360° Reflection Tool - PRINCIPALS

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360° Reflection Tool

Cam Wallace
Cam Wallace - AITSL

Introduction Australian Professional Standard for Principals

The Australian Professional Standard for Principals (the Standard)

creates and promotes a shared vision, clarity of understanding and a
common language around effective and high-impact school leadership.

The Standard sets out what principals are expected to know, understand
and do to succeed in their work. It is an integrated model that recognises
all good leaders share common qualities and capabilities, which are
expressed as three Leadership Requirements. Principals draw upon these
three Leadership Requirements within five areas of Professional Practice.

The Standard is based on three Leadership Requirements:

• Vision and values

• Knowledge and understanding
• Personal qualities and social and interpersonal skills

These requirements are enacted through the following five key

Professional Practices:

• Leading teaching and learning

• Developing self and others
• Leading improvement, innovation and change
• Leading the management of the school
• Engaging and working with the community

360° Reflection Tool

The 360° Reflection Tool describes 15 attributes that are evident in the
behaviours and actions of high-performing principals and school leaders.

The 360° Reflection Tool is aligned with the Standard and provides
principals and school leaders with the opportunity to:

• connect with the Standard

• reflect on their leadership capacity
• gather formative feedback on the leadership behaviours they exhibit in
their daily work
• learn more about their strengths and development opportunities
• plan professional learning and development opportunities
• monitor change in their leadership behaviour and actions.

The 360° Reflection Tool is underpinned by research. The development

involved high level advice from the profession about the behaviours that
are demonstrated when enacting the Leadership Requirements and
Professional Practices of the Standard.


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 2

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Introduction The 360° Reflection Tool does not seek feedback on the quality of
behaviours, that is, 'how well' a behaviour is exhibited. Rather, the 360°
Reflection Tool is designed to capture feedback on the frequency of the
behaviours exhibited by principals and school leaders, in accordance with
the Standard.

Your Feedback Report

Your Feedback Report contains results and commentary regarding your

leadership capacity from the raters who participated in the 360° Reflection
Tool survey. It is important to recognise that the results reflect the differing
perceptions of raters at the point in time the surveys were completed.

Feedback describes the frequency of behaviour, rather than evaluating it

and can be influenced by:

• the nature of the professional relationship you have with your raters
• the opportunity you have had to demonstrate the 15 attributes
• the visibility of your behaviours to the school community
• your school context.

Although the Standard is applicable to principals and school leaders

irrespective of context or experience, the emphasis given to particular
components of the Standard will vary in relation to your context and

15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 3

Cam Wallace - AITSL

360° Reflection Tool

Leading teaching and

1. Creates a student centred

learning environment
2. Leads pedagogical practice
3. Creates a learning culture

Developing self and others

4. Builds capacity
5. Promotes professional learning
6. Manages self

Leading improvement,
innovation and change

7. Inspires and motivates

8. Understands and leads change
9. Initiates improvement through
innovation and change

Leading the management of

the school

10. Aligns ethical practices with

educational goals
11. Manages resources
12. Manages high standards and

Engaging and working with

the community

13. Creates a culture of inclusion

14. Engages with the community
15. Collaborates with and influences
the community

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Cam Wallace - AITSL

Interpreting your Interpreting the 360° Reflection Tool summary

feedback The 360° Reflection Tool summary provides an overview of your strengths
and areas for improvement.
A guide to what you'll see in your
360° Reflection Tool feedback
report Attribute scores

To the right of each attribute, you will see 'Avg. total others rating'. This
is the average score from everyone, excluding yourself, who provided you
with feedback.

rating Consistency of demonstration of attribute Strength
Never / rarely Often Always
Sometimes Very often



Total Others Self Norm group

The bar represents your total others score.

The circle represents your rating, or how you saw yourself on that

Norms: the transparent box represents the norm group. That is, the scores
ranging from the 25th percentile to the 75th percentile of others who have
taken this survey.

• Norms are based on 1,011 school leaders rated by 12,858 raters.

• If your total others score (represented by the bar) is to the left of this
box, it indicates your score is below average for this attribute.
• If your total others score is to the right of the box, it indicates you are
above average on this attribute.

When the total others score matches or exceeds 85% of the scale, the
attribute is considered a strength. In this case, an arrow will appear for
that attribute under the strength column.


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Cam Wallace - AITSL

Interpreting your Interpreting the attribute detail

feedback The attribute detail report provides scores by rater group for each of the
attributes measured in this report.
A guide to what you'll see in your
360° Reflection Tool feedback Attribute scales: To the right of the graph is the scale upon which the
report attributes were assessed. The bar graph represents the average attribute
score for each rater group.

