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Sample Detailed Lesson Plan

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Detailed Lesson Plan

(Junior High School)

June 28, 2022
English 10

At the end of the 60-minute lesson, the students are expected to:
 identify the sequential stages of analytical listening by using graphic organizer,
 solve the customer’s problem using analytical listening, and
 appreciate the importance of analytical listening in everyday lives


Topic: Analytical Listening in Problem Solving
 English 10 PIVOT (Quarter 1, Week 5)
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSiP0epO0oU&ab_channel=Pillow
Materials: speaker, recorded audio, cartolina, blackboard, chalk, Zip Grade, worksheets
Time Frame: 60-minute
Macro skill: listening
III. Procedures
5 minutes A. Preliminary

1. Greetings Good morning, class! Good morning, Ma’am!

1, 2, 3, eyes on me. 1, 2, eyes on you.

We’re doing great.

How do you do?

That’s good to hear.

Before we begin our

2. Prayer discussion this morning,
let us ask the guidance of
our Almighty God and
ask to enlighten our mind
to completely understand
the lesson this morning.
Monica: Lord, we thank
Who is the assigned you for granting this
prayer leader today? opportunity to come
together in this school
Yes, Monica. amidst of pandemic.
I pray today that you grant
us wisdom, knowledge
and understanding.
Increase our capacity,
Lord, as we learn.
Take full control and may
everything go according to
your will and purpose.
In Jesus name we pray.


3. Health Protocol Thank you, Monica.


Class, what are the basic Wear your face mask at all
health protocols that we times.
need to follow inside our
classroom? Always sanitize your

Sit at your assigned desk.

Keep 1 meter away from

your classmates.

Very good, class! Let us

all be diligent in following
the classroom health
protocols. Remember,
we have an invisible
enemy that we need to
fight altogether.

4. Classroom Now, pick up the pieces

Management of paper under your
chair, arrange your chairs
in proper order, fix
yourself, your necktie,
your polo, your hair, put a
smile behind that face
mask, and make yourself
presentable and

No, Ma’am. Everybody’s

5. Checking of Jenny, are there any here.
Attendance absences today?


Put your assignment in

the designated box under
your chair. I will sanitize
6. Collection of and collect them at the
Assignments end of the day.
3 minutes B. Review Before we start our new
lesson, let’s have a quick
review of our discussion
last week.

Can you name some Artifacts, diaries, photos,

examples of primary journals, letters, and
documents? original documents.

Wonderful! Biographical
works are also included
in primary documents. No, Ma’am.
Am I correct?

Because in biographical
Why? works, the author has not
personally witnessed what
he or she has written.

Very well said! Let’s give G-double O- D-J-O-B

her a good job clap. Good job! Good job!
7 minutes C. MOTIVATION (Teacher shows pictures)

What do you think is

going on in the first There is a war.

Exactly. This is actually a

screenshot in an actual
footage of war between
Russia and Ukraine. How
about this picture?

Correct. Hunger and That picture shows one of

unemployment are some the effects of pandemic.
of the effects here in our

Our world is facing so

many problems and
challenges that we
almost lose a strand of
hope. The pandemic,
hunger, and the endless
war between Ukraine and
Russia, these are some
of the problems that we
are facing right now.

Are you familiar with the

Black Eyed Peas?

Now we will listen to one

of their songs entitled
“Where is the Love?” I
want you to write down Yes, Ma’am.
the problems that will be
mentioned in the song.
Listen wholeheartedly
and critically.

Class, class, class, are Yes, yes, yes, we are

you ready? ready!
(The teacher plays the

Can you tell me in one

word, what are the
problems that were Terrorism.
mentioned in the song?

Good. What else? Money.

AND Money is not actually the
PRESENTATION OF problem but being greed
THE OBJECTIVES of money is the disease
that no one can cure.

Why do you think we’re Because we have listened

able to identify the to the song very carefully.
problems from the song
we have listened?

Correct! Did you know Yes, that is true.

that listening is one of the
most underrated macro
skills? Admit it or not,
most of the time, we just
talk, but we never listen.
You talk back to your
parents, but you never
listen. You argue with
your friends, but you
never listen. Do you

Today, we will discuss

analytical listening in

Here are our learning

goals. Can you please
read them? At the end of the lesson,
we should be able to:
 identify the
sequential stages of
analytical listening,
 gather data and
information to solve
the problems using
analytical listening,
 appreciate the
importance of
analytical listening.

Thank you.

