AO Syllabus 0001

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q,ffi mT qfd{fmq
1 \-F-,-.ffi l,l
ffi ffi
I _
,ri$i- 100 3to
tr,Tm. HT{
3 100 3Iq,
4 -,I r-+- 100 3rfr
r/ clilcncp L{Y[&TI 100 3IO
- -----*
t- Ffi * erqffiffin- Ffi qro-rur
rtrq-rarq, qq,rq-qT'fr, ffi or d.fu_o w,ry_ffi qvhrdT,
;qo;+ d veilq q( \rm. er6q, vrrg'fi
fuqreffi prq, 31Ud qrrqT oi gq "i*rc,
o-{fl, frq, *r. mT(qr, 13_frflq, frq}E,r, fr_qr,
orcr, qr,q, 3rq1, B!il.f, trsq, "nfu,
u<, ero-or-q onR, e_ cTq-fu-d dtl, o_"*", ari--n SEEi Tq ffifo-ql *,
s- Rd ,Trvi d g(irTi, u_Anu,
qfu_€ *fr, d**"\. qRrq *."1 rqild,

o- a-wm rsri;ffi oen nqq ehysicar worrd and Measurement),

uq Tfrd (Kinemarics), rTft d
(work, Energy and power), B* (Laws or'uorion;, qrrd, u,-o,r 3Ih q-fu
{smrm-fur rc*"-r,l"n), Rw ft-g-cft (Erectrostatics),
a-g=f, ftH-q (Electro potentiar)i
ftg" urg (currenr Elecricity), rd.Jf, ermr 6r g*q-dq
g+Irq f,e'Tl g*-s-g (Magneric prdrtr
of cunenr and Magnetism), -.ygf, g-q-dq
dsTT q-iqlq-tr effird (Electromagnetic fi"I
Induction and -Alternating -currents), tgf,
Tqft1q crrr) letecromagneric waves), Fd-frn
t4 clT€j[ qun-S (Communication "gfra" (Electronic Devices), i1"lq
Systems), qmqi'tRay Optics).

qTqN, qqEcqT, qqfuyq q-q q=rftfi{rT,

or Wlfl f,.tT
ft-n q-srEm, solo zhl frry *?-fr O- ;,;6 qedrcil + iqE+T q frRTE T{V FT rfy6a
Erd-mT-fr, soso fr Rrcmq. q HTqr=q ,.r*m* qtmeTr, qrq-{rfuop, 3finpuu
Eqcil f,srT snf,o-fl-{, ?il{f, Gny B-sd q-_$.{ft _H
Gt-flffiq rrf,d d r{q-flHfu-cn frqq, ;* i fi_q "=_, w$q f,sTr
sg?DI qqrq, VS-dT qtEq, .rcg ,=**
"T"T.T 1}qlc5(, gwtrN 65-*owr eflr
iqrrvnnqrfr,/Tf,rd, q-ilGW ftr*, .,:.*
".r-, .ln
rlYrd qtRqT afuFbpn
Vu O-r, gH Gfly'BTd "**,

Abilifv Test
umber System_{flqf q-€fr,
Simplification-T{tFftorul, or.i-uir- ora-iiltior1-qyl-rIirq
oN ftq, Highest
rowest common murripr e-r-6rr{ rlqTq-q-ff etq
::T:":3o:1 -rro. cgrrT s,ilqqdo,
Loss-*dT?T Grt( EI-fr, Discount-qe, simpre interest-
\2 ,.ntug.-ffir#, profit and
erTG[, compound
tt [.:'/
1s vu-..-"
interest-Tfr-{E *P
Parrnership-?rTrh{rfi, Ar.era_qe_ei,rfi
GIR RTq, Time and . Time and \\.ork_HEr .il'*
{s ;r:
qlF o-r q+ii' Mersuratio'-ttkir,^arithmeticar oT ruo,., and Graphs_ffi ifn
functions-3r*rffi-q computation and other analyticar
H'IUIiT u"* ffi'#. Misce,aneour-8fu, r

3rrg. _ Logical Diagrams_ilIffiT

Test-trilT€T HIT eltl, word
Symbol r.rtution.t
E{;E'T; perception
fonnation Test-yrd( -r*
series-3Tefl .flT Tftep1, Letter and number
$cqT 2e-or, woro and arphabet Anarogy_prq eil..t
.tTRrfr irq-sqflI orfqrdT q
^Commin sense Tesr-eqr{dlR-6
Test-ftflT f,rq qfrepi, EI;r qfteror, Direction
L"gi;t'^;erpretation of -',Data-erhd mr orffio ffiur,
#.H#H' ;#,*i-.n,_f+n-4 ud,';.;;;,, ** *, i e d m ean i n gs**nfi p-n ffi
I.O- Test/Reasonine Test) -
qfterr qterr ryrftho qft de Test/

a qR ffi
rouowing:-fuftien -"i'yl.
towards the

contror-3rcI$Er frq-d"I, Rure of

+1 efqm, professional Information (Basic
ar"r."oor,r, of adaptability*er5q6q
level)_ceI{rlrho qT-{rT
Police Systern-9fuq1 q'IJ_&, contemporary police GR{.n rot aft),
Issues & Law and order-wqortfi-q
gfriT g* w
il-13 qqreil, Interest in profession-qqqfq qfr
toughness-q,fu"fr sts, Menral d
. r--f,aT, Sensitivity towards minorities
underpriviteged-u*fff and
Tq c,r-cq u,tB*rr qid}- d qh wa-+rcfl=gor Gender
sensitivity-dFffi I

Relationship and Analogy Test_q1rq-a1 q eflRfO

/a^*.^I^.:^-- m , ^.',.
\ ^
ar qfrflor,
coding and Decoding rest-sfrs fuft
,\.II, H;

Gil-i v+rdfufi fde of

"tff*gJest-2-wor ffir,
Relation*Tff g*rcr, probrem based on arphab.t-qofqrET
;ir"";;;"" r".r..'"r."1ffi;"H'ffi;:Liil;
* *nto *, Time
qfteT"r Venn Diagrarn and charr
test-a" *fu .il- ,rc
order-Fq fr qq-Rer-f, ExTr I
ablity r.,l*ffi";ilfr" rype
#* ]*il; "l;

JT: dlffifi TfrfiI (Reasonine Test)- An_alogies-v{qsq-dl, Similarities-Tt,Fkil,

Differences-frqg1, space uirruri*ti*-(Tla r-irq +I{il, problern
oi g6gHr Analysis judgement-Araqrr ftuf_u," Decision-making-ffia- qrsrdr,
visual memory-fw Ttfr, Discriminal;en-ft+fqq qjFrflT,
^figure classification-Yre sN olrfft q-Itrmgul, alithmetical number
5s1ie5*Srqtrft-fiq ricqT€rq-f,r, Abilities to deal with
absrract ideas and symbols and
theirrelationships{I{d ffi q q-fizp) detT BTd wq-*fr q qffi*'ut"**


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