4.7 4.7 4.8 4.8
4.2 Very often



Never / rarely
Total Others Self Line Manager Leadership Staff Others

Norms: the shaded area represents the norm group or average range of
scores (e.g. 25th to 75th percentile) for this attribute. When a bar is above
the shaded area, your rating is considered above average for this
attribute. When a bar is below the shaded area, it is considered below
average for this attribute.

15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 6

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Feedback validity Your report is based on the responses of 15 individuals as shown below
who contributed feedback within the allocated time period of 19/03/2019
Summarises the source and to 10/04/2019.
quality of the feedback data
1 questionnaire Peers was discarded because less than 70% of the items
were answered, or familiarity was indicated to be very low. Data for one
rater group Peers was suppressed to protect the anonymity of the

Surveys Familiarity Agreement

Distb. Rcvd. Prcsd. Low High Low High
Self 1 1 1
Line Manager 1 1 1
Leadership Team 5 5 5
Staff 8 6 6
Peers 3 2 0
Others 4 2 2

Rater familiarity

When making their ratings, raters indicated their familiarity with your job
performance and their frequency of work-related contact with you.

The higher the familiarity, the more attention you should pay to the ratings.
Low familiarity can occur when raters report that they are relatively
unfamiliar with your job performance, or have relatively infrequent work-
related contact with you (or both). You should place less weight on
feedback from perspectives with low to moderate familiarity.

Rater agreement

The level of rater agreement with three or more raters is reported above.
The higher the agreement, the more consistent the ratings within the rater

Agreement can be low for a number of reasons. Low agreement may

indicate that some raters are less familiar with your performance than
others. Low agreement may also indicate that the raters interact with you
in different situations and see different aspects of your behaviour. If the
agreement is low or moderate you should take time to consider the likely
cause of the inconsistency and to adjust your interpretation of the
feedback appropriately.

15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 7

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Summary by professional practice

Professional Practices Rater group Rating Consistency of demonstration of attribute

Never / rarely Often Always
Sometimes Very often

Leading teaching and learning

Total Others 4.5
Self 3.9
Line Manager 4.1
Leadership Team 4.5
Staff 4.5
Others 4.8

Developing self and others

Total Others 4.4
Self 3.3
Line Manager 4.4
Leadership Team 4.2
Staff 4.3
Others 4.6

Leading improvement, innovation and change

Total Others 4.4
Self 3.1
Line Manager 4.3
Leadership Team 4.2
Staff 4.2
Others 4.8

Leading the management of the school

Total Others 4.5
Self 3.8
Line Manager 4.4
Leadership Team 4.3
Staff 4.4
Others 4.8

Engaging and working with the community

Total Others 4.5
Self 3.5
Line Manager 4.3
Leadership Team 4.5
Staff 4.4
Others 5.0

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Cam Wallace - AITSL

Feedback summary aligned with professional practices

rating Consistency of demonstration of attribute Strength
Never / rarely Often Always
Leading teaching and learning Sometimes Very often

1. Creates a student centred learning environment 4.7

2. Leads pedagogical practice 4.1
3. Creates a learning culture 4.7

Developing self and others

4. Builds capacity 4.5

5. Promotes professional learning 4.1
6. Manages self 4.6

Leading improvement, innovation and change

7. Inspires and motivates 4.8

8. Understands and leads change 4.4
9. Initiates improvement through innovation and 4.0

Leading the management of the school

10. Aligns ethical practices with educational goals 4.7

11. Manages resources 4.4
12. Manages high standards and accountability 4.4

Engaging and working with the community

13. Creates a culture of inclusion 4.7

14. Engages with the community 4.4
15. Collaborates with and influences the community 4.5

Total Others Self Norm group

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Cam Wallace - AITSL

Leading teaching and learning

1. Creates a student centred learning environment

Principals are committed to the learning and growth of young people and adults and foster respect across
the whole school.

4.7 4.7 4.8 4.8
4.2 Very often



Never / rarely
Total Others Self Line Manager Leadership Staff Others


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Line Manager

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Leadership Team

There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 10

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Leading teaching and learning

2. Leads pedagogical practice

Principals apply their professional knowledge to meet the needs of students in the school and to deliver,
with others, effective strategic leadership and operational management. Principals take steps to ensure that
they keep their professional knowledge current.

