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Senior High School Department

Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


The usage of technology, internet and digital communication plays a huge part in

millions of individual lives especially to the lives of young generations who are considered as

a mass of social media users Ziyadin et al., (2019). Along with the existence of social media,

a lot of marketers and business owners view social media as a mechanism that can effectively

promote their products and services to the existing and potential customers in a greater

community. The process of promoting a product or service through different online channels

is thus defined as social media marketing (Yong & Hassan, 2019). The prevalence of

promotional activities on social media has significantly altered the marketing landscape and

the marketers put more emphasis on their social media strategy to exchange value with their

customers. Through social media, consumers can visit online communities to learn more

about their opinions and obtain a better understanding of a good or service (Dedeolu et al.,

2020). One of the most interesting aspects of modern marketing is how social media

promotes changes in consumer behavior (Scolere et al., 2018).

Purchase intention is the consumer's future intention to purchase goods or services

(Arifani & Haryanto, 2018). Intention, according to Farah (2017), denotes the subjective

likelihood that a particular action will be carried out. The way individuals’ shop has changed

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students
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as well as a result of social media (Chen et al., 2017). Online consumers even rely more now

on the information shared in social media networks when making purchases. In order to

decide whether to buy a good or service, consumers consider product evaluation when

making their decision Liana and Oktafani (2020). According to a study, social networking

sites display a wide range of products with new brands that are currently on the market Kirti

(2019). Additionally, they offer details regarding various product brands. Social media

platforms offer a wealth of comments and feedback regarding the consumers desired

products. In contrast to benevolence, which refers to consistent ties between seller and buyer,

credibility-based trust is predicated on reputation and refers to the presumption that the other

person in a transaction is trustworthy (Joshi & Sharma, 2019). is defined as the overall

knowledge consumers have in a certain brand. Consumers’ trust arises when the consumer

receives satisfaction from the brand where the product or service has been purchased

(Satriadi et al., 2022). In this study, online communities' perceptions of trust in terms of

online transactions are examined. Although trust is shown differently, it is founded on several

aspects like honesty, capacity, competency, and recognition (Pirson et al., 2017). As a result,

customers receive the information they need about the various products made by various

firms, which is helpful for better understanding how social media marketing affects consumer

purchase behavior. The major purpose is to examine how social media marketing affects

consumers' trust and purchasing intention.

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Background of the Study

Consumers today prefer to employ new technologies instead of the traditional

information system. Social media is currently the main and leading market channel for

commodities (Wang & Yu, 2017). In a 2019 survey of American online shoppers, it was

discovered that 72% of respondents had used social media to find new products.

Comparatively, in the previous year, 36% of American online shoppers also made a direct

purchase on a social media platform Chevalier, (2021). According to the study, 87% of

respondents would be willing to pay more for products or services that are simpler to access.

In 14 nations, including the Philippines, 12,500 people were studied in 2020 to determine

how consumer behavior had changed. 93% of respondents from the Philippines stated that

when choosing an item to buy, convenience and price are both the important factors to

consider (Cudis, 2021).

According to Yu et al. (2018), the readiness of consumers to make a purchase is a

measure of purchase intention by customers of products or services. Customers view things

from various angles, and trust or perceived risk has a significant impact on their decisions

(Rachbini, 2018). It is an important instrument in the hands of advertisers to determine the

future spending patterns of consumers and to enable them to identify appropriate promotional

methods to forge long-lasting relationships with customers (Sangurde, 2019). Social media

platforms also enable organizations to monitor competitors, as valuable data from

competitors can be collected and used to improve decision-making processes (Tuten &

Solomon 2017). According to Voramontri and Klieb (2018), who discuss the effect of social

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media on consumer behavior, people who use social media report that making decisions was

simpler and more enjoyable than those who rely on other information sources, such as TV,

radio and newspapers. According to his study on how social media affects consumer buying

behavior, 475 of young people's purchases are impacted by it, and consumers are 71% more

likely to make a purchase based on recommendations from social media Fitzgerald (2019).

Thus, this study investigates how social media marketing impacts consumers' trust

among Marian College of Baliuag Inc. ABM students. Therefore, the main research question

is, “How may social media marketing be described as having impact in terms of the level of

consumer’s trust and purchase intention?” In addition, since social media marketing

influences customer loyalty and credibility, it would be fascinating to discover how these

factors impact customers' trust in relation to their desire to make a purchase. Consequently,

the second research query is stated as follows: Is there a significant relationship between

social media marketing and the level of consumers’ trust and also in purchase intention of the

consumers’. In order to solve the aforementioned issues, research goals were created to track

the impact in consumers’ trust and intentions brought on by social media marketing. For this

reason, it is necessary to analyze the link between consumers' trust in online marketing and

buying intention. In other words, this study analyzes the impact of social media marketing

and consumers’ trust in their purchase intentions.

Statement of the Problem

The study, entitled “The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers Trust and

Purchase Intention of ABM Students at Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023”

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aimed to investigate the impact of using social media marketing and how this will affect

consumers' purchase intentions and consumers' trust. The results of this study could be a basis

and give insights into the impact of social media marketing on consumers' purchase

intentions, consumers' trust and most importantly, to the marketers.

