Air Compressor Final Drawings

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S&S J.P SAUER & SOHN & MASCHINENBAU GMBH Final-Documents Yangzijiang Shipyard Hull No. YZJ2006-767 - 770 YZJ2006-775 - 778 Sauer Order-No. 41005578 41005601 2 x Main air compressor WP311L 1x Topping up air compressor WP101L. Revision ‘Changes Date Sign, | 0 initial issue 12-Jan-2008 vz MM21 JAuT-€2207 Transport and Installation |LMooet_2a in int Pease note that the anspor and installation Transport and Installation [ostesons aeacwanternemanua, - Transport Shipping Transportation A The machine is packed suitable for shipping. + Immediately on receipt of the Sauer Kompressor it should be checked for completeness and damage. + The transport company and J.P, SAUER & SOHN must be im- mediately notified of any damage to the packing or the machi- ne. The Sauer Kompressor must must be transported by a forklift truck or hoisted by crane. Danger! ‘Suspended load when transported. ‘The forklift truck/crane must have sufficient load bearing capaci- ty. + Ensure that no persons stay within the danger area of the sus- Pended load and the forklift truck/crane. + Sling the unpacked compressor at the two lifting eyes and at the pipe (see illustration). Protect pipe sling location against scratching, + Lift, move, and set down carefully Pipe sling location Lifting eyes Version 2-2 383 - Storage before installation Se - Installation Se Installation condi- tions max 55°C min 5°C Ifthe Sauer Kompressor has to be stored before installation, do not unpack and store at the following conditions: — temperature: +5 to +40 °C; relative humidity 30 ... 95%, not condensating; dry, under a roof and protected against dew; protected against soiling; protected against vibrations and shocks. Note! The standard factory conservation is sufficient for a maximum storage period of 12 months. Note! When in doubt if the intended place of installation and room are suitable, contact J.P. SAUER & SOHN in time before the instal- lation. There you will also get help with the design of a ventilating system, if required at the place of installation. For installation observe the installation instructions and the follo- wing conditions. — The place of installation must be dry and free of dust. — The place of installation must be vented in such way that the heat generated during operation is dissipated. — Room temperature while the Sauer Kompressors is running: +5... #55 °C (deviating temperatures only if confirmed in writing by JP. SAUER & SOHN) |Lm0001_28 jm Version 2-2 Transport and Installation Note! Ee The air temperature at the cooling air intake of the compressor must not exceed +55 °C when the compressor is running. Room conditions and the heat, generated by the compressor and other machines installed in the room, must be taken into considerati- on. + Ifnecessary, install a ventilation or exhaust system at the place of installation. Install any ventilation system in such way that the fresh air stream is not directly directed against the compressor. Other- wise there is a risk of condensation of water inside the machi- ne and subsequent damage. This way is correct! Do not install fresh air feed this way! |Lmo00t_2A Version 2-2 Installation condi- tions (cont'd) Foundation Se — Ata room temperature of below +5 °C the room needs to be heated or the Sauer Kompressor must be equipped with a he- ating system. — Choose the location so that the Sauer Kompressor is acces: sible and has sufficient clearance to walls and other machinery (see installation documents). = Do not position the motor side in a room niche, so the Sauer Kompressor will not take in the warmed-up cooling air again. ~ Do not position several compressors one after the other, to prevent one compressor from taking in the warmed-up cooling air of another compressor. Not J.P. SAUER & SOHN is glad to advise you on the installation of the compressors. Note! The standard delivery resilient-mount bedding has a resonant frequency of approx. 10 Hz. Generation of oscillations of the intended foundation by other ne- arby machinery must not be at 10 Hz. Otherwise there is a risk that the standard delivery resilient-mount bedding is destroyed by sympathetic vibration. 1. Check early enough if there are foundation vibrations in the 410 Hz range. 