4.3 Very often
3.5 Often


Never / rarely
Total Others Self Line Manager Leadership Staff Others


There are no comments for this rater group

Line Manager

There are no comments for this rater group

Leadership Team

There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 11

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Leading teaching and learning

3. Creates a learning culture

Principals create a culture of challenge and support, enabling effective teaching that promotes effective
enthusiastic, independent learners, committed to life-long learning.

4.8 4.9
4.7 4.7
4.5 Very often


Never / rarely
Total Others Self Line Manager Leadership Staff Others


There are no comments for this rater group

Line Manager

There are no comments for this rater group

Leadership Team

There are no comments for this rater group


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There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


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Cam Wallace - AITSL

Developing self and others

4. Builds capacity
Principals build capacity and support all staff to achieve high standards and develop their leadership

4.5 4.4 Very often
4.3 4.2


Never / rarely
Total Others Self Line Manager Leadership Staff Others


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Line Manager

There are no comments for this rater group

Leadership Team

There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 13

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Developing self and others

5. Promotes professional learning

Principals understand the importance of and demonstrate commitment to their own ongoing professional

4.1 4.1
Very often
3.8 3.9
3.3 Often


Never / rarely
Total Others Self Line Manager Leadership Staff Others


There are no comments for this rater group

Line Manager

There are no comments for this rater group

Leadership Team

There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 14

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Developing self and others

6. Manages self
Principals manage themselves well and demonstrate commitment to their own personal health and wellbeing
in order to manage the complexity of the role and actions required in the role.

4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 Very often


Never / rarely
Total Others Self Line Manager Leadership Staff Others


There are no comments for this rater group

Line Manager

There are no comments for this rater group

Leadership Team

There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 15

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Leading improvement, innovation and change

7. Inspires and motivates

Principals inspire and motivate their staff to ensure that the vision and strategic plan is put into action across
the school and that the plan's goals and intentions are realised.

5.0 5.0
4.8 4.7
4.4 Very often
3.5 Often


Never / rarely
Total Others Self Line Manager Leadership Staff Others


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Line Manager

There are no comments for this rater group

Leadership Team

There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


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15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 16

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Leading improvement, innovation and change

8. Understands and leads change

Principals apply their knowledge and understanding of leadership of change to facilitate effective long-term
change in the school together with others. Principals take steps to ensure that they keep their leadership
skills and knowledge of change concepts current.

4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1
Very often


Never / rarely
Total Others Self Line Manager Leadership Staff Others


There are no comments for this rater group

Line Manager

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Leadership Team

Not all changes involving educational trends need to be implemented but when change is required, it is
implemented slowly, in consultation and with purpose for positive impact on the school. Often has been checked
due to not all trends requiring implementation.


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15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 17

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Leading improvement, innovation and change

9. Initiates improvement through innovation and change

Principals work with others to produce and implement clear, evidence based improvement plans and policies
for the development of the school.


4.3 Very often

4.0 4.0
3.7 3.8

Never / rarely
Total Others Self Line Manager Leadership Staff Others


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Line Manager

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Leadership Team

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15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 18

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Leading the management of the school

10. Aligns ethical practices with educational goals

Principals behave with integrity underpinned by moral purpose. They model values and ethical perspectives
in relation to their own and the school's practice and organisation.

4.7 4.8 4.8
4.4 Very often


Never / rarely
Total Others Self Line Manager Leadership Staff Others


There are no comments for this rater group

Line Manager

There are no comments for this rater group

Leadership Team

There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 19

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Leading the management of the school

11. Manages resources

Principals use a range of data management methods and technologies to ensure that the school's resources
and staff are efficiently organised and managed to provide an effective and safe learning environment as
well as value for money.

4.4 4.4 4.3 Very often
4.0 4.0


Never / rarely
Total Others Self Line Manager Leadership Staff Others


There are no comments for this rater group

Line Manager

There are no comments for this rater group

Leadership Team

There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 20

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Leading the management of the school

12. Manages high standards and accountability

Principals ensure that high standards are achieved across the school and that accountabilities are monitored
and met.

4.5 4.6
4.4 4.3 Very often


Never / rarely
Total Others Self Line Manager Leadership Staff Others


There are no comments for this rater group

Line Manager

There are no comments for this rater group

Leadership Team

There are no comments for this rater group


As an onlooker, I do not see poor performers being pulled up and "re educated". This may not be the case, as I
would assume that this would be a private matter.


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15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 21

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Engaging and working with the community

13. Creates a culture of inclusion

Principals embrace inclusion and help build a culture of high expectations that takes account of the richness
and diversity of the school's wider community and the education systems and sectors.

