03 IBM Industry Practice - Challenges in Offshore Software Development From A Global Delivery Center

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IBM Industry Practice: Challenges in Offshore Software

Development from a Global Delivery Center

Conference Paper in Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing · July 2009

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02987-5_3 · Source: DBLP

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1 author:

Ilario Musio


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IBM Industry Practice: Challenges in Offshore
Software Development from a Global Delivery

Ilario Musio

[email protected]

Abstract. Offshore software development has greatly influenced com-

petitiveness among IT companies in the last decade. Despite the fact
that there are matured and developed offshoring methodologies, there
is an ongoing tendency to look for new ways of improving them. Major
IT corporations successfully rely on their offshore delivery centers for
bridging the gap between communication and infrastructure boundaries.
However, projects tend to fail, so problems have to be considered that
arise between on- and offshore parts within the same corporation. Based
on seven case studies from the industry, this paper describes experiences
and challenges faced during the execution of offshore application develop-
ment between IBM Switzerland and IBM India. Additionally, approaches
on how they can be solved are proposed.

Keywords: offshore insourcing, global delivery, offshoring, India, indus-

try practice.

1 Introduction
The IT industry is undergoing a great change in how software is developed. With
the world getting flatter, faster and smarter, more and more ideas arise on how
to execute business in a way to benefit economically and technically. Offshore
outsourcing is one such solution multinational IT corporations have turned to
for cutting development costs to remain competitive. Since distributed projects
started to fail [13], companies and researchers have been searching for new ways
to improve the function of globally distributed teams [2]. One major investment
has been the construction of global delivery centers spread all over the world,
especially in emerging countries such as India. These centers serve as outsourcing
partners with the advantage of being within the same corporation [4].
The main benefits are:
– Shorter project set-up times due to internal contracting
– Standard infrastructure and communication channels
– Consistent methodologies and processes
– Increased security and confidentiality
– Protection of proprietary knowledge.

O. Gotel, M. Joseph, and B. Meyer (Eds.): SEAFOOD 2009, LNBIP 35, pp. 4–13, 2009.

c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
IBM Industry Practice: Challenges in Offshore Software Development 5

However, achieving these benefits in practice can be challenging. The con-

stantly changing IT environment brings about new problems that must each be

2 The Global Delivery India Program

IBM operates global delivery centers in eight countries across four continents.
The largest division is located in India, where approximately 60,000 people are
While IBM Switzerland has been delivering offshore projects to India for many
years, collaboration between shores continues to be a challenge. In response, it
started the Global Delivery India program [19]. Ten Swiss application developers
were sent to India in 2007. They were each assigned to different offshore projects
for a year, where they worked as members of the development teams. The goal
of the program was to gain experience within a globally distributed software
development team, identify collaboration barriers between shores and define best
practices for a globally integrated software delivery methodology.
Taking part in this program gave participants the opportunity to view the
distributed software engineering process from the offshore team’s point of view.
It gave them a first-hand look at how Indian colleagues approach and exe-
cute software development, as well as the way in which the project deals with
cultural differences, distributed communication strategies, and offshore project
Traditionally, IBM uses its corporation-wide methodologies to manage soft-
ware development projects. Its methods and processes are executed thoroughly
and are being constantly improved. However, before those methodologies can be
adapted for distributed projects, a number of questions must first be answered:
– Where do the methodologies currently being applied fail?
– How can those methodologies be efficiently applied on offshore projects?
– What kind of problems go undetected in offshore software development
projects, and how can they be solved?
– At what points in the project lifecycle do coordination and communication
issues arise?
This paper discusses the experiences and lessons learned during the Global
Delivery India program. All experiences are based on qualitative assessments
on seven different global delivery case studies, as well as surveys involving the
program participants, project managers, and other stakeholders on both shores
in Europe and India. The applied survey methodology is described in more detail
in section 4.
The following sections describe experiences that directly affected the execution
of the offshore projects. Recommended approaches are presented in separate
6 I. Musio