2. Ifin doubt, check with J.P. SAUER & SOHN to see if a modi- fied resilient-mount bedding can be used. “Version 2-2 |LMooot_2a.m e183 Transport and Installation ee - Connecting the compressor Danger! The compressor should only be connected by qualified technici- ans. Any work on the electrical installation must be carried out by qualified electricians only. Note! Se The oil filler tube is insulated using a section of hose. Do not re- move the insulating material. Pipelines The compressed air outlet and the drain outlets of the Sauer Kompressors must be connected to the stationary pipelines by hose lines. re Hose lines Danger! Compressed air escapes from the drain outlets when the com- pressor starts and when the condensate is drained. Do not ope- rate compressor without the hose lines connected. LLmoao1_2a tm Version 2 - 2 7183 Drainage Se eS Hose lines have to be installed free of tension and untwisted. \ \ This way is correct! Note! Condensate build-up is oil-saturated. It may only be disposed of in compliance with applicable legal regulations. LP. SAUER & SOHN can supply condensate collecting pots for separating condensate, as well as condensate treatment units for separating the oil from the condensate. Note! We recommend connecting the compressor’s drainage separa- tely. When the drain lines of several compressors are to be connec- ted to a common pipe, observe the following: ~ Choose a sufficient nominal diameter for the common drain line. = Connect drain lines of the individual compressors at a sharp angle to the common drain line, so no pressure can build up in the drain line of a stopped compressor. Version 2-2 |Laoo01_2a im ass Transport and Installation \ PT OAS & = This way is correct! (EBD (Sey if Not this way! & Version 2-2 7 Connections The illustration below shows the connections and armatures for the operation of the standard versionSauer Kompressors. 5 6 Note! Ee For technical specifications of the indi Chapter 4 T 4 idual items please refer to All selective switches are factory set. As an option, the subsystems can be prewired in a terminal box. tem Designation ‘Type Function 1 | Drain valve Solenoid valve | Starting relief and drainage 2 | Drain valve Solenoid valve | Starting relief and drainage 3 | Drive motor S-phase motor | Drive of the compressor 4 | Utimsteprossure | Selective ewten | Stopsistarts the compressor 5 | Ollpressure switch | Selective switch ‘Stops compressor when oll level is low Temperature control | Selective switch (optional) ‘Stops compressor in case of excess tempera- ture 7 | Non-return valve Plate valve Prevent air backflow Version 2-2 Transport and Installation LL M0001_ 24. - Filling in oil a ‘The Sauer Kompressor is supplied without oil. Danger! Oil must be filled into the compressor's crankcase before initial operation! Use lubricating oil (see chapter 10. “Lubricant Table”). ‘Observe filing amount (see chapter chapter 4. ‘Technical Speci- fications"). Ojl filler plug Dipstick ® 1. Unscrew oil filler plug (red). 2. Fill n oil and check level with the dipstick. Note! Fill only to the upper marking on the dipstick. Otherwise the oil consumption of the compressor will increase. 3. Put dipstick back in and replace the oil filler plug. Version 2-2 1169 & J.P SAUER & SOHN MASCHINENBAU GMBH Technical Specification Sai ‘Compressor Unit Type WP 311 L as per enclosed drawing 410052214 Fillup-Capacity 0-30 bar: ‘Operation pressure/max operation pressure Speed Required power: Stages / Cylinders: Cooling: Heat dissipation: Min.Jmax. ambient temperature: Permissible inclination each direction ‘Sound level in 1 m distance: Unit weight: Driver Lub.oll content crankcase Color ‘All capacity data with 5 % tolerance Standard Equipment 3600 © mm 30/40 bar 470 pm 630 kW 3/4 air-cooled 69.0 kulsec +5upto# 55°C 25° 96 BA) 1075 kgs ditect drive 215 tr, RAL 6019 = Sturdy rigid and weight saving design with flanged motor = nobedplate necessary = flexible coupling, fully covered inside compressor flange > airintake and silencing filter = oiland water separator after 2nd and 3rd stage, mounted = _ integrated condensate collecting pot for the drainage of all 3 stages = _intercoolers and final recooler = pressure oil lubrication with lifetime fitration by sieve = crankshaft driven cooling air fan = resilient mounts forthe unit = flex. hp-hose for drainage and air-outlet ( mounted non return valve) = all hoses type approved by class ~ safety valves after each stage - _airthermometer after each stage, = Oilpressure gauge, stage pressure and final pressure gauge, glycerine filled = name plates (symbols) for all gauges and thermometers = solenoid valves 230 V/50/60 Hz for automatic and periodic drainage = ofall stages = Starting relief integrated in condensate drain automation (unloaded start) + oll pressure control switch for “alarm + stop” + temperature switch at air outlet for supervision of compressor cooling, “alarm + stop" = pressure switch start/stop, loose = threephase motor size 250Mé (high output) with suitable marine cable glands (brass) with space Heater rated output acc ISO B: speed voltage: frequency: starting current: ‘nominal current efficiency/ starting time weight: protection/ISO class 85 kw 1770 rpm 440 OV 60 Hz abt. 983A abt. 139 A, abt.94 %/ 2-3 sec abt. 500 kg IP S/F Suitable for permanent operation under 45 * C ambient temperature & J.P SAUER & SOHN MASCHINENBAU GMBH jonal Equipment for the 2 compressor uni 1 spare part set “B+A" as per regulation GL ~ 2junetion box Test and certificates: ~ test and certificate for the compressor and the motor as per regulation GL ® 13963 P&I Diagram WP 271L - WP 314L - Compressed air wiring diagram 1 3 4 Inetam 2 34 3452 0 14 yo FTO ? PG) re) Sut Drive motor Safety valve Compressor stage Intercooler and aftercooler Pressure gauge Oil pressure switch Separator Solenoid valve Intake fiter 10 | Temperature switch toptional}— 11 | Oilpump 12. | Overpressure valve 13, | Oilfiter 14 | Non-return valve 15 | Condensate collecting pot Version 2-2 OO =e ae 4 OS ER as 15963 J.P SAUER & SOHN MASCHINENBAU GMBH 2. Compre: intro! panel fe Nominal motor rating a5 kW Power supply 3x 440V / 60Hz Isolation 1P54 Material Steel Labelling EnglishGerman Colour Munsell 7.5867/2 For wall-mounting; with lockable front door and marine cable glands in a flanged base plate at the bottom, "fail-safe" wiring with following standard-devices for the automatic and unattended operation of the compressor-unit according to the rules and regulations of the ship classification societies: ~ automatically operated main contactor for drect-on-lne starting (DOL) ~ thermal overload relay with alarm and compressor shut-down ~ control voltage internally transformed by built-in control voltage transformer 40V/230V with fuses ~hourmeter - oll pressure supervision with alarm and compressor shut-down ~ temperature supervision with alarm and compressor shut-down - intermediate drainage of the compressor-stages each 16 min for 15sec = Star-stop relief arrangement - selector switch for operation mode: "On - OfffReset - Remote StartStop" ~ signal lamps for “Operation”, "Overload”, "Air temperature" and "Oil pressure” ~ cage clamps for connecting power supply, motor, drain valves and start/stop signal ~ cage clamps for potentialfree contacts "Operation", “Off and "Collective faut” -Ammeter 4 Lead / aq control box for selecting the starting sequence of 2 compressors {delivered loose) Isolation P54 Material Stee! Labeling English/German Color Munsell 7.5BG7/2 selector switch for selecting the starting sequence of the compressor-units - ,stand by" function by staggered pressure switch settings ~ cage clamps for connecting pressure switches or equivalent start/stop signal ~ z+19/E9T00cT 10°990"40 9 543709 ‘a6ed s9n0> aaeL@I220 ae ia eese-o'et Serpe SEO: AVL OWL {sg Los2u0> s0ssesduo> msg 6unsonarsiosso.sdwoy aBey> uL uossad ayLeuZaLqaLy g9Esz-a 81 duweypues Hqu uyos @ neI317 Luyd970I24913 SET: (wits) Jeanaoeynuen (eu Ld) 4a_LaisseH MASB_LO41UO> 10sse1dwo> msg Sunsanaissossaiduioy uuew6, [2s “Ss: 49491 ,240MQUeJ—A = SS SSS ENDI}> [os3u0D ‘@630A [043U0> 3 -ASOH : SLauxWOI}ssanars DVAOEZ : 6unuuedssanais q End419 ULeW *puo> Buryom i Y-ALOH: = Stasywouasadnen Ts: qaesqatsieg ' syseuay quasan> i : ua6unysouog 4 V8ET xoudde : auyeusnewos3s 5 uoLjeu6Lsed : 42Mod i Yost [Bua : 6unay Layosea MASS ¢ 6unasia7 i ing Aiddns h Ly .Sp 19: yg LUYDSsOA, ZHO9 ‘AObe : 6unstadsur3 . a dequnu Burmesa T0"990°Z0: seuunus6unuyotaz >” seuoasns sou uoLss imuo> uyos @ sanes*a*c apuny Z+T9/E9TOOLT ? sauuNUsUOLSS LuwWor OT-280S/TzTbO:xva ada 0 -280S/tzTv0: 731 ¥ TZZSOOTP : "wor 3 Toy €b0: dK. uoLzeu6 isp auld Sunuy>tazaquabe |uy Reqg41y2s pun auissnpur any abe [ued [ey>s SS 2L21gN2 yor4Ms Hay, uetyDsa [eyrs ay>tsin >4aewoany- yyaewo: laa [> | asst, TEE rE eae LE” - + a ris | A ole ‘HO alt tesa | bsetoer-| | _tertel = = T = L o = i" + = I C L o TT TR TES AS 7¢—] zeto/estoort —a34 10°990"20 Atddns yey mjgB_L043u0> sosseiduo uns yadsuseadnen {sg 6unsanaasiosse.iduox Sao Bnet woLowt Anaans= | | | | | ne o-vravn0. : ser === ayaa tons sje atonsoesost> = = rood sient ns ee Dvnovere orsrovn0 o°s/>vAOEZ D¥AnEz/e'« 24no419 Losaue> msg [0430 Josseiduo> syaosassenaas | $f msg 6unsanaasosseuduoy shot zr0+ ror sal ae ee | I I = Rose | j= Rome | |= Foo | JU Lf af w'9/3¥A0 Sage "6" z r z r Z —?