Modern Semiconductor Devices For Integrated Circuits 1st Edition Hu Solutions Manual

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Modern Semiconductor Devices for

Integrated Circuits 1st Edition Hu

Solutions Manual
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Chapter 6


6.1 15 -cm =1015 cm-3, E f = E v + 0.26eV oxide trap density = 8x1010 cm-2, Z = 50
m, L = 2 m, T ox = 5nm

(a) V’ fb = V fb + V. V fb = 3.1 - (3.1 + 0.86) = -0.86eV, V = Q f /C ox = 18.5 mV.

Therefore V’ fb  V fb = -0.86 eV
When oxide thickness is thin, the trap charge effect can be ignored.

(b) V t = V’ fb + V ox + V s  V fb + 2 B + (2 s qN a 2 B )1/2/C ox

= -0.86 +0.6 + 0.02V = -0.24V

(c) To make V t = 0.5V, one should implant boron into silicon substrate such that
 V t = Q imp /C ox . Therefore ion implant dose should be
(0.5V+0.24V)  C ox q = 3.21012 cm-2.

6.2 (a) Using Equation 4.16.4 and referring to Table 1-4, we find
 N (GaAs)   4.7  1017 
bi   Bn  kT ln c   1V  kT ln 17 
  0.96V .
 Nd   110 
2 sbi 1 213 0 bi 1
Wdep    0.12 m .
q Nd q Nd

213 0  bi  V  1
qN d Wdep
(b) Wdep  0.2 m  V    bi  1.82V .
q Nd 213 0 
A negative V g is need to increase W dep and turn-off the channel. (A metal/N-
type semiconductor Schottky diode exhibits the same forward/reverse bias
properties as an P+/N diode.)

(c) Yes. If the positive V g is kept small (say 0.5V), the forward current of the
Schottky gate maybe comparable to the subthreshold drain leakage current. A
positive V g would reduce W dep and therefore raise I ds .

(d) The channel thickness or doping concentration must be reduced so that

W dep  channel thickness at V g = 0.

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F kT N sub
6.3 Cox  6.9  10 7 2
, B  ln  0.47eV
cm q ni
(a)` Vt  V fb  2 B  2q s N sub 2 B
C ox
Eg 1
Vt    B  2 B  2q s N sub 2 B  0.09  0.61  0.52V
2 C ox
(b) Vt  V fb  2 B  2q s N sub 2 B
C ox
Eg 1
Vt    B  2 B  2q s N sub 2 B  0.56  0.47  0.61  1.64V
2 C ox
(c) Vt  V fb  2 B  2q s N sub 2 B
E 1
Vt  g   B  2 B  2q s N sub 2 B  0.52V
2 Cox

(d) Vb  0V
Vs  0V
Vd  2.5V
Vg  2.5V

(e) Vb  2.5V
Vs  2.5V
Vd  0V
Vg  0V

 nWC ox
(f) I dsat  (V gs  Vt ) 2
I dsatc (2.5  (0.52)) 2
  5.3
I dsatb (2.5  (1.64)) 2

The transistor with the lower absolute value of threshold voltage has a higher
saturation current. That is why P+ poly-gate PMOSFETs are typically used in

(g) The ratio of the current is the ratio of the mobilities.

To find  n ,
Vgs  Vt  0.2/ 6Toxe  2.5  0.52  0.2V / 6  5  10 7 cm  1.07 MV / cm
and  n = 250cm2V-1s-1.

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To find  p ,
 V gs  1.5Vt  0.25 / 6Toxe   2.5  1.5  (0.52)  0.25V / 6  5  10 7 cm  1.01MV / cm
and  p = 63cm2V-1s-1.

I dsat ( c ) p 1
 
I dsat ( a ) n 4

Basic MOSFET IV Characteristics

6.4 (a) Due to the highly doped regions nearby, transistor C-V always approaches C ox
in inversion. Hence, it is impossible to determine the frequency. Either high or
low frequency could have been used.

