Warrant of Arrest - Michael Leon Davis

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warrantno.P 25645 ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS )( COUNTY OF TARRANT )( WARRANT OF ARREST TO ANY PEACE OFFICER OF THE STATE OF TEXAS; ‘The undersigned Magistrate having heretofore found that probable cause exists for the issuance of this warrant, you are hereby commanded to arrest MICHAEL LEON DAVIS a black male date of birth: 06/13/1982 hereinafter referred to as the suspect, and bring the said suspect before a Magistrate in and for ‘Tarrant County, Texas, instanter, then and there to answer the State of Texas for an offense against the laws of the said State, to-wit MURDER of which offense HIE the said suspect, is accused by the written affidavit, under oath of Detective ‘T.S. O'BRIEN 3320 Fort Worth Police Department filed before me anterior to the issuance of this warrant, Herein fail not and due retum make hereof at the place RECOMMENDED BOND SET BY JUDGE: RETURN Came on to hand on the dayof___, 20__, and executed on the day of, 20. NAME OF PEACE OFFICER DESCRIPTION OF OFFICE Confidentiat Page | 3/27/2012 A mVe ~ 2504% syouns AWuDER, DT. LERK ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS TAHRANT COUNTY, TEXAS: ARREST WARRANT AFFIDAVIT county or Tarrant )¢ MAR 27 2012 230 BEFORE ME, ulecJMETGOEGISOpS Rony pet neni tien to after being duly sworn on oath deposes and says; My name is DETECTIVE T.S. O’BRIEN 3320, FORT WORTH POLICE DEPARTMENT, and J have good reason to believe and do believe that on or about the 9 day of December, 2005, in Tarrant County, Texas, MICHAEL LEON DAVIS black male, date of birth 06/13/1982 hereafter known as the suspect, , did then and there intentionally, with the intent to cause serious bodily injury to GLORIA CHOICE, commit an act clearly dangerous to human life, namely, striking her in the head with an inknown object and thereby caused the death of GLORIA CHOICE, ‘My belief is based upon the following facts and information: 1, That on December 9, 2005, the victim, identified as Gloria Choice black female 9/12/1948 was found deceased in a vacant apertment at the Willows of Woodhaven Apartment Complex located at 5855 Goldenwood Dr Apt#125, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, The victim was discovered lying on the floor of the back bedroom with her pants pulied down to her feet with apparent blood around her head area, After the victim was discovered by apartment employees, ‘they notified Fort Worth Police Department and Homicide Detective J, Hernandez made the scene and report #05-150899 was generated. 2, ‘That the Tarrant County Medical Examiner ruled the manner of death a homicide and the cmuse of death as blunt trauma of head and brain, This case was unsolved and forwarded to the cold case unit, 3, That, Detective T.S. O’Brien 3320 assigned to the Homicide Unit began reading the case file involving the murder of Gloria Choice and discovered the following; 4, That according to the case file discovered that, on 12/24/2008, Detective Hemandez interviewed MICHAEL LEON DAVIS after MICHAEL LEON DAVIS flagged down an officer and said he had information about the murder of Gloria Choice, During that interview, MICHAEL LEON DAVIS told Detective Hernandez that on December 16, 2005 at approximately 2100-2230 has he was walking to the Zoom In store near Boca Raton Blvd, when a guy he knows as “Jason told him that “Dre” killed that woman in the Willows of Woodhaven apartment complex. MICHAEL LEON DAVIS said that “Jason” isthe boyftiend of his cousin, SIME who lives in Arlington, Detective Hemandez showed MICHAEL LEON DAVIS a photo spread <2 a ve ‘other black males and MICHAEL LEON DAVIS pic! as the person he knows as “Die”, 5. ‘That according to the case file, on 02/24/2006, a black: 2a ET told Detective Hemandez that a few weeks after Gloria's death he heard a Black male narned “Smokey” say that he killed Gloria, Detective Hemandez was unable to identify “Smokey” at ‘hat time, Confidential Page? siemn012 Pc~ 254. 