experiences can
be assessed in a qualitative or event quantitative way. Experience can be positive,
when results in feeling of pleasure, or negative when results in lack of pleasure or
pain. Furthermore experiences could be ordered according individual preference as

one can say that experience x is better, worse or equals to another experience y.
Naturally, as experience itself is intangible this will be ascribed to a given stimulative
event (whereas physical, sensual, emotional or mental) causing experience x and
y. Evidently, as experience is subjective the same stimulative event can result in
experiences of different quality for different subjects, or for different circumstances
(time-space dependence) This makes experience assessment and comparisons highly
difficult and complex, though psychological literature provides some examples of both
theoretical and empirical endeavours challenging this problem. Maslow developed
a notion of peak experience (Maslow, 1971), which he defined as the moment of
highest happiness and related it to self-actualisation. Similarly, the optimal experience
was described by a Hungarian psychologist Csikszentmihalyi, who introduced the
concept of flow (Csikszentmihalyi, 1975), the moment of top experience when one is
confronted with a demanding challenge, still attainable with one’s own capacities, and
deeply enjoys the moment of stretching intellectual capabilities, and thus learning
and increasing self-esteem. We can therefore talk about maximisation of subjective
Schmitt, considering experience in the Customer Experience Management context
(Schmitt, 2003) proposes that customer experience comprises: (i) customer satis-
faction, linked to functional aspects of product or services, (ii) customer emotions,
linked to psychological comfort or pleasure, and (iii) social comfort achieved by social
Although Schmitt account of experience appears to us as simplistic and inconsis-
tent, for as it implies unnecessarily partiality of ’components’ of experience as well
as introduces dichotomy between social comfort and emotions which is not justified,
he managed to bring the notion of experience to attention of a wider public, business
people in particular, creating demand for both scientific debate on and tools for
experience quantification and representation in information systems that lead to
advancements in the area (Kaczmarek and Ryżko, 2009).

Emotion, feelings, affect and qualia The discussion in Chapter 3 will lead
us to the conclusion that knowledge is not equal to experience, that there is a
differentiating factor, which makes experience a broader phenomena than knowledge,
although readings by giants such as Aristotle and Einstein has been interpreted
historically as to propose the contrary, i.e. that knowledge and experience are one.
This may be the issue of terminological framing or a deeper disagreement at the level
of ontological principles upon which we leave the reader to judge having gone through
Chapter 3. The differencing element is the subjective component of experience, the
“subjective appreciation” as Eysenck put it, or ’qualitative feeling to it’ as it is called
contemporaneously (Damasio, 1999).
Unveiling the conclusion of the detailed discussion in chapter 3 let us point out that
the subjective component of experience is closely related to which in psychologists

label emotions. Since the terms related to subjective component of experience such as:
affect, feeling, emotions, and qualia are used in non-psychological literature, especially
information science literature, rather loosely introducing unnecessary confusion, let
us briefly discuss these terms here. Part of this discussion will echo in Chapter 3.
Modern psychology defines emotion as negative or positive reaction to a per-
ceived or recalled object, event or circumstance accompanied by a subjective feeling
(Damasio, 1999). The evolution of emotion theories from classical Cannon-Bard the-
ory (Cannon, 1927), psychological account of emotions by Lazarus (Lazarus, 1991),
under which emotion is a function of subject’s appraisal of the situation, cognitivist
approach (Oakley, 1992; Solomon, 1973; Neu, 2000) popular especially in the second
half of XX century which proposed that emotion is a cognitive phenomena and occurs
in consequence of cognitive processes, to recent ground-breaking findings by LeDoux
(LeDoux, 2000) which suggest that emotions are result of both physiological reaction
of brain and body, and/or mental interpretations related to a given situation involving
different brain subsystems for different types of emotions, clearly shows that emotions
should be regarded holistically as neuro-cognitive and mental phenomena. Early
XX-century emotion theories regarded cognitive and emotional processes as separate
yet dependant entities and concentrated primarily on the problem of sequentiality
of emotion and cognition, that is trying to address the question: which comes first
emotion or cognition and how these two interrelate. Later in the era of domination of
reductionism emotions where relegated to the mere resultant by product of cognitive
appreciation of external stimuli. Under contemporary accounts of emotion which
depart from emotion-cognition dualism this problem has been replaced with the
search for the nature of the subjectivity of consciousness that build up the feelings
of emotion. Importantly this led to distinction between emotions and feelings, where
the former are defined as hard-wired programmes that are triggered by a stimulus
and comprise a set of relatively fixed bodily responses that are only modulated by
consciousness to certain extend, meanwhile the latter correspond to conscious subjec-
tive appreciation of the bodily state provoked by emotion programme. We owe the
view on emotions as ’affect programmes” largely to Ekman who inspired by Darwin
investigated emotional bodily expressions across cultures and evidenced emotions as
complex responses typical of all human beings across races and populations, which
are controlled by mechanisms operating below the level of consciousness, identifying
furthermore a concrete set of these programmes which included: happiness, sadness,
fear, anger, surprise, and disgust (Ekman, Friesen, and Ellsworth, 1982; Ekman,
1989; Ekman, 1993). Contemporaneously this approach is continued and expanded by
neuroscientists such as LeDoux (LeDoux, 1996) and Panksepp (Panksepp, 1998) that
investigate emotions at the level of neuronal circuits in the mammalian brain. Feelings
on the other hand both in Damasio’s and Panksepp’s account are different in nature
and correspond to the subjective appreciation of bodily states coming from within the
body as well as from outside via sensory gates. The particular characteristics of such

defined feelings are their origins in evolutionary old parts of the mammalian brain
for which reasons these are called by both neuroscientists primordial feelings. Under
both accounts primordial feelings provide basis for emergence of self. Separating
emotions from feelings and specifying emotions as programmed responses created a
vacancy for a more general term that would embrace subjectivity of experience in all
forms: emotions, feelings, incl. feelings of emotions. The term that has filled in the
gap is affect.
For introducing the term affect let us start with quoting Dr. Jaak Panksepp,
author of a widely respected book “Affective Neuroscience” and one of the pioneer of
the field gaining more and more attention recently.

“I chose that word for coining the term ’affective neuroscience’ to highlight
that neuroscience has yet to deal with the nature of our positive and
negative experiences-the many ways we can feel about things instinc-
tively. Why does sugar taste wonderful on our tongue, but not a cat’s?”
(Panksepp and Campbell, 2010)

Miriam-Webster defines affect as “the conscious subjective aspect of an emotion

considered apart from bodily changes, also: a set of observable manifestations of a
subjectively experienced emotion” (affect). Other popular dictionaries like Oxford
emphasize the more etymological meaning of the term as “emotion or desire as
influencing behaviour”. Although these are common meanings of the words as used
in everyday English they very aptly reflect their usage in scientific literature. In brief
affective is a fuzzy term under which anything that cannot be better described and
is related to falls within.
Cognitive philosophers of mind include affection in the so called trilogy of mind,
next to cognition and conation (Hilgard, 1980). This places affect in the very centre of
existence and behaviour. Behaving agents perceive environment, this perception has
a qualitative subjective, i.e. affective, value which is complemented by their natural
tendency to act, i.e. conation including rationality, purposiveness of action and
motivation, we could also refer to it as the executive component of mind. We would
later try to show that there is rather unity of intentional contents and their affective
complement, unified with the rules of behaviour encapsulated in the relationship
between the cognitive and the affective. This mapping of the cognitive and the
affective onto action forms the executive, which is not by nature a separate entity
however it can be separated for the purpose of theoretical deliberations and rationality
Given the above, as well as the fact that affect is subjective and is characterised
by valence allows us to risk to state that there is a direct link between affect and
quality of experience. Affect shaped by feelings of emotions could be simply seen as
an integral component of experience that complements knowledge and determines
experiential valence (positive-neutral-negative) and intensity (high-low). In this

perspective, the problem of sequentiality of emotion and cognition, in other words

what comes first the emotion or cognition and how these two interact becomes
irrelevant. What gains relevance in turn is how affect-valenced experience is shaped
and how it maps onto action. Another important arising question is how this looks in
the dynamic environment, what role in this mapping has memory to play, as plausibly
current experience depends on previous experiences. Furthermore own experience
provides the basic material for the mind projections into future, which anticipate
future action.
Having considered experience in this perspective and bearing in mind the ultimate
goal to be able to quantify experience for the purpose of its representation in
information systems it is inevitable to recall a vivid debate which started in 1980s on
qualia (singular: quale). Qualia are defined as experimental properties of sensations,
feelings, perceptions, thoughts, desires, etc., in other words qualia include what it is
like to have experiential mental states or, yet in other words qualia are ways things
seem to us (Dennett, 1988). To explain the term by example let us take for instance
the very particular, subjective and personal auditory quality of hearing to the church
bell ringing at a given moment, this quality would be a auditory quale of the subject
listening to the ringing bells. Such a definition of qualia makes them, in view of what
we have said earlier equal to subjective content of experience. For this reason the
debate on qualia is highly relevant to this thesis and will be reviewed and the concept
of qualia will be revisited by us in chapter 3. This is particularly important as the
term has raised controversies ever since its first appearance and some philosophers
reject they important role presenting very convincing arguments, which cannot be
left unanswered.

2.3 Terms related to information systems

The discussions over feelings, emotions and experience in this thesis are carried
on with the single objective, which is representing these subjective phenomena in
information systems. Let us in this sub chapter briefly introduce the key terms in
this discussion so as terminological clarity and consistency could be kept from as
early stage as possible. These terms include some fundamental terms for knowl-
edge engineering and information science such as representation and processing of
knowledge, information systems, information retrieval systems, representation of
emotions. Finally we will make a brief note on affective computing, a relatively
young yet quickly growing branch of AI. Knowledge Representation (KR) is one of
the main fields of artificial intelligence(AI) which objective is to provide efficient
methods for symbolic representation of human knowledge in artificial, formal systems,
in particular in so called intelligent or expert systems, for that consequently the
represented knowledge could serve as basis for machine problem solving, i.e. decision
making, and generation of new knowledge by inference from the knowledge priorly

stored within the system. AI researchers has taken the challenge of identifying ef-
ficient ways for explicit representation of knowledge in computer programmes and
its algorithmic processing as a way towards designing artificial intelligence systems
formalized as symbolic reasoning automaton (Van Harmelen, Lifschitz, and Porter,
2008). Muraszkiewicz (Muraszkiewicz, 2011) defines KR as a methodology of pre-
senting the knowledge about the world along with the procedures for processing this
representation, especially by means of reasoning (inference) and proposes a formal
definition as the following duple:

KR =< KRDescription_Language , KRProcessing_Mechanism (incl. Inference_Mechanism) > (2.1)

It must be underlined that the field of KR uses a much more formal definition of
knowledge, which is dictated by the necessity of exactness and strong influence of
the deterministic thought on the domain. First of all KR builds on more specific
definitions distinguishing different kinds of knowledge. One of the most important
distinctions is that between procedural knowledge and propositional knowledge, where
the former captures the knowing how to do something, eg. driving a car, and the
latter the knowing that some particular proposition is true, e.g. knowing that earth
is a planet (Ryle, 1949). A third type of knowledge that is distinguished form
the other two is that which captures knowing a place or a person (Steup, 2008),
which is knowing in the sense of being acquainted with something. All the three
meanings are seemingly significantly different in nature and KR primarily focuses on
propositional knowledge, also referred to as declarative or semantic knowledge. This
is because procedural knowledge includes, or is the basis for the other two. Procedural
knowledge bridges the propositional contents of mind with behaviour. Knowing how
is a combination of knowing that with goals driving purposeful behaviour, or in other
words the procedural knowledge is the mapping of means to ends. With this approach
procedural knowledge can be ontologically reduced, however remains a useful term
for describing the mapping itself. Similarly knowing as a condition of acquaintance
with x can be reduced by knowing that x exists and knowing that x has a given
qualitative endowment. Consequently, in principle the concept of knowledge which is
of particular interest to KR researchers, and us under this thesis, is of declarative kind,
and the earlier adopted general definition of knowledge, i.e. knowledge as intentional
contents of mind, complies. However knowledge engineering and KR makes it more
narrow. The subject of analysis under KR is the concept of knowledge as expressed
by the schema “S knows that p”, where S refers to the knowing subject, and p to the
proposition that has a logical value (Steup, 2008). Similarly Muraszkiewicz states
that knowledge is every entity that can be expressed in language and has logical value
(Muraszkiewicz, 2011). This discussion will be continued in Chapter 3. Contemporary
thinking about what is knowledge and what are the contents of mind is under heavy
influence from the legacy of philosophy of language. The famous Wittgensteinian
claim that “The limits of my language are the limits of my world” encapsulates

knowledge in language, which KR takes for granted and on which it rests entirely.
Meanwhile non-linguistic forms of intentionality of mind as well as the subjective
dimension of mental states, the role of emotions in building language capacity and
its underlying role for enabling mammalian brainmind with intentional capacity, has
been persistently ignored by KR, which we are trying to address herewith.
Another aspect of knowledge typically ignored by KR is its relation to con-
sciousness. An important question arises: is knowledge only that which a subject
is aware of or it includes also states of mind which are not available to subject’s
consciousness, still have intentional contents and provide meaningful guidance to
subject behaviour? Let the provisional answer here be that both conscious and
unconscious intentional contents of mind qualify as knowledge, however let us make
a terminological distinction so as we will refer to these two as explicit and implicit
knowledge accordingly.
In above paragraphs we have used terms such as artificial intelligence, expert
system and knowledge engineering that need to be explained and relations between
them shall be traced.
Artificial intelligence was defined by Minsky, one of the pioneers of the field,
as “the science of making machines do the things that would require intelligence
if done by men” (Minsky, 1968). Cohen an Feigenbaum provide a more specific
definition “AI is the part of computer science concerned with designing intelligent
computer systems, that is, systems that exhibit the characteristics we associate
with intelligence in human behaviour - understanding language, learning, reasoning,
solving problems, and so on” (Cohen and Feigenbaum, 1982). Rutkowski shortly states
that AI is about exploring human intelligence and its implementation in machines
(Rutkowski, 2005). Rutkowski rightly notes that despite the fact that AI is primarily
the branch of research in computer science it resonates with many other disciplines,
for instance: information science(e.g. information theory, representation, storage and
processing of information and knowledge), philosophy (e.g. consciousness, experience,
epistemology, ethics), biology and medicine (bio-physiological aspects of human
cognition, reasoning, information processing by the nervous system, particularly the
brain), logic and mathematics (eg, inference, reasoning, mathematical modelling of
cognitive processes and decision-making), psychology (cognition, affect, motivation)
and computer science (eg, intelligent systems, machine learning, algorithms, expert
systems), for which reasons it qualifies as highly interdisciplinary branch of science.
For AI the fundamental challenge is the design of methods and techniques of
knowledge representation in the form of symbols that can be processed by machines,
Turing machines in particular, for inferring about actions and new knowledge genera-
tion. Consequently one of the key outputs of AI are expert systems. Expert system is
a computer program that uses knowledge and reasoning process (inference) to solve
problems that require human experience (a domain expert), acquired through years
of activity in the field. The basic elements of the expert system are: knowledge base

(a set of facts and rules), the reasoning machine and the user interface for data entry.
Knowledge engineering is the field that deals with devising expert systems, and the
research challenges it addresses are: sourcing, structuring and processing knowledge,
design and selection of inference methods, and finally the design of user interfaces
(Rutkowski, 2005, p. 9).
AI and expert systems as a field flourished and matured in the era of computer
functionalism domination in philosophy of mind. In short computer functionalism is
the view that brain to mind is like computer hardware to computer software. This
analogy has fuelled research in the domain of knowledge engineering. Together with
the predominant philosophy of language it resulted with the focus on propositional
knowledge seen as contents of mind encapsulated in language. Consequently the
mental processes has been considered equal to language processing, and the field has
been, apart from the earlier mentioned KR, primarily about logics, logic programming
and natural language processing. If the contents of mind, i.e. knowledge, are more
than language can express the question arises if the classical methods and techniques
of AI and knowledge engineering suffice, and this has important implications not
only for experts systems but information systems at large.
Expert systems constitute a class of a more general entity: information systems
(IS). According to the definition presented in the aims and scope of Elsevier’s
Information Systems journal information systems are the software and hardware
systems that support data-intensive applications. A much more specific, yet technical,
definition is provided by Pawlak who by an information system means a classification
systems that assigns certain qualitative endowment to a set of objects, and provides
a formal definition of IS as a quadruple:

S =< X, A, V, p), (2.2)

where X is a finite set of objects, A is a finite set of attributes, V = a2A Va where
Va is the set of values of attribute a, and card(Va ) > 1, p is a function from X ⇥ A
into V (Pawlak, 1981).
Muraszkiewicz (Muraszkiewicz, 2011) rightly notices that KR and knowledge
engineering lies in the intersection of AI and IS, so the KR is the area of investigation
of both AI and IS. An IS as defined by Pawlak seemingly relates faintly to AI,
as it presents a purely computational scientific approach to data, information and
knowledge, however the link becomes much more tight if we take the perspective of
information science that has witnessed a profound shift over past three decades from
focusing solely on the technological aspects of data and information classification,
storing and access to paying proper attention to the human interaction with infor-
mation technology and the usability of information systems for end user. Besides
the emphasis on user perspective by the information scientist that originate from
librarians or documentalists has been historically strong.

So the difference in approaches between AI researchers and information scientists

with librarian or documentalist background in so far as the role of information system
is concerned is that for an AI scientist IS is predominantly propositional knowledge
processing machine, meanwhile for an information scientist it is predominantly the
source of meaningful information for the system user, that is information that enriches
user’s knowledge. This difference in perspectives on the role of information systems,
is also visible in how data, information, and knowledge are defined and related across
these disciplines.
Ingwersen proposes that:

“The concept of information, from a perspective of information science,

has to satisfy dual requirements: on the one hand information being
the result of a transformation of a generator’s knowledge structures (by
intentionality, model of recipients’ states of knowledge, and in the form of
signs); on the other hand being something which, when perceived, affects
and transforms the recipient’s state of knowledge. Information is seen as
supplementary or complementary to a conceptual system that represents
the information processing system’s knowledge of its world. If only the
first condition is met, we are talking about potential information, i.e.
data or similar entities stored in IR systems, that is of potential value to
recipients (whether humans or machines)” (Ingwersen, 1992, p. 30-37).

Such account makes the boundaries between information and knowledge blurred
and emphasis is put on the role of information in shaping users’s knowledge, unlike
it is in computer science and AI which sets more clear boundaries between which
is data, which information and how these two relate to knowledge. Zins (Zins,
2007) notices that ”data is commonly conceived as the raw material for information,
which is commonly conceived as the raw material for knowledge”. Similarly yet
more specifically Muraszkiewicz (Muraszkiewicz, 2011) explains that data are finite
sequences of symbols, e.g. 24/06/1980, referred to as data string, information is
data with interpretation, e.g. a date, meanwhile knowledge is information together
with relations defined on the information set, e.g. Jan’s birthday date. We will later
propose that in order to be able to add experience into this account it is necessary
to further add to knowledge the subjective feeling particular to it, which together is
the basis for establishing meaning, meaning that goes beyond semantics.
To complete the picture let us quote Ingwersen who has cast interesting light
on the relation of information science, which has emerged from library science and
the study of scientific information, its documentation and the processes involved
in scientific communication, covering with time also the wider aspects of scientific
investigation of the processes of generation, representation, management, retrieval
and use of information, with other tightly related disciplines: information theory and
computer science:

Figure 2.2: Information science viewed as one of the several sciences of information
(Ingwersen, 1992)

“The problems for information science with respect to its borderlines with
other disciplines are mainly found at interdisciplinary level, less often at
the disciplinary level. A core dimension noticed by other fields, is that
information science actually is the one which studies large text entities
containing preserved knowledge – with more interest in solving theoretical
and practical problems of its organisation and representation in systems
for later retrieval and use on demand, than in the technology itself; the
latter being the means to the former. Consequently, important areas
of common interest between information science and other disciplines
may develop. One may state that its applied level contributes to its

Furthermore Ingwersen tracks the relationships of information science with other

The above quoted paragraph by Ingwersen aptly touches the very essence of
information science and the ultimate purpose of information systems, which is to
provide meaningful answers to problems reported by the user based on the body of
knowledge stored within and available for retrieval at any time.
Before elaborating on this point further let us briefly introduce the underlying
concept here: information retrieval (IR). IR was one of the key pillars of information
science and information retrieval systems (IRS) its key applications. Sosińska-Kalata
(Sosińska-Kalata, 1999) defines IRS as communication channel, which provides for the
transmission of the pieces of knowledge fragments between the structures of public
knowledge represented within the system and the structures of private knowledge
represented in minds of users manifested in queries formulated by them and entered
in the system. So information retrieval systems is special type of information system
that provides the interface between public knowledge and private knowledge. Thus,

in IRS informations science as viewed by Ingwersen fulfils its mission: provides

meaningful information that enriches user’s knowledge.
Historically this could have little to do with AI. However with progress of AI
techniques the concept of intelligent or semantic information retrieval could emerge
as a natural evolution of traditional information retrieval systems of which early
progenitor is a library catalogue. These are intelligent IRS where information science
meets AI. Belkin (Belkin, 1996) doubts if intelligent IR can be achieved by sole
merging of IR with AI, and bets on the human factor for providing intelligence to
the IRS. He also points to the fact that intelligent in the context of IR is a vague
concept and refers to Croft (Croft, 1987) who identifies intelligent IR with merely a
good IR, i.e. that results in effective performance, noting that it inappropriate to
ascribe intelligence to a computer program. Although there is merit in this claim we
think it is possible to define IRS as the system capable of solving an ill-structured
problem defined by a user and related to the domain of IR.
Let it be noted that in the same way as today the role of a traditional library
evolves, from a place for storing and providing access to books and other printed
and digital carriers of information to a place where one can find support in solving
problems, not only information related problems but problems of various types:
business, legal, etc., still primarily by ensuring easy access to quality, i.e. meaningful,
information (Frey, 2006) the evolution of information systems is directed towards
supporting informed intelligent solving of users’ problems, formulated in natural
language, rather than passive return of information based on a formalized query. This
is in particular a topical issue in the times of information overload (Toffler, 1984).
Meanwhile consulting a classical information retrieval system can be compared to
searching a library catalogue, consulting intelligent or semantic information retrieval
system could be compared to asking a librarian for help in solving some problem
related to information search.
Contemporary most powerful information retrieval systems: Internet search en-
gines pursue predominantly one ultimate development goal: how to effectively and
intelligently address users problems stated as questions formulated in natural lan-
guage entered into search bar, rather then returning simple results of text queries.
Semantic browsing, intelligent search input bars have become the topics on which
information scientists focus their research on. Providing meaningful information in
long term cannot ignore the affective dimension of knowledge and we foresee increased
interest of IRS in affective aspects of knowledge and how IRS as “communication
channels” can serve the purpose of effective transmission of experience, i.e. both
knowledge and its subjective, affect-determined quality. This is the vision that goes
beyond semantic web, it is about affective web, where both knowledge and experience
can be shared.
This brings us to the final terms we wish to introduce in this chapter: affect
representation, affective computing, and finally affective information retrieval system.

Given what has been said in previous paragraph we shall start with affective informa-
tion retrieval system which would simply be the interface between public, i.e. shared,
experience and private experience. This interface should be capable of transferring
meaningful information that enriches user’s experience not only knowledge. In order
to be able to work on this kind of systems it is necessary first to investigate the
possibility of affect representation in information systems to which we dedicate
large parts of this thesis. Here let us just state that affect representation seeks for
methods and techniques of non-linguistic representation of affective subjective states
enriching knowledge and ways for its processing and emulation. There is an emerging
interdisciplinary branch of computer science that deals with this matter: affective
computing (Picard, 1997; Scherer, Bänziger, and Roesch, 2010) which contributes to
the larger field of affective sciences (Davidson, Scherer, and Goldsmith, 2003), which
for the moment seems not to include affective information science to which we would
like to contribute, albeit there are already publications in the area of information
science that deal with the importance of affect to information behaviour search and
theory identifying new affective paradigm within (Nahl and Bilal, 2007).

2.4 Conclusion
In this chapter we have introduced the key terms relevant to the subject matter of the
thesis as well as we have put the problems discussed herewith in the multidisciplinary
context. The key terms has been introduced with emphasis on presenting differences
in accounts of the concepts behind these terms between different fields that overlap
with the subject matter of this thesis. Preliminary own definitions of knowledge,
experience and affective information retrieval has been proposed. The terminological
discussion presented in this chapter will echo in following chapters as it is closely
related to the objective of this mostly theoretical dissertation.
Chapter 3

Towards affective theory of


The objective of this chapter is to first elucidate the seemingly fuzzy term: experience
and then synthesize with our own account of experience. The analysis of the concept
will be carried out mainly form the point of view of philosophy of mind, cognitive
neuroscience, psychology and information science as to provide for a possibly wide
yet contemporary perspective on the phenomenon.
To achieve the goal of this chapter we will start with contrasting knowledge
with experience, which shall lead us to the preliminary formulation of our revised
account of experience and its relation to knowledge. In chapter two, we will look into
the nature of experience by analysing qualities of consciousness that are inherent
in experience. The most critical properties of experience that are subjectivity and
temporarily will be discussed in separate sections. The discussion on subjective
character of experience will echo the debate on qualia which are in philosophy of
mind considered experience quanta. Then the affective dimension of experience will
be discussed as it touches upon the pivotal element in our account for which reason
an entire section is devoted to this topic. Finally, links between experience and
rational agency will be established.
This is done with the purpose to propose a formal definition of experience and a
framework for representing experience and emulating natural agency in information
systems, which will be the main subject of the next chapter.

3.1 Is knowledge equal to experience?

In this section we will try to answer the question from the title which in principle is
how knowledge relates to the subjective dimension of experience. Unlike the other
questions that have been discussed extensively by philosophers since ancient times
the question about subjective components of experience and its relation to knowledge
has not been the central point of focus of philosophical debate, at least not so framed.


Only fairly recently contemporary philosophy of mind, cognitive science and AI

research in the XX century focused on emotion and affect as relevant components of
knowledge and behaviour and has tried to track relations between these concepts
and experience. This question is of key importance for the thesis proposition, as
we have claimed that what differentiates knowledge and experience is exactly what
escapes the attention of mainstream knowledge representation theories, that is: the
subjective dimension of experience, still being an inseparable element of knowledge
in the general meaning of the term, as a basis for an agent getting self-oriented in
the world and taking action.
This section will discuss the nature of knowledge and experience with the purpose
of separating the differentiating component of our interest. To start with let come
back again for a wile to the definitions of both terms.
The questions what is knowledge is philosophical, epistemological to be more
precise, in nature. Philosophers have debated over millennia on a few fundamental
questions related to human knowledge and cognition which include: (i) what is
knowledge in general sense (nature, ontology of knowledge), (ii) what does it mean
that someone knows something (meaning of knowledge), (iii) how knowledge is
created (possibility of knowledge and methods of cognition), (iv) how can we be sure
that what we know is true (the problem of truth), (v) what can we know and what
we can never be sure about (limits of knowledge), (vi) what is the difference between
to know something and to experience something if there is any (subjective dimension
of knowledge). There is not enough space for a solid discussion on all of these topic
in this thesis, for which reason it is necessary to ration the scope of focus only to
those that are most relevant to its main theme, i.e. the first (i) and the last one (vi),
with particular emphasis on the sixth epistemological question from the above list,
i.e. what is the difference, if any, between knowledge and experience.
A few definitions of knowledge has been quoted and discussed in chapter 2 where
we concluded to rest on the following one, which is an adaptation of a definition
proposed by Muraszkiewicz (Muraszkiewicz, 2011), largely influenced by intentional
epistemology and linguistic philosophical tradition:

“Knowledge are all the intentional states of minded-selves that can be

represented in language (natural or artificial) or other non-linguistic
intentionality expressions that have a logical value determined by its
correspondence to the real world or possible abstract worlds.”

In chapter 2 we ended up with a definition of experience as proposed by Kaczmarek

and Ryżko (Kaczmarek and Ryżko, 2009) as remembered states of mind resulting
from appreciation of stimulus events that determine generically any human behaviour.
Let us take this as a starting point and work o this definition further.
The elements of this definition that remain unclear are: (i) what is the relation
between the stimulative event and the state of mind?; (ii) how experience is remem-

bered, as a set of past discrete events or is somehow amalgamated into one, unified
sort of total experience?; (iii) how conscious and unconscious shape experience and
which dimension is covered by the proposed definition?; (iv) what can we say about
the subjective quality of experiences?; (v) what is the relationship between knowledge
and experience. In this section we will concentrate on the last element meanwhile
the rest will be discussed throughout the remaining body of the chapter.
Einstein said that “The only source of knowledge is experience” (Einstein, Podol-
sky, Rosen, et al., 1935), which suggests that knowledge can be considered as instances
of human experience. Another classic quotation attributed to Einstein is “Knowledge
is experience. Everything else is just information” (Zeleny, 2002). For Einstein there
was a clear distinction between knowledge and information but knowledge and expe-
rience was one. The important question here is whether we can reverse this statement
and say that any instance of experience is knowledge? To challenge this question let
us come back to the considerations on what is knowledge in general, in simplified
classic terms whether knowledge is episteme, doxa or endoxa? Importantly however
the solution to this problem is not relevant to the main argument of this thesis.
Regardless the approach taken on the knowledge-truth problem, or regardless the
eventual definition of knowledge, we can rest on the assertion that knowledge always
would inherit the qualities of human consciousness, as an experiencing conscious
human mind is the only source of knowledge, but also its ultimate end-user.
Importantly however the mainstream definitions of knowledge proposed by knowl-
edge representation theorists (see Chapter 2) rely on language, for which reason they
cannot encompass all the qualities of conscious experience. Alfred North Whitehead
rightly noticed that ”An enormous part of our mature experience cannot be expressed
in words” (Whitehead, Griffin, and Sherburne, 1979) And this is not because some
words are still to be created to name the knowledge that is yet to be uncovered, but
because of immanent structural limitations of language as language is not a direct
but indirect mean of human cognition 1 .
Which is that Whitehead had in mind while saying “enormous part” of experience
that escapes the expressive capacities of language? The two following sections will
consider this question in detail, now let us preliminarily propose that this missing
part includes at least three elements:
1. Subjective qualitative feeling inherited from the consciousness of minded-self;

2. The unconscious component of experience, which will be left in further discus-

sion as we have rationed the scope of the argument to the conscious experience;

3. Emotions.
As noted in chapter 2 the boundary between emotions and feelings is blurred,
however later we will try to explain this relationship in more depth. At this stage it is
See subsection 3.3.2 for further discussion

important to highlight that they are separate phenomena, furthermore emotions are
much better studied and understood than consciousness, and theories of consciousness
that embrace both emotionality and the subjective feelings of consciousness are
relatively recent and not fully established yet.
Let us conclude this section with a hypothesis that the definitions of knowledge
that impose on the scope of knowledge the limits of language are not capable of
embracing the concept of knowledge in broad terms as nurtured by Einstain and
Whitehead, but not in the ontological sense but cognitive sense. The missing compo-
nent is mostly the subjective quality of consciousness and emotions. Importantly, as
we will later try to argue, the omission of this component - the inner, intentional
qualitative dimension of experience - makes the knowledge representation lame and
imposes limits on real life applications, this is because ultimately it is the experience
that determines the rational agent’s purposeful behaviour, and because any minded
self can have access only to this form of knowledge.

3.2 Consciousness as the playground for knowledge

and experience
Philosophy of mind that has become the central theme of contemporary philosophy
has replaced to certain degree the traditional ontological and epistemological questions
with debate on the nature of consciousness.

“(...) consciousness is the condition that makes it possible for anything at

all to matter to anybody. Only to conscious agents can there ever be a
question of anything mattering or having any importance at all.” (Searle,
Dennett, and Chalmers, 1997, p. xiv).

As Searle proposes above anything that happens in mind, including knowledge

and subjective experiences depends on consciousness and inherits qualities from the
more general phenomena that consciousness appears to be. In this section we will
provide and overview of the contemporary account of consciousness with the purpose
to identify its qualities that shape the nature of conscious experience.

3.2.1 Types and states of conscious experience

Before we start to enumerate the qualities of consciousness we shall make a short note
on the distinction between conscious and unconscious experiencing. It is recognized
that as experience is a product of activity of human mind it depends on both
conscious and unconscious mind processes. Karl Lashley provocatively states that
”no activity of the mind is ever conscious”, as all that is conscious in human mind is
built on the inaccessible unconscious information processing in the brain. Despite

the acknowledged significance of unconscious brain processes to both experience and

behaviour we have regretfully decided to exclude the unconsciousness as the factor
influencing the quality of conscious experience. Only in so far as it manifests itself in
emotional processes that are known and described by neuroscience literature shall
we try to include unconsciousness in the scope of discussion. The remaining part will
be the subject of further work.
What is consciousness? Apparently this remains one of the big masteries that
science has not managed to explain yet. However advancements in brain studying
methods and technologies and significant popularity of the topic approached from
many disciplines: philosophy, cognitive and clinical psychology, psychiatry, neuro-
science, information science, artificial intelligence in particular, brought huge amount
of literature on it, and which is more important, resulted in some early progress
towards disentangling this mystery.
The modern study of consciousness involves a couple of underlying problems: (i)
what we mean when we say consciousness, what are the kinds of consciousness we can
experience, what does it mean to be conscious (concepts of consciousness) (ii) what
are the qualities of consciousness, how does it feel like to be conscious (descriptive
character of consciousness); (iii) how consciousness is happening, in particular how
it is created by the brain (ontology of consciousness); (iv) how consciousness relates
to and impacts behaviour of all sorts (function of consciousness). This questions
will be looked at in this section with the objective to understand how consciousness
maps onto knowledge and determines purposeful behaviour. There are also other
fundamental questions related to consciousness that are of metaphysical character,
referring to the problems of existence, spirituality, art and religion, which we will
not discuss.
The principal trouble with consciousness is that it is purely subjective and we
cannot have a direct insight into someone else’s consciousness, so we can only study
it via indirect methods like observation and intra-subjective comparisons. As for
direct methods the only tool we have is introspection in which case we are limited to
investigating our own consciousness. This causes a problem with defining what does
it mean to be conscious in objective linguistic terms. Therefore it is important to
make a few terminological assumptions which will make further discussion of this
topic easier.
By saying that A is conscious we may mean a wide range of things, starting
with any mental-like process, or a very broad understanding of consciousness as
capability of sensing to the much narrower conception of consciousness that is a
mental state of an awake human being. Armstrong suggested there are three main
types of consciousness: minimal, perceptual, and introspective(Armstrong, 1979). The
minimal is when any mental activity occurs, the perceptual when a subject is capable
of sensing still may not have a sense of self, is not self-aware, finally, the introspective
consciousness is as perception-like awareness of the subject’s own current mental states

and activities, which is recurrent, i.e. involves being introspectively conscious of the
introspective consciousness itself. Introspective consciousness, concludes Armstrong,
is a necessary condition for the presence of awareness of a self and the past history
of that self.
As talking about consciousness in interpersonal terms can currently only be done
on the basis of intuition, our intuition dictates that the nature of consciousness
is much more heterogeneous than Armstrong proposes. This heterogeneity starts
already at the level of members of the same species, like human beings (for instance,
between sexes, cultural communities, people with different mental capacities, people
at different stage of mental development, but we will risk to say that likely even
between identical twins), and gets bigger and bigger as we go down the evolutionary
ladder comparing different species of primates, mammals, reverberates and finally
the simplest forms of life: single cell organisms. So types of consciousness could be
pointed on a continuum from simplest sensing capabilities of most primitive single
cell organisms to different types of human wakefulness, or likely beyond that to some
higher states of consciousness evoked by drugs, trances, meditation, discussion of
which falls beyond the scope of this thesis. Still there are important landmarks on
this continuum which can be tested with behavioural experiments or brain activity
measurements. The important landmark for us is the consciousness of a healthy adult
human being that can have the following 3 modes: (i) wakefulness, (ii) dreaming,
(iii) deep dreamless sleep.
Having said that we must streamline that unconscious mental processes are those
that are never accessible to self in all above mentioned modes of normal consciousness,
not the processes that are going on in the brain when one is not awake, i.e. sleeping
or in a sort of coma.
There are many accounts of what a mental conscious state is and what is its
origin. We will try to present selected, to us most convincing accounts originating
from philosophy of mind and neuro science.
Van Gulick (Van Gulick, 2011) identifies six main possibilities discussed in the
contemporary philosophy of mind: (i) consciousness as meta-intentionality, which
requires the consciousness be mental states that are themselves about mental states;
(ii) consciousness as qualitative feeling, which emphasises the importance of the
existence of qualitative or experiential properties of mental states, i.e. qualia (see
the final subsection for details); (iii) phenomenal consciousness, which concentrates
on phenomenal structure of consciousness, its spatial, temporal and conceptual
organization of relationship between agent and external environment (so this approach
contains the intentionalist view on consciousness); (iv) first-personal consciousness
that stems from the classical article by Nagel (Nagel, 1974) in which he proposes that
for an organism to have conscious experience it is necessary that there is ”something
it is like to be that organism”, therefore it requires I and I-am-ness; (v) access
consciousness, conceptualized by Block (Block, 1995), which sees the availability of

the informational content of experience for use and guidance by the organism as
a decisive factor constituting conscious mental state; (vi) narrative consciousness
which accounts for the consciousness that can be reduced to the stream of narrative
episodes experienced from the perspective of an agent, either natural or artificial,
which account is strongly supported by Daniel Dennett (Dennett, 1991) who questions
the existence of qualia and views unity of consciousness as illusionary.
Contemporary philosophers of mind polarize into two main groups one composed
of those that still accept Cartesian dualism (e.g. Chalmers, Penrose) and the other
the supporters of materialistic, reductionistic account of consciousness as illusionary,
non-existent phenomenon that is nothing more but collection of lower level processes
in the brain.
The former group is led by Dennett. Dennett’s account is particular because it
assumes that there is no consciousness that matters, the consciousness is illusive,
irrelevant phenomena crafted by the brain that builds the illusion up from sensational
bits and pieces, meanwhile all the processes in the brain can be decomposed to purely
physical processes and entities. He favours the view on consciousness as a stream of
tiny building blocks of mental states that build up the illusive feeling of unified field of
consciousness (Dennett, 1991). This account is intriguing as some convincing parallels
can be drawn. As for instance we can easily enjoy the continuity and flawlessness
of a piece of music encoded in .mp3 audio file formats that deceives our ear with a
lowered bitrate, the organisational capacity of our brain could allow it to make up
for the missing gaps between bits and pieces of intentional contents fed by our senses
creating an illusion of continuity and unity of consciousness. Gestalt phenomenon is
often given as another exemplification of this brain capacity.
Somewhat against these two mainstream approaches Searle provides his alternative
account which he calls biological naturalism (Searle, Dennett, and Chalmers, 1997).
Searle believes that consciousness is entirely the product of biological, physical body,
mostly brain and central nervous system (rejection of dualism) that is at the same
time irreducible condition which has a qualitative, subjective and unified feeling to
it, qualitative in the sense that for any conscious state, there is something that it
“qualitatively feels like to be in that state”, and subjective in the sense that they only
exist when experienced by a some sort of a subject, continuously over time. The
key to understanding this view is Searle’s deep critique and rejection of traditional
concepts in studying nature of human mind influenced by Cartesian dualism. The
problem according to Searle is that we erroneously believe that ”mental” cannot
be ”physical” at the same time. Searle compares consciousness to other higher level
processes in the body such as digestion, which despite being composed only of cells
account for a process at higher level that has new properties and functions. Similarly
CNS created consciousness that plays pivotal role in life management of the organism.
Searlian biological naturalism is similar to non-reductionist physicalism. Searle defines
consciousness in the following way:

“Consciousness consists of inner, qualitative, subjective states and pro-

cesses of sentience or awareness.”

Unlike Dennett, Searle favours describing consciousness as a field, rather then a

stream. He visualizes it as a plain or hyperplane that has some sensitivity potential
and fluctuates as intentional contents come in and out of it.
It is still unknown how any of the three accounts of the consciousness proposed by
philosophers of mind could be implemented in the brain. Still brain science provides
important input to the debate although each side of the debate uses neuro-cognitive
evidence pretty selectively. Importantly experienced neurologists and brain scientists
propose their own accounts of the phenomena, a tiny selection of which will be
presented below.
Modern science in general acknowledges that everything that is in mind has its
neural representation, or at least causes in the biological brain which is nothing
but a highly complex system composed of activated or inhibited neurons (Kandel,
2009). A natural intuition of many computer scientists is therefore to believe that if
we could represent firings of neurons with a relevant precision we could emulate a
fully functioning brain in an artificial system, this constitutes a philosophical stance
known as computer functionalism, which builds on the mind-brain and computer
hardware-software analogy. This stance remains highly controversial, and we share
the opinion of Searle and other philosophers who believe that the fact that the brain
is materialised in leaving biological tissues, not in silico, does matter (Searle, 2004).
Nevertheless, the analogy is highly appealing, especially if we make use of it not to
create artificial intelligence but merely represent mental phenomena in information
systems for the purposes such as knowledge management, decision support, and alike.
For the above reason it is worth investigating what is the account of consciousness
and self from the perspective of contemporary neuroscience. It is important to
highlight that the field of neurobiology and brain science is challenged with the
incredible complexity of central nervous system for which reason as a general rule
the main effort under this field is invested in studying tiny little aspects or processes
at a lower level of brain regions or neuronal circuits, focusing on carefully selected
problems or sub-problems. The studies that would embrace higher level complexities
and focus on more general phenomena and concepts such as consciousness and
memory as a whole are less common and normally end up with a more or less likely
hypotheses rather than sharp answers. Means of verifications of these hypotheses are
not easy to come up with. So despite these are typically based on a solid scientific
foundations provided by research results at the lower level the general frameworks
usually are provisional, and there is virtually no complete and unquestioned theory of
any general brain function. A good evidence to this claim is the recently discovered
brain plasticity which turns out to much greater than it used to be believed, which

currently is redefining important brain research paradigms such as brain function

narrow specialisation (Schwartz and Begley, 2003).
Before we introduce the mainstream hypothesis by neurologists on how conscious-
ness happens and is implemented in the brain let us make a general introduction
that unlike in philosophy of mind where unity of consciousness is underlined, in
neurology there is a tendency to look at consciousness as process or even a compound
of processes to which more than one area in the brain contributes. Similarly in case
of the concept knowledge there is a tendency to look at it as a process: process of
knowing rather than an object of possession. Furthermore the sole notion of the
consciousness is usually considered as a triad: (i) wakefulness or awareness, (ii) mind,
and (iii) self, and often deeper decomposition of these concepts takes place, similarly
as it happens with brain regions and their corresponding functions.
Damasio (Damasio, 2010) proposes that normal consciousness is only possible
if the three main conditions are fulfilled: (i) a subject is awake, (ii) it has a fully
operational mind, which is constituted by brain processes responsible for capturing,
memorising and handling all sorts of images (representations of intentional contents),
both sensory and inward directed, (iii) last but not least, it has a ”sense of self as
protagonist of experience”.