(b) Since V t >V fb , this is a NMOS.

(c) From the I d -V g curve, V t is 0.55V. More precisely,

W  V  V
I d  C ox Vds V g  Vt  ds   0.55  Vt  ds  0
L  2  2
V t  0 .5 V
(d) Slope of curve I d - V g line  C ox Vds  5  10 3  1 .
Vds  0.1V
From the CV curve,
C ox WL  1pF  C ox  10 -4
L cm 2
5  10 3 cm 2
Thus,    500
0.1  10  4 Vs

(e) Vdsat  V g  Vt
C oxW A 2
I dsat  (Vdsat ) 2  0.025 2
2L V

Vg 1V 2.5V
V dsat 0.5V 2V
I dsat 6.25mA 100mA

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I d (mA)
V g =2.5V

V g =1V
V d (V)
0.5 2

6.5 (a) For V gs =4V, V dsat ~ 3V=(V gs -V t ) and V t =1V

(b) I dsat   n C oxW / 2 L  (V g  Vt ) 2

C ox  3.45  10 7 F / cm 2
2 I dsat
n   361cm 2 / Vs
W 
Cox  (Vg  Vt ) 2

(c) At V gs =3V, V dsat =(3-1)V=2V

I dsat  361  3.45  10 7  (10 / 2)  (3  1) 2 / 2  1.25  10 3 A

6.6 (a) At saturation, V d = V dsat = V g -V t . V dd =2V. Therefore the transistor is in

saturation mode when V g <2.5V. I dsat = 125(V g -0.5)2A. When V g >2.5V, the
transistor is in linear region with I d = 500(V g -1.5) A.

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SQRT(Idsat, A) 25
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Gate Voltage, Vi (V)

(b) & (c) Transconductance: solid line, Output Conductance: dotted line
gd , gm
500 A/v

250 A/v

0.5 1.5 2.5 3.0

6.7 (a) V gs  Vt  2V
V gs  2.5V
(b) Qn  C ox (V gs  Vt  Vc )  0 (Pinch-Off)

(c) I ds @ Vds  4V
Vdsat  V gs  Vt  3V
(in saturation)
I ds  (V gs  Vt ) 2
I ds  10 3  2
 2.25  10 3 A

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(Same for high and
low frequencies)

Vfb Vt Vg

kT N a
6.8 (a)  B  ln  0.297V
q ni
 ox
C ox   7.08  10 8 F
t ox cm 2
V fb   Si  (  Si    B )  0.857 V
2 s qN a 2 B
V g  V fb  Vs  Vox  Vt  V fb  2 B   0.064V
C ox
 nCoxW
(b) I dsat  V g  Vt   1.21mA


(c) Since V d is less than (V g -V t ), it is in the linear region.

C oxW  Vd2 
Id  V g  V V t d  
L  2 
I d C oxW
gd 
V D


Vg  Vt   Vd  1.17mS 

(d) Since V d is less than (V g -V t ), it is in the linear region.

C oxW  Vd 

Id  V g  Vt Vd  
L  2 
I d C oxW
gd   Vd  1.13mS
V g L

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Potential and Carrier Velocity in MOSFET Channel

dVc dV
6.9 I d  Q n  n W  (V g  Vt  Vc )C ox  n c W
dx dx
x Vc
 dx   (V g  Vt  Vc )dVc
 n C oxW 0

 I d  x /(  n C oxW )  (V g  Vt )Vc  1 / 2Vc2

Solving this quadratic equation of V c , we get

2I d x
Vc ( x)  (V g  Vt )  (V g  Vt ) 2 
 n C oxW

Choosing “-” so that V c (0)=0,

 2I d x 
Vc ( x)  (V g  Vt ) 1  1  
  n C oxW (V g  Vt ) 2 
 W 
 2 x n C ox (V g  Vt ) 2 
 (V g  Vt ) 1  1  2L 
  n C oxW (V g  Vt ) 2 
 

 (V g  Vt ) 1  1  x / L . 