_ I z " z z z I z i z _=— aa ST ; zt9/EaToocE 24no419 [esue =| eaT00 ms@_Lovau0> sossauduo> [= ie 10"990°20 syonquoansuaneas Weise: Bunsonaasiossaidaon [= i q | , i i i = =— z | 2+T9/€9T00LT s3283U0> 9944 [212U0304 m{sg_[os2u0> sossadwo> | 10°990"20 anyeauoy ereusietauoroa | EGE) ALLO wyga 6unsonoasiosse.duon [= er [ | eR aa | Fi : pf ts" TXE OTH | % fal - as k at i = -(8 38 | = EB i tts" TXE 6H | [cog sen als = 5 sums “Txe — an | wee st ie , =] [|e 5 rer] st_|= =| | ee meee |g 7 hr 83 . 2h zal * TXE LM | i eT bs ~ =] | Tle -jes jk i |F cn = ale wus xe ~ 9) i or} La ss" TxE Tp . cam | sn ne me [er =| Eta) Be ve ok Be 2 moun = eh 83 ew yi ‘ ‘poet sinme am | 56 a4 es |e | 185 x z _upexe * Te voor ana | 3 2 roto vous aap Si tat | BE u Toe F nanos sons aap Sw trans | 8B Ol a | 8 Z| ie gig 5 5) gig) s)és ee Ol 2) 2 lok ee 3 Wag) RRS 2 3 erie : ZATD/ESTOOLT 0 wrest TX: duas leuywor m1sB_[0s3U02 Josse4duo> 10°990"20 Deas} [umm ise Gunsanorsiosseiduoy iE 4 # 5 i & A ; Sie tie i : Eo | ! \ = j ' 1 Z| i , 2 i EE PEt [waa / : - c aloly a) sie | wasn | nonmmarssa | | - 7 : 323 oe wadwnc aay a ey EP | woramaisso 3 sea] ££] | zg swnir | § TX-DS+WOD= |= n z z —?- i z i = ‘@— z eT r i a =F Fa aS TAT Tea — [is ) ES/ESTOOLT £0" vosssyme> 26ed sano X08 NOLIOITES [see TammayTos [Foe] [eI 20°990"20 0 Buymsa saeLpy2e0 vaLTwHossonnisawiyan [aee{ Tone Tora as | i | i i absey> ut uosuad [SS TOT ; uuewBLLas "S$: s8yDLLIuoMQuesaq_ | eae SY SS i 2END4E9 LouqUOD 7 a6eajon [os3U0D | | q Y-ASOH: —- SLau4WOUssaneqs DVAOEZ ¢ 6unuuedssanais i 2EN24L> ULeW *puod 6uLy40m y DI-AZLOH SLasyuios3sidne : Is: quesqaLiiag i ee Satis i I us6unyJ2ueg : awyeusnewosas | yst[6u3 uo1.eu6 ised { J2MOd i ost [bua : Guna tayosaa | fl 6unasta7 i aime » Atddns } 4d 9.Sp 19: AP LAYyISUOA,.. DVAOEZ : 6unsadsut3 ‘ Jequnu Gurmeaa ak | 20°990°Z0: souwnus6unuy>10z \ > samoasn ‘OU UOLSS LWWOD uyos @ vanessa: Ss." ‘puny £9/E9TOOLT : sauumusuoLss LuMoy OT-280S/T2Tb0:xv4 ada 0 -280S/T2TPO:73L V T22S00Th = "wor S9v 9€0: dAL aYyLedz3LqaLy g9gsz-a | 8T dueypues Hqwp uyos 9 neI317 (WWL4) JaunadeynueW X08 NOILD91SS —uoLIeUBLSap quel 4Luyser043 9913 SPT: CemsLs) 42,Leasu0H UBLIVHSSONNHOSNVLUSA : Gunuystazequebe Luv eS siitenpor tos NALLI Ts: abe [ues [uss == = " z i <9 i r x I z z z me NZ @ i f 7° a - _ e9/eoto0ct Auddns uyew x08 no1393735 by 20°990"20 buns odsuseadnen vaLwossoim9snvaan e x z “@= x x r z 07.06.02 + 1700163/63 i] ao ml « . ae et * zUlls"TXE ~ SMZ~ } rt on By i | ex zk rE el ‘ame cee @ ay : C sims De — en | "| pits ts-| 9 = ! - vr fo repeat iaien | = hy | AN . | _ suis" DXE TZ __ 5 sees y =| [7] By -|5 [| wee le =| | |e TP inoe amine | d a is"TXE SMT | Be Be || Se sr ~ | or snes omaes [ES bb tT =f + Tukitncomass |B H}?) s a) | aa 3b) af Elo Fi la) dils) 38s al w| Be E | ol Be | ri] | ag] 8 Sel Be | ma 20163 WP 271 Reserveteilliste Sach-Nr. {AI wee 14 spare parts list 065 606 ieee 1 Code-Nr vowel 4 Reserveteile "B+A" 2- 0009 Pos. |Stckz Benennung Sach-Nr. |” Bemerkungen Item | Qty. Designation RefNo. | remarks - | = | Reserveteite "BA" 065 606 spare parts range "B+A" 1 1 | Minutearing 035 199 M-ring, 2 1 | Nasenring 033 188 ‘N-ring, 3 1 Gleichfasenring 035 200 Gering 4 1 Minutenring 037 050 Mering 3 1 ‘Nasenring 002 566 Nering, 6 | 1 | Gleichfasenring 037051 Gering LPSAUER& SOHN MASCHINENBAU GMBH 30163 WP 271 Reserveteilliste Sach-Nr. | Al] eoeu spare parts list 065 606 ‘Seite/page 2 ‘Code-Nr. venlof Reserveteile "B+A" 2-009 Pos. |Stckz. ‘Beneanung, Sach-Nr. | Bemerkungen Item _| Qty. Designation RefNo. | remarks 8 | 2 | Nasenring 002552 N-ring 9 1 Rechteckring 037 656 Reng 10 1 Konzentrisches Ventil 037 460 concentric valve a 1 Konzentrisches Ventil 034 591 concentric valve 12 1 Konzentrisches Ventil 033 893 concentric valve 15 L Dichtring 063 079 gasket ®s P SAUER & SOHN (§) MASCHINENBAU GMBH 362 MASCHINENBAU GMBH WP 271 Reserveteilliste SachNr. [AI we 311 spare parts list 065 606 fcmeeS Code-Nr. vowot 4 Reserveteile "B+A" 2 - 0009 Pos. |Stckz, Benennung Sach-Nr. | Bemerkungen Item | Qty. Designation Ref No. remarks 6 1 Dichtring 056 235 gasket 7 1 Dichtung 062 375 packing, | 18 4 Dichtung 056 237 packing 19 | 2 | Dichtring 056 239 ‘gasket 20 2 Dichtung, 056 282 packing R 5 Dichtung 056 335 packing B 2° | Dichtung 059 393 packing APSAUER & SOHN 32163 we 271 Reserveteilliste SachNr | AL ats spare parts list 065 606 feiepae 4 | Code-Nr. vonfot 4 Reserveteile "B+A" 2-009 Pos. [Stckz. ‘Benennung, Sach-Nr. | Bemerkungen Item | Qty. Designation Ref No. remarks 24 1 | Dichtung 056 369 packing 25 2 Dichtung. 