Meranti Veneer Specsheet
Meranti Veneer Specsheet
Meranti Veneer Specsheet
A durable medium density hardwood. Showing a
moderately coarse yet even grain. Can be easily
worked and takes fasteners easily. Can be stained
or painted.
The bond strength of the veneer and substrate have
been tested to AS/NZS 4266.33.2004 - Veneer
Bond Durability
Common Applications
R Architraves & Skirtings
Technical Information
Meranti FJ Veneer is a medium density hardwood. The timber glues with common adhesives, nails easily and stains &
paints well.
Density kg/m3 dry 440-600 Durability in ground 0-5 years Resistance to Split (Nailing) Satisfactory
Specific Gravity 0.4 Durability above ground 0-7 years Resistance to Split (Screwing) Satisfactory
Hardness (Janka) kN 2.6 Susceptible to Lyctid Borer Yes Gluing Satisfactory
Modulus of Rupture Mpa dry 81 Termite Resistance Not Resistant Machining Satisfactory
Modulus of Elasticity GPa dry 10 Spread of Flame 9 Finish Satisfactory
Radial Shrinkage % 2.5 Smoke Developed Index 4 Stability Satisfactory
Tangential Shrinkage % 4.4 BAL Rating 12.5 & 19 - All Req'd Applications Growing Region S.E.Asia
Source: Wood Solutions, for general guidance
Availability Certification