Particularly, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

1.1 Gender

1.2 Age

1.3 Grade level

2. How may the consumer's trust of the ABM students be described?

3. How may the purchase intention of the ABM students be described?.

4. What is the impact of social media marketing on consumer's trust of ABM students?

5. What is the impact of social media marketing on purchase intention of ABM students?


Ha. Social Media Marketing has a significant impact on consumer’s trust of ABM Students.

Ho. Social Media Marketing has no impact on consumer’s trust of ABM Students.

Ha. Social Media Marketing has a significant impact on purchase intention of ABM Students.

Ho. Social Media Marketing has no impact on purchase intention of ABM Students.

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Theoretical Framework

Uses and Gratifications Theory Blumler & Katz (1974). Social media marketing is

defined as the use of social media channels to create, communicate, deliver, and trade product

offerings that are valuable to an organization's stakeholders (Tuten and Solomon, 2017).

From the uses and gratification’s theory standpoint, social media marketing may be seen as

containing a variety of motivating reasons (Athwal et al., 2019., Choi et al., 2016; Irsland,

2018). One of the most well-liked theories to explain consumers' basic demands and how

they affect various behavioral intentions is the Uses and Gratifications Theory (UGT).

Researchers strongly advise the use of UGT to assess customer needs with regard to social

media marketing (Choi et al., 2016: Ho and See To 2018).

Previous research has empirically examined UGT to examine the effects of various

consumer motivations on various behavioral outcomes, such as consumer intentions to join

brand pages (Muk et al., 2014). And engagement behavior in terms of liking sharing and

commenting on the marketing content on social media (Dolan et al., 2016). Consequently,

researchers in their previous studies believe that Uses and Gratifications Theory (UGT) is a

good paradigm for examining the effects of consumers' motivation (such as reward, social,

and empowerment) on their online purchase intentions (behavioral outcome). Additionally,

Uses and Gratification Theory is about how consumers choose to consume or use media as

their medium in purchasing products online because they expect to obtain specific

gratification or satisfaction as a result of those selections. This is also a consumers motivation

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in their online purchase, when the consumers are motivated to purchase online they will have

trust on those products advertised online.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram

Figure 1 represents the Conceptual Framework of the study. The study consists

of 3 variables, which are, Social Media Marketing, Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention.

The aim of this study is to determine the impact of social media marketing on

consumers’ trust and purchase intention of the students at Marian College of Baliuag, Inc

A.Y. 2022-2023. As shown in the figure above, social media marketing is the independent

variable and consumers' trust and purchase intention are the dependent variables of this study.

This study examines how social media marketing affects the students in terms of their

consumers' trust and intention to purchase. The dependent variables are the purchase

intention and consumers trust as this serves as the variable mainly influenced by the

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independent variable which is social media marketing. Furthermore, this figure serves as a

guide in realizing the study’s objectives.

Significance of the Study

The researchers of this study want to identify The Impact of Social Media Marketing

on Consumers Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students at Marian College of Baliuag,

Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023. In accordance to this, the study would benefit the following:

To the Students, as the most active users of social media and easily influenced by

different advertisements, it is necessary for them to have ideas on how to purchase

responsibly by knowing in this study the factors that can actually affect their purchase

decisions. This study mainly helps them in terms of improving their critical thinking as

consumers of online platforms and significantly when purchasing a product or service.

To the Consumers, this study aims to serve as a guide for consumers to become

aware of the things that should be remembered when purchasing on social media. This study

might help them to make wiser buying decisions and gain knowledge about the positive and

negative impact of purchasing through social media.

To the Business Owner, this study serves as a guide for them to be aware of how

consumers think before purchasing a product. As this study will further discuss and determine

the impact of social media marketing, business owners can also gather information that will

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be significantly helpful and important in the creation of more effective marketing strategies

for their business which is operated through online.

To the Community, as the main target of every business this study gives them

knowledge to become wise consumers. This helps them to enhance and evaluate their

decision making and also give them awareness towards online platforms and to gain

sufficient insights on how powerful social media marketing is in terms of influencing their

purchase decision.

To the Future Researchers, this study helps the future researchers who will also

conduct the same study to adopt and gather relevant data that further deepen their

understanding with regards to social media marketing and consumers purchase intention. This

study can also assist and be beneficial in the development of their research.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The general overarching goal of this study is to seek and identify the impact of social

media marketing on consumer’s trust and purchase intention of students. This research

mainly focuses on all Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) students in Marian

College of Baliuag, Inc. located in San Jose, Baliuag, Bulacan. The research sample is

composed of a population of sixty-two (62) ABM Students from grade 11 and sixty-one (61)

ABM students from grade 12 level. Each of the participants in this research will be given a

printed questionnaire personally to answer.

The other students from different strands which are the STEM, HUMSS and GAS are

not part of this study. This research will only be delimited to a particular strand which is

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students
at Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023 9
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Accountancy Business Management (ABM) Academic Year 2022-2023. This study may not

be available to other students as well as to the other schools and campuses here in Baliuag,


Definition of Terms

Conceptual Definition:

Consumer’s Trust - is defined as the overall knowledge consumers have in a certain brand.

It arises when the consumer receives satisfaction from the brand where the product or service

has been purchased (Satriadi et al., 2022)

Purchase Intention - it is referred to as the desire of the customer to purchase at a period of

time a certain product or service (Sianturi et al., 2022).

