HOMEWORK - Determinantes

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(Determinantes e Demonstrativos)

1- Check the correct alternative that corresponds to the defined and undefined articles: (Assinale
alternativa correta que corresponde aos artigos definidos e indefinidos).

→ It’s ________ honor to meet ________ young lady from Sweden. → ________ Pacific and ________ Atlantic are ________ oceans.
________ Alps are ________ mountains, and ________ Amazon
a) a / an is a river.
b) an / an
c) a / a a) The / … / the/ … /the/ …
d) an / a b) … / the / … / … / … / the
c) The / the / … / the / … / the
→ My sister went to the beach last month. She met_____ girl there d) The / the / … / … / … / the
who was born in Goiânia. When they went to ____ restaurant they
noticed that ____place was amazing. There was ___ picture of
____ Elephant.
→ There is______ excellent lawyer in______office I know.

a) a, the, a, a, an.
a) a, the.
b) a, the, the, a, an.
b) an, an.
c) a, the, an, an, an.
c) a, an.
d) a, an, the, a,an.
d) an, the.
2 - Check the correct alternative that corresponds to the demonstrative: (Assinale alternativa correta
que corresponde o demonstrativo: )

→ __________ is a ball.

a) This
b) That
c) These
d) Those
→ __________ is a doll.
a) This
b) That
c) These
d) Those
→ __________ are pigs
a) This
b) That
c) These
d) Those
→ __________ are hens.
a) This
b) That
c) These
d) Those
3- Complete the sentences with the correct possessive pronoun taking into account the information that can be obtained from
the sentences .(Complete as frases com o pronome possessivo correto levando em consideração as informações que podem ser
obtidas nas frases.)

a) That is my house ( ??? ) but ours is

a) I have a cat. That cat is_________. new.
b) Her brother is tall ( ??? ) and this is its
b) She bought a car. This car is_______.
c) Dylan car is old ( ??? ) and this is
c) They have a house. That house is__________. d) This is their car ( ??? ) and that is
d) Max and I have a cousin. The cousin e) These are our dogs ( ??? ) but mine is
is__________. f) Carlos is my father ( ??? ) and Jorge is
e) My brother has a dog. The dog is_______. g) Today is my exam ( ??? ) and
tomorrow is theirs.
4 – Tell the function of distributives: (Diga a função dos distributivos)

a) Every –
b) Each –
c) Half
d) All –
e) Both –
f) Either –
g) Neither -
5 -Resolve exercises on "quantifiers" to test your knowledge of the expressions that provide
information about the amount of something in English.(Resolva exercícios sobre “quantifiers” para
testar seus conhecimentos sobre as expressões que fornecem informações sobre a quantidade de algo
em inglês.)

→ It is ______ better to stay quiet. → If you had studied harder you would have had _______
a) many
a) very
b) very
b) many
c) more
c) a lot of
d) fewer
d) much
e) Less
e)lots of
→ I went to the mall and bought _____ roses and ____ coffee
→ ________ has been written about this subject. than last week.
a) Much a) fewer / fewer
b) Many b) more / fewer
c) Lost of c) less / less
d) Fewer d) fewer / less
e) Few e) less / more
6- Complete the sentences with other, another or others. (Complete the sentences with other, another
ou others)

→ Relax. Tomorrow is __________ day.

→ Some exercises are more difficult than __________. a) other
a) other
b) another
b) another
c) others
c) others
d) another one d) another one
e) the other e) the other

→ They had one biological child and adopted two _________. → I didn’t like this T-shirt. Can I see the _________ one you
a) other brought before?
b) another a) other
c) others b) another
d) another one
c) others
e) the other
d) another one
e) the other
7- Answer the sequence below.(Responda a sequencia à baixo)

a) Primeiro
b) Segundo
c) Terceiro
d) Quarto
e) Quinto
f) Sexto
g) Sétimo
h) Oitavo
i) Nono
j) Décimo
k) Vigésimo
8 -Answer the function of each predeterminant. (Responda a função de cada

a) What
b) Quite
c) Rather
d) Such

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