“Brain constructs consciousness by generating a self process within an

awake mind. (...) Wakefulness and mind are indispensable components
of consciousness, but the self is the distinctive element.”(Damasio, 2010,
p. 180)

The sense of self, the protagonist with the thought of itself, comes in three stages as
well: (i) the protoself that is formed by images mapped from the body inner part, by
so called primordial feelings fundamental, spontaneous feelings of a living body that
originate at the level of brain stem which is an evolutionarily older part of the brain
and the meeting point of the cortical parts of the brain and the spinal cord connecting
the body with the brain; (ii) the core self that emerges as the protoself gets modified
by an interaction with objects of external world within the space of mind; (iii) finally
the autobiographical self is fully formed when the pulses of core self created by
manipulating images of past and anticipated future experiences interacting with
protoself are put together in a coherent pattern creating a continuous autobiography
across time. Importantly, consciousness should not be equalled to wakefulness, nor
to mere mind. Mind is a fundamental space in which protoself interacting with
images forming the core self and the basis for emerging the autobiographical self, so
it is a part, or a sine qua non condition for consciousness, meanwhile wakefulness
determines to which degree the self is present in mind. Under the account of Damasio
the qualitative feeling of experience is realised at the level of protoself. The primordial
feelings that build up the proself have their particular quality, valence, somewhere
along the pleasure-to-pain range but also intensity as the pleasant and unpleasant

states may be stronger or weaker. This is a critical stance, as this means that all the
contents of mind are in a way reflected in the protoself, inheriting undoubtedly the
feeling, qualitative valence and intensity from it.
Somewhat similarly Panksepp (Panksepp, 1998; Panksepp, 2008) talks about
three levels of processes that correspond to the three stages in which full human
consciousness arises: (i) primary processes that reflect brain/mind basic functions
of biological brain; (ii) secondary processes reflecting learned symbolizations and
object relations in the world (which sounds like those standing behind intentionality;
(iii) finally tertiary processes, which unlike the previous two might be only found
in humans, which stand for autobiographical self, i.e. thoughts about thoughts and
emotions. This directly corresponds to the three levels of consciousness that Tulving
talked about: (i) anoetic consciousness, meaning experience without knowing; (ii)
noetic consciousness, knowledge-based consciousness; and (iii)autonoetic conscious-
ness which is build by autobiographical memories (Tulving, 1985). Panksepp believes
that affect is present at each of these three levels, primary process emotions, sec-
ondary level emotional processes modulated by learned relations, and higher-order
derivative processes that may be only studied in human experience. Importantly, we
know relatively much about the primary-process affects based on extensive studies
with animal models, much less or very little on higher-level process affects typical for
human experience (Panksepp and Campbell, 2010).
Ledoux (LeDoux, 2002) contributes to the discussion on neurological underpin-
nings of consciousness primarily with his considerably sceptical account of the overall
importance of conscious experience compared to the non-conscious brain processes.
Ledoux indeed supports the claim that consciousness will be fully explained in terms
of brain processes one day but at the same time notes that this discovery will not be
a major breakthrough as what is evidently far more important for understanding the
human nature are the non-conscious brain processes. These cannot be studied by
introspection, solely by brain studying experiments. Consequently he distinguishes
two parts of self: (i) implicit self which accounts for aspects of self that are not
immediately available to consciousness either because of their implicit nature or
being not accessible at a given moment, and (ii) explicit self which is all that is
immediately, consciously accessible to the subject of experience.
Concluding the above introduced contemporary neurological theories of conscious-
ness let us assert that affect plays a fundamental role in building consciousness. It is
also important to stress that conscious selves subjectively experience their “I” in the
way it is proposed by philosophers of mind, i.e. as a unified field of consciousness,
rather than the way neurological account suggests, as multiple brain processes. So
from the perspective of an experiencing self there is one conscious field. Still the
objective nature of experience is likely to be as brains study evidence tells us, so
in the deliberative process, in which the self engages, it takes knowledge contents
that are amalgamated with primordial feelings and makes decision based on both

intentional contents and affect that are from the subjective perspective at least
inseparable elements of a conscious mental state.
It is clearly visible from the above very brief overview of main theories of con-
sciousness that it is very difficult to say what consciousness is without referring
to other concepts such as mental states, experience, being, I-am-ness, etc. which
themselves are ambiguous. Consciousness and intentionality are so fundamental
concepts in the study of mind that they become axiomatic. This exemplifies the
difficulty in approaching and discussing consciousness at all, as the efforts targeted
at defining consciousness often ends up in a deadlock of recurrence. For this reason
it is reasonable to try to define the phenomenon descriptively, i.e. to enumerate the
unquestionable or at least plausible characteristics of consciousness which tell us
more about the nature of it. Interestingly, with few examples, modern philosophers
of mind tend to agree on the majorities of qualities of human consciousness despite
being at odds when it comes to its genesis.
To wrap up, consciousness is the playground for conscious experiencing. The
intentionality of mind realizes itself in consciousness and fills itself up with intentional
contents. Consciousness in this sense seems equal to mind. Mind is simply conscious-
ness in all of its modes. The totality of mind’s intentional contents that are directed
towards both outside world and within of the mindbody build up the experience.
With such an account of consciousness let us have a look into its main properties.
These properties are critical for providing a plausible account of knowledge and later
methods for their representation in the information systems.

3.2.2 The qualities of conscious experience

The only possible and available mean to understand consciousness and its significance
to purposeful behaviour is to realise how descriptively consciousness is like, what
properties it has, what is its structure. Different authors suggest different number of
defining properties of consciousness, James (James, 1890) identified 5 “chakactees”
(characteristics) of conscious thought, Searle counted up 11 (Searle, 2004), but we
would like to concentrate on 6 that are always between those to be mentioned first
and are highly significant to the remaining part of the argument.
Qualitativeness (i) and subjectivity (ii) are the most significant properties of
consciousness and may be considered together. The conscious mental states have a
subjective, i.e. experienced by some sort of a subject: an agent, an organism, and
qualitative feeling in the sense that it always feels like for this subject to be in
that state. What is highly important this feeling apart from taking one of endless
possible qualitative forms it can be either pleasant or unpleasant to the subject so
that it is always unambiguously liked, disliked or ambivalent. Some authors treat the
qualitative valence as separate property (e.g. (Searle, 2004)) but to us it seems that
it may be considered together with qualitativeness in broader terms. The qualitative

character of conscious mental states is of key importance to our later argument for
which reason we will discuss it thoroughly in a separate, following section, and we
will come back to it later still on many occasions.
Unity (iii) of consciousness is the third fundamental property of consciousness.
Consciousness is unified in two distinct manners, firstly it is unified across time,
one mental state follows another and keep consistency over the lifetime of a healthy
individual, secondly at each point in time the consciousness is felt unified in the
sense that different appreciations do not come separately but as a whole, a textbook
illustration of it is that we do not feel separately our shirt on the back and the
objects in front of our eyes and the sounds of someone speaking as separate instances
but rather as one, unified experience. The property of unity can be illustrated with
either of the two following metaphors: a metaphor of “stream of consciousness” or
a metaphor of “unified field of consciousness”. There is an important difference
between these two approaches, the former one assumes that the consciousness is a
sequence of discrete mental states equivalent to appreciations of sensations or thoughts
meanwhile the latter sees consciousness rather as a fluctuating field in which these
appreciations are reflected. Both views have their supporters and opponents, the
former is supported for instance by James and contemporaneously by Dennett, the
latter by Kant, contemporaneously by Searle (Searle, 2004) and Damasio (Damasio,
2010) to name a few. Similarly, there is an ontological consequence of this difference
for consciousness, in first case the consciousness and its unity can be considered
illusionary meanwhile in the second the ontological and physical existence (in some
sort of neural representation) of consciousness is assumed. The unity of consciousness
is a subject of itself, notably a separate book by Michael Tye on the topic appeared
delving into this particular quality of human experience (Tye, 2003), where many
types of unity are identified and discussed: object, subject, spatial, phenomenal,
introspective, Gestalt, neurophysiological and higher-order subject unity.
We will assume after many contemporary philosophers that indeed consciousness
is unified in a variety of ways, which adds to the significance of the subjective and
qualitative accompaniment to knowledge, because it acts causally on behaviour. It
is important to underline however that unity, as all the other properties discussed
in this section, is a “perceived” characteristic of consciousness which is confirmed
by our introspection. The unity at the level of conscious access does not necessarily
must mean its unity at “implementation” brain level. On the contrary, recent results
of neurological studies of the brain suggest that the consciousness may be realised
in the brain via multiple processes, and self is coming in stages: protoself, core self
and autobiographical self as suggested by Damasio (Damasio, 2010). However, it is
important to highlight that the fact we feel consciousness as unified does matter,
even if it may be an illusion as Dennett believes. As we pay much attention to the
subjectivity of the conscious experience the unity of consciousness is important to us
because it is subjectively perceived as such, so from the point of view of experience

representation and modelling that is critical, and will be addressed in chapter 4 and
we will be coming back to this point on many occasions.
The intentionality (iv) of consciousness means the unique capacity of mental
states to refer to the external world, to be about objects/states/processes that are
external to it. This aboutness allows mental states to be “filled in” with content.
These contents can be many forms, including sensations, abstract thought, all sorts
of images in general, which stay with the mind in the intentionalist relation, i.e.
mental conscious states are about the external entities and this is how the content
of the mental states is build. These contents can be stored in memory in different
formats, both in raw images (visionary, auditory, etc.) and organised with some sort
of abstract symbolic representations, mostly with natural language. This is primarily
why language cannot embrace the entirety of the mental contents, as it is merely
a means of organisation of intentional contents of the mind, still it does very well
in describing these contents. But regardless the language can capture entirely the
intentional contents or not, it definitely cannot capture what is beyond it, i.e. the
qualitative, inner subjective feeling of the subject that accompany the creation of
intentional contents of the mind. This is pivotal. The intentional contents of mental
states is knowledge, the qualitative feeling of having this mental state to the subject
complements knowledge giving rise to experience. As some part of consciousness
is always directed towards the inner side of the mind and body of the subject and
in parallel towards the external world realising its intentional capacity, and at the
same time these two are amalgamated in the unified field of consciousness, both
knowledge and its qualitative subjective feeling build up the unified experience. We
assume it is safe to risk a statement that it is not knowledge equals experience as
Einstein proposed, rather consciousness is experience and knowledge is its intentional
The fifth quality of consciousness to be discussed is attention selectivity (v).
Consciousness is selective in the sense that mental contents that appear in the field
attract different level of attention from the self. The self tends to engage in only
one selected content at a time over a given attention span and the remaining part is
passing in the background. It may be the case however than more contents are given
higher attention in parallel, which happens for instance in multitasking, however the
universal property of consciousness is that it has a center and periphery, so some
contents manage to draw the attention of the self others to a lesser extend. Although
there can be significant plasticity in this property of consciousness and capability of
managing the focus of attention may vary significantly between individuals, as for
instance some people are more capable of multitasking and following two or more
threads of thought in parallel.
The interesting part is how attention is governed. Damasio’s account of the issue
is that a hypothetical mechanism which he labelled “somatic markers hypothesis”
applies here, which in short says that each content that appears in the consciousness

is emotionally marked or “highlighted” which allows the mind to decide about the
importance of the appreciated stimuli and present them to the attention of the self.
This hypothesis will be further discussed in the following section as it is important
for the arguments to be presented later in chapter 4.
The sixth property: plasticity (vi) will be introduced and discussed at the end of
the section providing for a conclusion and interlude to the subsequent parts of the
chapter. Besides the aforementioned six characteristics there are also other included
by philosophers of mind and cognitive scientists which are less relevant to this thesis
however are vital for understanding consciousness as a whole, therefore we will briefly
discuss them in the following paragraphs.
Searle (Searle, 2004) distinguishes: situatedness, Gestalt selectivity, and mood
dependence as separate properties of consciousness, which is debatable. Importantly
the existence and reality of this properties is not to be questioned but merely their
separation as independent properties. We see that these are already captured by the
six properties discussed earlier.
Situatedness (vii) which is embraces the property of consciousness such that
conscious self always know the some basic background, contextual facts, such as
the time of the year, the whether, the geographic location, the time of the day, etc,
we see as redundant with unity and intentionality, as the context that situatedness
encapsulates seems nothing but repeatedly invoked intentional contents about the
environment the agent sits in and the continuity of these contents due to the unity
of consciousness. Similarly Gestalt selectivity seems a combination of unity, indeed
Tye (Tye, 2003) refers to it as Gestalt unity, and attention selectivity.
Gestalt selectivity (viii) is a highly interesting property of conscious mind, presum-
ably also the unconscious mind works in this way but it is not evident, extensively
studied by Gestalt psychologists (Köhler, 1929) which can be described as an organisa-
tional capacity of the mind aiming at, in plain terms, making sense of the intentional
contents it captures. This sense making is usually about building up a “bigger” and
complete concepts from the captured sensory data, fitting the newly captured sensory
data into these bigger concepts, which is a mechanism that serves the organisation
of sensory data and mental intentional contents into meaningful concepts and more
elaborate mental stories persistent overtime. Gestalt psychologists used behavioural
tests to prove this in which they used purposive crafted pictures that represented at
the same time two different images, of which the classic textbook example is a black
and white picture that can appear both as two faces directed towards each other or
a vase. Depending on which of the two images the mind concentrates on the one is
captured by the conscious mind. The interesting properties of the conscious mind
is that it can swap between the two but it is hard or impossible to “see” or, better
said, experience both at the same time. The above description of the phenomena
shall serve as sufficient justification why we reckon these properties as a derivative of
broadly understood unity of consciousness and selectivity of attention.

Finally, mood dependence (ix) fits under the scope of qualitativeness and will be
discussed together with it in the following section.
Another proposition by Searle is to tell apart the active/passive (x) consciousness
as states of consciousness activated during engagement in a voluntary action and
passive perception respectively. Although, as he rightly stresses, there is a clear
difference between voluntarily raising an arm as part of a conscious act, and having
an arm raised by someone who stimulates relevant part of motor cortex, an example
taken from the famous experiments by neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield (Penfield, 1975)
, we would rather think of a voluntary action mechanism not as an integral part of
consciousness but rather as a mechanism to which consciousness is a “background
environment”. Consciousness is necessary for voluntary purposeful behaviour and is
the background for it but it is not consciousness itself.
Mode dynamism (xi) is a property that has a more indirect consequence to
our considerations and is about ability of consciousness to be in an “on” and “off”
mode and some other modes “in between”. The modes in question include: normal
wakefulness, dreaming, deep sleep without dreams, and different forms of coma. As
Damasio rightly says (Damasio, 2010) the boundaries between these fairly stable
and well studied states of consciousness is not so sharp. We can experience this
ourselves when our consciousness shifts from one to another. Being tired, sleepy,
falling asleep, awaking, loosing consciousness are all intermediary states in which
our state of consciousness is largely undefined, which we experience and define
as passing out or coming to. Studying these processes is one of the way towards
understanding consciousness and its building blocks. Damasio hypothesises that
the way consciousness is put together and decomposed each time consciousness
changes its operating mode suggests that consciousness relies on more than one
core location or system in the brain and it is rather a process than an object. He
proposes that consciousness is composed of a few building blocks which get activated
non-simultaneously, provoking the particular, awkward feeling to it, lasting until all
are finally rightly “lit-up”. But more importantly, it may happen that only some of
these blocks get activated while others remain inactive for a longer period of time as
consequence of drugs or physical interference, a knock in the head or solar plexus for
instance, which provides some clues on how consciousness is engineered in the brain.
These findings are important for us only indirectly, i.e. the property itself does not
impact much our later considerations and the frameworks elaborated in chapter 4, as
we have already rationed the scope of our focus to the normal, awake consciousness
state, but it is interesting as far as it provides a way towards understanding the nature
Penfield, who was searching for causes of epileptic seizures and regions in the brain involved
in the disorder, performed experiments that involved stimulating with electrodes the surface of
exposed patient’s brain trying to thus identify the regions that triggered the seizures. When he
stimulated the motor cortex he could provoke involuntary movements of patient’s limbs. However
the patients described the corresponding conscious experience provoked by this stimulation with
these words: “I didn’t do that, you did it!”

of consciousness in general. And so, Damasio’s conclusions form his investigations and
theoretical considerations are that we can look on consciousness from two distinct
vantage points which results in two types of self: self as observer and, younger from
the evolutionary perspective, self as knower. The former appreciates a dynamic
object constituted by workings of minds, traits of behaviour, and history of life,
the latter is the process that gives a focus to our experiences and lets us reflect on
those experiences (Damasio, 2010, p. 8). The consequences of this distinction will be
discussed in the following section when we look into the role of emotion in creating
The emergence of self from consciousness is usually taken as one of the char-
acteristics of consciousness which we shall refer to as Iamness (xii). Nagel (Nagel,
1974) in the essay ”What it is like to be a bat?” noticed that conscious experience
defines act of being, underlying thus the very subjective character of experience.
Mind is that which thinks and experiences, thus thinking and experiencing defines
a minded creature, including a human being (Graham, 1998). Nagel was one of
the first contemporary IA thinkers to emphasize the fundamental significance of
conscious experience to constituting being. One can say that something is only when
there is something that feels like being that thing. Therefore in order to be able to
say ”I am” there must be consciousness. This immanent Iamness of consciousness
is where ontology meets epistemology. If we suppose for a while that consciousness
in a much more broad sense is pure intentionality and assume that beings which
do not have enough elaborate brains to have consciousness of a sort that has been
discussed throughout this section, still can have some more primitive capabilities of
intentionality, which are abundant in even simplest single cell organisms, but also in
could be found in the domain of plethora where lifeless objects are bound with laws
of physics, we indeed can risk stating that existence without intentionality, i.e. ability
of one entity to be about another, would not make any sense nor make any difference
therefore had no meaning. Although the Iamness of consciousness unquestionably
touches the most fundamental philosophical questions, for the purposes of this thesis
it is sufficient that we consider it as element of subjectivity and unity of experience.
Finally, we would like to add to the list of considered properties of consciousness
the plasticity (xiii). The plasticity of the brain is one of the topical issues in current
neurocognitive and brain studies (Kolb, 1995; Shaw, McEachern, and McEachern,
2001; Schwartz and Begley, 2002). As brain manifests incredible flexibility and
adaptability in many of its functional areas very likely this capability is also visible in
consciousness, to which some evidence of introspective nature can be provided. The
good example confirming the plasticity of consciousness are those that demonstrate
that certain otherwise fixed, or common for many individuals, properties of it can be
altered by practice or experience over time. Such an example is the human capacity
to multi-task, i.e. concentrating on doing more than one thing at a time. Capability
of multitasking questions the selectiveness of consciousness, and can be gained by

practice. Especially nowadays and in younger generation, listening to music and

working/learning is a typical practice. The number of life management supporting
devices such as mobile electronic assistants, phones, tablets, portable computers that
allow us to be ”always on” impose on its users a requirement of multitasking. Heavy
users of this type of life-assisting machinery are forced to concentrate attention on
more than one thing and with time develop a capability to maintain a few streams
or consciousness or rather more than one threat within it. Another example is
training concentration and voluntarily control consciousness in meditation. In Ken
Wilber astonished the scientific community presenting tapes with recordings of his
encephalographic images of his brain activity while he meditated, showing that he
can voluntarily control mode of his consciousness reflected on EEG results with
alteration of electrical activity of his brain. What Wilber demonstrated was that
he can voluntarily control which of basic waveforms (the alpha, beta, theta, and
delta) his brain emits, ability that is beyond capacity of a normal, healthy brain,
which always emits waveforms that are typical of a given brain state or a stage of
development, e.g. delta are emitted normally by young children or during deep sleep,
beta after taking certain drugs, alpha are present only when one is awake but with
eyes closed, theta are common for children and young adults (Wilber, 1977b; Cahn
and Polich, 2006; Shapiro Jr and Walsh, 2008; Wilber, 1977a).
This is just one of may examples how mindful meditation can result in brain/consciousness
plasticity. Other are Schwartz’s (Schwartz and Begley, 2002) research at UCLA in
obsessive compulsive disorder treatment by means of mindful meditation, or Kabat-
Zinn’s work on treating stress disorders with the same technique (Kabat-Zinn, 1990;
Davidson, Scherer, and Goldsmith, 2003). Another comes from neuro-plasticity pi-
oneer and innovator Dr Michael Merzenich who worked out and patented many
training methodologies that leverage brain plasticity to assist people with cogni-
tive dysfunctions, in particular children’s language, learning and reading problems
(Buonomano and Merzenich, 1998; Merzenich et al., 1996).
We deeply believe that these capacities of human brain are yet to be fully explored,
and its limits remain largely a mystery for us. Likely achieving certain states of
consciousness and the brain which are now possible solely by alterations with drugs or
surgery can be achieved by practice directed inwards, introspectively. This however is
a topic that falls beyond the scope of the thesis and served solely to provide evidence
for consciousness plasticity.
From the point of view of our later arguments in chapter 4 the plasticity of the
brain, consciousness in particular, is somewhat problematic. The plasticity means
that the mind/brain is a highly adaptive therefore dynamic machinery, for which
reason it is hard to be captured and expressed in hard formal terms. Whatever a
description of this machinery, or its parts, in whatever formal system must include
structural plasticity itself. Learning, machine learning may be a solution here though
apparently the nature of learning this plasticity mandates is not necessary the

learning mechanism captured by learning algorithms. We will come back to this

discussion in Chapter 4, however let us highlight already here that the yet largely
unexplained plasticity of the brain, consequently consciousness as well, poses one
of the major obstacles and limits on the representation of experience in artificial
systems that by their nature lack this plasticity. On the other hand studying further
brain plasticity may provide for a better understanding of the indeterministic nature
of brain and consciousness manifested in free action. We will come back to this point
later speculating in the context of a discussion on the practical reason that brain
plasticity may serve as the entry point for explaining the phenomenon of free will.
In the next subsection we will concentrate on the qualitative dimension of expe-
rience. We will look at some most important question: What subjectively colours
consciousness, and consequently what colours conscious experience to be able to
take an account of how does it impact knowledge and its application in rational

3.2.3 Temporal dimension of conscious experience

In this section we will introduce an important quality of conscious experience that

results directly from the characteristics of biological brainmind functions: its volatility
in time.
The capacity to memorize mental/brain states and make references across time
between those states is one of the most, if not the most important capacity of human
brain which makes us unique from other mammals and primates. Many thought
leaders in the study of memory, such as Eric Kandel (Kandel, 2006) and Daniel L.
Schacter (Schacter, 2002) do believe that extraordinary memory capacities of human
brain makes us who we are and let us lead in the race of evolution. These capacities
decide about our intelligence and adaptation abilities, as impediments in memory
building caused by various types of diseases lead to serious limitations in basic mental
capabilities such as creativity, decision-making, learning and cognition. As Schacter
rightly puts it “Memory is so fundamental to the operation of the brain and mind
that students of the topic could be forgiven for feeling that their object of study is
perhaps the most central in all of cognitive neuroscience” (Gazzaniga, 2009, p. 655).
For the above reason we insisted on introducing this aspect into the definition
of experience, emphasizing that experience is build of remembered states of mind.
Regardless how spectacular the ability of a biological mind to remember is, we must
not forget that memory machinery is not flawless. Due to economic and practical
reasons imposed by evolution not each and every mental state can be stored in the
memory for lifetime. Our memories are incomplete, fragile, sometimes corrupt (false),
may be temporarily unavailable, can be permanently be kept away from the access
of consciousness (implicit memories). This has a direct influence on experience.

Experience directly inherits these capacities from memory, in fact we can risk
a statement that memory as phenomenon, not so much as capacity, equals to
experience. For this reason there can be no sound account of experience that does
not address processes of remembering and forgetting, which determine the temporal
dimension of experience. These processes are studied by cognitive neuroscientists
investigating memory processes, which usually include: (i) encoding, (ii)storage
and (iii)consolidation, and (iv)retrieval. Furthermore, from the cognitive functional
perspective a couple of memory forms can be considered: working, episodic, semantic,
priming and procedural memory, each governed by different functional nuclei or rather
interlinked neuronal circuits, which shows that memory is not a single phenomenon
or entity but rather a complex compound of brain sub-systems.
Importantly however, as we have made a point in previous sections when we
discussed consciousness from the perspective of the philosophy of mind, an important
quality of conscious experience is unity. It must be underlined that memory processes
are in vast part unconscious processes, and only the end result of these processing is
accessible to us consciously in thinking and deliberation. We can distinguish therefore
between implicit and explicit memories. In fact, a vast part of learning, i.e. encoding,
storing and consolidating memories, is carried out by the brain in the unconscious.
Our interest here is primarily focused on explicit memories that can be voluntarily
retrieved in consciousness.
The objective of this subsection is not to provide a detailed account of how
memory functions however, instead we want to emphasize two highly important
1. Experience being totally dependant on memory over time is subject to all the
four major memory processes, consequently it is prone to forgetting which
is a fact widely neglected in mainstream KR methods, therefore there is a
constant need for definition of algorithms that could emulate fundamental
memory processes in artificial systems;

2. There is reach scientific evidence to that memory is strongly dependant on

emotion, and that amygdala, a group of nuclei playing key role in emotional
management in the brain, modulates memory processes, it is therefore critical
for viable algorithms emulating memory processes in information systems to
take affective accompaniment to knowledge into account, which in turn requires
solid methods for affect representation in these systems.
The remaining part of the section will provide a brief overview of characteristics of
memory process that shapes most significantly the temporal dimension of experience,
notably: (i) the role of past memories in shaping the present and the future (ii) the
impact of emotions and feelings on memory.
Bowker inspired by Lyell, who was one of the classics to claim that history does
not exist as it just constitutes part of the present (Lyell, 1837), aptly gives us clues

on how important it is to look on the past experiences as part of the presence by


“Our reading of the past is generically under the description of the present
set of entities and phenomena (...). Past time is the same as present time;
past entities of the same order as present entities.” (Bowker, 2005, p. 227).

This assertion is strongly supported by neurocognitive account of brainmind, memory

in particular. It is not only that we use our current cognitive capacities to deliberate
about the past experiences, but also the past serves us as a founding base for
anticipating and simulating future events. First of all it must be noted that in general
the memory works in a way that the present mind states (brain maps build constantly
in real time) are encoded into a form of hash codes that serve in the recall process
to recreate the remembered map in the brain. Furthermore the memories about
objects are rather the record of multiple consequences of the organisms interactions
with them than the pictorial representation of structural details, for which reason
the memories about objects normally involve sensorimotor patterns associated with
the seeing, touching, manipulating the object as well as patterns related to the
triggering of emotions and feelings relative to the object and previously acquired
memories about the object. The above is suggested by the Convergence-Divergence
Zones (CDZ) theory of memory proposed by Damasio (Damasio, 2010), which
accounts that brain does not record the complete representations of the overall
mappings of neuron activities in different parts of the brain in the given instance,
but rather the coincidence of signals from neurones linked to the given map. When
the memories are recalled a mechanism of time-locked retro-activation is started in
which components of the map are retro-activated roughly simultaneously. This results
in an intrinsic capacity of memory machinery to store information not so about
fragmentary, isolated elements of reality but rather entire momentary instances of
unified field of consciousness, and the entire context of interaction with an object
(event) is both remembered and recalled. However, the recall as it is made based
on the coincidental ”hashed” neuronal maps instead of complete representations of
maps, may not be precise and is prone to error. This explains the contextual unity
of consciousness which persist over time and the imprecision of memory (forgetting
process) which starts already at the encoding stage and is dubbed by the instability
of memories over time.
The CDZ theory is an exemplification of a contemporary neurocognitive approach
to memorizing which suggest that remembering is not like reading out a stored
file, but rather it is a reconstructive process in which past and current experience
mingle with new information. (Gazzaniga, 2009, p. 691). The research on memory
re-consolidation, vastly advanced over recent decade, has provided us with important
insights into the process of forgetting. Traditionally it has been believed that long-
term memories are built in steps, first they exist in a labile (unstable) state and

afterwords they get fixed in the process called consolidation. It has been shown
recently that each time during recall memories enter into liable state even those that
have been consolidated already.
One of the many studies that support this account was conducted by Ledoux
and his team, on animal models: rats. Ledoux investigating the classical conditioned
learning in rats discovered that the moment a conditioned memory is recalled by
re-exposure to the conditioning stimulus the memory system gets destabilized for
several hours and if during this period the memory storage process is altered either
behaviourally or with drugs the memory does not go back in properly and it is lost.
Another important recent discovery in memory research is the one made by
Schacter and colleagues (Schacter and Addis, 2007) about the role of constructive
memory in the simulation of future events. A series of converging results of recently
reported studies suggest that the brain uses the same neuronal machinery to imagining
future possible events that is normally applied to remembering past events. This
nicely fits in the convergence-divergence approach and suggests that deliberation
about future events, normally also present in decision making depends tightly on
past experience, furthermore adds arguments to the claim that creativity is about
reconfiguration of existing facts which leads to new emergent qualities that stand
behind the novelty.
All the above suggests that biological memory is very much unlike the computer
functionalism wished to imply, i.e. that memories are stored in the brain like files in
a computer system and reproduced during recall. The old paradigms of knowledge
representation deeply rooted in computer functionalist tradition fail to embrace this
very basic characteristic of biological machinery of minded organisms for knowledge
acquiring and processing. There seem to exist no past experiences only their recon-
structions in the present. So the past matters only to the extent it reappears in
the present experiences. Furthermore the past, the present and the future use the
same neuronal processing machinery and apparently are mingled in a conscious field
of consciousness according to a pattern that is not fully understood yet. However
as experience depends on memory it is evident that it is subject to forgetting and
distortion, which should be taken into account when representation of experience is
to be done in information systems.
Apart from the overall importance of memory processes to experience, there is
a special dependence between memory and emotion, which suggests that affective
dimension of experience matters not only to the past and present but also future,
consequently has profound impact on planing future actions, thus conscious behaviour.
As a general principle, emotions amplify memories, as it has been proven by
investigations led by McGaugh (McGaugh, 2000; McGaugh, 2004) that amygdala
influences consolidation of emotionally arousing experiences. The amygdala activity
during experiencing emotionally arousing stimuli, regardless positive or negative,
proves to impact positively the consolidation of memory, so that the degree of amyg-

dala activation during encoding correlates with long-term memory. The emotional
arousal also helps in better recalling of encoded memories and augments their sub-
jective vividness. One of the way it is achieved is that amygdala modulating the
emotional arousal, being well connected to sensory cortices amplifies the activity of
this cortices which leads to better detection and intensification of attention.
Furthermore, orbitofrontal cortex involved in some types of emotions modulates
conceptual processes. Emotionally marked memories are also more likely to benefit
from the consolidation amplifying effect of sleep on memory (Gazzaniga, 2009, p. 730).
It is also known that memorized states of mind are more easily retrieved form memory
when there is a match between the emotional state at the time of memorizing and
at the time of reconstruction, so that one is more likely to remember negative
experiences when is in a bad mood and positive during feeling of pleasure or other
positive excitation (Bower, 1981).
There are important exceptions however to these principal general rules. It has
been found out that stress impairs explicit memory by affecting the functioning of
hippocampus (Sapolsky, 1996). 3
In conclusion, there is strong evidence that memory, which provides for the
long-term unity of experience and its intentional contents (knowledge) depends on
the subjective, affective quality of experience. This provides for yet another argument
supporting our claim that representation of affective dimension of mental phenomena
is indispensable for satisfactory emulation of knowledge, experience and behaviour of
living organisms in artificial systems.

3.2.4 The subjective component of conscious experience

One of the most difficult and puzzling problems about consciousness, is its subjective
quality. This problem is plainly and very aptly formulated by Richard Dawkins when
he was asked by Charlie Rose the question that Rose always asks the interviewed
scientists, i.e. “What is the one question that you most want to see answered?”, to
which Dawkins replies:

“How does subjective consciousness work... how does it evolve... what is

going on when I have my own private feelings and you have your own
private feelings? What happens when I see something red... what is it that
makes the redness, what is it that makes the smell of onions? What is it
that gives the subjective sensation that I know I have, and I suspect you
have, but I can never know what is going on inside your head” (Dawkins,
2005) 4
Stress has also detrimental effect on sound decision making as it affects the prefrontal cortex.
Based on author’s own transcript from the online podcast at charlierose.com, ‘...’ indicate

Dawkins captures all three elements that make this question one of the questions
that contemporary science confronts: (i) if and how subjective experience can be
quantified, (ii) if and how it can be described in objective, tangible terms, what
is the corresponding brain processes behind these subjective states, (iii) how does
it evolve, (iv) can it be put in inter-subjective context, in other words can it be
compared between individuals? These are central questions to this thesis as well
because if they only result in negative answers this objective could never be attained.
Although indeed the above formulated problem is still challenging scientists across
disciplines it would be definitely unfair to state that no progress has been made
towards disentangling the puzzle of experience subjectivity. We risk to state that the
progress has been suffcient to come up with preliminary, yet satisfactory, means of
representation and intra-subjective comparison of subjective states of consciousness,
although in general we are far from in-depth understanding of the phenomenon. In
philosophical and AI literature this subject has been extensively explored in the
debate over qualia. The debate primarily focued on the quantifiability, universality
and inter-subjectivity of subjective experiences. This topic is important to philosophy
of mind because subjectivity of consciousness is one of the key arguements for the
opponents of the phisicalist account of the mind-body problem. The philosophical
debate on qualia tackles exactly the essence of the subject matter: the qualitative
conscious experience, for which reason this debate shall be briefed and used for
review of arguments that may be brought up by phisicalists who perceive qualia as an
unrelevant concept and thus partly at least object the importance of the qualitative
dimension of experiernce reducing it to purely phisical properties. Qualia could be
seen as experience quanta, and are defined as experiential properties of sensations,
feelings, perceptions, thoughts, desires, etc., in other words qualia include what is
like to have experiential mental states. Taking the most commonly used example,
also featured in the earlier quote by Dawkins, a quale represents what is it like to
see red for instance, in other words what makes redness as perceived by experiencing
bodymind. This represents the most general and intuitive understanding of qualia
but as there are many definitions of the term different of them emphasize different
constituitive features of qualia, among which the most important are (i) subjective
phenomenal character; (ii) universalism, but qualia are universals in the sense that
they can be recognized from one experience to another experience and are not the
properties of any object (Lewis, 1929); (iii) qualitative feeling, which constitutes
the very essence of a quale: the associated quality of experience (Chalmers, 1996)
; (iv) ineffable, as they cannot be communicated, and can be fully appreciated
only via direct experience, at least according to Dennett (Dennett, 1988; Dennett,
1991); (v) intrinsic, that is they are non-intentional, non-relational, so that they
remain the same regardless experience relates to different objects, (vi) introspectively

for this reason qualia are also referred to as ‘qualitative feels’ or ‘phenomenal qualities’

accessible in consciousness, so that it is possible to know that one experiences a quale,

which to some theorists including Dennett and visibly Dawkins 6 by consequence
means that they are (vii) private, in the sense that it is impossible to compare qualia
interpersonally and also (viii) incorrigible, so that the subject cannot be mistaken
about his qualia; lastly (ix) non-physical, that is they do not have any correlate in
the physical world, yet (x) irreducible and (xi) non-physical, that is they cannot
be either reduced to some lower level processess or phisical properties. Qualia are
usually thought of being properties of certain states of mind, not all. Among those
that are most commonly mentioned are perceptions and bodily sensations, we would
suggest to stict to all intentional mind states directed outwards the intentional mind.
Strawson (Strawson, 1994) proposes that raw thoughts themselves can also have
qualia, as there is a subjective feeling to understanding a sentence or conducting
some thought argument. As Tye rightly notices such a position is debatable as the
phenomenal aspects of understanding derive rather from linguistic or verbal images.
(Tye, 2009) Similarily desires and emotions do not have qualia as such, they rather
build up qualia for perceived objects. However, once the self realizes that it is under
some emotion this sole fact becomes a belief and forms intentional content. We
will elaborate on this later on. It is common that proponents and opponents of the
existance of qualia adopt different definitions of qualia depending on that serves
better their argumental purposes. In particular qualia opponents tend to define the
term more narrowly, anchoring their attack possition on qualia in the features from
the second half of the above list, namely: ineffable, intrinsic, private, non-physical
and irreducible character of qualia as well as their universalism, which does not mean
that they question the existance of subjective, qualitative feelings of experience,
which qualia in a more broad sense are in fact (Tye, 2009). This remark is trully
important for us, as the view that there are no subjective feelings to mental states
is marginal, would require to belive that zobies, creatures that are like us but lack
subjective, phenomenal experience, could, at least hypothetically exist. The dispute
in fact concentrates on how this subjective dimension of experience is, and how
much it can be said about these qualities of experience in first place, rather than on
whether this dimension of experience is real, as some of the readings of the texts by
phisicalists philosophers opposing the qualia concept, such as Dennett, may suggest.
In conclusions to this subsection we will provide our account of qualia and comment
on their properties that are not necessary and on which qualia opponents are missing
the point. Below, to present some of the main arguments of both sides of the debate,
we will briefly go through the main line of criticism as presented by one of the most
recognised philosophers of mind and proponents of reductionism Daniel Dennett as
formulated in (Dennett, 1988; Dennett, 1991). Dennett in his widely cited article
“Quining qualia” (Dennett, 1988) questions not so the very existence of subjective

See the openning quote of this subsection.

experience, but rather the relevance and importance of the concept of qualia and
their alleged special properties, asserting that:

“conscious experience has no properties that are special in any of the

ways qualia have been supposed to be special”

. One in all, his argument leads to the conclusion that qualia defined as ineffable,
intrinsic, private and directly apprehensible properties of experience, do not exist.
Instead, there are:

“relatively or practically ineffable pubic properties we can refer to indi-

rectly via reference to our private property detectors - private only in the
sense of idiosyncratic.”

He notices that the proponents of this special properties of qualia revert to intuition
while building their arguments so he decides to use so called intuition pumps that are
properly crafted thought experiments, which would help him undermine the intuitive
’psedo-argumentation’ used by qualia believers. This is very symptomatic about the
debate on qualia, which is based on considering different sorts of thought experiments
or other conceptual structures without reference to empirical data rather referring
to introspection and common sense. This makes the conclusions vulnerable to the
allegation that these thought experiments are nothing but philosophical puzzles that
do not bring new knowledge, however this is such the methodology in philosophy.
The first of the fifteen intuition pumps put forward by Dennett is (i) watching
you eat cauliflower which undermines the validity of the assumption that the quale:
“how something tastes to X at time t” can be separated from the complete context
of the experiencing what X is doing or thinking. Although it seems plausible to say
that A tastes to X differently at time t1 than at time t2 or comparing these two
qualia with that corresponding to the taste of A to Y at the time t1 it is wrong as it
presuposes that we can consider these quales in separation to all the rest which is
going on (Dennett, 1988, p. 384). Although conceptually it is sound we may respond
that as the past experience is remembered the introspective comparison could be
possible. One of the central problems with qualia is that they appear not comparable
in inter-subjective terms. This results in that it is not possible neither to validate
nor falsify the claim that blue colour appears to everybody in the same way, as we
learn what blue color is by perceiving the same blue objects. With the term quale at
hand it could be rephrased that we cannot tell if the quale of experiencing the blue
colour is the same for all people. To discuss this feature of qualia a classic thought
experiments called (ii)inverted spectrum is used(Locke, 1801). In the classical form
it calls that we imagine that one day we wake up and realise that all colours has
been inverted, although we cannot discover any changes to the physical qualities
of the objects we perceive nor to our brain. The lesson from this story for a qualia
proponents is that if we can imagine such a spectrum inversion possible qualia must

exist and be non-physical. The original thought experiment by Locke has gained
more sophisticated variations as the debate on qualia has continued, arriving at
a point to the version proposed by Block block1990 which goes as follows. Let
us imagine a planet on which all colours are inverted, so that sky is yellow and
lemons are blue, still the inhabitants name the colours of all the objects the same
way as we normally do, so the sky is still blue in their natural language. If one is
anaesthesia and undergoes a surgery during which “color inverting lenses” are put
in one’s eyes after which one is placed in the Inverted Earth no difference can be
noticed. So there does not have to be a direct link between the object of experience
and qualia. Dennett in turn rejects not only inter-subjective comparability but also
intra-subjective comparability of qualia. For this he uses the intuition pump the
Brainstorm machine which supposes that there is a wonderful machine which allows
person A to experience the visual experiences of a person B, but when the machine
is on it turns out that A sees all colours inverted and is supposed to realize that
B has different qualia. But, what would happen if the technician turns the plug by
180 and reverts A ’s to its “normal” state of experience? How would it be possible
to judge which of the positions of the plug is correct? This could not be possible, in
other words we could not calibrate such a machine and we could not know if qualia of
A and B are the same. (Dennett, 1988, p. 387). As for intra-subjective comparison of
qualia, Dennett provides a counterargument to the intra-personal inverted spectrum
which proposes that if one waked up in the morning and discovered that the colours
are inverted, meanwhile nobody else notices any difference at all this would have
made you think that you must have had an inversion of colour qualia (Lycan, 1973).
Dennett’s counterargument is an intuition pump he calls alternative neurosurgery,
which consists in an observation that this colour qualia swap could be achieved with
two kinds of operations: (i) by changing the qualia themselves, so the way colours
appear to us, or (ii) by altering all our past experiences related to colours. Again,
one could not tell which of the either two operation was performed. Consequently
Dennett concludes:

“If there are qualia, they are even less accessible to our ken than we
had thought. Not only are the classical inter-subjective comparisons
impossible (as the Brainstorm machine shows), but we cannot tell in
our own cases whether our qualia have been inverted, at least not by
introspection.” (Dennett, 1988, p. 389)

This conclusion brings Dennett to assertion that if we cannot compare qualia neither
interpersonally nor at interpersonal level it does not make sense to talk about
qualia at all. The attack continues by stating that in fact we can not say anything
objective about them, they are intrinsic and thus atomic and unanalysable, and
consequently inexpressible in language, and as there is nothing that can be asserted
about the subjectivity representing qualia they are just pseudo-concept, to put it in

Wittgenstanian terms, and Dennett concludes that qualia are not even something
about which nothing can be said, they are a philosophical pseudo-term that refers
to no properties or features at all. (Dennett, 1988, p. 387). Dennett uses here the
following argument by Wittgenstein:

“The thing in the box has no place in the language-game at all; not even
as a something; for the box might even be empty. - No, one can ‘divide
through’ by the thing in the box; it cancels out, whatever it is (p.100)
(„) It is not a something, but not a nothing either! The conclusion was
only that a nothing would serve just as well as a something about which
noting could be said.” (Wittgenstein, 1958, p. 91-100)

This argument appears weaker if one ceases to regard language as the ultimate carrier
of intentional contents of mind. Given we accept the existence of non-linguistic forms
of intentionality we provide space for that something can be expressed with this forms
about subjective dimension of experience. Still the way of interpretation holds also for
another thought experiment that we propose think about tomato which is somewhat
related to the earlier discussed watching you eat cauliflower. The intuition pump is
about imagining what eating a tomato is like. If qualia existed in a universal, separate
form, abstracted from objects of experience, as products of philosophical distillation,
as puts it Dennett, we could not do it without recalling specific contexts from our
memory in which we were eating a tomato earlier in our life. The specific events
associated with tomatoes may be various, such as our last visit to the marketplace,
tomatoes eaten up in our soup last night, the legendary tomato juice our grandmother
used to prepare, etc. In this intro-spectral thought exercise one can quickly realize
that tomato as an abstract entity is entirely qualitatively empty, it has no subjective,
qualitative value, means nothing to us. It is only due to the recalled memories of
specific events or thoughts associated with tomates by our past experience that
allows us to build up in our mind a state which could be like eating a tomato. In
this respect Dennett is right stating that qualia can not exist in isolation from the
full context of experience. The direction of thinking that takes Dennett is as follows:
if qualia are in fact derivatives of experience one should analyse the experience, not
qualia, which cannot be even properly defined, there are no qualia there are only
states of consciousness that emerge in interaction with the external world.
Every contemporary philosopher of mind provides his own account of qualia and
heterogeneity of views is unsurprisingly high as this is an important element of the
discussion on the body-mind problem. There is not enough space to provide a decent
overview of all the accounts but Dennett was taken as an example of one of the
principal opponents to the concept. In this debate we take the side of moderate
representationalists (Ten problems of consciousness: a representational theory of the
phenomenal mind ; Tye, 2000) that accounts for qualia as qualities of experiences
represented in the mind, so that qualia are representations in consciousness of objects

in the world not phenomenal objects themselves. This view is shared by a wide group
of contemporary philosophers including Tye, Chalmers (Chalmers, 2004), Dretske
(Dretske, 1995), Searle (Searle, 2004), Siewert (Siewert, 1998) in spite of differences
in fine-grained theoretical details.
Representationalism accounts for qualia as equal to certain representational
contents or as certain representational properties of experiences, which we favour.
Siewert and Searle find this properties as irreducible. Tye draws an viable analogy
between the relationship of qualia and experience on the one hand and meaning of a
word and the word itself on the other. Indeed, the view on qualia as the meaning
of experience greatly appeals to us, however Tye and Byrne make one step further
(Byrne and Tye, 2006) asserting that “qualia (like meanings) ain’t in the head” so
they are relational contents fixed at least partly by external relations between agent
and its environment. This assertion we find debatable, we rather consider qualia as
subjective phenomena that can be inter-subjectively related and indeed depends on
the external entities being represented in the consciousness but their location is in
the agent’s head. Similarly Searle as proponent of the consciousness unity discussed
in previous sections believes that as consciousness functions as a continuous unified
process it is not possible to account for qualia as atomistic, quantifiable phenomena
but rather as a non discrete compound of qualitative value of experience at a given
point in time. However Searle supports the claim that each state of consciousness
carries something that is like to have this conscious state, which was discussed earlier
in detail. Consequently Searle remains strong supporter of qualia but not as universals
but as qualities of conscious experience (Searle, 1999). It is not important to us if
qualia have objective existence of any form. It is pivotal for us that they cannot be
questioned at the subjective level, which we know based on our individual, private
introspection. The important take-away from the earlier discussion for us is that
for each, even tiniest experiential state that can be recognised in the consciousness,
a qualitative value can be assigned by the experiencing subject, the experiencing
mindbody. We also believe, as many contemporary philosophers of mind, that these
states can be inter-subjectively compared but we currently lack relevant concepts
and ways for doing so, which is an intuitive assertion which at present cannot be
objectively verified, irrespective of Dennett’s strong opposition to such settlement.
He strongly states:

“Indeed, a subject’s ’introspective’ convictions will generally be worse

evidence than what outside observers can gather. For if our suject is
- as most are - a ’naive subject’, unacquainted with statistical data
about his own case or similar cases, his immediate, frank judgements
are, evidentially, like any naive observer’s perceptual judgements about
factors in the outside world.”

