?quiz 2?

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EECE 230 Introduction to Computation and Programming,

Sections 4,5,6, and 7

Quiz II

April 6, 2019

• The duration of this exam is 2 hours and 55 minutes. Keep in mind that you need around 10
minutes at the end of the duration of the exam to submit your answers. It is your responsibility to
make sure your files are correctly submitted.
• The exam consists of 5 problems for 200 points

• You can use all the material in the exam zip file on moodle (lecture slides, source code, programming
assignments, and solutions). Once you download the zip file, moodle will be disconnected.
• At the end of the exam, moodle will reopen for exam submission. If you would like to submit your
work before the end of the exam, please talk to the proctors for instructions.

• You are asked to submit a single zip file containing your Python files (ending with .py extension).
Failure to do so may lead to a failing grade on the exam. It is your responsibility to make sure your
files are correctly submitted.
• You are NOT allowed to use the web. You are not allowed to use USB’s or files previously stored
on your machine.

• If you get caught violating the above rules or if you communicate with a person other than the exam
proctors during the exam, you will immediately get zero and you will be referred to the appropriate
disciplinary committee.
• Cell phones and any other unauthorized electronic devices are absolutely not allowed in the exam
rooms. They should be turned off and put away.

• The problems are of varying difficulty. Below is a rough ordering estimate of the problems in order
of increasing difficulty.
– Level 1 (122 points): Problems 1, and nonefficient solutions of Problems 2, 3, and 4
– Level 2 (58 points): Efficient solutions of Problem 2, 3, and 4
– Level 3 (20 points): Problem 5
• Detailed comments are worth partial credit.
• Plan your time wisely. Do not spend too much time on any one problem. Read through all of them
first and attack them in the order that allows you to make the most progress.

• Good luck!
Problem 1 (45 points). Read file and plot: EECE 230 is fun and easy
Implement the function readFileAndPlot(fileName), which takes as input argument a string fileName,
opens the file named fileName and plots its content as detailed below. We assume that the file contains
data of two graphs formatted as follows:
• The first line is the figure title.
• The second line is the x-axis label.
• The third line contains, say, n numbers separated by spaces representing the x-coordinates of both
• The fourth line is the label of the first graph
• The fifth line contains n numbers separated by spaces representing the y-coordinates of the first
• The sixth and seventh lines are similar to the fourth and fifth, but correspond to the second graph.
You are not asked to check if the file format is as above: assume that this is the case. Your function is
supposed to plot the two graphs in two different colors on the same figure, while showing the title, the
x-axis label, and the legend.
If nameHandle is a file handle, we know from class and the assignments how to read the lines one by
one using a for loop: for line in nameHandle. An alternative method, which is more suitable for this
problem, is via the readline method. After opening the file, invoking nameHandle.readline() returns
the first line of the file. Invoking nameHandle.readline() again returns the second line, and so on.
Any correct solution is worth full grade.
Test it on the file named “data.txt” consisting of:
In EECE 230, computational thinking is fun and Python syntax is easy
Number of weeks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Computational thinking level
1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 1
New syntax level
2 2 2 2 2 0 0 1 0 0 2
You should get the following figure:
Submit your solution in a file called Prob1.py. Inside the file, include your name and ID number (as

Problem 2 (45 points). Check if matrix has equal elements

Write a function equalElements(M), which given an m × n matrix M , checks whether or not M has
equal elements. That is, the function checks whether or not there are (i1 , j1 ) 6= (i2 , j2 ), where 0 ≤ i1 < m,
0 ≤ j1 < n, 0 ≤ i2 < m, and 0 ≤ j2 < n, such that M [i1 ][j1 ] = M [i2 ][j2 ]. If so, the function should return
the tuple of tuples ((i1 , j1 ), (i2 , j2 )), for any such (i1 , j1 ) and (i2 , j2 ). Otherwise, the function should
return a tuple of tuples ((−1, −1), (−1, −1)). If the matrix has more than two equal elements, the indices
of any pair of equal elements are a valid answer.
Any correct solution is worth 27 points. For full grade, solve it efficiently and aim for O(mn) expected
Test program:

import numpy as np
M1 = [[1,2],[3,4]]
M2 = [[1,2],[3,1]]
M3 = [[1,3,0,5],[2,5,2,-1],[5,6,-2,6]]
M4 = [[1,3,0,5],[20,50,2,-1],[51,61,-2,16]]
for M in (M1,M2,M3,M4):


[[1 2]
[3 4]]
((-1, -1), (-1, -1))

[[ 1 2]
[3 1]]
((0, 0), (1, 1))

[[ 1 3 0 5]
[ 2 5 2 -1]
[ 5 6 -2 6]]
((0, 3), (1, 1))