6.10 (a) I ds  WCoxe (Vgs  mVcs  Vt )  es d Vcs dx

ds dx  WC oxe  s  (V gs  mVcs  Vt )dVcs

I ds x  WC oxe  s (V gs  Vt  )Vcs

Equating the expression above with

W m
I ds  C oxe  s (V gs  Vt  Vds )Vds ,
L 2

we get

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x mVds  mVcs
V gs  Vt  Vds  (V gs  Vt  )Vcs
L 2  2
2 x
mVcs  2(V g  Vt )Vcs  (2(V g  Vt )  mVds )Vds  0

Solving the quadratic equation, we get

V gs  Vt (V g  Vt ) 2  m (2(V g  Vt )  mVds )Vds
Vcs   L
m m
V gs  Vt x
Vcs  (1  1  )
m L

 x
(b) Qinv ( x)  C oxe (V gs  mVcs  Vt )  C oxe V gs  Vt  (V gs  Vt )(1  1  
 L
  x   x
 C oxe V gs  Vt 1  1  1    C oxe (V gs  Vt ) 1  
  L   L

dVcs Vg  Vt   1  1  1  Vg  Vt   1 

(c)  ε( x)        
dx m  2  1  x  L  2mL  1  x 
 L  L

 
dVcs  n V g  Vt   1 
 ( x)   n   n ε( x)   
dx 2mL  1 x 
 L
 
 x   n V g  Vt   1 
(d) WQinv  n ε  W .C oxe (V gs  Vt ) 1  .  
 L 2mL  1 x 
 L
WC oxe  n
 Vgs  Vt 2  I dsat

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V cs

IV Characteristics of Novel MOSFET

dVc dV
6.11 (a) I d  Qn  n W  (V g  Vt  Vc )C ox ( x)  n c W
dx dx
 dV
 (V g  Vt  Vc ) 2ox  n c W
Ax  B dx
L/2 Vds

 
L / 2
I d  ( Ax 2  B)dx  
(V g  Vt  Vc ) ox  nWdVc

 I d  [ x 3  Bx] LL/ 2/ 2   ox  nW [(V g  Vt )Vc  1 / 2Vc2 ]V0ds
W  ox  n
 Id   2
 [(V g  Vt )Vds  1 / 2Vds2 ]
(b) Vdsat  Vds @ d |Vgs  0 Vdsat  V g  Vt
(c) It suggests a large W dmax . Vox  Qn / C ox

dVc dV
6.12 (a) I d  Qn  n W ( x)  (V g  Vt  Vc )C ox  n c W ( x)
dx dx
L Vds

  I d / W ( x)dx   (V g  Vt  Vc )  n C ox dVc
0 0

 I d  ln[(W0  L) / W0 ]   n C ox [(V g  Vt )Vds  1 / 2Vds2 ]

 n C ox
 Id  [(V g  Vt )Vds  1 / 2Vds2 ]
ln(1  L / W0 )

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I d
(b) Vdsat  Vds @ |V  0 Vdsat  V g  Vt
Vds gs
 n C ox (V g  Vt ) 2
 I dast  
ln(1  L / W0 ) 2

6.13 (a) V fb,NMOS = -(E g /2) – (kT/q * ln(5e15/1e10)) = - 0.55 -0 .4 = -0.95V
V fb,PMOS = -0.55 + 0.4 = -0.15V
Not symmetrical

(b) V fb,NMOS = 0.55 - 0.4 = 0.15V

V fb,PMOS = 0.55 + 0.4 = 0.95V
Not symmetrical

(c) Since V ox and V s will be symmetrical, I would use a mid-gap gate material such
as tungsten.
So the workfuction will be 4.05 eV + E g,Si /2 = 4.6eV. However, processing
issues makes tungsten (or any metal gates for that matter) a challenge to

(d) In the same process, the NMOS and PMOS will have same oxide thickness. If
the substrate doping levels for n and p flavors are the same, then I would use P+
gates for PMOS devices and N+ gates for NMOS devices. In this way, the
flatband voltages will be symmetrical and the resulting |V t | small.