This argument is strong and valid, however we cannot afford in the discussion we are
conducting here for strict attachment to pure methodology if we want to make any
progress in understanding and also exploiting the subjective component of experience.
It is alos important to note that this argument cease to be valid if we consider only
the subjective, not inter-subjective realm of experience. If we want to understand the
phenomena such as human behaviour, intenlligence and motivation we cannot deprive
ourselves of the concepts that are from within the world of subjectivity. Qualia are
not ontological beings such that there is a universal quale that says what is the
feeling of redness universally. However qualia, more precisely the subjective feelings
of consciousness, are real phenomena, they exist in subjective consciousness and they
matter as they impact agent’s behaviour. The closest account of qualia to that we
accept is that proposed by moderate representationalist so we rest on the following
properties of qualia: (i) are accessible to introspection, (ii) can be different for the
same representational contents of the experience but only at different points in time
or different contexts, so one may have different qualia for the same object at different
points in time or in different contexts, (iii) are mental correlate to some physical
properties of objects in the world, (iv) they build up the subjective dimension of
experience, (v) they depend on memory, are memorized together with the correlated
object and context. Some of the problems with qualia could be solved by taking a
dynamic perspective on the phenomenon, as provided above in the ‘tomato intuition
pump’. Qualia are therefore in our understanding nothing but subjective dimension
of experience accumulated, i.e. remembered, over time associated to given stimuli.
It is subject to learning, for instance classical conditioning, so qualia are dynamic
phenomena that are shaped in the process of repeated concurrence of a stimuli,
accompanying stimuli and compound feelings these stimuli provoke. This feelings
are the products of constant brain mapping of the body state. So qualia are a
sort of representations of external world in the internal world of a minded agent.
Qualia in that sense are not inter-subjective phenomena, they exists in the sense that
conscious experience has a qualitative value determined by affect, primordial feelings
and feelings of emotions to be more precise, available only to the experiencing self.
Qualia in this sense are plastic, they can change overtime along with experience.
The quale of experiencing redness is not a universal quality attached to the redness,
rather it is the qualitative value of experiencing redness by a particular agent. In
this sense we could use the term qualia for encapsulating the qualitative, affective
component of experiential, conscious mental states, affective quanta of experience.
Importantly however if a way for measuring and representing feelings is found out,
for instance based on empirical observation of their phisical representations in the
brain for instance, then qualia will turn out to be intersubjectively comparable.
Contrary to the last assertion there exist a problem of the so called “explanatory
gap” (Levine, 2001), which is that as we have access to qualia only via conscious
introspection it will ever be difficult to match it with any objective processes that

may be going on in the brain that correspond exactly to the considered quale. Even
if we come up with powerful technology with which we would be able to study every
little detail of how the CNS functions we will never be able to brige the gap between
this apparently different two realms of inner mental states and objective physical
reality. This presents to us the the classic problem of dualism. The clearcut solutions
comes form phylosophers who reject dualism, like Searle who without questioning the
gap believes that some physical qualities or states simply have irreducibly subjective
nature (Searle, 2004). Other possible approach is to accept that the gap will never be
bridged (Chalmers, 1996) or hope for that some day it will be bridged when proper
concepts we lack today are worked out (Nagel, 1974). Yet another which we want to
pursue is that the gap is real but it is not so important, so we should not make it
wider and more significant that it appears from the pragmatic perspective. This is
close to the approach of Searle, though he emphasizes the gap pretty strongly, yet
notices that the gap is a consequence of misguiding concepts inherited from Cartesian
dualism. As acknowledging that the gap exist has no influence on how things are in
the world nor prompts any modification for theories of consciousness the gap does
not fill the bill.

3.3 Affective quality of conscious experience

The objective of this section is to provide evidence to the claim that emotions
are immanent component of conscious experience and complement the cognitive
dimension of experience with the qualitative subjective value. To this end we will
take a closer look at the role that emotions and feelings play in shaping consciousness,
how they fit in the overall picture of experiencing self. Later we will characterise
emotions and feelings to identify impact points on consciousness and purposeful
behaviour the same way we have done for consciousness in general. Finally we will
take a look on the capacity of language to express affective dimension of experience,
which will be a prelude to the final part of this chapter in which we will try to provide
an account of agent rationality that includes the emotional dimension of experience,
as well as to provide a solid theoretical ground for developing a method of emotion
representation in artificial systems which will be proposed in chapter 4.
As argued earlier the mainstream definitions of knowledge that embrace only
the objective dimension of conscious experience, i.e. facts about external reality
encapsulated in intentional contents that have direction-of-fit, are not sufficient
to embrace the complete experience. There is a need for systems that are able
to represent the subjective dimension of experience that reach beyond objective
knowledge which validity can be checked by mere matching the known facts with
the state of world in the third personal terms.
In this section we will call evidence to the claim that subjective components of
experience such as feelings and emotions complement human knowledge, and are

involved in cognitive and social processes, and are thus fundamental to purposeful be-
haviour, for which reason should not be taken for granted during conceptualisation or
design of information systems that aim at representing human knowledge/experience,
emulating human rationality or are constructed with the purpose to study or support
human decision-making.

3.3.1 How emotions and feelings fit in conscious experience

Let us start by pointing out that starting in 1980 and early 1990s we have been
witnessing a significant shift in perceiving the role of emotion in human rational
behaviour and intelligence in science.
The significance of emotional dimension of human consciousness and action has
not been the primary focus of mainstream scientific discourse in the past century
however. Only in the recent three decades the emotional dimension of human existence
has made its way to the central interest of behavioural, social and cognitive sciences.
Still, the apparent supremacy of ’the rational’ and ’behavioural’ over ’the emotional’
in the scientific and intellectual discourse over past decades is less evident once
one takes an in-depth look at both ancient and modern classics in philosophical
thought at which point it becomes clear the emotional dimension always played an
important role in disentangling the human nature. Nevertheless these are only the
recent findings brought by modern cognitive neuroscience, equipped with latest brain
scanning technologies, that constitute solid evidence for placing parts of the brain
responsible for emotional management in the centre of cognition, action and overall
life management. Tribute is due to classic “armchair” theorists that in clearance of
their minds managed to anticipate the results now visible on MRI scanners.
The evolution of emotion theories from modern-classical James’s account of
emotion as perception (James, 1884), Cannon-Bard theory (Cannon, 1927), Lazarus
(1991) cognitive approach, to recent theory of Ledoux (2000), which says that
emotions are result of both physiological reaction of brain and body, and/or mental
interpretations related to a given situation claiming that there are different brain
sub-systems for different types of emotions, clearly shows that emotions should be
seen holistically as neurocognitive phenomena entirely depending on the processes
in the brain. Furthermore it reminds of the necessity of revision of old theories of
emotion and taxonomies to make them compatible with resent evidence from brain
science, as many of these outdated theories and systematizations are unfortunately
still being used and appreciated outside the domain of neurocognitive sciences, in
particular by information scientists (please see Chapter 5 for evidence).
Contemporary psychology defines emotion in general as negative or positive
reaction to a perceived or recalled object, event or circumstance accompanied by a
subjective feeling (Damasio, 1999). Damasio based on the functional neuroanatomy of
central nervous system (CNS) suggests to distinguish between emotions and feelings

noting that their essence is different. According to Damasio emotions are a sort of
biological programmes of actions carried out by the body (internally and externally,
like movement, facial expression, changes in viscera, body temperature, internal
secretion of different substances, etc.) merely complemented by a cognitive program
involving ideas and modes of cognition. The way emotions are triggered is beyond
control of consciousness and precedes the conscious appreciation of stimuli and feeling
of the very emotion activated. In other words an emotion is a set of programmed
actions triggered to a large extent unconsciously, meanwhile feelings of emotion are
the appreciations of the changes in the body caused by the emotion. So feelings
are passive images of actions activated by the emotion and recorded in the form
of brain maps, and thus memorized in some part at least (Damasio, 2010). The
emotion-feeling feedback loop is well explained by below quote from Damasio:

“Seen from a neural perspective, the emotion-feeling cycle begins in the

brain, with the perception and appraisal of a stimulus potentially capable
of causing an emotion and the subsequent triggering of an emotion. The
process then spreads elsewhere in the brain and in the body proper,
building up the emotional state. In closing, the process returns to the
brain for the feeling part of the cycle, although the return involves brain
regions different from those in which it all started.” (Damasio, 2010)

Importantly in their core, i.e. in the basic structure of the action programme,
emotions are unlearned, automated and genetically determined, and they only can
be modulated with willpower to a certain degree. There can be some plasticity in
these programmes as far as the triggering stimuli is concerned of course, as different
people fear and get angry about different things, also some external expressions can
be hold under control, still the lion part of the inner processes develop automatically
beyond the control of volition. So although ultimately it is the feeling that is what
brain maps and remembers as the end product of emotion, the way how emotions
function determines the feeling, so understanding the emotions lets us understand
what is the feeling to it.
Furthermore Damasio (Damasio, 2010), distinguishes the so called primordial
feelings which reflect the current state of the body along varied dimensions, e.g.
pain and pleasure, originating from the brain stem, therefore evolutionary older,
part of the brain rather the the younger cerebral cortex. Interestingly according to
Damasio but somewhat similarly also to other neuroscientists such as Jaak Panksepp
(Panksepp, 2005) and Derek Denton (Denton, 2005) the primordial feelings constitute
the basis for a self, referred to as the protoself or primordial self. This is a critical
hypothesis, as it proposes that self is in fact build up with feelings which are the image
of a leaving creature captured by its brain. Therefore the famous Cartesian maxim
”Cogito, ergo sum” should be replaced with a more Spinozist ”Sentio, ergo sum”. The

following two quotes from Damasio explain the mechanism of brain-to-body mapping
and its character in neurobiological terms.

“The body-to-brain signalling (...) does not deal merely with the repre-
sentation [in the brain] of quantities of certain molecules or degrees of
smooth muscle contraction [bodily states]. (...) But there is, side by side,
a qualitative aspect to the results of the transmission. The state of the
body is felt to be in some variation of pleasure or pain, of relaxation or
tension(...).” (Damasio, 2010, p. 97)

“(...) the regions [of the brain] that receive body-to-brain signalling
respond, in turn, by altering the ongoing state of the body. I envision
these responses as initiating a tight two-way, resonant loop between body
states and brain states. The brain mapping of the body state and the
actual body state are never far apart. Their border is blurred. They
become virtually fused.” (Damasio, 2010, p. 100)

The key conclusion from the above quoted insights on emotion supported by neuro-
logical evidence is that whatever mental state is experienced by a conscious mind it
has an inseparable affective part. If there appears an intentional content in the mind
that we could qualify as knowledge (a proposition for instance) it is accompanied by
a primordial feeling reflecting the affective state of the entire body. Importantly, as
we know from earlier sections of this chapter, these two components cannot appear
in consciousness as two independent states occurring in parallel but rather they are
amalgamated in a unified field of consciousness.
It is the right moment to recall that in the section on qualia we have concluded
that, in line with the representationalist account of qualia, the nature of the subjective
component of experience is also intentionalistic in nature. The difference is that
subjective qualitative intentionalistic contents that correspond to qualia are directed
towards within the mindbody. Such an account has been inspired by and supported
by the account of protoself and primordial feelings as formulated above by Damasio.
Now, in accordance with both the theory of unified field of consciousness as well
as the concept of “two way resonant loop between body states and brain states”
proposed above by Damasio it must be that both types of intentionalistic contents
of mind, those directed outward and inward, must be unified, are the two sides of
the same coin.
This entails that each intentional content which can be qualified as knowledge, or
image captured by senses and recorded in the brain, or each abstract thought that is
a product of manipulation of images mapped in the past is affectively marked. And
this marking plays and important role in cognition and behaviour. The role is triple
at least: (i) the affective marking governs the selectivity of conscious attention; (ii)

impacts behaviour both reaction as well as deliberative voluntary action; (iii) alters
memory processes.
The first role is underwritten by a somatic marker hypothesis formulated by
Damasio, according to which images captured by the mind by applying its intentional
capabilities are somatically marked (Damasio, Everitt, and Bishop, 1996). This
hypothesis served him to explain how the selection and ordering of the abundant
quantity of images captured by the mind is managed. The hypothesis proposes that
the marker signalling influences the response of the organism to stimuli. In the
process of self information the brain automatically manages external signals in a way
that it tags these with somatic markers that represent the body state which prepares
the organism for instant response in case this is necessary. The markers are termed
somatic because they relate to body-state structure and regulation represented in
the brain. This mechanism is subject to learning so that the tagging is not fixed but
subject to adaptation along with experiences, some kind of learning algorithm seems
to be applied as although the marking process may be open to consciousness it is
clearly not under its control. The practical significance of this process for conscious
and unconscious life management is critical.
The somatic marker mechanism according to Damasio is used not only to or-
chestrate reactions but also applies to attention selection. The somatic markers are
emotional states, not necessarily a fully fledged emotions but some sort of feelings,
that highlight important images captured by the brain and bring them thus to
attention of consciousness. So the influence of these emotional markers is double, first
they impact the way conscious attention rations the masses of sensory data or all
sorts (visionary, auditory, tactual, etc.) bringing to the attention of consciousness only
those that according to the marking mechanism are important, from evolutionary
perspective critical for survival and life management, secondly they influence the
This capability is underpinned by non-conscious mechanism referred to as pre-
attentive processing identified in neurocognitive studies involving analysis of reaction
time to affectively heavy stimuli such as happiness/anger facial expressions, or images
of spiders and snakes which has showed that processing of emotional stimuli in non-
consciousness occurs before the operation of selective attention which results in
enhanced detection of stimulus with affective value (Dolan, 2002). The significance
of emotion and feeling to behaviour is well emphasised in Dolan:

“Emotion provides the principal currency [ascribes value to events] in

human relationships as well as the motivational force for what is best
and worst in human behaviour. Emotion exerts a powerful influence on

reason and, in ways neither understood nor systematically researched,

contributes, to the fixation of belief.” 7 (Dolan, 2002, p.1191)
In the view of what has been said so far, while considering the influence of feelings and
emotions on behaviour it must be made clear that different types of affective states
have different consequences for organisms behaviour. The number of these types is
certainly not mapped completely which poses a significant challenge to any effort
aimed at emotion/feeling-to-behaviour systematization. The basic distinction which
must be made here is that between how emotions and feelings impact behaviour.
As mentioned earlier emotions are largely genetically determined programmes of
responses to a stimulus. So emotional response, although modulated with conscious
perception, develops largely autonomously, according to a relatively well studied
patterns. For this reasons emotions in this sense fall beyond behaviours dictated by
voluntary, deliberative decision making. On the other hand feelings, which affectively
mark intentional conscious contents of mind must have far reaching consequences
on deliberation processes. The impact of feelings, serving as the value meter of
intentional states, on deliberation is manifold. Firstly, (i) the reasons for actions
are affected, as feelings exercise motivational forces, dictating what is wanted and
what is unwanted by the organism. Secondly, (ii) the feelings, in line with the above
quoted account by Dolan, influence our believes, so they affect the content of the
intentional states, which are processed in the deliberation process. The way how they
precisely do it according to Dolan remains a research challenge. Some preliminary
hypothesis however can be formulated and will be discussed in the next section.
The possible ways of how feelings influence reasons for actions is interesting in
particular. It is postulated in the somatic marker hypothesis earlier discussed that
the prefrontal cortex that is a region responsible for volitional behaviour provides,
during deliberation, access to feeling states related to similar decision situations
confronted in the past. Consequently the past feelings advocate for or against taking
action toward or away from deliberated action options.
This also explains the neurological mechanism behind the decision heuristic
studied by Klein (Klein, 1999) - Recognition-Primed Decision model - that emphasized
the role of intuitions, previous experience and “gut feeling” in taking even very serious
decisions. The heuristics described by Klein, based on the psychological studies
of fireman behaviour in action, involved first picking up the top-of-mind solutions
scenario dictated instinctively, then an imaginary projection of its implementation.
Given a chosen solution candidate fails this mental simulation test another one is
tested in the similar way until some solution candidate passes it. In this mental
process of solution evaluation feelings must play important role, if the first scenario
is picked up based on the “gut-feeling” likely the evaluation is done in the same way.
It is evident from the context of this statement that Dolan while speaking about emotions as
the principal currency must have meant the feelings given the emotion-feelings distinction proposed
by Damasio.”

Naturally this heuristic has nothing to do with blind guessing but is underwritten
by a precise mechanism implemented in neuronal circuits that process affectively
marked images recalled from memory, engaging prefrontal cortex and relying on brain
capacity to mentally simulate outcomes of prospective actions. In this simulation
feeling states corresponding to imagined outcomes of implementing a tested solution
are evaluated. Consequently the solution that resulted in most positive affective value
of imagined outcome is put in action. This mechanism most likely stands behind
many heuristic that fall under the umbrella of what is vaguely referred to as intuitive
Finally, (iii) emotion and feelings impact profoundly memory processes and
learning. Affective marking of stimuli served from the evolutionary perspective
pragmatic purposes: fast and accurate predictions regarding occurrences important
from the viewpoint of survival, and adopting relevant response in case of re-occurrence
in the future. Affective marking enhances memory accordingly, as to allow organism
recall and pay attention to important events. The critical role in this process is
played by amygdala as research evidence proves that patients with bilateral damage of
amygdala nuclei do not have the advantage of enhanced memory for affectively marked
images (Cahill et al., 1996). What is more, there exist neurochemical mechanisms
which augment memory of affectively marked images (McGaugh, 2000).
Again it is important to distinguish the memory processes that function at the
level of feelings from those affected by emotion programmes as well as on whether
these operate on the conscious or unconscious level, as fMRI-aided research shows
that consciously and unconsciously projected emotional stimuli are handled by
different neural networks in the brain, different nuclei of amygdala in particular
(Kandel, 2006, p. 219). More detailed discussion on the impact of emotion on memory
and consequently forgetting is covered in section about temporal dimension of
An important conclusion from this deliberations and somatic marker hypothesis
is that intentional contents of mind are emotionally marked. A parallel could be
made to semantic tagging of information content. Somatic markers are a sort of
biological metadata for knowledge proper: the intentional contents represented in
language. Once again we see that knowledge limited to intentional states expressed
with language cannot embrace this meta component which apparently is vital for
orchestrating the behaviour of any organism, certainly it is the case of a human
The next important question, once we have answered to what stands behind the
qualitative subjective component of experience, is what qualities we are talking about
in first place. In other words if affect colours experience what colours are involved. To
answer this question we would have to refer to kinds and properties of emotions and
feelings and eventually map these onto the corresponding behavioural consequences.

Although complete mapping of affective states to behavioural patterns would

call for a time and effort intensive research agenda, the starting point for achieving
this is the basic understanding of the nature of emotions and feelings. In chapter
4 we will provide a nutshell overview of types of affective states and their most
important qualities, as well as we will single out some examples of how these states
could influence voluntary action. Here let us conclude we an overall mapping between
affective and experiential states at a more general, meta level.
Both emotional feeling states and experiences are subjective and are characterised
by valence (positive-neutral-negative) and intensity (high-low). We propose that
experience are higher level phenomena that embrace knowledge and affective states
which provide experiential states with above mentioned properties (valence and
intensity). So the qualitative value of experience is inherited so to speak from the
feeling states originating at the primordial low=level brain processes.
Consequently experiences can be assessed in a qualitative way. Experience can be
positive - result in feeling of pleasure, or negative - result in lack of pleasure or pain.
Furthermore experiences could be ordered according individual preference: one can
say that experience x is better, worse or equals to another experience y. As discussed
earlier, qualitative value of experience (quale) is representational property of external
objects or other stimulative events, of whichever nature, causing experience x and
y. Evidently, as experience is subjective the same stimulative entity can result in
experiences of different quality depending on the subject, or circumstances (varying
in time and space), however should not vary between two identical stimulative events,
although such identical events could be extremely rare of impossible in real life, being
theoretically possible.
The above properties make experience assessment and comparisons extremely
difficult and complex, though psychological literature provides some examples of
both theoretical and empirical scientific endeavours challenging this problem. Maslow
developed a notion of peak experience, which he defined as the moment of highest
happiness and related it to self-actualisation (Maslow, 1971). Similarly, the optimal
experience was described by a Hungarian psychologist Csikszentmihalyi, who intro-
duced a concept of flow (Csikszentmihalyi, 1975), the moment of top experience
when one is confronted with a demanding challenge, still attainable with one’s own
capacities, and deeply enjoys the moment of stretching intellectual capabilities, and
thus learning and increasing self-esteem. We will investigate the qualitative nature
of experience inherited from affective states further in chapter 4.

3.3.2 Limitations of language in expressing affective states

The problem with talking about emotions and subjective feelings is that we lack
language for their precise description. Traditionally entities which have been described
as “the rational” linguistically pertained to the realm of science and philosophy

meanwhile “the emotional” pertained to the realm of arts. This is exactly because these
two realms are governed by different narratives, the former by the inter-subjective and
objective reality and the latter by primarily subjective, intra-subjective reality. Speech
acts are forms of institutional intentional states therefore linguistic components have
corresponding parts of objective reality that they represent. Everyone knows what a
“wheel” is because one can point at an object that she and others can see and say
pointing a finger “This is a wheel”. This cannot be done with emotions because the
emotions are strictly subjective. Put in philosophy of mind terms this represents
the impossibility of determining the direction-of-fit. Of course one may verify the
statement “A is angry” by matching particular bodily expressions to the emotion of
anger, still how doest the anger feel to A, what are its variations, intensity, etc. is
It is important to notice that when it comes to subjective mental phenomena
the language that is the carrier of subjectively felt mental states, and the observed
behaviour, remain the only proven, yet imperfect, tools for interpersonal comparison
of these states. This is why the lack of proper terminology, or/and terminological
disarray, as well as language imperfections are an important obstacle for understanding
of internal subjective mental phenomena that give flavour and meaning to human
experience. Likewise, methodological disputes on whether observed behaviours can
be taken as solid basis for inter-subjective comparison of internal mental states that
apparently caused that behaviour, as in the above used example of the angry A
build up additional hurdles. Therefore it is important to reflect on the limitations of
language we face in the study of human emotion and experience at large and consider
possible solutions or ways to go about it.
First let us notice that language is a third-personal, inter-subjective construct
which serves people to communicate, i.e. share contents of their intentional minds
and act in groups. Searle while writing on intentionality (Searle, 1983) highlights two
important properties of language: he points out that speech acts are a type of human
action, and thus become the part of social reality, speaking is behaving and language
is both behavioural and social phenomena, and forms of intentionality underlying
language are social forms. Needless to say language also serves other important
purposes, particularly it aids mental representation and abstract manipulation with
intentional contents, as well as building a “narrative” part of self, though it seems
not its primordial role. So the first limitation of any language in expressing affective
content stems from sole fact that language is intrinsically inter-subjective, social
phenomena meanwhile feelings are privately, subjectively appreciated.
Jaak Panksepp points out that it is necessary to tell apart the propositional speech
from the affective contents it carries in form of intonation variations. Speaking form
the evolutionary perspective, he observes, that early vocal signs which preceded fully
developed propositional speech apparently served the communication of emotional
expressions, these however have only weak links with propositional speech which

has evolved much later and most likely have been developed as an effective way of
encoding the relationships among external events. Even in today’s human beings the
voice intonation and social colouring of utterances is handled by a different hemisphere
of the brain (right) than it is the case for propositional speech emerging from the
left hemisphere (Panksepp, 2005). This also explains why music with its richness
of intonations and timbre is such an effective medium for affective communication,
albeit lacking words.
Furthermore, it is increasingly believed that language is not the intrinsic form of
mind intentionality and other non-linguistic forms of intentionality should be studied
after the dominance of philosophy of language (Searle, 2008). What is more, contrary
to the Chomsky’s universal grammar theory and other linguistic theories proposing
that some of the properties of language are hard-wired into the brain, and encoded
genetically (Chomsky, 1965) contemporary brain research provides sound arguments
to the claim that acquisition of language is dependant on emotions, suggesting that
affect lies at the basis of mind’s intentional capacity. Greenspan and Shanker have
formulated the following hypothesis, which resulted from their extensive therapeutic
work with autistic children:

“Our ability to form symbols, which enables us to represent our world

and reason about i – and all the great intellectual accomplishments that
build upon this – has an unexpected origin. In order to develop symbols,
we must transform our basic emotions into a series of succeedingly more
complex emotional signals. This human capacity to exchange emotional
signals with each other begins in early life during an unusually long
practice period and leads to symbols, language, abstract thinking, and a
variety of complex emotional and social skills that enable social groups to
function. the exchange of emotional signals may also play a critical role in
the development of the brain, especially that of the higher cortical centres
dealing with language and thinking, the prefrontal cortex dealing with
planning and problem solving.” (Greenspan and Shanker, 2004, p. 17)

The above hypothesis is indeed ground breaking. It supports our claim that affect
stands behind meaning. Single words and utterances carrying intentional contents
have meaning in semantic terms, which corresponds to the contents of the intentional
mind state as well as a meaning in a more subjective, private dimension, which
is provided by remembered, accumulative affective value corresponding to these
Panksepp makes it explicit that substantive understanding of emotions cannot
be generated by sole means of using the language. To talk about emotions and
feelings in a precise, scientific terms, he proposes, neural criteria must be taken into
account. Astonishingly, at the same time topically for scientific disputes, despite
common agreements on basic affective processes engineered in the brain by evolution,

terminological disputes and disarray continues and there is little agreement on

how affective functions should be labelled, described and discussed in the scientific
The ways out of this “linguistic” deadlock include: (i) rationing the debate to
observable behaviour as behaviourists postulated, (ii) pushing the language to its
limits, using to the largest extent possible analogies, metaphors and both scientific
jargon and vernacular terms to build viable and understandable concepts, in a
narrative, descriptive manner, (iii) to define a formalism for standardized description
of feelings including feelings of emotions, believing that these are interpersonally
Behaviourism, especially in its extremes, has been widely rejected as unsatisfactory
narrow. We favour a mixture of (ii) and (iii) or better said (iii) elaborated via (ii).
We will propose in chapter 4 that feelings, including feelings of emotion, in the
same fashion as other complex yet understandable and reducible phenomena that
involve subjectivity could be represented with a crafted symbolic system that builds
on the inter-subjectively comparable indicators, such as activation or inhibition of
relevant brain circuits. This will build on the analogy with systematic, standardized
representations of reach colour patterns such as RGB or CMYK although the analogy
is not fully entitled as colour schemes describe colour objective properties not colour
qualia. Let the below quote from Panksepp serve both as the explanation of this
subtle difference as well as the conclusion of this subsection.

“The basic emotional affects are primary brain/mind processes, similar

to seeing a color. One can use a word, like ”red”, as a label for a color,
but this word does not explain the experience of seeing red. If someone is
blind, the word ”red” is meaningless. In order to explain seeing red, one
must discover the neurophysiological and neurochemical causes of visual
experience. Similarly, one cannot use words to explain primary-process
raw emotions. Words can only be used as second-order symbols to discuss
affective experiences, but they do not adequately capture the fundamental
causes of feelings.” (Panksepp, 2008, p. 49)

3.4 Experience as self-information and its role in

purposeful behaviour
This section shall be dedicated to the subject of knowledge and experience significance
to purposeful behaviour. Zeleny took and interesting perspective on knowledge saying

“Knowledge is purposeful coordination of action. Achieving intended

purpose is the sole proof or demonstration of knowledge.”(Zeleny, 2002)

Although this definition seem to manifest philosophical behaviourism which we

reject it well illustrates the very purpose of knowledge, its pivotal role in purposeful
behaviour. From the pragmatic standpoint that we favour only this aspects of
knowledge that are relevant to behaviour shall attract our attention, which is why
we decided to include this section in the final parts of this chapter. This section will
also provide a prologue to chapter 5 in which we will discuss possible applications of
the conceptual frameworks for experience representation, which will be elaborated
under in the following chapter 4 to modelling rational behaviour.
The theory of unified field of consciousness suggests that separating emotions from
reason does not make much sense. Rationality, or rational behaviour is a function of
both conscious and unconscious processes where emotional reactions and actions are
on an equal footing with cognitive and deliberative behavioural responses composing
together a complex stimuli-action management system. In the same way as dualism
proposed by Descartes is being abandoned for creating false mind-body problem the
dualistic approach to human rationality that opposes rational judgement to emotions
must be left behind. Evidently there is a need for a new coherent theory of human
action that unifies cognitive, emotional and deliberative dimensions, which is in
line with both intuitive, introspective theoretic philosophical insights and empirical
evidence coming from brain science. This must be possible as indeed the source of it
all is one. Such a theory would without a doubt provide a significant push forward
for the AI methods and techniques, in particular would bring closer the vision of
building up accurate systems that emulate human behaviour.

3.4.1 Practical reason and affect

It is almost trivial to state that brainmind is an organ responsible for life management,
i.e. managing organism’s behaviour. Behaviour is understood widely here, spanning
from physical bodily movements to acts of thought or speech acts. Interestingly a
vast majority of the processes in the brain lead to some kind of movement, limbs
movements, speech apparatus movements, heart beats, handwriting, facial expressions,
gestures, etc. Daniel Wolpert suggests that complex central nervous systems including
elaborate brains has evolved due to the requirement of adaptable complex movement.
These assumptions are based, among others, on studies of a simple animal that after
a period in its life where it moves eventually it settles and first thing it does after
settling is to digest its CNS for food, apparently not needing it any more. There
are more other indications for such an account, including trees that are complex
biological beings, yet do not have the capacity to move and lack CNS. There is no
point in thinking process if there would be no future/potential expression in action
Zeleny binds knowledge with action, inextricably linked with movement, in a
reflection provoking way:

”Knowledge is purposeful coordination of action. Achieving intended

purpose is the sole proof or demonstration of knowledge.”(Zeleny, 2002)

Although this statement may appear too far-fetched, it could be rephrased to be

more definite: knowledge manifests itself in purposeful coordination of action.
Damasio depicts brain as a great cartographer (Damasio, 2010) with this metaphor
he aptly wraps up the very purpose and at the same time the nature of the mind.
Brains build up maps that are needed for life management, which is the essence and the
eternal goal for each organism including human being. Therefore the reason for having
brain, thoughts, mind and at the same time their main occupation is self-informing,
which is the necessary condition for conducting action, behaving, in particular decision
taking within purposeful behaviour concentrated on life management. Such behaviour
is immanent for every life forms starting from single cells ending with highly complex
minded and conscious beings like humans.
It is obvious that knowledge is the basis for human behaviour. Any theory of
human decision making would include an element of deliberation, in which an agent
considers means and ends. Even strict behaviourists accept that there must be
some thought process going on in the black box, though they find it irrelevant,
unlike consequences of the behaviour. The popular choice theory proposed by Simon
and Newell in which decision making is framed as information processing is a
distinct example (Newell and Simon, 1961; Simon, 1978). Still an important question
remains to be addressed, whether the qualitative dimension of knowledge, the missing
component of conscious experience makes any difference to the decision making
process. So we ask here if the fact that conscious experience has a subjective feeling
matters for practical reason, and if so, how exactly? To address this question we first
have to consider whether and how, mental states that are not physical phenomena
can have any causal effects on physical reality, which constitutes the so called mental
causation problem encapsulated in the mind-body problem.
Searle provides an answer to it, which stems directly from his account of the
mind-and-body problem referred to as the biological naturalism, discussed earlier
already. According to Searle mental causation is possible because conscious states
are real features of the real world despite being “mental”. Importantly biological
naturalism rejects dualism, i.e. the separation of mental and physical phenomena
treating them solely as two different narratives or two descriptions at different levels
of the very same thing, “one complete system”. Still the distinguishing element of
Searle’s view is that he also rejects reductionism of mental states to physical brain
states (Searle, 2004, p. 78) keeping the belief that qualitative feeling of mental states
is not illusionary but real. According to Searle the mental causation is possible just
because the basic assumptions of dualism that led to the problem itself are false and
should be abandoned. When there is no mind-body dualism there is no problem with
mental causation. So it seems that rejecting the dualism is the only way how mental

causation, causation at large and specifically the causality in practical reason can be
Now, the critical point in this line of thought is to realise that mental causation
which we encounter in purposeful behaviour, voluntary action in other words, is
significantly different from any other causation we experience in the physical world.
This point is made very clearly by Searle and explained in detail in his book
“Rationality in action” (Searle, 2001). The difference in question is that unlike in the
case of causality we experience in the external world which must be stemming, in
Humean terms, from the presupposed uniformity of nature guaranteed by causality
and causation that is given and nothing can be done to eliminate or question it, in
case of the intentional action of a minded creature there is a causational gap. This
gap is the gap of free will. We are discussing the problem of fee will in the next
subsection in more detail as it is central to the problem of practical reason.
Searle answering the scepticism of Humean problem of induction notices that the
existence of the causality in the external world can be extended from the causality that
we experience in our waking consciousness (Searle, 2004, p. 144). As we experience in
our mental states the cause and effect relation we can assume that the same causality
feature functions in the external world. Although this stance could be questioned
on the basis of the possible erroneous or illusionary character of our perceptual
experience at large, the perception of causality should not be less unlikely than any
other perceptual experience.
If indeed there is the gap of free will there is no other way than accepting the
following scenarios: (i) the gap of free will is real, completely indeterministic and
unexplainable in causal terms, (ii) the gap of the free will exists, is real, but we still
cannot explain how it works, it may be deterministic may be not or may be of some
other yet not uncovered nature, we may learn one day, (iii) there is no gap of free
will, we will soon learn it from the brain studies which will show that free will is an
illusion and so called free action is fully determined by the unconscious processes in
the brain.
Searle is a strong supporter of the first claim. Here let us propose that the
second alternative seems the most likely scenario but importantly let us observe
that although indeed under the current state of play the gap of free will seems to be
real, it can be, at least partly explained by looking into the realm of the subjective
experience. If we are ever going to explain the voluntary action of the mental in causal
terms we cannot ignore the subjective feeling of conscious experience. Searle points
at the minded self as the cause of the gap, meanwhile it is evident that emotions
and subjective dimension of experience is the place to look for the self.
Consequently if it is ever to be possible to emulate purposeful behaviour of
minded creatures in artificial systems it can only be done by proper representation
of the subjective, affective dimension of the experience and its causal mapping on
purposeful behavioural patterns of these minded creatures, humans in particular, or

at least such a representation shall be seen as the necessary milestone along the way.
However if Searle is right, that the first assumption is correct than most likely we
will never be able to represent human purposeful behaviour in artificial systems.
So the first important moment when affective, qualitative dimension of experience
plays in the decision making process is in who it fills in the gap of free will, given
Searle is right that the minded self is responsible for the gap and Damasio is right
that self is most likely build up from primordial feelings.
Damasio notices that one of the main capacities of highly developed brains, such
as human and primates have, a capacity which makes complex life management of
an organism possible is creation of maps. These are mental maps, representations
of the body and external world in the brain, which are the way the brain that is
responsible for life management “informs itself”. This map making is done while the
body of and organism changes and as it interacts with the environment. One type
of this maps are sensory images that can be manipulated in the consciousness and
to which reasoning can be applied. (Damasio, 2010, p. 63). This, naturally, has a
profound impact on how the behaviour of an organism, in particular the voluntary
behaviour, i.e. decision making, is performed. The maps created by the brain are the
very basis for decision making and the realisation that these maps do not merely
concern the external environment sensed by the traditional five senses: hearing, sight,
touch, smell, and taste but also maps of internally subjectively and qualitatively
experienced internal states sheds new light on how rational behaviour is perceived.
Especially because the boundary between these maps is difficult to spot and very
likely the working human brain spontaneously (or by a fixed patterns that we still
do not know to date) associates elements of one map with the other, which very
much likely is the source of human and some animal creativity. The mechanisms that
are responsible for this process will stand for what Hofstadter called the creative
analogies, the very essence of biological intelligence.
The interdependence between the realm of objective thought and subjective
bodily feelings is figuratively yet aptly depicted in the below quote from Damasio:

“Body and the brain are engaged in a continuous interactive dance.

Thoughts implemented in the brain can induce emotional states that are
implemented in the body, while the body can change the brain’s landscape
and thus the substrate for thoughts. The brain states, which correspond
to certain mental states, cause particular body stated to occur; body
states are then mapped in the brain and incorporated into the ongoing
mental states.”(Damasio, 2010, p. 96)

There is enough evidence from neuroscience to claim that emotions play a central
role in human and animal decision making (Damasio, 1994; LeDoux, 2000). Based on
this evidence let us postulate that any intentional state, which is as explained earlier
reflections of external world in human mind, has certain emotional value, which is

characterised by valence (positive or negative) and intensity (arousal level). The

emotional value of intentional states that build up the total reason for action does
influence the choice made by the agent.
Emotion feelings are central to trigger decision and actions (Damasio, 1994) as
well as in deciding which option to choose. Saltzman and Newsome (Salzman and
Newsome, 1994) research on neural mechanisms for forming perceptual decision shows
that a deciding brain presents increased neuronal activity in certain of its parts as if
it ’accumulated’ simultaneously arguments for different available options, the choice
is made the moment one options ’prevails’ which is manifested by visibly strongest
neuronal activity in one of the parts taking part in this ’neuronal dispute’. This
suggest that decisions are made based on conscious evaluation of available options
by internal collection of arguments for and against available alternative, which is
biased by emotions.
So apart from the role in filling up the gap of the free will subjective feelings
provide also currency for mental deliberation together and inextricably with outward
intentional contents of mind, i.e. knowledge.

3.4.2 The central problem of the freedom of will

Searle (Searle, 2001) rightly points out that in order for an action to be a genuinely
free none of the reasons for action can be causally sufficient. Truly voluntary actions
cannot have psychological casual conditions which determine them. Thereby Searle
talks about a gap that results in what we know as free will. In order to perform a
voluntary action an agent must exercise its free will while making a decision based on
the given reasons for actions. Such an account of fundamental principals of natural
agent behaviour poses a real challenge for AI. There are basically two ways to go
around this problem. Firstly, it could be assumed that free will is an illusion as,
despite we do not feel it this way, actions are fully determined by the neurons in
the brain or even deeper by the quantum states of particles building up our body.
Secondly, we could admit the gap and implement some kind of free will prosthesis
based on some kind of random process. Neither approach seems fully convincing.
Let us accept that human agents do have a genuine choice, importantly however
their choice is bounded by the fact that they are intrinsically compelled to make
decisions in first place. Long-term and persistent decision avoidance qualifies as
mental disorder and must doubtlessly lead an individual to deterioration of life
quality, general dismay, and likely death. Similar pragmatic argument is raised by
Bayesian rationalists in favour of classical rationality model which presupposes that
a rational agent is guided by maximising its subjective expected utility (Edwards et
al, 2007). But the difference is important as we do not use this argument in favour of
any particular decision model but to support the claim that a rational agent cannot
avoid decision-making. In other words a human agent whenever confronted with

a decision will have to respond with some action, either would go for one of the
available alternatives or abstain from acting, which is always one of the available
options. As time cannot be stopped refraining from action is a sort of action.
An interesting question that scientists struggle to answer is what is the source of
free will, how it is implemented in the brain and how could it be explained theoretically
or empirically. One hypothesis suggests that the source of free will should be sought
in some deep, low-level (subatomic) indeterministic (quantum) processes, which
are the only indeterministic processes we know in physical world, which has been
proposed by some philosophers including Searle (Searle, 2008). Another one points at
system-level processes that can give birth to emergent, epiphenomenal properties of
a complex systems which a biological brain doubtlessly is. Yet another one suggests
that the source of free will could be found in a more generic capability of the brain
which in literature is referred to as neuroplasticity.
Brain is an incredibly flexible organ, clinical cases of patents with brain lesions
caused by strokes or injuries with similar effects show that brain can relocate its
functional specialisation areas to compensate for the cognitive losses caused by the
damage. This capability particularly manifests during a relatively short period of
time, 2-3 weeks, immediately after the damage, as rehabilitation proves much more
effective during this early days after an incident. The sole fact that behavioural
therapy and rehabilitation prove to impact the recovery process is a blunt evidence
that brain has a self regulatory mechanisms within which we as conscious beings
can identify by introspective experience the free will as a part of this self-regulatory
system. This self-regulatory system is likely therefore to be responsible for such
crucial brain capabilities as: learning, motivation and free action, and also indirectly
bio-cultural co-evolution.
Likewise, the brain should be capable of significant modifications as a result of
internally directed focus of attention: self-reflection, mindful meditation. Based on
the studies on mindful meditation recalled in earlier sections it can be assumed that
human brain is flexible enough to change the way it functions in course of conscious
mental process which goes beyond typical capabilities of a normal fully functional
healthy brain. It is still uncertain, but very likely, that many of the brain processes
that have been believed to be hard-wired, such as fear-governing brain circuits could
be altered with mindful meditation and mental practice. This could allow for a
volitional, mental control of fear and other emotional reactions that are normally,
physiologically beyond the control of consciousness.
This brings us however to a visible contradiction between two opposing accounts
on the free will problem. One account proposes that the free will is real and suggest
that it could embrace more and more mental processes via inward directed volitional
control or mindful meditation. Another favours reductionalist stance that free will
is an illusion, can be fully explained by lower level processes in the brain and even
more these processes are governed in the unconscious. The supporters of the latter

view often use evidence provided by recent discoveries of neuroscience as important

arguments in the discussion. Still, the evidence from brain research has so far provided
inconclusive arguments to the philosophical discussion on the freedom of will.
We know without doubt that to some extent free choice is determined by uncon-
scious processes, or at least the brain unconsciously gets prepared so to say for the
execution of of the voluntary action before the decision about the action reaches
consciousness. This has been shown in the studies carried out by Libet (Libet, 1999),
largely inspired by previous work in the area including Deecke (Deecke, Scheid, and
Kornhuber, 1969), reporting that

“Freely voluntary acts are preceded by a specific electrical change in

the brain (the readiness potential - RP) that begins 550 ms before the
act. Human subjects became aware of intention to act 350-400 ms after
RP starts, but 200 ms. before the motor act. The volitional process is
therefore initiated unconsciously. But the conscious function could still
control the outcome; it can veto the act. Free will is therefore not excluded.
These findings put constraints on views of how free will may operate; it
would not initiate a voluntary act but it could control performance of
the act.”

