Olympus ch3 ch30 ch40 Brochure

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Olympus is about life About phatopaphic innwations that capmreprec~ousmoments of lrfe. About advanced -!

-I u
medical teohoology mat saves lives. About irsomation- and indu@y~lated
Rr0dwt.s that make possible a bew livmg.
About adding to the ndmess. md quality sflife forewyone. Olympus. QuwpwiuctsWth a F Q C U S 0 N 1 1 F E m
scanned by J. G.McHone 61VovI I
for personal use only, not for sale
The world-renowned CH Series evolves with
the popular, high-performance CH40 and CH30.
The CH Series delivers enhanced performance and greater
operational ease through Olympus' efforts to consistently
incorporate new advancements.
. he educational microscopes of the Olympus CH Series are the first choice for educational :'

applications theworld over. Chosen for their high level of basic performance and affordability,
these microscopes have maintained their popularity due to Olympus' efforts to consistently
incorporate new technological advancements in the line. The CH40 and CH30 are the latest
' , additions to this prominent series. They not only feature an ergonomically designed frame for
maximum operating comfort and enhanced rigidity, but also offer the convenience of extra-.
bright illumination. With these two powerful models, Olympus strengthens the position of the
CH Series at the forefront of microscopes used for educational purposes.

light source and q u a d ~ p l erevolving

nosepiece. Extremely easy to operate, the
CH30 can be used by operators with
minimal training or skills. The CH30 is also
designed for flexibility and can handle any
educational application with ease.
Highly rigid, easy-to-use design offers greater reliability
for educational applications.

Olympus developed the compact, Durable, highly rigid frame Inward-facing revolving nosepiece
highly rigid microscope frame for Microscopes used for educational and speeds up specimen changes.
the CH40 and CH30 to withstand routine purposes must be sturdy to The revolving nosepieces on the CH40
frequent use and repositioning. withstand rugged handling by trainees and CH30 are positioned to ensure that
The mechanical stage and revolving and frequent repositioning. To satisfy the objectives point away from the
nosepiece are fixed on the these requirements, Olympus 0bSe~er.This design not only enlarges
microscope frame to avoid incorporated a thick, axtra-rigid frame on the work area, but faciiitates smoother,
improper attachment and operation the CH40 and CH30. Olympus went more rapid slide changes or specimen
and thus reduce damage. further by securely attaching the observation position adjustments. The
revolving nosepiece and mechanical CH40 is equipped with a quintuple
stage to the microscope stand - a nosepiece and the CH30 with a
design consideration that appreciably quadruple nosepiece.
reduces operator errors.

Anti-fungus treatment protects

quality of optical parts.
An effective ant!-fungus treatment IS
appi~edto the optlcal parts of the CH40
and CH30 to ellmlnate growth of fungl, a
mqor cause of opt~calsystem damage
The treatment, applled to the 0bse~a-
tion tubes, eyepieces and objectives,
protects the long-term quallty of the optl-
cal parts even in hlgh-humldlty reglons.

New stage mechanism eliminates

protruding guide for enhanced
A wire drive mechanism moves the
stage in the X and Y directions to

prevent the X-direction travel guide from
extending out from the stage side. This
design not only keeps the work area
ciean, but prevents the guide from
interfering with focusing and light
LC............. I
intensity adjustments to achieve
smoother microscopy. Portability is
enhanced with a convenient hand grip
employed at the back of the stand along
with a cord rest that makes it easy to put
away the cord.
Bright halogen bulb delivers ample
illuminationfor various microscow.
A br~ghthalogen bulb serves as the light
source for the CH Senes and provides
ample illumlnat~on to accommodate any
observat~on method (6V30W for CH40,
6V20W for CH30 1.
.2OW halogen l&,s I 6 rimes brlghter thm
SOW tungsten l a m (m-housecommson

30W tungsten lamp

Ergonomic design for fatigue-free

operation over long observation
The slm microscope base des~gnallows
the operator to move arms in a natural,
comfortable manner dur~ngoperation.
Frequently used stage contrds and
focusing knobs are easy for the operator
to man~pulate w~thouthav~ngto ratse CH30
arms and wnsts from the work surface. OLB Series eveDieces
t k h eyepant deign faalliates use by op6fatbrs weanno eyeglasses The CH45"
eywleces sliow widefield ObsBwatm 9fFN 23 IFN 18 fw CH30). >
Interpup~llarydistance ad~ustmentIs over 48mm to 75mm to ensure comfortable
use Diem a6lu6Lmntnna comaensates fa eve acu~tvneeds
@Fixed quinb;pl. revolving nosepiece
(Fiedquadruple eevdung Raseplece for CH30)
OLBSeIies objectives
The LE SeiteSabfdves optlmlze mntmst and offer long workng d~stancato
Sm 1 8 8 ~ ~ 1 3 4 ( D ) x 2 3 ( H ) r n
Slaw travel range 76mm W. 50mm M
N A 1 25 (011 Immersion)
@Front handgrip
@Coaxial coarse and llne focusnng knobs
m r L ~ C I C C FI m
~ i - 3 slco13ord tvltcdntac.
between fbcusedS D & O ? ~and ~ 'obrectnre Tension
adiuslrnent rina Is also mrovlded
OLiiht intenilly control
I n s clntlo a olns IL) . x & ( d 3aunrncnl 01 )-:
m j s C~UI)L)CO B . I' n re'erence .cmw
A range of observation methods to
suit specific specimen types.

