Market 9BroilersEggs

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The Broiler Industry

This paper is divided into two sections. We will discuss broiler marketing in South Africa followed by a review
on egg marketing.

The broiler industry in South Africa contributes to economy in the following ways:
• Gross producer value of the industry is over R5 171 million per annum.
• Employs approximately 57 804 staff in the formal sector and main input supply industries.
• In 1999 broilers produced / slaughtered per week amounted to 9,8 million birds.
• Per capita consumption increased over ten years from 15,5 kg to 18,5 kg (an increase of 19 %).
(See Figure 1.)
• However, 10 % of the industry is under judicial management, liquidation or already closed.
• The broiler industry contributes 16,2 % to the total gross value of agricultural production.
• A small number of large producers constitute the formal sector of broiler production. These large organisations
handle approximately 80 % of the total broiler production, while the informal sector produces the remaining
20 %. (See Figure 3: Market share diagram.)

Figure 1. Per capita consumption of broiler meat in RSA (Source: SAPA, SSA, National Department of Agriculture, October 2000)

Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs 1

Figure 2: Average broiler production per week
Note: During 1994 there was a nationwide outbreak of Newcastle disease in South Africa.
Production Trends:
• Normally the poultry industry follows the red meat cycles which are, in turn, linked to the economic cycle and climate factors
• Annual cycles reflect the normal high demand in the Easter and December periods
• These cycles are reduced and sometimes eliminated by imports

Major players in the industry

Commercial broiler production in South Africa depends exclusively on exotic strains brought into the country:
• Ross from UK.
• Cobb from USA.
• Hybro from Netherlands.
• Hubbard from USA.
• Arbor Acres from USA.
The genetic progress of these strains is depicted in Table 1.

TRAIT 1968 1998

Slaughter age (days) 62 42
Live mass (kg) 1,18 1,79/1,86

Figure 3 reflects the major market share of broiler supply in South Africa. It is important to note that imports
rank as the third most important supplier.

The production process in the broiler industry

The diagram (Figure 4) depicts the functioning of an integrated broiler firm, showing the following components
of production:
• The Hatching – Egg farm, providing fertile eggs to the hatchery.
• The Hatchery, incubating fertile eggs to produce Day-Old Chicks (DOC).
All healthy DOCs are sent to Broiler grow-out facilities.
The DOCs are raised for about forty-two days, and at that time they are ready for slaughter or to be sold
• At the processing plants birds are slaughtered and either converted to Ready-to-Cook chicken/cut-up
parts or further processed to products like deboned chicken, polony, viennas, etc.

2 Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs

Figure 3: Market share of broiler supply in RSA. (Source: SAPA, Customs and Excise, November 2000)

Ready-to-cook broilers Further processed

and cut-up parts products


Slaughter, eviscrating and

Offal and waste Live broilers


- Contract grower
- Company farms
Broiler chicks
Feed ingredients

Broiler feed and flock

service HATCHERY

Breeder feed

Hatching-egg farm
- Contract
- Company

Figure 4: Functions of a typical integrated broiler firm

Visual aid 1

Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs 3

Legislation in the poultry industry
Evolution in legislation
The 1968 Marketing Act (Act No. 59) of South Africa established a system of control for the movement, pricing,
quality standards, selling and supply of a large volume of farm production, with a view to, amongst others,
securing price stability and narrowing the gap between producer and consumer prices. This was repealed and
the new Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, Act No. 47 of 1996 came into operation on 1st January 1997.
The Broiler Industry was, however, one sector that was not regulated by a Board.

Import Tariff
The South African broiler industry currently finds itself in a difficult position, mainly due to high input costs, low
producer prices and imports. In this regard, the Government imposed a tariff on cuts, offal and bone at R2.20
per kg. Imports from the USA have dampened the market. An anti-dumping duty of an added R 2.35 per kg is
levied on cuts and offal, bone and portions for the USA.

Marketing channels
Figure 5 shows the different marketing channels.


(informal sector)


Broiler Further
processors processors



Further PLACES
Further OTHER

Figure 5: Marketing channels

Visual aid 2

4 Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs

Sale of live birds Visual aid 3

The sale of live birds mainly occurs at the townships, peri-urban areas and in the rural areas. This activity
occurs right through the year with peak times during holidays and the Christmas periods.
The sale of live birds can occur in the following ways:
• Producers or growers selling to consumers.
Broiler producers load broilers on their bakkies and sell to consumers.
• Hawkers buying from producer for resale to consumers.
Usually broiler producers, including small-scale producers, sell broilers through their farm stalls. Hawkers
buying in bulk get a better price than the others.
• Hawkers buying chickens from Spent-Hen Depots for resale to consumers.
Spent hen depots are owned by entrepreneurs who have a link with egg producing companies (farms),
breeder farms and broiler producers. They buy these chickens and then sell them to hawkers.
• Some producers hand slaughter chickens for their customers.
In this situation big drums are used for boiling water, then farmers will kill and pluck the birds. The hygiene
situation is not at its best in this case.
• Some producers do “custom-processing”.
In “custom-processing” producers make an arrangement with an abattoir to kill their chickens at a fee.
One “custom processor” (Orion) in Gauteng is currently charging R1.70 (VAT included) to process and
package one bird. An additional R0.50 is charged if the bird has to be cut-up.