Libet’s account is thus as follows. Doubtlessly a voluntary conscious act is initiated

unconsciously however there is a place for a free will in a form of rejecting/accepting
mechanism for the action programme suggested by the unconscious processes. The
interesting point on which Libet reflexes is whether the voluntary veto act is also
unconsciously pre-determined. The latter hypothesis is reject which is explained as

“(...) one could consciously accept or reject the programme offered up by

the whole array of preceding brain processes. The awareness of the decision
to veto could be thought to require preceding unconscious processes, but
the content of that awareness (the actual decision to veto) is a separate
feature that need not have the same requirement.”

Such an approach to free will as a “veto mechanism” has been labelled free won’t by
Hofstadter (Hofstadter, 1979).
The RP hypothesis suggests therefore that initiation of the freely voluntary act
begins in the unconsciousness which already introduces a completely new perspective
on the freedom of will. Notably, there is a qualitative difference between the freedom to
veto and the freedom to suggest actions, an analogy to different models introducing
separation of powers studied by political scientist inspires the imagination. The
creativity process for instance under this account would fully rely on the unconscious
processes, furthermore ingenuity of a free character of a voluntary act can be easily
undermined. Importantly it has provided support argument to physical determinants

who somewhat prematurely judged that brain science proves that free will is an
illusion. However the RP hypothesis has also been criticized. Searle for instance
rejects Libet’s account providing the following justification:

“Libet’s description lends itself to interpretation that the readiness po-

tential marks the onset of the action. But that is not true. There are
typically about 350 milliseconds between the readiness potential and the
onset of the intention-in-action and another 200 milliseconds to the onset
of the bodily movement. In any case, as far as we know from the available
data, the occurrence of the readiness potential is not causally sufficient
for the performance of the action. (...) It seems clearly premature to
assume that the existence of the readiness potential shows in any sense
that we do not have free will.” (Searle, 2001, p. 291)

Although as the juxtaposition of the above quotes from Liebet and Searle shows,
there is a bit of misunderstanding on the extend to which Liebet himself rejects
the existence of free will, the reply by Searle illustrates that the sole proposal that
because of RP the action is initiated unconsciously can be questioned.
More recent studies using fMRI technology by Soon et al. (Soon et al., 2008)
suggest that predictions about the outcome of supposedly free choice can be made
as early as up to 10 seconds before the decision reaches awareness. Unconscious
determinants of free decision in the human brain discovered by Soon are located
in the frontopolar and parietal cortices (higher-level areas of the brain), unlike it
was in the case of Libet who investigated the SMA motor-related brain regions. The
evidence provided by this studies suggest, in contrast with the previous studies,
that unconscious brain processes not only determine an unspecific preparation of a
response but also encode specifically how a subject is going to behave. Soon et al.
reporting these results conclude:

“A network of high-level control areas [frontopolar and paretal cortical

areas] can begin to shape an upcoming decision long before it enters

We have emphasised the word can in the above quote to highlight the fact that even
armed with apparently strong evidence showing that unconscious processes precede
the voluntary decision making the scientists are extremely conscious about decreeing
the non-existence of genuine freedom of will. The possible reasons for such a situation
will be reflected in paragraphs to follow.
Most of the prominent brain scientists, like Damasio, Ledoux, Panksepp and
philosophers like Metzinger, Searle believe that consciousness and free will, or free
”won’t” as Hofstadter aptly frames it, will be explained one day by brain science. As
Searle (Searle, 2008) concludes there are potentially 2 possible directions of research
adopting either a system approach to the problem or single brain area approach.

In the former case the studies would focus on examining different altered states of
consciousness (sleep, coma, trance, consciousness disorders etc.) in the latter case
the research would focus on close examination of phenomena such as Gestalt unity
of consciousness. We propose yet another study that may provide some insight into
the phenomena, namely what happens in the brain when we voluntarily let our brain
accept an illusion (for instance a crafted visionary illusion) as true and after that
“get back” to the acceptance that this is only an illusion. In other words which is the
locus of control for putting ourselves in and out of an illusion.
It may be wrongly suggested that if some of the processes are unconscious these
automatically means that these are not free. To us it can equally hold true that
genuine freedom of will operates in the unconscious, and that the genuine character
of the freedom of will is not conscious but unconscious, in which case we will never
be able to verify it, as we will never have access to such knowledge consciously and
inter-subjectively. Supporters of Wittgenstein’s epistemological account and modern
computer functionalists such as Dennett will say here that if we cannot say anything
certain about that, this means that we are wasting time trying to make the point in
first place, as that about which nothing can be said does not exists. Again we arrive
here to a similar deadlock as in the debate on qualia and subjectivity of conscious
Furthermore, the readiness potential hypothesis may be incomplete, it may be
that it overlooks some important, still undiscovered, features of the free will process
that all in one prompts misleading conclusions. Last but not least, regarding the
dilemma from a metaphysical perspective, we will never have chance to learn if
the knowledge on the basic-level brain processes on which the readiness potential
hypothesis is proposed is valid, and if it is to be questioned by consequent research
sometime in the future.
From the above standpoint it is very likely that the phenomenon of free will and
its basic properties, whether genuine or illusionary, will never be fully explained.
Emulation of free will in an artificial system could be achieved provisionally by
applying probability calculus or if we come up with a better formal theory which
would better simulate uncertainty as freedom rather than randomness.
Noteworthy, supposing that the gap of free will or free won’t is real, it is operat-
ing, as mentioned earlier, within tight boundaries of largely natured motivational
constraints and mortality. How the behaviour can be considered free at all if it is
motivated by a purpose that is not set by the subject. Our drivers do not depend
solely on us, the very fundamental drives such as desire to survive, desire of avoiding
pain, sex drive, are beyond our control. Of course one may provide a handful of
counterexamples like: people who commit suicide, monks that give up having off-
spring, sadomasochists, but for some reason these are behaviours that are extreme
and rare, for some reason it is very unlikely that entire mankind commit suicide or
decides not to have children or we simply cannot stand still and do nothing. Evidently

we have a deeply biologically rooted mechanisms that beyond the control of our
conscious self dictate the rhythm of our lives. Two which extent these drivers are
accessible and controllable by conscious self is still a largely unknown territory. Until
this is clarified we must accept a pretty limited notion of freedom in our action, or
perhaps full biological determinism. On the other hand until we prove it is possible
to programme a rational artificial agent we will not be sure that freedom of will is
indeed epiphenomenal and irrelevant to intelligence.
Although the problem of free will is central to understanding conscious experience,
and consequently forms the foundation for providing a sound experience represen-
tation framework, it unfortunately appears to us as unsolvable dilemma at present.
Noteworthy this assertion is not new whatsoever as thinkers and scientists have been
confronting it constantly for as long as history of ideas reaches back, and despite
the evident lack of clear cut answers the progress in science, including computer
and information systems was possible and proved useful across many application
areas, decision support and expert systems in particular. We therefore insist that
despite the problem of free will can not be now solved efforts aimed at constructing
satisfactory experience representation frameworks are justified, needed and can result
in useful approximations applicable to solving real-life problems.

3.4.3 Emotions and feeling in rational behaviour

One in all, what we postulate is that we currently lack a complete theory of affective
and rational action. This is difficult as mapping of all the affective and unconscious
phenomena onto purposeful behaviour requires confronting complexities that perhaps
go beyond capacities of our minds. Still, the building blocks for initiating construction
of such a theory are there already and should be tried. We believe it should be started
with identifying types of subjective feelings and mapping those onto intentional
contents that should redefine knowledge and could pave the way for improved
deliberation approximations.
It is important to explain here why our account is different from the early
utilitarian theories, as a critical argument could be forwarded that what we propose
is nothing but the revitalisation of the old utilitarian concepts, i.e. that people are
driven by innate urge to avoid pain and seek for pleasure.
At a first glance this argument appears plausible however there is an important
difference in the approach we adopt. The major difference lies in the complexity of
emotional contents processing. First of all utilitarians focused solely on the pain
and pleasure as the ultimate opposite subjective experiences. We suggest to perceive
subjective experience as significantly richer palette of subjective feeling states which
are either wanted or unwanted by an agent. To give a somewhat extreme example
an agent may like to feel pain, or may dislike a feeling that is commonly liked by
majority of other agents. Importantly there can be many types of feelings, at least

as many as there are fundamental emotional states, fear, disgust, shame, joy, etc.
but potentially there can be a lot more of different shades and intensities of these
emotional feeling states varying from a situation to another and having different sort
of impact on agent’s behaviour. Secondly, the outcome of the assessment process of
the valence of the feeling state is much more complex, and we propose this complexity
could be mapped by figuring out affective value of each piece of intentional contents
and include them in the reasoning about the current, “real-time” affective state of
the agent processing these contents while facing a particular decision situation.
Another important difference is the focus of utilitarians on the long-term perspec-
tive, a global optimum which is directing an individual to happiness and avoiding
pain, ignoring the local optima, single decision in which not always an alternative
which has the highest long-term pay-off is chosen, instead we point to the fact that
the behaviour, and thus decision process by an agent is a “here and now” exercise, as
no future nor past contents that do not appear in the present of the mind matter, so
the currently simulated future pay-offs (importantly, simulation is made based on
the remembered past experiences) only matters and only those that occur to, are
recalled by an agent from his memory have any significance, not all those that are
probable. More about different decision effects and their implication on the legacy
behavioural theories will be presented and discussed in chapter 5.
Our account is also different from the standard approach to how emotionality is
dealt with in so the called deliberative agents (please see chapter 5). Deliberative
BDI agents are enhanced with emotions by enlarging their knowledge, beliefs to be
more specific, set with propositions about their emotional states. However we do not
accept such a solution as a satisfactory one because it confuses the state of being
aware of an emotion with the affective state associated with any intentional state.
This is supported and inspired by philosophical account by Donald Davidson:

“According to Hume, ’reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the
passions’. By this he seems to have meant that the passions (desires)
supply the force that moves us to act, while reason (belief) merely directs
this force. I doubt that desire can be distinguished from belief in this way;
belief and desire seem equally to be causal conditions of action. But there
is a sense in which desire can be said to be more basic conceptually. Desire
is more basic in that if we know enough about a person’s desires, we can
work out what he believes, while the reverse does not hold.” (Davidson,
2004, p. 26)

Desires are equal to beliefs as indeed a desire is in the above sense a “verbalised
desire”, i.e. in order for a proposition to be included in the deliberation an agent
must have internally verbalize it and accept it by which he converts it into a belief.
As a result an agent acquires a belief about his desire or emotional state. Moreover,
as Davidson aptly puts it, a desire can be quantified according to its strength, which

under Bayesian choice theory equals to assigning subjective probability to it. Apart
from desires, converted as just explained into explicit beliefs, there exist implicit
affective states that directly influence behaviour, and these are not captured by the
desires set in the BDI framework, neither by other instrumentalist rationality models
because these currently are missing adequate forms of representation.

3.5 Affective bias in rational judgements – the em-

pirical study
This section reports the results of an empirical study we have carried out in order
to better understand the affective bias on rational judgements. The purpose of the
study was twofold. Firstly, we wanted to empirically test that a strong affective
stimulus would indeed bias a rational decision maker’s judgments and secondly, to
study the nature and strength of this effect in more detail, which would allow us to
get a better grasp on the effect, much better than it would have been if we relied
solely on the empirical data reported by other researchers in the subject literature.
In order to get a better understanding of the affective bias we have designed an
experiment the structure and results of which are presented hereof. The structure
of this report is aligned with the standards recommended by the APA Publications
and Communications Board Working Group on Journal Article Reporting Standards
(Publications and Journal Article Reporting Standards, 2008).

3.5.1 Problem under investigation

The question we were trying to answer under the reported study was whether
occurrence of stimuli that invokes strong affective response would influence rational
judgement. In other words whether a properly catered affective stimulus can make
individuals deviate from what is otherwise seen as a fair and balanced judgement of
a selected phenomenon.
The relevance of emotional or affective bias in economic behaviour and rational
decision making has been studied intensively by behavioural economists, and more
recently by neuroeconomists. The overview of these studies has already been provided
in the previous section. For further review of the topic please refer for instance to
(Shafir and LeBoeuf, 2002; Loewenstein and Lerner, 2003; Rick and Loewenstein,
The influence of affect on rational decision making has been studied from different
angles. One of the most commonly investigated problems is the influence of positive
and negative affective states on risk assessment e.g. (Johnson and Tversky, 1983;
Loewenstein et al., 2001). Knutson (Knutson et al., 2007) investigated the impact of
emotion on consumer choice. We have decided to look into the influence of affect on
rational judgement. Here by rational judgement we mean an assessment of quality

that is guided by balanced rational deliberation involving facts and cues that can be
interpersonally appreciated. This does not presuppose that such judgement cannot
be subjective. We have argued earlier that rational choice in most real life situations
is subjective. For the purpose of this study it is sufficient to make use of the intuitive
definition of rational judgment as fair assessment, that is one that follows the tenets
of rationality.
More specifically, in our study we have focused on the negative affective state:
disgust and its influence on the subjects’s judgements about the quality of a selected
wiki-type website, namely an open public Polish recipe service www.wikikuchnia.
Our primary hypothesis was that the occurrence of disgust deviates the assessment
of the quality of wikikuchnia service and the user satisfaction from the service. So we
assumed that the affect of disgust would lower the assessment scores for the service.
Moreover we anticipated that the perceived tastiness of the dish being described on
the chosen wikikuchnia entry would be influenced as well, and equally the disgusting
stimuli would discourage people from recommending either the dish or the service to
their friends.
In order to avoid response bias the respondents were misinformed about the
actual purpose of the study. Furthermore, apart from the control group the study
covered two study groups, one of which was exposed to an affective stimuli presented
above the threshold for conscious perception (supraliminal) and the other below the
threshold (subliminal).

3.5.2 Method
The study was carried out following the experimental testing regime with an ex-
perimental manipulation. A between-group design was applied with three groups
involved: (i) the control group (Group C), (ii) the study ‘supraliminal’ group (Group
A), and (iii) the study ‘subliminal’ group (Group B). The target participants where
heavy Internet users, familiar with wiki-type services (e.g. Wikipedia) with basic
computer and Web literacy. With this target set we have decided to target students
or young people between 18-34 years old with invitations to participate in the study.8
The samples were build and group selection made randomly. Invitations where sent
out to 3 independent groups of students in Warsaw, Poznan and Lodz via e-mail and
Facebook invitations. The targets were reached via tutors and students within the
identified student communities. Personal and professional background of participants
was assumed irrelevant. Participation in the study was anonymous, voluntary and
Due to the selected questionnaire distribution method which relied on social media a few
subjects from outside this target group participated in the study, however as the age was not a
critical factor in the experiment these responses have not been removed from the sample

As for the research tool used in the study we have designed a questionnaire
according to our own operationalization. The questionnaire was prepared with
Google Forms web tool. There where free forms prepared, one per each group. Each
participant received a link to the questionnaire corresponding to the relevant group.
The questionnaire consisted of an introduction and the main part. The introduction
covered the instructions for the respondents and the basic information about the
study including the misinformation and manipulation, which will be explained in
detail in the following subsection.
For the full questionnaire please refer to Appendix 1.

3.5.3 Description of the experiment

The experiment was designed in the following way. As to avoid previous experience
bias a fairly unpopular wiki service was selected: WikiKuchnia9 , which is a wiki-based
online cookbook where people contribute recipes in an typical open process according
to the wiki method and style.10 For the purpose of the experiment a new entry
was prepared presenting a fictive recipe for a non-existent dish we named ‘rogale
raciborskie’, a fictive variant of meet rolls. Again the dish was fictive as to limit
previous experience bias.
Three variants of the wikipage with the recipe were prepared and located on the
proxy sever in the domain wikikuchnia.net purchased for the purpose of the study. A
mirror of WikiKuchnia was put on the proxy server in WikiKuchnia.net as to avoid
disturbance from the genuine WikiKuchnia.org service administrators. Each page
variant differ only by the elements necessary for the manipulation. The screenshot of
the view of the page in the basic version meant for the control group is presented in
the figure 3.1.
The page displayed to the study Group A was manipulated by including a pop-
up window with a “WikiKuchnia curiosity of the day” which included a picture of
Zuris, big white worms eaten by natives Indians in Peru. This was done under the
assumption that such an image would under normal circumstances evoke strong
feeling of disgust in people of European culture. The pop-up window included a short
information in the bottom lefthand side of the window: “These are Zuris. Indians
in Peru eat them alive.”. This pop-up was activated in the 8th second after the
respondent opened the target wikipage. The pop-up window included an option
button to close the window and continue the reading of the wikipage. The pop-up
window is presented in figure 3.2.
The third group, the study Group B was directed to a page which was manipulated
as well. This time the picture used on the page presenting the rolls was altered.
On 18 April 2013, after the experiment the last modification of was timestamped 18:19, 13
January 2012 and the visitor counter was set at 188651

Figure 3.1: Screenshot of the unmodified web page

Figure 3.2: Screenshot of the web page displaying a pop-up window


Instead of a regular, static .png file with a photograph of the rolls an animated .gif file
was placed which included two layers. One layer included the original picture of the
rolls and the second layer the picture of Zuris, the same used in case of the group A.
The layers where animated with a delay between frames set at 2200ms for the layer
with the rolls and at 17ms for the layer with the worms, looped forever. 17ms delay
was chosen as the typical sub-threshold time applied in visual priming (Marcel, 1983;
Stone, Valentine, and Davis, 2001). Consequently the subject could only unconsciously
appreciate the stimuli evoking the emotion of disgust. It is important to note that in
some studies low-latency subliminal priming effect was found to be stronger than in
higher supraliminal priming latencies (Fischler and Goodman, 1978).

Importantly, the content of the page in terms of the recipe, structure, layout,
etc., was unaltered for all the groups. Each participant was evaluating exactly the
same recipe, although participants were informed in the questionnaire instructions
that a random wiki entry had been selected from WikiKuchnia, which was the part
of the purposeful misinformation. The misinformation was introduced to limit the
respondence bias. All participants were informed that the study is about assessing the
quality of Polish wiki services. The participants were guided throughout the study and
the questionnaire in a way that was supposed to make them believe the qualitative,
subjective assessment of WikiKuchnia was the genuine purpose of the study. The
third group, the subliminal study group B, was added to the experiment, as to further
weaken the respondence bias, as it was anticipated that despite misinformation some
participants may still figure out the real goal of the study which would spoil the

The procedure was as follows. Each participant received a link to the Google
Form in one of the three versions corresponding to the particular experimental group.
The first page of the questionnaire gathered basic respondent information such as
age, gender and a few profile questions irrelevant to the study which were part of
the misinformation strategy. Also the respondents were asked about how much they
like ingredients which later would appear in the recipe, however this was prior to the
moment the respondents could see the wikipage with the recipe for assessment. In
the next step, on the next questionnaire page, each participant received the link to
the wikipage in one of the three prepared versions. After reading the wikipage with
the meat rolls recipe the respondent was asked to come back to the questionnaire and
reply the rest of the questions. The questions in the questionnaires where identical for
all the groups. Only the links to wikipages where altered. Moreover, the questionnaire
for group A included one additional control question at the end of the questionnaire
(on the third page) to verify that the pop-up window was correctly displayed on the
catered wikipage. The respondents who indicated that they had not seen the pop-up
were removed from the data set.

3.5.4 Definition of the variables

The dependent variable under examination was the judgement bias, which we tried
to capture by asking participants a set of questions aiming at measuring: (i) qualita-
tive assessment score of wikikuchnia under a set of 5 assessment criteria: clearness,
conciseness, structure quality, language quality, visual quality; (ii) perceived tastiness
of the meat rolls which we juxtaposed with individual preferences of the ingredients
measured before the manipulation; (iii) willingness to order rolls from a restau-
rant menue (iv) willingness to recommend the dish to a friend, (v) willingness to
recommend the WikiKuchnia service to a friend.
As for variable (i) the participants had to evaluate aspects of WikiKuchnia on
a 1-4 Likert scale, where: 1 – very poor, 2 – poor, 3 – good, 4 – very good. In case
of variable (ii) the participants had to answer a corresponding deliberate question
on a 1–5 Likert scale, where: 1 – strongly dislike, 2 – dislike, 3 – neutral, 4 – like, 5
– very much like. Finally, the nominal variables (iii–v) took values [1,2] depending
on negative or positive answer to relevant deliberate question corresponding to [No,
Yes] respectively.
Details on the variables and the corresponding questions will be provided as the
results of the study are presented in the following subsection.
The dependant variable of the study was the presence of the disgust evoking
stimulus, i.e. the belonging to the one of the experimental groups: control (1),
supraliminal (2) or subliminal (3), which corresponded respectively to (1) the non-
presence of disgust evoking stimulus, (2) presence of supraliminally or (3) subliminally
projected stimulus evoking the affect of disgust.

3.5.5 Results
284 questionnaires where collected during the study out of which 273 retained, as 11
responses were ignored from the Group B, as in those cases the respondents indicated
that no pop-up had been noticed.
The participation structure for the responses retained for the data analysis is
presented on figure 3.3.
All statistical tests have been performed with R version 2.15.3. Charts where
generated in Google Spreadsheet.

The qualitative assessment of WikiKuchnia

In the study, after the manipulation, the participants were asked to evaluate
WikiKuchnia on a set of criteria. The corresponding form question was formu-
lated as follows: “Please assess the quality of the following aspects of WikiKuchnia:”
after which 5 aspects followed: clearness, conciseness, structure, language, visual
aspects, each to be assessed on a 1–4 Likert scale such that: 1 – very poor, 2 – poor,

Figure 3.3: No. of participants in the study (retained)

3 – good, 4 – very good. Based on this answers the “average.score” indicator has been
defined as the arithmetic mean of the scores for the 5 criteria. Figure 3.4 presents
the average score values for all the three experiment groups.

Figure 3.4: WikiKuchnia average assessment score, by group

Visibly there is a difference in average score between the control and subliminal
groups, statistical significance of which has been verified by applying between subjects
one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The analysis revealed a significant effect
of only subliminally evoked affect of disgust on qualitative overall assessment of
WikiKuchnia (operationalisation: arithmetic mean of assessment scores of all aspects)

at the p < .001[F (1, 175) = 12.01, p = 0.000666]. Interestingly this was not the case
for the supraliminal group which responded alike the control group. Importantly
the Bartlett’s test did not show a violation of homogeneity of variances [ 2 (1) =
0.4322, p = 0.5109].
In order to verify whether the reason for the subliminal group odd responses could
lie in the manipulation of the graphical elements of the wikipage, as the animated
.gif file with subliminally projected frame containing the disgusting Zuris could
potentially impact visual experience of the subjects, the avarage.score indicator was
modified by taking out the assessment score for the visual aspects. Consequently a
new variable was defined “average.score..without.visual”, and statistical tests repeated.
As figure 3.5 illustrates the difference between average score values changed only
slightly, as means decreased for all groups.

Figure 3.5: WikiKuchnia average assessment score excluding visual aspects, by group

As in previous case Bartlett’s test did not show a violation of homogeneity

condition [ 2 (1) = 0.1338, p = 0.7145], and one-way Anova confirmed significant
effect of subliminal disgust affect evocation on average WikiKuchnia assessment
[F (1, 175) = 9.278, p = 0.00268]

The willingness to recommend WikiKuchnia to a friend

In user/customer satisfaction research the question about readiness to recommend

a product or service to a friend is the ultimate one. It is assumed to best reflect
the true attitude of a user towards the assessed object. For the very same reason
this question was pivotal in our study. Under the given experimental design, with
the considerably large samples, there should be no difference expected in responses

by the three groups to this question. The analysis of the data from the experiment
proves the contrary.
Let us start with presenting the frequencies of yes/no answers for the free groups,
summarised in figure 3.6.

Figure 3.6: “Would you recommend WikiKuchnia to a friend?”

Visibly, the subliminal group stands out again. To determine whether observed
frequencies are significantly different between the experimental groups the Pearson’s
chi-squared test ( 2 ) was used. The results of the test confirm that there is a
statistically significant dependence between the independent variable (belonging to a
particular experimental group) and the willingness to recommend WikiKuchnia to
a friend [ 2 (2, N = 273) = 13.41, p < 0.01(p = 0.001224)]. Again, the dependance
only holds between the control and subliminal groups [ 2 (1, N = 177) = 9.55, p <
0.01(p = 0.001995)], as there was virtually no difference in response frequencies
between the control and supraliminal groups.

Subjective assessment of the meat rolls

Another hypothesis of the study was that the affective stimulus used in the experiment
would affect the perceived tastiness of the dish presented on the wikipage. This was
measured by three indicators corresponding to three questions in the questionnaire:
(i) “Suppose you are in a restaurant and you find these meat rolls on the menu among
other you know and like, would you order them?”; (ii) “Would you recommend the
meet rolls to a friend?”; (iii) “Even if you have not tried such a dish before try to
imagine its taste and assess how much you like it”. The first questions are yes/no type
questions operationalised into a nominal variable taking values [1,2], whereas the

last question involved a Likert scale coded into quantitative variable taking values
[1,2,3,4,5] as defined in previous section.
Let us start with presenting the frequencies of the yes/no answers for the free
groups. Answers to the question (i) are summarised in figure 3.7.

Figure 3.7: “Would you order the meat rolls?”

Although there is a visible deviation in the answers by subliminal group compared

to the other two, more precisely subjects from the subliminal group tended to be
slightly less willing to order rolls form a restaurant menu, the effect of the presence
of the subliminal stimulus is not statistically significant [ 2 (2, N = 273) = 2.44, p >
0.05(p = 0.2952)].
Now, let us look at the answers to the question (ii) summarised in figure 3.8.
Alike in the case of WikiKuchnia service recommendation subjects in the sublim-
inal group where less willing to recommend the rolls to a friend and this effect is
statistically significant [ 2 (2, N = 273) = 9.345, p < 0.01(p = 0.009348)].
The weaker effect in case of the first question may result from the fact that
subjects are more likely to experiment with their own food, and less willing to risk
compromising their relationships with a friend by recommending something they
potentially dislike or do not know. Importantly the questionnaire included a question
on whether the recipe or the dish itself was familiar to subjects, furthermore the
recipe was fictional, so the effect cannot be solely explained by subject’s avoidance to
recommend an unfamiliar dish. As mentioned earlier the question about willingness
to recommend an object to a friend is regarded a better indicator for measuring
subject experience quality.

Figure 3.8: “Would you recommend the meat rolls to a friend?”

Finally let us look at the answers provided to the third question measuring
the perceived tastiness of the dish presented in the WikiKuchnia entry. Figure 3.9
provides the summary of the mean values by each group.

Figure 3.9: “How much do you think you would like the rolls?” (mean by group)

Surprisingly, this time the supraliminal group stands out slightly with higher mean
value. However this effect is neither strong nor statistically significant. Bartlett’s test
did not show a violation of homogeneity of variances ( 2 (2) = 0.3526, p = 0.8384)
and the one-way ANOVA test results did not allow to take the effect of disgust on the
perceived tastiness of the rolls as statistically significant [F (1, 271) = 0.068, p = 0.795].
This also held for non-parametric tests of independence. The contingency table for
the considered variable “like.rolls” is presented in table 3.5.5.

Table 3.1: Contingency table for the considered variable “like.rolls”

control supraliminal subliminal
strongly dislike 2 3 4
dislike 10 5 5
neutral 28 17 23
like 49 65 50
very much like 6 6 0

If we apply the Chi-square test to the contingency table we get results which do
not allow us to reject the null hypothesis that level of disgust is independent of the
perceived tastiness of the dish [ 2 (8, N = 273) = 13.4779, p > 0.05(p = 0.09643)].
As these results are contradictory to our initial assumptions let us consider other
elements of the questionnaire related to this point.
In the study, before the manipulation, all participants were asked to declare
how much they liked each of the individual ingredients appearing in the recipe
that they were supposed to assess later, on a Likert scale 1-5. Our expectations
where that: (i) there should be no significant difference between groups in scoring
for all the ingredients separately either for the mean of individual scores, (ii) there
should be a correlation between the assessment of individual ingredients and the
perceived tastiness of the dish for the control group, (iii) there should be a significant
difference in perceived tastiness between the control group and the two study groups
(supraliminal and subliminal).
We already know that the third expectation turned out incorrect. Now let us
look at the other two. Figure 3.10 summarises the average score for all ingredients
by group.
The differences in average score between groups are very small, furthermore not
statistically significant [F(1,271)= 0, p=0.982]. If we analyse the ingredients one by
one and test their dependence on the group with one-way ANOVA we get the results
presented in table 3.5.5.
Those results reveal dependence for only 3 out of 13 ingredients, out of which
one can be considered as not critical (margarine) in the recipe and for the other two

Figure 3.10: Average tastiness score for all ingredients by group

the mean values were higher in the supraliminal and subliminal groups compared to
the control group, which is illustrated in figure 3.11.

Consequently, we can say that all the three groups of respondents where homoge-
neous in terms of how much they liked the ingredients appearing in the recipe.

Interestingly however, there was no correlation between the average assessment

of the ingredients before the manipulation and the perceived tastiness of the dish
revealed in the questionnaire after WikiKuchnia entry was displayed, for either the
control group alone or all the groups put together. Tasting the data for Pearson’s
product-moment correlation proved that there was no correlation between the average
liking of the ingredients and the perceived tastiness of the dish in the control group
[r = 0.23, N = 95, p = 0.02508]. Neither could it be detected when answers of all the
participants where considered [r = 0.23, N = 273, p = 0.0001203]. We have received
similar result when Kendall’s rank correlation tau test was applied [⌧ =0.2263107,
N=95, p=0.005409, ⌧ =0.1724961, N=273, p=0.0003448 respectively for the control
group alone, and the three groups together].

The above results suggest that the subjective perceived tastiness of the dish did
not depend on how subjects liked the ingredients before the experiment, and it is
hard to determine the reasons for why participants liked or disliked the dish at the
end, so this indicator is not the best for analysing the deviations in judgements
between groups.

Table 3.2: One-way ANOVA test results confirming lack of significant differences
between groups in how individuals liked the ingredients before the experimental
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
pork 1 0.22 0.218 0.367 0.545314
beef 1 5.25 5.255 8.841 0.003223 **
onion 1 4.18 4.183 7.037 0.008476 **
oil 1 0.57 0.565 0.951 0.330392
flour 1 0.20 0.198 0.334 0.564060
yeast 1 0.02 0.017 0.029 0.865620
milk 1 0.28 0.279 0.470 0.493749
margarine 1 8.38 8.382 14.102 0.000214 ***
yolk 1 0.08 0.080 0.135 0.713170
egg.white 1 0.05 0.050 0.084 0.772028
sugar 1 2.23 2.226 3.745 0.054062
salt 1 0.23 0.233 0.393 0.531496
peper 1 0.75 0.751 1.264 0.262006
Residuals 259 153.94 0.594

3.5.6 Conclusions and further work

One in all the results presented in the previous section suggest that the affect of
disgust has statistically significant effect on the rational judgements primarily in
situation when subjects are not aware of the affective stimulus. Should the stimulus
be consciously appreciated the effect is no longer visible. Furthermore the effect is not
strong, as the variations in responses between the control group and the study groups
where not high in relative terms. However in case of the key indicators considered in
the study, such as the willingness to recommend wikipedia to a friend, the effect was
The interesting and not expected finding of the study is the lack of effect in case of
the supraliminal study group. Members of this group responded very similarly to the
control group despite the manipulation. This could be explained by the respondence
bias. Once a respondent realises that the displayed pop-up has something to do
with the true purpose of the study the experiment is spoiled. We speculate that
in such occurrence of events the respondents where particularly cautious and fair
when providing their assessment scores, trying to mitigate the effect of disgust they
became aware of. This would suggest that in the rational judgment indeed there is
an interplay between affective traits and logical, fact-based deliberations, which may
to certain degree be consciously controlled.
As for the further work, it would be interesting to repeat a similar study with
a within-subject experimental design. This would allow us to verify consistency

Figure 3.11: “How much do you like these ingredients? (mean by group)”

in answers within subjects, which would allow separate better participants’ past
experience bias. Such design however would call for a more controlled experiment
environment and thus require more resources for equally high participation numbers.

3.6 Conclusions
Do we happen to leave in increasingly romantic times? Shall we now turn to the
classics of romantic literature and thought for inspiration? Or perhaps it is all just a
puzzle, and the key to this puzzle lies in the proper framing of the problem? Evidently
the dualist tradition makes the boundaries between mind and body, heart and reason,
rational and emotional clear and sharp. The mind-body problem has been approached
by contemporary philosophers by objecting dualism, noticing that the same reality
can simply be described from different narratives: mental and physical that are not
mutually exclusive. The dualist tradition in considering the rational as separate from
the emotional is strong as well, which is mainly driven by classical and neo-classical
economics. Likely, the solution again can be found in questioning the traditional
dichotomy between rationality and emotionality, dissolving the positivist-romantic
problem in the integral spirit.
Let us conclude this chapter by highlighting the following characteristics of subjec-
tive affective mental states: (i) affective mental states have biological representation;
(ii) affective states are subjective states but can be compared inter-subjectively; (iii)
the problem with affective states representation begins with the limitation of natural
language which prompts for the search of non-linguistic forms of intentionality

Elaborating on the last point let us note that traditionally what has been
described as rational linguistically pertained to the realm of science and philosophy
the emotional pertained to the realm of arts. This is exactly because these two
realms are governed by different narratives, the former by the intra-subjective and
objective reality and the former by primarily subjective reality. Speech acts are forms
of institutional intentional states therefore linguistic components have corresponding
parts of objective reality that they represent. Everyone knows what a “wheel” is
because we can point at an object that you and me see and say “This is a wheel”.
We cannot do this with affective states because the they are subjective and likely
private, so it is hard to define the “direction of fit”.
Let us close the discussion in this chapter with two quotes from Damasio pointing
at two very important properties of of conscious mind states:

“[Conscious states of mind] contain an obligate aspect of feeling - they

feel like something to us.”

“Of necessity, conscious states of mind handle knowledge based on different

sensory material - bodily, visual, auditory, and so forth - and manifest
varied qualitative properties for the different sensory streams. Conscious
states of mind are felt” (Damasio, 2010)
Chapter 4

A model for experience

representation in information

The aim of this chapter is threefold. Firstly (i), it will introduce the conceptual
framework for unified representation of affect and knowledge in informations systems.
This will allow (ii) to introduce the formal definition of experience and (iii) propose
experience representation framework for application in information systems. Mean-
while the said framework will build on the mainstream knowledge representation
approaches without entering into a discussion on their validity nor efficiency, the
complementing part of the model corresponding to affect will be studied in more
detail. To be more specific (iv) a review of emotional and affective models used
in information science with the objective to identify their main weaknesses and
limitations will be carried out. Finally, we will be able to conclude with proposing
a general purpose theory of experience applicable to representation, emulation and
processing of experiential phenomena in information systems.

4.1 From knowledge representation to experience

Although knowledge representation is an established discipline in artificial intelligence
research and information science, representation of experience is a new concept.
Queries on “experience representation” in mainstream scientific resource search
engines such as Google Scholar return few, mostly unrelated, results, which suggests
we are opening a new chapter in this respect.
Obviously, there have been efforts aimed at representing emotions in computer
systems, under a field of affective computing/reasoning that has emerged recently. Af-
fective computing embraces the studies on computational models of human emotional
processes that mostly serve the purpose of modelling human emotional behaviour in


computer and robotic systems. Affective computing is a relatively young discipline

involving mostly computer scientists and cognitive psychologists that has grown
out of cognitivist tradition. The cognitivist legacy of the field has had a profound
impact on the shape of the mainstream theories, models and affective representation
frameworks. It manifests in the popularity of the so-called appraisal-based models of
emotions worked out over 80s and 90s of the XX century by cognitive psychologists,
with most prominent names including Lazarus (Lazarus, 1991), Scherer (Scherer,
Schorr, and Johnstone, 2001) and Frijda (Frijda, 1986).
Before providing a review of main theories and models of emotions underpinning
the conceptual frameworks of computational models of emotions, which will be
included in the following section, let us establish a link between experience, knowledge
and emotion representation.
The said link is quite straightforward and is a direct consequence of the way we
understand and define conscious experience. In order to have a sound representation
framework of experience, which we define as affectively coloured knowledge, one
needs to have two basic elements to start with: (i) a sound knowledge representation
framework; (ii) a sound affect representation framework. In order to have the latter one
needs: (iia) a sound theory and model of affect, (iib) a proper formal (computational)
model which can implement the theoretical model of affect. The (i) and (ii) could,
and ideally should, be addressed by one unified framework for dealing with experience
as a unified phenomena.
Importantly as for (i) knowledge representation that covers the representation
of intentional content of mind in IS there are already proven models and methods
provided by knowledge engineering field. We will rely here and in the future work
on these proven models. However, There is a more apparent lack of (ii) affect
representation frameworks as well as gap-bridging between (i) and (ii). So the natural
starting point for us in improving the situation is to challenge (ii) in fist place,
therefore (iia) and (iib).
We find that neither a sound, usable theory of emotion (iib) nor a formal framework
to capture affective phenomena in IS (iib) are in place currently. To us, the lack of
(iia) seems to be at least partly due to a particular legacy of cognitivist thinking
that has dominated the AI field. AI researchers have relied on the “armchair” type
accounts of emotion provided by psychologists and cognitive scientists without much
critical reflection. Only recently, and surprisingly slowly, new approaches based on
accumulated scientific evidence form brain science has started making the wave
and has been attracting more and more attention from information and computer
scientists, but no substantially new paradigms has been proposed so far.
The lack of (iib) is too large extent a consequence of refutable (iia), but also
stems from the fact that mainstream KR formal systems are intrinsically objective,
episteme-fixated and language dependant. Meanwhile it is difficult to disagree with
Panksepp who claims:

“Affects are not encoded as information. They are diffuse global states
generated by deep subcortical brain structures, interacting with primi-
tive viscerosmatic body (core self) representations that remain poorly
mapped.”(Panksepp, 2008)

The natural tendency in the field of information and computer science in ap-
proaching affective phenomena is to apply proven knowledge engineering mode of
thinking, methods and techniques to affect representation, despite the fact that
knowledge and affect are distinctively different phenomena, which is a pitfall in which
we also prone to a certain degree, but we realize it and have taken it as our main
direction for improvement and further work. Possibly, a fundamentally new formal
system or even a new type of formalism may be needed to facilitate a development
of a satisfactory (iib).
The overview of theoretical approaches to emotion modelling and representation
in information system, to be covered in the following subsection, shall provide justifi-
cation of the above formulated diagnosis. Importantly, we will focus in this review
primarily on identifying weaknesses of the emotional and affective theoretical models
providing basis for computational models of affective phenomena because we strongly
believe that the former are the main reason for inefficiencies of formal, computational
models. Formal models always result in yet another degree of simplification of the
natural phenomena. If the formal models are based on refutable theories and theoret-
ical models of emotion and affect they are a priori bound to failure, this is why we
emphasise the need for coming up with an improved theoretical model before getting
to implementation details. Applicability of the theoretical framework proposed by us
later in this chapter will be covered in the next one.

4.2 Limitations of mainstream affect and emotion

The recent review of contemporary computational models of emotion by Marsella et
al. (Marsella, Gratch, and Petta, 2010) indicates that there are, at least in principle,
three major theoretical traditions underlying the formal models: (i) appraisal theory,
(ii) dimension theories, which in practice has been often applied to formalisms relying
also on appraisal theory, (iii) anatomical and (iv) rational. Unquestionably, the most
popular and influential among the authors of computational models of emotion, is the
first theory (i). Figure 4.1 provides a detailed mapping of all models considered by
the cited review onto the affect/emotion theories that provide theoretical and philo-
sophical background for formal representation of affective and emotional processes
in information and computer systems. The dominant position of appraisal theory
tradition is apparent. This tradition has been shaped by four theories of emotion: (i)
Appraisal theory by Lazarus (Lazarus, 1990; Lazarus, 2006), (ii) sequential checking

Figure 4.1: Overview of contemporary computational models of emotion by Marsella

et al. (Marsella, Gratch, and Petta, 2010)

theory by Scherer (Scherer, Schorr, and Johnstone, 2001), (iii) action tendency by
Frijda, (iv) OCC model by Ortony, Clore and Collins. All four have two important
things in common: firstly, they treat emotion process as a cognitive process that
starts with appraisal of the triggering stimulus producing, in course of conscious
reasoning, behavioural or cognitive responses as process outputs, secondly, they
confuse emotion and feelings of emotions.
According to the evidence presented throughout Chapter 3 these theories are
flawed. We will briefly present Lazarus’s version of appraisal theory as an exem-
plification of this family of theories as to highlight the main flaws, later we will
concentrate on OCC model chosen as an example of appraisal theory driven emotion
taxonomy and undertake its critical review. Before that, let us mention that many
propositions that build up these theories are uncontroversial and plausible, such as
that emotions are adaptation mechanisms produced by evolution, and that their
predominant role is to help organism to ensure survival and well-being. Without
a prejudice to the informative and useful insights provided by these theories the
below critical presentation will concentrate on more controversial aspect of appraisal
theories of emotion.
The account of emotion developed by Lazarus is the most widely cited among all
appraisal approaches. Like all theories in the family it proposes that:

“Each emotion expresses a person’s appraisal of a person-environment

relationship involving a particular kind of harm or benefit.”

