Islamic Meditation

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Islamic Meditation –

Dzikr Circle

Gathering For The Sake of Allah’s Love…

Researched By: Siti Rohani Binte Muhammad Ariffin Leong

Author of Real Connection: Towards Oneness

Natu e of asse l …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3

10 Steps to Draw Closer to Allah ……………………………………………………………………….. 4
Fea Allah Whe e e You A e ……………………………………………………………………….. 20
Definition of Dzikr ………………………………………………………………………………………….... 25
Qu a i Ve ses o ‘e e a e …………………………………………………………………. 26
“ahih Musli …………………………………………………………………………………………………... 38
Mo i g a d E e i g ………………………………………………………………………….……………. 41
Supplications at Points of Solah
‘uku Bo i g ………………………………………………………………………………………. 52
“ujud P ost atio ………………………………………………………………………………… 53
“itti g Bet ee T o P ost atio s ………………………………………………………….. 54
Sitting During Prayer (At-Tashahhud …………………………………………………….. 55
Befo e E di g ………………………………………………………………………………………… 56
Afte P a e ………………………………………………………………….……………………….. 60
Special Supplications
Witr ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 63
Istikharah (Seeking Guidance) ……………………………………………………………….. 67
“ujud Upo Qu a ‘e ital …………………………………………………………………….. 68
110 Ahadith Qudsi ……………………………………………………………………………………………
C edits ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

. ‫ْلغف ْو‬ ‫ ِنك ْنت ل ـو‬،‫ تبْ ع ي‬،‫ِ ْغ ِف ْ ِل ْي‬

‘a i hfi lee a tu ala a i aka A tat-Tawwaabul-Ghafoor.

My Lord, forgive me and accept my repentance, You are the Ever-relenting, the


.‫ِليْك‬ ‫ت ْو‬ ‫ْ ا ِ ٰله ِا ْنت ْس ْغ ِف‬ ‫ ْش ـ‬، ِ ْ ‫س ْح نك ل ٰ ـم بِح‬

Subhaanaka Allaahumma wa bihamdika, ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illa Anta,

astaghfiruka wa atoobu ilaika.

Glory is to You. O Allah, and praise is to You. I bear witness that there is none
worthy of worship but You. I seek Your forgiveness and repent to You. 3
Page 10 Steps to Draw Closer to Allah

It should be the desire of every Muslim to draw nearer and closer to

Almighty Allah the most compassionate and the most merciful. By drawing closer
and near to Allah we gain his help in every aspect of our lives in this world and to
be merciful to us so that we may gain mercy in the hereafter in order to enter
Jannah in the next world.
When we call upon him he would answer our calls and when we ask of him
for anything he would give it to us and when we draw nearer to him then our
sincerity and intentions will enable us to become closer to him.
So we should strive to draw nearer to Allah, the Glorified the Exalted, who
is the majesty of honour and generosity and the giver of peace, the most high and
the most honoured.
So what can we do to draw closer to him? The following are 10 steps for us
to draw closer to our Almighty Allah:

1. Fulfilling obligatory duties and abstaining from prohibited matters

The Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) has guided us. And
Allah, the Glorified and the Exalted, has guided us how to draw near to Him. As He
said According to Hadith Qudsi:
Whoe e d a s ea to Me a o g those d a ea fulfilli g hat I

ha e ade o ligato o the ….

You do not draw near to Allah except by fulfilling the obligatory duties
which Allah has made obligatory on you; (that is) the obligatory duties from the
obligatory duties (Faraid) such as Prayers, and Zakat (obligatory charity), and Hajj,
and Fasting and being good to Parents and all these obligatory duties on you draw
you near to Allah, the Glorified and the Exalted. And the faraid (obligatory duties)
are the first things that draw you near to Allah. You do not reach the door of
nearness nor do you reach to the presence of nearness except by fulfilling the
obligatory duties. This is the first thing that draws you near to Allah, the Glorified
and the Exalted, and you are in His Presence.

So the first thing we need to do is fulfil ALL of our obligatory duties and
abstain from that which Allah and his messenger have forbidden us from.
2. Nawafil prayers (superogatory prayers)
Allah says in Hadith Qudsi:
….a d M sla e keeps o o i g lose to Me th ough pe fo i g Na afil
(voluntary deeds) until I love him, so I become his sense of hearing with which he
hears, and his sense of sight with which he sees, and his hand with which he grips,
and his leg with which he walks; and if he asks Me, I will give him, and if he asks
My Protection, I will protect him..." [Bukhari]

A Source of Elevation for you

The Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wasallam) said: "Ask (anything)." Rabi'ah
said: "I ask of ou to e ou o pa io i pa adise." The P ophet said: A thi g
else?" Rabi'ah said: "That is it." The Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wasallam) said to
him: "Then help me by making many prostrations (i.e., supererogatory prayers)."
Allah Most High said, Esta lish o ship at the goi g do of the su u til
the da k of the ight, a d the e ital of the Qu a at da . Lo! the e ital of

the Qu a at da is e e it essed. A d so e pa t of the night awake for its

recital, as voluntary worship for you. It may be that your Lord will raise you to a
praised estate. [Qu a , : -79]
Abu Hurayra (Allah be pleased with him) reports that the Messenger of
Allah (blessings and peace be upon him, his fa il , a d o pa io s said, The
est p a e afte the o ligato p a e s is the ight p a e . [Musli ]
Abu Umama al-Bahili (Allah be pleased with him) reports that the
Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him, his family, and
companions said, Hold fast to ight p a e , fo it as the a of the ighteous
before you, a way of drawing closer to your Lord, an expiation for wrong deeds,
a d a shield f o si . [Ti idhi, a d othe s] I so e a atio s, the e is a
additio , A d it epels si k ess f o the od .
And because night vigil time is the best of times for voluntary worship and
prayer, and the closest a servant is to his Lord.
So let us make the habit of reading as many Nawafil prayers as we can for
more prayers means more prostrations and one is truly the closest to Allah in
…. o do i p ost atio a d i g ou self the lose to Allah ." :

3. Zikr (remembrance of Allah) and glorification of Allah

"…Ve il , i the e e a e of Allah do hea ts fi d est." (13:28)
Remembrance of Allah indeed is the greatest virtue.(29:46).
O ye who believe, remember Allah much. And glorify Him morning and
evening (33:42-43)
Remembrance of Allah is the foundation of all good deeds. Whoever
succeeds in it is blessed with the close friendship of Allah. That is why the
Prophet, peace be upon him, used to make remembrance of Allah at all times.
When a man complained, "The laws of Islam are too heavy for me, so tell me
something that I can easily follow," the Prophet told him, "Let your tongue be
always busy with the remembrance of Allah." [Ahmad].
Remembrance of Allah the best of deeds
The Prophet, peace be upon him, would often tell his Companions, "Shall I
tell you about the best of deeds, the most pure in the sight of your Lord, about
the one that is of the highest order and is far better for you than spending gold
and silver, even better for you than meeting your enemies in the battlefield
where you strike at their necks and they at yours?" The Companions replied, "Yes,
O Messenger of Allah!" The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "Remembrance of
Allah." (Tirmidhi,Ahmad)

Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The
Prophet (PBUH) said, "The similitude of one who remembers his Rubb and one
who does not remember Him, is like that of the living and the dead.'' [Al-Bukhari
and Muslim].
Zikr can be done anywhere and anytime
A pe so a ask, Ho a e do )ik all the ti e hilst e ha e so a
things to do in life such as we go to work, feed the family, pay bills, etc.? Well, the
answer to this is that, firstly, it is the Sunnah of Allah's Messenger to work and
feed the family which is rewarded by Allah and, secondly, that when a person is
working or at school or wherever a person may be this does not mean that he
should stop remembering Allah while he is working, while he is serving his
customers or while he is programming his computer.
In fact the heart of the believer should be attached to Allah's remembrance
throughout his day to day activities such that he protects himself from falling in
love with the materials and temptations of this world and that his love for Allah
and his Messenger becomes stronger and stronger as time goes by. When a
person begins to remember Allah all the time it is then that he becomes conscious
of his actions.
Remember: in a place where people are oblivious to dhikir, remembrance
of Allah is like being steadfast in jihad, when others are running away. (Targhib, p.
193, vol. 3 ref. Bazar and Tibrani)
"... And the men and the women who remember Allah much with their
hearts and tongues. Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward
(i.e., Jannah).'' (33:35)

4. Calling upon Allah in Dua (supplication)

Allah the most compassionate says in the Holy Quran, "Call on Me. I will
answer your prayer, but those who are too arrogant to serve me will surely find
themselves humiliated in Hell" (40:60).
Allah the Exalted, has said: "And your Lord says: Pray unto me: and I will
hear your prayer" (Quran 40:60),
"Call upon your Lord Humbly and in secret" (Quran 7:55),
"When My servants question thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to
them): I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me" (Quran
"Is not He (best) who listens to the (soul) distressed when it calls on Him,
and who relieves its suffering." (Quran 27:62)

Dua’s are e er asted

Aisha radhiallaahu anha said, "No believer makes Dua and it is wasted.
Either it is granted here in this world or deposited for him in the Hereafter as long
as he does not get frustrated."
Allah s a ge at those ho do t ake dua
In fact, it is even wrong to never make Dua, "Whosoever does not
supplicate to Allah, He will be angry with Him." [Saheeh Jaami`as-Sagheer #2414]

Dua is a weapon for the believers

Rasullullah is reported to ha e said, Dua is the eapo of a Musli .
Dua for ones brother in his absence
"The supplication that gets the quickest answer is the one made by one
Muslim for another in his absence." [Abu Daw'ud and Tirmidhi]
So let us build a close relationship with Allah by making much dua to him.
He loves it when his slave calls upon him and it angers him if his slave does not
call upn him.
Let us ha e full hope that ou dua s ill e a epted a d if ou thi k the
o t the k o Allah is keepi g the e a ds for you in the hereafter and those
rewards are so great that one would wish that none of there duas were excepted
in this world just so that one can gain all the rewards for their duas in the next

5. Building a close relationship ith the Qur an

Re ite the Hol Qu aa as u h as e a fo It ill o e as a i te esso
fo its e ite o the Da of Judge e t [Musli ]
Lea the Qu a a d e ite it, e ause the e a ple of o e ho lea s the
Qu a , eads it a d e ites it i Tahajjud is like a open bag full of musk whose
f ag a e pe eates the e ti e pla e. A d the pe so ho has lea t the Qu a
ut sleeps hile the Qu a is i the hea t is like a ag full of usk ut ith its
mouth closed.
Virtues of re iti g the Qur’a
Whoe e eads a letter from the Book of Allah will receive a hasanah
(good deed) from it (i.e. his recitation), and the hasanah is multiplied by ten. I do
not say that Alif-Laam-Meem is (considered as) a letter, rather Alif is a letter,
Laa is a lette , a d Mee is a lette . [At-Tirmidhi, Ad-Darimi]
The e is o e a epta le e ept i t o ases : a pe so ho Allah
has gi e the Qu a a d e ites it th oughout the ight a d th oughout the da .
And a person whom Allah has given wealth, that he gives out throughout the
ight a d th oghout the da . [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
It as a ated that A dullah i Mas ud said: Whoe e eads
Tabarakallahi Biyadihil Mulk [i.e. Surah al-Mulk] every night, Allah will protect him
from the torment of the grave. At the time of the Messenger of Allah (Peace be
upon him) we used to call it al- a i ah that hi h p ote ts . I the Book of Allah
it is a surah which, whoever recites it every night has done very well. (an-Nasa i
A dullah I A as a d A as I Malik ‘a epo ted that the Prophet
Pea e e upo hi said, Whoe e e ited “u ah )ilzilah ould get the
e a d of e iti g half the Qu a . Whoe e e ited “u ah al Kaafi u ould
get a e a d as if eadi g a ua te of the Qu a . Whoe e e ited “u ah al Ikhlas
(112) ould get a e a d as if eadi g o e thi d of the Qu a . At-Tirmidhi

Readi g, u dersta di g a d i ple e ti g the Qur’a i our dail li es

The i tues of e iti g the Qu a a e too u e ous to list. I o de to get
closer to Allah we need to re ite the Qu a , u de sta d it a d i ple e t it i
our daily lives.
We should ake a ta get of eadi g at least a hapte a da . If o e a t
a age that the at least half a hapte . If o e still a t a age that the e ite
at least quarter of a chapter or even a page a day. However much we can manage
we should try to recite each day with its meanings and implement what we learn
into our daily lives.
Reading a little each day is better than reciting a lot once in a while. We
should build a close relatio ship ith the Qu a hi h is i fa t uildi g a lose
relationship with Allah!
Ve il Allah aises atio s this ook the Qu a a d puts do i.e.
dest o s othe s it. [Musli ]

6. Keeping good company

One of the most important things we must do, which sadly many people

neglect, is that we should avoid bad company. People we should avoid taking as
friends those who speak too freely, who miss Salah, who do not dress modestly,
who backbite, slander etc.
The company of such people is poison; just even sitting and talking with
them will lead one to commit sins. Just as a person who sits for a long time with a
perfume seller begins to smell nice, and a person who sits by a gutter cleaner
begins to smell awful, similarly a person who spends time in the company of the
wicked eventually gets affected badly by them.
Rather, we should seek out pious friends who fear Allah taala and who have
the qualities of humility, charity, compassion, modesty and knowledge. If we sit
with them we will always benefit and they will be a means for us to get closer to
Allah taala!
The P ophet sa s said, The ase of the good o pa io a d the ad
companion is like that of the seller of musk and the blower of the bellows (iron-
smith). As for the seller of musk, he will either give you some of the musk, or you
will purchase some from him, or at least you will come away having experienced
its good smell. Whereas the blower of the bellows will either burn your clothing,
or at least you will come away having experienced its repug a t s ell. [Al-
Bukhaaree and Muslim]
‘e e e : All f ie ds ill e e e ies of o e a othe o that Da Da of
Judg e t e ept those of the i tuous. al-Qu a :

7. Having fear and hope in Allah

Indeed, no one despairs of relief from Allah except the disbelieving people.
(Surah Yusuf 12:87)
One must be hopeful of Allahs mercy and forgiveness and fearful of His
punishment. It is this fear that should lead one to seek Allahs forgiveness with
hope. Allah says:
Know that Allah is severe in punishment and that Allah is Forgiving and
Merciful. (Surat al-Maaidah 5:98)
In the above verse, Allah gives us reason to fear because His punishment is
justly severe, as well as good reason to have hope, since He is the Most Forgiving
and Merciful. There should be a balance between fear and hope and not too
much or too less of one or the other.
We should always remain between fear and hope. For, the right and the
approved kind of fear is that which acts as a barrier between the slave and the
things forbidden by Allah. But, if fear is excessive, then the possibility is that the
man will fall into despair and pessimism.
On the other hand the approved state of optimism is of a man who does
good in the light of the Shari'ah and is hopeful of being rewarded for it. Or,
conversely, if a man committed a sin, he repents sincerely, and is hopeful of being
forgiven. Allah (swt) said:
"Verily, those who believed, and those who migrated and fought in the way
of Allah, it is they who are hopeful of Allah's mercy. And Allah is very Forgiving,
very Merciful." (Al-Baqarah, 218)
In contrast, if a man indulges in sins and excesses, but is hopeful that he
would be forgiven without doing anything good, then, this is self-deception, mere
illusion and false hope. Abu 'All Rowzbari has said, "Fear and hope are like the two
wings of a bird. If they are well balanced, the flight will be well balanced. But, If
one is stunted, the Right would also be stunted. And, to be sure, if the two are
lost, the bird will soon be in the throes of death." Allah has praised the people of
hope and fear in the following verse:
'Is one who worships devotedly during the night, prostrating himself or
standing, fearing the Hereafter, and hoping for the mercy of his Lord (is equal to
him who doesn't do these things)?' (Al Zumar, 9)
Hope then also demands fear. If that was not the case, one would be in a
state of false security. Conversely, fear demands hope. Without that it would be
Fear and hope, both should be equally proportioned in our hearts, in our
worship, and in our dua to Allah. Allah says:

