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A1 MPP - Speakernote - Ha Chi - F16E

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Role of marketing and how it interrelates with other business units of

an organization
1. The concept and role of the marketing in 21st century
1.1 . Marketing concept

 Marketing is the process by which firm make value for customers and
create strong customer relationships to capture value from customers in return
(Kotler, P, 2020) [1]


1.2. Marketing management concepts

 The term "marketing management" pertains to the supervision and

management of diverse marketing endeavors and the personnel engaged in
them, including managers, marketing management experts, contractors, and
additional parties. [2]


1.3. Role of marketing in 21st century

1.3.1. Digital transformation and its impact on marketing strategy

 This part will see the concept influence on how digital transformation
changes conventional marketing strategy. They are include: Customer
Analytics, Multi-channel Marketing, Social media outreach ,Automation and
1.3.2. The power of data-driven marketing and analytics
- Searching more about your goal
- Better relationships
-Better ability to make decisions
- More rapid time to market
- Greater effectiveness
1.3.3. Addressing challenges and opportunities for marketers in
21st century
 Marketing's function for both consumers and companies is quickly
changing. In fact, the digital revolution, data, data analytics, and most
recently, personal mobile devices like infusion software—which track time
while people work or play, search for nearby companies or customers while in
a coffee shop, send an invoice or quote from a client's office, and much more
—are radically altering the marketing function.

2. Roles and responsibilities in marketing, and the competencies required to


2.1. Explain the role of Marketing

2.1.1. Brand Management
è Brand management is the position where the brands stand in the market,
also about price, wrapping, and the marketing mix .Moreover, consumer
perceptions and brand equity can be seen.
2.1.2. Customer relationship management
 CRM is the mix of practices, tatics and technologies which firms use to
oversee and evaluate consumer interactions and information all through the
customer lifecycle . The target is to enhance customer need and help with
customer retention and boost sales.
 Coopmart keep a relationship with customers by the shopping card , it’s
qute old but that’s s good choice

2.1.3. Marketing mix development

 A marketing mix includes various focus areas like a part of a completion
marketing plan. This term usually aim to a common classification with the
4Ps: product, price, placement, and promotion.
 Coopmart use very well this strategy especially ‘’price’’
2.2. Responsibility of marketing
2.2.1. Marketing research

 Marketing research can be defined as the methodical collection, documentation,

and evaluation of qualitative and quantitative information about problems related to
marketing products and services. The target is to determine and evaluate the effects
of altering certain components of the marketing mix on consumer behavior.

2.2.2. Creating marketing campaign

 A winning marketing plan can help you face or overcome your sales aim. It can
change potential customers who would not buy your goods and services into loyal
prospects. There are six necessary moves to develop a successful marketing plan:
Determine Objects and Budget, Identify your target, Create message, Develop a
Media strategy, Implement marketing campaign, Evaluate and assess your results

2.2.3. Managing social media platforms

 Social media management can be defined as the continuing process of arranging

and planning content made to develop and nurture customers across almost all
media platforms

2.3. Explain the Marketing competencies to succeed in the marketplace

 Soft Skills:

 Communication
 Creativity and Problem-Solving
 Attention to Detail
 Adaptability
 Leadership
 Interpersonal Skills

 Hard Skills:

 Writing and Project management

 Data Analysis & Analytics
 Research and Email marketing
 Social Media Marketing
 Visual Marketing and Website Management

3. The interrelationships of bussiness units

- The Marketing department would never be active alone from other

department divisions in a business organization. Marketing and
other departments in a company get together very closely. Peter
Drucker, the father of modern Marketing, said: ''Marketing is not
only wider than selling, it is not an isolation job at all.''
- Peter Drucker also said that Marketing is: ''Almost all the business
activities are seen from the customer’s view’’. What Peter Drucker
said is that Marketing must be seen as a business philosophy, in
that meeting the needs and desires of customers is essential to any
business's survival. This cannot be the only responsibility of the
Marketing department
4. Reflection
4.1. Advantage

 Prices seem a bit cheaper than rival supermarkets, especially with more promotions

4.2. Disadvantage

 The location is quite far from the center, the layout is not neat and tidy. In addition,
we need to review the way we approach customers, which is not close and friendly.
Using poor brand images

4.3. Inside environment

 Newly developed technologies will create new products with good quality, low
prices, and diverse designs to meet consumer needs and tastes. On the other hand, new
technology will produce new products with diverse product uses... convenient for users
and consumers. Therefore, it will stimulate consumers to buy more products and this
will positively affect Co.opmart's business operations.

4.4. Outside environment

 So with such big competitors, to be able to stand firmly in the market Coopmart
needs to take measures: Continue to improve and take advantage of its strengths.
Coopmart has many strengths, especially in product strengths. , suppliers, distributed
systems, promotions and customer service.

III. Compare ways in which organizations use elements of the marketing

mix to achieve overall business objectives
1. Introduction about the company and 2 products
1.1. Abbott

-Abbott is a leading trusted milk brand in the world, owned by Abbott Nutrition - a
multinational company headquartered in the US. The brand focuses on providing high-
quality nutritional products for children, the elderly and pregnant women.