Social Media Marketing - is the new strategy used commonly by marketers to advertise

their products and services on various social media channels. It is a process that occurs

through online channels that enables marketers to reach out into a much larger number of

population to promote their products as well as their services (Yong and Hassan, 2019).

Operational Definition:

Consumer’s Trust - it refers to how consumer’s view or believe that a brand can provide

their satisfaction after purchasing a product or service.

Purchase Intention - defined as the customer's future intention or tendency to purchase

either goods or services.

Social Media Marketing - refers to the process of promoting a product or service with the

use of different social media platforms.

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Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Social Media Marketing

According to Daula (2023), Social media is a platform that has become the most

effective and fastest way to reach out to individuals. Moreover, it allows every business in

this present era to be capable of effortlessly promoting their business brand. As stated by

Daula (2023), one reason why social media have become the fastest and most effective way

to reach out to every individual, particularly the mass of social media users is that it is not

limited by any demographic, geographic rules, and regulations. It offers free and easy access

for everyone. Additionally, everything revolves around social media in the modern age and

most of the time, people spend their hours surfing on the internet. Consequently, it has

brought new opportunities to the business owners particularly in using it as a free marketing


The moment social media was recognized as an effective platform and has been utilized

as a free marketing tool, the term “social media marketing” has been introduced. Internet

marketing or commonly known as social media marketing is a process that is commonly used

as a new way of marketing to catch the attention of the users through social media and also

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includes the creation, delivering and exchanging values between organizations and existing

customers. Through social media marketing, the awareness about the brand that is promoted

is increasing, it is mainly the result of the easy interaction of the organizations with the huge

number of social media audience. There is no doubt that even simply engaging and making a

page for a brand on social media will make the brand’s name more recognizable. And if used

often, it might also bring in potential customers which is another advantage for the business

(Ziyadin et al., 2019).

Chrisniyanti and Fah (2022) studied the impact of Social Media Marketing on Purchase

Intention of skincare products among Indonesian young adults. In this study, it was found out

that the study’s variable which is social media marketing has a significant relationship with

purchase intention and young adults as social media users are proven to be heavily influenced

by contents shared in social media before purchasing a certain product. The findings therefore

highlight the significance of activities implemented through social media marketing. It is

stated that the marketers must utilize social media marketing in a creative and effective

manner in order to increase the customers brand awareness, engagement and intention to

purchase and for their business to maintain high income for a long period of time.

The study by Chan, Purwanto & Hendratono (2020), entitled Social Media Marketing,

Perceived Service Quality, Consumers Trust and Online Purchase Intentions found out a

different and opposite conclusion in their study. In their study, it was found out that Social

Media Marketing and Consumers Trust has no significant impact with Purchase Intention.

This result justifies that not all the results in previous studies about the impact of social media

marketing and trust on purchase intention are the same. Moreover, the conclusion of the study

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demonstrates that social media marketing and trust did not always directly influence the

purchase intention of consumers. And to be able to influence the consumers by these

variables, the business owners or marketers must implement a more effective marketing

strategy in advertising their products and services.

The study of Saleem (2021) stated that social media marketing is the use of social

media platforms to reach out to people in order to grow a business's brand and increase sales.

It revealed that marketers are absolutely delighted to see social media as a new set of

channels for marketing their products or services. Therefore, companies have begun to

provide social networking platforms to their customers, and have occupied them with blogs

and other social media tools. Golzadeh and Gharachorloo (2021) claimed that despite the

growth of social media marketing and its benefits to the world, there are still some negative

impacts on it for the consumer. Social networks have their own issues that can cause

problems for their consumers, such as a lack of knowledge on how to use social media, a

slow internet connection, selecting the right platform to purchase from, and the risk of

purchasing products online.

Komarova (2021) stated that the modern history of social media began in 1997 with the

launch of and has progressed through the launch of major sites such as

Facebook, Instagram, and others. The rapid growth of social media is due to the availability

of mobile communication devices and the launch of 3G networks in 2007. Since the

beginning of the 21st century, social media have been progressively enhancing the

communication between people and their contents, including music, movies, information,

videos, and graphics (Safdar and Abbasi, 2020). Over the past two decades, social media has

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undergone massive change as a tool that allows the creation and distribution of user-

generated content (Studen and Tiberius, 2020).

Consumer’s Trust

Consumer trust according to Kumar (2018) working closely with customers both

current and potential and business partners becomes the most crucial issue and keeping

consumers' trust while using social media marketing tactics. Furthermore, in the study

conducted by the Irshad (2020), consumers' intents to make purchases online were positively

influenced by compensation and social reasons. However, trust completely links between

customers' intentions to make online purchases. In the above-mentioned, Lăzăroiu (2020)

asserts that one of the primary motivators of purchasing is trust. The risk will be reduced as a

result of the trust that has been established, allowing customers to make future decisions

without consequence and can be earned, constantly demonstrated, and built over time.

Although trust is shown differently, it is founded on several aspects like honesty,

capacity, competency, and recognition (Pirson et al., 2017). Even yet, there are still

dimensions and concepts associated with danger and ambiguity in the online environment.

Compassion and integrity are the two main facets of trust that this approach emphasizes

(Ceglarz et al., 2017). Benevolence refers to consistent ties between seller and buyer, whereas

trust based on credibility refers to the idea that the other party in a transaction is trustworthy

and depends on reputation (Joshi & Sharma, 2019). In this study, trust is examined in relation

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to online communities and online transactions. On social networking sites, peer trust will also

be taken into account.