Call out to Him with fear and hope. (Surat al-Araaf 7:56)
They forsake their beds to call their Lord in fear and hope. (Surat as-Sajdah

8. Voluntary fasting for the pleasure of Allah

Fasting in general and voluntary fasting in particular is a great worship.
Fasting is not restricted to Ramadhan, but it is an act of worship that can be [and
should be in some cases] performed at any time and at any place except when not
recommended. Indeed, it is a worship that draws the believer closer to Allah and
closer to perfection.
Fasting Mondays and Thursdays:
`Aa'ishah said: The Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alaihi wa salam, used to
fast Mondays and Thursdays". [An-Nasaa i; “ahih]
Abu Hurairah reported that the most the Prophet, salla Allahu alaihi wa
salam, would fast would be Monday and Thursday. He was asked about that and
he said: "The deeds of people are presented to Allah on every Monday and
Thursday. Allah forgives every Muslim except for those who are deserting each
other. He says: "leave them for later." [Ahmad; Hasan]
Intention for voluntary fasting
As opposed to Ramadan, the intention does not have to be made before
dawn. The person can intend fasting [and start fasting] after dawn any time [even
after noon] given that he did not eat anything. `Aa'ishah said : The Prophet, salla
Allahu alaihi wa sallam, came to us one day and said, "Do you have any [food]?"
We said "No". He said: Therefore, I am Fasting". [Muslim and Abu Dawood]

Fasting three days of every month(White days):

Abu Tharr Al-Ghefari said: "The Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu alaihi wa
sallam, said "O Abu Tharr! if you fast three days of every month, then fast the
13th, the 14th and the 15th [these are call the al-ayaam al-beedh, the white

days]". [Ahmad, an-Nasaa'i and at-Tirmithi; Sahih]

Fasti g a d the Qu a ill i te ede fo the sla e o the Da of
‘esu e tio . Fasti g ill sa : O M ‘a ! I p e e ted hi f o food a d desi es,
so a ept i te essio fo hi . A d the Qu a ill sa : I p e e ted hi f o
sleep du i g the ight, so a ept i te essio fo hi . He sallallahu `ala hi
a salla said: A d the ill e allo ed to i te ede. [Ah ad, at-Tabarani,
Al-Hakim, Sahih]
So let us get closer to Allah by fasting Mondays and Thursdays or at least 3
days every month on the 14th,15th and 16th. If we leave something for the
pleasure of Allah then we will get MUCH greater in return!

9. Sincerely repenting to Allah

Allah says: O son of Adam, if your sins were to reach the clouds of the sky
and you would then seek My forgiveness, I would forgive you.
When a person sins and then sincerely turns to Allah for forgiveness, one
will find Allah ready to accept his repentance and to forgive him, as this verse
And whoever does a wrong or wrongs himself, but then seeks forgiveness
from Allah, he will find Allah forgiving and merciful. (Surat an-Nisaa 4:110)
Everyone commits sin and does wrong, but Allah is always willing to forgive
and He always gives them a chance to repent and seek His forgiveness. A believer
should never forget the fact that Allah is so forgiving. If Allah had willed, He could
have held everyone accountable for his or her sins, but He has decreed that He
shall allow His servants to seek His forgiveness and that He shall in fact forgive
who and what He wills. In fact, Allah commands that His servants seek His
And seek Allahs forgiveness. Certainly, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. (Surat al-
Muzzammil 73:20)
Repentance is an act, which purifies the soul and brings the servant closer
to Allah. It puts the heart at rest from guilt. It protects one from falling prey to his

desires and lusts and increases his faith.

We must ask ourselves this question: Would we be willing to forgive
anyone who hurts us and disobeys us constantly as easily as Allah is Able to
forgive? Most probably, the answer would be no. But our Creator is the Most Kind
and He is the Most Perfect.
Lo! Allah is a Lord of Kindness to mankind, but most of mankind give not
thanks. (Surat al-Baqarah 2:143)
In this Hadithi Qudsi, mankind is encouraged to seek Allahs forgiveness and
repent, but there are five conditions of repentance, which must be met for ones
repentance to be accepted. The first and most important is that the act of
repentance be sincerely for Allah alone. Secondly, the person must feel remorse
and guilt over his actions so much so that he wished he had never done it in the
first place. The third condition is that the person must immediately cease
performing the wrong and sinful act. Fourthly, the repentant person must have a
firm intention to never commit the sin again. And lastly, the person must repent
before it is too late, meaning before death approaches.
However, there is a condition. One must not associate any partners with
Allah, which is shirk. And Allah does not forgive shirk and if one dies without
believing in Allah alone as ones Creator, then he will be doomed to the Hellfire for
all of eternity. So, Allah emphasizes the importance of calling on Him alone. He
has no and needs no partners, associates, wives, children, etc. There is no god,
but Allah. None forgives sins except Him, so one who is seeking forgiveness
should seek it only from Allah.
Allahs forgiveness and mercy is far greater and vaster than the sins of the
creation. One must always have trust and hope in Allah in both good times and
bad times and especially when seeking Allahs forgiveness. And the believer who
calls out to his Lord for forgiveness demonstrates his true weakness and that he is
totally dependent on the Creator.
When one confesses his sins to Allah and sincerely repents with hope in
Allahs mercy, the heart should come to peace and the soul should feel rest. When
a person has hope, he has no reason to despair because it only leads to
destruction. Allah gives hope to all, especially those who despair that there is no

reason to despair because Allah is the Most Merciful of all those who show mercy.

Allah praises those who repent and turn to Him:

And those who, when they commit a lewd act or wrong themselves with
evil, remember Allah and ask forgiveness for their sins and who forgives sins
except Allah? And they do not persist in what (wrong) they were doing while they
knew it. For such, the reward is forgiveness from their Lord and Gardens with
rivers flowing through, wherein they shall abide forever. How excellent is the
reward of the doers (of good)! (Surah Ali Imran 3:135-136)

10. Having good manners, character and being humble

Ma of us thi k that a pe fe t Musli is si pl o e ho is o e t i the
observance of the salah (ritual Prayer), the fasting, the zakah (payment of a
e tai po tio of o e s ealth to the poo , a d the Hajj pilg i age to Makkah .
This indeed is not the case.
If the ritual observances do not help the person to be humble, virtuous and
truly God-fearing, then he or she is not a real Muslim. A Muslim should be good
and just in dealing with others, no matter their religion, and take special care to
keep away from all the shameful and sinful things Allah (God) has forbidden.
One can never get close to Allah by being arrogant, full of pride and having
a bad character and manners. Those who have humility and are humble and have
good character and manners are the closest to Allah and Allah raises their ranks in
the hereafter.

The superiority of good character:

Hadrat Abu Darda, may Allah be pleased with him, relates that the Holy
Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
Nothi g is hea ie i the s ales of a elie e o the Da of Judge e t tha his
good eha iou . Allah detests a pe so ho is o s e e a d sha eless . Ti idhi
Having humility and being humble:
The Prophet (PBUH) said: "He who was humble for the sake of God by one
degree, God (SWT) would then elevate them to a degree till they reach the

uppermost of high Orders, and he who was arrogant to God (SWT), God (SWT)
would then lower him for a degree till he reaches the lowest of low Orders",
(Narrated by: Muslim (Hadeeth: 6535).
Al-Nawawi said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
said: A d o o e hu les hi self efo e Allaah ut Allaah ill aise hi i
status .
Humbleness is to know the value of oneself, to avoid pride, or disregarding
the truth and underestimating people. As the Prophet sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam
said, according to Muslim and others, "Al-Kibr is rejecting the truth and looking
down upon people" [Muslim, Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud].
Humbleness is for one who is important and significant and he fears to gain
notoriety or to become too great among people. Humbleness is that one should
humble himself with his companions.
Humbleness is to humble oneself to one who is below you. If you find
someone who is younger than you, or of less importance than you, you should
not despise him, because he might have a better heart than you, or be less sinful,
or closer to Allah than you. Even if you see a sinful person and you are righteous,
do not act in arrogance towards him, and thank Allah that He saved you from the
tribulation that He put him through. Remember that there might be some riyaa'
or vanity in your righteous deeds that may cause them to be of no avail, and that
this sinful person may be regretful and fearful concerning his bad deeds, and this
may be the cause of forgiveness of his sins.
Humbleness is that your deed should not become too great in your eyes. If
you do a good deed, or attempt to get closer to Allah ta`ala through an act of
obedience, your deed may still not be accepted, "Allah only accepts from those
who have taqwa (fear of Allah)." (Surat al-Maida: 27)
Humbleness is that, when you are advised, if Shaytaan calls you to reject
the advice, you must negate him. Because the purpose of advice is that your
brother points out the defects that you have.
The arrogant never gives credit to anybody or mentions good about
someone, and if he needed to do so, he would also mention five defects of that

person. But if he hears somebody reminding him about his own defects, he will

not be flexible nor comply due to his inferiority complex. This is why it is among
man's moral integrity to accept criticism or comment without any sensitivity or
discomfort or feelings of shame and weakness.

We can summarize the teachings of Islam about the Muslim character in the
following list:
Be truthful i e er thi g, do ’t lie.
Be si ere a d straightfor ard, do ’t e h po riti al.
Be ho est, do ’t e orrupt.
Be hu le, do ’t e oastful.
Be oderate, do ’t e e essi e.
Be reser ed, do ’t e garrulous.
Be soft-spoke , do ’t e loud.
Be refi ed a d ge tle i spee h, do ’t urse and use foul language.
Be lo i g a d soli itous to others, do ’t e u i dful of the .
Be o siderate a d o passio ate, do ’t e harsh.
Be polite a d respe tful to people, do ’t e i sulti g or disrespe tful.
Be ge erous a d harita le, do ’t e selfish and miserly.
Be good atured a d forgi i g, do ’t e itter a d rese tful.
Share a d e o te t ith hat Allah has gi e ou, do ’t e greed .
Be heerful a d pleasa t, do ’t e irrita le a d orose.
Be haste a d pure, do ’t e lustful.
Be alert and aware of the orld arou d ou, do ’t e a se t-minded.
Be dig ified a d de e t, do ’t e gra eless.
Be opti isti a d hopeful, do ’t e i al or pessi isti .

Be o fide t a d ha e deep faith, do ’t e dou tful a d a eri g.

Be spiritually oriented and not materialistic.
Be o fide t of the er of Allah, do ’t e despairi g a d lose heart.
Be dilige t a d igila t of our duties, do ’t e eglige t.
Be tha kful to Allah a d o sta tl pra to Hi , do ’t e forgetful of His
innumerable blessings.

Finally as the righteous say, "The love of Allah is the axis around which all
good revolves." If you fall in love with Allah, and then strive to be true in your
love--in accordance with the way of the Beloved of Allah (Allah bless him and give
him peace), then you'll find nothing but increasing light and contentment in your
life. And Allah alone gives success.

Fear Allah Where e er You Are

Abû Dharr al-Ghifârî and Mu`âdh b, Jabal relate that the Prophet (peace be
upo hi said: Fea Allah he e e ou a e. Follo up a ad deed ith a good
deed and it will blot it out. And deal with people in a good a e . [ “u a al-
Tirmidhî ]
The importance of this hadith:
I ‘aja sa s: This is po e ful ad i e, i gi g togethe the ights of
Allah and the ights of His se a ts.

The fear of Allah

The A a i o d fo the fea of Allah is ta â . It o es f o the oot
o d ea i g to p ote t f o so ethi g, to p e e t . I deed, a pe so e hi its
the fear of Allah by seeking to prevent Allah's punishment by carrying out what
Allah has commanded of him and abstaining from what Allah has prohibited him.
Allah had called upon all people in every era to fea Hi . Allah sa s: A d
We had enjoined upon those who were given the Scripture before – as well as
yourselves – to fea Allah. [ “û ah al-Nisâ' : 131]
It is Allah's right over His servants that they fear Him as He ought to be
feared. Allah says: O ou ho elie e! Fea Allah as He ought to e fea ed a d
do not die except as believe s. [ “û ah Âl `I â : ]
Ibn Mas`ûd explained what it means to fear Allah as He ought to be feared
sa i g: It ea s that He is to e o e ed ot diso e ed, e embered not

forgotten, and sho g atitude ot i g atitude.

The fear of Allah is the path to forgiveness, salvation, and the attainment of
Allah's mercy. Allah says:
I deed, Allah is ith those ho fea Hi a d those ho do good. [ “û ah
al-Nahl : 128]
A d M e e o passes all thi gs, a d I shall de ee it fo those ho
fea Me. [ “û ah al-A`râf : 156]
He is o th of ei g fea ed a d o th of g a ti g fo gi e ess. [ “û ah
al-Muddaththir : 56]
A d hoe e fea s Allah – He will pardon him his sins and grant him a
great e a d. [ “û ah al-Talâq : 5]
I deed, those ho fea Allah ill e a o g ga de s a d i e s, i a seat of
truth near an All-Powerful Sovereig . [ “û ah al-Qamar : 54-55]
Allah promises those who fear Him that He will provide for their needs and
g a t the a a out of thei o ldl diffi ulties. Allah sa s: A d hoe e fea s
Allah, He will make for him a way out, and provide for him from whence he could
never imagi e. [ “û ah al-Talâq : 2-3]
This is Allah's promise. We should draw strength from it when we are tried
in life with difficulties that tempt us to resort to what Allah has forbidden.

The relationship between knowledge and the fear of Allah

Allah sa s: It is o l those ho ha e k o ledge a o g Allah's se a ts
who fea Hi . [ “û ah Fâti : ]
There are two ways in which knowledge and the fear of Allah are related.
The first is that true fear of Allah comes about as the result of having proper
knowledge of Allah and His perfect attributes.
Ibn `Abbâs said a out this e se: The a e those ho k o that Allah is
apa le of all thi gs.

He also said: The e se ea s: The o l people ho fea e a e those

who know my powe , ight, a d do i io .
I Kathî sa s i his o e ta of this e se: The o ly people who fear
Allah in the true sense are those who are knowledgeable about Allah. This is
because the more knowledge a person has about the Almighty, the All-Powerful
and All-Knowing, who possesses the attributes of perfection and the best of
names – the more perfect and complete this knowledge is – the greater and more
total his fea of Allah ill e. [ Tafsî I Kathîr ]
The second way that the fear of Allah and knowledge are related stems
from the fact that the fear of Allah is to seek to prevent Allah's punishment by
carrying out Allah's commands and abstaining from His prohibitions.
Consequently, a Muslim needs to have knowledge of these matters in order to
fear Allah properly. An ignorant Muslim may have a sense of fear, but he will not
be able to fully carry out what that fear requires of him.
I `A âs said: To ha e k o ledge of the Most Me iful is to e so eo e
who associates nothing as a partner with Him, who deems lawful what He has
made lawful, who prohibits what He has prohibited, who preserves what He has
enjoined upon him, and who has certainty that he shall meet Him and that his
a tio s ill e a ou ted fo .