062 376 packing, 29 1 ‘Schmelzpfropfen 060 342 fusible plug ® JPSAUER & SOHN MASCHINENBAU GMBH 33163 ® ‘Customer / Kunde: Order-No. | Auftragsnummer. JP SAUER & SOHN MASCHINENBAU GMBH Flaschendruckschalter Bottle Pressure Switch Zuerstmitinstellschraube t den oderen ‘Schalteruck einstellen, Anzeige durch Zeiger 2 Danach mit Einstel uunteren Schaltdruct der obere Schaitdruck bleibt dabei unverandert, Anzelge durch Zeiger 3. Genauere Einstellu mit Manometer. jedsstrom:6 A bei 220 VAC 11 Schutzart: PES bauhinweis ruck Fan Cruckashatter ng von Pultion} Pos. | Steck. | tees | ey. | t Berennong Designation Anschlutbtid ‘connaction ¢lagram a S Pg 13.5 st set upper switchingressure by means of adjusting screw 1. Pointer 2 will Ini ‘Then set lower switching-pressure by means of adjusting screw 4 — the upper switchingpressure remaining unchanged. Pointer 3 will indicate, Precise adjustment by menomatrie comparison. Technical Data: Rated service current: 6A at 2200VAC 11 Protection class: (P65 Advice for installation The pressure switch must be instalied on the pressure vessel {to avoid pulsation Besteli-Nr. Reference laUT-E22077 Transport and Installation 1LM0001_2A fn Transport and Installation [estos aescueaeine nena - Transport Shipping Transportation A [Fine [Please note that the transport and instalation The machine is packed suitable for shipping. + Immediately on receipt of the Sauer Kompressor it should be checked for completeness and damage. + The transport company and J.P. SAUER & SOHN must be im- mediately notified of any damage to the packing or the machi- ne, The Sauer Kompressor must must be transported by a forklift truck or hoisted by crane. Danger! ‘Suspended load when transported. The forklift truck/crane must have sufficient load bearing capaci- yy. + Ensure that no persons stay within the danger area of the sus- pended load and the forklift truck/crane. + Sling the unpacked compressor at the two lifting eyes and at the pipe (see illustration), Protect pipe sling location against scratching. + Lift, move, and set down carefully. Pipe sling location Lifting eyes Version 2-2 3863 - Storage before installation Ifthe Sauer Kompressor has to be stored before installation, do ot unpack and store at the following conditions: ~ temperature: +5 to +40 °C; ~ relative humidity 30 ... 95%, not condensating; — dry, under a roof and protected against dew: — protected against soiling; ~ protected against vibrations and shocks. Qe Note! The standard factory conservation is sufficient for a maximum storage period of 12 months. - Installation Note! Se When in doubt if the intended place of installation and room are suitable, contact J.P. SAUER & SOHN in time before the instal- lation. There you will also get help with the design of a ventilating system, if required at the place of installation, For installation observe the installation instructions and the follo- wing conditions. Installation condi- - The place of installation must be dry and free of dust. ~ The place of installation must be vented in such way that the heat generated during operation is dissipated. ~ Room temperature while the Sauer Kompressors is running: +5... +55 °C (deviating temperatures only if confirmed in writing by J.P. SAUER & SOHN) Version 2-2 36063 Transport and Installation |Lato001_2a,m This way is correct! Note! The air temperature at the cooling air intake of the compressor must not exceed +55 °C when the compressor is running. Room conditions and the heat, generated by the compressor and other machines installed in the room, must be taken into considerati- on. + If necessary, install a ventilation or exhaust system at the place of installation, Install any ventilation system in such way that the fresh air stream is not directly directed against the compressor. Other- wise there is a risk of condensation of water inside the machi- ne and subsequent damage. Do not install fresh air feed this way! Version 2 - 2 @ Installation condi- tions (cont'd) Se Foundation Se 163 — Ata room temperature of below +5 °C the room needs to be heated or the Sauer Kompressor must be equipped with a he- ating system, ~ Choose the location so that the Sauer Kompressor is acces- sible and has sufficient clearance to walls and other machinery (see installation documents). — Do not position the motor side in a room niche, so the Sauer Kompressor will not take in the warmed-up cooling air again. — Do not position several compressors one after the other, to Prevent one compressor from taking in the warmed-up cooling air of another compressor. Note! J.P. SAUER & SOHN is glad to advise you on the installation of the compressors. Note! The standard delivery resilient-mount bedding has a resonant frequency of approx. 