(Lazarus, 1990, p. 611) According to Lazarus the appraisal involves interaction

between antecedent motivational and belief variables on the one hand and envi-
ronmental demands, constraints and resources on the other. The appraisal leads
to generation of embodied action tendencies (en element strongly emphasized also
in Frijda’s account) that correspond to the construed harm/benefit relationships.
Importantly Lazarus states:

“Above all, the emotional response is not a reaction to a stimulus, but to

an organism(person) – environment relationship.”(Lazarus, 1990, p. 614)

This statement is critical as it shows that according to the discussed theory only an
interpreted stimulus can trigger an emotional state. The interpretation that is done in
the appraisal phase is a cognitive process that involves conscious thought processing.
This contradicts findings by Ledoux (LeDoux, 2000) on emotional fear responses
discussed in earlier chapters as well as the phenomena of inbred fear reaction to
certain objects such as predators like cats in case of laboratory rodents (Panksepp,
2005), or human innate fear reactions to snakes (Öhman, Flykt, and Esteves, 2001).
This also is opposed by an account of Zajonc (Zajonc, 1980; Zajonc, 1984), who
suggested that occasionally emotion is independent of cognition.

The basic proposition of the appraisal theory that we find fundamentally wrong is
that emotional states are only triggered by cognitive information processing. Lazarus
proposes that:

“[Representations of one’s circumstances], which reflect knowledge and

beliefs about what is happening, are relevant to emotion because they
are the data that the person evaluates with respect to their adaptational
significance. These knowledge-centred representations, or situational con-
struals, however, do not directly produce emotions. Instead, it is how
these representations are appraised with respect to their significance
for personal well-being – the second type of cognition – that directly
determines the emotional state.”(Lazarus, 1990, p. 616)

The above provides an account of an emotional reaction as a complex cognitive

process requiring involvement of high level cognitional capacities of relational abstract
thinking. Under such and account an emotion arises only when an agent perceives
an event in which certain environmental configuration and personality traits come
coincide to impact its subjective well-being. The process is illustrated by figure 4.2.
Let us comment on one selected instance of the process illustrated thereof, namely the
creation of “affect”, i.e. the subjective experience of the natural agent experiencing an
emotion. Little is said about this component and the consequences of it are not clear.
There is no place in the model for association of affect with knowledge and purposeful
behaviour, affect is presented as a phenomenal irrelevant by-product of the process
which have to be “coped with”. This is exactly the moment when the theory ignores
the importance of feelings of emotions and leaves the relationship between emotion,
emotional response and feelings of emotions unclear. It is astonishing as under such
an account there is not much justification nor the role for affect to exist. Why would
evolution create affective dimension of experience if there is no practical role for it.
We propose that this is a critical moment in which the appraisal theories miss the
point of long-term influence of emotion on knowledge and future cognitive states.
The relationship between feelings of emotions and the entire process as well as each
particular instance is memorized and must make a difference in future situations,
pretty much like the somatic marker hypothesis by Damasio suggest but differently
framed for the purpose of knowledge representation research. We will propose in
later parts to address this by introducing a concept of affectively coloured knowledge
that will serve as a vehicle for experiential continuity and consistency over time.
Apart from the above flaws the appraisal approach would provide otherwise
plausible account of emotional machinery, as it could be patched with introducing
the concept if unconscious processing, avoiding thus the troubles with the inefficient
and resource intensive conscious cognitive processing, riding on the valid ultimate
goal of emotional processes to perform adaptive behaviour in ensuring survival and

Figure 4.2: The model of the cognitive – motivational – emotive system by Lazarus
(Lazarus, 1990)

well-being of an organism. This the case of a modern variant of appraisal account of

emotions as formulated by Stein et al.:

“From the very beginning of life, experiencing and expressing emotion

are goal based, expressive, and action-oriented. Experiencing emotion
involves continual monitoring of personally relevant goals, and involves
a constant appraisal of the value and worth of events, people, objects,
activities, ideas, internal states, and anything else that impinges on
the psychological and physical well-being of the person involved. The
monitoring of goals requires both unconscious and conscious processing,
and the evocation of emotion is the result of both types of processing.
One of the main questions surrounding the description of the thinking
that accompanies emotion is when and under what conditions emotional
processing results in conscious awareness, as opposed to remaining an
unconscious process.” (Stein, Hernandez, and Trabasso, 2008, p. 576)

The above theory of emotion as any other appraisal based approach has been
strongly influenced by Miller’s classic account of the importance of planing and goal
achievement for human behaviour (Miller, Galanter, and Pribram, 1960). For Stein
goal monitoring is from where emotional excitation originates. This is in line with
the commonly accepted claim that emotion primarily serve evolutionary fitness so
they must help an organism to guide its behaviour in a way that this principal goal
such as survival are attained. The trouble with such an account is if the nature of all
types of goals, such distinctly different as thirst satisfaction, survival and going to
cinema tonight, can be monitored and appraised with the same sort of mechanisms.
Despite the theoretical elegance of Stein’s account it is hard to ignore the important
evidence from neuroscience that suggest that emotions, some at least, are rather
immediate responses to sensory inputs that directly trigger emotional state without
entering neither consciousness nor areas in the brain that are capable of cognitive
appraisal. Basic emotions are governed simply by lower structures in the brain that
are not cognition capable, and the emotional appraisal mechanism seems to be much
more primitive than appraisal account would suggest.
Lazarus however, in considering the appraisal mechanism, surprisingly distin-
guishes emotions from other “entities that serve adaptive purposes” in which he
includes (i) “reflexes” such as startle or eye blink, and (ii) “physiological drives” such
as thirst or hunger. Distinguishing reflexes from emotions would not be surprising
if Lazarus would not suggest in one place that reflexes may also be referred to as
“instincts” and assign them to simple organisms “that can afford to interact with
their environments in highly stereotyped ways”. Unfortunately Lazarus does not
specify how “simple” organism he means, whereas these are primitive single cell
organism or more complex organisms such as insects or reverberates. The word
“instinct” suggest that at least primitive species of reverberates like amphibians are

included. If it is so, the manoeuvre with introducing reflexes as separate entities

allows him to avoid inconvenient at the time comparisons of emotional states across
species, in particular between human and animal emotions. It serves as a security
valve for the theory whenever a visibly similar emotional state is observed in a
human being and in an organism that have not sufficient cognitive capacities to
accommodate the emotion theory proposed by Lazarus, which is quite demanding as
far as brain capacity requirements are concerned. In other word a simple organism
could not simply experience fear as it would not have enough cognitive capacities
to produce fear response, so in this case Lazarus would suggest that the animal is
not experiencing fear but launches a reflex. We know from evolutionary studies on
central nervous system that this is not correct. Both human and animal emotions, at
least the so called basic emotions, are handled by evolutionary older, more primitive
in evolutionary sense, parts of the brain.
In general the evolutionary perspective on emotion as outlined by Lazarus is not
plausible, as he suggest that in course of evolution “judgement took over from innate
reflexes, and emotions-drawing upon both motives and thought-have become the key
adaptive process intervening between environmental challenges and actions”. Further
on Lazarus states: “(...) more complicated species have to stake their security on the
capacity to evaluate the significance of what is happening.”(Lazarus, 1990)
This contradicts the evolutionary brain scientific account of emotion (compare
(Panksepp, 1998)) which is supported by solid experimental and neurological evidence.
Somewhat similar is the case of the aforementioned physiological drives. Lazarus
treats them as entities of adaptive purposes that are parallel to emotions and entail
direct behavioural consequences. According to Lazarus account the drive leads
directly to behaviour which is adjusted to situation due to the learning capabilities
of organisms. So drives constitute sufficient motivational condition for prompting
organism action aimed at satisfying them, and the mechanism for selecting the
relevant action are dependant on learning and in some higher drives typical of
humans such as “to explore, achieve, and gain mastery over the environment as well
as to maintain contact and form social bonds with others” depends on “a powerful
and abstract intelligence”. The omission of emotions in this chain, rather treating
them as separate entities is astonishing. From the brain science perspective drives,
or what corresponds to the entity described by Lazarus, merely serve as trigger to
emotions that motivate organism to seek for resources. It has been known for some
time already that a dedicated “seeking” emotional system plays a critical role in
this process and that there is a dedicated general purpose neuronal system in a
mammalian brain responsible for orchestrating this affective state (Panksepp, 1998).
Only because this emotion is triggered by thirst or hunger, which indeed stems from
the bodily changes particular to a given homoeostatic need, the animal finds energy
and motivation to get the resources, water and food it needs. The most convincing
argument for such explanation, contrary to what Lazarus proposes, is the clinical case

of patients suffering from severe depression, in which despite the presence of evident
homoeostatic needs of hunger and thirst reflected in the parameters of the body
such as low level of sugar and density of blood, these patients do not find enough
motivation to get up to take food or drink. Noteworthy, it has been demonstrated
that the activity of general-purpose seeking emotional system in the brain responsible
for “go get resources” action motivation is chronically low in depressed patients
(Panksepp, 2005).
To sum-up the above part of the discussion on the appraisal approach let us
conclude that despite theoretical elegance and completeness of this account and its
alignment with the evolutionary perspective on behavioural adaptation to environ-
mental conditions guaranteeing long-term evolutionary fitness of the organism this
account of emotion is incompatible with a bulk of neurological evidence suggesting
that affective states are triggered a the level of brain structures that are not capable
of complex cognitive processing which goal monitoring would require. It further
ignores the fact that affective states that start to develop before conscious cognitive
processing influence, so affect, the later stage modulation in higher brain structures.
This suggests that affective states a priori colour beliefs which form the body of
knowledge used as a basis for thinking and higher level processing. Despite that
the appraisal account remains still the dominant theory of emotion adapted by
information and artificial intelligence scientists. This is also because the appraisal
account gave birth to a number of emotion models that served well the purpose of
emotion representation in computer systems, of which a most influential example is
the OCC model presented in the next paragraph.
An important landmark in modelling emotion in artificial systems was the ap-
pearance of the seminal, and still widely used in AI field, work by Ortony et. al.
(Ortony, Clore, and Collins, 1988), in which a structural framework for dealing
with emotions as cognitive phenomena was proposed, labelled OCC after the first
letters of the authors’ surnames. The unquestionably valuable contribution by Ortony
and colleagues was to bring the importance of emotion to human cognition to the
attention of AI field widely dominated by computer functionalism at the time, where
the theory of human mind as information processing machine was in the mainstream.
The introduction to the book opens with the following statement:

“Emotion is one of the most central and pervasive aspects of human

experience.”(Ortony, Clore, and Collins, 1988, p. 3)

This work however took one step further which was critical for its popularity. It
proposed a ready-to-use theoretical framework allowing to treat the emotion as part
of the cognitive machinery of human mind, which has set the thinking pattern on
emotion in AI for years to come. Importantly however the cognitivist account of
emotion as proposed by Ortony et. all has proven fundamentally wrong. The below
quote summarises this account.

“The emotions are very real and very intense, but they still issue from
cognitive interpretations imposed on external reality, rather than directly
form reality itself. It is in this sense that we claim that there is an essential
and profound cognitive basis for emotions.” (Ortony, Clore, and Collins,
1988, p. 4)
As mentioned earlier contemporary brain science proves the contrary the basis of
emotion is not cognitive but neurologically, unconsciously hard-wired. Emotions
are cognitively triggered and may be cognitively modulated but are not cognitively
determined, they are neurologically determined, automatic programs of bodily re-
sponses to stimuli which may in some cases operate entirely without involvement of
the higher level cognitive machinery of human brain.
The characterisation and structuralization of affective dimension of human expe-
rience proposed by Ortony at al. was driven by the cognitivist paradigm which may
be the roots of the problem and the reason why eventually it fails to capture the true
nature of feelings and emotions of a natural agent. Under OCC affect is understood
as “evaluative reactions to situations as good or bad” and emotions, treated as one
kind of “affective conditions” as “valenced reactions to events, agents, or objects, with
their particular nature being determined by the way in which the eliciting situation
is construed.” In other words the reactions affected by stimuli depend entirely on
the stimuli and the evaluation by the natural agent which reminds a deliberation
process and involves complex reasoning including that of distinguishing which is
good and bad. The complexity and dependence on practical reasoning typical of
higher cognitive brain functions is well illustrated by the below excerpt:
“The qualitative nature of the affective reaction depends in the first
instance on what aspect of a situation is evaluated: an event, its agent,
or an object. Depending on which of these is the focus of attention, the
primary affective reactions include being pleased or displeased, approving
or disapproving, and liking or disliking. In particular, the reaction of
being pleased or displeased reflects one’s perception of the consequences of
events and desirable or undesirable. Desirability is computed on the basis
of the implications an event appears to have for one’s goals. The reaction
of approving or disapproving reflects one’s perception of an agent’s action
as praiseworthy or blameworthy. Praiseworthiness is computed on the
basis of the standards, principles, or values implicated by the action.
finally, the affective reaction of liking or disliking reflects one’s perception
of objects (including persons, things, ideas, experiences, etc.) as appealing
or unappealing with respect to one’s attitudes towards them. (Ortony,
Clore, and Collins, 1988, p. 191)
We know that emotional responses simply do not work this way and have a direct
and immediate impact on natural agent behaviour. One sentence from the above

quote is particularly worth commenting: “Desirability is computed on the basis of

the implications an event appears to have for one’s goals”. This pretends to reduce
emotions to symptoms of certain cognitive states, which only indirectly influence
behaviour. What would such a emotional intermediary be for at all? What would
be the evolutionary justification for such an implementation in human body, why
would we need emotions in general is that case? Furthermore, there seems to be a
recurrence deadlock in the above account, because it is not clarified how the priority
of goals is set. If practically reasoned goals are the ultimate driver what decides
about that one person has a goal to listen to Mozart and another to Chopin instead?
If we accept this stance we end up in the behavioural nonsensical account of a human
being as a goal pursuing zombie, which is wrong.
The most significant contribution by Ortony et. al. was their cognitivist emotion
typology. Having rejected the basic two-dimensional description of emotions along the
typical valence and arrousal axes for being too “uninformative” and “unsurprising”,
they proposed that the overall emotional system can be structured into groups or
families of emotion types that share the same eliciting conditions. This led them
to the division of emotions into three main branches representing respectively the
valenced reactions to events, actions and objects. Further on they distinguished
six major groups of emotion types taking into account the temporal dimension,
relationship to self and other agents as well as objects of external world, and
desireability. Consequently thus defined six emotion types embraced 20 emotions
forming 10 pairs: (i-ii) love–hate, (iii-iv) admiration–reproach, (v-vi) pride–shame,
(vii-viii) joy–distress, (ix-x) gloating–pity, (xi-xii) happy-for–resentment, (xiii-xiv)
satisfaction–fears-confirmed, (xv-xvi) relief–disappointment, (xvii-xviii) gratification–
remorse, (xix-xx) gratitude–anger. Eventually, an individual structure for each of
the 20 particular emotion has been proposed.
The criticism of the OCC model could fill up a separate volume, for which we
do not have enough space here. Let us just state that the model contradicts many
findings about the nature of emotions and relies on false assumptions such as for
instance that emotions depend on whether they are triggered by event, object or
agent. It it was the case the fear response to falling down, seeing a horse running on
you or viewing a picture of a scared face would be different, and we know it has the
same foundations.
The OCC framework is flawed upon yet another important element, it is ambiguous
about distinguishing feelings of emotions and emotions, or rather it dubs the general
confusion on this issue common at the time. Although the OCC model could be
potentially adapted to the needs of representing emotional reactions (execution of
the “emotional programmes”) it entirely ignores the qualitative, subjective feelings
that are invoked by emotions. The proper representation of interdependence between
emotions on the one hand and feelings of emotions on the other remains a challenge
for AI.

As the OCC model was created with the purpose of AI applications the model is
“elegant” enough to be computationally tractable. For the reason of being tractable
and highly popular as it has been implemented in vast number of artificial agent
frameworks it is often accepted by KR theorists unthinkingly. This becomes evident
after the review of many examples of agent logics looked into in detail in the following
chapter. The common justification for adopting OCC model of emotion is exactly
as follows: as the model has been created with the purpose of IA application, is
commonly used by AI researchers and is easy to implement in computing machines
we choose to formalize it also in our work. This approach is highly misguided, as
the foundations of the OCC model are wrong. This is why we believe there can be
no breakthrough in affective computing and affective information systems until a
computationally tractable yet valid theory of emotion is proposed and made popular.
Needless to say, a flawed account of affect lying at the foundations of OCC model
does not have to necessarily disqualify the contribution by Ortony et al. at large as
their structuring approach and parts of the proposed framework could serve as a
starting point for improved structuring efforts. As the limits of the framework are
evidently rooted in the misguided foundations these suggests the most promising
directions for improvement. It is also important to recognize that the work by
Ortony and colleagues vastly contributed to the convergence of disciplines working
by then on emotions separately: psychology, clinical psychology, cognitive science,
information and computer science and economics. It was and important landmark in
the emergence of what is now called the affective computing.
Affective computing is a discipline which studies the representation of emotions
in information and computer systems, that has emerged about the time of the
publication by Picard (Picard, 1997), which starts with the following manifest.

In this book I will lay a foundation and construct a framework for

what I call “affective computing”, computing that relates to, arises from,
or deliberately influences emotions.(...) Affective computing includes
implementing emotions, and therefore can aid the development and
testing a new and old emotion theories.

Although it is relatively young discipline we have witnessed a wave of publications in

the area touching upon many application areas of which most common are: computer
games and animated video (believable human agents), human-computer interaction,
human behaviour simulation (including economic behaviour), software engineering
(intelligent emotional agents), and validation and testing of emotion theories.
The second group of theoretical approaches to affect modelling includes the so
called dimensional theories (Marsella, Gratch, and Petta, 2010). The basic idea
behind these accounts is that emotions are not discrete, instead it is believed that
affective states are like vectors in multidimensional space that embrace the entire
domain of possible affective states. The exact number and labels of the dimensions

in the space vary from author to author, yet the most accepted and uncontroversial
is the two-dimensional space where one dimension is affective arousal and the second
valence. One of the first and most influential dimensional model was proposed by
Mehrabian and Russell which included three dimensions: (i) pleasure-displeasure, (ii)
arousal-disarousal, and (iii) dominance-submissiveness, referred to in the literature
as PAD model. (Mehrabian and Russell, 1974)
Importantly the Mehrabian–Russell model (M–R) assumed that affects orchestrate
human-environment relationship, so that stimuli coming from the environment impact
emotional state of an agent which directly elicits given behavioural response. The
mapping of environmental events onto behavioural responses mediated by emotions
has still been however under a visible influence of the behaviourist way of thinking.
Although a body of neurological evidence has been recalled to support the theory the
proposed framework severed rather the descriptive purposes of behavioural responses
than understanding the nature and neurological roots of emotional behaviour.
The PAD model has been extensively explored in computational models of affect,
although it has evolved into many different variations. Russell and Pratt (Russell
and Pratt, 1980) later proposed that the dominance dimension, which stands for a
degree of power or control, could be omitted in the basic variation of the M–R model,
as arousal and valence dimensions are sufficient to cover all possible responses to
all types of situations. At the same time Russell proposed an extended framework
that embraced with a circular spacial model eight affective concepts: pleasure (0 ),
excitement(45 ), arousal(90 ), distress(135 ), displeasure(180 ), depression(225 ),
sleeplessness(270 ) and relaxation(315 )(Russell, 1980). Recently however Russell
has been insisting on the fundamental role of the basic two dimensions: valence and
arousal proposing his concept of core affect understood as central “states experienced
as simply feeling good or bad, energized or enervated”, which “influence reflexes,
perception, cognition, and behavior and are influenced by many causes internal and
external, but people have no direct access to these causal connections.” (Russell,
2003, p. 145), see also (Russell and Norvig, 2009).
Another important particularity of the dimensional account is that it highlights
the primacy of emotion over cognition in agent–environment instant relationship
orchestration. Unlike appraisal theorists Russell believed that the sequence of af-
fective response is as follows: external stimulus occurs, the affective quality of this
occurrence influences the core affect, the variation in the core affect is attributed to
the stimulating object and only then the cognitive appraisal of the object is carried
out in terms of goal relevance. (Russell, 2003)
Regardless of the exact final shape of the affective dimensional space the pivotal
element of this account is the questioning that emotional programmes or affective
states are natural kinds, i.e. entities that have constant properties independent of
us humans, but rather resulting from the nature of things. Barrett for instance
provides and overview of evidence against the view that there are kinds of emotion

with boundaries that are carved in nature (Barrett, 2006). So there is no universal
meaning of the term sadness or joy as these have not objective, natural properties.
Such an account contradicts however the anatomic approaches that are inspired
by brain research and try to mimic brain processes when modelling emotions. The
anatomic account, though we prefer to call it neuroscientific account of affect will be
briefed in below paragraphs
Let us start with a quote from Panksepp, who’s account of affective phenomena
appeals to us as most convincing:
“The basic emotional affects are primary brian/mind processes, similar
to seeing a color. One can use a word, like “red”, as a label for a color,
but this word does not explain the experience of seeing red. (...) In
order to explain seeing red, one must discover the neurophysiological and
neurochemical causes of visual experience.”
Neurological account of emotion is exactly about finding the neurological and
neurochemical correlates of all variety of affective states by studying human and ani-
mal models with all sorts of techniques that brain science has at hand: brain imaging,
electrical and chemical neurostimulation combined with behavioural experiments.
As such is seems the most scientific way of studying emotions as it operates with
objective categories. Indeed, what Panksepp postulates above is that this is the only
way to study emotion scientifically.
The basic idea behind neurological account of affect is that affective states are
results of neurological processes governed by brain structures that can be mapped
and explained. These processes are hard-wired, if not subject to brain plasticity, and
can be separated according to variety of functions they fulfil in life management of
an organism. It also, at least implicitly, assumes that as equalities between these
processes in brains of different individuals and sometimes across species can be
identified the subjective quality of experiences produced by these hard-wired affects
are likely to be equal. This assumption has two important implications: (i) studying
of brain processes behind affective states can provide us with meaningful clues on
the subjective properties of these states, (ii) affective states are intersubjectively
comparable, as their neuronal correlates can be objectively compared.
Another important implication can be noted from the earlier quotation. Words
and language are not proper means for explaining and representing affective states
as they are of different categories. This line of thought is further elaborated by
“Affects fill the mind with a large variety of desirable and undesirable
experienced states that are hard to define objectively or to talk about
clearly. Partly this is because raw affects are pre-propositional forms
of consciousness comprising brain and bodily processes of kaleidoscopic
complexity.” (Panksepp, 2008, p. 48)

So affective states are non-linguistic, pre-prepositional, which does not exclude

them being intentional, and thus should be described in terms of neural systems
Neurological accounts are similar to dimensional accounts in that they (i) recognise
the immediate impact of affect on behaviour, preceding cognitive appraisal, and
(ii) that they subscribe to the principal properties of affective states that can have
different subjective feeling characterised by valence and arousal. However there are
important differences between both accounts on these two issues.
First of all, (ad i) neurological accounts are more specific on the relationship
between the stimulus and the response. Ledoux discovered for the fear system in rats
that he studied in depth, later confirmed for humans, that there are two pathways that
can mediate a conditioned fear stimuli: (i) the fast one going from sensory thalamus
directly to amygdala that is responsible for eliciting emotional fear homoeostatic
and behavioural responses and (ii) the slow one which includes sensory cortex on the
way between sensory thalamus and amygdala, which allows for cognitive assessment
of the stimuli and adequate adaptation of the behavioural response to the outcome
of this assessment in the cortex (LeDoux, 2000). So how human brain responds to
a conditioned fear stimulus is both the automatic fear response that is afterwards
modulated by sensory cortex, so cognitively assessed. This proves the appraisal
theories are wrong in which comes first emotion or cognition but are right about
the general principle that cognitive appraisal of affect eliciting stimuli is carried
out in the brain, and both normally takes place simultaneously yet the automatic
hard-wired response is faster. Neuroscientists suspect that what has been empirically
verified for fear system may likewise hold true for other emotional systems, which
needs yet to be studied.
Secondly, (ad ii) cognitive neuroscience predominantly sees affective states, at least
in some part, as natural kinds, i.e. discrete phenomena that correspond to excitation
or inhibition of particular neuronal systems, and a single system corresponds to a
given emotion kind. It is the following statement by Panksepp which Barrett chose
as the starting point for his offensive on the believe that there are “kinds of emotion
with boundaries that are carved in nature” (Barrett, 2006):

“Until demonstrated otherwise, it is assumed that these systems constitute

the core for the “natural kinds” of emotion.” (Panksepp, 2000, p. 143)

So dimensionalists reject the view that specific emotional kinds could be separated
from the plethora of affective states, meanwhile neuroscientists tend to agree that
there are brain systems that correspond to particular affective or emotional kinds
for which reason one can distinguish and objectively compare across individuals and
even species different affective states.
Before we give examples of taxonomies of affective states under neuroscientific
accounts of emotion let us come back for a while to the terminological discussion.

As cognitive neuroscience operates with more objective, neurological, categories

when talking about emotions, it is easier for this field to come up with more sharp
definitions of different affective phenomena. Let us rely yet again on Panksepp:

“I use the term emotion as the “umbrella” concept that includes affective,
cognitive, behavioral, expressive, and a host of physiological changes.
Affect is the subjective experiential-feeling component that is very hard
to describe verbally, but there are a variety of distinct affects, some
linked more critically to bodily events (homeostatic drives like hunger
and thirst), others to external stimuli (taste, touch, etc). Emotional affects
are closely linked to internal brain action states, triggered typically by
environmental events. All are complex intrinsic functions of the brain,
which are triggered by perceptions and become experientially refined.”
(Panksepp, 2005, p. 3)

Such understanding of emotion and affect dubs our terminological conclusions

in chapter 2, such that emotions are hard-wired programmes that involve a wide
range of mind-bodily responses to an external stimulus. Emotional affects are similar
here as emotional feelings or feelings of emotions that Damasio talks about which we
referred to in chapter 2. Still there is a subtle yet important element in the above
presented definition that needs further attention. It is that Panksepp makes a clear
distinction between emotional affects from all other possible affective states that may
arise as consequence of bodily sensations involving sensory pleasure or satisfaction of
different intensity. However he underlines that all affects are brain functions, albeit
not all are mapped already so he talks about those that he and other neuroscientists
have studied. It may be however that the nature of emotional affects is that of natural
kind meanwhile there are some other affects that nature is close to the dimensionalist
account. Until these are studied in depth neurologically the dimensionalist accounts
will remain theoretical speculations. We must emphasize that these speculations
nonetheless provide useful generalisations and are indispensable to application of
emotion theories in other fields like information science.
So cognitive neuroscientists propose different emotional affect taxonomies. The
classical one was proposed by Ekmann including six basic innate emotions: joy,
distress, anger, fear, surprise, and disgust (Ekman, Friesen, and Ellsworth, 1982).
Panksepp’s more contemporary account distinguishes a different set of core emotional
affects that reflect transdiencephalic “energetic” action systems such as: seeking, fear,
rage, lust, care, panic, and play, and defines each them in neural terms (Panksepp,
1998). It is important to highlight that brain scientists agree that there is a hierarchy
of affective states such that some are primary, core, or basic emotions that are innate
and which provide background for constructing higher level emotions that may be
cognitively derived, learned and thus culturally determined. There is however a
general agreement that as the basis for all affective states is provided by the core

affects every affective state must have an innate component, so that we should rather
consider how innate a given emotion is rather than wondering if it is innate at all.
For a historical overview of the topic please see Evans (Evans, 2001). This presents
a potential direction for unification of dimensionalist and neurological accounts. It
could be advanced that the dimensions are defined by core affects meanwhile the
higher-level affective states derived from the core affects, cognitively and culturally
acquired and strengthened. The variety of combinations of activation of different
core affect systems could be conceptualized and explained as n-dimensional affect
space where n is the number of identified core affects.
As we perceive experience as affectively coloured knowledge the natural direction
for searching relevant formal systems apt for representation of experience is combin-
ing the approaches of knowledge engineering with those developed under affective
computing. To our knowledge there are no systems that would undertake to represent
emotions and knowledge on equal footing under a unified framework of experience
representation. This is largely due to the domination of cognitivist standpoint which
integrates emotions and feelings into the cognitive processes to which standard KR
techniques are applied.
Importantly however, meanwhile the available frameworks can be applied to
handling emotions, in so far as they correspond to the programmed behavioural
responses, they ignore both immediate impact of affect on behaviour as well as
emotional feelings, the by-product of emotions, that have a profound and long-
term impact on cognition and behaviour. Although virtually all computational
models of emotion include a component responsible for estimating the behavioural
and cognitive consequences of affect, typically their role is limited to modulating
consecutive behavioural response and reasoning, which usually takes for of if... then...
type of rules that focus on short-term impact of affective states on behaviour. It
is uncommon that such frameworks include a component responsible for long-term
experience estimation necessary for emulating affect impact on behaviour that is
deferred in time due to memory.
Consequently there appear to be two main directions for bridging the gap: (i)
adapting the existing formal models of emotions and complementing them with
experience estimation component, (ii) devising a new model, built from scratch
relying on the revised theoretical foundations which incorporate recent insights into
the nature of human emotions and feelings provided by brain research. Here we
advance a new framework for emulating and representing experience in formal systems
meanwhile we build on the improved existing computational models of emotion to
represent the affective component of experience.
In conclusion, in this section we have reviewed the mainstream theoretical models
of affect that provide the starting point for AI and information scientists for advancing
emotion representation approaches and computational models of affect. The existing
computational models of affective phenomena are unsatisfactory as they rely on

outdated appraisal accounts of human emotion. They evidently fail to embrace the
complexity of affective dimension of experiencing by a natural agent, regardless
human or animal. Evidently the difficulties in designing a sound and complete
computational model of emotion and experience stem from the lack of complete
and sound theory of emotions in first place. Most of the mainstream theories of
emotion and experience that provide the foundations for the computational models
has been refuted by the recent developments in the brain science, or have never been
compatible with the earlier known facts which were simply ignored or skipped for the
sake of provisional yet satisfactory conceptualisations. Still, the problem is not trivial.
The difficulty lies in the fact that the computational implementations are driven
by applications that require end-to-end solutions. No incomplete, half-frameworks
are acceptable. The framework must be complete to serve its purposes and, unlike
in brain science, it is hard to identify tiny sub-problems on which research effort
could concentrate, gradually contributing small yet solid building blocks for the
all-encompassing framework. In cases which these kind of tiny elements, treated
as sub-problems, can be identified the progress is much more satisfactory. A good
example are mappings of emotional states to facial expressions in the research on
virtual characters or cyberspace avatars. Armed with sound theories worked out in
course of decades-long research conducted by Ekman (Ekman, Friesen, and Ellsworth,
1982) and followers computer engineers could design robust and highly believable
emotional virtual faces that aptly emulate human facial emotional expressions,
which are vital for inter-human communication, shaping social relations and shaping
culturally-driven emotions.

Importantly however, most of the models fail to propose algorithms that would
link emotional responses to behaviour in a satisfactory way. There is currently no
framework that could reliably predict human behaviour in affective situations. The
problem still is in the lack of sound theories of human behaviour embracing both
affect and cognition, and the problem of free will discussed in end of chapter 3 stands
out still as an unsolved issue. Still the need for more accurate emotion representation
frameworks is vivid, with opportunities in application to areas such as computer
games, virtual and augmented reality, information and knowledge management
systems, learning and computer-human interaction.

In the following section we will advance a general purpose framework for experience
representation embracing cognitive (intentional) and affective dimensions of conscious
human experience. In chapter 5 we will review selected computational models of
emotion applied in the frameworks dealing with rational artificial agents. This area of
research directly focuses on mapping affect onto rational behaviour for which reason
these frameworks has been selected for further analysis.

4.3 Formal definition of experience

4.3.1 Experience modelling in the context of customer deci-
Our earlier work on experience representation and modelling in information systems
appeared in the context of customer experience management. We tried to understand
and quantify experience that results from the interaction with and consumption of
goods, services or related entities such as symbolic goods: brands, and provide for a
theoretical framework that would allow store information about affective aspects of
customer experience. This earlier work will be briefed in this section.
In (Kaczmarek and Ryżko, 2009), considering experience in the context of cus-
tomer behaviour, we have proposed that the experience be defined as remembered
states of mind resulting from appreciation of stimulus events that determine gener-
ically any human behaviour. In the case of a consumer decision it was proposed
that customer experience could be modelled as a set of learned concepts about an
object of consumption (brand, product, service, provider, etc.) internalised by a given
customer. It has been proposed to look at experience gaining as a learning process,
and treat transactions and consumption related events as training examples. Two
years later in (Ryżko and Kaczmarek, 2011) we proposed how to further develop the
above idea and translate it into a more formal model. We first narrowed down the
definition of customer experience slightly by exchanging the remembered states of
mind with remembered intentional states resulting from appreciation of stimulus
events related to a consumption object, which allowed us to represent these states
with predicates, and apply predicate calculus to experience processing. Furthermore
we attributed experiential contents (the predicates) with emotional valence and
intensity, noting that the predicates representing the learned concepts about an
object of consumption are of “belief” type and have temporal dimension.
As far as the customer experience was concerned the psychological mode of the
intentional state was a belief and propositional content was a predicate of argument
x, where x was a consumption entity. On top of that we modelled the emotional
value of an experiential intentional state as a variable that could be a number or a
logical value represented as an attribute of the given predicate. Consequently we
could formally define customer experience as follows:

Exp(t) = {< p, v >: p is a predicate believed to be true at time t, and v is its

emotional value}.

The critical point in our approach was that the experience gaining was modelled as
learning process so that theory of machine learning could be applied to modelling
accumulated experience change in time. As any learning process involves training
data, which goes through the learning algorithm and results in a set of learned

concepts (intentional states), in the context of customer experience we considered a

set of events involving a particular consumption entity and the particular customer
as training data, duly ordered in time. Consequently events were represented as a
tuple of the following format:

e =< d, t, c, v >, where d is event description, t - time, c - class (e.g. offer, advert,
sales etc.), v - vividness

The actualization of accumulated experience in turn was proposed to be governed

by a learning function that processes the above defined training data (events) into an
updated state of total experience (a complete set of all predicates) by generating new
experiential intentional states as outputs and/or altering the experiential intentional
states generated in the past. Noteworthy, the proposed architecture was generic and
agnostic in terms of knowledge representation formalisms and learning algorithms.
The universality of the approach was demonstrated by applying a selected defensible
reasoning formalism, to be more precise default logic defined by Reiter (Reiter,
1980). Default logic allowed us to model the customer experience actualisation over
time and customer deliberation in customer choice. In the former case the model
benefited from the non-monotonicity of the chosen system, in the latter we took
advantage of the feature of default reasoning that allows the reasoning process to
end up in multiple possible worlds as to represent the psycho-cognitive fact that
people confronted with choice tend to construct different concurrent alternatives
and weight arguments for each of them, before finally committing to the chosen
one (Salzman and Newsome, 1994). The argumentation phase of the deliberation
process was presented as a moment where emotional valence of experiential instances
could step in and impact the final choice by influencing rule priorities in the model.
Although the benefits of adopting default reasoning were clear other formalism were
claimed to be applicable as well, which however remained unexplored.
In conclusion let us note the most important elements of the so far discussed
formal model of experience: (i) it was developed with the purpose of being applied
to representing and modelling experience in the context of consumer decisions which
narrowed the model scope; (ii) despite introducing the concept of emotional valence
of instances of experience its application to formal reasoning has not been fully
exploited; (iii) although it has been demonstrated that default reasoning could be
an appropriate formalism to be applied to practical implementation of the model
other alternatives are still unexplored as well as it remains open whether the default
reasoning is the ultimate choice, in the sense that it can meet all the requirements
imposed by the model; (iv) relation of experience to time has been addressed however
implementation details remain widely open, both in terms of the general forgetting
algorithms as well as the influence of emotions on experience consolidation; (v)
finally and most importantly in its foundations the model entirely depended on
the mainstream knowledge representation formalism the predicate logic and only

superficially takes account of the affect, which is as we tried to demonstrate earlier

a component of experience that is an integral and indispensable complement to

4.3.2 Towards a general purpose definition of experience

In order to be able to advance the above presented approach to representing customer
experience towards a general purpose framework for human experience representation
in information systems certain generalisations and modifications must be introduced.
We start with a broad understanding of experience as remembered intentional
states of mind. Formally, experience can be defined as a pair of sets K and A, where
K represents knowledge, that is contents of remembered intentional states of mind,
or intentional contents of experience, whereas A represents affect, i.e. the subjective
qualitative component of experience, therefore:

EJ =< K, A >, where, E - experience of agent J.

Further we define a funcion mapping intentional content into affective state

f :K!A

It is important to highlight the following on the elements of the above proposed

definition. Experience is intrinsically a subjective phenomenon, so it only makes
sense to talk about subjective experience, therefore an experience of a given agent.
Experience exists in an individual mind and for this reason it is impossible to define
experience in relation to episteme. Talking about knowledge as a component of
experience we will always talk about doxa. Episteme is an abstract construct and
as such cannot be described in first personal narrative, Tarski’s concept of truth
supports this as requires meta-level language for being able to define truth in first
place (Tarski, 1933). Episteme can be experienced, but then becomes doxa. As
knowledge matters only when it appears in a conscious mind, ultimately it always
takes a form of doxa and it is never false as such, merely is composed of propositions
that are either true or false, because anything to be knowledge would require to be
in a mind and by mere fact of appearing in a mind it becomes knowledge even if is
in objective terms an illusion.
K – knowledge, is defined here intuitively as contents of intentional states. K in
principle can be represented with any known method of knowledge representation as
long as it complies with the above definition.
A - affect, represents the subjective feeling accompanying the occurrence of the
intentional content in the consciousness. As discussed in chapter 3 the indispensable
element of consciousness are the primordial feelings, or feelings in general that are
coming from the entire body. These are the Damasio’s “feelings of what happens”
which provide the background scene for intentional contents appearing in the mind.

These feeling states constitute A. Anatomically these feelings may be a compound of

various neuronal signalling coming to the brain but they become unified in the field
of consciousness so we can treat A as a single entity. However for the purpose of
description and representation of A we may distinguish some separate properties of
A which is why it is tempting to to represent A as a vector space which dimensions
are defined by these properties, which we will elaborate further on. An element of A
that affects the intentional state is an integral part of experience instance, as there
can be no intentional state without affective dimension 1 .
Consequently we are using the word affect in the same sense as Panksepp used it
to coin the term affective neuroscience to mean the nature of our positive and negative
experiences, i.e. the many ways we can feel about things instinctively. Affect will
embrace under the proposed model all kinds of affective states: core affects, feelings
of emotion (emotional affects), bodily or sensory feelings. We assume, following
neuroscientists, that each affective state has its neuronal correlate, either in form of
a single system, as in the case of core affects, or in form of a combination of different
level of activation of different system.
We further accept that each affective state can be at least characterised by
three properties: V - valence, i.e. either a point on a continuum between eternal
pleasure and eternal displeasure, or a given value from a discrete set of values, as
we know from both human and animal research that natural agents can always
unambiguously discriminate between affective states they like or dislike (Panksepp,
1998), I - intensity as affects of the same valence can be stronger or weaker and
natural agents show preference between two states of the same valence, M - mode,
which correspond to a given affective kind, as we adopt the neuroscientific account
that core affect are “natural kinds”, consequently the set of values of M is composed
of labels that correspond to either a given core affect or a derivative affect being
a combination of core affects. So the element representing affective component of
experience – A can be defined as a set of triples:

A = {< v, i, m >: v 2 V, i 2 I, m 2 M }, where V – valence, I – intensity, M –

mode, and M is a k-combination of C where C – n-element set of core affects and
k < n – the number of core affects involved in a compound affect.

To sum up, the affective component of an experiential state is characterized by

valence, as a mindful organism can always discriminate between wanted, unwanted or
neutral subjective states, intensity as there can be degrees to which these states are
wanted or not and finally they are characterised by a mode as there are neurologically
recognised emotions each corresponding to the activation of a particular neural circuit
It remains an open question if there can be feelings without knowing. Very likely that some
animals (Panksepp, 1998) and people with lack or serious lesions of cortical parts of the brain
footnote may have such experiences. The case of a child Nicholas Coke who was born only with a
brain stem fully developed, or other children suffering anencephally or hydroencephally discussed in
Damasio (Damasio, 2010) may serve as clinical cases for further studying of this kind of experiences

in the brain, or a few circuits at a time. In line with the contemporary neurocognitive
theories of emotion and affect (Panksepp, 2005) we distinguish between low-level,
primordial affective states, i.e. core affects, like fear, lust, etc, and compound or
high-level affects that can involve a combination of core affects, which is why we
have defined M - mode, as k-combination of the set C, where k is any integer such
that k 2< 1; n >. Noteworthy, we do not take into account to what degree each
particular system corresponding to an element of C is activated. We judge valence and
intensity for the elements of M only, which is in line with the account of the affective
component of experience as unified and subjective, and subjectively such nuances
cannot be consciously appreciated. We consider it a fair and accurate approximation.
The reason why we insist on including M as important parameter is because we
assume that different affective kinds can be mapped onto behavioural tendencies
that these affective states imply. If one would want to infer on the likely behavioural
response by an agent to a given stimuli not only intentional contents captured by
the mind during the event in question, its affective value in terms of valence and
intensity are needed but also the kind of affective state that has been provoked by
the event, as to equal situations in terms of K, V and I may result in different
behavioural response under different M . Evidence to this claim can be recalled from
experiments in neuroeconomics. Knutson and Winkielman for instance have shown
that in the same consumer decision situations prospects are less likely to buy an
offered product if the insula, part of the brain that mediates sensory affect of disgust
is activated, similarly prospects are more likely to choose a risky option after being
exposed to a positive (happy) facial expression than after experiencing a negative
facial expressions like anger, disgust or fear (Knutson et al., 2007; Winkielman et al.,
The intentional states of mind, which build up E, carry contents (K) that can
be represented with prepositions of natural language which have a logical value: true
or false. The propositions themselves only carry intentional contents but do not
carry affective contents, still they are affectively marked. Each intentional state of
mind, as it exists in consciousness is always accompanied by a subjective, affective
feeling of a living body that constructs this consciousness. The intentional contents
do not carry the affective contents rather they are marked, in the sense that they
have capability of invoking affects of a particular type. The affective component
of intentional stance is not a stable entity but a highly epiphenomenal entity. In
consequence of the memory processes in the brainmind, the affective component of
intentional state is always reconstructed whenever the given state appears in the mind
and the end result of the reconstruction process depends on past experiences, i.e. the
remembered affective marking and the current experience that has a given feeling to
it. The reconstructed affective state mingled with the intentional state in the unified
field of human consciousness becomes thus the updated affective marking of the
intentional state and rerecorded in memory for future reconstructions. This process

can be looked at as modification re-composition of patterns which is influenced by

new knowledge and in parallel new affective states.
Furthermore experience exists only in the present, albeit it depends on past
experiences which together with emotional reactions that are biologically determined
provide the building blocks for the reconstruction and composition of the present
experience. Therefore each instance of experience is reconstructed from the remem-
bered and current experiences. Consequently the experience has a clear temporal
dimension but the character of this dimension is not that of a linear, time-ordered
sequence of events but rather is defined by vividness of remembered past experiences.
Due to the unified nature of experience the past remembered experience is always
updated whenever recalled and reconstructed from memory. So the recall of a re-
membered experiential instance is reshaped with the current one and rerecorded in
the updated form. Furthermore past experiences decay with time if not recalled and
reconsolidated on a regular basis. Here algorithms emulating the process of forgetting
such as proposed by Woźniak (Wozniak and Gorzelanczyk, 1994; Wozniak, 1995)
could be applied.
In the next section we will advance a fully-fledged experience representation
framework by Kaczmarek and Ryżko, based on the above formulated account of

4.4 Kaczmarek-Ryżko framework for experience rep-

resentation in information systems
The Kaczmarek-Ryżko Experience Representation Framework (KRERF)2 starts with
the general purpose definition of experience as proposed in previous section:

EJ =< K, A >, where, E - experience of agent J.,

and a function f mapping intentional content into affective state:

f : K ! A,

where the element representing affective component of experience – A is defined as a

set of triples:

A = {< v, i, m >: v 2 V, i 2 I, m 2 M }, where V – valence, I – intensity, M –

mode, and M is a k-combination of C where C – n-element set of core affects and
k < n – the number of core affects involved in a compound affect.
A paper presenting the latest version of the KRERF by Kaczmarek and Ryżko has been
accepted to the 2012’s International Conference on Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems (BICS 2012)
and will be published in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.