Follow up a bad deed with a good deed

The Prophet (peace be upon him) tells us that the performing a good deed
wipes away the sin incurred from perpetrating an evil one. Scholars have
disag eed hethe the good deed ei g efe ed to he e efe s spe ifi all to
the context of repentance or whether it is general for all good works.
The strongest view is that all good deeds can wipe away evil deeds. Allah
sa s: A d esta lish p a e at the t o e ds of the da a d at the app oa h of the
night. Indeed, good works do away with evil deeds. That is a reminder for those
who take heed. [ “û ah Hûd : ]
A man once came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and informed him
that he had contact with a woman like a husband has with his wife, except that he
did not go so far as to fornicate with her. This man had just prayed the Fajr

p a e . The P ophet pea e e upo hi said: Ha e you prayed with us the Fajr

p a e ? Whe he eplied that he had, the P ophet pea e e upo hi e ited:

I deed, good o ks do a a ith e il deeds. [ “ahîh al-Bukhârî (526) and Sahîh
Muslim (2763)]
However, a believer should always repent for his sins. Allah sa s: A d
those, who when they commit an indecency or wrong themselves, remember
Allah and seek forgiveness for their sins – and who forgives sins except Allah –
and then do not knowingly persist in what they have done, for them is forgiveness
from their Lord and gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they shall abide
forever. How great is the reward for those who work righteousness. [ “û ah Âl
`Imrân : 135]
A believer should follow up his sincere repentance with the performance of
good works. This is hat Allah a ts f o us. He sa s: I deed, I a Most
Forgiving to whomever repents, believes, and works righteous deeds and then
continues upon guida e. [ “û ah TâHâ : ]
Allah also tells us: E ept fo those ho epe t, elie e, a d o k
righteous deeds. For those, Allah will change their evil deeds into good deeds, and
Allah is Most Fo gi i g, Most Me iful. [ “û ah al-Furqân : 70] This is especially
true for major sins. A Muslim must never leave a major sin to go without
repentance, for Allah's promise of forgiveness is for those who turn to Him in
si e e epe ta e. The P ophet pea e e upo hi said: A se a t, if he
a k o ledges his si a d the epe ts, Allah ill fo gi e hi . [ “ahîh al-Bukhârî
(4141) and Sahîh Muslim (2770)]

And deal with people in a good manner

Allah tells us repeatedly in the Qur'ân to observe good manners in our
deali gs ith othe s. He sa s: Keep to fo gi e ess O Muha ad , a d e joi
kindness, and turn away from those who are igno a t. [ “û ah al-A`râf : 199]
Allah sa s: No a good ess a d e il e e ual. ‘epel e il ith hat is
better. Then he between whom and you there had been hatred will become as
though he were your dear f ie d. [ “û ah Fussilat : ]
The Prophet (peace be upon him) is the perfect example of what it means
to possess good a e s. Allah sa s, des i i g hi : I deed ou a e of a g eat
moral cha a te . [ “û ah al-Qalam : 4]
The Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasized how good manners are of
paramount importance in Islam when he said: I as se t o l to pe fe t good
ma e s. [ Mus ad Ah ad ]
I deed, he tells us that good a e s a e pa t of faith. He said: The
elie e s ith the ost o plete faith a e those ho ha e the est a e s. [
Sunan al-Tirmidhî (1162) and Sunan Abî Dâwûd (4682)]
Among the good manners that we should cultivate is to be sensible in our
dealings with others and not to react hastily when they do that which displeases
us. The P ophet pea e e upo hi said to Ashajj `A d Qa s: You possess
withi ou self t o ualities that Allah lo es: dis e e t a d fo ea a e. [
Sahîh Muslim (17)]

(Arabic: "reminding oneself," or "mention"), ritual prayer or litay

practiced by Muslim mystics (Sufis) for the purpose of glorifying

God andachieving spiritual perfection. Based on the Qur'anic

injunctions "Remind thyself [udhkur] of thy Lord when thou

forgettest" (18:24) and "O ye who believe! Remember [udhkuru]

Allah with much remembrance" (33:41), the dhikr is essentially a

"remembering" of God by the frequent repetition ofhis names.

Originally a simple recitation of the Qur'an and various religious

writings among ascetics and mystics, the dhikr gradually became

aformula (e.g., la ilaha illa 'llah, "there is no god but God"; Allahu

akbar,"God is greatest"; al-hamdu li'llah, "praise be to God";

astaghfiru 'llah, "Iask God's forgiveness"), repeated aloud or

softly, accompanied by prescribed posture and breathing. As the

Sufi brotherhoods (tariqahs) were established, each adopted a

particular dhikr, to be recited in solitude (e.g., following each of

the five obligatory daily prayers) or as acommunity. The dhikr,

like fikr (meditation), is a method the Sufi may use in his striving

to achieve oneness with God. []

Surah Al-Anaam
‫س ۡور ااٴنعام‬

ۡ ‫ݗما ع݊ى ٱلڳܖين ي ڳتقݘݏ م ۡن حسابݖم من ش‬

‫ى ۬ء ݗل ٰـڪن‬
)٩٦( ‫ݙ لع݊ڳݖ ۡم ي ڳتقݘݏ‬ ۡ ‫ܕ‬
ٰ ‫ڪر‬
On their account no responsibility falls on the righteous, but (their duty) is
to remind them, that they may (learn to) fear Allah. (69)

Surah Al-Kahf
‫س ۡور الکهف‬

‫ايـت ܗبه فأ ۡعرض ع ۡݒہا ݗنسى ما‬ ٰ َ‫ݎن ܕكر بـ‬ ‫ܯ ݊م م ڳ‬ ۡ ‫من أ‬
ۡ َ‫ݗ‬
‫يۡقݖݘݓ ݗفى‬ ۡ ‫ى ق݊ݘبݖ ۡم أڪ ڳݒً أݏ‬ٰ ݊‫مت يܔاݓ ِنڳا َع݊ݒا ع‬ ۡ ‫ق ڳܔ‬
۬ ‫يہتܔݗا ِܕا أ‬
)٧٥( ‫بܔا‬ ۡ ‫ܔݙ ف݊ن‬ ٰ ‫ݗق ۬را ݗِݏ َ ۡܔعݖ ۡم ِلى ۡٱلݖ‬ۡ ‫ءاܕانہ ۡم‬

And who doth more wrong than one who is reminded of the Signs of his
Lord but turns away from them, forgetting the (deeds) which his hands
have sent forth? Verily We have set veils over their hearts lest they should
understand this, and over their ears, deafness. If thou callest them to
guidance, even then will they never accept guidance. (57)

Surah Al-Baqara
‫س ۡور ال قر‬

‫َل ڴمس ۬ݎى‬ ۬ ‫ىأ‬ ۡ ‫ٰيـأيڴݖا ٱلڳܖين ءامݒݘا ِܕا َܔايݒتم ب‬

ٰ ‫ܔين ِل‬
‫َۡت بڳ َۡݒۡ ۡم ڪاَ ب ۡلع ۡܔِ ݗَ ۡيأَ كاَ أݏ‬ ۡ ‫ڪتۼݘݓ‬
ۡ ‫ݗل‬ ۡ ‫ف‬
‫ݗلَ ۡݎ݊ل ٱلڳܖݙ ع݊ َۡه ۡٱلَ ڴ‬ ۡ ۡ ‫َڪت‬ ‫يۡت ڪݎا ع݊ڳݎه ڳ‬
ۡ ݊ۡ ‫ٱّ ف‬ ۡ
‫س م ۡݒه ش َۡ ۬ـا فِݏ كاݏ ٱلڳܖݙ ع݊ َۡه‬ۡ ‫ٱّ ܗبڳه ݗَ يۼۡ ܒ‬ ‫ڳ‬ ۡ
‫ݗلَ ڳت‬

‫ل هݘ ف َۡ݊ ۡݎ݊ ۡل‬‫يستܮَع أݏ يݎ ڳ‬ ۡ َ ‫ۡٱلَ ڴ سَۡݖا أ ۡݗ ضعَۡا أ ۡݗ‬

‫َܔين من ܗَالڪ ۡم فِݏ لڳ ۡم‬ ۡ ‫تۡہܔݗا شہ‬ ۡ ‫ݗٱس‬ۡ ِ‫ݗلَڴه ب ۡلع ۡܔ‬
‫ٱلۡہܔاء أݏ‬ ‫ڴ‬ ‫ݎن َرۡ ض ۡݘݏ من‬ ‫ݗٱمرأَاݏ م ڳ‬ۡ ‫ل‬ ۬ َ‫يۡݘنا ܗَ݊ َۡن فر‬
‫ٱلۡہܔاء ِܕا‬ ‫ڴ‬ َ‫ݙ ݗَ ۡيأ‬ ٰ ‫ل ِ ۡحܔٮٰݖݎا فتܖڪر ِ ۡحܔٮٰݖݎا ۡٱۡ ۡخر‬ ‫َض ڳ‬
‫ى أَ݊ه‬ ٰ ‫سـَݎݘا أݏ َۡتۼݘݓ ََِرا أ ۡݗ ڪۼَرا ِل‬ ۡ َ َ‫ما ܓعݘا ݗ‬
‫ى أ ڳَ َرۡ َابݘا ِ ڳَ أݏ‬
ٰ ‫ہـܔ۽ ݗأ ۡܓن‬ ‫ٱّ ݗأ ۡقݘ݋ ل ڳ‬
ٰ ۡ݊ ‫ܕ لۡ ۡم أ ۡقسط عݒܔ ڳ‬
َ‫܊ـر۽ حاضر ۬۽ َܔيرݗنݖا ۡبَݒڪ ۡم ف݊ َۡس ع݊ َۡۡ ۡم َݒا܋ أ ڳ‬ ٰ َ ‫َۡݘݏ‬
‫َܔ ݗِݏ‬ ۬ ‫ايعت ۡم ݗَ يضا ڳܗ كاَ ۬ ݗَ شݖ‬ ۡ ‫شݖܔݗا ِܕا َۼ‬ ۡ ‫َ ۡۡتۼݘها ݗأ‬
‫ٱّ ڳ‬
ّ‫ݗٱ‬ ‫ٱّ ݗيع݊ݎڪم ڳ‬ ‫َ ۡۡع݊ݘا فِنڳه فسݘق بڪ ۡم ݗٱَڳقݘا ڳ‬
)٢٨٢( ‫َم‬ ۬ ݊‫ىء ع‬ ۡ ‫بڪل ش‬

O ye who believe! when ye deal with each other, in transactions involving

future obligations in a fixed period of time, reduce them to writing. Let a
scribe write: down faithfully as between the parties: let not the scribe
refuse to write as Allah has taught him, so let him write. Let him who
incurs the liability dictate, but let him fear Allah, his Lord Allah and not
diminish aught of what he owes. If the party liable is mentally deficient, or
weak, or unable himself to dictate, let his guardian dictate faithfully. And
get two witnesses, out of your own men And if there are not two men,
then a man and two women, such as ye choose, for witnesses, so that if
one of them errs, the other can remind her. The witnesses should not
refuse when they are called on (for evidence). Disdain not to reduce to
writing (your contract) for a future period, whether it be small or big: it is
juster in the sight of Allah, more suitable as evidence, and more convenient
to prevent doubts among yourselves; but if it be a transaction which ye
carry out on the spot among yourselves, there is no blame on you if ye
reduce it not to writing. But take witnesses whenever ye make a
commercial contract; and let neither scribe nor witness suffer harm. If ye
do (such harm) it would be wickedness in you. So fear Allah; for it is Allah

that teaches you. And Allah is well acquainted with all things. (282)
Verses ith Remember
(Translation: Abdullah Yusuf Ali)

Sura 2 - Al-Baqara (MADINA)

49: And remember, We delivered you from the people of Pharaoh: they set you
hard tasks and punishments slaughtered your sons and let your womenfolk live;
therein was a tremendous trial from your Lord.
50: And remember We divided the sea for you and saved you and drowned
Pharaoh's people within your very sight.
51: And remember We appointed forty nights for Moses and in his absence you
took the calf (for worship) and ye did grievous wrong.
53: And remember We gave Moses the Scripture and the criterion (between right
and wrong) there was a chance for you to be guided aright.
54: And remember Moses said to his people: "O my people! Ye have indeed
wronged yourselves by your worship of the calf so turn (in repentance) to your
Maker and slay yourselves (the wrong-doers); that will be better for you in the
sight of your Maker." Then He turned toward you (in forgiveness); for He is Oft-
returning Most Merciful.
55: And remember ye said: "O Moses! we shall never believe in thee until we see
Allah manifestly" but ye were dazed by thunder and lightning even as ye looked
58: And remember We said: "Enter this town and eat of the plenty therein as ye
wish; but enter the gate with humility, in posture and in words, and We shall
forgive you your faults and increase (the portion of) those who do good."
60: And remember Moses prayed for water for his people; We said: "Strike the
rock with thy staff." Then gushed forth therefrom twelve springs. Each group knew
its own place for water. So eat and drink of the sustenance provided by Allah, and
do no evil nor mischief on the (face of the) earth.

61: And remember ye said: "O Moses! we cannot endure one kind of food

(always); so beseech thy Lord for us to produce for us of what the earth groweth-
its pot-herbs and cucumbers its garlic lentils and onions." He said: "will ye
exchange the better for the worse? Go ye down to any town and ye shall find what
ye want!" They were covered with humiliation and misery; they drew on
themselves the wrath of Allah. This because they went on rejecting the signs of
Allah and slaying His messengers without just cause. This because They rebelled
and went on transgressing.
63: And remember We took your covenant and We raised above you the towering
height of Mount (Sinai) (saying): "Hold firmly to what We have given you and
bring (ever) to remembrance what is therein: perchance ye may fear Allah."
67: And remember Moses said to his people: "Allah commands that ye sacrifice a
heifer." They said: "Makest thou a laughing-stock of us?" He said: "Allah save me
from being an ignorant (fool)!"
72: Remember ye slew a man and fell into a dispute among yourselves as to the
crime but Allah was to bring forth what ye did hide.
83: And remember We took a covenant from the children of Israel (to this effect):
worship none but Allah; treat with kindness your parents and kindred, and
orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and
give Zakat. then did ye turn back except a few among you, and ye backslide (even
84: And remember We took your Covenant (to this effect): shed no blood amongst
you, nor turn out your own people from your homes; and this ye solemnly ratified,
and to this you were witness.
93: And remember We took your Covenant and We raised above you the mount
(Sinai): (saying): "Hold firmly to what We have given you, and hearken (to the
Law)"; they said: "We hear, and we disobey"; and they had to drink into their
hearts (of the taint) of the calf because of their faithlessness. Say: "Vile indeed are
the behests of your faith, if ye have any faith!"
124: And remember that Abraham was tried by his Lord with certain commands,
which he fulfilled; He said: "I will make thee an Imam to the nations." He pleaded:
"And also (Imams) from my offspring!" He answered: "But my promise is not

within the reach of evil-doers."

125: Remember We made the House a place of assembly for men and a place of
safety; and take ye the station of Abraham as a place of prayer; and We
covenanted with Abraham and Isma`il that they should sanctify My House for
those who compass it round or use it as a retreat or bow, or prostrate themselves
(therein in prayer).
126: And remember Abraham said: "My Lord make this a City of Peace, and feed
its people with fruits―such of them as believe in Allah and the Last Day." He said:
"(Yea) and such as reject faith―for a while will I grant them their pleasure, but
will soon drive them to the torment of fire―an evil destination (indeed)!"
127: And remember Abraham and Isma`il raised the foundations of the House
(with this prayer): "Our Lord! accept (this service) from us; for thou art the All-
Hearing the All-Knowing.
152: Then do ye remember Me; I will remember you. Be grateful to Me and reject
not faith.

Sura 3 - Al-E-Imran (MADINA)

103: And hold fast, all together by the rope which Allah (stretches out for you),
and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favour
on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love so that by His
Grace, ye became brethren; and ye were on the brink of the pit of fire, and He
saved you from it. Thus doth Allah make his signs clear to you: that ye may be
121: Remember that morning thou didst leave thy household (early) to post the
Faithful at their stations for battle: and Allah heareth and knoweth all things.
122: Remember two of your parties meditated cowardice; but Allah was their
Protector, and in Allah should the Faithful (ever) put their trust.
124: Remember thou saidst to the Faithful: Is it not enough for you that Allah
should help you with three thousand angels (specially) sent down?
187: And remember Allah took a Covenant from the People of the Book, to make it

known and clear to mankind, and not to hide it; but they threw it away behind
their backs, and purchased with it some miserable gain! and vile was the bargain
they made!

