Foreign Language Learning Materials and Resources

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Graded Readers
Activity Books
Flash Cards

SEV Publishing was established in 1997 as an institution of the

Health and Education Foundation (SEV). SEV Publishing is the
owner of the brand Redhouse, which is one of the most well-known
brands for publishing dictionaries and has experience over 150
years. In 2006, SEV Publishing created the brand Redhouse Kidz
and started publishing innovative and inspiring children’s books.
SEV Publishing’s field of activity includes dictionaries, fiction and
non-fiction children’s books and educational material about languages. ELEMENTARY TO INTERMEDIATE PAGE 16
In this catalogue you can find activity books, leveled readers, flash
cards, card games as well as dictionaries. English language resources FLASH CARDS AND DICTIONARIES PAGE 22
are presented to you according to their levels, beginning from
beginner to advanced. You can also find information about which
grades these titles correspond to at schools, as well as detailed guides INDEX PAGE 27
on how you can use these titles in classrooms with your students.

We hope you enjoy our books and educational materials!

Nuhkuyusu Cad., No. 197 Üsküdar İş Merkezi, Kat: 3
34664 Bağlarbaşı, Üsküdar, İstanbul
Tel.: (0216) 474 23 43 • Faks: (0216) 474 23 45
Peapod Readers offer entertaining stories and activities for children who want to learn Illustrator: Eszter Szepvolgyi
English in a fun way. While encouraging children to explore a range of fun and familiar Grade: Kindergarten, 1st Grade
themes across fiction and non-fiction, it allows them to develop their English vocabulary Level: Beginner-Pre A1
Graded Reader and key language skills. They align with the Cambridge English Qualifications Pre A1 Size: 14,8 x 21 cm Graded Reader
Starters and A1 Movers. Page: 16
Prepared in 5 different levels, from easy to difficult, the first three levels of the series Theme: Animals
Katie Foufouti Jane Clarke
Katie Foufouti holds a degree (CEFR - Pre A1) consist of short stories and simple sentences for beginners, while levels 4 ISBN: 978-975-413-121-5 Jane Clarke’s many titles for
in Journalism and an MA in and 5 (Lower A1 and A1) consist of longer sentences with an advanced plot. children under nine include the
Publishing, so she has always Each book comes with audio and listening activities and a clear reading guide to help popular “How To” board book
loved a good story. She also series and the award-winning
loved telling stories to primary parents and educators extend a child’s learning of the English language. picture books Gilbert the Great
students when she worked as ALICE STOPS (LEVEL 1) and Neon Leon. She is the author
an English Language Teacher
The readers include Writer: Claire Llewellyn of the Dr. KittyCat series and Al’s
in Spain for five years. For the • Before and after reading activities, Illustrator: Alicia Arlandis Awesome Science series, both for
past ten years, she has enjoyed • Exam practice questions, 6–8 year-olds, and was the lead
Grade: Kindergarten, 1st Grade
authoring content for primary ghostwriter of Dinosaur Cove.
ELT learners.
• Picture dictionary, Level: Beginner-Pre A1
• Downloadable audio and reading guides. Size: 14,8 x 21 cm Eszter Szepvolgyi
Anna Hancock Page: 16 Eszter is an illustrator of
Anna Hancock has over 25 years children’s and teen topics. She
Theme: Greetings, In My City
of experience as a freelance makes artwork for storybooks,
designer and illustrator. ISBN: 978-975-413-113-0 schoolbooks, applications,
Therefore, her approach to a PAT LOVES CATS! (LEVEL 1) websites, package designs, and
brief comes with a thorough Writer: Katie Foufouti much more.
understanding of the challenging
and competitive market place in
Illustrator: Anna Hancock Claire Llewellyn
which a product finds itself today. Grade: Kindergarten, 1st Grade GO, GO, POGO! (LEVEL 2) Claire Llewellyn has worked in
Level: Beginner-Pre A1 Writer: Emily Hooton children’s publishing for over
Rebecca Colby Size: 14,8 x 21 cm Illustrator: Jan Smith thirty years. Her first job was as
Rebecca Colby is a children’s Grade: Kindergarten, 1st Grade an editor, developing ELT reading
Page: 16 materials for overseas students,
author and poet who writes
Theme: Animals, Things I Like Level: Beginner-Pre A1
primarily for 3-11 year olds. so now, in writing for Peapod, she
ISBN: 978-975-413-135-2 Size: 14,8 x 21 cm feels she has come full circle!
Before writing books, Rebecca
taught English to children in Page: 24
Taiwan, traveled the world as Theme: Transportation Alicia Arlandis
a tour director, and worked as ISBN: 978-975-413-137-6 Alicia Arlandis has been
a reference librarian. She has interested in art for as long as
also taught in the UK, teaching she can remember, and she has
the Year 1 curriculum to ELT THE HAT GAME (LEVEL 1) been illustrating for over twelve
students. Writer: Rebecca Colby years. She enjoys drawing,
Illustrator: Gustavo Mazali painting, reading, and teaching
Gustavo Mazali
Grade: Kindergarten, 1st Grade MUNCH, MUNCH, MUNCH! (LEVEL 2) adults as well as children.
Gustavo Mazali was born in
Level: Beginner-Pre A1 Writer: Julie Penn
Argentina in 1961. He is a self Emily Hooton
-taught illustrator of children’s Size: 14,8 x 21 cm Illustrator: Camilla Galindo Emily Hooton is an art director,
books and comics. He lives in Page: 16 Grade: Kindergarten, 1st Grade illustrator, and writer. She lives in
Buenos Aires with his wife and Level: Beginner-Pre A1 Cambridge. She and her husband
Theme: Clothes, My Family have been working in educational
ISBN: 978-975-413-128-4 Size: 14,8 x 21 cm
publishing for a long time.
Page: 24
Rebecca Adlard
Rebecca Adlard is an experienced Theme: Foods and Drinks Jan Smith
ELT professional: a teacher, ISBN: 978-975-413-129-1 Jan Smith was born in
teacher trainer, author, Nottingham. In 1987, she decided
presenter and development to go freelance and started with
editor specialising in very young
NO TOYS! (LEVEL 1) greeting card designs. She did
learners, young learners, drama Writer: Rebecca Adlard book illustrations for prominent
and stories. She is based in Illustrator: Martyn Cain publishing houses.
Brighton, UK. She’s been in ELT Grade: Kindergarten, 1st Grade TODAY IS NOT A GOOD DAY! (LEVEL 2)
publishing and education for Writer: Rebecca Colby Julie Penn
nearly 20 years.
Level: Beginner-Pre A1 Julie Penn has more than 20
Size: 14,8 x 21 cm Illustrator: Gustavo Mazali
years’ experience in writing
Page: 16 Grade: Kindergarten, 1st Grade books and educational resources
Martyn Cain
Martyn Cain has over 15 years Theme: Numbers Level: Beginner-Pre A1 for learners of English around
of experience within the design Size: 14,8 x 21 cm the world. Her work includes
ISBN: 978-975-413-123-9 everything from Pupils’ Books
industry, covering a wide range Page: 24
of graphic design disciplines. and Workbooks to magazines and
Theme: Feelings online materials.
He is mostly working as a copy
artist while still developing ISBN: 978-975-413-124-6
his own style. He is located in
Northumberland UK.