Types of birds sold live

• Broilers
Broilers are young chickens usually under 8 weeks. They are of either sex and have tender meat with soft,
pliable, smooth-textured skin and flexible breastbone cartilage. Usually they weigh between 1,1 – 1,4 kg
• Cornish hen
The breeder stock after completing their production cycle are culled. These birds are referred to as Cornish
or Rocks in the townships. Usually hawkers source them from the spent-hen depots.
• Free-range chickens
Free-range chickens are not confined. They are allowed to roam around and feed on different food. They
usually take a longer time to mature because they scavenge and do not get well-balanced rations. Many
Africans like these chickens.
• Spent-hen Sales
Spent-hens are matured female chickens that have completed their egg production cycle. Due to the demand
for live birds, the selling of spent-hens is a relatively lucrative activity in South Africa. As a result, hen
depreciation cost is lower than in developed countries.

Review of price formation

Broiler production costs

Table 2: Weighted average cost structure in Rand per live broiler weight (kg)

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1998

Input Item (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R)

Day-Old Chick 0.35 0.38 0.40 0.49 0.56 0.80

Labour cost 1.58 1.74 1.72 1.78 2.01 2.80
R & M – equipment 0.07 0.08 0.10 0.1.2 0.13 0.18
Bedding 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01
Distribution 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.07
Energy & water 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.14
Medication 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.04
Other 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.28 0.32 0.43

Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs 5

Retail prices for chickens
Product Selling Price
Fresh whole chicken 14.00 to 15.00
Frozen whole bird 11.90 to 12.98
IQF thighs (2 kg) 31.99
IQF breast (2 kg) 25.99
Chicken fillet portions 29.98
Braai packs 20.98

Prices for live birds

Type of chicken Cost Price from supplier Selling Price to customers
(R) (R)
Broilers 15.00 to 16.00 20.00 to 25.00
Spent hens 15.00 to 16.00 20.00 to 25.00
Cornish 25.00 to 27.00 30.00 to 35.00
Free range N/A 20.00 to 25.00

The cost prices of live birds vary based on the quantities bought and the season (holidays, Christmas, etc.).
Some hawkers do slaughter based on customers’ requests. The price of the processed chicken is the same as
that of the live one!

Value adding
Processing activities
• Off-loading of birds from truck(s).
• Removing birds from coops (crates).
• Hanging birds on shackles upside down.
• Can be done by a knife or water bath.
• Immobilising birds.
• Help in calming birds.
• Blood flow to the head for proper bleeding.
• Cut the jugular vein.
• Head not removed from the body.
• Putting the bird in warm water to relax feathers.
Picking or defeathering
• Remove feathers by picker(s).
• Opening the body cavity to remove intestines.
Cut hock and neck
• Cut the hocks and remove the neck bones.
• Cutting the carcass into pieces.

6 Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs

Further processing
• Deboning.
• Cooking.
• Production of polony, vienna sausages, hot dogs, etc..

• Wash the carcass and giblets thoroughly.
• Chill in ice water 2 to 3 hours.
• Remove from chill water and drain.
• Place giblets in a small plastic bag.
• Place giblets in crop area of carcass.
• Place legs of carcass under the strip of skin left after the horizontal cut below the breast.
• Place carcass in plastic bag, draw out as much air as possible, and tie the bag with a wire tie.

Dressed poultry:
• can be stored in the refrigerator for several days and
• should be frozen if it is to be stored for more than seven days.

Starting a chicken farming business

Requirements to consider
When starting a chicken farming business it is important for the farmer to plan his enterprise properly. The first
thing to do is to prepare a business plan. This will address questions pertaining to the source and availability
of inputs, production scheduling, where to market the produce, and the feasibility of the enterprise. The extension
officer can assist farmers in preparing the business plan.
A market survey must be conducted to determine where to market the birds. This survey will assist in
• Where to sell chickens?
• At what price?
• In what form (live birds or dressed chickens)?
• Who are the competitors?
• At what price are they selling their chickens, etc.?
It is important that the farmer makes sure that he/she produces according to what the market demands.
Through the market survey the farmer can find out that there is a market for example:
• live birds,
• processed whole birds or
• cut-up chicken pieces.

Live birds
If the market is for live birds, then it is important to determine what quantity and quality of the produce is
required and what weights are looked for. Transport (bakkie or van) for chicken crates are a requirement
for marketing live chickens.

Processed chickens
For marketing processed chickens (whole birds or cut-up), an abattoir, packaging material, transport and
chicken crates will be required.

Production scheduling
To ensure constant supply right through the year the broiler enterprise must be planned in a way that every
week sales of birds occur. Ideally, eight houses must be erected to ensure constant supply. The broiler enterprise
must have a viable business plan, indicating all the aspects of the business.

Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs 7

Overall constraints
The following factors have been identified as constraints affecting the ability of emerging farmers to access
the market:
• Lack of regular supply of Day-Old Chicks (DOC) to enable constant supply of produce.
• It is difficult to enter the formal marketing sector.
The industry perceives that new entrants could cause oversupply of chickens. If new entrants do not
practice good management they could become vectors of disease (such as Newcastle disease). This leads
to a strong opposition to promoting broiler production by emerging farmers.
• The historical relationship of established producers with the markets could be difficult to change.
It is extremely difficult to gain entry to such markets for the new entrants. Through the influence of
Government, SAPA and the newly established empowerment companies (JVs) this situation could be
• Lack of information and exposure restricts access to markets.
It is important for the producers to know who needs which products at what price. Over and above the
traditional market that the producer is aware of, he/she must seek to know other possible markets. A
marketing plan and marketing skills are needed.
• Producers must apply themselves to seek market opportunities beyond what they are currently involved
in. In this regard, advisors, such as extension officers can provide a link between farmers and the market.

8 Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs

Activities for the extension officer
Contracting arrangements
Farmers should explore possibilities of becoming contract growers e.g.
the extension officers can facilitate this type of arrangement. They can also
play an important role in explaining the contract to farmers, so that all the
concerned parties know what is expected of them.

Transportation and holding area (pens)

Usually, hawkers arrange their own transport when they go to buy chickens from the farms. Each
hawker makes a contribution towards the hiring of transport. In many cases the chickens bought are not
properly handled, since overcrowding is common. This results in some chickens being bruised, broken legs
and wings or even death. Hawkers, through the assistance of extension officers, can be sensitized
about the importance of handling chickens humanely.
Some of the holding sheds or pens that hawkers are using need to be improved. Water and feed should
be provided by hawkers. Extension officers can play a role in providing basic information about chicken
rearing to hawkers to improve their businesses. Who knows, some hawkers may end up being producers!

Linking farmers to hawkers

Many hawkers buy chickens from white farmers. The emerging farmers should approach these hawkers
and make arrangements that they buy from them. Farmers can even entice hawkers by delivering the
eggs and chickens to them, since most hawkers have transport problems.
For hawkers to buy from these farmers, the price must be right and also a constant supply of eggs and
chickens must be secured. The extension officers can assist farmers in planning their enterprise to
schedule production according to the demand.

Providing information on regulations

Information on regulations such as health, packaging requirements, etc.
Some producers and hawkers are engaged in “back- yard slaughtering”. It is important for these people to
be made aware of minimum health requirements in the slaughtering of poultry. The extension officers can
provide information in this regard.

Training in production management

General training in chicken production is necessary. This can alleviate the fear of the industry which perceives
small-scale producers as potential disease vectors.

Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs 9

The Egg Industry
Three distinct sectors
The egg industry comprises of three distinct sectors:
• Day-Old Chick production.
• Layer replacement hen production
• Egg production.
Some large companies are integrated and are involved in all three sectors.

Day-Old Chicks
It is estimated that about 20 million Day-Old Chicks
are produced per annum (SAPA). The market of Processing
Day-Old Chick production is dominated by three plant
major companies, e.g. Nulaid, Golden Lay and
National Chicks/OTK. Other smaller producers are
also involved.
Layer replacement hens facility Culls Eggs Chickens
This involves the rearing of Day-old chicks into layer EGGS
replacement hens. Most of the Day-old producers
and other smaller producers or specialist rearers Egg laying
are involved in the production of layer replacement facility
Point of lay
Egg production
This involves the rearing of birds to sexual maturity
and then keeping them in lay for a year. The eggs facilities
produced are infertile and they are called table
eggs. Some producers begin their production
process by raising the day-old pullets, while other
buy point-of-lay pullets (e.g. 20 to 22 week-old
Hatching facility
pullets) that are ready to begin production. hatchery

Egg production process

Fertile egg
Production begins with the breeder stock, at the
fertile egg production facilities. Good quality eggs
are sent to the hatchery for incubation. Those eggs facilities
that are not good are sold as by-product to
consumers or entrepreneurs. (See figure 6.) Figure 6: The egg production process
Visual aid 4

10 Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs

The fertile eggs will produce day-old pullets that will be reared at the rearing facilities until they are ready for
laying. At the egg laying facility, the pullets will produce eggs that will be packaged and sold to consumers or
be sent for processing (see figure).

• Gauteng and Western Cape produce approximately 26 % and 24 % of the total production, followed by
North West with 15 % and KwaZulu-Natal with 13 %. (NDA - Trends in the Agricultural Sector, 1998)
• The South African layer flock consists of approximately 15,8 million birds in lay.
• National egg production volume of 12,5 million cases (1 case = 360 eggs) in 1998 represents an increase
of 8,5 % over 1997.
• Per capita consumption was 111 eggs in 1999 which includes egg products. When excluding the egg
product it was 105.
• The growth rates in egg consumption have been as follows:
1965 to 1975 66 %
1975 to 1985 20 %
1985 to 1995 57 %

Major players in the egg industry

Commercial egg production in South Africa depends exclusively on exotic strains brought into the country by
the following companies:
• Hy-line from USA
• Lohmann from Germany
• Amber Link from USA
• Hybro from Holland
These companies operate on their own or form joint ventures, distributorships or agencies with local poultry
companies to supply their breeding stock nationally or in selected provinces.
The egg production industry is fragmented with a few major players and a number of small and medium-sized
producers. Some of the major players include:

Name of Company Major Activities Area(s) of operation

Almur Smit (Hyline) Supply D-O pullets Based in the Free State but operates nationwide
Malan Chix (Hy-line) Supply D-O pullets and Gauteng
Lay ready hens
Bergvlei Chicks (Hybro) Supply D-O pullets and Western Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng
5 week lay pullets
National Chicks (Hy-line) D-O pullets Nationally
Nulaid Integrated egg producer Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Western Cape, Eastern Cape
OTK Integrated egg producer Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal
Golden Lay Integrated egg producer KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng
Highveld Cooperative Integrated egg producer
Eggbert Integrated egg producer Gauteng

Egg Board
The Egg industry, like the other agricultural sectors, used to be controlled by a Board. The Egg Board ceased
to exist in 1993.