Sura 4 - An-Nisa (MADINA)

127: They ask thy instruction concerning the women. Say: Allah doth instruct you
about them: and (remember) what hath been rehearsed unto you in the Book,
concerning the orphans of women to whom ye give not the portions prescribed
and yet whom ye desire to marry, as also concerning the children who are weak
and oppressed: that ye stand firm for justice to orphans. There is not a good deed
which ye do, but Allah is well-acquainted therewith.

Sura 5 - Al-Maeda (MADINA)

20: Remember Moses said to his people: "O my people! call in remembrance the
favour of Allah unto you when He produced prophets among you made you kings
and gave you what He had not given to any other among the peoples.

Sura 6 - Al-Anaam (MAKKA)

152: And come not nigh to the orphan's property, except to improve it, until he
attain the age of full strength; give measure and weight with (full) justice;― no
burden do We place on any soul, but that which it can bear;― whenever ye speak,
speak justly, even if a near relative is concerned; and fulfil the Covenant of Allah:
thus doth He command you, that ye may remember.

Sura 7 - Al-Araf (MAKKA)

3: Follow (O men!) the revelation given unto you from your Lord, and follow not,
as friends or protectors, other than Him. Little it is ye remember of admonition.
57: It is He who sendeth the winds like heralds of glad tidings going before His

Mercy: when they have carried the heavy-laden clouds, We drive them to a land
that is dead, make rain to descend thereon, and produce every kind of harvest
therewith: thus shall We raise up the dead: perchance ye may remember.
74: "And remember how He made you inheritors after the Ad people and gave you
habitations in the land: ye build for yourselves palaces and castles in (open) plains,
and carve out homes in the mountains; so bring to remembrance the benefits (ye
have received) from Allah, and refrain from evil and mischief on the earth."
86: "And squat not on every road, breathing, threats, hindering from the path of
Allah those who believe in Him and seek to make it something crooked; but
remember how ye were little, and He gave you increase. And hold in your mind's
eye what was the end of those who did mischief.
141: And remember We rescued you from Pharaoh's people who afflicted you with
the worst of penalties who slew your male children and saved alive your females:
in that was a momentous trial from your Lord.
161: And remember it was said to them: "Dwell in this town and eat therein as ye
wish, but say the word of humility and enter the gate in a posture of humility; We
shall forgive you your faults; We shall increase (the portion of) those who do

Sura 8 - Al-Anfal (MADINA)

9: Remember ye implored the assistance of your Lord, and He answered you: "I
will assist you with a thousand of the angels, ranks on ranks."
11: Remember He covered you with a sort of drowsiness, to give you calm as from
himself, and He caused rain to descend on you from heaven, to clean you
therewith, to remove from you the stain of satan to strengthen your hearts, and to
plant your feet firmly therewith.
12: Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you:
give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers:
smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them."
30: Remember how the unbelievers plotted against thee, to keep thee in bonds, or
slay thee, or get thee out, (of thy home). They plot and plan and Allah too plans
but the best of planners is Allah.
32: Remember how they said: "O Allah! if this is indeed the Truth from Thee, rain
down on us a shower of stones from the sky, or send us a grievous penalty."
42: Remember ye were on the hither side of the valley, and they on the farther
side, and the caravan on lower ground than ye. Even if ye had made a mutual
appointment to meet, ye would certainly have failed in the appointment: but (thus
ye met), that Allah might accomplish a matter already enacted; that those who
died might die after a clear sign (had been given), and those who lived might live
after a clear sign (had been given). And verily Allah is He Who heareth and
knoweth (all things).
43: Remember in thy dream Allah showed them to thee as few: if He had shown
them to thee as many, ye would surely have been discouraged, and ye would
surely have disputed in (your) decision: but Allah saved (you): for He knoweth well
the (secrets) of (all) hearts.
44: And remember when ye met He showed them to you as few in your eyes, and
He made you appear as contemptible in their eyes: that Allah might accomplish a
matter already enacted: For to Allah do all questions go back (for decision).
48: Remember satan made their (sinful) acts seem alluring to them, and said: "No
one among men can overcome you this day, while I am near to you": but when the
two forces came in sight of each other he turned on his heels and said: "Lo! I am
clear of you; lo! I see what ye see not; lo! I fear Allah; for Allah is strict in
57: If ye gain the mastery over them in war, disperse with them, those who follow
them, that they may remember.
72: Those who believed, and adopted exile and fought for the faith with their
property and their persons, in the cause of Allah, as well as those who gave (them)
asylum and aid they are (all) friends and protectors, one of another. As to those
who believed but came not into exile, ye owe no duty of protection to them until

they come not into exile, but if they seek your aid in religion it is your duty to help
them, except against a people with whom ye have a treaty of mutual alliance: and
(remember) Allah seeth all that ye do.

Sura 11 - Hud (MAKKA)

114: And establish regular prayers at the two ends of the day and at the
approaches of the night: for those things that are good remove those that are evil:
be that the word of remembrance to those who remember (their Lord).

Sura 12 - Yusuf (MAKKA)

85: They said: "By Allah! (Never) wilt thou cease to remember Joseph until thou
reach the last extremity of illness, or until thou die!"

Sura 14 - Ibrahim (MAKKA)

6: Remember! Moses said to his people: "Call to mind the favour of Allah to you
when He delivered you from the people of Pharaoh: they set you hard tasks and
punishments, slaughtered your sons, and let your womenfolk live: therein was a
tremendous trial from your Lord."
7: And remember! your Lord caused to be declared (publicly): "If ye are grateful, I
will add more (favours) unto you; but if ye show ingratitude, truly My punishment
is terrible indeed."
35: Remember Abraham said: "O my Lord! make this city one of peace and
security: and preserve me and my sons from worshipping idols.

Sura 20 - Ta-Ha (MAKKA)

34: "And remember Thee without stint.
Sura 21 - Al-Anbiya (MAKKA)
76: (Remember) Noah when he cried (to Us) aforetime: We listened to his (prayer)
and delivered him and his family from great distress.
78: And remember David and Solomon, when they gave judgment in the matter of
the field into which the sheep of certain people had strayed by night: We did
witness their judgment.
83: And (remember) Job, when he cried to his Lord "Truly distress has seized me
But Thou art the Most Merciful of those that are merciful."
85: And (remember) Ismail, Idris and Dhu al Kifl, all (men) of constancy and
87: And remember Dhu al Nun, when he departed in wrath: he imagined that We
had no power over him! but he cried through the depths of darkness "There is no
god but Thou: Glory to Thee: I was indeed wrong!"
89: And (remember) Zakariya, when he cried to his Lord: "O my Lord! leave me not
without offspring, though Thou art the best of inheritors.
91: And (remember) her who guarded her chastity: We breathed into her of Our
Spirit, and We made her and her son a Sign for all peoples.

Sura 29 - Al-Ankaboot (MAKKA)

28: And (remember) Lut; behold he said to his people: "Ye do commit lewdness,
such as no people in Creation (ever) committed before you.
38: (Remember also) the `Ad and the Thamud (people): clearly will appear to you
from (the traces) of their buildings (their fate): the Evil One made their deeds
alluring to them, and kept them back from the Path, though they were gifted with
Intelligence and Skill.
39: (Remember also) Qarun, Pharaoh, and Haman: there came to them Moses
with Clear Signs, but they behaved with insolence on the earth; yet they could not
overreach (Us).
Sura 33 - Al-Ahzab (MADINA)
7: And remember We took from the Prophets their Covenant: and from thee: from
Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, the son of Mary: We took from them a solemn
9: O ye who believe! Remember the Grace of Allah, (bestowed) on you, when there
came down on you hosts (to overwhelm you); but We sent against them a
hurricane and force that ye saw not. But Allah sees (clearly) all that ye do.

Sura 38 - Sad (MAKKA)

17: Have patience at what they say, and remember Our Servant David, the man of
strength: for he ever turned (to Allah).

Sura 40 - Ghafir (MAKKA)

44: "Soon will ye remember what I say to you (now) My (own) affair I commit to
Allah: for Allah (ever) watches over His Servants."

Sura 54 - Al-Qamar (MAKKA):

17: And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember:
then is there any that will receive admonition?
22: But We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then
is there any that will receive admonition?
32: And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember:
then is there any that will receive admonition?
40: And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember:
then is there any that will receive admonition?
Sura 61 - As-Saff (MADINA)
5: And remember, Moses said to his people: "O my people! why do ye vex and
insult me though ye know that I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you?" Then
when they went wrong, Allah let their hearts go wrong: for Allah guides not those
who are rebellious transgressors.
6: And remember Jesus, the son of Mary, said: "O Children of Israel! I am the
Messenger of Allah (sent) to you confirming the Law (which came) before me, and
giving glad Tidings of an Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be
Ahmad." But when he came to them with Clear Signs they said "This is evident

Sura 51 - Adh-Dhariyat (MAKKA)

19: And in their wealth and possessions (was remembered) the right of the
(needy), him who asked and him who (for some reason) was prevented (from

Sura 79 - An-Naziat (MAKKA)

35: The Day when Man shall remember (all) that he strove for.

Sura 89 - Al-Fajr (MAKKA)

23: And Hell, that Day, is brought (face to face) on that Day will man remember
but how will that remembrance profit him?
Sahih Muslim

The Book of Prayers (Kitab Al-Salat) - Book 4 : Hadith 1863

Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: We were
guided aright to Friday (as a day of prayer and meditation), but Allah diverted
those who were before us from it. The rest of the hadith is the same.

The Book of Virtue, Good Manners and Joining of the Ties of Relationship (Kitab
Al-Birr was-Salat-I-wa'l-Adab) - Book 32 : Hadith 6188
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) as saying: None
spoke in the cradle but only three (persons), Christ son of Mary, the second one
the companion of Juraij. Juraij had got constructed a temple and confined himself
in that. His mother came to him as he was busy in prayer and she said: Juraij. He
said: My Lord, my mother (is calling me while I am engaged in) my prayer. He
continued with the prayer. She returned and she came on the next day and he
was busy in prayer, and she said: Juraij. And he said: My Lord, my mother (is
calling me while I am engaged) in prayer, and he continued with the prayer and
she went back, and then on the next day she again came and he was busy in
prayer and she said: Juraij. And he said: My Lord, my mother (is calling me while I
am engaged in my prayer, and he continued with the prayer, and she said: My
Lord, don't give him death unless he has seen the fate of the prostitutes. The
story of Juraij and that of his meditation and prayer gained currency amongst Bani
Isra'il. There was a prostitute who had been a beauty incarnate. She said (to the
people): If you like I can allure him to evil. She presented herself to him but he
paid no heed (to her). She came to a shepherd who lived near the temple and she
offered herself to him and he had a sexual intercourse with her and so she
became pregnant arid when she gave birth to a child she said: This is from Juraij.
So they came and asked him to get down and demolished the temple and began
to beat him. He said: What is the matter? They said: You have committed
fornication with this prostitute and she has given birth to a child from your loins.

He said: Where is the child? They brought him (the child) and he said: just leave

me so that I should observe prayer. And he observed prayer and when he

finished, he came to the child. He struck his stomach and said: O boy, who is your
father? lie said: He is such shepherd. So they turned towards Juraij, kissed him
and touched him (for seeking blessing) and said: We are prepared to construct
your temple with gold. He said. No, just rebuild it with mud as it had been, and
they did that. Then there was a babe who was sucking his mother that a person
dressed in fine garment came riding upon a beast. His mother said: O Allah, make
my child like this one. He (the babe) left sucking and began to see towards him,
and said: O Allah, don't make me like him. He then returned to the chest and
began to suck the milk of his mother. He (Abu Huraira) said: I perceived as if I am
seeing Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as he is explaining the scene
of his sucking milk with his forefinger in his mouth and sucking that. He (Abu
Huraira) further reported Allah's Apostle (may be peace upon him) as saying:
There happened to pass by him a girl who was being beaten and they were
saying: You have committed adultery and you have committed theft and she was
saying: Allah is enough for me and He is my good Protector, and his mother said:
O Allah, don't make my child like her and he left sucking the milk, and looked
towards her and said: O Allah, make me like her, and there was a talk between
them. She said: O with shaven head, a good-looking person happened to pass by
and I said: O Allah, make my child like him, and you said: O Allah, don't make me
like him, and they passed by a girl while they were beating her and saying: You
committed fornication and you committed theft, and I said: O Allah, don't make
my child like her, and you said: O Allah, make me like her. Thereupon he said:
That person was a tyrant, and I said: O Allah, don't make me like him, and they
were saying about her: You committed fornication whereas in fact she had not
committed that and they were saying: You have committed theft whereas she
had not committed theft, so I said: O Allah, make me like her.

The Book Pertaining to Repentance and Exhortation to Repentance (Kitab Al-

Tauba) - Book 37 : Hadith 6623
Hanzala Usayyidi, who was amongst the scribes of Allah's Messenger (may peace
be upon him). reported: I met Abu Bakr. He said: Who are you? He (Hanzala) said:
Hanzala has turned to be a hypocrite. He (Abu Bakr) said: Hallowed be Allah, what

are you saying? Thereupon he said: I say that when we are in the company of
Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) we ponder over Hell-Fire and
Paradise as if we are seeing them with our very eyes and when we are away from
Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) we attend to our wives, our children,
our business; most of these things (pertaining to After-life) slip out of our minds.
Abu Bakr said: By Allah, I also experience the same. So I and Abu Bakr went to
Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said to him: Allah's Messenger,
Hanzala has turned to be a hypocrite. Thereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace
be upon him) said: What has happened to you? I said: Allah's Messenger, when
we are in your company, we are reminded of Hell-Fire and Paradise as if we are
seeing them with our own eyes, but whenever we go away from you and attend
to our wives, children and business, much of these things go out of our minds.
Thereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: By Him in Whose
Hand is my life, if your state of mind remains the same as it is in my presence and
you are always busy in remembrance (of Allah), the Angels will shake hands with
you in your beds and in your paths but, Hanzala, time should be devoted (to the
worldly affairs) and time (should be devoted to prayer and meditation). He (the
Holy Prophet) said this thrice.


[Ayatul Kursi]

‫ي ْٰط ِن ل ِجي ِْم* ه ا ِله ِا هو ْلحي ْل يو ا تأْخ ِس ا‬ ‫ع ْو ِب هِ ِمن ل‬

‫ِ م ِفي ْْ ْ ِ م ْن ل ِ ْ ي ْ فع ِع ْ ِا ِبإِ ْ ِن ِه ي ْع م‬ ‫ْنو له م ِفي ل‬
‫م خ ْف ْم ا ي ِحيْط ْو بِ ْيء ِم ْن ِع ْ ِ ِه ِا بِ ش ء ِسع‬ ‫م بيْن ْي ِي ِ ْم‬
*‫هو ْلع ِي ْلع ِظيم‬ ‫ِح ْفظ‬ ‫اي‬ ْ ْْ ِ ‫ك ْ ِسيه ل‬
A uthu illahi i ash shaitaa i ajee . Allahu laa ilaaha illa Hu al-Hayyul
Qa oo , laa ta khuthuhu si atu a laa a , lahu aa fis-samaawaati wa
maa fil-ardh, man thal-lathee ashfa u i dahu illa i ith ihi, a ala u aa ai a
aideehi a aa khalfahu , a laa uheetoo a isha i - i il ihi illa i aa
shaa a, a laa a ooduhu hifdhuhu a, a Hu al- Ali ul- Adhee .
I seek refuge in Allah from Satan the outcast. --- Allah! There is none worthy of
worship but He, the Ever living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exits.
Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the
heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him
except with His permission? He knows what happens to them in this world, and
what will happen to them in the Hereafter. And they will never compass anything
of His knowledge except that which He wills. His Throne extends over the heavens
and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is
the Most High, the Most Great.
[Surah Al-Ikhlas]

‫ ل ْم ي ْن‬.ْ ‫ ل ْم ي ِ ْ ل ْم يول‬. ‫ ه ل‬. ‫ ق ْل هو ه ح‬.‫ِب ْ ِم هِ ل ْح ِن ل ِح ِيم‬

. ‫له كفو ح‬
Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir Raheem. Qul Huwallaahu Ahad. Allaahus-Samad. Lam
yalid wa lam yoolad. Wa lam yakullahu kufuwan Ahad.
With the Na e of Allah, the Most G a ious, the Most Me iful. “a : He is Allah
(the) One. The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He begets not nor
was begotten, and there is none equal to Him.