ELEMENTARY Writer: Rebecca Colby Writer: Jane Clarke ELEMENTARY
Illustrator: Gustavo Mazali Illustrator: Camilla Galindo
Grade: Kindergarten, 1st Grade Grade: 1st and 2nd Grade
Level: Beginner-Pre A1 Level: Beginner-Pre A1
Graded Reader Size: 14,8 x 21 cm Size: 14,8 x 21 cm Graded Reader
Page: 24 Page: 24
Theme: Toys and Games Theme: In the Classroom, Colors
Camilla Galindo Camilla Galindo
She has been illustrating ISBN: 978-975-413-122-2 ISBN: 978-975-413-120-8 She has been illustrating
children’s books for ten years children’s books for ten years
now, and she loves to draw now, and she loves to draw
colorful scenes and cute colorful scenes and cute
characters, especially animals! characters, especially animals!
Barbara Mackay Writer: Barbara Mackay Writer: Juliet Clare Bell Susannah Reed
Barbara Mackay has worked Illustrator: Anna Hancock Illustrator: Gustavo Mazali Susannah Reed is an experienced
in Italy, Spain, and the UK as Grade: 1st and 2nd Grade author and educational
Grade: Kindergarten, 1st Grade
an English language teacher, consultant, specializing in
Level: Beginner-Pre A1 Level: Beginner-Pre A1
teaching students of all levels primary ELT materials. She
and ages. She has a BA Hons Size: 14,8 x 21 cm Size: 14,8 x 21 cm has taught in Spain and the UK
(First Class) in English Studies Page: 24 Page: 24 and has worked in educational
and History, and a PDip Theme: My Day, My Clothes publishing for over 20 years, as
Theme: Body Parts, At the Playground
(Distinction) in English Studies, a publisher as well as an author.
ISBN: 978-975-413-114-7 ISBN: 978-975-413-115-4
from Oxford Brookes University. She has written ELT coursebooks,
She has written a wide variety graded readers, and other
of English Language teaching materials for children around the
materials for secondary and world to enjoy.
Writer: Rebecca Colby Giorgio Bacchin
Juliet Clare Bell Writer: Rebecca Colby
Working with many publishing
Juliet Clare Bell has written Illustrator: Gustavo Mazali Illustrator: Gustavo Mazali
houses around the world
fiction and nonfiction picture Grade: 1st and 2nd Grade Grade: 2nd and 3rd Grade in the last three decades,
books for readers aged three to Level: Beginner-Lower A1 Giorgio continues to work as
nine, including books specifically
Level: Beginner-Pre A1
Size: 14,8 x 21 cm an illustrator in the field of
created to match different Size: 14,8 x 21 cm
educational publishing.
stages of the English national Page: 24 Page: 24
curriculum. She’s also written Theme: All About Me, People I Love Theme: Feelings, Free Time
early readers for different Fran and David Brylewski
ISBN: 978-975-413-134-5 ISBN: 978-975-413-136-9 Fran and David Brylewski have
reading schemes. She was
formerly a research psychologist been working together for
studying child development, over 20 years. They illustrate
including language and reading, children’s books.
with a PhD in infant development.
Katie Foufouti
WHERE’S MY SOCK, MACK? (LEVEL3) A TURTLE NEEDS HELP (LEVEL 4) Katie Foufouti holds a degree
Hannah Fish
Hannah Fish has worked in Writer: Juliet Clare Bell Writer: Susannah Reed in Journalism and an MA in
Illustrator: Giorgio Bacchin Publishing, so she has always
English language teaching for Illustrator: Gustavo Mazali
loved a good story. She also
many years, first as a teacher Grade: 1st and 2nd Grade Grade: 2nd and 3rd Grade
and a teacher trainer, and then loved telling stories to primary
Level: Beginner-Pre A1 Level: Beginner-Lower A1 students when she worked as
in ELT graded reader publishing.
She now writes graded readers Size: 14,8 x 21 cm Size: 14,8 x 21 cm an English Language Teacher
Page: 24 in Spain for five years. For the
for primary learners around the Page: 24
past ten years, she has enjoyed
world, including both fiction and Theme: My House Theme: Saving the Planet, Nature
non-fiction titles. authoring content for primary
ISBN: 978-975-413-131-4 ISBN: 978-975-413-130-7 ELT learners. Her favourite
Lee Teng challenge is to juggle characters,
Lee Teng loves painting, plot, vocabulary and grammar to
dreaming and adventure. create a story for learners of a
particular age and level.


Writer: Hannah Fish Writer: Katie Foufouti
Illustrator: Lee Teng Illustrator: Fran and David Brylewski
Grade: 1st and 2nd Grade Grade: 2nd and 3rd Grade
Level: Beginner-Pre A1 Level: Beginner-Lower A1
Size: 14,8 x 21 cm Size: 14,8 x 21 cm
Page: 24 Page: 24
Theme: My Family, Food and Drinks Theme: Nature
ISBN: 978-975-413-125-3 ISBN: 978-975-413-126-0

ELEMENTARY Writer: Juliet Clare Bell Writer: Jane Clarke ELEMENTARY
Illustrator: Gustavo Mazali Illustrator: Esther P Cuadrado
Grade: 2nd and 3rd Grade Grade: 3rd Grade
Level: Beginner-Lower A1 Level: Beginner-A1
Graded Reader Size: 14,8 x 21 cm Size: 14,8 x 21 cm Graded Reader
Page: 24 Page: 32
Theme: Weather, Winter Theme: Nature, Bugs
Andrea Castro Naranjo Esther P Cuadrado
Andrea Castro is an illustrator ISBN: 978-975-413-118-5 ISBN: 978-975-413-119-2 She has over 25 years of
and visual artist based in experience in the illustration and
Bogotá, Colombia. She works design of educational books for
as a freelancer for different children for publishing houses
companies around the world, such as Oxford University Press,
making editorial illustrations, THE SURPRISE PARTY (LEVEL 4) Cambridge, Pearson Education,
children’s books, and textil Writer: Susannah Reed NOT AGAIN, IVY! (LEVEL 5) McMillan, Santillana, Anaya, and
illustrations. Illustrator: Andrea Castro Naranjo Writer: Jane Clarke Edelvives.
Grade: 2nd and 3rd Grade Illustrator: Gustavo Mazali
Jillian Powell
Level: Beginner-Lower A1 Grade: 3rd Grade
Jillian Powell has written
more than 300 storybooks for Size: 14,8 x 21 cm Level: Beginner-A1
elementary school children. She Page: 24 Size: 14,8 x 21 cm
has prepared many textbooks for Page: 32
Theme: Days of the Week, Party Time
the Cambridge language course
ISBN: 978-975-413-116-1 Theme: Health
and for children whose second
foreign language is English. ISBN: 978-975-413-117-8