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Marketing channels
Distribution channels
The distribution chain in the egg industry tends to be short, with more than 75 % of total production is delivered
directly to the formal trade sector. Distribution to the consumer is as follows.

Outlet Percentage
Wholesaler 14 %
Retail stores (e.g. Pick ’n Pay, Shoprite, Hyperama, Woolworths, Spar) 59 %
Small retail outlets (Butchers, cafes and quick shop petrol stations) 19,4 %
Cash sales from farms to mine hostels, learning institutions, as pulp for bakeries, 6,9 %
or to Ovipro, the egg processing plant

At present emerging farmers sell their eggs to black-owned shops, Spaza shops, butchers, hawkers,
restaurants, hotels and to a small extent to white traders (e.g. Cafes). Farmers do better when selling to
black customers since grading and packaging requirements are not as stringent. Farmers just clean
the eggs, sort them by size and package them either in plastic bags (in 6 or 12) or trays (30 eggs). At times
a mix of small and medium sized eggs are packed. (See figure 7.)

Spent-Hen depots
Spent-hen depots are owned
by entrepreneurs who have an
arrangement or contract with Retail
egg producing company/farm
and/or breeder farms to buy
culled birds for resale. The
depots also sell ungraded eggs Wholesaler
to hawkers.
Due to the demand for live
birds, the selling of spent-hens Formal and Franchise
(at the end of lay) is a sector stores
relatively lucrative activity in
South Africa and, as a result,
hen depreciation costs are
lower in South Africa than
developed countries, where
birds are often used for dog
or cat food. EGGS


Informal Spazas


Figure 7: Distribution channels

Visual aid 5

12 Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs

Industry evolution
The South African egg industry is bound to change considerably in the longer term. Government actions,
pressure from buyers, urbanisation, electrification of townships, population growth and cross-border trading
are all factors that will influence the future evolution of the egg industry.
The following changes may be expected:
• Fewer marketing chains due to consolidation.
• Rural development of small poultry farmers who may supply product to processors and marketers of
• Local egg producers producing and marketing eggs in other Southern African countries.

Requirements to improve marketing

Current situation
• Retailers are reluctant to encourage or support increased prices for these products.
• Retailers seldom, if ever, provide for merchandising. It is the producer who has to make sure that the eggs
are properly packed and displayed.
• “Promotion” in retailer’s terms denotes a discount price in order to use the product as an in-store attraction.
From the above it can be seen that it would be extremely difficult for emerging farmers to enter into the
retail supply chain, since it is looking for suppliers who can guarantee the demand at an acceptable
price and quality.
While some smaller producers can match the price and quality criteria, they are too small to supply the
needed quantities.

Future market growth

The African population represents the best market opportunities for emerging farmers. Distribution channels
to the low-income groups need to improve, and are doing so. The distribution of eggs to townships, spazas
and door-to-door sales must be promoted. Catering companies, hawkers buying in bulk from producers,
cooperatives, contracting, and government tenders all represent possible markets.
Many farmers don’t adhere to the grading requirements as stipulated by legislation. For small-scale farmers to
penetrate other markets it is important to begin following the regulations. Training in grading and packaging
can open new markets for small-scale producers, especially on government tenders.

The marketing process and post harvest handling

The following tasks are involved in marketing eggs:
• Collection of shell eggs from farms.
• Transportation to a grading or packing plant.
• Grading and standardising of eggs.
• Processing and packaging into useful forms that are stable and convenient.
• Provision of storage facilities.
• Movement of eggs through wholesale and retail channels.
• Final delivery of products to consumers at a convenient place and time.

Cooperative marketing
The black-owned cooperatives could be a vehicle for penetrating the formal marketing channels in
South Africa. Through cooperatives the produce of farmers can ensure larger supply of quantities, create a
brand name, and have “muscle” to negotiate prices on behalf of farmers. The function of the cooperative
can be to look for markets for members and also assist in preparing the produce (grading and packaging) and
marketing it.

Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs 13

Unfortunately, the black-owned cooperatives have not been doing well. Some contributory factors include:
• Lack of basic business skills
Cooperatives are not run as businesses.
• Seasonal activity
Cooperatives are focusing in selling inputs (feed, fertilizer, diesel, etc.), tractor and implement hire. Other
activities are neglected to make the cooperative functional right through the year. The idea of marketing
and value adding is not common among cooperatives.