20 minutes E. DISCUSSION
(ACTIVITY-BASED) (The teacher distributes
worksheets and posts
visual aids on the board)

Here are the worksheets

for our activities today.
Get your worksheets on
the table one by one.
Don’t forget to sanitize
your hands.

Let us begin our


Analytical listening,
sometimes called critical
or active listening deals
with one’s ability and
capacity to analyze the
sounds carefully and

Now, let’s find out the

five stages of analytical
Identify each analytical
For our first activity, can listening stage. Choose
you please read the your answer in the box
instruction on the first below. Write your answer
page? on the space provided.
You have 5 minutes to
finish the task.

(After 5 minutes)

Times up. Let us check

and discuss your

What are the five stages The five stages are

of analytical listening receiving stage,
sequential process? understanding stage,
evaluating stage,
responding stage, and
remembering stage.

What do you call the first

stage that refers to actual Receiving stage.
hearing process?

Awesome. How can you Receiving stage is the

compare receiving stage actual hearing process, on
from understanding the other hand,
stage? understanding stage
generates meaning of
what has been heard.

Which do you think is the For me the most important

most important stage? stage is the evaluating
Why? stage because this is
where we analyze all the
information that we have

Very good explanation!

If you will become one of I think my personality fits

the analytical listening the remembering stage. I
stages, which of them will have a very sharp
fit your personality? memory.
Wow! I definitely agree.
That stage fits your

In solving a problem,
analytical listening is a
very helpful strategy. The
first step is to identify the What, when, where, who,
problem by answering why, and how.
the 5W and 1H
questions. What are
those questions?

Correct. After you identify

the problem, you can
now generate alternative
solutions. The more
generated solutions, the
10 minutes better!

Now, for our second

activity, let us help the
call center agent resolve
the customer’s problem.
Grab your pen and paper
and be ready to answer
the questions on the
second page of your

Ready your ears and

listen to the conversation
between a customer and
an agent.

(She plays the recorded


Let us see how good

your analytical skills are.

1. What is the name

of the company? Shop All You Want
2. What is the name
of the agent?
3. What is the order
I.D number of the
4. What is the
cellphone number
of the customer? 09876543210

5. What is the
company’s www. shopallyouwant
website? .com

6. When was the October 12

payment made?

7. How much is the 30, 000 pesos


8. Did you get them Not yet. The customer

now? needs to wait until next

Good job, everyone! I am

so happy that most of
you got perfect scores.

What is the problem of The customer paid two

the customer? weeks ago, and the order
has not arrived yet.

Did the agent solve the

customer’s concern? Yes, Jamaica solved the
Why or why not? customer’s concern and
informed him of the
possible date arrival of the

Great. How did the agent

solve the customer’s By listening analytically to
problem? her customer, and by
providing appropriate
Wonderful! What is the
2 minutes G. GENERALIZATION importance of analytical You are able to gather
listening? correct data and

That’s right! What else?

Analytical listening will
help us resolve problems.

Perfect! Why analytical

listening is important in
our daily lives? Analytical listening is an
Bear in mind that indispensable part of our
analytical listening is an life. It is one of the
indispensable part of our ingredients of the recipe
life. It is one of the for success. It helps us to
ingredients of the recipe resolve problems that
for success. It helps us to would help us gain fulfilling
resolve problems that results and progress in
would help us gain life.
fulfilling results and
progress in life.

Very well said!

H. EVALUATION (10 minutes)

Choose the correct answer by shading the circle on the provided answer sheet. Answers will be
checked using Zip Grade, and the teacher will provide access code for each student.
1. allows the listeners to provide verbal and/or non-verbal feedback and responses based on the
listening contexts.

a. receiving stage
b. understanding stage
c. evaluating stage
d. responding stage
e. remembering stage

2. has to check him/herself if he/she is able to hear clearly the sounds and other sound points.

a. receiving stage
b. understanding stage
c. evaluating stage
d. responding stage
e. remembering stage

3. requires both the listener and the speaker to meet in between regarding the points portrayed in
the listening process.

a. receiving stage
b. understanding stage
c. evaluating stage
d. responding stage
e. remembering stage

4. is a personal stage for the listener allowing him/her to integrate in him/herself the information

a. receiving stage
b. understanding stage
c. evaluating stage
d. responding stage
e. remembering stage

5. focuses on generating meaning on what has been heard.

a. receiving stage
b. understanding stage
c. evaluating stage
d. responding stage
e. remembering stage

Listen again to the song “Where is the Love?”. Identify the problems and the solutions
presented. If the solutions are not clearly presented, write your proposed solutions to the
problems. Write your answers on a sheet of paper using the table.
Teacher I

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