Adrienn Greta Schonberg

Adrienn Greta Schonberg likes
to illustrate children’s books the
most. She is also a photographer CHARLIE’S DREAMS (LEVEL 5)
and gardener. Writer: Jullian Powel
Illustrator: Adrienn Greta Schönberg
Catherine Baker
Catherine is a writer, editor, and
Grade: 3rd Grade
consultant with over 20 years of Level: Beginner-A1
experience. She has written more Size: 14,8 x 21 cm
than 50 books for primary school Page: 32
children and edited countless
books. She lives with her family in
Theme: Jobs
Oxfordshire, England. ISBN: 978-975-413-138-3

Dusan Pavlic
Dusan lives in Serbia, is an
illustrator and graphic designer.
Dusan graduated from the
Belgrade Faculty of Applied Arts JIM AND THE MONSTER PARTY (LEVEL 5)
and Design. Writer: Catherine Baker
Illustrator: Dusan Pavlic
Grade: 3rd Grade
Level: Beginner-A1
Size: 14,8 x 21 cm
Page: 32
Theme: Party Time, Games and Hobbies
ISBN: 978-975-413-132-1


Writer: Jane Clarke
Illustrator: Gustavo Mazali
Grade: 3rd Grade
Level: Beginner-A1
Size: 14,8 x 21 cm
Page: 32
Theme: Wild animals, Public buildings
ISBN: 978-975-413-127-7

My English Activity Book series has over 50 fun activities for kids who want to learn English Redhouse Early Readers Set offers the joy of reading to young readers with Susie and
in an entertaining and innovative way. With humorous illustrations, word searches, puzzles, Fred’s adventures.
and interactive games, the books help to break up the formality of learning a new language
Graded Reader and offer a brilliant way for kids to engage with the topics. • Engaging stories with colorful illustrations Graded Reader
• Questions before reading
The books consist of five chapters, each of which offers exercises that will improve children’s • Comprehension and vocabulary exercises
reading, writing, listening, and vocabulary skills; and provides a “Time for Fun” hands-on
• Drawing and writing activities
activity that lets kids practice what they have learned.
• A picture dictionary
To listen to the recordings, just scan the QR code with your smartphone or tablet.
Sarah Sweeney Writer: Sarah Sweeney
• Start with “Before You Read” questions at the beginning of the class to warm up the
Sarah Sweeney was born in
learners. Illustrator: Gözen Kamaz
1980 in Halifax, Canada. She
• There is a picture dictionary to help with unknown words. You might introduce new
graduated from St. Mary’s NEW! Size: 15 x 19,5 cm
University with a Bachelor of Arts MY ENGLISH ACTIVITY BOOK 1 concepts or words.
Page: 28
in International Development. Writer: Sarah Sweeney • You can read the story with students, or they can read it on their own.
In 2004, she moved to Istanbul, • Students can complete activities while reading or after reading.
Turkey, where she fell in love
Illustrator: Gökçe Yavaş Önal The Bad Lemonade
Grade: 1st and 2nd Grade • After students finish reading, engage them in a discussion about the book.
with the country and teaching ISBN: 978-975-413-084-3
kindergarten. While in Turkey, Level: Beginner * Can be used as supplementary reading material with any primary course.
Sarah earned her Masters in Size: 16,5 x 23.5 cm * Affordable prices compared to similar book series. The Clumsy Day
Early Childhood Education
online. Sarah has written and
Page: 56 ISBN: 978-975-413-083-6
illustrated many children’s books Theme: The Alphabet, Greetings,Numbers, Colours,
in Turkey. Sarah loves to explore School objects, School THE BAD LEMONADE The Lost Cat
and enjoyed travelling all over ISBN: 978-975-413-105-5 Grade: Kindergarten - 1st Grade ISBN: 978-975-413-082-9
Turkey. In 2022, Sarah had Level: Early Beginner
another big adventure, moving Susie’s Dream Job
back to Canada with her husband The chapters in My English Activity Book 1 include: Theme: My family, Feelings, Greeting
Özgehan, and two daughters, Topic: Food and drink, Sense of taste, Problem ISBN: 978-975-413-097-3
• Words
Emel & Sibel. Sarah loves doing
• Friends solving
different crafts, reading and Mom’s Healthy Kitchen
writing, and drawing. • In the Classroom On a hot summer day, Susie and Fred are having ISBN: 978-975-413-098-0
• Numbers and School Objects a great time with their family. Working all day
Gökçe Yavaş Önal • Colors in the garden, Dad feels thirsty, and Fred makes What Day is it Today?
Gökçe Yavaş Önal was born in
1984 in Istanbul. She graduated lemonade for him. But something is wrong with his ISBN: 978-975-413-099-7
from the Department of Arts NEW! lemonade. Somebody needs to help Fred make new
and Crafts Teacher Education at lemonade!
Marmara University, and received MY ENGLISH ACTIVITY BOOK 2
her master’s degree from the Writer: Sarah Sweeney
Painting Department of Mimar Illustrator: Gökçe Yavaş Önal
Sinan Fine Arts University. She
illustrates children’s books and
Grade: 2nd Grade Grade: Kindergarten - 1st Grade
magazines. She has illustrated a Level: Beginner Level: Early Beginner
lot of books published by many Size: 16,5 x 23.5 cm Theme: At the playground, Body parts, Free time
different publishing houses. Page: 60
In addition to these, there are
Topic: Safety, Suggestions, Possessions
graphic story books that she both
Theme: At the Playground, Body Parts, Pet, Fruit,
Animals One Sunday morning, Susie, Fred, and Dad are
wrote and drew based on her
own life. She lives with her family ISBN: 978-975-413-106-2 enjoying their free time together, and they go to
and cats. the park. But it is difficult for them to have a good
time. After a long day outside, Dad thinks he has an
The chapters in My English Activity Book 2 include: idea for a better Sunday.
• At the Playground
• My Body
• Yummy Fruit Grade: Kindergarten - 1st Grade
• Animal Kingdom Level: Early Beginner
Theme: In my city, Pets
Topic: Buildings in the city, Cooperation
Subjects chosen based on the English curriculum Tabby the cat sees a bird from the window, and she
runs away from home to chase it. Susie and Fred
look for Tabby in the city. But they can’t find her.
The children are sad. But Tabby is happy with her
new friend!