3 Experiences

3.1 Cultural Diversity

Cultural differences can impede a smooth collaboration. Messages can be inter-

preted differently by different cultures which can lead to misunderstandings and
confusion [8].
Especially during the starting phases of the case study projects, several cul-
tural misunderstandings were experienced. A typical misunderstanding is the
different perception of the word “Yes.” An Indian “Yes” may not only mean “I
agree,” but could also mean “I understand what you are saying, but I do not
agree with you.” [18]. This led to ambiguous perceptions on e.g., the complete-
ness of a work unit or to wrongly interpreted requirements.
Being aware of such cultural misconceptions is the basic rule for a successful
offshore project [3].
Recommended Approach: Cultural Awareness Education. Take steps to ensure
the entire team, on- and offshore, is aware of the cultural differences between
the originating country and India, regardless of how responsibilities are divided
within the project. Special attention must be given to team members that will
directly interact with the other shore or with the client. This might consist of
awareness classroom courses with focus on cultural conflicts that have a direct
impact on intercultural collaboration [10], [7].
In any case, the importance of cultural awareness must not be underestimated.
If classroom training courses are not possible, material describing at least the
basic cultural differences should be prepared and distributed among the onsite
and offshore practitioners for them to study in the project’s initial phase.

3.2 Workforce Capability

The success of a global delivery project ultimately depends on an involved work-

force. Methodologies and processes may be optimal, but the real challenge can
be finding engineers with the required skills.
It can be difficult to find practitioners with many years of experience in a
specific field or development environment in India. With the constantly growing
technology market in India, there is a high staff turnover within IT companies.
Indian IT specialists can readily find another job with a better salary, which
causes great volatility in IT teams, making frequent hiring processes and uni-
versity recruiting events a necessity. The program revealed that many hiring
processes do not always meet European standards. Observations showed that
the majority of new hires did not have the expected technical knowledge. This
is due to the fact that university hires can come from fields of study that are
unrelated to IT.
Recommended Approach: Monitor Practitioner Hiring Process. It is important
to verify each practitioner’s skill set, especially for newly set up projects.
IBM Industry Practice: Challenges in Offshore Software Development 7

Review all practitioners hired offshore and make sure to assemble a skillful
and competent team. Delegating of hiring processes to an offshore representative
should be kept to a minimum, as skill requirement concepts can vary among
different societies. This is especially important when new hires join a team.
When hiring, do not rely solely on résumés and recommendation letters. Phone
interviews should be the preferred hiring method. Candidates should be assessed
on the required skills before being considered for the position. If training is
required prior to joining a team, verify that the candidate successfully completed
the training.

3.3 Methodologies

Major software corporations use their own methodologies and processes for guid-
ing and managing software projects e.g., Rational Unified Process, XP, Agile,
SCRUM, etc. These methodologies are being adapted for offshore outsourcing
[11], [6].
As experiences from the case studies revealed, it is crucial for the success of
the project that everyone is aware of the in-house processes and tools.
Awareness of standard methods helps all practitioners clearly understand their
roles within the project and provides a common vocabulary based on clear def-
initions. Those advantages improve productivity by reducing ambiguity which
enhances effective project execution.
Recommended Approach: Provide Information about Methodology. Choose a well-
defined methodology, and propagate it not only to the onsite project managers,
architects, and developers, but to the entire offshore team as well. The method-
ology provides a bigger picture, and it allows offshore practitioners to proactively
contribute to the project.

3.4 Creativity

Work tasks and deliverables in which creativity and innovation are important
should not be sent offshore [12]. Innovation occurs when programmers come up
with creative ideas while they are working. If the offshore teams do not have
creative programmers, potential innovation might be lost in the project.
Some deliverables in particular require the client to be close at hand, so as to
involve them early on and avoid unnecessary acceptance iterations.
In one of the case studies, the graphical unit interface module was developed
offshore. Though the functionality was complete, the screen arrangement did not
meet the client’s expectations. This led to additional acceptance iterations that
could have been avoided.
Recommended Approach: Keep Creative Work Units. Examples of creative and
innovative deliverables are e.g., Graphical Unit Interface screens, interaction
process definitions and other Human-Computer interaction models.
Those deliverables should be developed on site and not assigned to the offshore
team to avoid prolonging the communication process.
8 I. Musio

Nevertheless, promote innovation and creativity in the offshore team. Let the
Indian colleagues perform autonomously and motivate them to suggest improve-
ments. After a tighter relationship is built and the Indian team gets to know the
client better, increasingly creative tasks can be sent offshore.