6.14 (a) PMOS, N-type substrate:

 n  kT ln d  0.38V
Vfb   m   si    n  4.1  4.05  0.55  0.38  0.12V .

NMOS, N-type substrate:

 p  kT ln a  0.42V
Vfb   m   si    p  4.1  4.05  0.55  0.42  0.92V

 ox F
(b) C ox   6.9  10 7
t ox cm 2

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Vt  V fb  2 n  2 s qN d 2 n  0.12  0.76  0.10  0.98V
C ox
V fb  2 p  2 s qN d 2 p  0.92  0.84  0.24  0.16V
C ox

(c) The threshold voltage must be changed by

Vt    0.82V .
C ox
Qimpl  5.7  10 7 .
cm 2

 s dVcs dx
6.15 I ds  WC oxe (V gs  mVcs  Vt )
1 ε sat
I ds dx  
WC oxe  s V gs  mVcs  Vt   I ds ε sat dVcs
Vds m
I ds L  I ds  WC oxe  s (V gs  Vt  Vds )Vds
 sat 2

m V 
I ds  WC oxe  s (V gs  Vt   L  ds 
Vds )Vds
2 ε sat 
W m  V  I ds (Long channel)
I ds  C oxe  s (V gs  Vt  V ds )V ds 1  ds   .
L 2  Lε sat  1  V ds ε sat L

NFET Operation Mode PFET Operation Mode
A Cut-off Linear
B Saturation Linear
C Linear Saturation
D Linear Cut-off

A: Vgs<Vth for NFET, therefore it is cut off. For PFET |Vgs| > |Vth| and
|Vds|<|Vdsat| (|Vds|~0V, |Vdsat| ~ 1.05V), so it operates in linear mode.

B: For NFET Vgs > Vth and Vds>Vdsat (Vds~1.75V, Vdsat ~ 0.3V), so it operates
in saturation mode. For PFET |Vgs| > |Vth| and |Vds|<|Vdsat| (|Vds|~0.25V, |Vdsat|
~ 0.6V), so it operates in linear mode.

The answers to C and D can be worked out through the same procedure.

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6.17 (a)

{ NMOS cut-off
PMOS linear

A { NMOS saturated
PMOS linear

{ NMOS saturated
PMOS saturated

{ NMOS linear
PMOS saturated
C { NMOS linear
PMOS cut-off
0 VTn Vx (VDD+VTp) V

(b) At the point B where V i =V x , the NMOS is just becoming saturated from the
linear region. Since NMOS is in the linear region
 V x  Vtn 2 
I dn  K N V x  Vtn V x  Vtn   
 2 

Since PMOS is saturated

I dp  P Vdd  V x  Vtp 
K 2

But I DN = I DP
 Vx  1  35

40V x  1   5  Vx  1
2 2
 
 2  2
 
40(V x - 1)2 = 40(4 - V x )2  V x = 2.45 V

Point V i (V) V o (V)
A 1 5
B 2.45 3.45
C 2.45 1.45
D 4 0

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Body Effect
6.18 For a P-channel MOSFET, we have
2 s qN d (2 B  Vbs )
Vt  V fb  2 B 
C ox
2 s qN d
V t  ( 2 B  Vbs  2 B )
C ox
(a) For 100 nm oxide, C ox = 3.4510-8 F/cm2.
If V bs = 5V, V t = -0.8V.
By iteration, using initial guess of  B = 0.3V, we obtain
N d = 8.91014 /cm3 and  B = 0.284V.

(b) If V sb is -2.5 V, V t = -0.497V.

V t = -1.5 - 0.497 = 2.0 V

Velocity-Saturation Effect
6.19 In all 3 cases, use the general equation I=WQ inv v drift .