6. That according to the case file, on 01/29/2007,4 ke with Detective Hernandez again and told him the same story about hearing a black male named “Smokey” say that he Killed Gloria, On 04/06/2007 Detective Angela Jay met with @@QMMEMBB? and showed him 28 different photos of males (15 black males and 13 white males) with the nickname “Smokey”. awit the photo of MICHAEL LEON DAVIS black male, date of birth 16/13/1982 and told Detective Angela Jay that he was 90% sure that the photo he picked was the “Smokey” who made the comment about killing Gloria. 7. That on 03/04/2010 I, Detective T.S. O'Brien located QiGgygigBeand obtained a video recorded statement, During the interview, gave another statement which was consistent with his previous two statements, in reference to being present when a guy named “Smokey” said he {killed Gloria. I showed QQQMMGBF 2 photo spread with MICHAEL LEON DAVIS and five other black males with similar facial characteristics and he picked MICHAEL LEON DAYIS’s photo but said that he was only 50% sure because “Smokey” looked bigger in the photo than what he remembered him looking like in person, The photo of MICHAEL LEON DAVIS in the photo spread was different from the photo shown to him in 2007. 8, ‘That on 03/05/2010, I, Detective T'S. O’Brien called MICHARL LEON DAVIS by phone and told him that I was iivestigeting the murder of Gloria Choice and that I wanted to speak to him ‘about any information he had about the case. MICHAEL LEON DAVIS agreed to voluntarily ‘come to 350 W, Belknap to be interviewed, During the video tecorded interview, MICHAEL, ‘LEON DAVIS told me about nuinerous conversations he had with “Dre”, where “Dre” admitted to killing Glotia Choice. MICHAEL LEON DAVIS gave conflicting stories when he gave his statements about what “Dre” told him. MICHAEL LEON DAVIS also never made mention of hearing that “Dre” killed Gloria from a guy named “Jason” near the Zoom In store, like he mentioned in 2005. During the jnterview MICHAEL LEON DAVIS changed his story ‘numerous times, including when he last saw Glotia Choice alive. At the beginning of the interview MICHAEL LEON DAVIS said that he was never in the vacant apartment that Gloria was found in, then later changed his story and said that he was actually in that same apartment the day before Gloria died. At the end of the interview MICHAEL LEON DAVIS said that he lied about what “Dre” had told him and the real reason he tured “Dre” in was because a ‘crack head” named “Star” told him that “Dre” did it. MICHAEL LEON DAVIS said that “Stax” told him that she, Glosia and “Dre” were in that vacant apartment togetber when Gloria and “Dre” went to the back bedroom to have sex. “Stat” told him that she heard a moan ora scream from Gloria and then saw “Dre” walk out of the room with a tan brick in his hand saying “Fuck that ol’ bitch!” MICHAEL LEON DAVIS said that “Star” said that she looked in the room and saw Gloria on the ground. MICHAEL LEON DAVIS also provided two separate written statements that contradicted one another, During the interview, MICHAEL LEON DAVIS stated that he has a cousin named 19(SIMGQAP vio used to live at the Willows of Woodhaven, « “9, 9, That on 03/10/2010, I met wit! vho voluntarily came to 350 W. Belknap to be interviewed. After the interview where @QGMGUBS? denied any involvement in Gloria Choices murder, he submitted to a polygraph and passed. 10, That on 03/11/2010, MICHAEL LEON DAVIS met me again and voluntarily agreed to another interview. During that audio recorded interview, MICHAEL LEON DAVIS again told Confidential Pages siamo PL- 2Sb4y¥ the stories about “Dre” admitting to killing “Gloria”, These statements were different from the statements he gave during the first interview. During this interview MICHAEL LEON DAVIS described the tan brick that he believed “Dre” used to cll Gloria, , 11, That on 03/11/2010, MICHAEL LEON DAVIS voluntarily agreed to submit to a polygraph, examination conducted by Eric J. Holden with Behavioral Measures & Forensic Services Southwest. Inc., Eric Holden asked the following relevant questions during the examination; Did you cause Gloria’s death? Are you the one that killed Gloria in December 2005? Were you in that apartment with Gloria when she was killed? The test