According to the study of Ahmed (2023) by considering that social media marketing

has transformed how businesses engage and how consumers perceive brands. Positive social

media reviews, comments, and mentions can boost a brand's reputation and win over more

customers. Businesses can improve consumers' trust by using social media efficiently.

However, the widespread of false information and fake news on social media can harmfully

affect the reputation of a business. Ferdousi (2022) stated that trust plays a crucial role in

customers exchanging information for business transactions. The important components of

trust include consumers standards, risk, security, and confidence. Kulkarni (2022) claimed

that every business reputation must include the three elements of recognizing, interpreting,

and occasionally seeking to influence consumers' trust for them to make a purchase.

If you want to establish your brand on social media and earn market reputation,

posting promotional texts and photographs probably won't cut it. Utilizing the various tools at

your disposal to engage with your audience and maintaining the highest level of transparency

is a preferable strategy. Remember that in this case, transparency is essential. Be sincere and

true in all of your interactions. Make sure your followers are aware of any sponsored material

or compensated endorsements you are doing. It will only increase consumer confidence in

your brand (Tercarolli, 2021).

Trust means that in the exchange situations will behave accordingly and consider the

interests of the other. Studies that analyze the relationship between consumers' trust are still

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scarce. Consistent with equity theory, the more a consumer believes that the price they're

paying is fair, the more likely they believe that their MFI (micro finance institutions) is being

honest and not exploiting. The perception of a pair price creates a relationship that is more

equitable and leads to a sense of well-being and confidence, as well as customer trust.

(Fernandes and Calamote 2016).

Purchase Intention

Purchase intention refers to a consumer's intention or possibility to make a future

purchase of goods or services (Arifani & Haryanto, 2018). Many theories should evaluate

customer behavior and identify the socioeconomic factors that influence purchasing intention

in the modern period, according to a number of academics and analysts (Rezaei and

Ghofranfarid, 2018). They held that trust, situation, and involvement all had a favorable

effect on the intention to buy. Through an empirical study, Chen et al. (2018) determined the

influencing elements of buy intention of social e-commerce. They held the opinion that

consumer behavior and decision-making will be influenced by perceived value and social

awareness factors. These studies demonstrated the substantial theoretical and applied

usefulness of research on customers' buying intention and behavior. To investigate the effect

of perceived value on purchase intention, this study uses buy intention as a response.

Laksamana (2018) claims that social media in influencing consumers' purchase intentions,

media marketing is also essential. The customer is accustomed to weighing their options

before making a purchase by consulting the available data. By using the available interchange

of information, reviews, and reactions, social media helps users to create trust toward the

company providing and overcoming related fears.

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Consumer Purchase Intention in terms of Purchasing Products

Yuen et al. (2021) stated that purchase intent is affected by the social commerce's

engagement, commitment, sociability, and customization. Customer-to-customer interactions

and customer perceptions of value mediate the relationship between the technological aspects

of the social commerce environment and purchase intentions. The mechanisms underlying

this influence still require clarification, though. In relation to the above statement, purchase

intention, which is directly related to consumer viewpoint, is defined as the customer's

likelihood of purchasing a good or a service in the near future (Makudza et al., 2020).

Moreover, the marketers need to gain an understanding of the qualities of the consumers,

their purchasing behavior, and the reasons that influence them to develop a purchase intention

in order to acquire plus sustain consumers in such a sizable and fiercely competitive market.

Based on Dash et al. (2021) the goal of maximizing customer satisfaction and influencing

consumers' purchasing intentions shows that brand identity and brand image are important

elements in affecting customer contentment and buy intention. The effect of customer

satisfaction on purchase intention is also quite important.

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Trustworthiness in Purchase Intention

Trustworthiness is the extent of trust of the recipient of the information in the source

intention to convey his statement. (Suroso and Sawari 2020). Trustworthiness refers to an

endorser's honesty, integrity and believability (Naziman and Samat 2019). Purchase intention

can be defined as an individual’s conscious plan to make an effort to purchase a brand, as

purchase intention includes the probability that a consumer plans to buy a certain product

(Lou and Yuan 2019). Trust is the level of confidence that another behaves as expected, three

beliefs that would form trust are integrity, benevolence and ability (Svare et al., 2019).Trust

is important in transactions involving social media since a large number of people are present

on social media who frequently give their opinions about the products and services offered by

different retailers. It is reasonable to assume that like other online transactions where trust is

an important determinant of purchase intention (Ahmad et al., 2020).

Factors Affecting Purchase Intention

According to the study of Alkhathlan et al. (2019), purchase intention is an individual's

willingness to make purchases from an e-commerce platform. Despite the growth of online

shopping, consumers still face some uncertainty when making purchases. Consumers tend to

rely on each other's reviews, ratings, and recommendations to establish their intention to buy.

