Orion Group5 Chapter1 2

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A Research Paper

Presented to

The Professional Academy of the Philippines

South Poblacion, City of Naga, Cebu

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements of the Course

Practical Research 2


Pipeto, Merry Joy C.

Albiso, Jamela D.

Sismar, Danica Mae

Mabala, Kc C.

Angco, Jayvid M.

Pansoy, Melymer C.

Labuga, Ralph Angel A.

Chapter 1


This chapter will discuss the rationale of the study, theoretical Background of the

Study, Theoretical Framework, Statement of the Problem, Assumption of the Study,

Significance and Definition of Terms.

Rationale of the study

English language plays a vital role for the people in a society. It is a universal

language that used by various people for communicating and sharing thoughts with

people who belong to other regions who speak different languages, English language is

a common language to communicate with them. Speaking with this language may be

hard for those individuals who already have their first language, specifically Filipinos.

This difficulty includes consequences on the academic performance of the students and

this is the primary focus of our paper. This study will talk about


The purpose of English language education is to provide students with the

capabilities to understand the language in appropriate way and to have good ability in

written and oral (Richard, 2008). If students are not able to speak English fluently and

clearly, this purpose will be hard to achieve. So, it is essential to study this phenomenon

in order to discover if students actually have problems with speaking, and then we can

recognize what kind of problems and the reason of it also their perception in speaking.

The matter of a learner’s attitude is also acknowledged as one of the most important

factors that impact on learning language (Canceran, 2018). However, since there are

some people who do have problems with speaking, there is good reason to research the
matter. More insight into this might be able to help develop the teaching of English

speech production and thus the abilities of English learners (Pena, 2018). The matter of

a learner’s attitude is also acknowledging as one of the most important factors that

impact on learning language (Canceran, 2018).

Through this study, it will give an information of how important is the implication of

the English Language to help develop the speaking skills.

Conceptual Framework

This study is anchored on the _____________model by _______________.

Discussion on the model.

While some IEPs simply encourage students to maximize their L2 use, others

enforce policies that restrict the use of students’ L1, including English-only policies that
prohibit the use of the learners’ L1 at any time within the confines of the language school

(McMillan & Rivers, 2011; Rivers, 2011a). In programs supporting such English-only

policies, administrators and teachers implement a variety of strategies and invent

“elaborative games, signals, and penalty systems to ensure that students do not use

their L1” (Auerbach, 1993, p. 16; also see Rivers, 2014). Unfortunately, in many cases,

such restrictive policies seem to be rather ineffective and even harmful (e.g., Grant,

1999; McMillan & Rivers, 2011; Rivers, 2011a; Rivers, 2014; Shvidko, Evans, &

Hartshorn, 2015). For example, Rivers (2014) suggested such English-only policies are

often guided toward a dark emotional pathway of shame (in not being good enough to

participate), guilt (in breaking the contract of obligation to their classmates, the teacher

and the institution) and ultimately fear (of the impending consequences and exclusion).

(p. 111).In a similar vein, Littlewood and Yu (2011) mentioned the feeling of alienation

that the exclusion of learners’ L1, required by English-only policies, can cause for them.

To set the background for the study, an informal online survey for administrators

of intensive English programs in English-speaking countries was conducted. The survey

was sent through the online email list known as “TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers

of Other Languages) Program Administration Interest Section”; 28 administrators

completed the survey. The questions on the survey attempted to determine the policy

positions of English language institutions on students’ language use within the confines

of their language learning facilities of the 28 administrators who completed the survey,

23 admitted that, regardless of the school statement in terms of language use, students

continue to communicate in their L1 between classes: “We try a lot, but in the end I

would say it falls short. Students continue to speak their L1”; “If students have a choice,

they mostly always choose not to use English”; “One-on-one, they admit they will speak
English, but overcoming the bait of speaking their own language to another L1 speaker

always seems to win out.” A note of despair is heard in some responses:

• “It is really frustrating to admit we are so ineffective, but despite a great deal of effort, it

seems the L1 is still very evident in the classroom area”;

• “Enforcing [the English policy] is a nightmare”;

• “Even if we wanted it, it is entirely impossible to enforce an English-only policy outside

of class”;

• “I’ve asked students why they want us to have to deal with this issue through

punishment and why they cannot make the commitment to speak in English for [the] five

hours a day they are in our program. They say they want to but can’t break the habit.