10 Hz. Generation of oscillations of the intended foundation by other ne- arby machinery must not be at 10 Hz. Otherwise there is a risk that the standard delivery resilient-mount bedding is destroyed by sympathetic vibration, 1. Check early enough if there are foundation vibrations in the 10 Hz range. 2. Ifin doubt, check with J.P. SAUER & SOHN to see if a modi- fied resilient-mount bedding can be used. Version 2-2 {Lat0001_2a im 63 Transport and Installation LLMoo01 2am - Connecting the compressor Pipelines eS Danger! The compressor should only be connected by qualified technici- ans. Any work on the electrical installation must be carried out by qualified electricians only. Note! The oil filler tube is insulated using a section of hose. Do not re- move the insulating material ‘The compressed air outlet and the drain outlets of the Sauer Kompressors must be connected to the stationary pipelines by hose lines. Hose lines Danger! Compressed air escapes from the drain outlets when the com- pressor starts and when the condensate is drained. Do not ope- Tate compressor without the hose lines connected. Version 2-2 30463 Hose lines have to be installed free of tension and untwisted. \\ This way is correct! 7 <5) er this way! Drainage Note! Be Condensate build-up is oil-saturated. It may only be disposed of in compliance with applicable legal regulations. J.P. SAUER & SOHN can supply condensate collecting pots for separating condensate, as well as condensate treatment units for separating the oil from the condensate. Note! Ee We recommend connecting the compressor's drainage separa- tely When the drain lines of several compressors are to be connec: ted to a common pipe, observe the following: — Choose a sufficient nominal diameter for the common drain line. ~ Connect drain lines of the individual compressors at a sharp angle to the common drain line, so no pressure can build up in the drain line of a stopped compressor. Version 2-2 40163 Transport and Installation 41163 Connections The illustration below shows the connections and armatures for the operation of the standard versionSauer Kompressor. 5 6 1 4 Note! Ee For technical specifications of the individual items please refer to Chapter 4 All selective switches are factory set. As an option, the subsystems can be prewired in a terminal box. Designation Function 1 | Drain valve Solenoid valve | Starting relief and drainage 2 | Drain valve Solenoid valve | Starting relief and drainage 3 | Drive motor S+phase motor —_| Drive of the compressor 4 | Utimatepressure Selecive swich | Stopsstars the compressor 5 | Oilpressure switch | Selective switch | Stops compressor when oil level is low Temperature control Selective switch | Stops compressor in case of excess tempora- (optional) ture 7 | Non-return valve Plate valve Prevent air backflow 42163 Transport and Installation |LM0001_24 fm - Filling in oil The Sauer Kompressor is supplied without oil Danger! Oil must be filled into the compressor's crankcase before initial operation! Use lubricating oil (see chapter 10. "Lubricant Table’). Observe filing amount (see chapter chapter 4. Technical Speci- fications’). Oj filler plug Dipstick ® 1. Unscrew oil filler plug (red) 2, Fillin oil and check level with the dipstick, Note! Fill only to the upper marking on the dipstick, Otherwise the oil consumption of the compressor will increase. 3. Put dipstick back in and replace the oil filler plug. Version 2-2 43983 J.P SAUER & SOHN S&H MASCHINENBAU GMBH Technical Specifi 9 Compressor Us WP101L ‘as per enclosed drawing 41005221B Fillup-Capacity 0 ~ 30 bar: 121 mh Operation pressure/max operation pressure 30/40 bar ‘Speed: 1770 pm Required power: 240 0 kW ‘Stages / Cylinders: 313 Cooling: air-cooled Heat dissipation: 264 kulsec ‘Ambient temperature up to: +5upto+55°C Permissible inclination each direction 225° Sound level in 1m distance: 90 dB(A) Unit weight: 430 kgs Drive: direct drive ‘Lub.oil content crankcase 105 tr Color RAL 6019 Allcapacity data with 5 % tolerance ‘Standard Equipm: ~ Sturdy rigid and weight saving design with flanged motor = nobedplate necessary = flexible coupling, fully covered inside compressor flange + ir intake and silencing fiter + oll and water separator after 2nd and 3rd stage, mounted ~ _intercoolers and final recooler = pressure oil lubrication with lifetime