[Surah Al-Falaq]

ِ ‫عو ِب ِ ْلف‬
ِ ‫ق* ِم ْن ش ِ م خ ق* ِم ْن ش‬ ‫ ق ْل‬.‫بِ ْ ِم هِ ل ْح ِن ل ِح ِيم‬
* ‫ل ف ث ِ ِفي ْلع ِ* ِم ْن ش ِ ح ِس ِ ح‬ ِ ‫غ ِسق ِ قب* ِم ْن ش‬
Bismillaahir-‘ah aa i ‘ahee . Qul a uthu i a il-falaq Min sharri ma khalaq.
Wa min sharri ghaasiqin itha waqab. Wa min sharrin naffaathaati fil- u ad. Wa
min sharri haasidin idha hasad.
Sa : I seek efuge ith Allah the Lo d of the da eak, f o the e il of hat He
has created, and from the evil of the darkening (night) as it comes with its
darkness, and from the evil of those who practice witchcraft when they blow in
the knots, and fro the e il of the e ie he he e ies.
[Surah An-Nas]

‫ِ ل ِ * م ِ ِك ل ِ * ِ ٰل ِه ل ِ * ِم ْن‬ ‫ ق ْل عو ِب‬.‫ِب ْ ِم هِ ل ْح ِن ل ِح ِيم‬

* ِ ‫فِ ْي ص ْ ِ ل ِ ِمن ْل ِ ِ ل‬ ‫ش ِ ْلو ْسو ِ ْل ِ * ل ِ ْ يو ْس ِو‬
.) ‫م‬ ‫(ثا‬
Bismillaahir-‘ah aa i ‘ahee . Qul a uthu i a i -naas Malikin-naas. Ilaahin-
naas. Min sharril-was-waasil khannaas Allathee yuwaswisu fee sudoorin-naas.
Minal-jinnati wan-naas. (Thalaasa marraat.)
With the Name of Allah, the Most G a ious, the Most Me iful. “a : I seek efuge
with (Allah) the Lord of mankind, the King of mankind, the God of mankind, from
the evil of the whisperer who withdraws, who whispers in the breast of mankind,
of jinns and men. (Recite these three times each in Arabic.)

[Ma su at]

‫ له‬،‫ ا ش ِ يْك له‬، ‫ْح‬ ‫ ا ِ ٰله ِا ه‬،ِّٰ ِ ْ ‫ص ح ْل ْك ِ ِّٰ ْلح‬

ْ ‫ص ْح‬
ِ ‫ك خ ْي م ِف ْي ه ْلي ْو‬ ‫ ِ ْس‬، ‫ هو ع ٰ ك ِل ش ْيء ق ِ ْي‬، ْ ‫ْل ْك له ْلح‬
‫ ِ ع ْو‬، ‫ش ِ م ب ْع‬ ِ ‫ ع ْو ِبك ِم ْن ش ِ م فِ ْي ٰه ْلي ْو‬، ‫خ ْي م ب ْع‬
‫فِي‬ ‫فِي ل ِ ع‬ ‫ ِ ع ْو بِك ِم ْن ع‬، ِ ِ ‫بِك ِمن ْل ْ ِل س ْو ِء ْل‬
. ِ ْ ‫ْل‬
Asbahna wa asbahal-Mulku lillaahi, wal-hamdu lillaahi. La,ilaaha illallaahu
Wahdahoo laa shareeka lahoo, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu, wa Huva, alaa-kulli
shai,in Qadeer. Rabbi as'aluka Khaira maa fee haazal yawmi wa Khaira maa
a dahoo; a a'oozu ika i sha i aa fee haazal-yawmi wa sharri maa
ba'dahoo; Rabbi a'oozu bika mi-nal-kasali wa soo il'kibari; Rabbi a'oozu bika min
'azaa-bin finn-aari wa-azaabin fil-qabr.
We ha e e te ed a e da a d ith it all do i io s Allah s. P aise to Allah.
None has the right to be worshipped but Allah alone, Who has no partner. To
Allah belongs the dominion, and to Him is the praise and He is Able to do all
things. My Lord, I ask You for the goodness of the days that come after it, and I
seek refuge in You from the evil of this day and of the days that come after it. My
Lord, I seek refuge in You from laziness and helpless old age. My Lord, I seek
refuge in You from the punishment of Hell-fire, and from the punishment of Hell-
fire, and from the punishment of the grave.


. ‫ِليْك ل ْو‬ ‫ِبك ن ْو‬ ‫نح ٰي‬

ْ ‫ِبك‬ ‫بِك ْم ْي‬ ْ ‫ل ٰ م ِبك‬
‫ص ْح‬
Allahumma bika asbahna wa bika amsaina, wa bika nah'yaa wa bika namootu, wa
O Allah, by You we enter the morning and by You we enter the evening, by You
we live and by You we die, and unto You is the Final Return.


‫ْع ِ م‬ ِ ْ ‫عٰ ع‬ ‫ن‬ ْ ‫ خ ْ ِ ْي ن ع‬،‫ل ٰ م ْنت ِب ْي ا ِ ٰله ِا ْنت‬

،‫ ب ْوء ِب ْن ِ ْي‬،‫ِك ع ي‬ ‫ ب ْوء لك بِ ِ ْع‬،‫ ع ْو ِبك ِم ْن ش ِ م ص ْعت‬،‫ْس ط ْعت‬
.‫ْنت‬ ‫ف ْغ ِف ْ ِل ْي فإِنه ا ي ْغ ِف ل ن ْو ِا‬
Allahumma Anta Rabbee; laa-ilaaha illaa-Anta; khalaqtanee wa ana abduka, wa
ana' alaa ahdika wa wa'dika mastata'tu ; a'oozu bika min sharri ma sana'tu;
aboo'u laka bi-ni'matika alayya, wa aboo'u bi-zambee, faghfir lee; fa-innahoo laa
yaghfiruzzunooba ill-aa-anta.
O Allah< You are my Lord, there is none worthy of worship but You. You created
me and I am your slave. I keep Your covenant, and my pledge to You so far as I am
able. I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done. I admit to Your

blessings upon me, and I admit to my misdeeds. Forgive me, for there is none

who may forgive sins but You.


،‫ مائِ ك ج ِ يْع خ ْ ِك‬،‫ ْش ِ ح ع ْ ِشك‬، ِ ‫ص ْحت ْش‬ ْ ‫ل ٰ م ِنِ ْي‬

.‫س ْولك‬ ْ ‫مح ع‬ ،‫نك ْنت ه ا ِ ٰله ِا ْنت ْح ا ش ِ يْك لك‬
Allahumma innee-asbahtu;'ush-hiduka wa ush,hidu hamalata ,Arshika wa
malaa,ikataka wa jamee,akhalqika bi-annaka Antal-laahu, Laa-'ilaaha illaa-Anta,
wahdaka laa shareeka laka wa anna Muhammadan, Abduka wa Rasooluk.
O Allah, I have entered a new morning and call upon You and upon the bearers of
your Throne, upon Your angels and all creation to bear witness that surely You are
Allah, there is none worthy of worship but You alone, You have no partners, and
that Muhammad is Your slave and Your Messenger. (Recite four times in Arabic)


‫ ف ك‬،‫ا ش ِ يْك لك‬ ‫ْ بِأح ِم ْن خ ْ ِك ف ِ ْك ْح‬ ْ ‫لٰ مم‬

‫ص ح بِ ْي ِم ْن نِ ْع‬
. ْ ‫ْلح ْ لك ل‬
Allaahu a aa as aha ee i i ati a i-ahadin min khalqika faminka
wahdaka laa shareeka laka, falakal-hamdu wa lakash-shukru.
O Allah, whatever blessing has been received by me or anyone of Your creation is
from You alone, You have no partner. All praise is for you and thanks is to You.


‫ل ٰ م ع فِ ِ ْي فِ ْي ب نِ ْي ل ٰ م ع فِ ِ ْي فِ ْي س ْ ِع ْي ل ٰ م ع فِ ِ ْي فِ ْي ب ِ ْ ا ِ ٰله ِا‬
‫ ع ْو ِبك ِم ْن ع ِ ْل ْ ِ ا ِ ٰله‬، ِ ْ ‫ ل ٰ م ِنِ ْي ع ْو ِبك ِمن ْل ْف ِ ْلف‬.‫ْنت‬
.‫ِا ْنت‬
Allahumma aafinee fee badanee; Allahumma aafinee fee sam'ee; Allahumma
aafinee fee basaree; laa-ilaaha illaa-Ant. Allahumma innee- a uthu ika i al-kufir
wal-fa i; a a uthu ika i azaa il-qabri; laa-ilaaha illaa Anta.
O Allah, make me healthy in my body. O Allah, preserve for me my hearing. O
Allah, preserve for me my sight. There is none worthy of worship but You. O Allah,
I seek refuge in You from disbelief and poverty and I seek refuge in You from the
punishment of the grave. There is none worthy of worship but You. (Recite three
times in Arabic)


) ‫ (ثا م‬.‫ْلع ْ ِ ْلع ِظي ِْم‬ ‫ح ْ ِي ه آ ِ ٰله ِا هو ع ْي ِه توك ْت هو‬

Has i allaahu laa ilaaha illa Hu a alaihi ta akkaltu a Hu a ‘a ul- A shil-
Adhee .
Allah is sufficient for me. There is none worthy of worship but Him. I have placed
my trust in Him, He is Lord of the Majestic Throne. (Recite seven times in Arabic.)


‫ ل ٰ م ِ ِن ْي ْس ك ْلع ْفو‬،ِ ‫ل ٰ م ِ ِن ْي ْس ك ْلع ْفو ْلع ِفي ِفي ل ْني ْآ ِخ‬

،‫ ل ٰ م ْس ْ ع ْو تِ ْي ِآم ْن ْ ع ِت ْي‬،‫ْه ِ ْي م ِل ْي‬ ‫ْلع فِي ِف ْي ِ ْي ِ ْي ْني‬
‫ِم ْن خ ْ ِف ْي ع ْن ي ِ ْي ِ ْي ع ْن ِش ِل ْي ِم ْن ف ْوقِ ْي‬ ْ ‫ل ٰ م ْحف‬
‫ظ ِ ْي ِم ْن بيْن ي‬
.‫ِم ْن ت ْح ِ ْي‬ ‫ع ْو بِعظ ِك ْ ْغ‬
Allahumma innee-'as'alukal- afwa wal aa-fiyata fiddun'ya wal-Akhirah- Allahum-
ma innee- as'alukal-afwa wal-afiyata fee deenee wa dun'yaaya wa ahlee wa
malee. Allahummastur awraatee wa amin raw'aatee. Allahummahfaznee mim-
baini yadayya wa min khalfee wa anyya meenee wa min shimaalee wa min
fawqee, wa a'uthu bi'aza-matika an ughtaala-min tahtee.
O Allah, I seek Your forgiveness and Your protection in this world and the next. O
Allah, I seek Your forgiveness and Your protection in my religion, in my worldly
affairs, in my family and in my wealth. O Allah, conceal my secrets and preserve
my from anguish. O Allah, guard me from what is in front of me and behind me,

from my left, and from my right, and from above me. I seek refuge in Your

Greatness from being struck down from beneath me.


،‫ك ِل ش ْيء م ِ ْي ِ ِه‬ ِ ْ ْْ ِ ‫ِ ل‬ ‫ ف‬،ِ ‫ل‬ ِ ‫ل ٰ م ع ِلم ْلغ ْي‬

،‫ ِم ْن ش ِ ل يْط ِ ِش ْ ِك ِه‬،‫ِبك ِم ْن ش ِ ن ْف ِ ْي‬ ‫ ع ْو‬،‫ْنت‬ ‫ْ ا ِ ٰله ِا‬ ‫ْش‬
.‫ ْ ج ِ ٰل م ْ ِم‬، ‫ن ْف ِ ْي س ْوء‬ ٰ ‫ْق ِ ف ع‬ ْ
Allahumma Aalimal-ghaibi wash-shahaadati, Fatirassamaawaati wal-ardhi, Rabba-
kulli shai i a Maleekahu- Ash-hadu allaa-illaaha illa-Anta; A'uthu bika min sharri
nafsee, wa sharrishai-taani wa shirkihee, wa annaqtarifa' alaa nafsee soo'an aw
najurrahoo'ilaa Muslim.
O Allah, Knower of the unseen and the evident, Maker of the heavens and the
earth, Lord of everything and its Possessor, I bear witness that there is none
worthy of worship but, I seek refuge in you from the evil of my soul and from the
evil of Satan and his helpers. (I seek refuge in You) from bringing evil upon my
soul and from harming any Muslim.

10 –

‫ِء هو ل ِ يْع‬ ‫ا فِي ل‬ ِ ْ ْْ ‫مع ْس ِ ِه ش ْيء فِي‬ ‫ِب ْ ِم هِ ل ِ ْ ا ي‬

.‫ْلع ِيْم‬
Bismillahillathee laa yadhurru ma'asmihee shai'un fil-ardhi wa laa fissamaa'i wa
In the Name of Allah, Who with His name nothing can cause harm in the earth nor
in the heavens, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. (Recite three times in

11 –

. ً‫ِب ح ن ِي‬ ‫ضيْت ِب هِ بً ِب ْ ِْ ْسا ِ ِ ْي‬

Radheetu billaahi Rabbanwa bil-Islaami deenanwa bi-Muhammadin

(Sallallaahu'alaihi wa sallama) Nabiyyan.