We have not been able to figure out how to break this habit.” As seen from these

comments, students’ language use is still a major concern, even in IEPs that enforce

strict English-only policies (14 of the 23 administrators indicated on the survey that their

programs applied some form of an English-only policy). Although administrators may

implement English-only policies with the learners’ best interest in mind, the simple

assumption that these policies will foster students’ language development is an

insufficient basis on which to design such policies.

Because students themselves can provide valuable input in regard to their

language learning experiences, teachers and program administrators should actively

seek out student voices and reflect student standpoints in all curricular implementations,

including language policies. As Shvidko et al. (2015) pointed out, “A clearer

understanding of student perspectives is essential if we are to maximize student

language learning” (p. 12). Accordingly, the current study is aimed at providing empirical

data based on attitudes of learners themselves toward an English-only policy in an

intensive English program. It is hoped that the insights gathered from this study will be

useful for administrators and faculty in helping to inform policy changes.

Statement of the study

The main purpose of this study is to know the implications on the speaking skills

development of the SHS students with the English language policy in the Professional

Academy of the Philippines. Specifically, it answers the following questions:

1. How does English language helps the senior high school students in Professional

Academy of the Philippines?

2. What are the implications of the study of senior high school students?

3. How does the important of student to speak English language of senior high school in

Professional Academy of the Philippines?

Scope and limitations of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to know the English Language policies in

Senior High School Implications for speaking skills Development. Sustainable

development implies effective communication, which in turn implies the use of a

language that is well understood by the target audience. And being to communicate an

idea or thought clearly is an essential skill for public speaking. The research will be

conducted at Professional Academy of the Philippines which is located along the North

Bacalso Avenue, South Poblacion, City of Naga, Cebu. Each of the informants will be
interviewed to answer the question in order to assure manageability of the collected

data, the informants were requested to be in an exclusive time and place for an



Assumption of the study

Based on the topic "English Language Policies in Senior High School Implications

for Speaking Skills Development," it can be assumed that the study aims to investigate

the impact of language policies in senior high schools on the development of speaking

skills among students. The study might explore the various policies implemented in

senior high schools to promote English language learning and how they affect the

speaking abilities of students. The research might also examine the factors that hinder

the development of speaking skills and the strategies that can be employed to overcome

them. Furthermore, the study may highlight the importance of speaking skills in English

language learning and how senior high schools can effectively incorporate speaking

activities in their curriculum to enhance students' speaking proficiency.

The following assumptions were made:

1. Research assumes that the result of this study will serve as a guide to the SHS of

Professional Academy of the Philippines about the English language policies.

2. Researchers assume that the selected informants of this survey will cooperate and

will answer the questionnaire with a reliable response.

3. We, the researchers assume that whatever the result are may the school do some

actions about the findings of our study.

Significance of the Study

Determining the English Language Policies in Senior High School Implication for

Speaking Skills Development By this means, the study will be advantageous to the


The Students. This study will benefit the students by having the knowledge

about the English Language Policies in Senior High School Implication for Speaking

Skills Development, They will be more wise and aware of the things that they need to


The Teachers. The result of this study is advantageous for the teachers because

they will be informed about the implication for speaking skills development who

struggles in speaking English language. Additionally, they could further assess their

students regarding with their difficulties in speaking English language. The teachers will

have further understanding about the struggles of the students. This research study will

also serve as their medium in order to create a plan that may help their students.

Moreover, they can also share the information with their students after acquiring this


The Parents . The outcome of this study is very useful in order to awaken the

parents about all of the implication for speaking challenges their children are facing at

school. By this means, they will be more understandable and patient regarding with the

academic performances of their loved ones. The research will guide them to recognize a
way for them to help their children. In addition, parents can use this study to deepen

their knowledge regarding with the issues.

Library . The study helps the library through preserving this study and transfer

knowledge of old researchers to the future one. It could be a place of new discoveries

for the hopeful researchers. They can help to provide information and various references

related to this. It may give wisdom behind experiences of the researchers. Furthermore,

they can also assist students by providing relevant information and references regarding

with the research study.

Senior High School Department . This study is essential to this department

because the targeted subjects are its students. This will serve as a guide with the

information about the English Language Policies in Senior High School Implication for

Speaking Skills Development . It can help the departments to be more productive at the

same time, active for the betterment of PAP. They can create proposal too school’s

principal regarding with the issue. Furthermore, the research study will also give ideas to

the department for them to create future plans in order to lessen the difficulties.