Case A:
The NMOS is in the triode region.
On source side, Q inv =C ox (V g -V t ) = 138e-9(5-.7) = 593 nC/cm2.
So  drift = I/(WQ inv ) = 1.5e-3/(15e-4  593e-9) = 1.7 x 106 cm/sec.
On drain side, Q inv = C ox (V g -V t -V d ) = 138e-9(5-.7-.5) = 524 nC/cm2.
Thus,  dr = 1.5e-3/(15e-4  524e-9) = 1.9 x 106 cm/sec.

Case B:
The NMOS enters saturation region.
On source side,  dr = 3.75e-3/(15e-4593e-9) = 4.2 x 106 cm/sec.
On drain side, the electron velocity is saturated.
Thus,  dr =  sat = 8 x 106 cm/sec.

Case C:
Similar to case B.
On source side,  dr = 4e-3/(15e-4593e-9) = 4.5 x 106 cm/sec.
On drain side,  dr =  sat = 8 x 106 cm/sec.

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T ox W L Vt Vg
V dsat  No change   
I dsat     

Reducing T ox means smaller V t => larger V dsat (1/(V g -V t ) + 1/(E sat L))-1 & larger
I dsat (Q inv  C ox ).
Reducing W has no effect on V dsat and decreases I dsat since I dsat = WQ inv v sat .
Reducing L reduces V dsat (as discussed in lecture) and increases I dsat . If you want to
consider very short-channel length devices (L => 0), then essentially I dsat is
independent of L.
Reducing V t => larger V dsat & larger I dsat .
Reducing V g => smaller V dsat & smaller I dsat .

 V   V 
6.21 I d   s C oxW V gs  Vt  m ds Vds  L  ds 
 2   ε sat 
 WC ox V gs  Vt  mVds Vsat

 WC ox V gs  Vt  mVds  s
ε sat

 V   
V gs  Vt  m ds Vds  V gs  Vt  mVds ε sat / 2 L  ds
 2   ε sat 
ε L
 V gs  Vt  mVds  sat  V gs  Vt  mVds 
2 2

V gsVds  VtVds  V gs  Vt  mVds ε sat L

Vds V gs  Vt  mε sat L   (V gs  Vt )ε sat L

(V g  Vt )ε sat L
 m 1 
Vds   
Vgs  Vt  mε sat L   (Vgs  Vt ) ε sat L 

  1  m
 m  C oxe  ns  V gs  Vt 
C oxe  ns V gs  Vt  Vds Vds   

L  2  L   Vds  2
6.22 I ds  
1  ds 1  1  1
 
ε sat L Vds2  ε sat L  Vds
1 m 1
 
Vdsat V gs  Vt ε sat L

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6.23 (a) We know that
 
 
   2
   1
Vdsat  ε c L 1  2 
g t

E c L  
 
 1

 4 
 c L = 0.1 V  Vdsat  0.1  1  2 
   1 = 0.54 V
 0.1  
 

 1

 4 
(b)  c L = 10 V  Vdsat
 10  1  2    1 = 1.83 V

 10  
 
(c) We know that
 C Z 2 10fF
I dsat  n0 ox Vdsat and Cox Z  .
2L L
 n0 10fF
7mA  0.54 2
2 L2
   n0 = 480 cm2 V-1 s-1

6.24 V dsat =  sat L(V g -V t ) / (V g - V t +  sat L)

What is  sat ? 2v sat / s =  sat .  s is given by the universal mobility curve.

At T ox =60A, (V g +V t +0.2)/6T ox =  eff = .9MV/cm.

From the curve,  s ~ 250 cm2V-1s-1.

This yields  sat ~ 2(8x106)/250 V/cm = 6.4x104V/cm. Plug this back into the
expression for V dsat to get L ~ 0.19um.

I dsat /W = Q inv v sat = C ox (V g -V t -V dsat )v sat

= (3.9 o /60e-8)  (2.5-.5-.75)  8106 = 575uA/um width.