I am pleased with Allah as my Lord, with Islam as my religion and with
Muhammad Prophet. (Recite three times in Arabic)

12 –

‫ص ِ ْح ِل ْي شأْنِ ْي ك ه ا ت ِ ْ ِ ْي ِ ٰل ن ْف ِ ْي‬
ْ ،‫ي حي ي ق ْيو بِ ْح ِك ْس ِغيْث‬
.‫ْ ف عيْن‬
Yaa Hayyu yaa Qaiyyoommu, bi-rahmatika astagheethu, aslihlee sha'nee kullahu;
wa laa ta-kilnee ilaa nafsee tarfata 'ainin.
O Ever Living One, O Eternal One, by Your mercy I call on You to set right all my
affairs. Do not place me in charge of my soul even for the blinking of an eye (i.e. a

13 –

‫ ل ٰ م ِ ِن ْي ْسألك خ ْي ٰه ْلي ْو ِ ف ْحه‬،‫ص ح ْل ْك ِ ِّٰ ِ ْلعٰ ِ يْن‬

ْ ‫ص ْح‬
. ‫ع ْو ِبك ِم ْن ش ِ م ِف ْي ِه ش ِ م ب ْع‬ ‫ب كه ه‬ ْ ‫ن‬
Asbahna wa asbahal-Mulku lillaahi Rabbil-,aalameen. Allahumma innee-'as'aluka
Khaira haathal-yawmi wa fat'hahu wa nasra-hu wa noorahu wa barakata-hu wa
hudaahu, wa a'uthu bika min sharri ma feehi wa. Sharri maa ba'dahu.
We have entered a new day and with it all the dominion which belongs to Allah,
Lord of all that exists. O Allah, I ask You for the goodness of this day, its victory, its
help, its light, its blessings, and its guidance. I seek refuge in You from the evil that
is in it and from the evil that follows it. 48
14 –
ٰ‫ع‬ ْ ‫ص ْح ع ٰ ِف‬
‫ط ِ ْ ِْ ْسا ِ ك ِ ِ ْ ِْ ْخا ِ ع ٰ ِ ي ِْن ن ِيِ مح‬ ْ َ
.‫ِمن ْل ْ ِ ِكيْن‬ ‫ِم ِ بِ ْي ِ ْب ِهيْم ح ِيْف م ْ ِ م ك‬
Asbahnaa alaa fitratil-Islaami wa kalimatil-Ikhlaasi, wa alaa deeni Nabiy-yina
Muhammadin Sallallaahu' alaihi wa Sallam, wa 'alaa millati Abeenaa-Ibraaheema
Haneefam-musliman wa maa kaana minal-mushrikeen.
We have entered a new day upon the natural religion of Islam the word of sincere
devotion, the religion of our Prophet Muhammad, and the faith of our father
Ibrahim. He upright (in worshipping Allah), and a Muslim. He was not of those
who worship others besides Allah.

15 –

) ‫(م ئ م‬
ِ ِ ِ ْ ‫هِ بِح‬ ‫س ْح‬
Subhaan Allaahi wa bihamdihi.
Glory to Allah and praise is to Him. (Recite one hundred times in Arabic.)

16 –

‫ هو ع ٰ ك ِل ش ْيء‬، ْ ‫ له ْل ْك له ْلح‬،‫ ا ش ِ يْك له‬، ‫آ ِ ٰله ِا ه ْح‬

ِ ْ ‫ِح ِع ْ ْل‬
.)‫ل‬ ‫ (ع ْ م ) ْ (م‬. ‫ق ِي‬
Laa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu, wa
Hu a alaa kulli sha i Qadee .
None has the right to be worshipped but Allah alone, who has no partner. His is
the dominion and His is the praise and He is Able to do all things. (Recite ten
times in Arabic or one time to ward off laziness. Recite one hundred times in
Arabic upon rising in the morning.))
17 –

.‫ك ِ تِ ِه‬ ‫ ِ ن ع ْ ِش ِه ِم‬،‫ ِ ض ن ْف ِ ِه‬،‫ ع خ ْ ِ ِه‬،ِ ِ ْ ‫هِ بِح‬ ‫س ْح‬

)‫ص ح‬
ْ ِ ‫(ثا م‬
Subhaan Allaahi wa bi-ha dihi: Adada khal ihi, a idhaa afsihi, a zi ata
a shihi a idaada kali aatihi.
Glory be to Allah and praise be to Him, by the multitude of His creation, by His
pleasure, by the weight of His Throne, and by the extent of His Words. (Recite
three times in Arabic upon rising in the morning)

18 –

.‫ ع ا م ا‬، ‫ِي‬ ‫ِ ْق‬ ، ‫ل ٰ م ِ ِن ْي ْس ك ِع ْ ن ِفع‬

Allahu ai ee as'aluka ilman naafi'an, wa rizqan tayyiban wa 'amalammuta-
O Allah, I ask You for knowledge that is of benefit, a good provision, and deeds
that will be accepted. (Recite in Arabic upon rising in the morning.)

19 -

.‫ِل ْي ِه‬ ‫ْس ْغ ِف ه ت ْو‬

Astaghfirullaaha wa atoobu ilaihi.
I seek the forgiveness of Allah and repent to Him. (Recite one hundred times in
Arabic during the day.)

20 –

.‫ِ هِ ل م ِ ِم ْن ش ِ م خ ق‬ ِ ِ‫ع ْو ب‬

A uthu i-kalimaatil-laahit-taammaati min sharri maa khalaqa.

I seek refuge in the Perfect Words of Allah from the evil of what He has created.
(Recite three times in Arabic in the evening.)

21 –

‫الٰ݊ݖ ڳ‬
‫م َل ݗس݊ڳم ع ٰ݊ى نۼَݒا مَ ڳ‬
Allaahu a salli a salli alaa Na i i aa Muhammadin.
O Allah, we ask for your peace and blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad.
(Recite ten times in Arabic.)


. ‫ِبي ْلع ِظي ِْم" ثا م‬ ‫س ْح‬

Subhaana Rabbiyal-Adheem. / Glory to my Lord the Exalted (three times in

"‫ل ٰ م ْغ ِف ْ ِل ْي‬ ِ ْ ‫ِبح‬ ‫"س ْح نك ل ٰ م ب‬

Subhaanaka Allaahumma Rabbanaa wa bihamdika Allaahum-maghfir lee. / Glory
is to You, O Allah, our Lord, and praise is Yours. O Allah, forgive me.

"ِ ْ ‫ْل ا ِئ ِ ل‬ ، ْ ‫ ق‬، ‫"س ْو‬

Subboohun, Quddoosu , Ra ul alaa’ikati ar-rooh. / Glory (to You), Most
Holy(are You), Lord of the angels and the spirit.

،ْ ِ ‫ ب‬،‫ لك ْس ْ ت خ ع لك س ْ ِع ْي‬،‫ بِك آم ْت‬،‫ل ٰ م لك ك ْعت‬

ْ ‫ ع‬،‫م ِ ْي‬
.‫ م ْس ل بِ ِه ق ِم ْي‬،‫ ع ِ ْي‬،‫ظ ِ ْي‬
Allahu a laka aka tu, a ika aa a tu, alaka asla tu khasha a laka sa ee
a asa ee, a ukhkhee, a adh ee, a asa ee, wa mastaqalla bihi
qadamee. / O Allah, to You I bow (in prayer) and in You I believe and unto You I
have submitted. Before You my hearing is humbled, as is my sight, my mind, my
bones, my nerves and what my feet have mounted upon (for travel).

. ِ ‫ ْلعظ‬،‫ ْل ِ ْ ِ ي ِء‬،ِ ‫ ْل ْو‬،ِ ْ ‫ْل‬ ِ ‫س ْح‬

Subhaana thil-jabarooti, wal-malakooti, wal-ki i aa I, al- adha ati. / Glory is to

You, Master of power, of dominion, of majesty and greatness.



. ‫ِبي ْْ ْع ٰ )) ثا م‬ ‫((س ْح‬

Subhaana Rabbiyal-A’la. / Glor to Lord the Most High (three times in Arabic).


"‫ل ٰ م ْغ ِف ْ ِل ْي‬ ِ ْ ‫ِبح‬ ‫"س ْح نك ل ٰ م ب‬

Subhaanaka Allaahumma Rabbanaa wa bihamdika Allaahum-maghfir lee. / Glory
is to You, O Allah, our Lord, and praise is Yours. O Allah, forgive me.


،‫ْج ِ ْي ِل ِ ْ خ ه‬ ‫ س‬،‫ لك ْس ْ ت‬،‫َل ٰ م لك س ْ بِك آم ْت‬

.‫ه ْح ن ْل ِل ِيْن‬ ‫ت‬، ‫ شق س ْ عه ب‬، ‫صو‬
Allahumma laka sajadtu wabika aamantu, walaka aslamtu, sajada wajhiya lillathee
khala ahu, a sa a ahu, a sha a sa ahu a hasa ahu, ta aa ak Allaahu
ahsanul-khaaliqeen. / O Allah, to You I prostrate myself and in You I believe. To
You I have submitted. My face is prostrated to the One Who created it, fashioned
it, and gave it hearing and sight. Blessed is Allah, the Best of creators.


. ِ ‫ ْلعظ‬،‫ ْل ِ ْ ِ ي ِء‬،ِ ‫ ْل ْو‬،ِ ْ ْ ‫ْل‬ ِ ‫س ْح‬

Subhaana thil-jabarooti, wal-malakooti, wal kib i aat I, al- adha ah. / Glory is
to You, Master of power of dominion, of majesty and greatness.

. ‫عانِي ه ِس‬ ‫آخ‬

ِ ‫له‬ ،‫ ِقه ِج ه‬،‫ل ٰ م ْغ ِف ْ ِل ْي ْن ِ ْي ك ه‬
Allaahum-maghfir lee thanbee kullahu, diqqahu wa jillahu, wa awwalahu wa
aakhi ahu a alaa-niyatahu wa sirrahu. / O Allah, forgive me all my sins, great
and small, the first and the last, those that are apparent and those that are

‫ل ٰ م ِنِ ْي ع ْو بِ ِ ض ِم ْن س ِطك ِب ع ف تِك ِم ْن ع ْوب ِك ع ْو ِبك ِم ْك ا‬

.‫ثْ يْت ع ٰ ن ْف ِك‬ ‫ْح ِ ْي ث ء ع يْك ْنت ك‬
Allaahu a i ee a uthu i- idhaaka i sakhatika, a i u aa-faatika min
u oo atika a a uthu ika i ka, laa uhsee tha aa a alaika A ta ka aa
ath aita alaa afsika. / O Allah, I seek protection in Your pleasure from Your
anger, and seek protection in Your forgiveness from Your punishment. I seek
protection in You from You. I cannot count Your praises. You are as You have
praised Yourself.


ْ ‫ِل‬ ْ ‫ِ ْغ ِف‬ ‫ِ ْغ ِف ْ ِل ْي‬
Rabbighfir lee, Rabbighfir lee / My Lord, forgive me. My Lord, forgive me.

ْ ِ ‫ْ ْق‬ ،‫ ع فِ ِ ْي‬،‫ ْج ْ نِ ْي‬،‫ ْه ِ نِ ْي‬،‫ْ ح ْ ِ ْي‬ ،‫ل ٰ م ْغ ِف ْ ِل ْي‬
Allaahum- aghfi lee, a ha ee, ahdi ee, aj u ee, a aafi ee,
a zu ee, a fa ee. / O Allah fo gi e e, ha e e o e, guide e,
support me, protect me, provide for me and elevate me.

ِ‫ْح ه‬ ‫ ل ا ع يْك ي ل ِي‬، ‫لط ِي‬ ‫ل ِحي ِ ِّٰ ل و‬

ّٰ ‫ْ ا ِ ٰله ِا‬ ‫ ْش‬،‫ ل ا ع ْي ع ٰ ِع ِ هِ ل ِل ِحيْن‬،‫ب ك ته‬
.‫س ْوله‬ ْ ‫مح ع‬ ‫ْش‬
At-tahiyyaatu lillaahi wassalavaatu wat-tayyibatu. As-salaamu alaika ayyauhan
Nabiyyu wa rasahmatullahi wa barakaatuhoo. As-salaamu' alaina wa' alaa
'ibaadilla his-saaliheen. Ash'hadu Allaa ilaaha illallaahu wa ash'hadu anna
Muhammadan Abduhoo va Rasooluh. / All greeting of humility are for Allah, and
all prayers and goodness. Peace be upon you, O Prophet, and the mercy of Allah
and his blessings. Peace be upon us and upon the righteous slaves of Allah. I bear
witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah, and I bear witness that
Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger.

ِ ‫ِ ْب ِهيْم ع ٰ آ‬ ٰ ‫ِ مح ك ص يْت ع‬ ‫عٰ آ‬ ‫ل ٰ م ص ِل ع ٰ مح‬

‫آ ِ مح ك ب ْكت‬ ٰ‫ع‬ ‫ِ ْ ع ٰ مح‬ ‫ لٰ مب‬، ‫ِ ْب ِهيْم ِنك ح ِ ْي م ِ ْي‬
. ‫م ِ ْي‬ ‫آ ِ ِ ْب ِهيْم ِنك ح ِ ْي‬ ٰ ‫ِهيْم ع‬ ‫ع ٰ ِ ْب‬
Allahumma salli'alaa Muhammadin- wa' alaa Aali Muhammadin kamaa sallaita'
alaa- 'Ibraheema wa' alaa Aali Ibraheema; Innaka Hameedum- Majeed.
Allahumma Barik 'alaa Muhammadin- wa' alaa Aali Muhammadin kamaa
Baarakata' alaa- 'Ibraheema wa' alaa Aali Ibraheema; Innaka Hameedum- Majeed.
/ O Allah, bestow Your favor on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad as
You have bestowed Your favor on Ibrahim and on the family of Ibrahim, You are
Praiseworthy, Most Glorious. O Allah, bless Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad as You have blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim, You are
Praiseworthy, Most Glorious.
،‫ ك ص يْت ع ٰ ِ ْب ِهيْم‬،‫ع ٰ ْ ِج ِه ِ ي ِ ِه‬ ‫ل ٰ م ص ِل ع ٰ مح‬
‫ ِنك‬،‫ ك ب ْكت ع ٰ آ ِ ِ ْب ِهيْم‬،‫ْ ِج ِه ِ ي ِ ِه‬ ٰ‫ع‬ ‫ب ِ ْ ع ٰ مح‬
. ‫ح ِ ْي م ِ ْي‬
Allahumma salli'alaa Muhammadin- wa' alaa Azvaajihee wa zurriyyatihee, kamaa
sallaita' alaa- 'Ibraheema; wa Baarik 'alaa Muhammadin- wa' alaa Azvaajihee wa
zurriyyatihee, kamaa Baarakata' alaa- Aali 'Ibraheema; Innaka Hameedum-
Majeed. / O Allah, bestow Your favor on Muhammad and upon his wives and
progeny as You have bestowed Your favor upon the family of Ibrahim. And bless
Muhammad and his wives and progeny as You have blessed the family of Ibrahim,
You are full of praise, Most Glorious.



َ ‫َل ٰ مَ ن ْيَ عوْ َبكَم ْنَع َ ل ْ َ َم ْنَع َج نمَ م ْنَفتْن َ ْل ْحي‬

.َ ‫نَش َفتْن َ ْل س ْيحَ ل ج‬ ْ ‫َ م‬، ‫ل‬
.َ ‫يَ عوْ َبكَمنَ ْل أْثمَ ْل ْغ‬ْ ‫ل ٰ مَ ن‬
Allahumma innee-a'oozu bika min 'azaabil-qabri, wa min 'azaabi jahannama, wa
min fitnatil-mahyaa wal-mamaati, wa min sharri-fitnatil maseehid-dajjaal. ,
Allaahu a i ee a uthu ika i al- a tha i al agh a i./ O Allah, I seek
refuge in You from the punishment of the grave, and from the punishment of
Hell-fire, and from the trials of life and death, and from the evil of the trial of the
False Messiah. O Allah, I seek refuge in you from sin and from debt.


ًَ ‫سيَ ْ ً َكث ْي ً َ اَي ْغ ََ ل نوْ َ اَ ْنتَف ْغ ْ َل ْيَم ْغ‬

ْ ْ ‫ْتَن‬ َ‫ل ٰ مَ ن ْي‬

.َ‫يَ نكَ ْنتَ ْلغ وْ َ ل ح ْيم‬

ْ ‫م ْنَع ْن َ ْ ح ْ ن‬
Allahumma innee Zalamtu nafsee Zulman kaseeran wa laa yaghfiruz- zunooba
illaaa-'Anta; faghfir lee magh-firatammin 'indika war'-hamnee. 'Innaka'Antal-
Ghafoorur Raheem. / O Allah, I have greatly wronged myself and no one forgives
sins but You. So grant me forgiveness and have mercy on me. Surely you are
forgiving, merciful.