The CH40 and CH30 are ideal for

observation and education wrth
various specimens using a range of
micmscopy methods. In addition to
brighiffeld microscopy, the CH40
and CH30 deliver a variety of
transmrtted light microscopy
techniques including phase-
contrast, polarized lrght and
darkfield. The CH40 and CH30
incorporate an LB optical system to
allow use of existing accessories.

Delivers bright,
wide viewing field

CH3-CD brightfield condenser

The CH40 and CH30 employ an Abba
condenser wlth a numerrcal aperture of
1 25 (011lmmerslon) and an AS. vernier
scale as a standard feature The
aperture ir~sdiaphragm permits optimum
lllum~nat~onof the speclmen depend~ng
on the N.A (numer~calaperture) of

Accessories for a variety of observation methods to suit a range of specimens.

BH2-PC phase-contrast condenser CH2-PCD phase-contrast condenser

The BH2-PC IS an ~nd~spensable unit for-obse~atlonof By s~mplyrotatlng the turret, the CH2-PCD condenser can be set for
transparent spec~mens It can be used wrth 1Ox to 1OOx three different types of mffiroscopy: bnghffield, darkiield, and phase-
objectives. contrast It corresponds to phase-contrast oblect~ves10x and 4Ox
Simplified attachments offer setting ease for a variety of observation methods.

CH3-AL attachment lens CH2-FH filter holder CH2-RS101CH2-RS40 simple CHBDS

CH3-FSfield iris diaphragm* The filter holder allows the phase-contrast attachments darkfield central stop
Thls un~toffers Koehler operator to insert a 32.5mm0 By slmply utlllzlng the fllter The CH2-DS enables darkf~eid
illumlna~onwhen used w~tha filter ~ntothe condenser bottom hoider to mount these o b ~ e ~ a t l 0atn4x through 40x
br~ghtfieldcondenser or section attachments on the bottom when the f~iterhoider or
polanzlng condenser sectton of the br~ghtfield attachment lens 16 used to
' ~ ~ In~orporates
4 0 field rlsdlaphragm condenser, phase-contrast mount it on the bnghmeld
observat~onat 1Ox and 40x 1s condenser bottom sectlon.

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BH-DCD dry darkfield condenser CH3-CDP simple polarizing condenser

Clear darkfieid images are delivered by this dry condenser which This Abbe condenser assures simple polarizing observation at 4x
eliminates the oil-immersion procedure. The numerical aperture is through 100x magnifications. An optional polarizer [U-POT is
0.810.92, corresponding to 1Ox, 20x and 40x objectives with en placed on the light exit window of the microscope frame and an
N.A. up to 0.65. optional analyzer (CH3-AN) in the observation tube mount.
Convenient accessories dramatically expand
observation method options.

dual observation attachment
This attachment enables dual,
simultaneous observation of a single
specimen from the same direction with
uniform magnification and brightness for
both operators. A pointer can be used
to indicate specific sections of the
specimen to smooth the training process
and promote discussion.

PM-IOAK3 semi-automatic exposure

photomicrographic system
Large-format to 35mm cameras are
accommodated with this compact,
lightweight system. The system features
automatic exposure control and
automatic film-winding capabiiity.

manual photomicrographic system

-rile comoact, easv-to-use PM-IOM3
employs a shutter with unique rubber
cushion to prevent vibration
transmission. Exposure and color
:en~i.era~-reni(3as..rerrenl i r e eas) ar111
act-rare A rn me EMM-7-4phcl?qrapnc
exposure meter attached

trinocular observation tube
The CH3-TR45 prov~desfor binocular
vlewlng and offers a phototube for
s~multaneoususe of a
photom~crograph~c system

BH2-DA drawing attachment

Accurate sketching of the observed
image is made easy with this attachment
as the tip of the drawing utensil is visible
through the observation tube.
Magnificationsfrom 20x to 1 , 0 0 0 are
Seml-automato Manual
I camera

OM mount
system system
exposure meter
Item CH4D '330
- - -- s-,-
vst~m I LB o~tlcalsvstem (flnlte-corrected svstem)
lllumlnatlon 6V30W halogen Kaehler lllumlnator 6V2OW halogen bulb
Focuslng Stage movement by roller guide (rack & plnlon), coaxial coarse and flne focusing knob, coarse stroke
per rotatlon 39 6mm, fine stroke per rotatlon 0 2mm. full range stroke 25mm, upper lhm~tstopper, torque
adjustment on coarse focus knob
Revolvlno nose~lece Built-ln qu~ntuplenoseplecewlth lnward tllt / Bullt-ln quadruple nosepiece wlth lnward tllt

7Observatlon tube


Condenser Abbe condenser N A 1 25 (wlth 011-immersion),aperture lrls d~aphragmprovlded

Optional condensers, CHBCDP, CH2-PCD and BH-DCD also ava~lable
Dlmenslons and we~aht I 2331W)x392lHI x301lD) mm. 8 5ka (18 7 lb) fCH40) 1 8 2ko (18 lb) (CH301

Objectives and eyepieces


,Dimensions I

Lsogths m&d wm an astensk rJ may v q amordw to hterpu@llw distance Distance for &"re shown re 62mm

Specidcations are subiect to change without any obligation an the pall of the manufacturer.

Olympus business areas

1 health-care

Q& lndustr~al
Printed in Japan M340E-0796B

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