3.5 Productivity

Labor productivity can be measured as the amount of productive work during

a specific amount of time. As distractions increase, productivity decreases. Ob-
servations from the case studies showed that during Indian social and cultural
events productivity falls below normal levels. This was observed e.g., during the
Diwali festivities in October, during the December and January “wedding sea-
son”, or during political strikes in unstable cities. Differences in productivity
between the seasons were also observed e.g., heavy rain impedes many people
from going to the office, due to unstable transit systems.
Recommended Approach: Monitor Productivity. In traditional schedule and mile-
stone management, festivities are usually taken into consideration. Make sure to
keep the Indian holiday calendar in mind, as described above.
Completion of detailed activity reports by practitioners should also be re-
quired in order to better assess their activities. Verify that all practitioners record
their activities using an adequate level of detail.
An online hour tracking tool might be introduced and applied, where practi-
tioners record their activities on a daily basis.

3.6 Infrastructure and Organizational Tools

Despite having a company-wide infrastructure, it is not used equally everywhere.

In most of the case study projects it was shown that calendar and scheduling sys-
tems were not being used correctly. There were many ad hoc meetings and calls,
making advance planning difficult and causing appointment overlaps, poorly or-
ganized meeting room reservations, etc.
Development frameworks were also used unevenly. The use of commonly con-
figured development environments is essential in order to plan, build, and trace
all involved deliverables [16].
Recommended Approach: Increase Adherence to Organizational Procedures. Make
sure the company-wide calendar is used appropriately for meetings, calls, social
events, and even private appointments. If necessary, conduct training sessions,
especially for newly hired personnel.

3.7 Communication

Communication problems are a major cause of offshore project failures. Issues

have been described in many studies and academic researches [11]. Barriers to
interaction between offshore and onsite team must be kept to a minimum. Well-
structured and continuous communication among team members improves per-
formance and makes project success more likely [9], [5].
IBM Industry Practice: Challenges in Offshore Software Development 9

Recommended Approach: Emphasize Communication Strategies. Ensure the us-

age of both synchronous and asynchronous communication tools [14]. Experi-
ences from the case studies showed clear improvement in collaboration efficiency
when using asynchronous communication tools, such as Instant Messengers or
online collaboration tools. However, all team members must commit to using the
chosen tool regularly [15].
Create email distribution lists, as well as instant messenger groups that include
onshore and offshore team members. Designate offshore and onsite administrators
to keep the lists updated. Let the offshore team know that any member on the onsite
team will be available for queries and questions through instant messenger.
At the same time, schedule weekly phone calls and plan face-to-face visits
to develop trust and build a healthy relationship. This makes it much easier to
maintain a virtual team.

3.8 Meetings and Attentiveness

In a distributed environment, meetings between onsite and offshore team are

conducted mainly by telephone.
It was observed that during phone calls some participants might switch off
the microphone and then gradually become less attentive.
Recommended Approach: Conduct Effective Meetings. Choose video conferences
over phone calls or chats wherever possible. Using webcams over the Internet
avoids costs of expensive video conference systems.
Always remind the attendees to switch off their mobile phones during meet-
ings, as it is not uncommon in India for a phone to ring in the middle of a
It is a good practice to prepare an agenda for the meeting in order that
everyone involved is aware of the planned discussion points [14]. This document
can then be transcribed into the meeting’s minutes. Require the minutes to be
signed off, to ensure that all parties have fully understood and agreed with the
decisions made.

3.9 Uncertainty and Ambiguity

Differences among cultures imply different ways of interaction between onsite

and offshore team members. In certain cultures, it can be considered impolite
to directly disagree with someone, while in another culture people might speak
more plainly [8].
In the Indian culture communication is less direct than in Western countries.
It was observed that Indian team members were asking fewer questions than
their Swiss counterparts. This led to misunderstandings, since for the onsite
team, asking no questions implied that a given task was fully understood.
Recommended Approach: Avoid Uncertainty. Always encourage the Indian team
to ask questions whenever in doubt.
10 I. Musio

In order to improve comprehensibility, write detailed technique and process

definition documents while always remembering the cultural factors described
in section 3.1. Make sure the offshore team understands the documentation, and
ask questions to verify their understanding. Properly translate all documents
before sending them offshore.
It is essential to keep an open-minded attitude toward the other culture and
its implicit communication.