َ ‫س ْفتَ م‬
ْ َ ‫س ْ َ م َ ْع ْنتَ م‬ ْ َ َ‫ل ٰ مَ ْغ ْ َل ْيَم َق مْتَ م َ خ ْ َ م‬
.َ‫َ ْنتَ ْل خ َآَ ٰلهَ اَ ْنت‬ ‫ْنتَ ْع مَبهَمن ْيَ ْنتَ ْل‬
Allahummaghfir lee maa qaddamtu, wa maa-akhhartu, wa maa-asrart, wa maa-
'Anta aa'lamu bihee minnee; Antal-Muqaddimu wa Antal-Mu'akh-khiru laa-ilaaha
illaa-'Ant. / O Allah, forgive me what I have sent before me and what I have left
behind me, what I have concealed and what I have done openly, what I have done
in excess, and what You are better aware of than I, You are the One Who sends
forth and You are the One Who delays. There is none worthy of worship but You.


.‫َ حسْنَع تك‬ ْ ‫ل ٰ مَ عن ْيَع ٰ ىَ ْك َ ش‬

Allahumma a'inee 'alaa zikrika wa shukrika wa husni 'ibaadatik. / O Allah, help me
to remember You, to give You thanks, and to perform Your worship in the best


َ َ ْ َ‫َ عوْ َبكَم ْن‬،‫َ َ عوْ َبكَمنَ ْلج ْن‬،‫ل ٰ مَ ن ْيَ عوْ َبكَمنَ ْل ْ ل‬
.َ ْ ‫َ ْل‬ ‫َ عوَْ َبكَم ْنَفتْن َ ل ْني َ َع‬، ‫ٰلىَ ْ َ ْلع‬
Allaahumma innee- a'oozu bika minal-bukhli wa minal-jubni, wa a'oozu bika an
arudda ilaaa arzalil-'umuri, wa 'aoozu bika min fitnatiddun'yaa, wa azaabil-qabr. /

O Allah, I seek Your protection from miserliness, I seek Your protection from
cowardice, and I seek Your protection from being returned to feeble old age. I
seek Your protection from the trials of this world and from the torment of the

. ‫س كَ ْلجن َ عوْ َبكَمنَ لن‬

ْ َ‫ل مَ ن ْي‬
Allahu ai ee as alukal-ja ata a a thu ika i a -naar. /
O Allah, I ask You for Paradise and seek Your protection from the Fire.


َ‫ل ٰ مَبع ْ كَ ْلغ ْيبَ ق ْ تكَع ىَ ْل ْقَ ْحين ْيَم َع ْتَ ْلحي َخ ْي ً َل ْي‬
َ‫شيتكَفيَ ْلغ ْيب‬ ْ ‫َ ل ٰ مَ ن ْيَ سْألكَخ‬،‫توفن ْيَ َع ْتَ ْلوف َخ ْي ً َل ْي‬
َ‫ص َف ْي‬ ْ ‫َ سْألكَ ْل‬،‫َ سْألكَك َ ْلحقَف ْيَ ل ض َ ْلغضب‬، ‫لش‬
َ‫َ سْألك‬،‫َ سْألكَق َع ْي ٍنَاَت ْن ع‬، ‫سألكَنع ْي ً َاَي ْن‬ َْ َ، ْ ‫ْلغ ٰنىَ َ ْل‬
َ‫َ سْألكَل َ لنظ َ ٰلى‬، ْ‫َ سْألكَب ْ َ ْلع ْيشَب ْع َ ْل و‬،‫ل ض َب ْع َ ْل ض ء‬
َ ‫َ ل ٰ مَ ين‬،ٍ ‫ْج كَ لشوْ َ ٰلىَل ء َف ْيَغ ْي َض َآءَمض ٍَ فتْن ٍَمض‬
َ ‫بز ْين َ ْْ ْي َ ْجع ْن َه ًَم ْ ي ْي‬
Allahu a i il ikal-ghai a a ud atika alal-khal i ah i ee aa ali tal-
ha aata khai a lee a ta affa ee itha ali tal afaata khairan lee, Allahumma
i ee as aluka khash ataka fil-ghaibi wash-shahaadati, a as aluka kali atal
haqqi fir-ridhaa wal-ghadha i, a as alukal asda fil-ghinaa wal-fa i, a as aluka
a ee a laa a fadu, a as aluka u ata ai i laa ta ati u, a as alukar-
idhaa a dal- adhaa I, a as aluka a dal-aishi a dal- auti a as aluka
laththatan-nadhari ilaa wajhika wash-sha a ilaa li aa ika fee ghai i dha aa a
mudhirratin wa laa fitnatin mudhillatin, allaahumma zay-yainnaa bi zeenatil-
ee aa i aj al aa uhatdeen. / O Allah, by Your knowledge of the unseen and
by Your power over creation, let me live of You know that life is good for me, and
let me die if You know that death is good for me. O Allah, I ask You to grant me
fear of You in private and in public. I as you for the word of truth in times of

contentment and anger. I ask You for moderation in wealth and in poverty. I ask
you for blessings never ceasing and the coolness of my eye (i.e. pleasure) that
never ends. I ask you for pleasure after Your judgment and I ask You for a life of
coolness after death. I ask You for the delight of gazing upon Your face and the joy
of meeting You without any harm and misleading trials befalling me. O Allah,
dress us with the beauty of Faith, and make us guides who are upon (correct)

‫ل ِ ْ ل ْم ي ِ ْ ل ْم ي ْول ْ ل ْم ي ْن‬ ‫ل ٰ م ِ ِن ْي ْس ك ي ه ِبأنك ْلو ِح ْْح ل‬

.‫ ْ ت ْغ ِف ِل ْي ن ْوبِ ْي ِنك ْنت ْلغف ْو ل ِحيْم‬، ‫له كفو ح‬
Allaahu a i ee as aluka aa Allaahu i a akal-Waahidul-Ahadus-Samadul-
lathee, lam yalid walam yoolad, wa lamyakullahu Kufuwan Ahad, an taghfira lee
thunoobi innaka Antal-Ghafoorur Raheem. / O Allah, I ask You. O Allah, You are
the One, the Only, Self-sufficient Master, Who was not begotten and begets not
and none is equal to Him. Forgive me my sins, surely you are Forgiving, Merciful.


‫ْح ا ش ِ يْك لك ْلح‬ ‫ل ٰ م ِنِ ْي ْس ك ِبأ لك ْلح ْ آ ِ ٰله ِا ْنت‬

‫ِ ي حي ي ق ْيو ِ ِن ْي ْس ك‬ ‫ب ِ يْع ل ٰ ٰو ِ ْْ ْ ِ ي ْل ا ِ ْ ِْ ْك‬ ‫ْل‬
.ِ ‫ع ْو ِبك ِمن ل‬ ‫ْل‬
Allahu a i ee as aluka i a a lakal-hamada laa ilaaha illa Anta wahdaka laa
shareeka laka, Al-Ma aa u, aa Badee as-samaawaati wal-ardhi yaa Thal-Jalaali
wal-Ik aa , aa Ha u aa Qa oo ui ee as alukal-ja ata a a uthu ika
minan-naar. / O Allah, I ask You, as You are the Owner of praise, there is none is
worthy of worship but You alone, You have no partner. You are the Giver of all
good. O, Creator of the heavens and the earth, Owner of majesty and honor. O
living and Everlasting One, I ask you for Paradise and I seek refuge in You from the
10 –

‫ل ِ ْ ل ْم‬ ‫ل ٰ م ِنِ ْي ْس ك بِأنِ ْي ْش نك ْنت ه آ ِ ٰله ِا ْنت ْْح ل‬

. ‫ن له كفو ح‬ ْ ‫ي ِ ْ ل ْم ي ْول ْ ل ْم ي‬
Allahu a i ee as aluka i-annee ash-hadu annaka Antallahu laa ilaada illa
Antal Ahadus-Samadul lathee lam yalid wa lam yoolad wa lam yakullahu kfuwan
Ahad. / O Allah, I ask You, by the fact that I bear witness that You are Allah. There
is none worthy of worship but You, the Only Allah, Independent of creation, Who
was not begotten and begets not, and none is equal to Him.



‫ هو ع ٰ ك ِل ش ْيء‬، ْ ‫ له ْل ْك له ْلح‬،‫ ا ش ِ يْك له‬، ‫ا ِ ٰله ِا ه ْح‬

‫ ا م ْع ِطي ِل م ْعت ا ي ْفع ْل ِ ِم ْك‬،‫ ل ٰ م ا م نِع ِل عْطيْت‬. ‫ق ِ ْي‬
. ‫ْل‬
Laa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul hamdu wa
Hu a alaa kulli sha i Qadee , Allaahu a laa aa i a li a a taita, a laa
u ti a li a a a ta, a laa a fa u thal-jaddi minkal-jaddu. / None has the right
to be worshipped but Allah alone, He has no partner, His is the dominion and His
is the praise, and He is Able to do all things. O Allah, there is none who can
withhold what You have given and none may give what You have withheld; and
the might of a mighty person can not benefit him against You.


. ‫ هو ع ٰ ك ِل ش ْيء ق ِ ْي‬، ْ ‫ له ْل ْك له ْلح‬،‫آ ِ ٰله ِا ه ْح اش ِ يْك له‬

‫ له ل ِ ْع له ْلف ْل‬، ‫ آ ِ ٰله ِا ه ا ن ْع ِا ِي‬،ِ‫ا ح ْو ا قو ِا ِب ه‬

. ْ ِ‫ْل ف‬ ِ ‫ ا ِ ٰله ِا ه م ْ ِ ِ يْن له ل ِ يْن ل ْو ك‬،‫له ل ء ْلح ن‬

Laa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul mulku, wa lahul hamdu wa
Huwa alaa kulli sha i Qadee . Laa ha la a laa u ata illa illaahi, laa ilaaha
illallaahu, a laa a udu illa i aahu, lahu - i atu a lahul-fadhlu wa lahuth-
tha aa ul-hasanu, laa ilaaha illallaahu much-liseena wa law karihal-kaafiroon. /
None has the right to b e worshipped but Allah alone, He has no partner, His is
the dominion and His is the praise and He is Able to do all things. There is no
power and no might except by Allah. None has the right to be worshipped but
Allah and we do not worship any other besides Him. His is grace, and His is bounty
and to Him belongs the most excellent praise. None has the right to be
worshipped but Allah. (We are) sincere in making our religious devotion to Him,
even though the disbelievers may dislike it.


‫ ه ْك (ثاث ثاثِيْن) آ ِ ٰله ِا ه ْح اش ِ يْك‬،ِّٰ ِ ْ ‫ ْلح‬،ِ‫ه‬ ‫س ْح‬

ْ ‫ هو ع ٰ ك ِل ش‬، ْ ‫ له ْل ْك له ْلح‬،‫له‬
. ‫يء ق ِ ْي‬
Subhaan Allaahi, wal-hamdu lillaahi wallaahu Akbar,--- Laa ilaaha illallaahu
wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-ha du a Hu a alaa kulli
sha i Qadee . / Glory to Allah, and praise to Allah, and Allahu is Most Great
(each said thirty-three times). None has the right to be worshipped but Allah
alone, He has no partner, His is the dominion and His is the praise and He is Able
to do all things.


‫ِ ل ِ * م ِ ِك ل ِ * ِ ٰل ِه ل ِ * ِم ْن‬ ‫ ق ْل عو ِب‬.‫ِب ْ ِم ِّ ل ْح ِن ل ِح ِيم‬

* ِ ‫فِ ْي ص ْ ِ ل ِ ِمن ْل ِ ِ ل‬ ‫ش ِ ْلو ْسو ِ ْل ِ * ل ِ ْ يو ْس ِو‬
.) ‫م‬ ‫(ثا‬
Bismillaahir-‘ah aa i ‘ahee . Qul a uthu i a i -naas Malikin-naas. Ilaahin-
naas. Min sharril-was-waasil khannaas Allathee yuwaswisu fee sudoorin-naas.

Minal-jinnati wan-naas. (Thalaasa marraat.) / With the Name of Allah, the Most

G a ious, the Most Me iful. “a : I seek efuge ith Allah the Lo d of a ki d,

the King of mankind, the God of mankind, from the evil of the whisperer who
withdraws, who whispers in the breast of mankind, of jinns and men. (These
Surahs should be recited in Arabic after each prayer. After the Maghrib and Fajr
prayers they should be recited three times each.)

[Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq, Ayatul Kursi]

‫ هو‬،‫ ي ْح ِي ْي ي ِ يْت‬، ْ ‫ له ْل ْك له ْلح‬،‫ ْح ا ش ِ يْك له‬،‫آ ِ ٰله ِا ه‬

.ِ‫ب ْع صا ِ ْل ْغ ِ ِ ل ْح‬ ‫ ع ْ م‬. ‫ع ٰ ك ِل ش ْيء ق ِ ْي‬
Laa'ilaha illahllahu wahdahoo laa shareeka lahoo,lahul-Mulku wa lahul-hamdu,
yuhee wa yumeetu wa Huva alaa kulli shai'in Qadeer. / None has the right to be
worshipped but Allah alone, Who has no partner. His is the dominion and His is
the praise. He brings life and He causes death, and He is able to do all things.
(Recite ten times in Arabic after the maghrib and fajr prayers.

ِ ‫ ب ْع ل ا ِ ِم ْن صا‬.‫ع ا م ا‬ ‫ِ ْ ق ِي‬ ‫ل ٰ م ِ ِن ْي ْسألك ِع ْ ن ِفع‬

. ِ ْ ‫ْلف‬
Allaahu a i ee as aluka il a aafi a , a iz a ta i a , a a ala
mutaqabbalan. / O Allah, I ask You for knowledge that is of benefit, a good
provision, and deeds that will be accepted. (Recite in Arabic after the Fajr prayer.)

[End] 62
Special Supplications


،‫ تول ِ ْي فِ ْي ْن توليْت‬،‫ ع فِ ِ ْي فِ ْي ْن ع فيْت‬،‫ل ٰ م ْه ِ نِ ْي فِ ْي م ْن ه يْت‬

،‫ فإِنك ت ْ ِ ْي ا ي ْ ٰ ع يْك‬،‫ ق ِ ْي ش م ق يْت‬،‫ب ِ ْ ِل ْي فِ ْي عطيْت‬
.‫تع ل ْيت‬ ‫ [ ا ي ِع م ْن ع يْت] ت ْكت ب‬،‫ِنه ا ي ِ م ْن ليْت‬
Allaahum- ahdi ee fi a hadaita, a aafi i fi a aafaita, a ta al-lani
fi a ta allaita, a aa ik lee fi aa a ataita, a i ee sha a aa adhaita, fa
i aka ta dhee a laa u dhaa alaik, i ahu laa athillu a aalaita, [ alaa
a izzu a aadaita], ta aa akta ‘a a aa a ta aalaita.
O Allah, guide me with those whom You have guided, and strengthen me
with those whom You have given strength. Take me to Your care with those
whom You have taken to Your care. Bless me in what You have given me. Protect
me from the evil You have ordained. Surely You command and are not
commanded, and none whom You have committed to Your care shall be
humiliated [and none whom You have taken as an enemy shall taste glory] You
are Blessed, Our Lord, and Exalted.

‫ ع ْو‬،‫ ِب ع ف ِتك ِم ْن ع ْوب ِك‬،‫ل ٰ م ِ ِن ْي ع ْو بِ ِ ض ِم ْن س ِطك‬

.‫ثْ يْت ع ٰ ن ْف ِك‬ ‫ ا ْح ِ ْي ث ء ع يْك ْنت ك‬،‫بِك ِم ْك‬
Allahu a i ee a uthu i idhaaka i sakhatika, a i u aa-faatika min
u oo atika, a a uthu ika i ka, laa uhsee tha aa a alaika, A ta ka aa
ath aita alaa afsika.
O Allah, I seek refuge with Your pleasure from Your anger. I seek refuge in
Your forgiveness from Your punishment. I seek refuge in You from You. I cannot

count Your praises, You are as You have praised.