Professional Academy of the Philippines . The study is significant to the

school, as it may serve as a guide to their students in doing further research papers.

The school will benefit the research through the information gathered by the researchers

who conducted the study. Students from other school might encouragely enroll at PAP

because of its greater tendency to learn unconditionally. Outsiders will be embolden on

the opportunities of the school could offer, and the willingness to enroll in PAP will take

them over.
Researchers . The researchers themselves belong to the senior high school

students at the Professional Academy of the Philippines. Based on the evaluation

conducted and the findings of the study, it will be beneficial to the researchers because

it will enhance their knowledge and understanding regarding with their own research

study. As a researcher, it is also their responsibility to spread the knowledge. The paper

will serve as their guide in order to help their fellow students who are struggling with

their academics. This can also help the researchers to work hard for their future careers.

Future Researchers. The study serves as guidelines for them to make their

study correctly. Through this study it will help them to deeply understand what research

paper is. It also gives the insights and they will be more informed. The result of this

study can be used as their reference to the future researchers who wish to conduct a

study related to this. This will discover new information or any details about the English

Language Policies in Senior High School Implication for Speaking Skills Development.

Definition of Terms

The following key terms are defined in order to provide readers the guidelines of

the definition of the unfamiliar words used in the study.


Capability is a term that denotes the power or ability to do something. It is a

quality or state of being capable of accomplishing anything within different tasks or

scenarios. In learning, capability is a concept that consists of managerial practices,

mechanisms, and management structures. Furthermore, it can be implemented to

promote concrete knowledge. In this research study, the capabilities of students are also

being tested.


Consequence is a term that denotes a result or condition, an act or instance of

following something as an effect, result, or outcome. Something or someone of

consequence is important or valuable. If something or someone is of no consequence,

or of little consequence, they are not important or valuable. A consequence comes after.

Determining the consequences of difficulties in speaking English is the main focus of the



Performance is the the act of performing. The execution or accomplishment of

work acts, feats, etc. Similarity, a particular action, deed, or proceeding. It is also an

action or proceeding of an unusual or spectacular kind.


Perspective is a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something. The

interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed places the issues in

proper perspective. Also point of view. The capacity to view things in their true relations

or relative importance. Student’s perspective is being prioritized in this research study.

Lacking terms: Should be 10 terms, alphabetical order

Chapter 2


This chapter covers the many approaches that were employed in the data

collection and analysis for the research. Research design, research respondent,

research location, research tools, data collection procedure, and ethical considerations

will all be covered in the methodologies. When considering the nature if this

investigation, several aspects were taken into account.

Research Design

In this study, to improve and make the study reliable and valid, this study used a

quantitative-descriptive method. Quantitative Research is a research strategy that

focuses on quantifying the collection and analysis of data. The purpose of quantitative

research is to generate knowledge and create understanding about the social world.

Quantitative research is used by social scientists, including communication researchers,

to observe phenomena or occurrences affecting individuals. One of the main

advantages of using quantitative data is that it can provide objective, reliable, and

generalizable results.

Quantitative data can be analyzed using standardized and rigorous methods, such as

mathematical formulas, statistical tests, or computer software. It involves large sample

sizes, concentrating on the quantity of responses, as opposed to gaining the more

focused or emotional insight that is the aim of qualitative research.

Research Respondents

The research respondents of this study are those students of Senior High School

students of Professional Academy of the Philippines, both Grade 11 and 12, in City of

Naga, Cebu. To be more specific, a total of 282 Senior High School students will be

examine to answer the questionnaire of the study. To make it easy for the informants to

answer the questionnaire, researchers provide a structured interview guide.


Below is the computation in getting the sample size of the population.


=958/ (1*958*0.05)
= 958/ (1*950*0.0025)

= 958/ (1*2.40)

= 958/3.40

= 281.76 or 282 respondents

Research Location

This study will be carried out at the Professional Academy of the Philippines. This

is an institution that offers Pre-school, Elementary, Senior High School and five

Baccalaureate courses. The Professional Academy of the Philippines (PAP) is located in

Barangay South Poblacion, City of Naga, Province of Cebu, along the South National.

Highway. The school is a 5-minute walk from Naga proper, 15 minutes from Minglanilla

center and a 45-minute trip from Toledo City. The School is also located in front of

SHELL SELECT gas station. Public jeepneys, multicabs, motorbikes, and tricycles are

the most cost-effective modes of transportation in the area. It’s an excellent location for

researchers to conduct interviews. As a result, all necessary and relevant data can be

obtained from the location.