Furthermore KRERF emphasises that the experience is gained over time in

course of agent’s interactions with the environment. Each such an interaction for
us is an event. For this reason, as earlier, we take experience gaining as a learning
process to which machine learning approach can be applied. Any learning process
involves training data, which goes through the learning algorithm and results in a
set of outputs that are learned concepts, in our case these concepts are experiential
intentional states, elements of EJ . Consequently, in experience gaining process we
will consider events as training data. For the purpose of memory modelling, including
memory decay and consolidation, we will need to control the time line of events for
which reason more formally define it in the following way

T (t) = {(e1 ..en ) : 8k 2 (1, n) time(ek ) > time(ek 1 ) and time(n) <= t}, where
time(e) is the time of occurrence of e

Each event is a tupple:

e =< Be , t, a >, where Be - believes resulting from the event e (a set of intentional
states to be remembered), t - time, a 2 A - affective value of the event as defined

It is important to note that we assume that affective value is assigned to an

event and inherited by Be , however this value may result both from the affective
response to external stimuli prompting the event, as well as mind processes caused
by the stimuli, i.e. reconstruction of affected past experiences. This is to embrace a
situation when an agent involved in cognitive response to a stimulus recalls strongly
affected facts and this sets the affective value for the event and consequently the
new output believes resulting from the event. It is important because so derived
affective value of an event a can reach a certain threshold level such that it may
trigger an autonomous behavioural response instead of a deliberative response, i.e.
a fully fledged emotional response, which intervenes a regular deliberation process
and may result in behaviours that are irrespective of cognitive appraisal of the event.
This calls for defining a mechanism for updating a both at the level of event as well
at the level of believes B.
So far we have focused on E and A, let us consider K briefly now. As we suggested
earlier, principally K could be represented with any KR approach. As K is composed
of intentional states of propositional nature the elements of K can be represented
with simple logical propositions, or predicates, so as truth/false-valued formulas of
a formal language, with or without variables, where logical value is determined by
mind-to-world relationship. In KRERF we favour predicate calculus for representing
agent knowledge and reasoning. However as we argued before K is not enough to
represent comprehensively the state of mind of agents, as it lacks the subjective,
affective component of experience. Consequently, while considering intelligent agents,

BDI agents in particular, their knowledge base, B – believes set in case of BDI,
should not be limited to K but should be assumed E.
Consequently, under KRERF using predicate calculus we can represent experien-
tial intentional states, remembered by an agent from the event, as a set

E = {p1 (a11 , x12 , ..., x1m , c1 , a1 ), ..., pk (xk1 , xk2 , ..., xkl , ck , ak )}, where p1 ...pk are
predicate symbols and x11 ...xkl its attributes, while ck and ak are consolidation
coefficient and affective value of a predicate pk .

Variable ak is derived and updated dynamically during each event from the
affective value of the current event e as well as affective value of remembered past
experiential states in which pk (xkl ) appears. Moreover, the variable ak should be
also dependant on affective value of related affected predicates, which relation could
be determined by co-occurrence of certain events or based on associations between
contents of the predicates. For the purpose of ak estimation an affect update function
should be defined. As there are only general premises on how such a function should be
build, we define it on purpose in a general way so that a more specific implementation
can be used for a particular application.
Variable ck is derived taken into account the time of the current event and the
time of the past events in which the same predicate was remembered. For the purpose
of ck estimation a decay function must be defined. This function should reflect the
fact that experience consolidation depends both on time, repetitive recall of the given
predicate from the memory, as well as the role of affect in the memory processes
(Kandel, 2006). For defining the decay function one could build on available memory
models and algorithms such as Woźniak’s algorithms based on spaced repetition
(Wozniak and Gorzelanczyk, 1994). We insist that the temporal dimension is one
of the most important aspects of the experience. As an agent is confronted with
new events, the experience gained from the old ones will be steadily forgotten. As
forgetting is intrinsic to learning the model of experience must take this into account.
So the decay function governing the vividness of past experiences, represented by
consolidation coefficient (ck ) must be provided for to enable modelling of the memory
volatility linked to experiential outputs of events.

4.5 Conclusion
The evidence from both contemporary philosophy of mind and neuroscience discussed
in previous chapters seems sufficient to claim that affect play a central role in human
and animal decision making (Damasio, 1994; Panksepp, 1998). Based on this evidence
let us postulate that any intentional state, which is as explained earlier representation
of external world in human mind, has an affective value, which is characterised by
valence (positive or negative), intensity (arousal level) and mode (affective state

kind), which has implications on agent’s behavioural response and is an integrated

component of agent’s rationality.
The model for experience representation we propose challenges the mainstream
affective computing accounts of emotion representation is so far as intelligent, rational
artificial agents are concerned. As we speculate that our take on representing affect
and affective experience in artificial agents, for being more in line with contemporary
account of consciousness, affective neuroscience and rational agency, is likely to
outperform currently available approaches in emulating natural agent behaviour in
information systems,
Next chapter will consider experience in the context of agent’s rational choice.
Our ultimate goal is to explain how our account of experience and the proposed
experience representation framework could enhance the mainstream approach to
modelling purposive behaviour, thus deliberative decision making by natural agents.
We will also undertake to explain why we believe our approach to experience modelling
is superior, especially in the context of rational, deliberative agency.
Chapter 5

Application of the framework to

modelling rationality of an
experiencing agent

The purpose of this chapter is to theoretically verify the applicability of experience

representation model proposed in previous chapter to emulation of rationality in
information systems. This chapter will look into how the proposed model could
enrich mainstream agent rationality frameworks by embracing agent’s experience as
decision variable.
The fundamental question that must be answered here is why such a model
is needed in first place. The natural hypothesis is that the existing models are
unsatisfactory, which must be verified. The next important question that follows
is how adding the emotional dimension to agent’s rationality model can improve
models efficiency. Finally a practical way of including this dimension in the models
currently used by information systems designers should be devised.
To accomplish the above this chapter will first present the classical rational
decision maker model, commonly referred to in classical economics literature as
homo oeconomicus or economic man. Later a body of research delivered over last 50
years within many disciplines that undermines the foundations of classical model
will be presented. This will embrace the early criticism on the philosophical and
ethical grounds, the main wave of criticism from the behavioural psychology reported
throughout the second half of XX century, as well recent insights from cognitive
sciences, including brain sciences and philosophy of mind. However this review has
not been structured with the purpose to document the line of attack on the classical
model, rather to provide an overview of important findings of various disciplines that
has influenced importantly the evolving model of rational agent and that are still
impacting it and stirring discussions on its relevance. Primarily however this will be
done as to identify major weaknesses of the classical model that could be addressed
by the experience representation framework we propose.


Next, I will present an overview of what are the contemporary mainstream ap-
proaches to rational agency, that are to certain extent the outcome of the questioning
of the classical model, and what are the strategies for unification of these theories
across many disciplines. This will allow us to conclude that in information science
and IA the mainstream approach to modelling rational behaviour is that proposed
by Bratman (Bratman, 1987; Bratman, 1999), involving agents that organize their
behaviour with believes, desires, and intentions, the so called BDI model.
Then we will look at the representation methods of rational agency in informa-
tion systems, with emphasis on the mainstream approach to modelling artificial
rational agents, including BDI agents that are engineered with different formal BDI
frameworks, as to provide a brief review of the ways the decision making can be
represented in information systems.
Next, we will consider how the experience representation framework proposed
in previous chapter could be utilised for enhancing the current methods of agency
emulation in information systems. To this end we will provide an overview of the state-
of-the-art in emotional agents formalizations and finally suggest a way for integration
of our experience representation framework with BDI approach to modelling agent
rationality. Consequently this chapter will set the foundations for emulating behaviour
of experiencing agents

5.1 The Classical Model of Rationality - TCMR

5.1.1 Towards TCMR account of rationality
What is rationality, or what being rational means is not always obvious. An important
deal of misunderstandings and scientific disputes on the topic of rationality stems form
imprecise definition of rationality. In this chapter I will primarily focus on rationality
as understood by economists and behavioural scientists, as more philosophical and
ethical perspective on rationality has been provided in chapter 3. As for this thesis
rational decision making, hence the rational behaviour of a human being is pivotal,
let me adopt a general yet inclusive and useful definition of rationality as acting
consistently according to a certain set of rules. It is important to recall however
that rational behaviour is sometimes defined more narrowly, by attaching a certain
qualitative value to rationality, in other words acting rationally means acting in some
qualitatively specific, acceptable way. This is achieved by limiting the domain for the
set of acceptable rules, by proposing that these rules of conduct are of some particular
character. For instance that these are rules dictated by ’reason’, ’morality’ or that
these rules are shared by a group of individuals, by which fact a rule constitutes a
social norm. Such an approach to rationality is strongly driven by historical disputes
over the term, which is central to many, often distant disciplines.

The understanding of rationality as ’consistency’ in behaviour is not new what-

soever in economics. Lionel Robbins discusses this in his essays published in 1932
while commenting on von Mises’s theory of human action, noting that choices made
by people should not be divided into rational and irrational using these terms with a
normative significance. Instead a conception of rationality as equivalent to consis-
tency should be used, understood in a wider sense as figuring in discussions of the
conditions of equilibrium (Robbins, 1932, p. 92).
Importantly, to speak about rational behaviour we must define the acting subject,
which we have earlier agreed to call an agent. An agent that acts consistently
according to a given set of rules is therefore a rational agent. Given such a definition
of rationality, a model of rational agent would have to specify in first place the set
of rules, as well as the set of meta rules, i.e. what primordial processes determine
the set or rules, and/or a set of axioms, i.e. the rules that are taken for granted
without justification. Such a formulation of the problem naturally suggests that a
representation of rationality in artificial systems could be possible on the grounds of
formal logic. I will come back to this point in the consequent sections.
As already mentioned in the introductory chapter human behaviour historically
has been scientifically dealt with by economics, which is why the most prominent
and famous model of rationality comes form this discipline. This is the model of
homo oeconomicus, or the economic man. Before I present and discuss this model let
me reflect first on its relevance to the economics and behavioural science at large.
A human being in action can be seen from two slightly different angles: (1) as
an agent that is constantly being confronted with choices which one is predestined
to make, and one cannot avoid as inaction is one of the available choices; (2)
an agent that conducts a purposeful actions that is aiming at ends and goals as
expressions of its will. The difference is subtle but I claim this difference was pivotal
for shaping differences in scientific perspectives on rational human action. Gintis
somewhat confirms that when he suggests to distinguish deliberative decisions from
routine decision making as way of approaching the unification of decision theory
for behavioural sciences that he postulates (Gintis, 2009). Noteworthy, these two
approaches do not have to contradict at all, on the contrary can complement each
other, still the divergence of these two approaches has led to quite opposing and
competing models of rational agency. The former approach is closer to neoclassical
economists, game theorists, subjective expected utility theorists and behavioural
economists such as Edwards, Savage and Gintis, for who the ’consistency’ aspect of
rationality is pivotal, meanwhile the latter to behavioural psychologists, cognitivists
and philosophers such as von Mises, Simon or Searle, who put more emphasis on
purposive character of rational action. Noteworthy purposiveness, in other words
goal or ends orientation is considered by the latter group as constitutive element of

The meeting point for both approaches is the choice itself at which an agent
arrives in one way or another. The reason why rationality has become so important
to economists is that choice is tightly bound with scarcity which is a central problem
for economics (for details see Chapter 2). Choice is the consequence of scarcity, or
as Barron and Lynch put this the problem of choice arises only if there is scarcity.
As Hall and Lieberman rightly observed the scarcity of resources and the choices
that it forces people to make is the source of all problems studied in economics
(Hall and Lieberman, 2001) but also in other behavioural sciences. As discussed in
chapter 2 choice can be defined broadly or narrowly. In the narrow meaning of the
term choice is an indication of one of the options. In a broader sense, much more
common in economics and psychology, the choice is a conscious mental process that
results in the selection of one of the available options by comparing their utility
to the decision-maker. The choice in a wider sense is therefore a complex process
involving: identification of available options, their assessment, comparison and finally
an indication of one of them. If an agents acts upon the chosen option we can talk
about a decision in a proper meaning of the term.

Therefore a body of economic theory concentrates on choice optimization, in

particular as far as choices made by consumers and producers on the market are
concerned. The part of economics dealing with choice is simply referred to as consumer
choice theory (theory of consumer’s choice), also called the theory of rational choice
(rational choice theory) (Edwards, 1954), which relates to consumer behaviour in the
market and their decisions regarding consumption of specific goods and services.

This is where another aspect of classical rationality comes in: optimisation

principle. A rational agent is supposed to be consistent with applying rules, but
according to the classical model of rationality the most fundamental rule is that an
agent prefers more than less, so that his rationality dictates what and how should
be optimised, or using the concepts introduced so far, what a rational agent should
be consistent about. The issue of choice optimisation has two facets: (1) how choice
should be made, i.e. how to make choices efficiently; (2) how people do make choices
and how this impacts the micro and macro dynamics of the economy. The former
approach is typical for normative or prescriptive economics, the latter for positive or
descriptive economics. It is important to distinguish between these two approaches
as they imply distinct objectives and provide different kinds of theories and insights
although in principle they operate on the same theoretical basis, i.e. the notion of
rationality, choice, action, means and ends, agency, etc.. This thesis in particular
focuses on the positive or descriptive choice theory, therefore how people do behave,
not ought to behave, when confronted with choice. This is because the primary
objective of this thesis is to contribute to the improvement of the models that
simulate and explain consumer choice observable on the market.

5.1.2 Homo oeconomicus model

The understanding of rationality has been highly influenced by the classical economic
model of rational decision maker: homo oeconomicus or economic man. For nearly
200 years, since the times of John Steward Mill (1806-1873), the economic man model
has been dictating what rational has meant, not only in science but also in everyday
At this point let the basic assumptions of the model be introduced. There are
three main suppositions that define the economic man: (1) he is completely informed;
(2) He is infinitely sensitive; (3) He is rational, in the sense that (3a) he can weakly
order all states of universe that can be available to him by which he defines his
preferences, (3b) always chooses the best of them as he always maximises the value
that he can expect from the choices available to him. For completeness it must be
added that the preferences of economic man must be transitive, which means that
given available options A, B and C, once he prefers A to B and B to C he is expected
to prefer A to C (Edwards, 1954). Unsurprisingly, the latter requirement regarding
economic man’s preferences is one of the main targets of attacks by the opponents of
the model along with the second controversial axiom that says that rational behaviour
must imply maximizing something. The arguments against plausibility of the first
axiom will be discussed in detail in the following section that will cover an overview
of empirical and theoretical research results in this respect.
As for the maximization problem the economists had to answer a non-trivial
question: what is to be maximised. For this purpose they introduced a highly useful
yet quite vague and, with years, increasingly abstract concept of utility. Very likely the
birth of the abstract concept of utility was dictated by trying to avoid entering into
moral discussions on the model. Economists often underline that their methods are
morally agnostic, following the postulate by Max Weber that social sciences, which
even though may require explanation of conduct that involves the consideration of
certain data that are not purely of physical character should be freed from subjective
evaluations (wertfrei). Noteworthy, the initial criticism of the classical model of
economic man’s rationality spearheaded by John Ingram (Ingram, 1888) was held
on the grounds of ethics. The homo oeconomicus, which term Ingram coined in his
classic History of Political Economy was attacked as a false archetype of a human
being that implies people are extremely selfish and rationally egoistic, i.e. acting
primarily in their self-interest.
Indeed the concept of utility as well as its conventional unit: utile comes from
utilitarians, Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) and John Stuart Mill (1806-1876) who have
seen the greatest moral value in the behaviour that leads to the greatest happiness for
the greatest number of people. Utility was in the beginning associated with sentiencial
feelings or happiness or pleasure, and disutility or negative utility with pain or
suffering. However as suggested earlier the concept of utility has evolved towards a

more abstract idea of preference utility which means satisfaction of preferences. This
evolution took a few steps and was started by Edgeworth (Edgeworth, 1881) who
assumed, unlike early utilitarian theorists, that utility was not an additive function of
utilities of separate independent goods, as different commodities can not be combined
into a total utility by simple addition. As a consequence Edgeworth came up with the
notion of indifference curves representing compounds of goods that are of the same
value to a consumer switching between which resulted in no change in consumer’s
utility. This way the utility concept that was associated with some absolute value
measured with the amount of pleasure or pain was replaced by a more abstrct concept
of utility that represents relative value of different bundles of goods. Further, in
course of work of Pareto (Pareto, 1906), (Pareto, 1971), Johnson (Johnson, 1913),
Slutsky (Slutsky, 1915), and finally Allen and Hicks (Allen and Hicks, 1934) and
Wold (Wold, Shackle, and Savage, 1952) the modern classical theory of riskless choice
has been shaped where the n-dimensional commodity space is considered, with n-1
dimensional indifference hyperplanes in that space. This theory was equipped with
an elegant mathematic structure based on linear algebra and calculus, with allegedly
a minor flaw: a formal constraint that consumers shall always have a complete
weak ordering for all commodity bundles, or points in commodity space (Edwards,
1954). To complete the above picture it must be added that Samuelson observed
that indifference curves, hyperplanes and entire indifference maps can be derived
from empirical observations of consumers’ choices (Samuelson, 1947). The process of
making the concept of utility abstract has undoubtedly alienated it from how normal
internal deliberation process of a real decision maker looks like. Undoubtedly most of
non-specialist making choices do not think about indifference hyperplanes, nor even
may know what utility means. This trivial observation has fuelled a massive criticism
of the model mainly by psychologists, to which the most common response by decision
theorist was that the model well describes the outcomes of peoples decisions, not the
internal psychological processes of deliberation, which are irrelevant to economics.
This argument is being used until today and will be taken up again in the following
To complete the presentation of the classical decision maker model it is necessary
to add risky choices to the scope. The classical model has been extended to embrace
risky choices principally by von Neuman and Morgenstern (Von Neumann and
Morgenstern, 1944) in their classic publication Theory of games and economic
behaviour. The main modification they introduced to the model was that economic
man can also completely order probability combinations of states. This allowed for
deriving cardinal utility as indifference between possible probability combinations of
states, using the equation for expected utility: EU = p1 U (s1 )+p2 U (s2 )+...+pn U (sn ),
where p1 +p2 +...+pn = 1. The consequence of this approach, among others where that:
(1) risky propositions can be ordered in desirability, just as riskless ones can, which
allow to lesser the requirement of complete information; (2) the concept of expected

utility became behaviourally meaninglful; (3) choices among risky alternatives are
made in such a way that expected utility is maximized (Edwards, 1954).
From the outline provided above a model of static expected utility maximising
agent emerges. Importantly this model involves evaluation of subjective value or
utility of possible outcomes and deriving their objective probability. In 1954 Savage
introduced an extension to the model proposed by von Neuman and Morgenstern,
which became a classical theory of choice under uncertainty called the SEU model
(Subjective Expected Utility) (Savage, 1954). Mathematically the model has not
changed at all compared to expected utility model, however the interpretation of the
utility function was modified importantly. Savage assumed that expected utility does
not depend on objective probability, indeed often the decision makers are ignorant
about probability theory and ways how objective probabilities are calculated, instead
their conduct is governed by their own subjective assessment of how likely a given
event is. As a result the concept of subjective probability was born (though Savage
called it originally personal probability). As a consequence the measurement of the
utility depended under the SEU model on both subjective value and subjective
probability. To keep the formal soundness of the model Savage had to introduce
an assumption that subjective probabilities equally to objective ones are additive,
so that probability of two mutually exclusive events is equal to the sum of the
two probabilities. Early psychological experiments, which tried to directly estimate
subjective probabilities with psychological methods under laboratory conditions,
seemed to prove that this assumption is plausible, as they showed individuals’
subjective probabilities are linearly related to observed proportion (Edwards, 1961).
Another important principle introduced by Savage was the sure-thing principle, which
says that if a course of action A is at least as good as course of action B in all future
states of the universe, still A is better in one or more states, than B should never
be preferred to A. In other words that the preference between two gambles a and b
which have the same set of events and which have identical consequences in one of
the events (but not necessarily in others), should not depend on what that identical
consequence is. The sure thing principle allows to assume that probabilities of events
are independent from the utilities of the outcomes of these events, which opens the
ways for better exploitation of the model with mathematical apparatus and theorems
of probability theory.
The sure-thing principle, additivity of probability and the transitivity of prefer-
ences constitute the three main pillars of the SEU model, which is used in economics
still today. The widely used argument for the validity of this model is the Dutch
book or Duch lock argument, which states that a decision maker constantly violating
the transitivity or additivity principles would be eliminated from the market as it is
possible to construct gambles (or games, trades) that are strictly worse to him which
in longer run would lead the decision maker to sure loss (Freedman and Purves,

To conclude this introduction, according to the classical notion of rationality in

economics, to which I will refer as The Classical Model of Rationality (TCMR), (1)
the decision maker while confronted with choice always maximizes his utility (prefers
more than less); (2) towards this end he can weakly order all the courses of action
available to him in which (3) he is consistently logical, in the classical meaning of the
term, which results in, among others, completeness and transitivity of preferences
(mathematically represented as binary relations); (4) in case of uncertainty, economic
man applies probability theory to evaluate the expected utility of available courses
of action in which again he is logically and mathematically consistent so that the
sum of estimated probabilities of the available options equals to 1 and the preference
transitivity principle holds; for this to be feasible (4) he must be completely informed
which implies he can identify all the courses of action available to him, as well as
knows the corresponding outcomes, or at least can estimate the probability of their
occurrence, so that expected utility of these outcomes could be derived.
The next section will present the selected critical arguments on TCMR mainly
provided by empirical studies on human behaviour. The objective of section two as a
whole is to provide insights from different disciplines that contributed, and are still
contributing to the evolution of the rational agent model, and in some contexts its

5.2 Limitations of TCRM - interdisciplinary per-

The model of rational agent is one of the most important one, for economics but
also increasingly for behavioral sciences, including psychology, economics, cognitive
science, evolutionary biology and anthropology. Many proceeding theories and models,
including a few that brought a Nobel Prize to their inventors in economics, rely on
it. It is fundamental and axiomatic paradigm for economics. This solely explains
why the model both raises controversies as well as attracts many supporters and
is still widely applied, however currently the major flaws, or better limitations, of
its classical form are widely recognised which is why it has evolved, and still is
evolving towards either more subtle (less constrained) or complex formulations in
modern applications. The continuous effort by economists aiming at systematizing
decision making process often aroused opposition by psychologists, as Hogarth and
Reder provocatively capture as the continuous struggle of economic theory against
falsifying evidence provided by psychology (Hogarth and Reder, 1987). The main
axis of disagreement goes along the axiomatic suppositions of the classical rationality
As mentioned earlier, the initial criticism of the classical model came from the part
of philosophers of ethics. Ingram depicted the Economic Man as immoral creature,

that acts selfishly in achieving self-oriented goals (Ingram, 1888). Much later, in the
mid XX century, the ground-breaking work by Herbert Simon, Daniel Kahnemann
and Amos Tversky and other contemporary choice theorists spearheaded what may
be referred to as the behavioural revolution in classical theory of choice. This work
prompted a widespread recognition that the psychological predisposition of a human
being are not well taken into account by the model of empheconomic man, as humans
simply do not decide the way the classical model dictates.
The criticism of TCRM by the behavioural psychologists was particularly in-
teresting compared as it confronted the model with empirical studies aiming at
its falsification or corraboration, depending on initial hypothesis of a study. This
empirical research followed the methodological line aptly expressed by Newell and
Simon in their pioneering paper introducing GPS (General Problem Solver):

“If we succeed in devising a program that simulates the subject’s behavior

rather closely over a significant range of problem-solving situations, then
we can regard the program as a theory of the behaviour. How highly we
will prize the theory depends, as with all theories, on its generality and
its parsimony - on how wide a range of phenomena it explains and on
how economical of expression it is.”

In other words psychologists treated the classical model of rationality as a theory

of human behaviour, which should be considered a good theory only if empirical
tests involving real decision makers and real decision situations prove the predictions
made by the model significantly accurate.
This section will recall the research results reported by critics of TCMR, in
particular the ideas put forward by Simon’s and Newell’s as well as Kahnmann’s and
Tversky’s and their colleagues as well as more recent evidence from philosophy of
mind, cognitive neuroscience and neuroeconomics. This summary will take a form
of a catalogue of what in literature is commonly referred to as paradoxes, or biases
and heuristics in rational decision making, to which we will apply a general term
behavioural effects, or simply effects for shortness. This catalogue of effects will
continue throughout the chapter, therefore for the sake of ease of reference each one
will be given a number.
As we present the behavioural effects, which basically pose a challenge to be-
haviour emulation in IS, we will already try to propose how our experiential approach
to modelling rationality, in particular how the availability of information about sub-
jective dimension of experience, could help facing this challenge. Importantly however,
not all effects can be immediately eliminated by applying experiential approach, at
least not in the way the effects are framed. For the purpose of completeness and
consistency with literature we have decided to include an inclusive list of effects and
in the way phrased and discussed in the literature of the subject.

5.2.1 Classic behavioural effects

Effect 1 The St. Petersburg paradox

The first behavioural critic of the classical stance that rational mean maximising
expected value (currently utility) can be dated back to the famous paper by Daniel
Bernoulli, published in 1738, in which he presented and explained the St. Petersburg
paradox (Bernoulli, 1954). In brief, this essay tried to explain why people tend to
avoid risk and why risk aversion decreases with wealth. Bernoulli constructed a
gamble involving choice between a lottery and sure gain and confirmed empirically
that people in general would prefer sure gain even if mathematically calculated
expected value of the lottery was higher. That showed that people are risk averse.
Bernoulli, starting from the observation that a dollar must be worth much more
to a beggar than to a wealthy man, tired to explain risk aversion phenomenon by
noticing that people do not value the gains in monetary values but in subjective
utility, which has a property such that marginal utility is decreasing with wealth,
therefore that the utility function is concave, so for instance the difference between
utility of 100 and utility of 200$ is higher than the difference between 1000$ and
1100$. For this reason people value higher sure gains over some lotteries with higher
expected value. By defining a concave utility function Bernoulli let TCRM overcome
the St. Petersburg paradox.

Effect 2 Risk aversion and wiggly utility function

Friedman and Savage (Friedman and Savage, 1948) came back to the analysis of
the paradox and noticed that the solution provided by Bernoulli explains only risk
aversion of the type that makes people willing to buy insurance and avoid fair and
unfair gambles, still does not explain the risk seeking behaviour, i.e. the preference
for lotteries with lower or equal expected value to sure gains, in case of people
who do gamble. Friedman and Savage noticed that a plausible explanation of the
inconsistency in the form of the co-existence of risk aversion and risk-seeking would
require a definition of a utility function that would have to be both concave and
convex. This prompted their definition of a wiggly utility function which foresees that
people are risk-averse for low incomes, risk-seeking for higher incomes, and again
risk-averse for the highest incomes.

5.2.2 Effects captured by the Prespect Theory

Bernoulli, Friedman and Savage were constructing utility functions that covered entire
wealth, i.e. a change in wealth at each choice was treated as a decrease or increase
in a given amount of wealth at the starting point. An important advancement has
been proposed by Kahneman and Tversky. Under their Prospect Theory (Kahneman
and Tversky, 1979) they came up with a value function that focused on the relative

Figure 5.1: Wiggly utility function as proposed by Friedman and Savage (Friedman
and Savage, 1948, p. 297)

wealth, i.e. a function that considered gains and losses as negative and positive
impacts on the status quo at the stating point rather than changes in global level of
wealth. This optic allows for better analysis of a single risky choice irrespective of
the current level of wealth and its subjective valuations.
The prospect theory embraces several behavioural biases related to risky choices
thoroughly examined by Kahneman and Tversky and reported in a series of papers.
These biases are briefly recalled below.

Effect 3 Status quo fixation

This effect has been already outlined, as it is the basic assumption of the prospect
theory. According to Kahneman and Tversky the starting point for evaluating the
outcomes of events is for an agent the status quo (Kahneman and Tversky, 1984).
Any gain or loss is considered by an agent as a negative or positive impact on the
current state. To give a simple example if an agent losses 10$ and his starting wealth
was estimated at the level of 10000$ she is not assessing this situation as becoming
rich at the level of 9990$ but loosing 10$ and psychologically this is a difference that
does matter. This characteristic of human decision making is likely the consequence of
the qualities of consciousness. Consciousness, being based on primordial feelings and
build up by both mental and biological states of brain, exists primarily in the present.
It is the ”here and now” that provides the background for any mental phenomena,
even if the deliberation is by some means, like memory or ability to anticipate time
continuum, related to the past or the future. For this reason it is natural to think of
changes experienced by an agent as variations of the current state. The theory of
consciousness that is accepted by many contemporary philosophers of mind assumes
that consciousness can be visualized as a fluctuating plane or space that corresponds

Figure 5.2: Hypothetical value function as proposed under Prospect Theory (Kahne-
man and Tversky, 1984, p. 2)

to the changes in the electric charge of some neurons in the brain cf. (Searle, 1999).
This provides a sound background for the stance that any mental phenomena is the
a change in the previous state.

Effect 4 General loss aversion

The value function defined by Kahneman and Tversky is concave in the domain
of gains and convex in the domain of losses, however it is considerably steeper for
losses than for gains which means that people in general value negatively the loss of
some amount of money more than positively the gain of the same amount. Such a
shape of the value function is the result of the conclusions drawn by the scientists
from their empirical studies involving undergraduates who in majority would not
stake 10$ on a toss of a fair coin unless the gain was not lower than 30$ (Kahneman
and Tversky, 1984).
Loss aversion was one of the most profoundly studied effects (Kahneman and
Tversky, 1979), (Tversky and Kahneman, 1992), (Kahneman, Knetsch, and Thaler,
1991), (Thaler et al., 1997). It has been estimated by empirical studies that that
losses compared to gains are valued twice higher, to give an example the disutility of
losing 100isroughlytwiceashighastheutilityof gaining100, (Tversky and Kahneman,

Effect 5 Risk seeking in domain of losses

The convexity of value function in the domain of losses illustrates risk seeking
behaviour when an agent is confronted with choices that would result in a loss. In
such a case an agent would prefer some lotteries with the expected value lower or

equal to a sure loss (Kahneman and Tversky, 1984). From the common reasoning
point of view this effect embraces the heuristic that stays behind a Roman maxim
“dum spiro spero”, i.e. “while I breathe, I hope”. An agent does not what to accept
a sure loss, he prefers to take considerable risk in order to avoid the loss. Having
put this that way, risk-seeking in domain of losses appears psychologically consistent
with general risk aversion, an agent wants to avoid losses so much that she prefers
to take the risk riding on the hope for being fortunate in the lotter, rather than
accepting the loss from start, even if an agent knows that in case of misfortune the
loss will be higher. Risk seeking in the domain of losses has been confirmed by many
empirical behavioural studies, including (Slovic, Fischhoff, and Lichtenstein, 1982),
also with non monetary consequences such as pain (Eraker and Sox, 1981).

Effect 6 Allais paradox and the risk seeking in the domain of high gains

Allais paradox is a behavioural effect that was pinned down by Maurice Allais,
who constructed a set of exemplary gambles which showed that people sometimes
violate one of the main axioms of expected utility theory, the sure-thing principle, i.e.
the independence axiom, see 5.1.2. The set includes two gambles that are presented
to an agent one after another. First, an agent has to choose between getting 100mio
francs (A) and a lottery (B) with three possible outcomes: 10% chance of wining 500
mio francs, 89% chance of winning 100 mio francs and a 1% chance of not wining
anything. The second gamble asks to chose between two lotteries: (C) getting 100
mio with 11% probability or not getting anything with 89% probability, and lottery
(D): getting 500 mio with probability of 11% or nothing with 90% probability (Allais,
1953). The expected utility for the above lotteries A, B, C, and D is a = 100, b = 139,
c = 11, and d = 50 respectively. However people would not only prefer A to B, and
so avoiding risk, but more importantly would violate the sure-thing principle by
preferring A to B in the first gamble and D to C in the second. Obviously to be
consistent with the sure-thing principle people should prefer A to B and then C
to D, or B to A and consequently D to C, which was not the case in experiments
carried out by Allais, which therefore show the violation of the 5th axiom proposed
by Savage (Savage, 1954).
The example given by Allais falls into a more generic class of choice problems
of the same structure referred to as common consequence effect problems. It has
been empirically demonstrated that agents violate the sure-thing principle under
many set-ups, regardless the outcomes are small or large, involve real or hypothetical
payoffs, and the probabilities low or high (Kahneman and Tversky, 1979).
A common sense explanation of this effect is pretty simple and intuitively accept-
able, as an agent seems to follow the following line of reasoning. An agent mentally
visualises the situation in which she gets 100 and 500 mio francs trying to answer
the question how would it be like to get 100 and 500 mio francs respectively then

estimates how likely it is for this situation to happen. Naturally she can easily dis-
tinguish between having and not having won a considerable sum of money, however
estimating what is the difference in the feel-like of getting 100 and 500 is a bit harder,
though it is evident that it would be judged that it is better to get 500 then 100. It
would be much more difficult if the difference between these two amounts was by far
smaller, e.g. a couple million francs, then probably the feel-like of having 100 and
say 105 would be almost similar. The same applies to estimating the consequences
of the lottery in terms of probability, it would be impossible for an agent to feel
the difference between probability 0.89 and 0.9 which would be treated as equally
unlikely. For this very reason when confronted with the first gamble an agent can
easily imagine getting a lot of money and feels that this is at hand, she can in fact
feel that she has already received and be very happy about it. Not strangely she
wants to keep that feeling forever and not to take risk of losing it accepting the
optional lottery. The situation is completely different in case of the second lottery.
She knows right from the start that she is it is quite unlikely that she wins anything,
so she is probably taking the second gamble much more relaxed and not taking is
as a risk of loosing anything but opportunity to win a lot of money. And if she is
to take this risk, which in both cases is pretty much the same, she would prefer
to win 500 then 100 if she happens to be lucky enough to win the lottery at all.
Emotions will evidently play important role in the first choice. An agent feels as if
she had gotten the 100 million already, and feels happy about it, this prompts her to
stick to the choice which promises the pleasure that is felt so closely. Accepting the
lottery instead would mean she puts at risk something precious that her body and
brain already accepted or at least mentally visualised as her own, adopting strategy
consistent with general risk aversion.
The above behavioural effect has been also described and classified by Kanheman
and Tversky, who present it as the second consistently observed type of risk-seeking
behaviour apart from risk seeking in the domain of losses 5. According to their
empirical studies people often prefer a small probability of winning a large prize over
the expected value of that prospect. This effect has been also captured by the wiggly
utility function by Friedman and Savage 2.
Noteworthy, Savage in (Savage, 1954) has managed to overcome the problem
of TCRM with Alais paradox, i.e. the violation of the independence axiom, not by
relaxing the axiom but by mere making a distinction between normative and descrip-
tive purpose of decision analysis and emphasizing the relevance of his theoretical
framework primarily for the former, by stating: ”[the decision theory can first] be
regarded as a prediction about the behavior of people, or animals, in decision situa-
tions. Second, it can be regarded as a logic-like criterion of consistency in decision
situations. For us, the second interpretation is the only one of direct relevance, but it
may be fruitful to discuss both, calling the first empirical and the second normative.”
(Savage, 1954, p.19). Paraphrasing these words the decision analysis as axiomatized

by Savage is primarily concerned with the question how to make good decisions,
and the insights it provides in how people make decisions may be interesting but is
apparently of secondary importance, at least to Savage.
So far I have been discussing effects that relate to an agent deciding about
getting involved into choices under uncertainty in first place. Apart from this very
fundamental decision whether to take risk at all and if so how much of it is acceptable
to an agent, there are two main sources of behavioural effects under risky choices: (i)
agent’s subjective evaluation of the outcome, i.e. its value or utility, which is common
for the riskless choices, (ii) agent’s subjective assessment of probability on which the
given outcome depends upon. Below I will discuss the basic effects which relate to
the latter, the following section will focus on the former.

5.2.3 Effects related to subjective outcome evaluation

Effect 7 Framing effect

One of the most important behavioural effect from the point of view of the
influence of emotion on human decisions is the framing effect. The framing effect was
well described and studied by Kahneman and Tversky whose most cited paper on
this topic was published in 1984 (Kahneman and Tversky, 1984). In this paper the
researchers considered one of the fundamental assumption of the TCRM, namely the
invariance condition. Invariance condition states that a rational agent should be able
to recognize different representations (frames) of the same choice problem and should
therefore have the same preference for both representations, i.e. an agent should
choose in the same way regardless the framing of the choice problem. Kahneman
and Tversky constructed a psychological experiment involving subjects that were
supposed to judge on which of the two programmes counteracting an outbreak of a
disease a state should adopt. The point was that both programmes yielded exactly the
same outcomes but where frame differently, in first case the outcome was formulated
in terms of numbers of lives saved and in the second in numbers of casualties. This
difference made people judge significantly differently between two representations of
exactly the same problem and outcomes.
There have been many similar experiments reported in the literature, of which
one is particularly noteworthy, which is the so called trolley problem analysed by
moral philosophers. It is an interesting exemplification of the framing effect because
it has been procured with slightly different purpose, outside the domain of decision
analysis, to study moral judgement. The trolley problem has echoed in the literature
in many variants, here I will present the two classical facets of the trolley problem
the Bystander at the Switch dilemma and the footbridge dilemma, as proposed by
Philippa Foot and Judith Jarvis Thomson (Thomson, 1985).
Imagine a trolley coming down the track being out of control as the driver had
fainted, heading towards 5 people that will certainly be killed unless the train is

directed towards the side track on which only one person is situated and would die
instead. There is a switch at your hand and you as a bystander that is witnessing
this situation and have clear judgement of it have to make the decision whether to
change the direction of the trolley towards this single person making her die but
saving the other five. The majority of people say that they would use the switch. Now
imagine similar situation, yet instead of the comfort of controlling the switch you are
standing on a footbridge above the truck well before the place the five prospective
causalities are standing, which creates an opportunity to stop the trolley by throwing
a heavy object on the track. Incidentally, there is a very fat person standing on the
bridge next to you and you clearly see that you could push her on the truck and
save the five people down the trucks. In this case most people would not decide to
sacrifice the life of this fat person.
This phenomenon has been recently studied by neuroscientists who have discovered
that these two dilemmas involve two different frames, one personal another one
impersonal that result in different emotional arousal that prompts differences in
the behaviour of prospects. They have found that moral judgements and decisions
made in response to ’personal’ moral dilemmas involved greater brain activity in
the areas that are responsible for management of emotion and social cognition
compared with the ’impersonal’ ones (Greene, 2003). If a prospect is confronted with
an anonymous, mechanistic, dehumanised so to speak situation in which she just
operates a switch the consequentiality rationale prevails and the decision to use the
switch is easier. However in cases where prospects imagine close physical contact with
the person that is to be sacrificed a strong negative emotional response outbalances
the consequentialist arguments and a prospect chooses not to do anything.
Yet again it appears plausible that agents while making real or hypothetical
judgements mentally visualise the outcomes of the choice options and biologically
and sensationally experience the subjective qualitative value of this outcomes, in
which emotion play important role. This makes the TCRM fail to predict human
behaviour in real life situations. Without involving emotional dimension into the
models applied to emulating human behaviour one would have to assume the false
rule that agents normally push the fat man off the footbridge and kill the baby in
the basement, which contradicts the results of empirical studies.
This cases also undermine the applicability of TCRM in normative approach, as
this is questionable as we see from the above discussed cases if applying the model
that optimizes individual or even collective utility would be the right thing to do
from the moral standpoint. Would we accept the world in which a mother would kill
her baby for the sake of saving herself and a few more people? It seems that the
natural answer is no.
I will come back to the trolley dilemma later in the section while discussing the
emotional response to moral judgement effect 14.

Noteworthy, the already quoted neuroeconomic studies by De Martino et. all

(De Martino et al., 2006) on decision making frames and biases from the perspective
of the brain science confirm not only the existence of the effect itself but also its
emotional background.

Effect 8 Endowment effect

Another implication of prospect theory closely related to the status quo bias is
the endowment effect studied mostly by Kahneman and Thaler (Kahneman, Knetsch,
and Thaler, 1990), according to which people value higher things they already possess
to those they could have in the future. This effect may be explained by the emotion
of attachement as well as searching for justification for the decisions already taken
to ensure agents psychological comfort with the past decisions.
The neurological studies of the endowment effect by Knutson et.all (Knutson
et al., 2008) suggest that it is primarily driven by loss aversion regarding the owned
or preferred products, therefore it is the anticipated salience of loosing the already
possessed or preferred product that causes the effect, which again takes us back to
the emotions contributing to loss aversion effect.

5.2.4 Effects stemming from subjective assessment of risk

Effect 9 Headlines effect

As this heuristic has no common name in the literature I will refer to it as the
“headlines effect”. This heuristic refers again to the assessment of probability of
events, which is that people tend to overestimate the probability of events when they
take excessive account of information that is salient, easily available or to which
extensive attention by mass media is paid to. The most common example of this
heuristic is: people tend to perceive flying by plane more risky than driving a car
because non-occurrences of flight accidents are not reported meanwhile occurrences
are widely communicated over the mass media.
The headline effect is the good exemplification of how experience and emotion
bias the individual choice. People rely on experience, they judge probability based
on the events they experiences not based on the abstract analysis on the problem
space. Furthermore they assign high emotional negative value to the occurrences
of plane crashes as these are typically covered by all news channels reporting high
number of casualties and low survival rate of passengers. The emotional load of this
type of news is fuelled, often purposefully, by detailed news coverage, breaking news
mode, and drastic shots form the plain crash scene.

