Future of EIM Student A Study About Interest and Career Choices After Graduation

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Conceptual Framework

This research has the input of identifying the future of EIM STUDENT A STUDY ABOUT INTEREST AND
CAREER CHOICES AFTER GRADUATION: SPJ International Technology Institute - Tinambac Campus..

Chapter II

According to Fizer (2013) Choosing the right career path is becoming more and more important
for young students today. Students have to take into account many things when choosing a career and
college major. Many factors can influence a student's decision including parents coaches religious figure
or any role models in a student's life Participations in agriculture clubs sunch as FFA and 4-H can also
have an effect on students career choices.

According to Kim (2014) Based on a path model results demonstrated that family background
predictid academic self- efficacy positively and students career and life success expectations negatively .
However . with the mediating influence of academic self- efficacy, family background predictid academic
self efficacy positively and students' career and life success expectations negative.However, with the
mediating influence of acdimic self-efficacy, family background positively influenced student'career and
life success expectations. School counselor should consider interventions to enhance interaction
between parents student and seek to develop positive perception about students capabilities and
futures. In addition school counselor need to be knowledgeable about curricula, enrichment classes
summer opportunities, various educational options, and student's academic and career aspiration for
providing better guidance.

According to Borchert (2014) Many factor affect career choices of high school students.
Identifying these factors would give parents. Identifying these factors would give parents educators and
industry an idea as to where students place most of their trust in the career selection process . It would
also allow students to examine process they use for Career selection. The literature review has provided
recommended models in career choices . The review of the literature showed that Three areas of a
student's life affect the career choices they make environment opportunity and personality.

According to Romanova, Eugenya S, Becshedova, Ludmila L, Tolstikava, Suetlana N, Bychickhina,

Elina N, Morozova, Tataina Y (2020) The structure of the personal potential includes intra and
intepsychological characteristics. Internal factors ralate to the non-acceptance of the choice situation,
the lack of skills that are necessary for subjective contraction of its process. They also come from
hesitation, lack of confidence, poor self-concept , internal conflicts, low community commitment,etc. In
the most cases, the powerful influence of relevant adults is an external obstacle.

According to Varadharajan, Buchanan, Schuck (2020) The data confirmed career changer's
reasons for choosing teaching are primarily driven by intrinsic and altruistic motivation concerns
regarding flexibility in course offerings was expressed. We advise that attracting and retaining career
change teachers is likely to became increasingly important in the context of rising school student
number, teacher attention, and the impending deporture from the prefession of many'baby boomers'.

According to Naiboglu, Gulsu, Ozdemir, Ali, (2022) It was determined that that students have
found common ground in the lifelong development process besides individuals deferences in their
career and occupational choices. It is seen that students occupational thoughts, which develop in the
form of dreams at an early age, progress from abstract to more realistic and concrete as they occur with
the increasing number of effective factors and the predominance of personas desires.
According to Bobek, Becky L, Schnieders, Joyce Z (2022) Through the career expropriation
intentions of high school student, finding from the savvy consumers of career information. They want to
explore characteristics such as earnings offer deferent yet valuable ways to view occupations. And that
characteristics important for career success will help them recognize what it takes to prepare for
occupations. Takes together these finding indicate that students want explore relevant information that
can support good-fit career choices.

According to McKenzie, Sophie, Bennette, Dawn (2022) The motivation to study at university has
many potential influences including social factors, prior experience, self-perception, intrinsic or
personal utility values, or simply the prospect of a good salary. Student'choice of university major has
similar influence; however, many learners select thier major and enter university without having
thought about possible career pathways. As such, without appropriate support during their time at
university, students may not translate interest and motivation into career identify or commitment, qnd
they may not develop realitic career goals or job seeking strategies

Review related studies

According to the study conducted by Nancy T Pascual (2014) the availability of work after
college is the first consideration of students in choosing a course in college.

According to the study conducted by Moses, Awinsong, Omar Dawson, Belenda Enyonam
Gidiglo. (2015) Career guidance programes should be routinized in schools for greater benefits to
students Counsellors should also endeavour to seek opportunities for skill upgrade and higher training
ao that they can become more relevant to the needs of students.

According to the study conducted by Jeofrey Mtemeri (2017) the study recommended the
training of parent's. Peers and teachers to enhance student's choice of careers. It was also
recommended that only trained career guidance. Lastly, the study also recommended a career guidance
model to assist in helping in helping students choose suitable careers.

According to the study conducted by Shaoping Qiu, Trupti Palkar (2017) It was discovered that
more students made their own career choice with less influence from traditional values and family

According to the study conducted by Copes, Marvin L, Richardson, William B. (2018) in view of
the poor predictive ability of high school seniors in regard to their careers. it is recommended that :(1)
schools should provide activities and experiences that promote viable career choices;

According to the study conducted by Ashari, Zool Hilmi Mahamed: Azman, Norzaini: Rasul,
Mohamad Sattar (2019) The career choice model was observed to be surfficiently solid and flexible to
incorporate and measure the five (constructs career choice.interest, knowledge, maturity and
adaptability). Importance-preformance matrix analysis indicate that career adaptability is the most
important factor in students' career choices, Albert with the lowest mean scores.

According to the study conducted by Kutlu.Ahmet,Badel,Ahment(2021) As results of the research

it has been absrved that career day's are affective in reducing the irrational beliefs relating to career
choice and career indecision ofthe student in the experimental group.

According to the study conducted by Kazi Afaq Ahmed, Nimra Sharif, Nawaz Ahmad (2017) Are
indicate of the importance of students counseling sessions and other interventions to provide them with
updated knowledge and information to create their interest in the right choices and available options
the Career choice of the students is also influenced by the level of their social class financial resources
offordability and futur employability.

According to the study conducted by Lawer Dede Theresa (2015) It was also noted that though
studens had some information about the self much was not known about the world of work.
Recommendations on how to improve the implementation of career guidance programs in senior high

According to the study conducted by Allison C Paolini (2019) This article describes the pivotal
role that school counselors play in preparing and helping students feel prepared and equipped to enter
the workforce upo graduation. This brief commentary addresses the necessity for school counselors to
work collaboratively about college and career exploration. In addition best practices that provided
students with the insight tools and resource necessary to succeed in the workforce after graduation are
Chapter III


The presentation on how the study conducted and the clear statement of data gathered were
show on this chapter it includes the following.

Research Disign

This study is identified to use quantitative design and especially a descriptive - correcolation
method of research this will explain the future of E.IM Students': A study about interest and career
choices after graduation.

Locale of the study

The locale of this research is the municipality of tinambac. It is an official first class municipality in
the provide of Camarines Sur. SPJ San Isidro Poblacion is one among the approximately 20 high schools
that offer senior high school. SPJ is the based school of the research.


The respondent of the study are the pre-classified 30 students of SPJ International Technology
Institute Inc. enrolled in E.I..M stand.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers make the questionains.the surcey is conducted through printed forms. The
printed forms will be the given to responded and researchers will retrieve the questionnaire the same
day of the survey. The data gathered will be organized and treated by statestical treatment and will be
presented through the used of tables, graph and figures.
Research Instrument

The instrument use in this study is survey questionaire. The questionnaire indudes checklist and
instructor. It consists of 3 parts questionaire.

Statistical Treatment

The research uses pearsm condition of weighted mean as statistical treatment.

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