Evolution in A Social Paradigm

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Evolution is taught in the public schools (and presented in the media) not as a theory but as a

fact, the "fact of evolution." There are nonetheless many

dissidents, some with advanced scientific degrees, who deny that evolution is a fact and who
insist that an intelligent Creator caused all living things to come into being in furtherance of a

In 1981 the state legislature of Louisiana passed a law requiring that if "evolution-science" is
taught in the public schools, the schools must also provide balanced treatment for something
called "creation-science." The statute was a direct challenge to the scientific orthodoxy of today,
which is that all living things evolved by a gradual, natural process- from nonliving matter to
simple micro-organisms, leading eventually to man.

Mainstream science does not agree that there are two sides to the controversy, and regards
creation-science as a fraud. Equal time for creation-science in biology classes, the Darwinists
like to say, is like equal time for the theory that it is the stork that brings babies. But the
consensus view of the scientific establishment is not enshrined in the Constitution. Lawmakers
are entitled to act on different assumptions, at least to the extent
that the courts will let them. Louisiana’s statute never went into effect because a federal judge
promptly held it unconstitutional as an "establishment of religion." In 1987 the Supreme Court of
the United States affirmed this decision by a seven to two majority. The Louisiana law was
unconstitutional, said the majority opinion by justice William Brennan, because its purpose "was
clearly to advance the religious viewpoint that a supernatural being created humankind."

The Natural Academy of Sciences defined "science" in such a way that advocates of
supernatural creation may neither argue for their own position nor dispute the claims of the
scientific establishment. That may be one way to win an argument, but it is not satisfying to
anyone who thinks it possible that God really did have something to do with creating mankind,
or that some of the claims that scientists make under the heading of "evolution" may be false.

The literature of Darwinism is full of anti-theistic conclusions, such as that the universe was not
designed and has no purpose, and that we humans are the product of blind natural processes
that care nothing about us. What is more, these statements are not presented as personal
opinions but as the logical implications of evolutionary science.

Another factor that makes evolutionary science seem a lot like religion is the evident zeal of
Darwinists to evangelize the world, by insisting than even non-scientists accept the truth of their
theory as
a matter of moral obligation. Richard Dawkins, an Oxford Zoologist who is one of the most
influential figures in evolutionary science, is unabashedly explicit about the religious side of
Darwinism. His 1986 book The Blind Watchmaker is at one level about biology, but at a more
fundamental level it is a sustained argument for atheism. According to Dawkins, "Darwin made it
possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist."
When he contemplates the perfidy of those who refuse to believe, Dawkins can scarcely restrain
his fury. "It is absolutely safe to say that, if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in
evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I'd rather
not consider that)." Dawkins went on to explain, by the way, that what he dislikes particularly
about creationists is that they are intolerant.

We must therefore believe in evolution or go to the madhouse, but what precisely is it that we
are required to believe? "Evolution" can mean anything from the uncontroversial statement that
bacteria "evolve" resistance to antibiotics to the grand metaphysical claim that the universe and
mankind "evolved" entirely by purposeless, mechanical forces. A word that elastic is likely to
mislead, by implying that we know as much about the grand claim as we do about the small

Irving Kristol is a prominent social theorist with a talent for recognizing ideological obfuscation,
and he applied that talent to Darwinism in an essay in The New York Times:

“It is reasonable to suppose that if evolution were taught more cautiously, as a

conglomerate idea consisting of conflicting hypotheses rather than as an
unchallengeable certainty, it would be far less controversial. As things now stand, the
religious fundamentalists are not far off the mark when they assert that evolution, as
generally taught, has an unwarranted anti-religious edge to it.”
(Darwin on Trial pg7 ⬆️ )
One famous evolutionist who might have been expected to be sympathetic to Kristol's point
would be Harvard Professor Stephen Jay Gould. In 1980 Gould published a paper in a scientific
journal predicting the emergence of "a new and general theory of evolution" to replace the
neo-Darwinian synthesis. Gould wrote that, although he had been "beguiled" by the unifying
power of the Darwinist synthesis when he studied it as a graduate student in the 1960s, the
weight of the evidence had driven him to the reluctant conclusion that the synthesis, "as a
general proposition, is effectively dead, despite its persistence as textbook orthodoxy." The
dogmatic teaching of that dead textbook orthodoxy was precisely what Kristol was criticizing.