4.7 4.6
4.5 4.5 Very often
3.5 Often


Never / rarely
Total Others Self Line Manager Leadership Staff Others


There are no comments for this rater group

Line Manager

There are no comments for this rater group

Leadership Team

There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 22

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Engaging and working with the community

14. Engages with the community

Principals understand the richness and diversity of the school's wider community, education systems and

4.4 4.5 Very often
3.8 3.8


Never / rarely
Total Others Self Line Manager Leadership Staff Others


There are no comments for this rater group

Line Manager

There are no comments for this rater group

Leadership Team

There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 23

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Engaging and working with the community

15. Collaborates with and influences the community

Principals communicate, negotiate, collaborate and advocate effectively and relate well to the school's
community. They continuously improve their networking and influencing skills.

4.5 4.5 4.4 Very often

3.3 Often


Never / rarely
Total Others Self Line Manager Leadership Staff Others


There are no comments for this rater group

Line Manager

There are no comments for this rater group

Leadership Team

There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group


There are no comments for this rater group

15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 24

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Your strengths
Highest scoring behaviours
Line Leader-
Total Manag- ship
Attribute Others Self er Team Staff Others

1. Creates a student Encourages active 5.0 5.0 -- 5.0 5.0 5.0

centred learning engagement of all
environment students in their

3. Creates a learning Creates a positive 5.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
culture learning environment
for students, staff and
the school community

Areas for development

Lowest scoring behaviours
Line Leader-
Total Manag- ship
Attribute Others Self er Team Staff Others

5. Promotes In response to their own 3.4 3.0 3.0 3.4 3.3 4.0
professional learning professional learning,
makes changes in how
they lead and manage
the school

9. Initiates Provides the school 3.6 2.0 3.0 3.4 3.8 4.0
improvement through community frequent
innovation and opportunities to give
change feedback on changes to
improve school

15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 25

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Behaviour frequency report

The following charts show how your raters responded to each behaviour, and indicates where raters' perceptions
of your behaviour agree or differ.

The bars on the 'Average rating' column represent the average behaviour score for each rater group. The
distribution of ratings, with a column for each point on the rating scale, are shown to the right of the bars. The
number in each column indicates the number of raters who rated you on that point. The left most column labeled
with a * indicates the number of raters who did not answer the question.

Leading teaching and learning

1. Creates a student centred learning environment
Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Sets clear expectations that all activities in the school will Self 4.0 1
contribute toward improving learning outcomes
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.6 2 3

Staff 4.7 2 4

Others 5.0 2

Encourages active engagement of all students in their Self 5.0 1

Line Manager 1
Leadership Team 5.0 1 4

Staff 5.0 6

Others 5.0 2

Makes important decisions considering the impact on Self 5.0 1

students' learning
Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 4.8 1 4

Staff 4.7 2 4

Others 5.0 2

Provides a consistent school-wide focus on individual Self 5.0 1

student achievement
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.8 1 4

Staff 4.5 1 1 4

Others 5.0 2

Listens actively to all students, shows interest and Self 4.0 1

acknowledges their points of view and contribution
Line Manager 3.0 1

Leadership Team 5.0 5

Staff 5.0 6

Others 5.0 2

* Indicates that some of your raters did not respond to this item.


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Cam Wallace - AITSL

Behaviour frequency report

Leading teaching and learning
1. Creates a student centred learning environment
Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Promotes the school values through a flexible and diverse Self 5.0 1
curriculum to meet the needs of all students
Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 4.4 1 1 3

Staff 4.7 2 4

Others 5.0 2

2. Leads pedagogical practice

Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Shares and promotes professional dialogue about current Self 4.0 1
research in pedagogy and student engagement
Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 4.0 1 3 1

Staff 4.2 5 1

Others 4.0 1 1

Shares school results throughout the year and takes action Self 3.0 1
to address gaps in school performance
Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 4.0 1 2 2

Staff 4.5 3 3

Others 4.5 1 1

Applies robust methods to monitor and report on student Self 3.0 1

Line Manager 3.0 1

Leadership Team 3.8 2 2 1

Staff 4.2 1 3 2

Others 5.0 2

Implements processes to ensure the application of new Self 3.0 1

research in teaching, learning and child development
Line Manager 3.0 1

Leadership Team 4.0 1 1 1 2

Staff 4.5 3 3

Others 5.0 2

* Indicates that some of your raters did not respond to this item.