ELEMENTARY Grade: 2nd Grade – 3rd Grade ELEMENTARY
Level: Beginner I AM POLLY
Theme: Jobs, Pets, Health, My family The first book of Redhouse Learning Set introduces
Topic: Problem solving, Suggestions little polar bear, Polly, to young children who are
Graded Reader starting to learn English. There are 5 different chapters Activity Book
Susie has homework. She needs to write about in this book. In each chapter, Polly first teaches children
what she wants to be when she grows up. But she a group of related vocabulary, and then various
can’t make up her mind about what kind of job she exercises are given to practice.
wants to do. Who will help her decide? Each chapter
• provides simple words about a topic with colorful
Sarah Sweeney MOM’S HEALTHY KITCHEN • is followed by a range of activities such as coloring, Çilem Artun
Sarah Sweeney was born in matching, drawing etc. Çilem was born in 1981 in
Grade: 2nd Grade – 3rd Grade Germany and raised in a small
1980 in Halifax, Canada. She • includes a picture dictionary.
graduated from St. Mary’s Level: Beginner town called Leinfelden. She
University with a Bachelor of Arts Theme: Health, Foods and drinks, Fitness * Affordable prices compared to similar book series. studied English Language
in International Development. Topic: Healthy food, Junk food, Sports, Teaching at Boğaziçi University.
In 2004, she moved to Istanbul, Writer: Çilem Artun She completed her Master’s
Communication TEACHING IDEAS: degree at the University of
Turkey, where she fell in love Illustrator: Neşe İnan
with the country and teaching • Read the stories by encouraging the class to guess Birmingham. She is studying
Mom always eats and prepares healthy food. She Grade: Kindergarten and for her doctorate degree in
kindergarten. While in Turkey, the words.
Sarah earned her Masters in
also expects Fred and Susie to have healthy eating 1st Grade California.
• Complete the activities to study the vocabulary on
Early Childhood Education habits. Susie and Fred are bored eating healthy Level: Beginner each topic. In 2011, she realized she liked
online. Sarah has written and food all the time, so they make a plan, but it doesn’t Size: 16,5 x 19 cm polar bears very much. Since
• Use the picture dictionary to practice new words at
illustrated many children’s books then, she has been writing
end as well as they expected. Page: 124 the end of each chapter. about the adventures of a polar
in Turkey. Sarah loves to explore
and enjoyed travelling all over ISBN: 978-975-413-096-6 The chapters in Redhouse Learning Set 1 include: bear named Polly. Her books,
Turkey. In 2022, Sarah had Redhouse Learning Set 1,2,3,4,
another big adventure, moving WHAT DAY IS IT TODAY? • My Numbers Redhouse Reading Set: Peanut
back to Canada with her husband Grade: 2nd Grade – 3rd Grade • My Clothes Butter and Jelly and Polly’s Great
Özgehan, and two daughters, Level: Beginner • My Body Adventure are published by
Emel & Sibel. Sarah loves doing Redhouse/SEV Publishing.
Theme: My daily routine, My day, My house, • My Toys
different crafts, reading and
writing, and drawing. Feelings, My family • My Animal Book
Topic: School, Time and dates, Communication
Gözen Kamaz
Gözen Kamaz was born in 1995 Fred is always on time. Unlike his sister Susie, he is
in Izmir. She graduated from never late for anything since he schedules his day REDHOUSE LEARNING SET 2
Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of ahead of time. He has a math exam, and he’s so
Fine Arts Department of Graphic, MY WORLD
Illustration and Printing with
worried about it that he confuses the days of the
week. Building upon the vocabulary learned in Redhouse Learning
first place. She worked as an Set 1, this second book consists of five chapters that
art director and illustrator in a
continue teaching essential English vocabulary to children. Neşe İnan Gök
publishing house that publishes
In the five chapters, Polly introduces basic English Neşe İnan Gök was born in
children’s books. Her graduation
project, which she wrote and
vocabulary that will be useful in everyday life and in school. Ankara. She studied at Hacettepe
illustrated in 2017, came first at Subjects chosen based on the English curriculum As in the first book, Polly first teaches children a group of University Faculty of Fine Arts
IX International Forum “Design related vocabulary, and then various exercises are given Graphics Department for two and
to practice. a half years as a guest student
Education 2017” organized by
between 1992 and 1995. She
the Kharkiv State Design and Art Each chapter illustrates children’s books for
Academy. She is currently doing • provides simple phrases about a topic with colorful various publishing houses. She
her master’s degree at Dokuz illustrations. also illustrates for textbooks and
Eylül University Institute of Fine • is followed by a range of activities such as drawing, children’s magazines.
Arts Department of Graphic. matching etc.
• includes a picture dictionary.
Writer: Çilem Artun * Affordable prices compared to similar book series.
Illustrator: Neşe İnan
Grade: 1st Grade TEACHING IDEAS:
Level: Beginner • Read the stories by encouraging the class to guess the
Size: 19 x 22 cm words.
• Complete the activities to study the vocabulary on each
Page: 120 topic.
ISBN: 978-605-2079-32-4 • Use the picture dictionary to practice new words at the
end of each chapter.
The chapters in Redhouse Learning Set 2 include:
• School Time
• Fruits and Vegetables
• The Weather
• Where is Polly?
• Not Now Polly!
MY HOME In this book, students will explore 16 different scenes
The third book of Redhouse Learning Set, which consists of from daily life and learn basic English words along the
5 chapters, introduces children new grammatical structures way. In each scene Smarty is hidden in a secret place!
Activity Book and engages them in reading and writing longer sentences. Following Smarty’s footsteps, students can learn Activity Book
words about the school, the zoo, the toy shop and
In this book, Polly is giving a tour of her house and teaching
many others.
new vocabulary about each topic with fun activities.
• There are 115 stickers showing different English
Each chapter:
• provides simple sentences about a topic with colorful
• By using the web link provided in the book, you
can access a rich set of teacher’s materials,
• is followed by a range of activities such as fill-in-the Hülya Ceylan
Çilem Artun which includes flash cards and activities such as
Çilem was born in 1981 in -blanks, matching etc. Hülya Ceylan started her life in
connecting the dots, drawing, coloring and various
Germany and raised in a small • includes a picture dictionary. illustration by drawing cartoons
different games. These materials are printable, so
town called Leinfelden. She for Gırgır and Laklak magazines.
studied English Language * Affordable prices compared to similar book series. teachers can easily use them in lessons. After graduating from Marmara
Teaching at Boğaziçi University. University’s Faculty of Fine
Writer: Çilem Artun Writer: Sarah Sweeney, TEACHING IDEAS:
She completed her Master’s TEACHING IDEAS: Arts, Department of Graphics,
degree at the University of Illustrator: Neşe İnan Mary Şenyüz, • The flash cards present the illustration of each she worked as an animator in
• Read the stories by encouraging the class to guess the
Birmingham. She is studying Grade: 1st and 2nd Grade words. Sonya Çoplu word in the book, so the kids can try to guess the a cartoon workshop and as a
for her doctorate degree in Illustrator: Hülya Ceylan graphic designer in various
Level: Beginner • Complete the activities to study the vocabulary on each correct words by looking at the illustrations.
California. advertising agencies. Later, she
In 2011, she realized she liked Size: 16,5 x 19 cm topic. Grade: Kindergarten and • Once kids learn the words, they will start searching worked as a freelance illustrator
polar bears very much. Since Page: 116 • Use the picture dictionary to practice new words at the 1st Grade for the specific sticker of each word. in Italy for four years and finally
then, she has been writing end of each chapter. Level: Beginner started illustrating for children.
ISBN: 978-975-413-095-9
about the adventures of a polar Size: 23 x 33 cm And she enjoys this very much.
bear named Polly. Her books, The chapters in Redhouse Learning Set 3 include:
Redhouse Learning Set 1,2,3,4, • Polly’s Living Room Page: 46
Redhouse Reading Set: Peanut • Polly’s Kitchen ISBN: 978-605-2079-83-6
Butter and Jelly and Polly’s Great Subjects chosen based on the English curriculum
• Polly’s Bathroom
Adventure are published by
Redhouse/SEV Publishing. • Polly’s Bedroom
• Polly’s Garden