-Abbott was born in 1888 in Chicago, USA, and has since expanded its scale of
operations to more than 130 countries with more than 100 operating factories. The
company began opening an office in Vietnam in 1995, with the mission of taking care
of health and improving the quality of life for people here.

1.2. Products in Abbott

 Abbott is proud to provide the world's most trusted nutritional products such as
Ensure for adults, Glucerna for diabetics, Similac for mothers and babies, or Pediasure
for children.
1.2.1. Adults 1.2.2. Diabetics

1.2.3. Mothers and babies 1.2.4.

2. Target market

 Abbott tend to make a product that support for people’s health, mom,
babies, children and diabetics

2.1. Classification of Abbott nutritional products in Vietnam by target

3. 4Ps of 2 products

4Ps PediaSure In PediaSure In

Winmart Coopmart

Product PediaSure BA milk Coopmart just has

cans with 3 400g and 850g and
weights: 400g, 2 flavors:
850g, 1.6kg and traditional Vanilla
2flavors:traditional flavor and new
Vanilla flavor and Chocolate flavor.
new Chocolate

Price 1.119.000 vnđ 1.113.000 vnđ

Place PediaSure milk is PediaSure milk is
often displayed on often displayed on
shelves with other shelves with other
types of milk of the types of milk of the
same brand or same brand or
group of purposes. group of purposes.

Promotion Full of gifts this Coopmart have a

summer when sale promotion :
buying pediasure!
1. Buy 1 get 1
1. Free 1 soft free
and safe backpack
blanket for
your baby 1
2. Get 1 free
box of
PediaSure of
the same
3. Free 1 set
of premium
mattress &
blanket 4.
Get 1 free
stirring cup

4. 3Ps of these two Supermarket

3Ps Winmart Coopmart

People -Principle: "Customer is the -Dedicated to

center" "Satisfied customers, serving: Our
satisfied employees” dedication comes
from our passion
-Training: Internally, especially
for service and
departments in contact with
deep customer
partners and consumers, clearly
understand what customers are
looking for and what products -Continuous
they want to buy. improvement: We
constantly improve
-Build trust: Employees use the
our products and
company's services, are satisfied,
services to bring
have experiences with products
new experiences to
and services, and then
recommend them to friends and
relatives. -Desire to rise:
We aspire to strive
-Communication and
for perfection to
appearance: Always be warm
bring the most
and enthusiastic with customers,
practical benefits
give enthusiastic advice, respect
to customers.
customers, always wear the
correct uniform. -Community
oriented: We
always aim for
associated with the
benefits of the

Process -Before purchasing : -When purchasing:

+ Build a friendly online +Answer questions

infrastructure so that consumers quickly for
have the best possible shopping customers,
+Ataff are agile,
+ Attract consumers passing by enthusiastic, and
the sales location thanks to friendly
attractive displays at the show
-After purchasing
window and attractive
promotions +Staff have a
welcoming attitude
-When purchasing:
and open the door
+ Build a training system on for customers
product structure and
+Pick up area and
communication standards with
send items to
customers quickly
+ Increase human resources to and professionally.
serve customers
Physical Evidence

Cashier: Quickly, friendly and good Quickly, friendly

attitudes and good attitudes

Almost Winmart supermarket Music and sounds

usually have no music in here are quite
harmony with the
With the modern style, the young
With the old style,
Decoration tend to buy things more in
customers tend to
Winmart than Coopmart
buy things less in
Coop than Win ,
but in Coop it have
a special point;
that is the place
where put snacks ,
I think it’s very

Winmart supermarkets are Coopmart

located almost everywhere, a bit Supermarkets are
more convenient than Coop, near usually put in the
places where many households huge are but they
and residents live. are quite far from
residents and city
5. Assess the trengths and weaknesses of 7Ps in Winmart

Supermarket Winmart Coopmart

Strengths -According to the business -In 2022 , when the

results announced by epidemic was basically
Masan, WinCommerce's controlled, the retailer
2022 net revenue reached applied a series of stimulus
more than 29,300 billion programs to help sales
VND reach 30,888 billion VND,
an increase over the same
- Of which, WinMart+
period and nearly 99% of
recorded net revenue of
the plan
VND 19,817 billion in
2022, down 5.4% over the - Network development
same period last year work continues to be
carried out effectively,
-The supermarket segment
opening 34 new points of
(WinMart) had net revenue
sale under Co.op Food and
of VND 9,261 billion,
down 6.7% over the same
period - Online sales reached a
proportion of 4.4%, higher
 So 7Ps have a strong
than the set plan of 3.5%.
effective to the
development of Winmart  In general, Coopmart
has more outstanding
commercial activities than
Winmart, creating
outstanding sales for

Weaknesses - Most of the items sold - In 2023, Vietnam's

inside the convenience economy is forecast to
store business model often maintain good growth, but
have higher prices than will face more difficulties
usual. such as: Inflation pressure,
interest rates, and
- While foods such as
exchange rates rising;
vegetables and fruits are a
Rising input costs create
favorite item of
great pressure on
Vietnamese consumers,
production activities... In
their prices are much
addition, the level of
higher than in the market.
competition in the retail
- Stores are located market is expected to
interspersed in residential become more and more
areas, so when customers fierce with the
come, they often have to participation and
take care of their personal expansion of activities of
vehicles without someone retailers in the retail
keeping them. market. domestic and

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