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Cam Wallace - AITSL

Behaviour frequency report

Leading teaching and learning
3. Creates a learning culture
Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Creates a positive learning environment for students, staff Self 4.0 1
and the school community
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 5.0 5

Staff 5.0 6

Others 5.0 2

Sets high expectations for every learner, including students, Self 4.0 1
staff and self
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 5.0 5

Staff 4.8 1 5

Others 5.0 2

Celebrates and promotes high performance of students and Self 4.0 1

Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 5.0 5

Staff 4.3 1 2 3

Others 5.0 2

Encourages evidence-based approaches to teaching and Self 3.0 1

Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 4.2 1 2 2

Staff 4.3 4 2

Others 5.0 1 1

Implements, monitors and improves teaching strategies to Self 3.0 1

ensure equity of educational outcomes
Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 4.6 2 3

Staff 4.2 1 1 2 2

Others 4.5 1 1

Promotes the school's agreed approach to quality teaching Self 4.0 1

and learning
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 5.0 5

Staff 4.5 3 3

Others 5.0 2

* Indicates that some of your raters did not respond to this item.


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 28

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Behaviour frequency report

Developing self and others
4. Builds capacity
Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Provides ongoing formal and informal feedback to staff Self 4.0 1

Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.4 1 1 3

Staff 4.3 1 2 3

Others 3.0 1 1

Leads the school in planning, implementing and evaluating Self 4.0 1

staff professional development aligned to school goals
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.0 2 1 2

Staff 4.5 1 1 4

Others 5.0 1 1

Identifies and makes the most of opportunities to develop Self 4.0 1

Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.0 2 1 2

Staff 4.8 1 1 4

Others 4.5 1 1

Annually adjusts roles and responsibilities so that staff have Self 3.0 1
the opportunity to develop
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.4 3 2

Staff 4.2 1 1 2 2

Others 4.0 1 1

Identifies leadership potential in others and provides Self 3.0 1

opportunity for others to demonstrate leadership
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.6 2 3

Staff 4.4 1 1 1 3

Others 4.5 1 1

* Indicates that some of your raters did not respond to this item.


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Cam Wallace - AITSL

Behaviour frequency report

Developing self and others
5. Promotes professional learning
Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Seeks and responds to feedback to make changes in how Self 3.0 1
they lead and manage the school
Line Manager 3.0 1

Leadership Team 3.4 1 2 1 1

Staff 4.0 3 1 2

Others 4.5 1 1

In response to their own professional learning, makes Self 3.0 1

changes in how they lead and manage the school
Line Manager 3.0 1

Leadership Team 3.4 3 2

Staff 3.3 3 1 1 1

Others 4.0 2

Identifies opportunities for, and encourages staff to engage Self 4.0 1

in, professional learning linked to their performance goals
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.4 1 1 3

Staff 4.8 2 1 3

Others 5.0 1 1

Sets and monitors high expectations of staff to share and Self 3.0 1
implement insights from professional learning
Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 4.4 1 1 3

Staff 4.3 2 4

Others 5.0 1 1

6. Manages self
Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Responds calmly and constructively in emotionally charged Self 4.0 1
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.6 2 3

Staff 4.8 1 5

Others 5.0 2

* Indicates that some of your raters did not respond to this item.


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 30

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Behaviour frequency report

Developing self and others
6. Manages self
Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Models a commitment to a healthy work/life balance Self 2.0 1

Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 3.8 1 1 1 2

Staff 4.2 1 1 2 2

Others 5.0 2

Prioritises and acts constructively in response to conflicting Self 3.0 1

Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 4.4 1 1 3

Staff 4.3 2 1 1 2

Others 5.0 2

Takes appropriate action in times of uncertainty in the areas Self 3.0 1

that are within their control
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.8 1 4

Staff 4.0 2 1 1 2

Others 5.0 2

* Indicates that some of your raters did not respond to this item.


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 31

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Behaviour frequency report

Leading improvement, innovation and change
7. Inspires and motivates
Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Leads and seeks input into the development of the vision for Self 3.0 1
the school
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.8 1 4

Staff 4.5 2 2 2

Others 5.0 2

Builds commitment and confidence in a shared Self 3.0 1

understanding of the vision for the school
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.8 1 4

Staff 4.5 1 1 4

Others 5.0 2

Leads in a manner that is responsive to the stage, growth Self 4.0 1

and development of the school
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.8 1 4

Staff 4.7 2 4

Others 5.0 2

Recognises and celebrates the achievements of individuals Self 4.0 1

and teams
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.2 1 2 2

Staff 3.8 1 1 2 2

Others 5.0 2

8. Understands and leads change

Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Evaluates the impact of change on student outcomes Self 3.0 1

Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 4.0 1 2 2

Staff 4.0 2 1 2 1

Others 5.0 1 1

* Indicates that some of your raters did not respond to this item.