Effect 10 Source dependence


The source dependence effect describes a phenomenon that agent’s subjective as-
sessment of the probability of an uncertain event depends not only on the degree
of the objective probability but also on how this probability is derived, what is its
source. In an experiment procured by Ellsberg (Ellsberg, 1961), referred to as the
two-color problem, people where asked to bet on urns that contained 100 black and
red balls. It was revealed that urn A contained blacks and reds in a ratio unknown to
anyone meanwhile urn B contained and even split of balls of each colour. It turned
out that prospect would bet on the second urn more often, assessing the chances to
get a desired colour of the ball from the second urn regardless the colour, therefore
relying on or ’trusting’ urn B more regardless the gamble offered based on these two
urns. This at the same time constituted a counterexample for the TCRM’s axiom of
subjective probability additivity to 1.
This effect, also known as ambiguity avoidance , was later studied by Heath
and Tversky (Heath and Tversky, 1991) who showed that the effect also occurs
in situations when the source of ambiguity lies in the prospect’s knowledge. More
explicitly, they conducted a series of experiments in which they let prospects choose
between clear chance events of unambiguous probability and events depending on
their beliefs, which showed that people favour clear chance over uncertain beliefs if
they feel incompetent in the domain of the choice problem, contrary to the situation
in which they feel competent and would rely on their beliefs instead.
Clearly ambiguity relates to the emotion of fear, the basic emotion responsible for
survival (Darwin). Fear is one of the basic emotions and the fear of the unknown one
of the five basic fear factors (Ollendick, 1983). The ambiguity avoidance likely has the
emotional background. Fear triggers basic bodily emotional responses such as ’freeze’
or ’run’, is definitely a negative emotion that an agent wants to avoid. This well
explains the effect of ambiguity avoidance, as the known would be always preferred to
the unknown, and as it is strongly emotionally conditioned the rational argument that
the objective probability of choosing from either urn under the Ellsbeg’s two-color
problem is equal would be largely ignored by prospects and urn A would be avoided.
Evidently, fear of the unknown also provides a good justification of risk avoidance at
large as involvement in a risky decision implies accepting an unknown outcome of
the choice.
Fox and Tversky (Fox and Tversky, 1995) showed that ambiguity avoidance is
much stronger when an agent compares a clear and ambiguous option under one
choice compared to the situation when an ambiguous chance is assessed individually.
This well corresponds to the way people deal with emotion of fear, once it cannot
be avoided an agent would face the situation and look for a best response to the
situation. Consequently emotional reaction in choices under ambiguity would bias
the decision to a greater degree in situations when ambiguity can be avoided.
Insights from recent neurological studies, involving fMRI brain activity monitoring
of prospect participating in behavioural experiments, indicate that choices under

uncertainty involve increased activity in orbitofrontal cortex and amygdala, areas of

the brain responsible for emotional and motivational processes, which confirms that
emotions do play important role in decision making. Although according to some
studies it is not evident that risk aversion always has emotional background (Tom
et al., 2007), it is evident that some types of risk-aversion, in particular that observed
under ambiguity more then under risk, prompts increased activity of amygdala
responsible for emotional orchestration in the brain, which supports the claim that
fear underpins ambiguity avoidance (De Martino et al., 2006).

Effect 11 Naive diversification heuristic

This hehavioural effect is discussed by Bernatzi and Thaler (Benartzi and Thaler,
2007) primarily in the context of choices about pension schemes. A couple of studies,
incl. that involving UCLA proffersors deciding about the composition of pension fund
portfolio reveal that the initial composition of the offered menu of pension largely
impacts the eventual proportion between the chosen saving instruments. People while
allocating savings tend to split equally between the offered compositions of saving
instruments. For instance if they are asked to allocate 100 euro and are offered with
a choice of 2 instruments they would tend to split equally between them 50/50, if
they are offered 4 than the decision would be biased towards 25/25/25/25 split. The
paper recalls a justification of a savings allocation decision by Nobel laureate Harry
Markowitz, a founder of modern portfolio theory who once admitted:

“I should have computed the historical covariance of the asset classes

and drawn an efficient frontier. Instead I visualized my grief if the stock
market went way up and I wasn’t in it - or if it went way down and I
was completely in it. My intention was to minimize my future regret,
so I split my [pension scheme] contributions 50/50 between bonds and
equities.” (Zweig, 1998)

They also quote and discuss other studies including that by Read and Loewenstein
(Read and Loewenstein, 1995) involving children, trick-or-treaters during Halloween,
which evidenced strong diversification bias in situations where children where offered
to chose two candy bars from two types at one time (in the simultaneous choice
condition), compared to the situation when they were offered to chose one bar at the
time at two adjacent houses (in the sequential choice condition). The justification
of the decision on pension scheme contributions by Markowitz suggests that naive
diversification heuristic is a type of loss aversion. The regret of incurring loss in case
an outcome alternative to the expected one turns out to be true makes prospects bet
on a 50/50 gambles. In a way betting on a 50/50 chance gambles may be treated
as avoiding entering into risky choice at all by simply refraining from subjective
assessment of probability, relying entirely on faith in this respect. This may be true

for an agent that wishes to avoid a situation in which one would have to blame
oneself for a wrong decision stemming form miscalculation of risk.

Effect 12 Myopic loss aversion

This effect has been dubbed by Benartizi and Thaler (Benartzi and Thaler,
1995) as an explanation to the equity premium puzzle, later empirically validated by
Thaler et al. (Thaler et al., 1997). Myopic loss aversion is am effect closely related
to loss aversion and refers to the sensitivity to losses combined with a tendency to
evaluate outcomes frequently and adjust decisions accordingly with the focus on
shorter time perspectives. This effect was observed in the analysis of pension scheme
decisions, where prospects had a chance to revise their investment portfolio during
the investment period. I was observed that investors tend to take loss averse decisions
each time they receive information on the investment results so that the frequent
feedback provision led to lowest risk portfolios and ultimately poorest return on
investment. The study of this effect is in particular interesting because it proves that
experience directly impacts the decisions. The utilities and objectives of the investors
remained the same over the period still the sole fact of getting new information and
opportunity to reconsider decisions made strongly influenced the end result.

Effect 13 Major decision effect

Benartzi and Thaler demonstrated in their studies of pension saving behaviour

(Benartzi and Thaler, 1995; Benartzi and Thaler, 1999; Benartzi and Thaler, 2007;
Thaler et al., 1997) that people tend to apply heuristics to important decision. This
can be observed based o the amount of time taken by prospects deciding on the
pension fund portfolio definition. In one of the above-cited studies by Benartzi and
Thaler (Benartzi and Thaler, 1999) professors were observed to take such decisions
in less than an hour on average.
Major decision effect presents a deviation from TCRM, which assumes agents are
pervasive utility maximizers. Many empirical behavioural studies show that when
people are confronted with a “major” or important decision they tend to behave in
a way that cannot be explained in a rational way applying all sorts of heuristics,
including imitation and naive diversification. Important decisions are those that
imply intensive emotional states for which reason agents tend to apply heuristics
instead of performing a thorough normative analysis. Ambiguity aversion would also
contribute to the explanations of this effect.

5.2.5 Effects considered in philosophy of mind and moral

Although detailed discussion on the practical reason and philosophical perspective
on agency has been already discussed in detail in chapter 3, for the purpose of

consistency and completeness main effects identified at those grounds are presented
below, together if some that appear for the fist time.

Effect 14 Emotional response in moral judgements.

Greene at al while carrying out studies on neurological underpinnings of moral

judgements proposed an example of a moral dilemma similar to the trolley dilemma
5.2.3 that is referred to as the crying baby dillema (Greene et al., 2004). Imagine
that enemy soldiers have taken over your village and they are ordered, which you
have heard, to kill all remaining civilians. You have hidden with some other people
in a cellar. Soon you are hearing the soldiers approaching as your baby has just
started to cry loudly. You cover her mouth with a piece of cloth and you have to
decide either to uncover her mouth to let her breathe which would alert the soldiers
and inevitably cause them kill everyone including you and your child, or smother
your child to death. The study of brain activity of prospects confronted with such as
dramatic moral dilemma let Greene and his colleagues conclude that while making
moral judgements there are two parallel mental processes activated in drive people
away form personally harmful actions, whilst the second involves the ’cognitive’ part
of the brain associated with higher cognitive functions: executive control, planing,
reasoning and making economic decisions. These two opposite psychological processes
compete so to speak, and depending on how much conseqeuntialist rationale versus
emotional response is there the corresponding part outweighs and prompts the final

Effect 15 Cynical decision strategy

Sloterdijk (Sloterdijk, 1987) introduced a contemporary archetype of homo cynicus,

i.e. a representative of contemporary culture where cynicism is the dominant mode, a
person characterised by the ”enlightened false consciousness”. It is likely that a homo
cynicus would internally assume certain true preference ordering. However the axiom
of TCMR on following this ordering in choice situations would likely be violated as
homo cynicus could purposively or spontaneously choose options not in line with
the preference ordering. The same could apply to choices in strategic, competitive
situations as considered by the theory of games (Von Neumann and Morgenstern,
1944), when a cynical agent could play a dominated strategy to mislead, provoke
or astonish other players who expect each other to behave rationally, so that the
common knowledge and equilibria could not be easily predicted.

Effect 16 Acting upon total reason for action

Searle (Searle, 2002) presenting his critique of TCRM introduced an alternative

decision model which he grounded on the theory of intentionality and speech acts.

According to Searle instead of maximising utility a human agent, more precisely the
irreducible self of an agent, makes decisions based on the reasons for actions that
are intentional states of motivational character. Importantly there is no reason such
that it could provide causally sufficient condition for consciously voluntary action,
i.e. there is always a gap of free will (cf. next effect). Putting the model in simple
terms (for details please see chapter 1) an agent in a deliberative process considers:
valid reasons for actions (incl. trade-offs between conflicting reasons), effectors and
constitutors (elsewhere in the literature this process is referred to as means-to-ends
analysis), and makes choices in such a way as to satisfy/not compromise as many
of these reasons as possible without compromising other reasons, which are either
desires or commitments.
Saltzman and Newsome (Salzman and Newsome, 1994) research on neural mecha-
nisms for forming perceptual decision shows that a deciding brain presents increased
neuronal activity in certain of its parts as if it ’accumulated’ simultaneously argu-
ments for different available options, the choice is made the moment one options
’prevails’ which is manifested by visibly strongest neuronal activity in one of the parts
taking part in this ’neuronal dispute’. This suggest that decisions are made based on
conscious evaluation of available options by internal collection of arguments for and
against available alternative, which corresponds well to the theoretical propositions
by Searle.
If this is indeed how people take decision then the deliberation, which takes place
in the unified field of consciousness, would be naturally impacted by related aspects
of consciousness, including emotional states. This puts the decision making into a
significantly different, very dynamic, set-up compared to TCRM, which relies on
subjective utilities that are stable, consistent also in time.

Effect 17 The gap of free will

Finally, one of the main conclusions from the discussions in Chapter 3 on the
free will is that at the level of analysis adopted in this section the gap of free will,
regardless one perceives it metaphysically as an illusion or not, constitutes and
important, if not the most important behavioural effect. The consequence of this
effect for decision theory is indeed dramatic, as it implies impossibility of deductive
theory of action, i.e. no fully robust algorithm for human action can ever be defined
(cf. (Searle, 2001)). This means that however accurate a model of human behaviour
is there will never be certainty about its predictions. However as Searle puts it
”The causal gap does not imply explanatory gap”, so although we can say what
where the reasons for actions we cannot derive actions from reasons. Still, it seems
plausible to assume that before the gap of free manifests itself in the form of counter
rational behaviour the premises of rationality (reasons for actions) will be taking
effect, consequently the more we know about what constitutes rationality, including

how conscious experience with its emotional background influences rational choice
the better the models we can construct.
The above presented overview of behavioural effects, for the limited space merely
providing some examples rather than a complete catalogue, shows that these effects
could be better understood and explained by linking decisions with affective and
experiential phenomena of a conscious human being. The TCRM cannot resist the
bulk of evidence against it and new models of agents rationality must be sought for.

5.2.6 TCRM in ashes

Simon and Newell (Simon and Newell, 1958; Simon, 1973) have told apart the
two main classes of decision problems: well structured or well defined problems
from ill structured or ill defined problems, of which the former, unlike the latter,
comply with the classical modelling assumptions. For a couple of past decades the
efforts of decision analysts who where confronted with ill defined problems have
been concentrated on developing appropriate methods for structuring the ill defined
decision problems, so as to translate them into well defined problems and be able to
apply mathematical analysis apt for TCRM. Noteworthy, it is a common strategy
taken by normative decision theorists, who continue exploiting the TCRM or its
more recent variations, to work with the problem space and the preference function
in particular so that it addressed the ill structure of the real problems better. Often
for the sake of mathematical elegance implausible assumptions are accepted, such
as those implied by the TCRM, with little or no justification. Meanwhile as it has
been provided across this thesis there is enough psychological, philosophical and
neurological evidence to falsify TCRM on the positive, descriptive ground. Natural
agents simply do not take decisions as TCRM assumes, so it is not informative
enough for if one wants to emulate natural agent behaviour in an artificial system.
Though it could of course be taken under normative economics as an axiom telling
how an artificial agent should behave to be rational in the TCRM sense.
Still, it must be admitted that the long years of TCRM’s dominance in economic
and AI thinking is due to the lack of alternative models that would fill in the gap.
Persky rightly notices:

“...to compete successfully against economic man, a new ethology must be

parsimonious; it must clearly specify the relevant psychological make-up
of economic agents; and it must demonstrate that such a system yields
better and/or new insights.” (Persky, 1995)

Undoubtedly, there is a need for a model of agent rationality that would embrace
agent’s affective states and qualities of conscious experience, as clearly affect is the
basis for meaning, which was a conclusion from chapter 3 and catalysts for human

Affect manifest itself in the decision making process in two ways: (i) as remembered
affective value of experiences and (ii) as the affective reaction to current stimuli.
Separating these two effects on behaviour is difficult given the homogeneity of
consciousness, but distinction is possible given the analysis done at the level of
neuronal systems in the brain, which could provide sound background for a new
theoretical model of behaviour. The remaining part of this chapter will be dedicated
to alternative, contemporary models of rationality, with particular emphasis on the
BDI rational agency model and will reflect on how the experience representation
framework proposed in chapter 4 could be used to improve the existing approaches
to modelling emotional agents and prompt the formulation of a rationality model of
an experiencing agent.

5.3 Contemporary approaches to modelling ratio-

nal behaviour
Currently we can distinguish two main approaches in applied studies of human
decision making: probabilistic-behavioural approach and neuro-cogno-logical approach.
The former perceives a rational agent as a ’black box’, ignores entirely its inner
processes, reckoning these as to complex to understand and model, only focusing on
what comes in and out of this ’box’, hence what are the inputs (external environmental
states, conditioning variables) and outputs implemented decisions (actions). This
approach involves modelling decision process by applying games theory. Each agent
has a set of available choice options each to be chosen by the agent with a given
probability. The probability distribution is assessed based on observation, which is
where behavioural analysis comes in. With modern information, computer and digital
network technologies the abundance of user data and excess of computation power
makes this approach very attractive as allows to make more and more sophisticated
algorithms estimating decision options available to the agent as well as probabilities of
an agent to act upon each of them. This model has both advantages and disadvantages.
The main advantage is that, given the calibration of model is done based on sufficient
amount of relevant data, the accuracy of models can be surprisingly high, which
is why they can be applied in practice. However an important limitation of this
approach is that it can hardly say much about any anomalies, abnormal behaviours,
especially in situations that are not standard. Furthermore they work much better
on macro scale than on micro scale, as the largest the group of modelled agents and
the longer the time horizon the higher the accuracy. Individual choices are much
more difficult to predict but with scale the models start to work better.
The other approach confronts the challenge from the problem solving perspective.
It primarily addresses the question “How people choose and act upon their choices?”.
By comprehensive understanding of the reasons for actions it is believed to be able to

come up with better algorithms predicting actions taken by agents. The algorithms
in question would emulate agents rationality and thus make satisfactorily accurate
forecasts on their actions. Here the key techniques used for modelling are delivered
by machine learning theory, agent-based systems, formal logic and linguistics.
Importantly, in principle there are no unbridgeable gaps preventing from unifi-
cation of these two approaches under frameworks that emulate both behaviour in
competitive social situations and individual decisions, however the two opposing
schools show little confidence in the findings but primarily theoretical underpinnings
of other approach.
To complete the picture it should be mentioned that some proponents of cognitive
approach, in particular some more orthodox neuroeconomists suggest to dive even
deeper into the neurological processes behind human choice, as the key to the human
behaviour may be found at the level of synaptic processes, or at the higher level of
brain regions or systems of regions that normally are looked into in functional studies
of the brain. This provokes major sceptical criticism from mainstream economists
who doubt that neurological insights could significantly improve economic normative
models and pave thus a way to more efficient practical applications. One of the main
arguments raised in this respect is that the opening of “the black box” is an endless
exercise because there is not a single box but rather a Russian doll, so that models
of neural processes are black boxes of lover cellular processes, atomic processes,
subatomic processes and so on, of which little sense can be made at all, (Bernheim,
2008). Importantly however, it is beyond doubt that neuroeconomics provides valid
empirical clues for constructing economic and social theories, and it has been so ever
since cognitive and brain science emerged.

5.3.1 Unification of behavioural sciences under contemporary

game theory
There two important exemplifications of the above identified families of approaches
to modern rationality modelling. In this subsection we will present the account by
Herbert Gintis as outlined in (Gintis, 2009).
Gintis, who builds on the TCRM tradition, has realised that the issue of economists
failing to model consumer behaviour lies not in the faults in the Bayesian rationality
model itself, but primarily in ignoring the social context of individual choices.
Bayesian rationality has served as the basis for analysing rational agents behaviour in
competitive situations under games theory since the seminal work by Von Neumann
and Morgenstern (Von Neumann and Morgenstern, 1944), yet it has been entirely
ignored that rational agents may share mental constructs. So Gintis emphasized that
the assumption that humans are rational is a solid fundamental approximation but
human agents function and take decisions in a social context, they are not bounded
by their subjectivity. Here is how he puts it:

“Humans have a social epistemology, meaning that we have reasoning

processes that afford us forms of knowledge and understanding, especially
the understanding and sharing of the content of other minds, that are
unavailable to merely rational creatures. This social epistemology charac-
terizes our species. The bounds of reason are thus not the irrational, but
the social”

This allows Gintis to come up with a handful of patches for TCRM and thus
explain many behavioural effects by taping into social psychology. Importantly, Gintis
sees social reality, including social norms, as irreducible phenomenon that cannot
be derived from a model of interacting rational agents, not mentioning the lower
level processes inside individual decision maker’s mind. This is accompanied under
his account by the believe that the evolutionary approach to strategic, competitive
interaction can fully explain rational behaviour. So Gintis suggests that evolutionary
game theory (Smith and Price, 1973) may provide the unification framework for
studying natural agents behaviour across behavioural sciences. Rational agents under
such a framework could for instance copy strategies that ensure highest fitness, these
strategies would thus diffuse across populations of players instead of being deduced by
individual rational agents, especially when such deduction (information processing)
incurs high costs.
So the framework which Gintis proposes is based on five key elements: (i) gene-
culture co-evolution; (ii) the sociopsychological theory of norms; (iii) game theory; (iv)
the rational actor model (modern version of TCRM assuming Bayesian rationality);
and (v) complexity theory.
Importantly, Gintis rests on Bayesian rationality as fundamental principle for
starting analysing rational behaviour, which is bounded by society and culture. He
emphasizes that diversion of behavioural scientists from Bayesian rationality model
has led to “theoretical disarray”, resulted in no alternative improved frameworks and
thus provided no new useful insights.
The position by Gintis in so far as TCRM is concerned, which is typical of
proponents of Bayesian rationality model, is well illustrated in juxtaposition with
the views presented by followers of Simonian, psychological approach. For instance
to Krantz assumption:

“The normative assumption that individuals should maximize some quan-

tity may be wrong. ...People do and should act as problem slovers, not
maximizers.” (Krantz, 1991),

Gintis replies:

“This is incorrect. In fact, as long as individuals are involved in routine

choice and hence have consistent preferences, they can be modelled as

maximizing an objective function subject to constraints.” (Gintis, 2009,

p. 236)

At the same time the seeming flaws of the model can be dissolved with incor-
porating social and evolutionary context into it. He for instance underlines that
some behavioural effects uncovered by Tversky and Kahnemann stem from the fact
that people do not simply know how to calculate objective probabilities in risky
lotteries so they are guided by their common sense instead, once however instructed
how to calculate objective probabilities agents would follow the choices dictated by
mathematically calculated expected value.

“If humans fail to behave as prescribed by decision theory, we need not

conclude that they are irrational. In fact, they may simply be ignorant
or misinformed.” (Gintis, 2009, p. 7)

This statement by Gintis is pivotal. This statement implies that not behaving
according to utility maximization is wrong, detrimental to well-being of conscious
creatures. It implies that there is a common recipe for “proper”, “normal” or “fit”
behaviour which is that obeying the prescriptions of decision theory. This could
hold only if decision theory could come up with a recipe that embraces all human
behaviour. The key here is that often decision theorists presuppose that there must be
a universal rule of behaviour, in case of Gintis these are the rules of Darwinian natural
selection captured by evolutionary games theory. This is practical, but unlikely to
be true. It requires moral and subjective judgement to state which way of human
conduct is normal, i.e. which rules of conduct are acceptable from the point of view
of a “rational” agent. We could easily try to think of some rules that hold for the
majority of people such as: people prefer to live than to die, people prefer more than
less goods, people pursue happiness, but if we consider the case of a suicide-bomber,
a suicide in despair, a Buddhist monk, a masochist, we would have to rest on stating
after Gintis that they commit as so called “performance error” or are “misinformed” or
“ignorant”, which is not convincing. Of course, it could be said that a suicide-bomber
optimises social utility sacrificing his life for the well-being of his community, but
even if we are able to come up with rules of such low granularity at the level of
individual agents would the tools of decision theory be of any use? No, because they
only make sense if there is at least a group of people obeying the same rule if we
want to explain these cases with social norms.
This is not to undermine the utility theory at large, as indeed we can define
a large space of problems that can be neatly addressed with it, however we must
remember that relying on the axiom of preference consistency has its price, which is
the elimination of behaviours that do not fit this axiom from the scope of analysis,
regardless how we try to tweak the problem space as to make it more and more

Nonetheless, the method proposed by Gintis to work with the problem space in a
way that we are able to define rules, preference consistency in particular, that hold
for more choice situations seems the valid one to follow. An example is apparent
time-inconsistency of preference. If we modify the choice space to include payoffs at
different points in time the inconsistency in preference will disappear. We propose that
if we include experience in the scope, i.e. if we consider affective accompaniment to
knowledge, a few more inconsistencies could be eliminated. The emotional background
of conscious self composed of primordial feelings represented in the upper brain stem
as suggested by Damasio (Damasio, 2010) supports the stance that feelings play
fundamental role in any conscious process.
Gintis says that indeed anomalies occur but if we take this as general rule this
would mean that we believe most of people are psychopaths. It is unlikely however
that the claim that most or many of us are psychopaths or at least that there is
important amount of psychopathic behaviour such that it influences socio-economic
processes to the extent that it influences the emergence of unpredictable phenomena
that impact the majority of us should be considered false. All depends how we define
what is normal.
Gintis after Robson (Robson, 1996) argues that preference consistency flows
from evolutionary biology, citing research results on nonhuman species, including
insects and plants that show applicability of decision theory to their behaviour. In
evolutionary biology the behaviour of individual organisms is guided by preserving the
fitness of organism, which is related to its expected number of offspring. Gintis, going
back to Darwin (Darwin, 1872) highlights that organisms do not directly maximize
fitness but have preference orderings that are themselves subject to selection according
to their ability to promote fitness. This seems an idea that is consistent with the
theory that says that human brain as an organ of the body, has been created in
course of evolution to give birth to consciousness and free will which underpin the
most efficient (from the evolutionary perspective) decision apparatus responsible for
promoting fitness. However, there are two principal problems with this approach.
First, minor one is that we still cannot be sure that this is the selection of preference
orderings that govern evolutionary adaptation. The second, far more important, is
that even if in the long term the above claim holds, in the short term we have to
include in the behavioural analysis all the organisms, also those that are not fit
and will become extinct in one or more generation. This is very important because
we want to address with decision theory the problems that we are facing now, not
solving problems in the hypothetical future state of the universe where all organisms
are fit. Needless to say there will probably never be such a point in time where there
is no place for fitness improvement, as apparently the evolution process is an endless
In conclusion, approach presented by contemporary proponents of TCRM such
as Gintis appears promising it so far as it enlarges the scope of Bayesian rationality

beyond a self-regard individual to a social game, still the approach of evolutionary

game theory operates with an idealized model of rational choice that cannot embrace
all human situations.
It is important to highlight that Gintis conclusions are in line with our earlier
observation that there is a potential for synergy between the Bayesian rational actor
model and deliberating problem-solver model favoured by psychologists. He notices
that this synergy could appear when the TCRM model is applied to routine choice
and the problem solver approach to more complex human deliberative decisions, goal
formation and learning (Gintis, 2009, p. 238). Furthermore Gintis insists that to
make important advancement in economic and behavioural theories scientists must
adopt agent-based models, and theoretical model verification against empirical data.
In the next subsection we will consider contemporary frameworks for rational
agency representation in information and computer systems underpinned by the
problem-solver model, which has emerged from the pioneering work by Simon and
Newell (Simon and Newell, 1958; Simon, 1959; Simon, 1978; Newell and Simon, 1961).

5.3.2 Deliberating agents

“Likewise, to predict the short-run behavior of an adaptive organism,
or its behavior in a complex and rapidly changing environment, it is
not enough to know its goals. We must know also a great deal about its
internal structure and particularly its mechanisms of adaptation.” (Simon,
1959, p. 255)

The idea that behaviour of an intelligent natural agent, seen as problem-solver,

which uses its mind’s information processing capacities to manage life could be
emulated in a computational formal system was pioneered by Simon and Newel
(Newell and Simon, 1961). In the times where computer functionalism started to
take over it was tempting to draw this parallel, especially as TCRM, then in the
mainstream, was going through difficult times confronting more and more counter
evidence being fostered by behavioural research. If mind is to brain as a programme
to a computer and human thinking is information processing, why not construct
a computer programme like human mind that could solve problems in an equally
intelligent manner? Although it has taken years to prove it is a more challenging task
than assumed initially, which to this date has not been solved, the parallel turned
into the AI vision and a Holy Grail of the field, and the goal of constructing an
artificial rational agent is still being pursued.
The problem-solver approach to human decision making starts with an assumption
that the key to understanding human behaviour is to understand human mind. It is
important to find out how rational agents reason about ways for achieving goals and
what motivators determine the selection and pursuit of goals. In other words what is

the internal mental structure of a rational agent, and what makes up for rational
agency in first place.
In contemporary information systems and computer science, AI in particular,
agent-based approach is the mainstream method for representing human practical
rationality. This method involves agents, rational or intelligent agents, that are a
certain class of computer systems. These systems are called agents precisely because
they have some features typical of a rational human decision-maker. So far when
we have been talking about agents the epistemic understanding of the term should
have been applied. From now on the term agent may appear in a new meaning: an
artificial system, precisely a computer system, that represents behaviour of a human
rational agent. To avoid confusion we will use the term artificial agent (AA) for this
new meaning of agent.
Artificial agents have the following main features: (1) they make decisions, there-
fore they act, so they can have causal effect on the environment; (2) are autonomous
in their behaviour and (3) are rational, i.e. they follow certain rules while acting,
in other words they make adequate not random decisions, furthermore typically
artificial agents (4) are capable of communicating with external world and other
agents, so they sense and influence (simply act, as sent communicates can be seen
as speech acts) (Wooldridge, 2000), (Russell and Norvig, 2009). Wooldridge and
Jennings add one more important feature: proactiveness, which apart from covering
the core feature of performing actions, embraces also the exploitation of serendipity,
i.e. being able to grasp unexpected opportunities to initiate fit actions (Wooldridge
and Jennings, 1995). Artificial agents can be seen as complex input-output process
or a box that processess inputs to outputs, however for problem-solver approach
what is in the box is of primary importance.
The basic idea about modelling human behaviour with artificial agents is relatively
simple. As humans can be defined as rational decision makers behaving according to
a set of observable rules it should be possible to construct an artificial agent that
would have a particular set of rules encoded together with some metarules setting
out how new rules and knowledge is acquired by an agent, so that the given artificial
agent could represent the behaviour of a human being. Importantly, as agents can
interact with the environment, other agents in particular, complex socio-technical
systems can be modelled and social behaviour emulated by applying agent based
systems, which is referred to as agent-based modelling (ABM). Moreover, AAs can
learn, taking advantage of machine learning algorithms, and therefore evolve along
the way, altering behaviour patterns based on the updated knowledge. Repetitive
interactions between agents allow an agent-based system exhibit complex behaviour
patterns and lead to emergent phenomena (Bonabeau, 2002).
Consequently, the key questions under the considered account are: what is the
agent process like?, what is that drives the behaviour of an artificial agent?, how
to define the rules of its behaviour? In answering these questions information AI

builds on knowledge regarding rational agency from many disciplines, primarily from
philosophy of mind, behavioural psychology, decision theory, neuroscience and formal
Importantly, in computer science an artificial agent is a computer programme
accompanied with some architecture (Russell and Norvig, 2009). An agent program
implements the agent function which is the mapping from percepts to actions. The
architecture includes the computing device and other hardware such as physical
sensors and actuators. 1
Taxonomy proposed by Weiss (Weiss, 2000) distinquishes four main classes of
agents: (1) logic-based agents, (2) reactive agents, (3) belief-desire-intention agents,
and (4) layered architectures. This taxonomy provides a useful distinction between
layered architectures that represent hybrid approach combining different realizations
of AA’s decision making via various software layers from all other classes. Distinctions
between reactive agents, logic-based agents and BDI agents are somewhat more
problematic, as these classes seem conjunctive. However it provides a good overview
of what are the possibilities of architectural implementations of AA rationality. All in
one there are three possibilities: (1) reasoning based on formal logic; (2) optimisation
of an choice function, however in a reactive relation to environment (otherwise a
regular transformational system not agent-based system); (3) hybrid/multi-layer
approach. So, in all the cases AA population is modelled as a mulit-agent system
where each natural agent is represented by one AA. In first case a formal system
is introduced to represent the way how an AA reasons about actions. This should
be based on a plausible theory of customer behaviour. Therefore a formal language,
axioms and a set of inference rules must be defined. Typically for this purpose existing
formalisms are adapted and reused from within either monotonic and nonmonotonic
logic or new formal systems are defined. Under this class the way how a given agent
behaves is translated into a set of axioms and theorems, valid formal utterances,
which constitute the basis for deducting the way the customer is going to behave
in a confronted situation. With regard to the second possibility, a choice/action
function is defined. Typically an agent would have a SEU function defined so that
depending on the inputs from the environment (constraints) AA choices can be
deduced under the supposition that AA optimises subjective expected utility. The
major challenge is to define this function in a way that it describes well the behaviour
It is worth underlining that any AA, from the software engineering point of view, is a reactive
system, as opposed to a transformational system. The distinction made by Harell and Pnueli says
that a transformational system is a system that in principle takes some input and processes it by a
given function by which it produces outputs after which it terminates. On the contrary, a reactive
system intensively interacts with its environment, it repeatedly monitors the outside world and
continuously responds to the external inputs, so a reactive system instead of performing a function
“maintains a certain ongoing relationship, so to speak, with its environment” (Harel and Pnueli,
1985). Such a description of a reactive system well corresponds to the nature of a human agent, and
well addresses the intrinsic dynamism of real-world problems, on which traditional static methods
of decision theory concentrated on optimization of a utility function fail hopelessly.

of AA. Finally a mix of both approaches could be implemented by means of a

layered architecture. An additional challenge in this final setting is to orchestrate
communication between different layers as well as to come up with a plausible agent
behaviour theory that would fit the way these layers are interconnected and provide
for meaningful interpretation of results.
Wooldridge (Wooldridge, 2000) proposes that to be able to define a rational AA
we need three fundamental components: (1) a plausible theory of rational human
action (human rational agent); (2) a computer system implementation of an AA;
(3) a logical component that allows to reason about AA’s behaviour formally, where
the main challenge is to axiomatize the properties of agents. Components (1) and
(3) are particularly relevant for the thesis, meanwhile (2) falls evidently out of
its scope. In the following subsection I will review (3) how modern AI addresses
the formal representation of AAs rationality, insofar as the logical component is
concerned, which appears as the main challenge for AA architects. Later I will
concentrate on AA models that take affect into account to find out if the available
frameworks are sufficient for implementing the model of a rational experiencing
agent. For the remaining part of this subsection I will concentrate on (1) presenting
mainstream model of rational agency. AA architects visibly concentrate efforts on
AA implementations that is components (2) and (3), meanwhile to us these are the
arguable theories of human rationality that are the weakest points in the rational
behaviour emulation systems.
The mainstream model of rational agency currently is the model of deliberating
agents, the so called believes, desires, intentions (BDI) agents. The model is supported
by a practical reason theory proposed by a philosopher Michael Bratman known as
the planning theory of intention and agency (Bratman, 1987). Bratman’s account
starts with the following assumption:

“We are planning agents. Our purposive activity is typically embedded in

multiple, interwoven quilts of partial, future-directed plans of action. We
settle in advance on such plans of action, fill them in, adjust them, and
follow through with them as time goes by. We thereby support complex
forms of organization in our own, temporally extended lives and in our
interactions with others; and we do this in ways that are sensitive to the
limits on our cognitive resources.” (Bratman, 1999, p. 1)

These reminds us of conclusions from classical works in practical reason and

purposive human action, like that by von Mises discussed at the beginning of this
chapter, however it already incorporates elements of computer functionalism, which
is visible in approaching rational agents as information processing systems producing
action on the output side. It is important to mention that the Bratman’s theory like
most of contemporary philosophical accounts is strongly influenced by the intentional
stance, discussed in chapter 3. The consequence of adapting the intentional stance is

the acceptance that rational agents have mind states that are somehow related to or
are about external world. 2
As Hoek and Wooldridge notice rational agents can have all sorts of possible
mental states such as: beliefs, goals, desires, intentions, commitments, fears, hopes,
and obligations among others, and propose to group them into three clusters of
attitudes:(i) information attitudes, including mostly believes, (ii) pro attitudes that
invoke agent’s actions so primarily desires, intentions and goals, (iii) normative
attitudes including obligations, permissions and authorization (Hoek and Wooldridge,
2003). Under Searlean account these three would correspond to (i) believes, (ii)
prior-intentions and intentions-in-action, and (iii) reasons for actions comprising
desires and desire-independent reasons for actions: commitments and obligations
(Searle, 2001). In broad terms human and nonhuman agents are considered rational
purposive agents who pursue goals given their mental representation of the world,
their constantly figure out which goals (ends) they want to pursue and combine
means to ends in the process of deliberation and means-to-ends reasoning, and thus
coordinate action. Action is therefore motivated by desires and other non-desire
reasons for action, but desires and other reasons for action can be inconsistent and
the agent may not know by which means these could be satisfied (Weiss, 2000,
p. 344). So an agent first of all has to figure out which of the potentially conflicting
reasons for action to accept, which is about selecting those that are consistent and
achievable. This process is known as deliberation which leads to selection of goals.
Goals provide basis for intentions that are planned actions. Importantly Bratman
underlines that the capability to engage in planning, i.e. future oriented intentions is
which distinguishes human agents from other purposive agents. Importantly, planing
comes in stages, or there are different levels of plans, as agents are flexibly confined
by these plans, not all of them are turned into action, which is where intentions and
prior intentions and finally intentions in action (as Searle puts it) comes in.
The distinction between goals chosen for pursuit and all the other goals is very
particular for BDI framework which emphasizes in practical reason the significant role
of intentions, which are simply goals to which an agent committed itself. Bratman
does not distinguish goals as separate entity from intentions but rather emphasizes
there are different types of intentions, which depend on how and for how long an
agents commits to it. Commitment therefore decides on the persistence of an agent
in pursuing intentions (goals) and putting them in action. 3 Goal remains however a

Especially here it is important not to confuse intentionality of mind with a common meaning
of intending, which relates to action, so planing to do something. Intentionality of mind means the
unique capacity of mind to be about external world, in other words the capacity of mind to have
mental representations of external reality. For detailed explanation please refer to chapter 2.
Noteworthy, the commitment we are talking here is an internal, subjective attitude of an agent,
and should not be confused with commitments understood as externally directed intentional states
that constitute a desire-independent reason for action, e.g. agent A has committed to read a book

useful technical term in BDI agents implementation frameworks used for separation
of particular type of intentions. It is important to highlight after Wooldridge that
intentions are future-directed states of mind, not actions themselves (Wooldridge,
2000, p. 23). Searle in turn highlights the role of a special kind of intentions that allow
an action to be continued and completed, the so called intentions-in-action. And so
we could distinguish: goals, prior intentions or partial plans, and intentions-in-actions.
For this general introduction on BDI framework it is enough to take away that
agents operate with three basic mental states: believes, desires (and after Searle
desire independent reasons for actions such as commitments or obligations), and
intentions which are future oriented plans of actions or mental states that allow
an agent to persist in action (intentions-in-action). The persistence in intending is
dependent on internally directed commitment of an agent to pursue an intention. It
is important to highlight that an agent manipulates all these mental states to sort
out primarily what to do via deliberation, which in principle is a process of sorting
out intentions from desires being constrained by beliefs. Apart from deliberations
there is yet another reasoning process in practical reason, the means-ends reasoning,
which governs the ’how to’ part of pursuing the intention, which is less emphasized
in Bratman’s original account outlined in (Bratman, 1987).
Very likely the popularity of the BDI framework is due to the fact that it
can be elegantly translated into a computational model of rational behaviour of
artificial agents. Selected formal implementations of the model will be presented
in the following subsection. Agent-based approach to modelling human behaviour
is underpinned by formal logic, which governs the AA’s behaviour. In the below
state-of-the-art review I will therefore pay special attention to logical frameworks
applied to emulate human rationality in information systems.

5.4 Towards representing experiencing agents in in-

formation systems

In this section we will provide an overview of formalisms used for representing BDI
agents in IS, then we will review already proposed frameworks for designing BDI
agents that are emotional, with the purpose of identifying weaknesses of existing
approaches, finally we will suggest direction towards including our account of experi-
ence, in particular the affective dimension of experience, into the BDI framework and
provide arguments for why we believe this could constitute important enhancement
of the framework from the point of view of efficiency of natural agent behaviour
emulation and creating believable artificial agents.

5.4.1 Mainstream formal models of BDI agency

There have been many attempts to formalize rational agency among which BDI
agent implementations are most common. Likewise, many BDI agency frameworks
has been proposed so the state-of-the-art of this particular area is massive, full
review of which falls beyond the scope of this thesis. However as we have chosen the
BDI framework as a starting point for implementing experiential rational agency
it is necessary to briefly introduce selected work in the area. We have rationed the
scope of this introduction to two most popular frameworks: (i) BDIC T L framework
and (ii) KARO framework. Noteworthy, the first fully fledged BDI agency logic
implementation was proposed by Cohen and Lavesque (Cohen and Levesque, 1990;
Cohen and Levesque, 1991) which is based on an adapted linear temporal logic
(LTL) enriched with primitive operators for belief and goal, operators providing for
representation of actions (HAPPENS↵ and DONE↵) and aprimitive action by an
AA (ACT i↵: agent i is the actor of ↵), but this framework will not be presented
here in more detail.

BDIC T L framework One of the most common and cited logical implementation
of the BDI model of agency is that proposed by Rao and Georgeff (Rao and Georgeff,
1991), which relies on the Bratman’s theory of human action and a temporal logic
CTL (Computation Tree Logic) (Emerson and Srinivasan, 1989) slightly adapted
to the BDI requirements. The main novelty of this implementation compared to
earlier endeavours to formalize the BDI theory is that for beliefs (B), desires (D),
goals (G), which for Rao and Georgeff are consistent desires chosen by an agent,
and intentions (I) are represented with a temporal structure of a time tree, with
a single past and a branching time future, where an event is defined as moving
along the time tree by a single point, referred to as a situation. B, G and I are
therefore represented as sets of possible worlds, which result from the fact that
agents do not have complete knowledge about the state of the world, belief-, goal-
and intention-accessible worlds meaning respectively worlds believed by the agent
to be possible, worlds representing AA’s goals, worlds that an AA committed to
realize. Importantly meanwhile intentions need to be consistent with goals, and goals
consistent with beliefs, goals and intentions need not be closed under the beliefs
of AA, due to which it is possible that AA commits to a goal that may result in
side-effects that are not desired by AA, for which Rao and Georgeff provide the
classical example of the visit at a dentist, which inevitably equals to the AA suffer
pain if it wants to have his teeth fixed. Consequently an important feature of the
model is that it follows tightly Bratman’s insistence on the intentions being separate
and hierarchically equal entities to desires and goals, not mere derivatives of the
two. The implementation by Rao and Georgeff extends the CTL with two modal

operators: optional and inevitable and makes use of standard temporal operators for
next, for eventually, for always and for until.
The framework proposed by Rao and Georgeff lets the Bratman’s theory of human
action be formalized so that it could be possible to formulate statements in a formal
system about agent action however it does not provide an algorithm for complete
agent’s rationality, notably how an AA forms, maintains and revises the three sets,
in particular how beliefs prompt goals selection and how an AA commits to them
creating intentions. The authors underline that different types of agents may have
different rules that govern these processes, which would determine their behavioural
profiles. Some very basic examples are provided to demonstrate the usability of the
proposed formalism.

KARO Framework The KARO approach has been proposed and developed by
Van Linder, Van der Hoek and Meyer (Meyer and Hoek, 1995; Meyer, Hoek, and
Linder, 1999; Hoek, Van Linder, and Meyer, 1999; Hoek and Wooldridge, 2003; Van
Linder, Hoek, and Meyer, 1995; Van Linder, Meyer, and Van Der Hoek, 1997). KARO
builds on propositional dynamic logic unlike Rao and Georgeff’s BDIC T L framework
which relies on temporal logic. Van Linder et al. proposes a language of propositional
dynamic logic augmented with modal operators for knowledge (K), belief (B), desire
(D), and (A) denoting ability of an AA to perform an action. It is characteristic for
this framework that it emphasizes on actions, action results and different mental
states of an agent directly related to action, which may be a consequence or reason
for tapping into propositional dynamic logic as the foundations for KARO agency
logic. It moves further on defining agent’s attitudes and situations resulting from
agent acting upon intentions compared to theoretical BDI which emphasizes the
deliberation and intentions more than means to ends reasoning. KARO achieves
this by extending the core language with further additional operators which in total
provide for a complete and extensive BDI agency logic. These additional operators
include: opportunity (hdoi ↵i ') denoting an opportunity for an agent to perform an
action ↵ with result '; practical possibility (PracPoss) denoting possibility to do an
action with respect to an assertion; can (Can) which stands for knowing to have the
practical possibility to perform an action with respect to an assertion; realizability, i.e.
the existence of a plan of actions that an agent has practical possibility to perform
with respect to the assertion at hand; goal (Goal) which denotes an assertion that
is desirable, not true yet, but realizable; possibly intend (PossIntend) to do an
action with respect to an assertion (expressing that the agent can do the action with
respect to the assertion of which he knows it to be a goal of his). Furthermore KARO
includes special actions commit and uncommit to manipulate with the commitments
of AAs. Naturally the framework covers the control of motivational attitudes such as
wishes, goals and commitments of AA (Meyer, Hoek, and Linder, 1999; Segerberg,
Meyer, and Kracht, 2009).