Flash Cards
With the fourth and final book of Redhouse Learning Set, Each box contains 50 of the most common words
which consists of five chapters, children learn about new that are necessary for new learners. Age-appropriate
Neşe İnan Gök illustrations facilitate learning and memorization. Illustrator:
Neşe İnan Gök was born in places on a tour with the adorable polar bear, Polly. As in
the first three books, Polly first teaches children a group of • Each box contains 50 flash cards. Each card has an Burcu Musslewhite
Ankara. She studied at Hacettepe
related vocabulary with longer and more detailed stories, English word on one side and a colorful illustration Grade: Kindergarten, 1st
University Faculty of Fine Arts
and then various exercises are given to practice. of the word on the other. and 2nd Grade
Graphics Department for two and
• Each box also contains one pronunciation guide
a half years as a guest student Each chapter and a card that gives suggestions for entertaining Size: 8,5 x 13,5 cm
between 1992 and 1995. She • teaches new vocabulary about a topic with colorful Number of Cards: 50+2
illustrates children’s books for games that can be played using the cards.
various publishing houses. She • is followed by a range of activities such as writing, • Contains words in the following vocabulary
also illustrates for textbooks and matching, etc. categories: animal kingdom, crazy colors, jobs, My First English Words 2
children’s magazines. • includes a picture dictionary refrigerator, sports, transportation, buildings, ISBN: 978-605-9781-84-8
my body, my clothes, our classroom, our table.
* Affordable prices compared to similar book series. My First English Words 4
ISBN: 978-605-2079-55-3
Writer: Çilem Artun TEACHING IDEAS:
Illustrator: Neşe İnan • Read the stories by encouraging the class to guess the
Grade: 2nd Grade words.
Level: Beginner • Complete the activities to study the vocabulary on each
Size: 16,5 x 19 cm • Use the picture dictionary to practice new words at the
Page: 108 end of each chapter.
ISBN: 978-975-413-104-8
The chapters in Redhouse Learning Set 4 include:
• Polly and the Farm
• The Camping Trip
• Parts of My Town
• A Day in the City
• Earth Day, Every Day garson

· Amazing facts about the world around us Grade: 4th Grade and up
· Questions before reading Level: 3 (Intermediate)
· Activities (fill-in-the-blanks, multiple choice, open-ended questions, etc.) Size: 15 x 19,5 cm
Graded Reader · Picture dictionary with example sentences (for level 1 and level 2) Page: 80 Graded Reader
· Glossary with example sentences (for level 3 and level 4) Theme: Nationality, Food and drinks, Sports, Games and
· Discussion questions hobbies, Holidays, Celebrations
* Affordable prices compared to similar book series. Topic: Traditional foods, Countries, Differences and simi-
larities, Friends and family, Life styles
• Start with “Before You Read” questions at the beginning of the class to warm up the In Canada, Sidney likes to have eggs and cereal for
Sarah Sweeney Sarah Sweeney
Sarah Sweeney was born in learners. breakfast, while in the Philippines, Turo enjoys eating fried Sarah Sweeney was born in
1980 in Halifax, Canada. She • You can read the beginning of the story with students and let them read the rest at home. fish and rice in the mornings. Our habits and customs may 1980 in Halifax, Canada. She
graduated from St. Mary’s • Then students can do the activities. be different, but no matter where you go around the world, graduated from St. Mary’s
University with a Bachelor of Arts • You can also use “Long Answer” and “Think About It” questions to create environments we are all the same. Let’s discover the fascinating lives of University with a Bachelor of Arts
in International Development. 13 children across the globe! in International Development.
In 2004, she moved to Istanbul,
that encourage students to speak and discuss. In 2004, she moved to Istanbul,
Turkey, where she fell in love ISBN: 978-975-4130-79-9 Turkey, where she fell in love
with the country and teaching with the country and teaching
kindergarten. While in Turkey, kindergarten. While in Turkey,
Sarah earned her Masters in Sarah earned her Masters in
Early Childhood Education OUR SOLAR SYSTEM Early Childhood Education
online. Sarah has written and Writer: Sarah Sweeney EXTRAORDINARY ANIMALS online. Sarah has written and
illustrated many children’s books Grade: 3th Grade and up Writer: Sarah Sweeney illustrated many children’s books
in Turkey. Sarah loves to explore Grade: 5th Grade and up in Turkey. Sarah loves to explore
Level: 1 (Elementary)
and enjoyed travelling all over and enjoyed travelling all over
Turkey. In 2022, Sarah had Size: 15 x 19,5 cm Level: 4 (Upper Intermediate) Turkey. In 2022, Sarah had
another big adventure, moving Page: 52 Size: 15 x 19,5 cm another big adventure, moving
back to Canada with her husband Theme: Planets, Weather, Nature Page: 52 back to Canada with her husband
Özgehan, and two daughters, Theme: Wild animals, Environment, Nature, Özgehan, and two daughters,
Topic: Solar system, Universe, Earth’s history
Emel & Sibel. Sarah loves doing Emel & Sibel. Sarah loves doing
different crafts, reading and
Saving the planet different crafts, reading and
writing, and drawing. Have you ever looked up into the night sky and wondered Topic: Animal behaviors, Animals in danger of writing, and drawing.
how many stars there are in the space? Is life possible extinction, Animal habitats, Human impacts on animals’
somewhere in the solar system outside Earth? This book lives
will help you find out the answers to all these questions
and more! Let’s dive into the amazing world of space and
explore the Sun, planets, moons, comets, asteroids in our The world is full of animals that have truly
ISBN: 978-975-413-080-5 solar system, and what makes them special. remarkable and bizarre characteristics and
behaviors. From a frog that shows off its organs to
a cartoonish fish, you will meet eight extraordinary
ISBN: 978-975-413-076-8 creatures in this book. Prepare to be amazed!
Writer: Sarah Sweeney
Grade: 4th Grade and up
Level: 2 (Pre-Intermediate)
Size: 15 x 19,5 cm
Page: 56
Theme: Animals, Wild animals, Nature, Natural forces
Topic: Earth’s history, Extinct animals, Animal behaviors,