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 32

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Behaviour frequency report

Leading improvement, innovation and change
8. Understands and leads change
Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Communicates the need for change in response to social, Self 3.0 1
environmental or evidence-based educational trends
Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 4.0 1 3 1

Staff 3.8 1 1 2 2

Others 5.0 2

Plans, implements, monitors and reinforces purposeful Self 3.0 1

Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.2 1 2 2

Staff 4.2 2 1 3

Others 5.0 2

Leads and implements the appropriate use of innovative Self 3.0 1

Line Manager 1
Leadership Team 4.4 1 1 3

Staff 4.5 3 3

Others 5.0 2

9. Initiates improvement through innovation and change

Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Provides the school community frequent opportunities to Self 2.0 1
give feedback on changes to improve school performance
Line Manager 3.0 1

Leadership Team 3.4 1 2 1 1

Staff 3.8 1 1 1 1 2

Others 4.0 1 1

Facilitates inquiry into innovative approaches to school Self 2.0 1

improvement based on evidence
Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 3.6 1 1 2 1

Staff 3.6 1 3 1 1

Others 4.5 1 1

* Indicates that some of your raters did not respond to this item.


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 33

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Behaviour frequency report

Leading improvement, innovation and change
9. Initiates improvement through innovation and change
Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Promotes collaborative problem solving to ensure Self 4.0 1
continuous improvement
Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 4.4 1 1 3

Staff 4.6 1 2 3

Others 4.5 1 1

* Indicates that some of your raters did not respond to this item.


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 34

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Behaviour frequency report

Leading the management of the school
10. Aligns ethical practices with educational goals
Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Promotes democratic values including active citizenship Self 2.0 1

Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 4.0 1 4

Staff 4.3 2 4

Others 5.0 2

Delivers on their commitments to others Self 5.0 1

Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.4 3 2

Staff 4.3 1 2 3

Others 5.0 2

Behaves consistently in line with stated values and beliefs Self 4.0 1

Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.2 2 3

Staff 4.8 1 5

Others 5.0 2

Models and promotes the school's values Self 4.0 1

Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.8 1 4

Staff 4.7 2 4

Others 5.0 2

Advocates for students and the school in difficult situations Self 3.0 1

Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 5.0 5

Staff 5.0 6

Others 4.5 1 1

Challenges actions, behaviours and practices that are not Self 4.0 1
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 3.8 2 2 1

Staff 4.6 1 2 3

Others 4.0 1 1

* Indicates that some of your raters did not respond to this item.


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 35

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Behaviour frequency report

Leading the management of the school
11. Manages resources
Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Explains to stakeholders how the allocation of resources Self 3.0 1
impacts students' learning
Line Manager 3.0 1

Leadership Team 4.2 1 1 3

Staff 4.2 1 1 2 2

Others 5.0 2

Annually evaluates the impact of resource allocations on Self 3.0 1

student and school priorities
Line Manager 3.0 1

Leadership Team 4.0 1 2 2

Staff 4.0 1 2 1 2

Others 4.5 1 1

Uses appropriate technologies to effectively manage the Self 4.0 1

Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 4.6 2 3

Staff 4.3 2 1 1 2

Others 5.0 2

Aligns resources with learning priorities and the school's Self 5.0 1
strategic plan
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.6 2 3

Staff 4.4 1 3 2

Others 5.0 2

Prioritises effectively in order to achieve outcomes Self 5.0 1

Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.6 2 3

Staff 4.6 1 2 3

Others 5.0 2

* Indicates that some of your raters did not respond to this item.


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 36

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Behaviour frequency report

Leading the management of the school
12. Manages high standards and accountability
Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Communicates clearly defined expectations and Self 4.0 1
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.2 1 2 2

Staff 4.8 1 1 4

Others 5.0 2

Monitors accountabilities and takes action to ensure they are Self 3.0 1
Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 3.8 1 1 1 2

Staff 4.0 1 1 2 2

Others 5.0 2

Ensures staff performance goals are based on the school's Self 5.0 1
shared view of effective teaching and learning
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.0 2 1 2

Staff 4.7 2 4

Others 4.0 1 1

Implements an effective learning and assessment Self 3.0 1

framework to monitor and understand student progress
Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 3.8 2 2 1

Staff 4.3 1 2 3

Others 5.0 1 1

Takes appropriate action to address poor performance Self 3.0 1

Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 3.4 1 2 1 1

Staff 3.8 2 1 1 2

Others 4.5 1 1

Reinforces and monitors a process of observation and Self 5.0 1

feedback for all teaching staff
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.8 1 4

Staff 4.5 3 3

Others 4.0 1 1

* Indicates that some of your raters did not respond to this item.