fitration by sieve = crankshaft driven cooling air fan = resilient mounts for the unit = flex. hp-hose for drainage and air-outlet (mounted non return valve) + _allhoses type approved by class + _ safety valves after each stage = air thermometer after each stage, = Oilpressure gauge, stage pressure and final pressure gauge, glycerine filed = name plates (symbols) for all gauges and thermometers = _ solenoid valves 230 VISO/60 Hz for automatic and periodic drainage ~ ofall 3 stages = _ Starting relief integrated in condensate drain automation (unloaded start) = _ollpressure control switch for ‘alarm + stop" ~ temperature switch at air outlet for supervision of compressor cooling, “alarm + stop” = _ pressure switch start/stop, loose ~ threephase motor size 180L with suitable marine cable glands (brass) rated output acc ISO B: 26 kw speed: 1770 rpm voltage: 440 OV frequency: 60 Hz starting current: abt, 323A nominal current: abt.43 A, cfficiency/ starting time abt. 94 %/2-3 sec weight: abt 180 kg protection/ISO class IP S8/F JP SAUER « SOHN MASCHINENBAU GMBH Additional Equipment for the 1 compressor. luded); = 1 junction box 1 set spare parts "B+A" as per regulation GL ‘Test and certificates: ~ test and certificate for the compressor as per regulation GL workstest for the motor 4563 P&I Diagram WP 81L / WP 101L / WP 121L / WP 1541L 4.2 Compressed air wiring diagram 1 9 inet 3 4 25 3 4 34 52 0 Lrg (gare Designation 1 | Drive motor Safety valve Compressor stage Intercooler and aftercooler Pressure gauge ‘Separator Solenoid valve 2 3 4 5 6 | Oil pressure switch 7 8 9 Intake fitter 10 | Temperature switch-toptionel}— 11 | Oil pump 12. | Overpressure valve 13. | Ol fiter 14 | Non-return valve 18. | Condensate collecting pot Version 2 - 2 4783 JP SAUER & SOHN MASCHINENBAU GMBH 1. Compressor control panel for 1 compressor-unit WP 101L. Nominal motor rating 26 kW Power supply 3x 440V / 60Hz Isolation P54 Material Stee! Labeling English/German Colour Munsell 7.58G7/2 For wall-mounting; with lockable front door and marine cable glands in a flanged base plate at the bottom, "fail-safe" wiring with following standard-devices for the automatic ‘and unattended operation of the compressor-unit according to the rules and regulations of the ship classification societies: - automatically operated main contactor for Start / Delta ~ thermal overtoad relay with alarm and compressor shut-down ~ control voltage intemally transformed by buit-in control voltage transformer 40V/230V with fuses ~ hourmeter ol pressure supervision with alarm and compressor shut-down - temperature supervision with alarm and compressor shut-down - intermediate drainage of the compressor-stages each 15 min for 15sec - start-stop relief arrangement ~ selector switch for operation mode: “On - Oft/Reset - Remote Start/Stop" ~ signal lamps for "Operation", "Overtoad’, "Air temperature" and "Oil pressure” ~ cage clamps for connecting power supply, motor, drain valves and start/stop signal ~ cage clamps for potential-ftee contacts "Operation", "Off" and "Collective fault" -Ammeter = ¥9/€9TOOZT on woreeimes £0°990"20 e6ed 4an03 22eLpp2q TREES OMT {ZZ TOULNOD wOSSI¥ANOD free Woxez_ONNwaNSLSYOSSS¥AWOX —_—_— e@6uey> ut uosued uuew6L,as "s: ABYIL | WOMIURIAA my |oon| ann =| 3END4}5 [o1auoD 621,00 [042U0> YHASOH! — SLeuyuouassanaas 2HO9 ‘ADEZ: —~Bunuuedsuanaas 3uno419 uLeW *puod BuLy10m DI-ALOH ¢ ‘SLasywouasidnen Ts: quesqetijeg sxseuaY vey xoudde quasins ue6unysau08 Ver be: auyeusnewoas ys} [Bue uot eubisaq amod ypst [ua Gundy Layssea mygz : bunas1a7 ainy Auddns 4d 2.Sp 1D: Ag LayrsuoA.. 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[AI 04 spare parts list 064417 | a itefpage 1 if Code-Nr. vovof 3 Reserveteile "B+A" 2-0009 Pos. | Stckz, fetes Sach-Nr. | Bemerkungen Tem | Quy. Jestgnation RefNo. | _ remarks - - Reserveteile "B+/ | 064.417 spare parts range BA T | 2] Dichne i 060266 { mis | 4 i | $45) 2 2 | Dichmng TT 063 059 1 q packing i | 3 i ltz4s 3 2 | Dichtung ] 064 048 1 packing. | t= 3 4 2 Dichtung | 064 050 4-ty : | fr packing | a 4 t=4 5 2 ‘Dichtung | 064 094 mn e | Ia i i A | tea 6 2 Dichtring | 056 235 Basket | 4 ji iehpage 2 vou 3. Pos. )Stckz. jerennung Sach-Nr. | Bemerkungen Trem _| Qty. esignation RefNo, 7 2 | Dichtung { 064 051 pecking | & | 2 | Dichnng 062 936 packing 9 1 | RD Ring 037 526 O-ring | i 10 | 1 | Schmelzsicherang || 060342 fasible plug | i Tt [1 | Minutearing | 12 512 Mering | 2 [1 | Nasearing { 081 901 Nering 4 ; i | a2 13 | 1 | Gleichfasearing [| 031 902 Gering | 14 [2 | Rechteckring 002 748 Rating i 50163 [Scinipese 3 | voust__ 3 1 Pos. |Stckz jenennung ‘Sach-Nr. Item | Qty, Jesignation RefNo. 