Did you know that the first dinosaur was born about
250 million years ago? They lived for a very long time
before humans appeared on the earth and became a very
interesting part of our earth’s history.
Dinosaur remains have been found on every continent,
ISBN: 978-975-4130-78-2 even Antarctica! What happened to them? How did they
disappear? In this book, you will find interesting facts
about these fascinating prehistoric creatures.

· Gripping and heart-warming stories POLLY’S GREAT ADVENTURE
· Questions before reading Writer: Çilem Artun
· Activities (comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, speaking and writing)
Graded Reader · Picture dictionary with example sentences (for Level 1 and Level 2)
Illustrator: Neşe İnan Gök
Grade: 3rd Grade and up
Graded Reader
· Glossary with example sentences (for Level 3 and Level 4)
Level: 2 (Elementary)
· Craft Activities (for Level 1)
Size: 15 x 19,5 cm
* Affordable prices compared to similar book series. Page: 55
Theme: Animals, Friends, Feelings,
TEACHING IDEAS: My daily routine, Nature
Çilem Artun • Start with “Before You Read” questions at the start of the class to warm up the learners. Topic: Caring and helping others, Collaboration, Çilem Artun
Çilem was born in 1981 in • You can read the beginning of the story with students and let them read the rest at Çilem was born in 1981 in
Creativity, Problem-solving, Safety
Germany and raised in a small home. Germany and raised in a small
town called Leinfelden. She • Then students can do the activities. It is the first day of school, and Polly is very excited. town called Leinfelden. She
studied English Language • You can add more writing activities by encouraging the students to write a new Her mommy warned her to be careful on the way, but studied English Language
Teaching at Boğaziçi University. beginning/ending to the story, writing a letter to one of the characters, etc. to one of Teaching at Boğaziçi University.
after a small accident, Polly finds herself drifting away
She completed her Master’s the characters etc. ISBN: 978-975-413-075-1 She completed her Master’s
degree at the University of on an iceberg to a mysterious land. Will Polly be able to degree at the University of
Birmingham. She is studying find her way back home with help of her new friends? Birmingham. She is studying
for her doctorate degree in Let’s read and see. for her doctorate degree in
California. California.
In 2011, she realized she liked A SNOWY DAY In 2011, she realized she liked
polar bears very much. Since Writer and Illustrator: Sarah Sweeney TREASURE HUNT polar bears very much. Since
then, she has been writing Grade: 2nd Grade and up then, she has been writing
about the adventures of a polar
Writer and Illustrator: Sarah Sweeney about the adventures of a polar
Level: 1 (Beginner) Grade: 3rd Grade and up
bear named Polly. Her books, bear named Polly. Her books,
Redhouse Learning Set 1,2,3,4, Size: 15 x 19,5 cm Level: 2 (Elementary) Redhouse Learning Set 1,2,3,4,
Redhouse Reading Set: Peanut Page: 56 Size: 15 x 19,5 cm Redhouse Reading Set: Peanut
Butter and Jelly and Polly’s Great Theme: Clothes, Family, Weather, Holidays, Health, Butter and Jelly and Polly’s Great
Adventure are published by Page: 56 Adventure are published by
My daily routine Theme: Games and Hobbies, Adventures, Nature,
Redhouse/SEV Publishing. Redhouse/SEV Publishing.
Topic: Winter activities Free time, Family
Sarah Sweeney Topic: Treasure hunt, Geocaching, Using maps, Sarah Sweeney
Sarah and Lorna love the snow. Winter comes and the
Sarah Sweeney was born in Sarah Sweeney was born in
1980 in Halifax, Canada. She weather is getting colder. One day when they wake Technology, Teamwork 1980 in Halifax, Canada. She
graduated from St. Mary’s up, all the trees and the ground are covered in white graduated from St. Mary’s
Emmie and Jess love a good adventure. When they
University with a Bachelor of Arts snow. Come and join Sarah and Lorna on this beautiful University with a Bachelor of Arts
discover a new game called geocaching, the adventure
in International Development. day when they play out in the snow! in International Development.
In 2004, she moved to Istanbul, starts for them! In this story, you will find how Emmie, In 2004, she moved to Istanbul,
Turkey, where she fell in love ISBN: 978-605-4119-82-0 Jess and their father set on a treasure hunt in the Turkey, where she fell in love
with the country and teaching ISBN: 978-605-4119-83-7 forest. with the country and teaching
kindergarten. While in Turkey, PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY kindergarten. While in Turkey,
Sarah earned her Masters in Writer: Çilem Artun Sarah earned her Masters in
Early Childhood Education
Illustrator: Neşe İnan Gök CALUM’S FOOTPRINT Early Childhood Education
online. Sarah has written and online. Sarah has written and
Grade: 2nd Grade and up Writer and Illustrator: Sarah Sweeney
illustrated many children’s books illustrated many children’s books
in Turkey. Sarah loves to explore Level: 1 (Beginner) Grade: 4th Grade and up in Turkey. Sarah loves to explore
and enjoyed travelling all over Size: 15 x 19,5 cm Level: 3 (Intermediate) and enjoyed travelling all over
Turkey. In 2022, Sarah had Size: 15 x 19,5 cm Turkey. In 2022, Sarah had
Page: 56
another big adventure, moving another big adventure, moving
Theme: Food and drinks, My family, My house, Page: 68
back to Canada with her husband back to Canada with her husband
Özgehan, and two daughters, Party time Theme: Adventures, Nature, Wild animals, Özgehan, and two daughters,
Emel & Sibel. Sarah loves doing Topic: Birthday surprise, Collaboration My daily routine Emel & Sibel. Sarah loves doing
different crafts, reading and Topic: Natural history, Time travel, Dinosaurs, different crafts, reading and
writing, and drawing. Today is a very special day... It is mommy’s birthday, writing, and drawing.
Extinct animals
so Polly a
 nd her brother Polo want to surprise her.
They decide to prepare a breakfast in bed for their Calum has a magic bed that allows him to travel
mommy. Will our clumsy cooks succeed in preparing through time. One night Calum goes to sleep and the
the breakfast? moment he opens his eyes he finds himself among
dinosaurs. Will he be able to survive these terrifying
ISBN: 978-975-8176-14-4 animals?
ISBN: 978-605-9781-05-3