results given by Eric Holden indicated that MICHAEL LEON DAVIS was being deceptive while answering the relovant questions and in Eric Holden’s professional opinion, MICHAEL LEON DAVIS was ‘untruthful 412, That on 03/11/2010, I spoke to Tarrant County Medical Examiner Lloyd White who conducted ‘the autopsy on Gloria Choice. Dr. Lloyd White said that a brick is consistent with the injuries that Gloria Choice sustained fo her head 13. That on 03/11/2010, {ioc “Star”) who provided a written statement, WABAIABB «:24 hat she knows Gloria Choice and MICHAEL LEON DAVIS but was unaware of the fact that Gloria Choice was dead until I told her. tated that she has no knowledge of who killed Gloria or how she died, ‘stated that she has never had any conversation with MICHAEL LEON DAVIS about Gloria’s murder, ras shown a photo of “Dre” POOR: said that he looked familiar but has never done drugs with him or been in a vacant apartment with him, Lastarr ‘Wright said that she has never done drugs or been in a vacant apartment with Gloria Choice. 14, That on 03/24/2010 1 located RRABABI aka ‘‘Jeson”) who provided a written statement. tated that he and his girlfriend, Helen Rogers, lived in the Willows of ‘Woodhaven at the time of Gloria’s death, Jason said that he knows MICHAEL LEON DAVIS as “Smoke” but has never had a conversation about Gloria's murder with him. said that he never heatd that “Dre” killed Gloria nor did he ever tell anyone that “Dre” killed Gloria, Jason said that he doesn’t remember ever having any conversation with MICHAEL LEON DAVIS after Gloria was killed. 15, That on 03/30/2010 Detective M. Reyes and I, Detective T.S. O’Brien traveled to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Hightower Unit in Dayton, Texas to meet with: , the brother of MICHAEL LEON DAVIS. During the audio recorded interview. said that sometime in the middle of 2006 he and his brother MICHAEL LEON DAVIS were driving in his brothers van on Boca Raton Blvd when they pulled into the Willows of ‘Woodhaven apertment complex and started talking aid that MICHAEL LEON DAIS pointed towards the vacant apartment where Gloria Choice was found and told it he “whooped Mama G’s ass and left but didn’t know if she was dead or alive.” id that MICHAEL LEON DAVIS said that he had sex with Mama G and then beat ‘her ass. hsesneei that MICHAEL LEON DAVIS never told him if be bit her with an object or just his hands/fists, XQQMAGWM said that MICHAEL LEON DAVIS said that he ‘thought Mama G was dead but he wasn’t sure, | showed @QRQRggp 2 photo of Gloria Choice and he said that Gloria Choice was also known as Mama G, Confidential Page 4 ‘sppn/2012 Po-2seay 16, That all other tips have been investigated, which led to numerous suspects being excluded as being involved in the murder of Gloria Choice through interviews and polygraph examinations and DNA testing 17. That based on the inconsistent stories given by MICHAEL LEON DAVIS that were investigated and proven to be false; his admission of being in the same vacant apartment that Gloria was killed in the day before she was killed after initially saying he didn’t even know which apartment she was killed in; two seperate people saying that MICHAEL LION DAVIS admitted to killing Gloria, one of them being his brother who had a conversation about MICHAEL LEON DAVIS beating Gloria’s ass while pointing towards the same apartment where she was found dead, indicates MICHAEL, LEON DAVIS intent to cause serious bodily injury to Gloria Choice by committing an act clearly dangerous to human life. ‘That based on the above facts and information being related to him, and as a result of his investigation, your affiant has reason to believe and does believe that MICHAEL LEON DAVIS black male, date of birth 06/13/1982, knowingly and intentionally did then and there commit the offense of MURDER. WHEREFORE, I request that an arrest warrant issue for the suspect hereinbefore designated according to the laws of this State, ‘WITNESS my signatufe this the cae Wonele _, 2012, ANT COUNTY, TEXAS. B AND OFFICE HELD BY MAGISTRATE if Confidential Page 5 smo

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