5.4.2 Review of existing emotional agency representations

The most promising and interesting directions of extension of the basic model of
agent’s behaviour in agent-based systems are: (1) incorporating in the AA other
cognitive capabilities that go beyond logical reasoning, including feelings and emotions,
(2) enabling social capabilities of AA. In this subsection I will focus on the former,
in particular I will take a closer look at the emotional aspects of AA. The social
capabilities of AA will not be tackled in this thesis as detail discussion of this theme
is the ongoing work.
Given the discussion presented in earlier parts of the thesis on the role of emotions
in human decision making as well as the way how experience has been defined and
included in the adopted theory of human action, the importance of emotional dimen-
sion of an AA is self-evident. Still it is worth reviewing how computer scientists have
been dealing with AA’a emotions so far and for which reason they find emotions an
important subject of their studies. Several reasons could be given for why information
systems, computer systems in particular, that rely on intelligent AAs could benefit
from AAs having emotions. Sloman quite early (Sloman and Croucher, 1981), (Slo-
man, 1987) noted that emotions would play important role in AI systems, for they are
immanent and integral part of human cognition, which is a fundamental benchmark
for AI. As emotional states, he points out, arise from mechanisms required for coping
intelligently in a complex enviroment there is no point in separating the emotion
from cognition. Earlier Simon (Simon, 1967) suggested that emotions build up an
“interruption mechanism” for general purpose information processor, as defined under
his information processing theory of human cognition, which mechanism prompts
the processor to interrupt operations as to respond to urgent needs in real-time.
It can be noticed that in principle there are two main reasons given for including
emotions in the scope of the study of AA: (1) To enable believable emulation of
human behaviour with AAs it is necessary to embrace emotional capabilities which
are immanent to human cognition and action, believable behaviour of AAs is a key
preoccupation of both AI scientists dealing with problem solving, socio-economic
simulation and robotics as well as artists, animation and computer games specialists
trying to engineer the illusion of real life, real living creatures (Bates, 1994); (2)
as emotions play critical role in human cognition and decision making they must
be central to human rationality at large, therefore including emotions in artificial
reasoning systems should lead to efficiency gains, which is the main focus of software
engineering. Meanwhile the former argument seems quite natural and intuitively
acceptable, the latter seems a bit more controversial. It reads that we can make the
artificial reasoning systems better by including emotions in the AA program.
This claim has been made indirectly by both Simon and Sloman, as well as
explicitly by recent architects of emotional agent systems Meyer and Dastani:

“We are interested in agents with emotions since we believe that emotions
are important heuristics that can be used to define effective and efficient
decision-making process.” (Meyer, 2004; Dastani and Meyer, 2006),

and Jiang et. all:

“We believe that (...) emotions can still be helpful for agents to make
better decisions.” (Jiang, Vidal, and Huhns, 2007)

Minsky is even more radical on this stance:

“The question is not whether intelligent machines can have any emotions,
but whether machines can be intelligent without any emotions.” (Minsky,

The need for emotional agents in systems that emulate human behaviour or imitate
human behaviour in a more convincing and natural way, e.g. in expert systems used in
studying social behaviour or in computer games respectively, is evident because there
is sound psychological evidence that human behaviour, (linguistic) communication
and social interaction is highly dependant on affect (see earlier sections and chapters).
However I disagree that direct reference to emotion and affect is a promising direction
in searching more optimal decision algorithms for artificial systems solving complex
First off all, it must be remembered that affect is biological phenomena typical
of biological beings, more precisely conscious biological beings. It seems convincing
that emotion requires some form of self to be able to emerge and be sensed by this
very self. Emotion entails subjective feelings of a leaving creature. It is confusing to
talk about computer system’s emotions and other affective states in first place, and
we should insist on talking about affect representation or emulation in IS instead.
Noteworthy, all above cited authors reserve from entering into philosophical debates
on the possibility for an artificial system to be conscious or have emotions, rather they
adopt a pragmatic, functionalistic view trying to see the practical benefits of looking
at artificial systems as affect-capable entities. We think therefore that taking about
agent’s emotions in contexts other than representation of biological phenomena in
information systems is confusing. We recognise that certain mechanisms for decision
moderation that have “biological implementation” so to speak in the form of affective
states, might be inspiring for designers of intelligent systems however it is possible
but very unlikely that affect per se would contribute to the efficiency of problem
solving systems. It has to be remembered that from evolutionary perspective affect is
designed to help to take fast decision in the situation of reasoning capacity shortages
and/or time constraints, not necessarily best decisions. It is true that affect ration
human agent in the deliberative process and thus make it faster and effortless, however
unlike artificial systems a human when involved in a deliberation start searching for

a satisfiable solution from already the best alternative that intuitively occurs to him,
so one can afford limiting the search to a few first alternatives without major loss in
choice efficiency.
Nonetheless if we want to construct systems that behave like humans, or create
systems that emulate or predict natural agent individual or group behaviour, we
need to put emotion into the loop. Below I will briefly describe the selected formal
frameworks designed to represent and process emotions in agent-based information

CTL based frameworks

EBDI - an architecture for emotional BDI agents. Jiang et. al (Jiang, Vidal,
and Huhns, 2007) propose a generic architecture for agents with emotions which
allows for separating the emotional mechanisms within an agent in parallel to practical
reasoning. The main advantage of this architecture is that it allows to implement
different specific emotional models, so regardless the selected theory of emotion that
may be relevant for a given application this architecture could be applied. Another
strong point is that it extends the BDI framework skilfully by including emotions, for
instance (1) in EBDI emotions set the priority of desires and help decide intentions;
(2) unlike original BDI the EBDI allows for intention-belief inconsistency which is
handled by emotions, i.e. emotions are used as a tool to balance intention and belief
as intention can influence belief indirectly through emotions; (3) complementary
ways for acquiring beliefs are added: via contemplation and communication.
Similarly to other models EBDI considers emotions as a separate set. The state of
the EBDI agent is defined as a tuple: < E, B, D, I > so by the current sets of emotions,
believes, desires and intentions. Furthermore the model defines in very broad terms
how the emotions come into play with B, D and I, by specifying a few revision
functions, specifically: (1) belief revision function: brf : E⇥I⇥(B[Bp [Bm )!B,
which shows that beliefs set is revised based on the emotions as well as perception
(Bp denotes a set of belief candidates form preception) and communication messages
(Bm denotes the set of possible belief candidates from communication); (2) two
emotion update functions euf 1 : E⇥I⇥(Bp [Bm )!E and euf 2 : E⇥I⇥B!E
for primary and secondary emotions respectively; as well as (3) a filter function
f ilter : E⇥B⇥D⇥I!I that revises the set of intentions to find the best option(s) for
later execution (Jiang, Vidal, and Huhns, 2007). However the model does not specify
exactly how emotions interfere with the other sets of BDI. It only proposes a generic
process specifying at which stage of perception-deliberation-action emotions should
be taken into account. The model provides no insights how emotions determine AA’s
actions leaving this part to the designers of particular implementation.

Emotional BDI - modelling agent’s emotions with "B DI logic The eBDI
framework for modelling emotions in BDI agents proposed by Pereira, et. all (Pereira,
Oliveira, and Moreira, 2006) relies on the work of Oliveira and Sarmento (Oliveira
and Sarmento, 2002) who extended the OCC model of emotions by introducing a
concept of emotional valence defined as “a subjective measure that relates the chances
of an agent being able to fulfil its goals given a particular environment situation,
its internal state and its set capabilities.” This work was done with the intention
to improve efficiency of AA’s deliberation in dynamic worlds, so it falls within the
research thread that recognizes emotions as important element of efficient reasoning.
The definition of emotional valence stems from the observation that the OCC model
primarily focuses on how cognitive processes leads to emergence of emotional states,
i.e. the eliciting conditions, but it provides no insight in what is the role of emotions
in enhancing the problem solving capacities of AA in complex environments.
Oliveira and Sarmento assert that fundamental role of emotion is the evaluation
of the state of the world, so emotions provide for a mechanism that allows for rapid
and automatic assessment of environmental conditions and its orchestration with
internal states of AA. So the emotional valence is a sort of weights that reflect the
AA’s subjective estimation of chances of attaining a goal given the current state of
environment and her mental state and capabilities. However the proposed model
does not rule out whether this assessment is followed by an immediate response
or is retained for later processing, neither it assumes if this response is a reactive
or deliberative in nature. Furthermore in the model of emotional valence an AA
evaluates the environment only in strict relation to its current goals for which reason
it would not notice changes that are unrelated to his internal states, which is an
apparent simplification, as it excludes situations in which AA’s behaviour is influenced
by external stimuli irrespective of a current deliberative process.
The way Oliveira and Sarmento understand and define emotional valance is very
important as this concept is seemingly similar to the experiential model of agency as
we proposed in Ryżko and Kaczmarek (Ryżko and Kaczmarek, 2011) and in earlier
sections. However there is an important deference between these two approaches,
which is the way each approach understands emotions ontologically. Oliveira and
Saramento reduce emotional mechanisms to conscious rational assessment of the
relationship between the environment and internal mental states, primarily goals.
This is an evident influence of appraisal theory of emotion which we have refuted
as incomplete. Oliveira and Sarmento see emotions as providing “an automatic and
quick way of evaluating the environment and the internal state of the agent in respect
to its own goals”. This evaluation is directed both outwards to the environment and
inwards towards the internal states such as beliefs, goals, action sets, etc.. Emotional
valence answers the questions how are, negative or positive and to what degree, both
environmental conditions and current plans, knowledge to the specific goals of an AA.
Meanwhile our account first distinguishes between emotions as programmed responses

to specific stimuli and other affective, feeling states which colour intentional contents
of perceptions. These are remembered and reconstructed from memory together with
relevant intentional contents, i.e. instances of knowledge.
As explained in chapter 3 neurocognitive research suggests that at the founda-
tional level emotional affective states are biologically and neurologically independent
of conscious, rational information processing in the cortical parts of the brain. Fur-
thermore the study of some emotional neurological cerebral circuits, such as fear
system, show that an emotional reaction to an external stimulus precedes the con-
scious appreciation and modulation of the perception (LeDoux, 2000). This makes
it unlikely that the emotional valence as defined above well represents the way
emotions and its relation to the conscious deliberation. Instead, as we have proposed,
emotional valence and intensity colour agent’s knowledge forming part of unified
field of conscious experience. Assigning emotional valence and intensity to atomic
intentional states, represented by propositions also allows for better modelling of
emotional influence on deliberation across time, as affective states are assigned to and
remembered by the agent with a corresponding intentional state. Under Oliveira’s and
Saramento’s model the emotional states are recorded in short- and long-term memory
in the form of Valence Vectors < V, I, E, G > where I stands for input from internal
sources, E - input from external sources, V - a valence measure regarding a given
goal G, which is useful from an engineering point of view, but would require that
an agent be highly consistent and disciplined in storing and recalling its emotional
states. However the most significant limitation is that such definition of emotional
states in AA does not allow for handling such phenomena as orchestrating conflicting
emotions and associative proliferation of emotional states, for instance if an agent for
some reason experiences strong emotions in relation to an object of some particular
property, e.g. red colour, agent’s behaviour with respect to other red objects is likely
to be affected even if this new object has not much to do with the object being the
source of emotional arousal.
Inspired by this model of emotion Pereira et.al have proposed an elaborate
formalism based on BDICTL logic and earlier work of Rao and Georgeff, with
elements of KARA framework for representing emotional states in BDI agents. They
extended the DBICTL logic with elements of KARO, namely operator for representing
capability: Cap, Can, Cannot and EffCap (effective capability); action representation
from Propositional Dynamic Logic (PDL), modal operator Fund for fundamental
desire, modal operators Res, Needs, Available, Saved and atomic actions get(r),
save(r) and free(r) for resources management; and operators AtRisk, PossATRisk,
and Safe to handle risky situations, finally standard temporal operators of CTL allow
for considering emotions changing overtime, however authors do not make much
use of it as far as emotional dynamics are concerned but do take advantage of it
in considering risk. With this apparatus at hand three exemplary emotions: fear,
anxiety and self-confidence are defined and some examples how these could influence

AA’s behaviour are given. The way how the framework deals with threats as well
as combining action execution and time with resource management by AA allows
for formulation of alternative eliciting conditions for emotions such as fear, anxiety
and allows for embracing more emotional states such as self-confidence, which is a
clear enhancement compared to the framework proposed by Meyer. However the
model does not leads to a major breakthrough in emotion handling in BDI agent
systems, rather allows for incremental improvements or alternative formulations that
may be more adequate for some particular applications. The model better relates
to the influence of emotions on agents behaviour as the tableau construction of
BDICTL has been expanded by formulas referring to fundamental desires (Fund)
still the examples of application did not show convincingly substantial potential of
this framework in enhancing overall AA’s performance.

EL logic of emotion based on OCC model of emotion Adam in her thesis

(Adam, 2007) undertakes to come up with a generic formal model of emotions
as a reply to observed heterogeneity of approaches in modelling emotions by AI
researchers, concluded from her review of relevant literature. Indeed different AI
researchers have undertaken separate endeavours aimed at proposing a plausible
model of emotion representation in agent-based systems (cf. previous sections). Often
the frameworks overlap and some kind of embracing alignment or unification of this
theories would be welcome. Adam decides to make this unification on the basis on
one, subjectively selected theory of emotion and agent rationality model, namely the
OCC theory of emotions and classical BDI logical implementations.
The entire framework for emotion representation proposed by Adam is very
elegant, also due to the fact that it relies on the proven logical framework for
representing BDI agents, as she builds on the previous research of Rao and Georgeff,
and Wooldridge. She provides for 20 formal definitions for 20 emotional states as
proposed by the OCC model by means of standard operators for believe and desire
Bel, Des and six additional modal operators provided by the applied formal system,
i.e. Expect, P rob, Done, Idl, Happens, Af ter.
However this representation inherits the weaknesses of OCC model, which though
widely accepted by AI community for its simplicity is not a most respected theory
of emotion in psychology, for which reason examples and intuitions about emotions
provided by Adams and deduced form proposed axioms are not very convincing. For
instance, Theorem 12 claims the principle of non simultaneity of hope and fear, i.e.
` ¬(Hopei ' ^ F eari ) which is a consequence of the definitions of Hope and Fear
and the principle of consistency of expectations, because hope implies expectation
of ' while fear expectation of ¬' (Adam, 2007, p. 129). However we discharge the
claim that hope is never accompanied by fear, on the contrary we claim hope is
derivative of fear. Hope can be seen as expectation to avoid some negative state
of affairs that we fear about. So once we hope at the same time we fear about our

expectation not to be met. As we fear we want to avoid the state of affairs that cause
fear, therefore we want to release the fear by hoping, but this does not stop us from
forgetting our fear, or fear is there all the time but it is overshadowed, so to speak,
not replaced by the hope. This also relates to the known odds between OCC model
and Lazarus’ theory of hope emotion (Lazarus, 1991) according to which hope is the
emotional state that comes about when something negative is expected to happen
but nonetheless one believes it may turn out less negative in the end; on the contrary
the OCC model accounts for hope as arising when something positive is expected
but it is merely likely not sure.
The weakness of the Adam’s model in this case is that it does not allow for
coexistence of all types of emotions, taking the approach that contradictory emotions
replace each other not that they coexist but one simply dominates, or outweighs the
others, which is much more intuitively close to such a fluent phenomena as emotions.
Another inherited flaw is the definition of joy caused by ' as conjunction of a
believe that ' and desire that ', which in notation adopted by Adam is: Joyi ' =
Beli ' ^ Desi ' . In other words an AAi is happy when it realizes she has satisfied
her desire, likewise AA is in distress when she realizes that something undesired
happened. This approach seems already slightly broader than that of Meyer’s (cf.
previous section) which made joy dependent on successful achievement of goals by
an AA, nevertheless still too narrow to embrace a situation when an AA becomes
happy as a result of a sole revision of beliefs, a good example of which is a joke or
funny situation that an AA senses. To give an example if an agent is presented with
an amusing cartoon he will evidently become happy meanwhile he has not achieved
any goal nor satisfied any desire.
Likewise, as in previously discussed frameworks under Adam’s account prolifera-
tion of affective states across mental states is impossible, there is no place for affective
association between believes, no affective serendipity which could importantly alter
agent immediate or future behaviour. For instance, let us consider a case of an AA
emulating consumer behaviour exposed to a commercial communication, e.g. an
advertisement on the radio. The advertisement modifies AA’s B (beliefs) set, but
likely the commercial would carry heavy emotional load shaping the affective intensity
and valence of the AA’s experience. Now agent’s mind would capture the experiential
state encapsulating both new knowledge from the event (the facts, propositional
contents conveyed by the commercial) as well as the corresponding affective load.
Through spontaneous association in the process of deliberation the agent should be
able to associate the affective and intentional contents of the advertisement once
confronted with the advertised product as well as in similar affective context. Such
affective interplay within (B) believes set which in turn can bias consumer behaviour,
i.e. prompt the revision of B, G or I sets is not supported by any of the reviewed

Yet again though the framework appears to be sound there is a clear lack of
strong examples that would prove the framework unconstrained applicability to real
problem solving. The proposed axiomatization of emotional dimension of AA leads to
theorems that claim emotion properties that are counter-intuitive or do not appear
likely if we take a step back and look from a wider, practical perspective or from
the standpoint of alternative theory of human affect. It introduces consistency rules
that oversimplify emotional dimension of AA rationality, which is acceptable as a
first step, however there are no clear perspectives provided on how to make this
model more inclusive. Important limitation of the model is that it does not allow
for coexistence of conflicting emotional states and it presents overly simplified and
somewhat naive exemplification of AA’ emotional life.

KARO based frameworks

LEA - Logic of Emotional Agents. In a series of papers Mayer and his colleagues
(Meyer, 2004), (Dastani and Meyer, 2006), (Steunebrink, Dastani, and Meyer, 2007)
have introduced a logical system for representing emotional agents based on the
KARO logic which they called LEA (Logic of Emotial Agents). The development of
this framework was started by Meyer (Meyer, 2004) who relying on the psychological
evidence recognised that emotions significantly influence behaviour via creating
attitudes that are responsible for handling AA’s goals and intentions and proposed
the extension to the KARO logic developed earlier together with van Linder, to cater
for emotional attitudes. As emotional states were defined as attitudes towards goal
maintenance and execution they were represented under LEA as fluents, predicates
that can change over time. Each fluent had two axioms, one specifying under which
condition the emotion arises, the second how the emotion affects AA’s behaviour.
Consequently these axioms are constraints on the deliberation and execution of
startegies that an AA applies. Furthermore Meyer considered 4 basic emotions:
happiness, sadness, anger and fear and proposed a couple of axioms governing these
emotions in LEA, which represented some very basic heuristics such as: (1) AA
becomes happy when she succeeds in achieving subgoals, and once happy an AA
is more persistent in executing its intention; (2) On the contrary, an AA that fails
to attain her subgoals gets sad which prompts her to abandon the chosen course of
action and revison of plans, intentions or goals; (3) if an active plan of an AA collapses
she gets frustrated and angry which makes her revise her believed capabilities or
defer the execution until she is capable of achieving the set goal or persists in the
execution of her intentions with alternative means, which would depend on this
AA’s behavioural profile; (4) Finally an AA can become fearful when she confronts
conflicting goals, after which she is likely to revise her plans looking more carefully
on how environment changes to avoid conflicts in the future.

The main downsize of the approach taken by Meyer and his colleagues is that it
maintains the emotional states as ontologically separate facts, irrespectively of any
other mental states of AA. We consider this approach mistaken. According to very
plausible theories of consciousness, conscious experience is gained within a unified
field, so any emotion is tightly bound with other mental contents that accompany
affect, or better put, that build up the given affective state. Therefore we argue that
instead of maintaining emotions as separate beliefs it would be better to refer to
experience at large represented as affected intentional states. In case of formalisms
proposed by Meyer et. al we could consider all beliefs to be affected, i.e. to have a
permanently assigned affective value that would become a property of a given belief,
remembered by an AA together with belief propositional content.
A minor comment should be made on the fact that LEA proposes only exemplary
and very simplified axiomatization of AA’s emotions, leaving it open for particular
implementation, which in principle is a correct approach however by now there have
been no LEA implementations that could prove the framework to have practical

Miscellaneous approaches

Emotional gauges Padgham and Taylor (Padgham and Taylor, 1997) introduce
a simplified model of emotions in which emotions are grouped in pairs of opposites
(e.g. love v.s. hage, pride vs. shame) and are represented by a gauge with a neutral
point about which the emotions fluctuate in positive or negative direction. The
fluctuations of emotional gauges are caused by events and passing time. Give the
time decay rate of emotional state is represented by a function DA (e) Therefore for
each particular agent A the following function can be defined for determining the
values of the emotional guauges:

VAt+d (e) = VAt (e) + F ([events]t+d

t , DA (e, d)) (5.1)

The moment the emotional gauge passes a threashold defined for agent A emotions
start to take effect on agent’s cognition and behaviour. This allowed the authors
to define agent personality as a tuple: P hiA =< MA , NA , PA , DA >, where MA is
the set of motivational concerns for agent A, PA (e) and NA (e) are the functions
representing negative and positive assertion thresholds for the gauges, DA the decay
function and the DA (e) the set of motivational concerns for agent A, which govern
the agent’s desires.
This simple model is useful for representing emotions in an agent system in
simple applications such as modelling characters in computer games. However it has
some evident limitations. First of all it relies on a simplified theory of emotions,
which may be questioned from the emotion theoretical point of view, for instance
insofar as classifying the emotions and pairing them on the principle of opposites.

Secondly it does not explain the way how emotions motivate actions. Nevertheless it
elegantly models the personality as a behavioural pattern that reflects how an AA
manages emotions. It also allows to represent the intensity (degree) of emotions. The
simplicity of the model is appealing and the fact that it is strongly influenced by
the dimensional emotion theory makes it an interesting alternative to frameworks
blindly following outdated appraisal accounts.

Modelling Emotions with Multidimensional Logic. MEML is a model pro-

posed by Gershenson (Gershenson, 1999) that takes three sets of emotions represented
by a bidimensional logic variable each: love/hate, joy/grief, and happy/sadness by
leanear combinations of which more complex emotions such as pride, conformity,
boredom and others. Gershenson defines 20 exemplary emotional states all together.
The model does not only provide for the fuzziness of the intensity and valence of
the given emotion which can take values from within [-1;1] but also defines a fuzzy
frontier the basic three emotional variables, so that any emotional state can be
defined as a vector in 3-dimensional space where on x and y axes the valence of
negative and positive dimension is represented and on the z axis the three emotional
variables (love/hate, joy/grief, happiness/sadness) are delineated, therefore we can
define an emotional state that is on any plain between for instance happiness/sadness
and love/hate.
Although the idea to represent emotions with multidimensional logic is appeal-
ing, as it allows to reflect the fuzziness of emotional phenomena as embraced by
dimensionalist theories of emotion (see earlier sections), the visible problem is how
to make such representation fit any plausible theory of affective agency. In other
word intuitively we know that emotions are ill-structured, however until we manage
to structure them it is difficult to make any use of them, map them onto action.
The taxonomy of emotions represented with the formalism proposed by Gershenson
confirms the issue, as the author himself suggest that it is merely an exemplary
representation which indeed seems arbitrary, not supported by nor linked to any
psychological theory of affect bound behaviour.

5.4.3 Experiencing BDI agents

Before we propose ways how our approach to experience representation could enhance
the BDI agency framework let us summarize the main limitations of the existing
frameworks for capturing DCI agent’s affective states:

1. As a general rule emotional agency frameworks are based on outdated or flawed

emotion theories for which reasons despite elegance of formalization they foster
application of limited usability;

2. Both formal constraints and dependence on imperfect theoretical accounts

of affect renders the frameworks limited in expressiveness and incapable of
comprehensive mapping of affective phenomena onto agent behaviour. Formal
constraints dictated by requirement of completeness and soundness of the formal
systems renders the limited flexibility in treating the fuzziness of affective
phenomena meanwhile lack of sound theories of affect driven action makes for
the frameworks impossible to provide results of practical value. The practical
examples used to prove the application relevance of the frameworks are not
convincing and present folk’s knowledge about relation of emotion to behaviour;

3. All frameworks in principle confuse emotions as hard-wired programmes and

emotional feelings, they do not incorporate contemporary knowledge about
affect, affect systems and affective feelings. In principles there is little interdis-
ciplinary thinking behind the frameworks, which are made legitimate by mere
reference to old psychological accounts with little or no critical reflection on
their validity by the engineers of the formal frameworks.

4. Meanwhile impact of emotional states, understood as programmes, is well

captured by mainstream KARO or CTL frameworks the impact of affect on
believes set is underestimated. Emotional states are treated as states the agent
is consciously aware of, as emotions are deduced from consciously appreciated
mental states: desires, intentions and believes.

5. None of the frameworks known to us is capable of addressing unconscious

cognitive or affective processes in deliberation or means to ends reasoning, nor
any other direct influence on agent’s behaviour

6. Temporal dimension is applied only insofar as the sequence of intentions

maturity and action implementation stages are concerned, not affecting the
believes set. None of the framework addresses the fact that believes and
associated mental states, including affect decay with time

7. None of the frameworks properly addresses the memory which may be a

weakness inherited from the BDI framework

8. The available frameworks tend to mix old concepts of emotions with contem-
porary, for instance they talk about love, hate, fear sadness, pride, meanwhile
some theories talk only about fear, we are not sure how many emotions there
are and how to classify them.

9. There is evident lack of “unification framework” that would embrace affective

phenomena inclusively and allow for decent mapping of affective states onto
behavioural consequences. This is partly due to the fact that we are still at the

beginning of understanding how emotions influence behaviour, there is no one

powerful theory such as the BDI or intentionality theory of human mind.

10. Importantly, as we emphasized earlier in chapter 3 there are limitations in

linguistic capacities to express affective states, meanwhile all the frameworks
rely on prepositional language in representing agent’s mental states regardless
their nature B, I, D or G, none is capable of describing and representing
affective phenomena in neuronal terms, which becomes a common standard for
considering affect in contemporary neuroscience and science at large.


Given the above the usefulness of the above frameworks is very limited. They may
be applied with considerable success in creating believable virtual characters for video
games and other entertainment and arts multimedia content, with moderate success
in software engineering providing some improvements to agent-based systems, and
are too weak to provide basis for satisfactory emulation and prediction of behaviour
of natural agents in information systems, likewise for representing experiential
phenomena in expert systems for support in decision making, for instance in customer
relationship/experience management, likely rendering worst results for individual
behaviour then emulating group behaviour dynamics.
Now, let us consider how the experience representation framework could enhance
the BDI emotional agency frameworks.
First of all it must be noted that our approach to experience representation could
be applied primarily to enhanced representation of the B (beliefs) set. We shall
recognize that the BDI theory of practical reason as proposed by Bratman is one
of the most advanced AI friendly accounts of agency. Bratman’s contribution to
understanding how human take action is highly valuable. However it pretty much
neglects the role of affect in practical reason. It may be because this account is
firmly rooted in cognitivist tradition. This constitutes a constraint for any BDI
agency formalization right from the start. Our account of experience understood
as affected knowledge could patch this evident gap. This would be achieved in two
ways: (1) by providing a framework for affect control in the framework, in particular
as far as modulating memory volatility processes as far as both knowledge and
affective dimension of experience is concerned, (2) for orchestrating affect influence
on behaviour.
We could risk formulating a simplification that there are two basic ways in which
affect influences agent’s action: (1) via immediate impact on behaviour when one
of the known emotional systems is activated, i.e. when emotion program sets off,
altering immediately behaviour of an agent, interfering its normal deliberation and
means-ends reasoning processes, (2) indirectly influencing deliberation process via
impacting believes set. These two main types of influence overlap in situations when

recalled affective states associated with processed beliefs invoke affective arousal
intensive enough to trigger fully-fledged emotion. This is we believe one of the biggest
advantages that our account could bring to BDI framework. In wider terms this
is about providing for a proper temporal dimension of experience and modelling
experience as learning associative process, including memory processes.
Furthermore, as the framework does not a priori impose any particular emotion
representation system it could flexibly embrace contemporary models of affect that
consider affective states in neuronal or some other terms, for instance it could
incorporate a crafted affect coding system for different identified by contemporary
neuroscience affective states represented for instance with multidimensional vectors,
where vector space could be delineated by different brain systems that are activated
or inhibited under given affective state.
Moreover, as detailed control of affective state of an AA would be provided the
BDI framework could be enriched with more sophisticated rules definition for mapping
these states onto behavioural consequences. Affect could influence deliberation in
variety of ways, by highlighting dynamically importance of certain desires and
believes on the expense of another. Intention formulation could also be modulated
by the affective state of the agent at any point in time. Reconstruction of past
mental states and their amalgamation with current new perceptions, as unified
field of consciousness account dictates, could be emulated. With enhanced affective
dimension DBI framework could better address motivational aspects of intention
formulation. Likely, the gap of the free will could be bridged, even if only with
provisional approximations, based on the affective value estimation of alternative
In order to validate above theoretical assumptions empirical experimentation
are necessary. It is a common problem of all BDI formalization as Meyer rightly
concludes in his recent review of formal logic implementation of BDI agency:

“To this day there is still a gap between theory and practice” (Segerberg,
Meyer, and Kracht, 2009)

Also in our case empirical verification of our experience theory constitutes ongoing

5.5 Conclusion
Simon rightly pointed out that it should be the goal of AI to design agents that
overcome human limitations while displaying all their strengths (Simon, 1967).
Sloman in turn speculated that certain limitations of human agents, resulting in
failing to achieve fitness optima on some occasions, may be inevitable consequences
of their strengths resulting in human intelligence (Sloman, 1999).

Although we see little potential of experience representation frameworks, such

as proposed herewith or other, in fostering the creation of artificial intelligence or
delivering improved machine learning techniques or software engineering paradigms,
there is a vivid need for improved frameworks that could capture subjective affective
phenomena in information systems for applications in human-machine interfaces,
emulation of individual and group behaviour emulation for application in social
sciences (incl. multi-agent simulation frameworks), emulation of consumer behaviour
and representation of customer experience in Customer Experience Management
systems and marketing decision support systems, as well as creation of believable
virtual characters in games and entertainment industry. We hope that the account
of experience we have proposed could be successfully applied in the aforementioned
areas contributing to increased efficiency and usability of information systems of
various classes.
Chapter 6


6.1 Conclusion of findings

The objective of this thesis was to theoretically verify the proposition that experience
can be represented in information systems and that such representation is vital to
enable emulation of behaviour of natural agents in these kind of artificial, symbolic
To achieve this the nature of conscious experience and its role in the behaviour of
mindful organisms, foremost human beings, has been studied in-depth from a wide
range of disciplinary perspectives including information theory, philosophy of mind,
neuroscience, economics and psychology. The literature study in these areas has
allowed us to identify the constituting elements of conscious experience and come up
with the definition of experience amenable to formalisation and consequently propose
a general-purpose framework for experience representation in information systems.
The reference point for the creation of the framework were the findings of
philosophers, neuroscientists and economists such as Searle, Davidson, Bratman,
Nagel, Tye, Damasio, Panksepp, Ledoux, Knutson, Loewenstein. Their essence was
the appreciation of the role of subjective dimension of experience related to feelings,
affect and emotion in shaping human mind, self, choice and behaviour at large
accompanied by objection to both dualism and reductionism.
The evidence from both contemporary philosophy of mind and neuroscience has
appeared to us sufficient, to assert that affect plays a central role in human and
animal decision making. Also the reported results from an empirical study of our
own strenghten this assertion and allowed us to better understand and experience
the nature of the effect of affect on rational judgement. Furthermore the findings
and theories by the above mentioned scientists, supported by convincing evidence,
suggest that affect, the subjective feelings it invokes, is fundamental to constituting
conscious mind and self. This has let us realize that there is an important aspect
of human and animal experience that knowledge does not embrace. The missing
subjective component of experience is affect that forms and integral part of natural


agent’s experience, and determines, or at least impacts profoundly the behaviour

of natural agents. Meanwhile, information science has focused on knowledge as the
ultimate concept for representing mental phenomena, limiting thus expressiveness
of the proposed frameworks with regard to satisfactory emulation of reasoning and
consequently behaviour of natural agents.
We have proposed that relating affect to knowledge results in a satisfactory
approximation of a broader concept: experience that more inclusively embraces
mental phenomena with regard to both their contents and quality. Moreover we have
demonstrated how the subjective dimension of experience, classified as affect, could
be disentangled and represented building on neuroscientific account of affect and
emotions which regards them not only as private, subjective epiphenomenal entities
but rather qualities of conscious mental states that have neurological correlates in
the brain which can be objectively studied. By identifying affective correlates of
intentional contents of states of mind, which build up knowledge, we can exploit the
broader concept of experience for the purpose of more accurate emulation of natural
agents’ reasoning and behaviour in information systems.
Based on this we have postulated that any intentional state, which is a represen-
tation of external world in the mind, has an affective value, which is characterised
by valence (positive or negative), intensity (arousal level) and mode (affective state
kind), which has implications on agent’s behavioural response and is an integrated
component of agent’s rationality.
Consequently, it has been possible to propose a general framework for representing
thus defined experience and relate it to the mainstream approaches to modelling ratio-
nality and emotions of rational agents in information systems, which we recapitulate
The framework consists in a general purpose definition of experience understood
as remembered intentional states of mind. Formally, experience is defined as a pair
of sets K and A, where K represents knowledge, that contents of remembered
intentional states of mind, or intentional contents of experience, whereas A represents
affect, i.e. the subjective qualitative component of experience, therefore:

EJ =< K, A >, where, E - experience of agent J.

Further we have defined a function mapping intentional content into affective state

f :K!A

The element representing affective component of experience – A has been further

defined as a set of tripples:

A = {< v, i, m >: v 2 V, i 2 I, m 2 M }, where V – valence, I – intensity, M –

mode, and M is a k-combination of C where C – n-element set of core affects and
k < n – the number of core affects involved in a compound affect.

In line with the contemporary neurocognitive theories of emotion and affect

(Panksepp, 2005), affective component of an experiential state is characterized by
valence, as a mindful organism can always discriminate between wanted, unwanted or
neutral subjective states, intensity as there can be degrees to which these states are
wanted or not, and finally they are characterised by a mode as there are neurologically
recognised emotions each corresponding to the activation of a particular neural circuit
in the brain, or a few circuits at a time. In line with contemporary neuroscientific
theories of affect, we have distinguished between low-level, primordial affective states,
i.e. core affects, like fear, lust, etc, and compound or high-level affects that can
involve a combination of core affects, which is why we have defined M - mode, as
k-combination of the set C, where k is any integer such that k 2< 1; n >.
While working to confirm the main thesis proposition and the development of
the above outlined experience representation framework we have managed to achieve
the following additional results:
1. We have made a thorough review of the definitions and understanding of
experience across a wide variety of fields including psychology, philosophy,
neuroscience, information science, affective computing and economics, which
allowed for explanation of experience which is considered an ill-structured term.

2. We have came up with our own, formal definition of experience, which allows
for representing experience in information systems.

3. We have came up with our own selection of interdisciplinary evidence for that
affect, which stands behind the subjective component of experience is intrinsi-
cally related to rational behaviour, pointing to the necessity of redefinition of
the traditional notion of rationality, which casts new light on the concept of

4. We have carried out an empirical study that confirmed that affective stimuli
can alter rational judgements.

5. We have demonstrated how the developed experience representation framework

could enrich the mainstream model for representing natural agent rationality
in information systems the so called BDI rationality model based on Bratman’s
account of practical reason.

6. We have also showed how the framework could be applied to modelling experi-
ence in an information system responsible for collecting, storing, retrieval and
processing of information on experiential states of consumers under the so called
Customer Experience Management systems, which purpose is to provide infor-
mation and decision support to marketing and management decision makers
responsible for customer relationship and customer satisfaction management,
mostly in business organizations.

The above briefed results can be utilised both in our further investigations as
well as can be utilised by other researchers in the area of information systems,
in particular information systems which objective is to collect, store and process
information about experience of natural agents. They can be embraced by a wide
range of areas of application, for instance: user-centred information retrieval systems,
decision support systems (e.g. customer experience management systems), agent-
based simulation systems emulating behaviour of natural agents, human-computer
interactions, recommender systems, user profiling, crisis management and decision
support systems.

6.2 Limitations of experience representation meth-

This thesis makes some progress in broadening the capacities of informations systems
for a more complete representation of human knowledge and experience. Still, as it
relies on the knowledge definitions as formulated by KR field it inherits important
limitations. These limitations are to large extent inherited from the limitation of
language in representing the human experience. Though this problem has been
discussed in earlier chapters let us recapitulate here the most important of them:

1. Expressiveness of language is limited, this is why progress of knowledge in the

scientific sense is done mostly by defining new terms, as clearly the scientific
discovery is not about creating new reality but aptly describing its existing
states with language. Still this proves that naming natural phenomena is hard
and takes significant time and effort.

2. More importantly, language is evidently not the native carrier of knowledge

for the human brain/mind to which many arguments can be provided: (i)
children development (ii) animal intentionalistic capacities (iii) fairly recent
cross-language comparative studies reviewed by Malt and Wolff (Malt and
Wolff, 2010) reveal that different language communities tend to map human
experiencess onto words differently which cannot be explain by mere differences
in behavioural practices and culture. Surprisingly it has turned out that the
diversity in ways how different language communities map concepts to language
is much richer than expected. Malt and Wolff assume that there are only few or
no domains of human experience in which the vocabulary of the domain maps
cleanly onto one another across languages even for culturally closely related
language communities. This shows that human cognitive architecture is not
necessarily a straightforward and universal concept-word mapping apparatus.
This may suggest that people in general differ in ways of mapping their
experience onto language.

3. Neurocognitive studies in memory and imagination show that the native format
of manipulating concepts in human brain is not language (Damasio, 2010;
Kosslyn, 1996). The CDZ model proposed by Damasio (Damasio, 2010) and
Kosslyn arguments on imagination reveal that the brain stores and processes
memories in the formats that are pictorial in character (visual, auditory, tactual,
etc.) rather such that remind linguistic descriptions.

The above important limitations of language, in particular with regard to de-

scribing affective phenomena stand for the intrinsic weakness of any language-based
experience representation framework. Affect is not a language based phenomena, it
has more primordial, non-linguistic forms of representations in a natural agent so any
representation of the experiential phenomena in language-based information systems
can only be an approximation. However we have argued that such approximations
can be satisfactory for a number of real-life applications and can have important
impact on information science, economics and management.

6.3 Ongoing and future research work

This thesis represents only the first attempt to approach the problem of experiential
or affective theory of information, experience representation, processing and retrieval
in non-biological information systems, and experiencing rational agents.
There are ample opportunities of advancement of this work, the following are
some most promising and challenging directions of further research to be undertaken
by the author:

1. Continuation of the development of the experience representation framework so

that it better addressed temporal, volatile, subjective and dynamic character
of natural agents’ experience.

2. Construction of behavioural models that would map experience onto agent

rationality, i.e. further elaboration of the rational experiencing agent model
and behaviour emulation frameworks.

3. Coming up with efficient, user-centred and usable experience assessment and

measurement methods, including both interfacing tools for self-assessment as
well as inference methods for experience assessment from body parameters,
including brain activity measurements.

4. Experimenting with real-life data for further validation and improvement of

theoretical models, frameworks and assumptions.

5. Analysis of the social dimension of experience and the inclusion of social layer
into the representation framework for modelling individual experience, conse-

quently modelling social experience and its relation to social phenomena such
as morality and culture and eventually mapping these onto group behaviour.

6. Constructing social experiencing agents interacting in highly dynamic social


7. Investigating further and proposing improved affect representation frameworks,

adapting these to new evidence from affective neuroscience and cognitive
neuroscience at large, which is currently one of the most dynamically developing
area of science.

8. Investigating non-linguistic forms of intentionality of mindbody, both in the

inward direction (subjective intentionalistic states) and outward direction
(objective intentionalistic states) with the purpose to come up with better
forms and methods for expressing experience outside of a living organism.

Contents of the survey referred to in

section 3.51
Survey on the quality of Polish wiki services
Thank you for participating in my survey! This will help me complete my research
project, for which I am very grateful!
Please find below a short instruction:

1. The purpose of this survey is to assess the quality of articles in Polish

wiki-type online services with an intersubjective approach.

2. You have been assigned with one randomly chosen entry from the online
wiki-based cookbook WikiKuchnia.org.

3. Below you will find a few introductory questions, necessary to calibrate the

4. On the next page of this survey you will find a link to the selected wiki entry.
Click that link (it should open in a new window). Read the article and then
return to this survey.

5. This should not take more than 10 minutes.

6. This survey is anonymous.

Thank you very much for taking part in this research experiment.

The survey questionnaire was originally authored in Polish. The provided translation has been
prepared solely for the purpose of this appendix.

Introductory questions
Your gender female / male

Your age 18–24 / 25–43 / 35–44 / 45–54 / 55–64 / 65 and more

I like spending free evenings. . .

(almost) (almost)
always often rarely never
at home at my PC/TV/reading a book 3 3 3 3
in a club/cafe 3 3 3 3
at a restaurant or hosted dinner 3 3 3 3
in a cinema/theatre 3 3 3 3
on physical exercise 3 3 3 3

Select which of these sentences correctly describes your attitude towards

food and cuisine
2 I pay a lot of attention to what I eat. I select dishes and recipies carefully.
2 I like cooking.
2 When going to a restaurant I care about what cuisine they serve and check out
opinions beforehand.
2 I like to experiment with food. I enjoy exotic meals and nonstandard flavours.
2 I eat to get calories and do not care much about what I eat.
2 None of the above.

What is your attitude towards the following ingredients used in meals?

very much like like neutral dislike strongly dislike
minced pork 3 3 3 3 3
minced beef 3 3 3 3 3
onion 3 3 3 3 3
oil 3 3 3 3 3
flour 3 3 3 3 3
yeast 3 3 3 3 3
full-fat milk 3 3 3 3 3
margarine 3 3 3 3 3
egg yolk 3 3 3 3 3
whipped egg white 3 3 3 3 3
sugar 3 3 3 3 3
salt 3 3 3 3 3
pepper 3 3 3 3 3

Are you hungry right now?

yes, very / yes, relatively / no, not really / no, I’m quite full.

Now read the article!
Open the link provided here to an WikiKuchnia.org article with a recipe. Read the
article carefully and return to the survey. [link]

Main part of the Survey

Please fill this questionaire (this is the last step!) and do keep in mind that:
1. we want to hear your subjective opinion,
2. it is your first impression that counts,
2. it is forbidden to look up further info about the article trying to verify it.

Did you recognise that meal? yes / no

Have you eaten it before? yes / no

Do you feel like eating/preparing it after having read the article?

yes / no

Would you recommend this recipe to a friend? yes / no

Imagine that you are at a restaurant and find this dish in the menu among
other dishes at the same price, dishes you know well and like. Would you
order this dish? yes / no

Even if you have never tasted it before, try to imagine its taste. . . How
would you rate the taste?
very much like / like / neutral / dislike / strongly dislike.

How would you rate the quality of the article you have just read?
very good good poor very poor
clearness 3 3 3 3
conciseness 3 3 3 3
structure 3 3 3 3
language 3 3 3 3
conformity (only if you knew the recipe) 3 3 3 3
visual aspects 3 3 3 3

Would you recommend WikiKuchnia.org to a friend? yes / no


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