Now Gould, in his response to Kristol, denied that textbook bias was more prevalent in evolution
than in other fields of science, denied that evolutionary science is anti-religious, and insisted
that "Darwinian selection... will remain a central focus of more inclusive evolutionary theories."
His main point was that Kristol had ignored a "central distinction between secure fact and
healthy debate about theory." Biologists do teach evolutionary theory as a conglomerate idea
consisting of conflicting hypotheses, Gould wrote, but evolution is also a fact of nature, as well
established as the fact
that the earth revolves around the sun.

We will examine his arguments for this notion shortly.

Now Darwinists consider evolution to be a fact, not just a theory, because it provides a satisfying
explanation for the pattern of relationship linking all living creatures- a pattern so identified in
their minds with what they consider to be the necessary cause of the pattern- descent with
modification- that, to them, biological relationship means evolutionary relationship. Darwin
proposed a naturalistic explanation for the essentialist features of the living world that was so
stunning in its logical appeal that it conquered the scientific world even while doubts remained
about some important parts of his theory.

And since Darwinian atheists consider Evolution to be a fact, one with so much certainty that it
disproves religion - they show that one of the reasons it seems to make sense out of
classification (kingdoms, phyla, class, order etc) is that these aren’t just arbitrary categories of
human invention, but literally a family.
Biologists before and after Darwin have generally sensed that in classifying they were not
merely forcing creatures into arbitrary categories, but discovering relationships that are in some
sense real. Some pre-Darwinian taxonomists expressed this sense by saying that whales and
bats are superficially like fish and birds but they are essentially mammals- that is, they conform
in their "essence" to the mammalian "type."

Similarly, all birds are essentially birds,

whether they fly, swim, or run. The principle can be extended up or down the scale of
classification: St. Bernards and dachshunds are essentially dogs, despite the visible
dissimilarity, and sparrows
and elephants are essentially vertebrates.
While this theory does have some explanatory power for evolution via classification, this does
not prove the truth of the hypothesis, since there is no irrefutable evidence presented - but
rather, it simply “appears to make sense”.

Now Gould’s arguments are highlighted underneath 👇

Gould argues for the fact of evolution in 3 ways.

1: microevolution being observed in cases like moths becoming black in presence of industrial
soot. However microevolution is not something anyone denies - in fact Islam teaches about
Adam (AS) and Hawa (Eve) from which people of all races descended. This says nothing about
the processes of creating birds, insects and trees in any way. Gould himself admits
macroevolution requires more than the accumulation of micro mutations.

“First, we have abundant, direct, observational evidence of evolution in action, from both field
and laboratory. This evidence ranges from countless experiments on change in nearly
everything about fruit flies subjected to artificial selection in the laboratory to the famous
populations of British moths that became black when industrial soot darkened the trees upon
which the moths rest. (Moths gain protection from sharp-sighted bird predators by blending into
the background.) Creationists do not deny these observations: how could they? Creationists
have tightened their act. They now argue that God only created "basic kinds," and allowed for
limited evolutionary meandering within them. Thus toy poodles and Great Danes come from the
dog kind and moths can change color, but nature cannot convert a dog to a cat or a monkey to a

Gould is right: everyone agrees that microevolution occurs, including creationists. Even
creation-scientists concur, not because they "have tightened their act," but because their
doctrine has always been that God created basic kinds, or types, which subsequently
diversified. The most famous example of creationist microevolution involves the descendants of
Adam and Eve, who have diversified from a common ancestral pair to create all the diverse
races of the human species.