Here is the perfect series for students to practice what
they have learned at school. In each book, there are
CALUM SAILS AWAY activities for 8 weeks. Students can practice for 20
Graded Reader Writer and Illustrator: Sarah Sweeney minutes every day during their summer holiday and Activity Book
Grade: 4th Grade and up remember the things they have learned at school.
Level: 3 (Intermediate) There are vocabulary, grammar, writing and reading
Size: 15 x 19,5 cm exercises, as well as drawing and coloring activities.
Page: 60 Every Sunday, there is a short quiz to test yourself.
Theme: Adventures, Biographies, Friendship,
My daily routine HOW TO USE IT:
Sarah Sweeney Aslıhan Kurtoğlu
Sarah Sweeney was born in Topic: Time travel, History, Sailing, Expeditions, • Students can start on Monday and practice all Aslıhan Kurtoğlu was born in
1980 in Halifax, Canada. She Discovery of America week. There are two pages of activity for each day. Adana, Turkey. She studied
graduated from St. Mary’s • Students’ parents will write their name and put a English Language at Gazi
University with a Bachelor of Arts It’s time to raise the sails and go on a journey across the Educational Faculty of
signature after checking that day.
in International Development. ocean! School is getting hard for Calum and he needs Foreign Languages
• Every Sunday, there is a quiz. Students will practice
In 2004, she moved to Istanbul, to do a research project about Christopher Columbus. what they have learned during the week with the Department. She has been
Turkey, where she fell in love ISBN: 978-605-9781-21-3 One night he goes to sleep on his magic bed and finds quiz. Their teachers can check these quizes and teaching English actively
with the country and teaching himself on a ship. Is it one of Columbus’s ships? Will he for 30 years. At present, Aslıhan
mark them when students go back to school in
kindergarten. While in Turkey, be able to meet the famous explorer? is the coordinator of (Modern)
Sarah earned her Masters in
autumn. Foreign Languages at Jale
Early Childhood Education Tezer College in Ankara,
online. Sarah has written and Writer: Aslıhan Kurtoğlu Turkey. Aslıhan has written a
illustrated many children’s books THE SCHOOL’S MYSTERY Illustrator: Öznür Sönmez series of Basic Readers.
in Turkey. Sarah loves to explore Writer and Illustrator: Sarah Sweeney Size: 16,5 cm x 23,5 cm
and enjoyed travelling all over Grade: 5th Grade and up Öznur Sönmez
Turkey. In 2022, Sarah had
Page: 120 Öznur Sönmez Bilgiç was born in
another big adventure, moving
Level: 4 (Upper Intermediate) 1985 in Ankara. She studied
back to Canada with her husband Size: 15 x 19,5 cm Graphic Design in the Faculty of
Özgehan, and two daughters, Page: 76 READY FOR SUMMER 2 Fine Arts in Hacettepe
Emel & Sibel. Sarah loves doing Theme: Adventures, Teen life, Friendship, University. She worked as an art
different crafts, reading and Grade: 3th Grade and up director in reputable advertising
writing, and drawing.
Appearance and personality ISBN: 978-605-9781-23-7 agencies. During her career in
Topic: Mystery, Curiosity, Memories, Effects of those agencies, she took part in
Samantha Lindsay Reinblatt society on individuals’ lives, Finding out the truth both traditional and digital
Samantha was born in Montréal, advertising campaigns. She
Québec, Canada, where she Susan and David return back to their primary school READY FOR SUMMER 3 started Design Master
grew up in a bilingual culture of after many years. Here they discover a mysterious Program in Kadir Has University.
Grade: 4rd Grade and up
French and English. As Montréal tunnel leading to the cemetery next to their school. Her interest in illustration has
is notorious for its freezing cold Whom did these graves belong to? Susan and David ISBN: 978-605-9781-24-4 guided her to designing
temperatures, Samantha’s family are about to unravel the biggest mystery of their town. children’s books. Currently she is
decided to move to Boca Raton,
ISBN: 978-605-9781-13-8 working on both children’s book
Florida to enjoy the warm, sunny illustrations and advertising
weather. Later on, they moved to
READY FOR SUMMER 4 projects of different brands.
Overland Park, Kansas where she THE SECRET RECIPE
Grade: 5th Grade and up
attended middle and high school. Writer: Samantha Lindsay Reinblatt
She then graduated from the ISBN: 978-605-9781-25-1
Illustrator: Sarah Sweeney
University of Kansas and worked
there for several years. After
Grade: 5th Grade and up
studying abroad in Florence, Italy, Level: 4 (Upper Intermediate)
and Paris, France, she decided to Size: 15 x 19,5 cm
enjoy sunnier weather and warm Page: 88
people in Istanbul, Turkey, where
she has been working as an
Theme: Adventures, Teen life, Dreams, Friendship,
English teacher for the last In the kitchen, Tourism
10 years. Topic: Hobbies, Cooking contest, Perseverance,
Since she was a child, she has Success, Journey, Family relationship, Bullying
always had a passion for cooking,
dancing, and music. To this day, Steve’s dream is to become a great chef one day, but
Samantha continues to follow he is bullied at his new school, and the cooking compe-
her passions and life goals, while tition turns out to be a disaster. To prove himself,
helping to encourage others to Steve decides to find his favorite TV chef, Monsieur
do the same.
ISBN: 978-975-4130-81-2 Cuisine, to learn his secret recipe. Finding him is not
easy, though. With a little help from his sister, Steve
follows the clues, which take him to France, Italy, and

Flash Cards • Flash card series of 2 sets, each containing 100 Dictionary
vocabulary cards with pronunciation and Turkish • Redhouse Elementary Picture Dictionary will help
meanings on the back. students to learn the most commonly used 5000
• Vocabulary selected from the most commonly words in English.
used words in everyday Spanish. • Words, idioms and phrases chosen based on the
• Practical design that holds 100 flash cards English curriculum
together in a handy format. Easy to carry in the • Most commonly used 5000 words in English
pocket or in the bag. • A guide to pronunciation
Size: 6 x 9,5 cm • Can be used alone to memorize vocabulary or with Grade: For All Grades
• Spelling of the words
others to play vocabulary remembering games. • The comparative and superlative form of adjectives
Size: 14 x 20 cm
Las 100 Palabras Más Page: 488
Usadas En Español 2 and adverbs
2 (Lower intermediate): Contains 100 essential • Plural form of nouns ISBN: 978-605-9781-31-2
ISBN: 978-605-9781-19-0 Spanish words that lower-intermediate level learners • A number of example sentences to practice to
need to know. meaning of the words
Las 100 Palabras Más 3 (Intermediate): Contains 100 essential Spanish
Usadas En Español 3 • Colorful illustrations of a number of words
words that intermediate level learners need to know.
ISBN: 978-605-9781-20-6