1s L ‘Nasenring 002 552 Neng i | 16 1 | Otschiitzring 1 002 585 S-ring | i LL Hl 7 2 | Rechteckring | 002 662 Reing | | tt 18 1 ‘Nasenring IT 002 543 | Nexng i ! i I 19 1 Lamellenventil 1 037 157 lammellar valve | | I 20 1 ‘Lamellenventil | 034 983 Jammellar valve | | | I ai 1 ‘Lamellenventil 1 037 158 Jammellar valve e083 © IRSAUER. SOHN (|e unr MASCHINENBAU GMBH Flaschendruckschalter Bottle Pressure Switch baw | ZuerstmitEinstellschraube tdenobderen Schaltdruck einstellen Anzeige durch Zeiger 2 Danach mit Einstelischraube 4 den tunteren Schaitdruck einstsiien — der obere Schaitdruck bleibt dabei unverander, Anzelge durch Zeiger 2 Genauere Einstellung dutch Vargialh mit Manometer. Technische Daten Nennbetriebsstrom: § A bei 220 VAC 11 Schutzart: 5 Einbauhinweis Der Bruckschatter ict an Crusibenster Benennang ‘connection dlagram EH] 24 St set upper sultching pressure by means of adjusting screw 1. Pointer 2 will indicate, Then sat lewer switching pressi means of adjusting screw 4 — tha upper switehing-pressure remaining unchanged. Pointer 3 will indicate, Precise adjustment ky mancm: comparison. by Technical Data: Fated service current: 6A at 220VAC 11 Protection class: | (P65 Advice far installation The pressure suiten must be instaieg en vyessl [$9 aysid pulsation) pres eves Lubricant Table ‘ST001AA3 fm AR Lubricant Table Foose note ete cant be are a erat of ne manval eS Area of validity General recom- mendation Se Note! Lubricants not mentioned in the lubricant table may only be used after approval by J.P. SAUER & SOHN. Otherwise the warranty will expire. Contact our service in case of need. Take note of all information about the lubricants given in this sec- tion. The lubricant table applies to all Sauer compressors intended for the compression of air. The lubricant table does not apply to — Sauer compressors for the compression of neutral gases; — temperature ranges outside of 5 ... 55 °C. The following recommendations apply to the 5 ... 55 °C temper- ature range: - Use mineral oils of viscosity class ISO VG 100 or SAE 30. ~ Lubricating oils should conform to group VCL according to DIN 51506. Note! Only for 2-stage 30 bar compressors the use of synthetic lu- bricating oils may be of advantage. In case of need we will name the synthetic lubricating oils approved by us. In general we do not permit the use of synthetic lubricating oils for the following reasons: ~ The good water separation ability of these oils causes con- densation of moisture in the crankcase. Risk of corrosion damage and drive damage. = Because of their design, 3-stage air-cooled compressors have low compression end temperatures, rendering the high temperature stability of these oils useless. Version 2 -2 6263 - Lubricating oils Brand Group ap VCL-100 Dicrea 100 VOL-100 ‘Acer 100 VcL-100 Motor Oil HD 30 SAE 30 Cladiurn 50 SAE 30 ARAL Motanol HE 100 VOL-100 Kowal M30) VcL-100 Disola M30 SAE 30 WA ‘Avilub Compressor Oil VDL-100 VOL-100 ‘Avilub Compressor Oil VDL-100 VEL-100 Motor off HDG 30 SAE 30 Motor oil HD 30 SAE 30 BP Energol RC 100 VDL-100 Energol IG-DG 30 VCL-100 Energol DL-MP 30 SAE 30 Energol O-HT 30 SAE 30 Vanetlus C3 SAE 30 SAE 30 Castol Aircol PD 160 VDL-100 Marine COX 30 SAE 30 Chevron HD Compressor 011100, Vou-100 Delo 1000 Marine 30 SAE 30 Veritas 600 Marine 30 SAE 30 RPM Heavy Duty Motor 30, SAE 30 DEA ‘Actro EP VDL-100 VoU-100 ‘ion EP VDL-100 VoL-100 Regis SAE 30 SAE 30 Ess0 Exxcolub 77 VoL Exxcolib 100 Vou-100 ‘Compressor Oil 3021 N VOL-100 Exomar 12 TP 30, SAE 30 Examar KA SAE 30 Essolube HDX Plus +30 SAE 30 Mobil Rarus 427 VDL-100 OTE Oil Heavy vou Mobigard 300 SAE 30 Sheil Corena Oi P 100 VOL-100 Rimula X30 ‘SAE 30 Malina S 01130 SAE 30 Melina O11 30 SAE 30 Gadinia 01 30 SAE 30 Version 2-2 ‘STOO IAAZIn ees Lubricant Table Ci Brand Description Group. TEXACO Compressor OEP VDL 100, YVOL-100 | Regal R&O 100 VCL-100 Ursatex 30) ‘SAE 30 DORO AR 30 SAE 30 TOTAL Dacnis P 100 VDL-100 Carprano TD 30 ‘SAE 30 Milcano TC 30. SAE 30, Disola M 3015 SAE 30 - Preservation oil Brand Description ‘AGP Rustica © SAE 30 ARAL Konit Motor Oil SAE 30 AVIA MK 1540 S- ‘Aiud MK 3000 BP MEK 20 W-20 Castrol Running-in and Preservation Oil DEA Deamot EKM 642 SAE 30 ELF Stockage 30 Esso MZK Motor Oil HD 30 ‘Antiust MZ 170 FINA Rusan NF Motor Oi SAE 30 Mobil Mobilarma 524 Shell Ensis Motor Oi1 30 TEXACO Engine Oil EKM 146 SAE 30 g Version 2-2

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