Grading of eggs
Eggs are classified in the following three Grades:
• Grade 1
• Grade 2
• Undergrade

Egg standards
Size Minimum mass per egg (grams)
Jumbo More than 66 g
Extra large More than 59 g
Medium More than 51 g
Small More than 43 g
Mixed sizes Not specified

Egg Handling
• Eggs should be collected at least twice a day.
• More frequent gathering is recommended, especially during extremely hot or cold weather.
• When eggs are allowed to stay in the nest, the incidence of dirty and broken eggs increase. Broken eggs
encourage egg eating by the hens.
• Dirty eggs should be dry cleaned or washed with an egg washing compound as soon as possible after
• Eggs should be dried, placed in a clean carton, and refrigerated as soon as possible after gathering and
• Eggs sold to retail stores must be graded according to the specified legislation.

Plastic packaging material can be bought from wholesalers. Egg trays, specialised for packaging eggs, are
manufactured by Van Leer whom has setup distributors in the different provinces. (See Annexure C.)

Quality control
External: shell quality, cleanliness, size and weight.
Internal: size and condition of the air cell, condition of the yolk, condition of the egg white, presence of blood
spot and meat spots or other abnormalities in the white. This is examined through candling:

Quality parameter Accepted eggs Rejected eggs

Egg shell Whole Hair crack
Air space 1 – 1,5 cm 1,5 or more, loose
Yolk Firm, central Loose or at side
Egg white Clear Blood and meat spot

14 Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs

Pricing of eggs
Production costs
Cost structure per dozen Weighted average of 12 large egg producers
1994 1995 1996 1997
Net Sales 2.903 3.155 3.102 3.415
Cost contribution factor of purchases 0.035 0.036 0.037 0.032
Farm cost 1.722 1.744 2.017 2.366
Packaging 0.400 0.397 0.396 0.405
Distribution 0.147 0.154 0.147 0.145
Overheads 0.183 0.158 0.192 0.221
Profit before interest and other income 0.416 0.666 0.314 0.245

Average retail prices of eggs

The following egg prices are obtained from the Retailers during the Christmas period (December, 2000).
Although they reflect a few selected chain stores, they provide a general indication of prices.

Unit Pack Sizes

Large Extra large Jumbo
Half Dozen (6 eggs) R 2.57 – R2.69 R2.85 – R2.99 *
Dozen (12 eggs) R5.15 – R5.75 R5.65 – R6.75 *
One and Half Dozen (18 eggs) R8.59 – R8.75 R8.60 – R8.95 *
Two and Half Dozen (30 eggs) R13.99 – R14.80 R5.60 – R15.95 *

*No Jumbo sized eggs were available.

Producer egg prices

Unit Pack Jumbo Medium Small
Tray (30 eggs) R11.75 R9.50 R6.00
Case (30 dozens) R141.00 R140.00 R72.00

Challenges and opportunities

Commercial layer production
• Contract growing

Live sales-culls
Main requirements
• Working capital is required to procure stock and to cover overheads such as wages and fuel.
• Long-term finance would be required for the purchase of vehicles and equipment such as chicken crates.

Mortalities and cash in transit are the main risks.

Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs 15

Entrepreneurs with limited education and technical skills can be competitive.

Packaging of eggs
Main requirements
A fully equipped pack station which has access to labour, egg producers and markets is the main requirement.

The aspect of the value chain is ‘’high tech.” and capital intensive requiring a high level of skills in respect of
regulations, stock control and plant maintenance. Reliable sources of quality eggs are imperative.

• Small packaging plants are a possibility.
• Larger packaging plants can be established by organisations such as cooperatives and associations.

Retailing and franchises

Dominated by the major supermarket chains. Barriers to entry for this section are high due to the following
demands made on the suppliers:
• Formalised distribution channels.
• Ability to supply regional and nationally.
• Discount structures or promotional requirements.
• Sales and market support.

Catering sector, including spaza shops

Functionally is a distribution activity aiming to:
• Reach informal market.
• Move large volumes regularly.

Have less formalised requirements than the retail sector. The volumes required are lower, pricing practices are
more flexible and demand is more regionalised. This provides the small producer an opportunity to supply into
this market. It also has fewer barriers for new entrants to enter into the market.

16 Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs

Focus points for the extension officer
What extension officers can do
Business plan preparation
General guidelines.

Conducting a market survey

Rapid appraisal.

List of poultry stakeholders

Input suppliers:
• Hatcheries (source of day old chicks).
• Feed manufacturers (distributors and agents).
• Equipment and machinery suppliers.
• Pharmaceutical companies (vaccine, animal drugs, etc.).
Institutions, organisations and companies involved in poultry:
• Companies that are major players in the industry (e.g. Rainbow, Country Birds, etc.).
• Research institutions (ARC).
• Learning institutions (NPI).
• Medunsa.
• Universities providing training in poultry.
• NGOs and consultants (engaged in poultry development).

To provide basic understanding of the contract requirements, expectation and rewards of the contract.

Price information or where to get it from

Sources of price information.

• How much does it cost to produce a chicken?
• How much does it cost to produce a dozen of eggs?

What the extension officer can assist in as resource person and

• Business plan preparation.
• Market survey.
• Production scheduling and coordination in input supply.
• Contracting arrangement.
• Commodity group formation.
• Link producers to hawkers, markets and processors.
• Provide information on regulations (health and packaging requirements).

Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs 17

Possible strategies for emerging farmers
Strategies for the chicken and egg producer

Market Opportunity Weakness

Contracting. Small-scale farmers can enter into a contract Contract chicken growing and egg
with a processing or a packaging plant or an production is currently dominated by
integrated company to supply a stipulated white farmers. The contractor
number of chickens or eggs at a time. This specifies certain requirements (e.g.
provides a steady market for the small-scale size of building, type of feed,
farmer. vaccination programs) that the
contractee must adhere to, or face

Supply to consumers. Consumers can buy chickens or eggs at the For the door-to-door and the
farm stalls. The farmer can employ a door-to- “”Yapee”” market the farmer may be
door sales representative to take orders in the requested to slaughter the chickens at
township. “Yapees” who have moved into the no extra charge because it is just a
suburbs can still enjoy fresh “real farm chicken” service.
or “free range chickens” and they can afford to
pay the price.

Supply to hawkers. Live chickens or eggs can be sold to hawkers The farmer must provide transport
on a regular basis. Since most hawkers have a and crates (for chickens). Though it
transport problem, the farmer can entice them seems as a weakness, it is a
by delivering the chickens or eggs at their mechanism to ensure business with
sheds or holding area. Hawkers must place the hawkers.
their orders so that deliveries can be carried out
by Friday in preparation for the weekend.

Supply to hotels, There are many tourist initiatives and A processing plant (or custom
restaurants, caterers, developments in the townships that need to be processing1), packaging plant and
township bed & catered for. Unfortunately at the moment they transport will be required to supply
breakfast (B&B’s), are under-serviced and still depend on the these clients. Quantities demanded by
guest houses, and traditional distribution channels. Entrepreneurs these clients fluctuate over time,
tourist shebeens. can intercept by servicing this clientele. meaning that the farmer must have an
assertive sales person.

Supply to township Besides the well known (e.g.. Kentucky and The requirement is to process, cut-up
chicken-outlets. Nandos) chicken outlets, there are several new and package the product. The clients
ones mushrooming in the townships. need small sized pieces, meaning that
the chickens can be slaughtered at an
early age of five to six weeks instead
of seven.

Supply to township Some entrepreneurs have positioned The small-scale farmer has to
cold storage themselves in the townships and other former process and package the chickens.
distributors. black areas to distribute eggs and chicken The distributor has to assist in
meat. The concept here is “TO BRING THE securing refrigerators for his clients
PRODUCT TO THE CONSUMER” to reduce (especially for chickens in Spaza
the transport constraint. Small-scale farmers shops). This may need some creative
can supply these distribution centres. thinking in forming cooperatives and
involving other stakeholders.

-Custom processing occurs when a producer without a processing plant makes an arrangement with a processor to
process his/her birds at a given fee.

18 Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs

Market Opportunity Weakness

Market through The black owned cooperatives could be a In South Africa, unfortunately the black
cooperatives. vehicle for penetrating the formal marketing owned cooperatives have not being
channels in South Africa. Through cooperatives doing well. There is a need to revamp
the farmers can ensure larger quantities, create these cooperatives.
a brand name and have a “muscle” to negotiate
for better prices. The function of the cooperative
can either be to look for markets for members or
assist in preparing the produce (grading and
packaging) before marketing.

Supply through Every year tenders from the government This requires processing, packaging,
tendering. departments (e.g. correctional services, grading and refrigerated trucks. Such
hospitals, etc.) are published for the supply of tenders can also be done as a Joint
chickens and eggs. Small-scale farmers stand a Venture (JV) with established
chance because of the ten point system companies.
designed for the Previously Disadvantaged
Individuals (PDI’s) provided they can meet the
price, quality and quantity requirements.

Supply mining houses. Mines have kitchens and hospitals that are This requires processing, packaging,
serviced by caterers (in-house or as an out- grading and refrigerated trucks.
sourced service). Some of these mines are now
owned by Black Empowerment Groups who can
be lobbied to empower small-scale farmers.

Other markets. The Poultry Industry, SAPA, new Black

Empowerment Groups must be lobbied to open
up for small-scale producers, or even better, the
government must facilitate the process to create
the enabling environment.

Other rural-based enterprises capable of supplying additional income for a small-scale farmer.

Market Opportunity Weakness

Cleaning. Teams (labourers) to provide the service of The farmer must adhere to labour
cleaning, removal of manure (litter) and laws and regulations.
disinfecting poultry houses after production

Transportation. Many chicken and egg producing companies High capital input needed to secure
out-source transportation in their business since trucks and crates.
it is not their core function.

Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs 19

Business plan outline

Executive summary

Country information
• General information, statistics and facts, geography, sociopolitical information..

Provincial information
• General information, statistics and facts, geography.

Regional summary information

• General information, statistics and facts.

The proposed business

• The project or business, aims and objectives, association, structures and activities,community structures,
associations and communal benefits.

Project operation and management

• Implementing agency, availability of local skills and contributions, association participants and contribution,
implementation of time schedule, roles and activity requirements, members of the association,

Marketing and production plan

• Market area and location, competitors in area, remained, marketing strategy, production process, fixed
capital, requirements, sources and input, maintenance and repairs, human and labour resources.