3.10 Deadlines

Deadlines delineate the project boundaries and form a basis for milestone manage-
ment. Unfortunately, different cultures perceive deadlines differently. In Switzer-
land, adhering to deadlines goes without saying, while Indian colleagues tend to be
more flexible in managing their time. They may not view a deadline as imperative
unless its importance has been highlighted explicitly.
Furthermore, many Hindi speakers use the same expression for the following
two sentences: “I will do it” and “I shall/might do it.” Using this expression
makes unclear whether it will actually be done or not. When this expression is
used, be sure to verify the true meaning that lies behind it.

Recommended Approach: Enforce Deadline Adherence. Deadlines should be de-

liberately set early e.g., by one or two days. Always include a precise target time,
e.g., “until June 27th, 5:00 p.m. CET.” Additionally, be sure to frequently ask
about the progress being made and whether the current deadline is still realistic.

3.11 Documentation and Knowledge Transfer

Knowledge transfer is critical in any kind of transition e.g., project hand-over or

new people joining a team. Due to the high staff turnover in India, offshore teams
can be very volatile and knowledge transfer becomes crucial. Three out of seven
case study projects had poor or no documentation at all. New team members,
especially new hires, needed more time to become acquainted with the project.
This led to unexpected delays, which is a major risk in offshore projects [1].

Recommended Approach: Improve Documentation. Follow the guidelines below

to create and maintain stable documentation:

– Create architectural documents describing implemented modules

– Require documentation for every decision and assumption taken by the off-
shore team
– Check that there is sufficient documentation for new team members
– Define clear formatting rules for any kind of documentation
– Enforce and verify code comments, annotations, and implementation notes.
IBM Industry Practice: Challenges in Offshore Software Development 11

3.12 Assets and Knowledge Management

Many corporations use knowledge bases for gathering reusable work products
and lessons learned from past projects. Using those knowledge bases can lead to
improved performance without reinventing the wheel.
Not all team members might be completely familiar with knowledge databases.
In most of the studied projects, there was almost no awareness of the corporation-
wide asset repository.

Recommended Approach: Promote Asset Reuse. Determine whether it is neces-

sary to assess how reusable assets are being used and how to create new ones.
Rewarding asset creation might improve motivation among practitioners to ac-
tively support and contribute to the knowledge base.

3.13 Others

During the Global Delivery India program, other factors emerged that can im-
prove distributed project execution. Make sure to:
– Maintain a friendly but authoritative relationship with the offshore team
– Define responsible entities that are responsible for sub-projects
– Define an internal contract or document of understanding which includes rules
that enable a smooth collaboration, and distribute it to the whole team.

4 Survey Methodology
The approach for the survey methodology is based on qualitative interviews and
informal discussions. Seven projects were chosen as research cases. All projects
are distributed software development projects, where the client is based in a
European country and the main part of the delivery takes place in India. The
types of projects are diverse, containing development and maintenance projects,
as well as successful and more challenging projects.
The research data consisted of information taken from interviews of project
stakeholders from both shores in Europe and India. Furthermore, different roles
and positions in the project were considered. Depending on the role of the intervie-
wee, the interviews were adapted to focus on the corresponding tasks in the project.
All information gathered from the interviewee is based on their personal expe-
riences with globally distributed collaboration practices, which included topics
such as cultural diversity, communication approach, methodology adoption, tool
usage, and infrastructure set-up.

5 Conclusion and Future Work

This paper has described a set of challenges that arise on offshore projects be-
tween the European and the global delivery center shore. The recommended
12 I. Musio

approaches might minimize those challenges. Although some of the suggested

approaches are already in use, new questions arise: What impact does the ap-
proach have on the project? How can those approaches be integrated into the
current methodologies?
Additional surveys might be conducted in future in order to answer those
questions, verify the efficacy of the approaches in improving inter-shore collab-
oration, and to check their feasibility. There is no question that offshoring will
continue, and the current economic crisis makes it more necessary than ever [17].

Acknowledgments. The Global Delivery India program was sponsored and

supported by IBM Switzerland Global Business Services – Application Services.
I would like to thank them for giving me the opportunity to go through this
experience. I would also like to thank Anjali Keshava, Samuel Kurth and Bimal
Mathews for their proofreading and commenting on earlier versions of this paper.
Thanks to IBM India for the warm hospitality and all involved people that were
always open for interviews.

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