INCLUDES: Editors: Robert Avery,
• Turkish definitions of more than 160,000 entries Serap Bezmez, Anna
covering words, idioms, terms, slang words and
proverbs commonly used in English G. Edmonds, Mehlika Yaylalı
• Easily comprehensible pronunciation key based on Pages: viii + 1152
the Turkish alphabet and phonetics that shows the Product details: Hardcover
pronunciation of English words with a glossy dust jacket
ISBN: 978-975-8176-10-6
Code: RS-003

Dictionary Dictionary • English definitions of more than 100,000 entries
INCLUDES: covering words, idioms, terms, slang words and
• Turkish and English definitions of more than 80,000 proverbs that are commonly used in Turkish today and
entries covering words, idioms, terms, slang words in the recent past
and proverbs commonly used in English and Turkish • Examples that clarify the translations and definitions
• Easily comprehensible pronunciation guide based of many words and phrases
on the Turkish alphabet and phonetics showing the • Marking system indicating syllable lengths of words
Editors: Serap Bezmez, pronunciation of English words and stressed syllables Editors: Serap Bezmez,
Richard Blakney, C.H. • Examples that clarify the translations and definitions C. H. Brown
of many words and phrases
Brown Pages: xiv + 1002
Pages: xxiv+ 1276 Product details: Hardcover
Product details: Hardcover with a glossy dust jacket
with a glossy dust jacket ISBN: 978-975-8176-41-0
ISBN: 978-975-8176-00-7 Code: RS-011
Code: RS-008


Editors: Serap Bezmez, C. H. Brown
Richard Blakney, Pages: xxxvii + 1438
C.H. Brown Product details: Hardcover
• Turkish and English definitions of more than • Turkish and English definitions of more than
Pages: xxiv+ 1276 80,000 entries covering words, idioms, terms, with a glossy dust jacket
100,000 entries covering words, idioms, terms,
Product details: Hardcover slang words and proverbs commonly used in slang words and proverbs commonly used in ISBN: 978-975-8176-83-0
with a glossy dust jacket English and Turkish English and Turkish Code: RS-007
ISBN: 978-975-8176-01-4 • Easily comprehensible pronunciation guide based • Easily comprehensible pronunciation guide based
Code: RS-009 on the Turkish alphabet and phonetics showing the on the Turkish alphabet and phonetics
pronunciation of English words • showing the pronunciation of English words
• Examples that clarify the translations and
definitions of many words and phrases


• Turkish and English definitions of more than • Turkish and English definitions of 22,000 entries; all
30,000 entries covering words, idioms, terms, the words you need while traveling, studying, doing
slang words and proverbs commonly used in homework…
English and Turkish • The pronunciation of English words based on the
• The pronunciation of English words based on the Turkish alphabet
Editors: Robert Avery, Turkish alphabet Editors: Robert Avery,
Serap Bezmez, Anna Serap Bezmez, Anna G.
G. Edmonds, Mehlika Yaylalı Edmonds, Mehlika Yaylalı
Pages: viii + 544 Compiler: Defne Tokay
Product details: Plastic Pages: xii + 493
cover Product details: Plastic
ISBN: 978-975-8176-85-4 cover
Code: RS-005 ISBN: 978-975-8176-90-8
Code: RS-004

Editors: Editors: Anna G.
Edmonds, Mehlika Yaylalı
Pages: x + 516
• Turkish and English definitions of more than 30,000
Product details: entries covering words, idioms, terms, slang words
Plastic cover and proverbs commonly used in English and Turkish
ISBN: 978-975-8176-09-0 • The pronunciation of English words based on the
Code: RS-006 Turkish alphabet


BEGINNER TO ELEMENTARY I AM POLLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

PAT LOVES CATS! (LEVEL 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 MY HOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

THE HAT GAME (LEVEL 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ALL AROUND ME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

NO TOYS! (LEVEL 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 SMARTY’S BOOK OF WORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
PLY I SPY! (LEVEL 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 MY FIRST ENGLISH WORDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
ALICE STOPS (LEVEL 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
GO, GO, POGO! (LEVEL 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ELEMENTARY TO INTERMEDIATE
MUNCH, MUNCH, MUNCH! (LEVEL 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 OUR SOLAR SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
TODAY IS NOT A GOOD DAY! (LEVEL 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 DINOSAURS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
I WANT YOUR TOY! (LEVEL 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 CHILDREN AROUND THE WORLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
ROBOT BOY AND FROG GIRL! (LEVEL 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 EXTRAORDINARY ANIMALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
WE ARE GREAT! (LEVEL3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 A SNOWY DAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
WHERE’S MY SOCK, MACK? (LEVEL3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
SUE’S SUPERMARKET DASH (LEVEL3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
POLLY’S GREAT ADVENTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
A BANANA IN THE SUN (LEVEL 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
TREASURE HUNT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
BUT IT’S A SCHOOL DAY, MACK! (LEVEL3) . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
CALUM’S FOOTPRINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
IT LOOKS TERRIBLE! (LEVEL 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
CALUM SAILS AWAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
A TURTLE NEEDS HELP (LEVEL 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
THE SCHOOL’S MYSTERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
I THINK IT’S A MONSTER! (LEVEL 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
THE SECRET RECIPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
WHO MADE THOSE? (LEVEL 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
THE SURPRISE PARTY (LEVEL 4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 READY FOR SUMMER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

CHARLIE’S DREAMS (LEVEL 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

I WANT TO MEET A DINOSAUR (LEVEL 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
DOUG’S BUGS (LEVEL 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
NOT AGAIN, IVY! (LEVEL 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
MY ENGLISH ACTIVITY BOOK 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
MY ENGLISH ACTIVITY BOOK 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
THE BAD LEMONADE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 THE NEW REDHOUSE PORTABLE DICTIONARY . . . . . . . 24

THE CLUMSY DAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 THE SMALLER REDHOUSE PORTABLE DICTIONARY . . 24

THE LOST CAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 THE REDHOUSE TURKISH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY . . . . 25

SUSIE’S DREAM JOB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 THE LARGER REDHOUSE PORTABLE DICTIONARY . . . 26
MOM’S HEALTHY KITCHEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 THE REDHOUSE PORTABLE DICTIONARY . . . . . . . . . . . 26
WHAT DAY IS IT TODAY? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 THE REDHOUSE MINI DICTIONARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
MY WORLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 THE SMALLER REDHOUSE PORTABLE DICTIONARY . . . 27


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