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 37

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Behaviour frequency report

Engaging and working with the community
13. Creates a culture of inclusion
Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Encourages active involvement of the community's diverse Self 4.0 1
backgrounds in school activities
Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 4.8 1 4

Staff 4.8 1 5

Others 5.0 2

Leads a school culture that promotes understanding of, and Self 3.0 1
respect for, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories,
culture and languages Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 3.8 2 2 1

Staff 3.5 1 1 1 3

Others 5.0 2

Implements strategies that create equitable educational Self 4.0 1

opportunities regardless of physical, social or economic
disadvantage Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.8 1 4

Staff 4.8 1 5

Others 5.0 2

Supports the needs of students, families and carers facing Self 3.0 1
complex challenges
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.8 1 4

Staff 4.8 1 5

Others 5.0 2

14. Engages with the community

Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Implements strategies to encourage all families to participate Self 3.0 1
in the life of the school
Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 4.6 1 4

Staff 4.4 1 1 1 3

Others 5.0 2

* Indicates that some of your raters did not respond to this item.


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 38

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Behaviour frequency report

Engaging and working with the community
14. Engages with the community
Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Creates an environment that encourages students to Self 3.0 1
engage with the wider community
Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 3.8 2 2 1

Staff 3.8 1 2 3

Others 5.0 2

Celebrates the rich cultural diversity of the community in the Self 5.0 1
school's activities
Line Manager 3.0 1

Leadership Team 4.8 1 4

Staff 4.2 2 1 3

Others 5.0 2

Uses multiple communication approaches to involve all Self 4.0 1

parents and carers in their child's learning
Line Manager 4.0 1

Leadership Team 4.6 2 3

Staff 4.6 1 1 4

Others 5.0 2

15. Collaborates with and influences the community

Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Develops and maintains positive relationships with students, Self 4.0 1
families and carers
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.6 2 3

Staff 4.8 1 5

Others 5.0 2

Promotes positive partnerships with the school's broader Self 3.0 1

Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.2 4 1

Staff 4.7 1 5

Others 5.0 2

* Indicates that some of your raters did not respond to this item.


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 39

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Behaviour frequency report

Engaging and working with the community
15. Collaborates with and influences the community
Never /
rarely - Always

Behaviour Rater group Average rating *

Actively consults with families and carers about the Self 3.0 1
educational priorities of the school
Line Manager 3.0 1

Leadership Team 4.0 2 1 2

Staff 4.0 3 3

Others 4.5 1 1

Co-ordinates policies and procedures for working with Self 3.0 1

agencies to protect and support children and young people
Line Manager 5.0 1

Leadership Team 4.3 1 1 1 2

Staff 4.3 2 1 1 2

Others 5.0 1 1

* Indicates that some of your raters did not respond to this item.

15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 40

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Reflective Key strengths

comments Self
1. Team work and strategic thinking 2. Operationally efficient 3.
Commitment to students and learning 4. Approachable, personable

Line Manager
Cam Wallace is a leader who sets high expectations for students and staff
and has an unrelenting focus on improving teaching and learning. He has
created an inclusive learning environment in his school through
collaboration and team work. Cam holds complete regard for the progress
and personal development of every student. His strengths include: * his
ability to trust and empower, particularly his leadership team, to take
responsibility * capability development in teachers and leaders * setting
and driving school direction and vision with actionable steps to achieve
the vision Cam is inspires people is honest, open and transparent in his
dealings and decision making and is a leader who people follow willingly.

Leadership Team
Professional Practice: Engaging and working with the community- Cam
promotes a positive school culture where all staff, students and families
feel welcome and valued. Professional Practice- Developing Self and
Others: Cam ensures the professional practice of all teachers is
maintained through an effective observation and feedback process. This
process was discussed and developed with key staff and school
stakeholders (LCC). Leadership requirement- Personal qualities, social
and interpersonal skills: Cam supports all staff when faced with
challenging situations. This enables the staff to feel supported when
working with challenging students, parents or members of the community.

Big Picture Thinker Forward Thinker Approachable Collaborative

Cam is a strong relational leadership skills - regularly consulting and

building understanding with staff prior to change; Cam continues to build
his knowledge-base around teaching and learning best practice and is
very receptive to new and innovative ideas; Cam is very consultative and
listens and responds to ideas and feedback provided by staff

1) Approachable - Cam's door is always open to discuss anything teaching
related 2) supportive - whether it be student behaviour or dealing with
parents, Cam has always supported me 3)Effective manager - I have
worked in many different schools across 3 States and Territories and this
is the best run school I have been in.