‫ ن ْ ج ْو‬، ‫نح ِف‬
ْ ٰ‫ ِليْك ن ْع‬، ْ ‫ن‬ ‫ لك ن ِ ْي‬، ‫ل ٰ م ِي ن ْع‬
،‫ ل ٰ م ن ْ ِع ْي ك‬.‫ع بك ِب ْل فِ ِ يْن م ْ ِحق‬ ِ ،‫ ن ْ ٰ ع بك‬،‫ْح ك‬
‫ ن ْ ع‬،‫ ن ْ ع لك‬،‫ ن ْ ِمن ِبك‬، ‫ا ن ْ ف‬ ، ‫ ن ْ ِ ْي ع يْك ْل ْي‬، ‫ن ْ ْغ ِف‬
. ‫م ْن ي ْ ف‬
Allahu a i aaka a udu, a laka usallee a asjudu, a ilaika as aa
wa nahfidu, narjoo rahmataka, wa nakhshaa, athaabaka, inna a thaa aka il-
kuffaa ee a ulhi . Allaahu a i aa asta ee uka, a astaghfi uka, a
uth ee alaikal-khai , a laa akfu uka, a u i u ika, a akhdha u laka, a
akhla u a akfu uka.

‫ ن ْ ِ ْي ع يْك‬،‫ ن وكل ع يْك‬،‫ ن ْ ِمن بِك‬، ‫ ن ْ ْغ ِف‬،‫ل ٰ م ِن ن ْ ِع ْي ك‬

، ‫ ل ٰ م ِي ن ْع‬. ‫ ن ْ ع ن ْ م ْن ي ْف‬، ‫ ا ن ْ ف‬، ْ ‫ ن‬، ‫ْل ْي‬
ِ ،‫ ن ْ ٰ ع بك‬،‫ ن ْ ج ْو ْح ك‬، ‫نح ِف‬ ْ ٰ‫ ِليْك ن ْع‬، ْ ‫لك ن ِ ْي ن‬
) ‫ ن ك‬،‫ (م ْ ع ْح ف‬.‫ع بك ِب ْل ف ِ م ْ ِحق‬
Allaahu a i aa astaee uka a astaghfi uka a u i u ika, a
natawakkalu alaika, wa nuthni alaikal khair, wa nashkuruka wa laa nakfuruka, wa
akhla u a at uku a ufju uka. Allaahu a i aaka a a udu a laka
usalli, a asjudu, a laika as aa a ahfidu, a a ju ah ataka, a
nakhshaa athaabaka. Inna azaabaka bilkuffaari mulhiq.
O Allah! we seek your aid and ask your pardon. We believe in you We put
our trust i ou. We p aise ou ith all good a d e tha k ou a d e do t
disbelieve in you and we disown and reject those who disobey you. O Allah! It is
you we worship and onto you we pray and prostrate, and towards you we rush
and you we serve, we hope for your mercy and fear Your punishment. Verily your
punishment will fall upon the disbelievers.
Say immediately following the witr prayer:

. ْ ‫ْل ِ ِك ْل‬ ‫س ْح‬

Subhaanal-Malikil – Quddoosi. Subhaanal-Malikil – Quddoosi. Subhaanal-
Malikil – Quddoosi. Subhaanal-Malikil – Quddoosi.
Glory is to the King, the Holy. (Recite three times in Arabic, and raise and
e te d the oi e o the thi d ti e a d sa ….]Glo is to the Ki g, the Hol . ‘e ite
three times in Arabic, and raise and extend the voice on the third time and
sa ….]Glo is to the Ki g, the Hol . ‘e ite th ee ti es i A a i , a d aise a d
e te d the oi e o the thi d ti e a d sa ….]Glo is to the Ki g, the Hol . ‘e ite
three times in Arabic, and raise and extend the voice on the third ti e a d sa ….]

.ِ ْ ‫ِ ْل ائِ ِ ل‬
Rabbil- alaa ikati a -roohi. Rabbil- alaa ikati a -roohi.
Lord of the angels and the Spirit.Lord of the angels and the Spirit.

‫ِفي‬ ‫ م‬، ِ ‫صي ِ ْي ِبي‬ ِ ‫ ن‬،‫ بْن م ِك‬، ِ ْ ‫ بْن ع‬، ْ ‫ل ٰ م ِ ِن ْي ع‬

‫ ْ ْن ْل ه‬،‫ س يْت بِ ِه ن ْف ك‬،‫ ْس ك بِ ِل ِ ْسم هو لك‬، ‫ ع ْ فِي ق ء‬،‫ح ْ ك‬
ْ ، ْ ‫ب ِع‬ ِ ‫فِ ْي ِك ِبك ْ ع ْ ه ح ِم ْن خ ْ ِك ِ ْس أْث ْ بِ ِه فِ ْي ِع ْ ِم ْلغ ْي‬
.‫ي‬ْ ِ ‫ت ْ عل ْل ْ آ ْلع ِظيْم ِبيْع ق ْ ِ ْي ن ْو ب ِ ْ ِجاء ح ْ نِ ْي ه ه‬
Allaahu a i ee a duka, i u a dika, i u a atika, aasi atee
i adika, = aadhi fi a huk uka, adlu fi a adhaa uka, as aluka ikulli
ismin huwa laka, sa aita ihi afsak, a a zaltahu fee kitaa ika, a a lla tahu
ahada i khal ika, a ista tha ta ihi fee il il-ghai i i daka, a taj alal-
Qu aa a a ee a al ee, a oo a sad ee, a jalaa a huz ee, a tha-haaba
ha ee.Allaahu a i ee a duka, i u a dika, i u a atika, aasi atee
i adika, = aadhi fi a huk uka, adlu fi a adhaa uka, as aluka ikulli
is i hu a laka, sa aita ihi afsak, a a zaltahu fee kitaa ika, a a lla tahu

ahada i khal ika, a ista tha ta ihi fee il il-ghaibi i daka, a taj alal-
Qu aa a a ee a al ee, a oo a sad ee, a jalaa a huz ee, a tha-haaba
O Allah, I am Your slave and the son of Your male slave and the son of Your
female slave. My forehead is in Your Hand (i.e. you have control over me). Your
judgment upon me is assured and Your decree concerning me is just. I ask You by
every Name You that You have named Yourself with, revealed in Your Book,
taught any one of Your creation or kept unto Yourself in the knowledge of the
unseen that is with You, to ake the Qu a the sp i g of hea t, a d the light
of my chest, the banisher of my sadness and the reliever of my distress.O Allah, I
am Your slave and the son of Your male slave and the son of Your female slave.
My forehead is in Your Hand (i.e. you have control over me). Your judgment upon
me is assured and Your decree concerning me is just. I ask You by every Name You
that You have named Yourself with, revealed in Your Book, taught any one of Your
creation or kept unto Yourself in the knowledge of the unseen that is with You, to
ake the Qu a the sp i g of hea t, a d the light of hest, the a ishe of
my sadness and the reliever of my distress.

‫ْل ْ ِل ْل ِْن‬ ‫ْل ِل‬ ِ ْ ‫ْلع‬ ِ ‫ل ٰ م ِنِ ْي ع ْو ِبك ِمن ْل ِم ْلح‬

. ِ ‫ْن غ ِ ل ِ ج‬ ِ ‫لي‬ ِ‫ض ع‬
Allahu a i e a uthu ika i al-hammi wal-hazani, wal- ajzi al-kasali,
wal-bukhli wal-ju i, a dhala id-daini wa ghalabatir-rijaal.Allahumma inne
a uthu ika i al-hammi wal-hazani, wal- ajzi al-kasali, wal-bukhli wal-jubni, wa
dhala id-daini wa ghalabatir-rijaal.
O Allah, I seek refuge in you from grief and sadness, from weakness and
from laziness, from miserliness and from cowardice, from being overcome by
debt and overpowered by men (i.e. others) O Allah, I seek refuge in you from grief
and sadness, from weakness and from laziness, from miserliness and from
cowardice, from being overcome by debt and overpowered by men (i.e. others)

‫ ْسألك ِم ْن ف ْ ِك‬،‫ ْس ْ ِ بِ ْ ِتك‬،‫ِب ِع ْ ِ ك‬ ‫ل ٰ م ِ ِن ْي ْس ِ ْي‬

ْ ِ ‫ ل ٰ م‬،ِ ‫ ْنت عا ْلغي ْو‬،‫ ت ْع م ا ْع م‬، ِ ‫ فإِنك ت ْ ِ ا ْق‬،‫ْلع ِظي ِْم‬
‫ ع ِج ِ ِه‬- ْ ِ ‫ خ ْي ِل ْي فِ ْي ِ ْي ِ ْي مع ِش ْي ع قِ ِ ْم‬- ‫ٰه ْْ ْم‬ ‫ك ْت ت ْع م‬
‫ٰه ْْ ْم‬ ‫ ِ ْ ك ْت ت ْع م‬،‫ ف ْق ِ ْ ِل ْي ي ِ ْ ِل ْي ثم ب ِ ْ ِل ْي فِ ْي ِه‬-‫آج ِ ِه‬
‫ص ِ ْفه ع ِ ْي‬ ْ ‫ ف‬-‫آج ِ ِه‬
ِ ‫ ع ِج ِ ِه‬- ْ ِ ‫ش ٌ ِل ْي فِ ْي ِ ْي ِ ْي مع ِش ْي ع قِ ِ ْم‬
.‫ي ِب ِه‬ْ ِ‫ض‬ ِ ْ ‫ص ِ ْف ِ ْي ع ْه ْق ِ ْ ِلي ْل ْي حيْث ك ثم‬ ْ
“llsshu s i ee astakhee uka i il ika, a asta di uka i ud a-tika, wa
as aluka i fadhlikal- Adhee i, fa i aka ta di u a laa a di u, a ta la u, wa
laa a la u, a A ta Allaa ul-Ghuyoobi, Allaahum- a i ku ta ta la u a a
haathal-amra--- [then mention the thing to be decided]--- khairun lee fee deenee
a a aashee a aa i ati a ee--- [or say] --- Aajilihi a aajilihi. Fa de hu lee
wa yassirhu lee thu a aa ik lee feehi a i ku ta ta la u a a haathal-amra--
- [then mention the thing to be decided]--- sha u lee fee dee ee a a aashee
a aa i ati a ee--- [or say] --- Aajilihi a aajilihi. Fas ifhu a ee as if ee
a hu a de li al-khaira haithu kaana thumma ardhinee bihi.
O Allah, I seek the counsel of Your knowledge, and I seek the help of Your
omnipotence, and I beseech You for Your magnificent grace. Surely You are
Capable and I am not. Your know and I know not, and You are the Knower of the
unseen. O Allah, if You know that this matter [then mention the thing to be
decided ] is good for me in my religion and in my life and for my welfare in the life
to come, ---[or say: in this life and the afterlife] --- then ordain it for me and make
it easy for me, then bless me in it. And if You know that this matter is bad for me
in my religion and in my life and for my welfare in the life to come, --- [or say: in
this life and the afterlife]--- then distance it from me, and distance me from it, and
ordain for me what is good wherever it may be, and help me to be content with it.
Whoever seeks the counsel of the Creator will not regret it and whoever seeks the
advice of the believers will feel confident about his decisions. Allah said in the

Hol Qu an...
.ِ‫ه‬ ‫ش ِ ْ ه ْم فِي ْْ ْم ِ فِإِ ع ْمت ف وك ْل ع‬
And consult them in the affair. Then when you have taken a decision, put
praise is due to Allah alone, and peace and blessings be upon him after whom
there is no other Prophet.


‫ه ْح ن‬ ‫ ف‬،‫ِبح ْو ِل ِه قوتِ ِه‬ ‫ شق س ْ عه ب‬،‫ْج ِ ي ِل ِ ْ خ ه‬ ‫س‬

.‫ْل ِل ِيْن‬
Sajada wajhiya lillathee khala- ahu, a sha a sa ahu a asa ahu
bihawlihi wa quwwatihi. Fatabaarakallaahu ahsanul-khaaliqeen.
I have prostrated my face to the One Who created it, and gave it hearing
and sight by His might and His power. Glory is to Allah, the Best of creators.

‫ ْجع ْ ِل ْي‬، ْ ِ ‫ ض ْع ع ِ ْي ِب‬، ‫ْج‬ ْ ‫ل ٰ م ْك بْ ِل ْي بِ ِع‬

. ِ ْ ‫ ت ْ ِم ِ ْي ك ت ْ ِم ْن ع‬، ‫ْخ‬ ْ ‫ِع‬
Allahum- aktu lee ihaa i daka aj a , a dha a ee ihaa iz a ,
aj alhaa lee i daka dhukh a , a ta a alhaa i ee ka aa ta a bal-tahaa
i a dika Daa ooda.
O Allah, write it as a reward for me, and release me from a burden for it,
and make it a treasure for me in Paradise. Accept it from me as You accepted it
from your servant Daawud.
14 October 2014 CE | 19 Dhul-Hijjah 1435 AH

110 Ahadith Qudsi (Sacred Hadith) no: 91

Narrated: Anas bin Malik that Allah's Messenger (PBUH) said: Once
Jibrael brought me a white mirror having a black dot. So, I asked: 0 Jibrael! What is
this? He said: This is Friday. Allah has made it a festival for you and your followers. So
you have been given preference more than the Jews and Christians. There is an hour on
Friday nothing any slave ask is not answered. Then the Prophet (SAW) said: I asked:
What is this black spot? The angel replied: This is the Final Hour that will take place
on a Friday. We call it "Al-Mazid". The Prophet (SAW) said: I asked him: What
is the hour of Al-Mazid? He said: Allah has made in Paradise a wide valley in which
He has created dunes of white musk. When it is Friday, Allah will descend to it. The
pulpits of gold are kept there for the Prophet (SAW)s and chairs made of pearl are
arranged for the martyrs and the maidens with big lustrous eyes will get down from their
upstair rooms. They all praise Allah and glorify Him. The Prophet (SAW) said:
Then Allah will say: Cloth My slaves. So they will be dressed. He will say: Feed My
slaves. So they will be fed. He will say: Make them drink. So they will be made to drink.
He will say: Perfume My slaves. So they will be perfumed. Then He will ask: What do
you want? They will say: 0 our Lord! We want Your pleasure. The Prophet (SAW)
said: Allah will say: I am pleased with you. Then He will order them to disperse. So they
will deport. And the maidens with big lustrous eyes ascend to the upstair rooms, which
are made of green emerald and red ruby. (This Hadith is sound and reported in
Musnad of Abi Yala).
Main Credits:
Emil Ihsan-Alexander Torabi, Founder –
Farida Latiff & Arfat Latiff, Sisters Circle – Singapore
Recruitment, ‘Ilm Circle – Johor Bahru, Brunei, Madinah
If you are keen to be a part of the Circle, please direct your quiries to
[email protected] Kindly donate generously [POSB Savings Account: 068-
70010-8] for my continuous endeavours in bringing worthy knowledge to the masses –
in audio, print, via web, home-based teaching, or other permissible modes. Your
kindness is greatly appreciated and may we all obtain our rewards from our Creator,
Allah swt. Selawat upon Prophet Muhammad saw. May Allah swt ease our journey in
this world and the hereafter. Ameen.
~ The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: "By Him in Whose
Hands my soul is! Whoever is wounded in Allah's Cause - and Allah knows well who
gets wounded in His Cause - will come on the Day of Resurrection with his wound
having the color of blood but the scent of musk (perfume)." [Bukhari]

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