Sample Detailed Lesson Plan
Sample Detailed Lesson Plan
Sample Detailed Lesson Plan
At the end of the 60-minute lesson, the students are expected to:
identify the sequential stages of analytical listening by using graphic organizer,
solve the customer’s problem using analytical listening, and
appreciate the importance of analytical listening in everyday lives
Class, what are the basic Wear your face mask at all
health protocols that we times.
need to follow inside our
classroom? Always sanitize your
Wonderful! Biographical
works are also included
in primary documents. No, Ma’am.
Am I correct?
Because in biographical
Why? works, the author has not
personally witnessed what
he or she has written.
AND Money is not actually the
PRESENTATION OF problem but being greed
THE OBJECTIVES of money is the disease
that no one can cure.
Thank you.
20 minutes E. DISCUSSION
(ACTIVITY-BASED) (The teacher distributes
worksheets and posts
visual aids on the board)
Analytical listening,
sometimes called critical
or active listening deals
with one’s ability and
capacity to analyze the
sounds carefully and
(After 5 minutes)
In solving a problem,
analytical listening is a
very helpful strategy. The
first step is to identify the What, when, where, who,
problem by answering why, and how.
the 5W and 1H
questions. What are
those questions?
5. What is the
company’s www. shopallyouwant
website? .com
a. receiving stage
b. understanding stage
c. evaluating stage
d. responding stage
e. remembering stage
2. has to check him/herself if he/she is able to hear clearly the sounds and other sound points.
a. receiving stage
b. understanding stage
c. evaluating stage
d. responding stage
e. remembering stage
3. requires both the listener and the speaker to meet in between regarding the points portrayed in
the listening process.
a. receiving stage
b. understanding stage
c. evaluating stage
d. responding stage
e. remembering stage
4. is a personal stage for the listener allowing him/her to integrate in him/herself the information
a. receiving stage
b. understanding stage
c. evaluating stage
d. responding stage
e. remembering stage
a. receiving stage
b. understanding stage
c. evaluating stage
d. responding stage
e. remembering stage
Listen again to the song “Where is the Love?”. Identify the problems and the solutions
presented. If the solutions are not clearly presented, write your proposed solutions to the
problems. Write your answers on a sheet of paper using the table.
Teacher I