Chrisniyanti & Fah (2022) stated that the consumer's interests and attitudes towards goods or

services are closely connected to their intention to make a purchase. The potential that

customers will want to buy a specific good or service in the future is their intention. In their

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study, they claimed that there are three factors that can influence purchasing intention,

including brand awareness, brand trust, and brand engagement. Dastane (2020) discovered

that before making a final decision to buy, there are different stages of intention to purchase,

these are based on past performance, current information, interest, preference, persuasion,

and consumer purchasing influence. Identifying the factors that have a significant impact on

purchase intention is essential for better understanding consumer behavior in online

marketing. Furthermore, it is uncertain what Filipino consumers think before making an

online purchase. Consumers purchase online due to factors such as trust, price promotion, and

convenience. Online shopping is more convenient, less expensive, and offers a wider

selection of goods (Bulacan et al., 2022).

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Chapter 3

Methodology of the Study

Methods and Techniques Used

The study researchers conduct is a correlational type of quantitative research. This

type of research is where studies describe the nature of relationships. Correlational research

design is utilized when it is necessary to know the variables and the relationships that occur

naturally between and among them (Akinlua, 2019). Correlational Quantitative research, as

described, is a study in which the researcher is primarily interested in describing relationships

among variables. Specifically, the researchers aim to know and determine the Impact of

Social Media Marketing on Consumers Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students at

Marian College Baliuag, Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023. Moreover, the instrument that the researchers

used to gather and measure data relevant for the study will be a survey questionnaire.

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Respondents of the Study

The Grade 11 and 12 students under the strand of Accountancy, Business and

Management (ABM) in Marian College of Baliuag, Inc in the A.Y. 2022-2023. were chosen

as respondents for this study in order to understand the Impact of Social Media Marketing on

Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of the students. This study comprises 123 overall

populations of both Grade 11 and Grade 12 level under the said strand. The researchers

arrived at 94 participants by using Slovin’s formula in getting the sample size from the total

population of the Students. The margin of error is 5% of the total population. Then the

researchers proceed to random sampling, which in order to get equal representations from the

four sections which is composed of twenty-nine (29) students from Grade 11 MARX, thirty-

three (33) students from Grade 11 FRIEDMAN, thirty-three (33) students from Grade 12

MASLOW, twenty-eight (28) students from Grade 12 MAXWELL the sample size is divided

into the overall population and multiplied by students per section. Overall, the respondents

per section are, 22 from Marx, 25 from Friedman, 25 from Maslow and 22 from Maxwell

which is equivalent to exactly 94 sample sizes of respondents.

Instrument of the Study

The instrument researchers used for this study is a survey questionnaire adapted from

a previous study by Manzoor, Baig, Hashim and Sami (2020), entitled “Impact of Social

Media Marketing on Consumers Purchase Intentions: The Mediating Role of Customer

Trust”. The said instruments in their study were originally adapted from (M.N. Haijli, 2014)

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previous research paper that ensures shared relevance to the study the researchers conduct.

The utilize questionnaire consists of a 5-Point Likert Scale indicating frequency ranging

from, (1= Strongly Disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Neutral, 4= Agree and 5= Strongly Agree). The

questionnaire also contains three subsections which are Social Media Marketing measures,

Measures for Customer’s trust and Measures for Consumer ‘Purchase Intentions’. The eight

(8) questions in the survey questionnaire are under the Social Media Marketing measures,

five (5) questions are under Measures for Customer’s trust and the last seven (7) questions

fall under the Measures for Consumer ‘Purchase Intentions’. Overall, the survey

questionnaire consists of twenty (20) questions. In terms of scoring, the researchers computed

for the range of the 5-point Likert Scale in order to have interpretation for the answer of each

of the respondents. Correspondingly, range from (1.00 to 1.80 is equivalent to Strongly

Disagree, 1.81 to 2.60 - Disagree, 2.61 to 3.40 - Neutral, 3.41 to 4.20 - Agree and 4.21 to 5.00

- Strongly Agree). Additionally, the researchers reviewed the instrument to make sure that it

is well understood to the study and found it important to make sure that respondents would be

able to answer completely and understand thoroughly the twenty (20) questions in the survey.

The opportunity to not continue answering the survey also provided for the respondents and

the survey that the researchers conduct is to determine the Impact of Social Media Marketing

on Consumers Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students at Marian College of Baliuag,

Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023.

Data Gathering Procedure

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students
at Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023 22
Senior High School Department

A permission letter was submitted to the school registrar in order to have the data

regarding the overall total population of Grade 11 and Grade 12 Accountancy, Business and

Management (ABM) students in Marian College of Baliuag, Inc and their respective sections.

Upon the approval, the list used to proceed in performing slovin’s formula in order to

determine the sample size of the population. After determining the sample size, a letter of

consent is given to each of the respondents before the researchers start the survey to avoid

any conflict and to inform the students regarding the purpose of the study and the survey.

Additionally, the data that is gathered is confidential and the privacy of the respondents is


The survey is voluntary and it is conducted face to face. Each student is not required to

and forced to answer the survey. Hence, if the students give their consent and want to answer

the survey, the printed questionnaire is given now. Correspondingly, those who participated

have approximately 15 to 25 minutes which give the respondents sufficient time to finish

answering the given questions. Once completed, the researchers make sure that all the

respondents finished and completely answer the survey form. After verifying that the

respondents of this study were done answering the survey, the researchers consolidate and

sort all of the responses and proceed to the data analyzation process.