Budget and financial plan

• Capacity building requirement, financial and loan requirements, financial feasibility of the project - costs
(start up), operational costs, project returns.

Key performance indicators

• Monthly expectations, quarterly expectations, annual expectations

• Will you get a written contract to sign, can you refuse to sign or discuss the terms?
• Supply of inputs (e.g. day-old-chicks, feed, medication).
• Is there a provision for arbitration or mediation?
• Have you done a cost flow analysis on the contract?
• What happens if disease hit the farms, or it is a poor stock to start with, can you refuse to take the stock?
• What happens if stock dies in a heat-wave or other disaster, is the loss shared?

About pay
• If the contract covers several years, what adjustments are made for inflation or changes in interest rates?
• What basis are you going to be paid? Concentrate on being paid on what you can control.
• Can birds be rejected at the processing plant?

20 Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs


Case studies A
Broiler industry
Ms. Thenjiwe Ngqula – Chicken Breeding Project
Thenjiwe Ngqula and her sister Nomvula are involved in a poultry production business at Umzimkulu in the
Eastern Cape. Thenjiwe is a pharmacist by profession and Nomvula is a farmer.
Thenjiwe started the poultry business because she felt that the eggs and chicken she bought from the shop
taste differently from the farm produce. She started farming in 1992.

Types of breed and breeding stock

Thenjiwe farms with Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpingtons, Black Australorps, Brown and Barred Leghorns, as
well as white, Speckled and light Sussex.
Her first breeding stock was bought at R50 each from a Bronkhorstspruit farmer. She bought Buff Orpington
hens and roosters from him. She also bought some Rhodes Island, Red hens and roosters from a Kokstad
farmer and some of her first stock was also bought from Gauteng.

Some of the stock that she keeps goes to farmers who grow them out to layer stage for selling and slaughtering
purposes or as breeding stock to egg producers. The community also buys many of her fowls to improve their
own stock, at R16 per bird.

• When Thenjiwe started the poultry business it was very difficult to obtain the breeding stock. This
meant that she had to search for breeding stock from farmers that were located far away. As her
operation became bigger she was able to breed her own stock.
• The business is now flourishing and is becoming difficult for her to keep up with the demand. Due
to this, Thenjiwe plans to build what she calls a “deluxe hut” with electricity, fans and heaters. This
will enable her to raise chicks up to the age of 18 weeks before selling them as breeders or layers.

Mr. Thlongwane
Mr. Thlongwane started farming early in the 1960s when a black person was not allowed to own land and get
involved in farming. He started chicken farming on a 1 ha plot in 1969 and built his first chicken-house. He now
has the right to occupy 33 ha. He has developed the land and set up infrastructure.

Production activities
Mr. Thlongwane produces 2 000 broiler chickens a week. He cultivates tomatoes on 20 to 24 ha of land,
cabbage on 18 ha, mealies on 6 to 10 ha and senano chillies on 2 to 5 ha annually. He produces bananas on
5 ha and mangoes on 5 ha. He keeps a herd of 80 cattle on another 1 000 ha of leased land.

Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs 21

Charleen Klinkert Poultry Farm
Charleen Klinkert is a poultry farmer at Honeydew near Krugersdorp. According to Charleen the only way in
which the South African farmer can invest in the future of this country is to help the black farmers to get on their
feet. She further indicates that a new generation of new black farmers need to be developed. Charleen indicates
that on her farm they have proved that the black farmers are keen and willing to help themselves if they are
given enough boost to get going.

Broiler business
They first started with laying hens flattening them. At first they did not do well but after getting some advice,
bought 1 000 day-old broiler chicks and raised them on a small and rather dilapidated plot. When the broilers
were old enough they were slaughtered under a tree. They used old baths as water containers and stored the
cleaned chickens in a domestic refrigerator.

Charleen and her sons are now supplying more than 60 chain store shops in the area with whole birds. Their
contracts with supermarkets have grown significantly which means that they have to slaughter more birds and
they need more houses to keep up with a steady supply.

Empowering of the work force

There are about 250 workers on the farms, some have been working for them for about 10 years. She was
once approached by a group of workers representing a total of six families who said they wanted to buy
property because they wanted to farm. They decided to pool their money and asked if she could help them buy
a farm. The idea was to become contract growers supplying broilers to the abattoir. She also indicates that
having her workers owning their property has been a tremendous encouragement.

• Became a profitable business because they diversified into the added value of slaughtering and
selling direct to retail shops.

Transvaal Broiler Breeders (TBB) and the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) have assisted the
Rust De Winter community to grow eggs on contract for Transvaal chicks.

Mkhoma Poultry Project

A community project that is run by an association of fifteen members in Tweefontein, Northern Highveld,
Mpumalanga. They raise thousand birds every month, and sell live birds to the community.

Thula Uzobona Broiler Project

This is a community project that was started by women in Bronkhorstspruit. The association consists of forty
women who are all responsible for the success of this project. Besides broiler production the association is
involved in other projects such as making peanut butter, craft making, and will be setting-up a vegetable
nursery shortly.