Figure 2. Shows the vicinity map of Professional Academy of the Philippines.
Research Tools
See Sample.

Data Gathering Procedure

First step is permission letters/slips will be sent to the respondents while this

conducting this survey. A letter of intent to the participants to this study, requesting

permission to conduct an interview about the English language policies in senior high

school implications for speaking skills development, which will be ask to selected 10

students as informants of this purpose study. This letters content also contains some

ethical consideration. After receiving authorization, the researchers and informants

schedule the interview and determine where it will take place. The researchers also

discussed the study's purpose and background to the participants.

The transcription method will help the researchers obtain a better comprehension

of the interviews. The data will be then coded and evaluated once it was transcribed.

The researchers will also collect any pertinent information for the study. During the

interviews, we will find out what their opinion, and we will also watch those informant,

particularly their demeanor and intellectual abilities.

Statistical Treatment of Data

In this study “English Language Policies in Senior High School Implications for

Speaking Skills Development” we used statistical methods. Statistical methods are

mathematical formulas, models, and techniques that are used in statistical analysis of

raw research data. The application of statistical methods extracts information from

research data and provides different ways to assess the robustness of research outputs.
Use the weighted mean and frequency distribution.

Ethical Consideration

As a researcher, we are aware that there are circumstances that we will consider

for us to observe ethical considerations. That is why as much as possible we will avoid

plagiarism in our papers and give credit to the authors as a proper way of using their

statements and studies as references. With regards to gathering data, we will inform our

respondents, we will make sure that they are fully informed about the survey being

conducted and they are aware of the purpose of the study, how the findings will be used,

and who will have access to the data.

I. Risk-Benefit Assessment

The researchers have recognized that conducting this study will be inconvenient

due to the lack of time and financial considerations in acquiring data for the

investigation, researchers, students, future researchers, and the SHS Department, of

the Professional Academy of the Philippines will all benefit from the study.

II. Content and Documentation of Informed Consent

The researchers will secure the following considerations:


The content of this informed consent includes the purpose and objective, role of

the respondents and researchers and the confidentiality clause of the study. (Statement

of the problem)

Documentation of Informed Consent

The researchers ensure that the informants freely accept our request to conduct

the interview, that they participated with their own free will and agreement, and that the

content used in the study by the researchers is appropriate. Part of the informed consent

are the procedures that the informants need to know that they will be answering the

interview guide and they will be given enough time preferably 5-10 minutes to answer

the interview guide after which the interview guide will be collected by the researchers

for coding, analyzing and interpreting the data gathered. Another part of informed

consent is the voluntary participation of the informants. The informants showed their

commitment through answering the interview guide voluntary with sincerity and honesty

which made the realization of the research undertaking responsible.

III. Authorization to Access to Private Information

In gathering data, the researchers will have to manage in avoiding to access

private information from the informants through allowing them to continue or not if the

study is crossing their privacy. The researchers have the authorization to access to

private information once the permission will be granted. The researchers got the data

from the informants and in the process they used the needed information vital in the

research undertaking provided that the informants voluntarily answer the questionnaires.

IV. Debriefing and Communication

In keeping the study to be informative and accurate, the researchers will do a

briefing to the informants for them to answer the questionnaire in all honesty and without

reservations and to understand the nature of the research undertaking open for

comments and feedbacks. The researchers will have some exchange information from

the expert of
the study for the researchers to make it precise.

V. Incentives, Compensations and Conflict of Interest


In the conduct of the study there will be no provision of incentives, compensation,

snacks or any form of incentives to the informants.


The researchers declared no conflict of inters for the study as well as the


Conflict of Interest

In a situation in which financial or other personal considerations may compromise

upon conducting this research or and investigators professional judgment in conducting

or reporting in this research study

Richard, (2008). Understanding of English language education. Retrieved on October

25, 2023 from https://www.scirp.org/%28S%28i43dyn45teexjx455qlt3d2q


Alwasilah, (2011) speaking English as a foreign language


Canceran,(2018) Impact of English language education https://eric.ed.gov/?


Pena, (2018) Abilities of English learners



Canceran,(2018) Impact of English language education


Butzkamm & Caldwell, (2019) Second language learning




Macaro, (2005) English language teaching


Rivers, (2011) Students language education


Storch & Wigglesworth, (2003) Literature for limited English language education


Turnbull & Daily-O’Cain, (2009) Valuable Resources for English language education



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