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

The researchers determine, examine, and interpret the data of this study using

quantitative analysis. The data that gathered from Grade 11 and 12 ABM students of Marian

College of Baliuag, Inc., encoded using Microsoft Excel and analyzed manually to measure

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students
at Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023 23
Senior High School Department

the demographics of the respondents. Moreover, mean and standard deviation is applied as

well to be able to measure the consumer’s trust and purchase intention of the respondents,

and simple linear regression used to measure the relationship between social media marketing

and the consumers’ trust and relationship between social media marketing and purchase

intentions of the respondents using the SPSS Software Statistical Package for the Social


Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis, Interpretation of Data

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

Demographic Profile of the Students


Male 27 28.72%

Female 67 71.28%

TOTAL 94 100%

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students
at Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023 24
Senior High School Department

The gender demographic profile of our respondents reveals that the ABM male

combination of grade 11 and grade 12 students was 28.72 percent, or 27 male respondents.

Female ABM students at Marian College of Baliuag Inc. had an average of 71.28, resulting in

67 of our 94 ABM students.

Grade Level

Grade 12 ABM Students 46 48.94%

Grade 11 ABM Students 48 51.06%

TOTAL 94 100%

The grade level demographic profile of our respondents reveals that the ABM grade

11 was 48.94 percent; that is, 46 of our respondents; and for grade 12 ABM students, it is 48,

which is an average of 51.06 of our total of 94 respondents who are ABM students.


The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students
at Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023 25
Senior High School Department

16 years old 12 12.77%

17 years old 56 59.57%

18 years old 24 25.53%

19 years old 2 2.13%

TOTAL 94 100%

The demographic profile of our respondents which is the ABM students at Marian

College of Baliuag Inc. when it comes to their age reveals that 12.77% which is 12 represents

16 years old. 59.57% of our respondent's findings indicate their age is 17 years olf which is

the majority of our respondents 17 years old. The highest proportion is 25.53, which

represents 24 respondents who are 18 years old, and the lowest percentage is 2.13, which

represents 2 respondents who are 19 years old of our total respondents who are ABM

students at Marian College of Baliuag.

2. How may the consumer's trust of the ABM students be described?

3. How may the purchase intention of the ABM students be described?

Mean Standard Deviation of Social Media Marketing, Consumers’ trust and Purchase


The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students
at Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023 26
Senior High School Department


Social Media Marketing Consumers Trust Purchase Intention

Mean 3.653226 3.849462 3.504234

Std. Deviation .49 .61 .34

4. What is the impact of social media marketing on consumer's trust of ABM students?

Linear Regression Analysis of Social Media Marketing and Consumers Trust

Variables Entered/Removed

Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method

1 b . Enter
Social Media Marketing

a. Dependent Variable: Consumers Trust

b. All requested variables entered.

The Linear Regression Analysis is a statistical treatment utilized to determine the

relationship between the variables (Kumari & Yadav, 2018). The table above shows the

variables to be tested for this linear regression analysis to identify the relationship between

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students
at Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023 27
Senior High School Department

them whereas Social Media Marketing is the Independent Variable and Consumers Trust as

Dependent Variable. Moreover, the table below shows the overall result of the analysis.

Table 1: Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 a .286 .278 .5158132


a. Predictors: (Constant), Social Media Marketing

Table 1 shows that the R is equal to .534 which indicates that it is a good prediction

for the dependent variable which is Social Media Marketing. The table also indicates that R

Square is equal to .286, which means that 28.6% of the total variance in dependent variable

“Consumers Trust” has been explained by independent variable “Social Media Marketing”

which stands as the predictor in this regression analysis. Furthermore, the higher the R square

value is, the better the model is at explaining the relationship between social media marketing

and consumers' trust.

Table 2: ANOVAa

Model Sum of Df Mean F Si

Squares Square g.
1 Regress .00
9.681 1 9.681 36.385
ion 0b
Residu 24.212 91 .266

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students
at Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023 28
Senior High School Department

Total 33.892 92
a. Dependent Variable: ConsumersTrust
b. Predictors: (Constant), SocialMediaMarketing

ANOVA stands for the Analysis of Variance, the ANOVA is used to test the

effect of independent variable on dependent variable (Armstrong et al., 2008).

Therefore, Table 2 represents a significant relationship since the significance level

which has p value of p < 0.000 which is less than 0.05 that means that if social media

marketing (independent variable) increases the consumers trust (dependent variable)

increases. Moreover, as there is a significant relationship between the two variables,

the alternative hypothesis (Ha. Social Media Marketing has a significant impact on

consumer’s trust of ABM Students) will be accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho.

Social Media Marketing has no impact on consumer’s trust of ABM Students) is


5. What is the impact of social media marketing on purchase intention of ABM students?



Variables Entered/Removed

Mo Variables Entered Variables Meth

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students
at Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023 29
Senior High School Department

del Removed od

1 b . Enter

a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Intention

b. All requested variables entered

The Linear Regression Analysis is a statistical treatment utilized to determine the

relationship between the variables (Kumari & Yadav, 2018). The table above shows the

variables to be tested for this linear regression analysis to identify the relationship between

them whereas Social Media Marketing is the Independent Variable and Purchase Intention

as Dependent Variable. Moreover, the table below shows the overall result of the analysis.