Thokos Broiler Project

Thoko was one of the beneficiaries of a Land Reform Project in Onbekend. When the project failed, Thoko
requested to proceed utilizing the facility on lease. Thoko is raising four thousand birds every fortnight. She
sells her birds live to neighbouring communities and hawkers.

22 Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs

Egg industry
Agricultural Development Corporation, in the Northern Province has assisted emerging farmers to grow eggs
for Mashashane hatchery on contract basis.

Workers of Nulaid have bought a stake in the Nulaid egg-producing farm near Kaalfontein. Such an
empowerment deal is a new concept for the poultry industry, unlike in other agricultural sectors where worker
have bought stakes in their companies.

Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs 23


Price list B
Broiler industry
1. Producer price
Table: Yearly average broiler price in South Africa

Year Whole frozen (Rand/kg) Whole fresh (Rand/kg)

1996 7.45 7.40
1997 7.74 8.46
1998 8.07 9.04
Part 1999 7.40 8.70
Source: SSA

2. Production costs

Description of cost 500 birds per week 1 000 birds per week 3 000 birds per week
(cents/bird) (cents/bird) (cents/bird)

Feed cost 734.70 738.90 710.40

Chick cost 206.00 205.00 197.00
Gas cost 43.10 43.10 43.10
Medication 25.4 25.4 25.4
Water and disinfectant 4.50 4.50 4.50
Telephone 23.10 11.50 3.80
Labour 90.00 75.00 45.00
Shavings and collection 37.50 37.50 37.50
Depreciation, repair and maintenance 58.50 57.30 53.20
Cost per bird 1258.40 1230.80 1150.70
Production cost per kilogram live 544.80 532.80 498.20

Source: Meadow Feeds, January 2001

24 Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs

Egg industry

1. Egg prices

Table: Yearly average egg prices

Year Producer price Retail price

Large (Rand/dozen) Large (Rand/dozen)
1996 3.86 4.47
1997 4.26 4.90
1998 4.14 5.21
Part 1999 4.05 5.14
Source: SAPA

2. Production costs

Number of layers
2 000 4 000 8 000 1 6000
(c/doz) (c/doz) (c/doz) (c/doz)

Feed cost 205.3 194.4 194.1 193.5

Hen depreciation 32.0 32.0 29.5 26.9
Labour cost 22.6 15.1 13.2 12.2
Electricity 6.3 3.8 2.5 1.7
Water 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Vet and disinfectant 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Depreciation, maintenance and repairs 10.3 10.2 10.2 10.2
Total production costs 279.6 258.6 252.5 247.7


Packaging 40.6 40.6 40.6 40.6

Grading 16.3 10.0 7.8 7.4
Stationery & Phone 10.0 6.3 3.8 2.5
Transport 35.1 25.1 18.8 12.6
Marketing Costs 101.9 81.8 70.8 62.8
Total Costs Including marketing 381.5 340.4 323.4 310.5
Source: Meadow Feeds, January 2001

Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs 25


Useful information C
South African Poultry Association (SAPA) List of distributors of egg packaging material
SAPA provides information on poultry statistics in Van Leer manufactures egg trays (specialised for
their monthly Poultry Bulletin. The statistics pertains packaging eggs). The distributers in the different
to broilers and layers. Statistics captured include:
provinces are:
• Broiler prices.
• Potential weekly broiler processing.
• Day Old Broiler parents placed. A&X Beleggings
• South African poultry meat imports. Bronkhorstspruit, GAUTENG
• Raw material report, etc. Tel: (013) 933 3225
Contact: Louis van Zyl
Farmers Weekly
The First National Bank (FNB) provides information Jerikan Bemarkers
on agricultural commodities through their article Springs, GAUTENG
called “First National Agricultural Market Price Tel: (011) 813 1200 (ext. 298)
Trends”. The following statistics are covered: Contact: Johan de Vries
• Poultry price trends. (Broiler).
• Livestock price trends. (Beef, mutton, pork and L. Komm Wholesalers
wool.) Vereeniging, GAUTENG
• Crop price trends. (Yellow maize, white maize, Tel: (016) 422 2097
wheat, oilseeds.)
Jamaica Wholesalers
SA Poultry Association
Brakpan, GAUTENG
PO Box 1202 Tel: (011) 740 1718
Honeydew 2040 Contact: Louis De Agreta
Tel: (011) 795 2051/2
Fax: (011) 795 3180 Driesan Plastic
E-mail: [email protected]
Groblersdal, MPUMALANAGA
National African Farmers Union Tel: (013) 262 3353

PO Box 9624 Brown’s Cash & Carry

Centurion 0046
Ficksburg, FREE STATE
KwaZulu-Natal Poultry Institute (KZNPI) Tel: (015) 933 2301

PO Box 101188 FamPak

Pietermaritzburg 3209
Tel: (021) 93 3524
Tel: (033) 346 0049

Midlands Community College Western Province Cooperative

PO Box 40
Tel: (02361) 42240
Nottingham Road 3280
Tel: (033) 263 6586
Highfield Manufacturing cc
Nansindlela Kroonstad, FREE STATE
Tel: (0562) 125531
PO Box 20
Cato Ridge 3680
Tel: (033) 783 4301

26 Paper no. 9 on Broilers and Eggs

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