1. Supportive - Genuinely cares about needs of students and staff. 2.

Committed to a high quality of education for all students and also provides
opportunities for staff to develop and learn. 3. Has a strong relationships
with parents and the wider school community.

*his ability to build relationships with the students and their families -
evident through his acknowledgment of children and families by their
name, positive feedback from parents and students around the school * I


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 41

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Reflective believe he has the respect of all staff because we believe in his "vision"
for the school. * His belief in the school, its students and staff.
Building relationships with the students and families. Being an active
member of staff - (playground duties, taking reading groups, spelling
lessons) Willingness to make you a better teacher through your own
choice of avenue - leadership big or small, mentor teachers, beginner

Approachability, high expectations, opportunity, fair

Data for this rater group was suppressed to protect the anonymity of the

Empathetic Communication Stakeholder management

Areas for development and the value of improving these


1. Management-using EQ system for staffing and budget (i.e. SBS) 2.
More academic, research based 3. Understanding and developing

Line Manager
Cam is an experienced Principal and the complexities in the Principal role
will continue to be challenging. As well high performance presents
continued improvement and as such it would do well to develop a broad
network of people, agencies, educational groups to ensure that high
expectations are met.

Leadership Team
Leadership requirement- Vision and Values and Professional Practice-
Leading the management of the school: Using long term school trends and
data to better plan for the future. For e.g. looking at school enrolment
numbers catchment vs out of catchment, looking at planning for
resourcing/ furniture throughout the school, a school plan for next 3-4
years. Professional Practice: Leading improvement, innovation and
change: Continuing to stay up to date with key educational changes and
trends and ensure the school is also developing a culture of continuous

Consistent approach for this teachers not soundly performing

Regularly reflecting on student learning outcomes at a system level -

interpreting (pin pointing specific areas of need) and responding to data;
looking for opportunities refine strategic priorities, including identifying
and monitoring against key success indicators; prioritising strategic and
teaching learning within leadership meetings over operational/procedural
business (where possible)


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 42

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Reflective Staff
None. He is doing a fantastic job.
New roles should be offered to all staff so that any interested parties can
apply for them. Eg- writing extension

Consistency in teachers expectations/delivery around curriculum

(assessment records/delivery)

This is difficult to answer as what I feel needs to be addressed may seem

trivial to others. *get back to the basics with teachers - work overload and
stress levels need to be addressed - there is sometimes a "want more,
want more", feeling coming from the top. *ensure equity and transparency
is being maintained across all staff

There are no comments for this rater group

I feel I should have something constructive to say here. I stared at the
screen for a few minutes and really came up with nothing. Perhaps
communicating the benefits on learning outcomes from the use of
technology is one are for improvement. Apologies for not being more

Any other comments

There are no comments for this rater group

Line Manager
There are no comments for this rater group

Leadership Team
Cam is a great leader who sets a great example for staff also aspiring to
become a deputy principal or principal. He makes tricky decisions when
they need to be made and ensures the school and students are the
number 1 priority. Cam ensures there is school wide collaboration when
looking at changing key teaching practices across the school. Cam sets
high expectations for the behaviour and attendance for all students.

Fantastic leader.

I can only imagine how difficult being a principal is and trying to make
everyone happy.

Cam is an excellent leader and a supportive principal. We are very

fortunate to have him at our school. He has a very positive impact on
students and staff.

There are no comments for this rater group


15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 43

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Reflective Others
My relationship with Cam as a parent but also as a P&C executive means
comments I see more than most parents on how Cam operates. The school spirit and
community is testament to the job done and the person Cam is, so well
done. I suppose the professional development side of things and how a
school "should run" is something i'm really not exposed to, nor understand,
so I think that's where Cam could focus effort because there is little value
in looking elsewhere.

15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 44

Cam Wallace - AITSL

Rater list The names of the individuals from whom you requested feedback are:

A list of the raters from whom you Line Manager

requested feedback Jane Sedgman

Leadership Team
Natala Crawley
Scott Matthews
Jean Gibbs
Lyndel Ivory-Lisle
Alister Warren

Nikki Clements
Lisa Guenzler
Cara Middleton
Cath Rowan
Robyn Hooper
Gwen Edwards
Peter Jennings
Teena Roebuck

John Brew
Meaghan Rodgers
Anne Kitchin

Dan Dryden
Linda Richardson
Helen Shogren
Marika Williams

15/04/2019 © 2019 AITSL. Distributed by Korn Ferry. All rights 45


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