Table 4: Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 a .133 .123 .3137688


a. Predictors: (Constant), Social Media Marketing

Table 4 shows that the R is equal to .365 which indicates that it is a good prediction for the

dependent variable which is Social Media Marketing. The table also indicates that R Square

is equal to .133, which means that 13.3% of the total variance in dependent variable

“Consumers Trust” has been explained by independent variable “Social Media Marketing”

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students
at Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023 30
Senior High School Department

which stands as the predictor in this regression analysis. Furthermore, the higher the R square

value is, the better the model is at explaining the relationship between social media marketing

and purchase intention.

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students
at Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023 31
Senior High School Department

Table 5: ANOVAa

Model Sum of Df Mean F Sig.

Squares Square
1.373 1 1.373 13.943 .000b
1 Residual 8.959 91 .098
Total 10.332 92
a. Dependent Variable: PurchaseIntention
b. Predictors: (Constant), SocialMediaMarketing

ANOVA stands for the Analysis of Variance, the ANOVA is used to test the effect of

independent variable on dependent variable (Armstrong et al., 2008). Therefore, Table 5

represents a significant relationship since the significance level which has p value of p <

0.000 which is less than 0.05 that means that if social media marketing (independent

variable) increases the consumers trust (dependent variable) increases. Moreover, as there

is a significant relationship between the two variables, the alternative hypothesis (Ha.

Social Media Marketing has a significant impact on purchase intention of ABM Students)

will be accepted and the null hypothesis (Ho. Social Media Marketing has no impact on

purchase intention of ABM Students) is rejected.

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students
at Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023 32
Senior High School Department

Table 6: Coefficientsa
Model Unstandardized Standardize t Sig
Coefficients d .
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 2.603 .244 10.682
SocialMediaMarketi .00
.247 .066 .365 3.734
ng 0
a. Dependent Variable: PurchaseIntention

In table 6, the column B which has .247 indicates that for every 1 unit increase in

social media marketing, the predicted value of consumers trust also increases by .247 units,

all else being equal.


Values B R t F Sig

Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust .655 .534 6.032 36.385 .000

Social Media Marketing on Purchase Intention .247 .365 3.734 13.943 .000

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students
at Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023 33
Senior High School

The relationship between the independent variable “social media marketing” to its

two dependent variables “consumers trust” and “purchase intention" are shown in this table.

Typically, this table is used to generate and show data summaries. According to the results of

social media marketing on consumers trust, the beta value is 0.655 with a value of R 0.534

that is considered to be effective in determining the impact of social media marketing to

consumers trust. Since the F value is 36.385 it represents that it can be utilized to assess the

impact. It has 6.032 T-statistic with a significance level of .000. Therefore, the alternative

hypothesis of having an impact is approved. Moreover, the second column shows the result of

social media marketing on purchase intention, the beta value is .247 with a value of R equal

to .365 that is considered the better model in explaining the relationship between social media

marketing and purchase intention. Since the F value is 13.943 it represents that it can be

utilized to assess the impact. It has 3.734 T-statistic with significance level of .000.

Therefore, the alternative hypothesis for Social Media Marketing having a significant impact

on purchase intention was also generally approved.

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students at Marian Colle
Senior High School

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

Summary of Findings

At the end of the data collection process the researcher discovered that The gender

demographic profile of the ABM students at Marian College of Baliuag Inc. revealed that 27

male respondents, 71.28 female respondents, and 48.94 percent grade 11 and 48.94 percent

grade 12 ABM students. The age demographic profile revealed that 12.77% were 16 years

old, 59.57% were 17 years old, 25.53 were 18 years old, and 2.13 were 19 years old. This

study discovered that there is a relationship between the independent variable "social media

marketing" and its two dependent variables "consumers trust" and "purchase intention" is

shown in our result. According to the findings using the SPSS Software the statistics results

in social media marketing on consumers trust, the beta value is 0.655 with a value of R 0.534

that is considered to be effective in determining the impact of social media marketing to

consumers trust. Because the F value is 36.385, it can be used to measure the impact. It has a

T-statistic of 6.032 with a significance level of 0.000. Furthermore, indicating the effect of

social media marketing on purchase intention, the beta value is 0.247 with a value of R equal

to 0.365, which is deemed the better model in describing the relationship between social

media marketing and purchase intention. Because the Frequency value is 13.943, it can be

used to measure the impact. It has a 3.734 T-statistic with a significance level of 0.000, and

the T-statistic significance level results indicate that there is a significant relationship

between the independent variable and its two dependent variables.

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students at Marian Colle
Senior High School


Based on the data presented, the study aimed to investigate the impact of social media

marketing on consumers' trust and purchase intention. The findings indicate that social media

marketing has a significant impact on both consumers' trust and purchase intention. The

alternative hypothesis (Ha. Social Media Marketing has a significant impact on consumer’s

trust of ABM Students) and (Ha. Social Media Marketing has a significant impact on

purchase intention of ABM Students) is accepted and both null hypothesis (Ho. Social Media

Marketing has no impact on consumer’s trust of ABM Students) (Ho. Social Media

Marketing has no impact on purchase intention of ABM Students) is rejected. These findings

have significant implications for the field of marketing, particularly in terms of social media

marketing strategies. In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the relationship

between social media marketing, consumers' trust, and purchase intention.


This study is about the impact of social media marketing on consumers' trust and

purchase intentions among ABM students. The result revealed that social media marketing

has a significant relationship with consumers' trust and also has a significant relationship with

purchase intention. Therefore, the researchers recommend to the students that they create new

knowledge that can be applied in practice by studying other types of social media platforms.