Note: You will often find in literature that the saturation current is stated in units
of uA/um instead of amperes. Also, notice that the Q inv at V c =V dsat is not zero.
That is, I dsat is limited by velocity saturation instead of pinch-off.

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6.25 (a)
V gs  Vt
1 2
mE sat L
2mv sat L 2  1.2  8  10 6 cm / s  1  10 5 cm
V gs  Vt  mE sat L    0.64V
 ns 300cm 2 / V  s
V gs  Vt  mE sat L

Vgs  Vt  ns Vgs  Vt  300cm 2 / Vs  0.2V

L    3.13  10 6 cm  31.3nm
mE sat 2mv sat 2  1.2  8  10 6 cm / s

Effective Channel Length

6.26 (a) For very small V ds ,
Rchannel  ds 
I ds  s C oxW (V g  Vt )
In a short-channel device, S/D resistance can seriously degrade saturation
current. Note that series resistance is worse for higher currents because R channel
is the lowest under these bias conditions.

(b) Rtotal  Rs  Rd  Rchannel  Rsd  Rchannel

 Leff  Lgate  L
 Rsd     Rsd  ( )
  s C oxW (V g  Vt )   s C oxW (V g  Vt )

Think of R total as the y-value, L gate as the x-value, and ( s C ox W(V g -V t ))-1 as the
slope. This fits nicely into the standard equation of the line: y = mx + b. You
can choose devices with several gate lengths and measure the current from these
devices at discrete gate voltages. Remember, that you are assuming V ds is small
(<100mV) in these measurements.

From the current, you can plot R total versus L gate . One sample data line is taken
with the same V g at different gate lengths. For example, if you measure your
current at 5 different V g ’s, you will get 5 separate curves. Ideally, all the lines
will intersect at the same point on your plot. This intersection point occurs at
L gate = L and R total = R sd .
In practice, it is not always straightforward to make such a plot. For instance,
V t can be difficult to determine accurately. Also, there is a strong dependence
of mobility on gate voltage for thin-oxide MOSFETs. It’s a good idea to check
your data by taking measurements at several different V g instead of at 2 or 3
gate voltages.

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(c) I dsat  k(Vgs -I dsat Rs -Vt ) , where k is a constant of proportionality
I dsat ( 1  kRs )  k(Vgs -Vt )  I dsat 0 , notice here that k  I dsat0 /(V gs - Vt )
I dsat  I dsat 0 / ( 1  kRs )  I dsat 0 / ( 1  I dsat 0 Rs /(V gs -Vt ))

(d)  sat = (V gs +V t +0.2)/6T ox = 1.1 MV/cm.

 s ~225cm2V-1s-1 is picked out from the universal mobility plot.
 sat = 2v sat /( s ) = 7x104V/cm.
I dsat0 = (long channel I dsat ) / (1+ (V gs -V t )/( sat L))
= 1.6mA / (1 + (1.1/.7)) = 0.622mA.

Plug in 0.622mA into the expression derived in part c and get the following:
@ R s = 0ohms, I dsat = .62mA
@ R s = 100ohms, I dsat = .59mA
@ R s = 1000ohms, I dsat = .40mA

6.27 (a) Choose three transistors with same channel width, Z, and different channel
length, L 1 , L 2 ,and L 3 . Measure I dsat at saturation condition for the 3 transistors
get I d1 , I d2 , and I d3 . Solve the 3 equations to get C ox , and L eff .

(b)L = L- L eff when gate oxide thickness is 4.5nm. Z =10 m,  = 300 cm2/Vs.
Using approach of (a), L  0.1 m.

2.5 Idsat = const(Ldrawn - L)



0.1 m : L

0 1 2 3 4 5
Channel Length(m)

(c) 2.59mA(L 1 - L eff ) = ZC ox (V gs -V t ), V t = 0.5V.

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