The point in dispute is not whether microevolution happens, but whether it tells us
anything important about the processes responsible for creating birds, insects, and trees
in the first place.

Gould himself has written that even the first step toward macroevolution (speciation) requires
more than the accumulation of micromutations. Instead of explaining how the peppered moth
variations bear on the kind of evolution that really matters, however, he changes the subject and
takes a swipe at creationists.

Other Darwinists such as Mark Ridley argue “all that is needed is to prove evolution is observed
micro evolution added to the philosophical doctrine of uniformitarianism which (in the form that
is needed here - that is, constant everywhere and every time) underlies all science. However,
this is insufficient evidence, ‘scientists do not assume that the rules which govern activity at one
level of magnitude necessarily apply at all other levels.’ A clear example of this is Newtonian
physics, relativity, and quantum mechanics, with their differences. Newtonian physics
completely breaks down in the quantum world, and the way the way the laws of physics work
with regards to relativity are much different to other disciplines in physics. The key notion here is
that we cannot extrapolate laws through and beyond orders of magnitude and expect
them to remain constant throughout.

2: A second argument is the argument from imperfection - however this is merely an attack at
the idea of God designing life, and not a proof of evolution.

3: Goulds third proof is with regard to the fossil record. He insists that there are at least 2
instances in the vertebrate sequence where macroevolutionary transformations can be
confirmed. One is mammal-like reptiles, which he says is like an intermediate in the reptile to
mammal transformation.

The second is the hominids or “ape men” which most scientists accept as predecessors of
humans. This evidence is discussed in the document The Vertebrae Sequence.

This theory of descent with modification made sense out of the pattern of natural relationships in
a way that was acceptable to philosophical materialists. It explained why the groups seemed to
be part of the natural framework rather than a mere human invention- to the Darwinist
imagination, they are literally families.

When combined with the theory of natural selection, it explained the difference between the
common features that are relevant to classification (homologies) and those that are not
(analogies). The former were relics of the common ancestor; the latter evolved independently by
natural selection to provide very different creatures with superficially similar body parts that were
useful to such adaptive strategies as flight and swimming. In Darwin's historic words:

“All the... difficulties in classification are explained... on the view that the natural system is
founded on descent with modification: that the characters which naturalists consider as showing
true affinity between any two or more species, are those which have been inherited from a
common parent, and in so far, all true classification is genealogical; that community of descent
is the hidden bond which naturalists have been unconsciously seeking, and not some unknown
plan of creation, or the enunciation of general propositions, and the mere putting together and
separating objects more or less alike.”

Darwin ended his chapter by saying that the argument from classification was so decisive that
on that basis alone he would adopt his theory even if it were unsupported by other
That confidence explains why Darwin was undiscouraged by the manifold difficulties of the fossil
record: his logic told him that descent with modification had to be the explanation for the
"difficulties in classification," regardless of any gaps in the evidence.

The same logic inspires today's Darwinists, when they shrug off critics who claim that one
element or another in the theory is doubtful. "Say what you will against every detail," they
respond, "still, nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."

Darwin's theory unquestionably has impressive explanatory power, but how are we to tell if it is
true? If we define "evolution" simply as "whatever produces classification," then evolution is a
fact in the
same sense that classification is a fact. This is another tautology, however, and as such it has
no genuine explanatory value. In this form the theory is supported mainly by the semantic
implications of the word "relationship." Darwinists assume that the relationship between, say,
bats and whales is similar to that between siblings and cousins in human families. Possibly it is,
but the proposition is not self-evident.
Descent with modification could be something much more substantial than a tautology or a
semantic trick. It could be a testable scientific hypothesis.
(Darwin on Trial pg50 ⬆️)
The way that evolution is conventionally taught in schools is undeniably perpetuated as an
established irrefutable fact and not a theory. Any alternative to this theory is dismissed since
evolution is supposedly the biological foundation of the scientific supports of our reality. This of
course, when studied thoroughly, is quite far from the case.

Credit to PM; Ari.

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