To conduct a comparative study of the types of platforms that are effective in influencing

consumers' purchase intentions as much as possible. And also, in order to build consumers'

trust and their intentions to purchase online, marketers must concentrate on developing an

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students at Marian Colle
Senior High School
effective strategy and building stronger online marketing. The study recommended that

business owners offer high-quality features while putting equal value on developing an

outstanding consumer experience. They need to make sure that their products and services

satisfy consumer needs, and profitable, long-term connections with them should be the main

goals of their strategy. Understanding their target market on different social media platforms

might help their companies develop more efficient marketing and advertising strategies,

produce goods and services that satisfy needs and wants, and keep customers coming back

for more. In addition, social media platforms act as a channel for the community to receive

information about marketing, thus developing their knowledge and abilities to be wise

buyers. It is recommended for the community to purchase online at their own risk and explore

more different social media platforms that could help them gain credibility whenever they

make purchases online.

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students at Marian Colle
Senior High School

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The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students at Marian Colle
Senior High School
Appendix A

Permission Letters

March 20, 2023


Principal, High School Department
Marian College of Baliuag, Inc.
908 Gil Carlos St., San Jose, Baliuag, Bulacan

The undersigned are currently working on their research paper entitled “The Impact of
Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students
at Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023” to fulfill the requirements for their
subject Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion. With this regard, we would like to ask your
permission to allow us to conduct a face-to-face survey in your department to the selected
students of Grade 11 and 12 on date. This would help us to gather necessary data for our

Hoping for your favorable response on this matter.

Respectfully yours,
_______________________________ _______________________________
Flores, Cj Ahlexis Lagazon, Precious Pamela M.
_______________________________ _______________________________
Poblete, Divine C. Silvio, Jenoy Mario M.
Yambao, Jhanella B.

Noted by:

Kristin Joy Castro Ken Lordian S. Derla

Research Teacher RDU Officer
Approved by:

Ma. Catherina I. Reyes, LPT

Principal, High School Department
OIC for College Affairs

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students at Marian Colle
Senior High School
Appendix A

“The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of

ABM students at Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023”

Dear Respondents,

The undersigned are the Grade 12 Accountancy Business and Management (ABM)
Students of Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. who are conducting a study entitled “The Impact
of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM students at
Marian College of Baliuag, Inc. A.Y. 2022-2023”

In relation to this, the researchers shall not disclose the participant's personal
information without their consent and shall only use this information for research purposes
only. Furthermore, the researchers shall only retain this information for a period of one
academic year. These conditions shall then be strictly implemented in compliance with R.A.
10173 or the Philippines' Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA) to protect your right to data

We would appreciate your full support and cooperation in completing the required
data in this study by responding to the survey. You can be confident that your info will be
kept private.

The Researchers
Reply Slip

Reminder: Please keep in mind that this is not required. You have the right to decline or
remove your participation at any time. Please fill in the circle with your response. The
individual's identity
Only the researchers will have access to the participants' personal information

o Yes, I am willing to participate in your study

o No, I do not want to be part of your study

Participant' signature over written name

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students at Marian Colle
Senior High School

Appendix B

Instruments of the Study

Instruction: This study used the 5-Point Likert scale, ranging from 1 = strongly disagree to

5 = strongly agree. Kindly put a check mark (✔) inside the box that best describes your

answer. To increase the validity of the study, the measures in the questionnaire were adapted

from previous research of (M. N. Hajli, 2014).

Social Media Marketing: (Smith, 2014)

Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongl

Disagree (2) (3) (4) y

e (1) Agree


1. Do you think that social media

makes your life easier?

2. I am very enthusiastic to find the

description of products on electronics

platform like internet, email or web.

3. Do you think social media provide

accurate and proper knowledge of

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students at Marian Colle
Senior High School

products and services?

4. social media innovates the ways of

advertising products or services in an

efficient manner.

5. Do you like to adopt the way of

buying and selling of products or

services using social media?

6. Do you think social media marketing

inspire you to make a buying decision?

7. I like to spend more time on social

media because I like to see what the

latest fashion is?

8. By using advertising messages via

the mobile phone I can demonstrate my

innovativeness to my friends.

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students at Marian Colle
Senior High School

Measures for Customer‘s trust: (Naylor et al., 2012)

Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongl

Disagree (2) (3) (4) y

(1|) Agree


1. I will probably buy a product on the

internet (Soon).

2. I feel capable of finding shopping

verity and information on the social

media websites.

3. Social Media marketing keeps me up

to date about new products and


4. In general, I am satisfied with the

service provided by the internet.

5. I am satisfied on social media

services about marketing.

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students at Marian Colle
Senior High School

Measures for Consumer Purchase Intentions: (McKnight et al., 2002)

Statement Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongl

Disagree (2) (3) (4) y

(1) Agree


1. I think shopping on the internet saves

my time.

2. It is a great advantage for me to buy

product at any time of the day on the


3. It is more difficult to shop on the


4. I will prefer online shopping only if

online prices are lower than Actual


5. A long time is required for the

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students at Marian Colle
Senior High School

delivery of products and services on the


6. Online shopping is as secure as

traditional shopping.

7. The information given about the

products and services on the internet is


ⓒ Manzoor et al., 2020

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Consumers’ Trust and Purchase Intention of ABM Students at Marian Colle

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