Como Instalar Certbot en Oracle-Linux 8
Como Instalar Certbot en Oracle-Linux 8
Como Instalar Certbot en Oracle-Linux 8
Certificate can be issued by two different ways: one way is by using shell access and
another way is without using shell access. Those who want to use shell like Bash shell in
Linux to generate and install SSL Certificate, it is recommended for them to use the
Certbot client tool.
Step 1: Prerequisites
b) You should have dnf tool installed in your Server. You can check 31 Useful DNF
Command Examples for RPM Package Management in Fedora/RHEL/CentOS to
know more about dnf command.
c) You should have sudo access to run privileged commands. You can Check How to
Add User to Sudoers to know more about providing sudo access to the User.
d) You need have a running Apache web server or Nginx web server. Here we are
going to use domain to install our SSL Certificate.
Step 2: Update Your System
Before going through the steps to install Let's encrypt tool you need to first update
your Server using dnf update -y command as shown below. This will download and
install all the latest available updates from enabled Repo. Sometimes installing a new
package requires dependencies to be updated with the latest version hence it is always
recommended to run an update first. This is particularly required if you have not
updated your Server from long time.
[root@localhost ~]# dnf update -y
Dependencies resolved.
If you do not have EPEL repo installed and enabled then you need to use dnf install command to
install as shown below. In our case since it is already installed so it won't install again.
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.
Then you need to enable the PowerTools repository using dnf config-manager --
set-enabled PowerTools command as shown below.
If you are using Apache web server then you need to use dnf install certbot
python3-certbot-apache command to install certbot as shown below.
Dependencies resolved.
Installing dependencies:
Transaction Summary
Install 25 Packages
Installed size: 11 M
If you are using Nginx web server then you need to use dnf install certbot
python3-certbot-nginx command to install certbot as shown below.
Dependencies resolved.
Installing dependencies:
Transaction Summary
Install 2 Packages
After successful installation of certbot you can check its installed version using certbot
--version command as shown below. As shown in the output current certbot version
is 1.7.0
certbot 1.7.0
If you are using apache server then you need to use certbot --apache command to
request a new SSL Certificate as shown below.
[root@localhost ~]# certbot --apache
If you are using Nginx server then you need to use certbot --nginx to request a new
SSL Certificate as shown below.
If you just want to get a certificate for Apace web server then you need to use certbot
certonly --apache command as shown below.
If you just want to get a certificate for Nginx web server then you need to use certbot
certonly --nginx command as shown below.
If you want you can setup automatic certificate renewal using crontab then you need to
use below command. This command will add a cron job to the default Crontab.
If you want to renew your certificate then you need to use certbot renew command
as shown below.
If you want to see all the certificates certbot currently managing then you need to
use certbot certificates command as shown below.