[[ 1 3 0 5]
[20 50 2 -1]
[51 61 -2 16]]
((-1, -1), (-1, -1))

Submit your solution in a file called Prob2.py. Inside the file, include your name and ID number (as

Problem 3 (45 points). Find closest element

Implement the function findClosest(L,x), which given a list of numbers L sorted in nondecreasing
order, and a number x, finds the element e in L which is closest to x. That is, the desired e is an element
of L such that |e − x| ≤ |e0 − x| for all elements e0 of L. If the list is empty, your function should raise
an assertion with an error message “Empty list!”.
For example, for x = 7 and L = [2, 4, 8, 10], findClosest([2,4,8,10],7)=8 because: |2 − 7| = 5;
|4 − 7| = 3; |8 − 7| = 1; and |10 − 7| = 3. Hence, 8 is the closest element of L to 7.
Figure 1: [Problem 5] This figure shows two binary trees with the height of each node. Note that the
root is black and leaves are gray. In (a), the tree is not balanced: for example the node with height 2
does not have a left child; the children of the root have heights 3 and 0 so they differ by more than one;
etc. In (b), the tree is balanced: the height condition is satisfied at all nodes with height ≥ 2.

Any correct solution is worth 23 points. For full grade, solve it in O(log(n)) time.

Test program/output:
print(findClosest([1,5,7],4)) 5
print(findClosest([3,9,10,11],10)) 10
print(findClosest([3,8,14],11)) # Both 8 and 14 are valid answers 14
print(findClosest([-2,7,10,18],2)) -2
print(findClosest([-2,7,10,18],20)) 18
print(findClosest([-2,7,10,18],-3)) -2

Submit your solution in a file called Prob3.py. Inside the file, include your name and ID number (as comments).

Problem 4 (45 points). Minimum distance between two lists

Implement the function minimumDistanceL(A,B), which given two lists of numbers A and B, returns the
minimum distance between any pair of elements where one element is chosen from A and the other from B. If
either of the lists is empty, the functions raises an assertion error.
For example, if A = [10, 7, 25] and B = [13, 18, 9], then minimumDistanceL(A,B)=1 since: |A[0] − B[0]| =
|10 − 13| = 3; |A[0] − B[1]| = |10 − 18| = 8; |A[0] − B[2]| = |10 − 9| = 1; |A[1] − B[0]| = 6; |A[1] − B[1]| = 11;
|A[1] − B[2]| = 2; |A[2] − B[0]| = 12; |A[2] − B[1]| = 7; and |A[2] − B[2]| = 16. Hence, the shortest distance is 1.

Any correct solution is worth 27 points. For full grade, solve it efficiently.
Test program/output:
print(minimumDistanceL([10,7,25],[13,18,9])) # A[0]=10 and B[2]=9 1
print(minimumDistanceL([56,67,22,113],[33,47,12,77,-2])) # A[0]=56 and B[1]=47 9
print(minimumDistanceL([11.3,19.4,-3.5,0,15,10],[6,-7,-9,25])) # A[2]=-3.5 and B[1]=-7 3.5

Submit your solution in a file called Prob4.py. Inside the file, include your name and ID number (as comments).

Problem 5 (20 points). Number of balanced trees of a given height

In this problem, by a tree we mean a tree with a given root. The height of a node v in a tree is the number
of edges from v to the farthest descendant leaf. The height of the tree is the height of the root.
A binary tree is a tree where each node has at most two children. Additionally, the children have left and
right labels (that is, the first two trees in Figure 2.b are distinct because the first one consists of a root with a
left child, and the second is a root with a right child). See Figure 1.
A balanced binary tree is a binary tree T such that for each node v of T of height at least 2, v must have a
left and right child whose heights differ by at most one. See Figure 1 for an example.
Implement the function numberOfBalancedBinTrees(h), which given h, returns the number of all possible
balanced binary trees of height h. See Figure 2.
Any correct solution is worth 15 points. For full grade, solve it efficiently. Note that we are not interested in
finding all balanced trees of height h; we are only interested in computing their number.
(Hint: Find a recurrence)
Figure 2: [Problem 5] This figure shows the only balanced binary tree of height h = 0 in (a), all 3 balanced
binary trees of height h = 1 in (b), and all 15 balanced binary trees of height h = 2 in (c).

Test program:
for h in [0,1,2,6,9,12]:
numberOfBalancedBinTrees(0): 1
numberOfBalancedBinTrees(1): 3
numberOfBalancedBinTrees(2): 15
numberOfBalancedBinTrees(6): 141106591466142946875
numberOfBalancedBinTrees(9): 157173169311826015719601810646022104985769563616688776984
numberOfBalancedBinTrees(12): 372415102498722032705526658376999059377413908588911479930

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